[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Cisco Videoscape Distribution Suite for Internet Streaming

Release Notes for Cisco TV CDS


Table Of Contents

Release Notes for Cisco TV CDS



System Requirements

Limitations and Restrictions

Resolved Caveats




New Installation Procedure

Upgrade Procedure

Getting a Software File from Cisco.com

Preparation for Software Upgrade

Upgrade the Software on the CDSM

Upgrade the Software on Each Streamer and Vault

New Scripts and Commands

Script Enhancements for Asset Ingest Manager

New Commands in the CDSM

New Commands in the CDS

Sample Configuration Files for Vaults and Streamers














Disk Space and System Health Checks

Disk Space Checks

System Health Checks (CServer)

System Health Checks (ISA)

System Health Checks (database)

Documentation Updates

Related Documentation

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

Release Notes for Cisco TV CDS

These release notes cover Cisco TV CDS Release

Revised: December 8, 2008, OL-18681-01


The following information is in the release notes:


System Requirements

Limitations and Restrictions

Resolved Caveats

New Installation Procedure

Upgrade Procedure

New Scripts and Commands

Sample Configuration Files for Vaults and Streamers

Disk Space and System Health Checks

Related Documentation

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request


This section lists the enhancements to the TV CDS software.

Enhancements to the Asset Ingest Manager (AIM)

Handling of entitlement control messages (ECMs) in trick files

Ability to use FTP out to move content from any Vault to an FTP client

Ability to use an ISV as a Vault server

Ability to have multiple session gateways

Ability to separate control and management traffic. In this release you can assign separate NIC interfaces to management traffic and control traffic. Management traffic such as session setup, session termination and message interaction between the backoffice and the CDSM are on one interfere, while control messages coming from the set-top boxes are on another interface.

Enhancement to the scripts used to create backups, initially install the software, and set and retrieve the software version

RTSP enhancements for the DESCRIBE and GET_PARAMETER methods.

Optimized trick file playback

System Requirements

The Cisco TV CDS Release runs on the CDE100, CDE200, CDE300, and CDE400 hardware models. See the Cisco Content Delivery Engine CDE100/200/300/400 Hardware Installation Guide for set up and installation procedures. See the "Related Documentation" section for links to the documentation online.

Limitations and Restrictions

This release contains the following limitations and restrictions:

Separation of RTSP messages from the management port has been implemented and is undergoing regression and longevity testing. This feature is certified, pending the results of the test cycle.

The Parent-Child Service Groups Feature will be certified in a future release pending results of the test cycle.

Resolved Caveats

The caveats listed in this section have been resolved in Release


CSCsv23925 and cannot coexist. Fixed CServer to make compatible.


Getting duplicate packet during Vault mirroring.



CDSM database become too large for Linux operating system and the database must be restarted.



The Everstream API enhancements included in this release are the following:

Added the MaxStreamModifiedTime API. This API retrieves the maximum stream modified time from the reporting database.

Added the MaxErrorModifiedTime API. This API retrieves the maximum error modified time.

Stream end time calculation was based on when the stream end message was received by the CDSM. The stream end time calculation is now based on when the stream destroy occurs on the Streamer.

database transaction time. In addition to keeping the start/end times of a stream, keep a db transaction time of when it was inserted into the database.

Reporting interfaces now use the database transaction time, which allows Everstream to get reports much closer to the live data.

New Installation Procedure

This section describes the new installation procedure for Release

To install the software, do the following:

Step 1 Mount the ISO image on /mnt/cdrom.

mount <iso> /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 

Step 2 You are asked for confirmation that you want to mount the ISO image. Enter the characters requested to continue.

Step 3 Run the installation script for the Content Delivery Application (CDA) you want to install (Vault, Streamer, ISV, CDSM).

Following is the installation steps for a Vault server:

[root@vault167 cdrom]# cd /mnt/cdrom 
[root@vault167 cdrom]# ./inst.sh vault isa
Server is Vault
You are installing CDS image, this will over-write what ever CDS you may have
Do you want to continue installation ? enter "azxHUYkH" to continue: azxHUYkH
#Unpacking the RPM files#
Mon Jun 16 14:48:49 PDT 2008
package wu-ftpd-2.6.2-5 is already installed
package ethereal-base-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-gtk+-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-usermode-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-gnome-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-kde-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
#Unpacking more RPM files#
Mon Jun 16 14:48:55 PDT 2008
#Un-taring the base.tgz#
Mon Jun 16 14:48:55 PDT 2008
executing forprod from install clean
Running Forprod.sh
Mon Jun 16 14:49:10 PDT 2008
Server is Vault
root@Vault167 cdrom]

Following is the installation steps for a Streamer server:

[root@streamer168 cdrom]# cd /mnt/cdrom 
[root@streamer168 cdrom]# ./inst.sh streamer isa
Server is streamer
You are installing CDS image, this will over-write what ever CDS you may have
Do you want to continue installation ? enter "azxHUYkH" to continue: azxHUYkH
#Unpacking the RPM files#
Mon Jun 16 14:48:49 PDT 2008
package wu-ftpd-2.6.2-5 is already installed
package ethereal-base-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-gtk+-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-usermode-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-gnome-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-kde-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
#Unpacking more RPM files#
Mon Jun 16 14:48:55 PDT 2008
#Un-taring the base.tgz#
Mon Jun 16 14:48:55 PDT 2008
executing forprod from install clean
Running Forprod.sh
Mon Jun 16 14:49:10 PDT 2008
Server is streamer
root@streamer168 cdrom]#

Following is the installation steps for a CDSM server;

[root@streamer168 cdrom]# cd /mnt/cdrom 
[root@streamer168 cdrom]# ./install-asm.sh controller
Install ASM Controller System CTRL-C NOW if this is not an ASM Box! 
Tue Dec 2 16:44:25 PST 2008 
<list of files in the tar files> 
/bin/cp: `/lib/libssl.so.4' and `/lib/libssl.so.2' are the same file 
/bin/cp: `/lib/libcrypto.so.4' and `/lib/libcrypto.so.2' are the same file 
Please reboot now! 
Installation complete 

Upgrade Procedure

The following procedures are covered in this section:

Getting a Software File from Cisco.com

Preparation for Software Upgrade

Upgrade the Software on the CDSM

Upgrade the Software on Each Streamer and Vault

Caution Basic understanding of the Linux command line and the vi editor are required for the completion of the software upgrade. Do not attempt the software upgrade if you are unfamiliar with the Cisco CDS products and the Linux command line and vi editor.

A high-level view of the CDS software upgrade procedure is as follows:

1. Upgrade CDSM to

2. Upgrade the Streamers in the "Control" sites first (sites that have Stream Groups with only a Control server), followed by the "Setup/Control" sites (sites that have Stream Groups with a Setup/Control server).

Use the following procedural order to upgrade the Streamers:

Enable Server Offload on the server

Upgrade to

Reboot the server

Disable Server Offload on the server

Repeat for every Streamer on the site starting with the "Available" Streamers, followed by the "Backup" Streamer, and ending with the "Primary" Streamer. To identify the Streamers, use the following command:

[root@s65 root]# cat /proc/calypso/status/streamer/resiliencyinfo 
Streamer Resiliency Info:
	Service Address:
	Control Service: Primary

3. Upgrade all the Vaults using the same procedural order as the Streamers (offload, upgrade, reboot, and online). Start the Vault upgrade at the Control sites and the finish with the Setup/Control site.

Getting a Software File from Cisco.com

To get a software file from Cisco.com, do the following:

Step 1 Launch your web browser and enter the following URL:


The Log In page is displayed.

Step 2 Log in to Cisco.com using your designated username and password. The Video and Content Delivery page is displayed, listing the available software products.

Step 3 Click Cisco Content Delivery Systems (CDS). The Downloads page is displayed.

Step 4 Click the Cisco Content Delivery Applications folder to expand it, and click the Cisco TV Application. The page refreshes and the software releases are displayed.

Step 5 Click the software release you want. The page refreshes and the software image files are displayed.

Step 6 Click the link for the software image file you want.

If this is the first time you have downloaded a file from Cisco.com, the Cisco Systems Inc., Encryption Software Usage Handling and Distribution Policy is displayed. Read the policy, fill in the unfilled fields, and click Accept.

If you previously filled out the Encryption Software Usage and Handling and Distribution form, the form does not display again.

The Download page is displayed with the information about the software image file and a Download link.

Step 7 Click Download. The Cisco End User Software License Agreement is displayed.

Step 8 Read the agreement and click Agree. The File Download dialog box is displayed.

Step 9 Click Save. The Save As dialog box is displayed.

Step 10 Navigate to the location where you want to save the file and click Save. The file downloads.

Preparation for Software Upgrade

Note The preparation procedure should occur three to four hours before starting the software upgrade.

Caution It is mandatory that you check each server for available space in the root and /arroyo directories, as well as check each server for overall system health.

A minimum of 2GB of space must be available in the root (/) and /arroyo directories. To check the disk space availability, use the df -h command.

If needed, archive any log files greater than one month old, delete or copy over any core.* files from the /home/isa directory, and delete or copy over any database backups. Failure to perform these steps could result in a failure of the upgrade script. See the "Disk Space and System Health Checks" section.

Note Release supports content ingested using earlier releases.

To prepare each CDS server for the software upgrade, do the following:

Step 1 Log in to each server as root, and check for enough disk space

df -h /arroyo/

You need approximately 2GB of unused disk space. This allows for the database backups performed during the software upgrade. For more information on checking disk space and system health, see the "Disk Space and System Health Checks" section.

Step 2 Copy the ISO image file you downloaded in the "Getting a Software File from Cisco.com" procedure to the root directory on the server.

Step 3 Delete the rpt.db file, all the index files, and all the replay logs.

a. Change to the /home/isa/Berkeley folder.

# cd /home/isa/Berkeley

b. Stop the database.

# db_shutdown

c. Ensure the database has stopped.

# netstat -an | grep avsdb

d. Remove the rpt.db file, the index files, and the replay logs.

# rm -f *.idx rpt.db *.*.*.*

Step 4 Collect the configuration information on the existing system.

Use the CDSM to find the following configuration settings on each server and write them down:

Management IP address

Gateway IP address

Network mask

Stream ID

Stream Group ID

Name Service IP address

Ingest IP address

Service Groups

Write down any other configuration settings as necessary. If the CDSM is not available, collect the configuration information from the configuration files on each server. For more information on the configuration files, see the "Sample Configuration Files for Vaults and Streamers" section.

Upgrade the Software on the CDSM

Note The CDSM upgrade script does the following:

Stops the database and the apache server before upgrading the software.

Prompts you to make a backup of the CDSM.

Prompts you to delete the replay log files and the index files.

If you decide to make a backup, one tar archive file is created.

To upgrade the software on the CDSM, do the following:

Step 1 Log in to the CDSM Linux operating system as root.

Step 2 Mount the ISO image on /mnt/cdrom and run the install script.

# mount <iso_image> /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 
# cd /mnt/cdrom

Step 3 Upgrade the CDS software on the CDSM by entering the following command.

# ./install-asm.sh controller upgrade
Install ASM Controller System CTRL-C NOW if this is not an ASM Box!
Mon Dec 8 20:36:37 PST 2008
Server is controller
Stopping database
Stopping apache webserver
Do you want to remove index and replay files? [yes|no]
Removing index files
Removing replay files
Do you want to take a backup of the system? [yes/no]
Creating backup archive.../arroyo/cdsm_120808_2036.tar.gz
Backup is successful. The backup is saved as /arroyo/cdsm_120808_2036.tar.gz
Installing package...
/bin/cp: `/lib/libssl.so.4' and `/lib/libssl.so.2' are the same file
/bin/cp: `/lib/libcrypto.so.4' and `/lib/libcrypto.so.2' are the same file
Please reboot now!
Installation is completed.

Step 4 Reboot the CDSM.

# reboot

Step 5 Verify that the database is running on the CDSM.

ps -ef  |  grep  avsdb

Upgrade the Software on Each Streamer and Vault

Perform this procedure for each Vault and Streamer in the CDS.

Note In a multi-site CDS, upgrade the Streamers in the "Control" sites first (sites that have Stream Groups with only a Control server), followed by the "Setup/Control" sites (sites that have Stream Groups with a Setup/Control server).

In a multi-site CDS, upgrade all the Vaults using the same procedural order as the Streamers (offload, upgrade, reboot, and online). Start the Vault upgrade at the Control sites and the finish with the Setup/Control site.

Note The upgrade script does the following:

Stops the database before upgrading the software.

Prompts you to make a backup.

Prompts you to delete the replay log files and the index files.

If you decide to make a backup, a backup directory is created.

To upgrade the software on a Vault or Streamer, do the following:

Step 1 Using the CDSM GUI, offload the server.

a. Click Maintain > Servers > Server Offload. The Server Offload page is displayed.

b. From the Server IP drop-down list, choose a server's IP address or nickname and click Display. The server type and ID, as well as the array ID, are displayed.

c. Select Enable and click Submit.

Step 2 Check the CDSM to verify that the stream count on the offline server is zero.

a. Using the CDSM, click Monitor > Server Level > NIC Monitor.

b. From the Server IP drop-down list, choose a server and click Display.

c. Click Graph Ports to view any stream traffic.

Step 3 Log in to the Vault or Streamer Linux operating system as root.

Step 4 Mount the ISO image on /mnt/cdrom.

# mount <iso_image> /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 
# cd /mnt/cdrom

Step 5 Upgrade the CDS software on the Streamers and Vaults by entering the following commands.

To Upgrade the CDS Software on a Streamer:

[root@streamer117 cdrom]# ./inst.sh streamer isa upgrade
Server is streamer
Upgrading from cur- to cur-
press y to continue..y
Killing avsdb and statsd
kill 8509: No such process
kill 8514: No such process
Running Upgrade Installation......
Do you want to take a backup of the current system snapshot? enter (y/n) y
Enter the directory for backup relative to /arroyo (default: backup.12-08-08): 
Backup being saved to the default directory backup.12-08-08
Creating /arroyo/backup.12-08-08 directory..
Removing replay files
Backup done in /arroyo/backup.12-08-08
Backup done .
#Start installing new version cur-
#Unpacking the RPM files#
Mon Jun 16 13:04:34 PDT 2008
package wu-ftpd-2.6.2-5 is already installed
package ethereal-base-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-gtk+-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-usermode-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-gnome-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-kde-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed

#Unpacking more RPM files#
Mon Jun 16 13:04:44 PDT 2008
#Un-taring the base.tgz#
Mon Jun 16 13:04:44 PDT 2008
executing forprod from upgrade
Running Forprod.sh
Mon Jun 16 13:05:21 PDT 2008
Server is streamer
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------
WARNING: configured to boot from /dev/hda1
WARNING: if this is not correct, update /boot/grub/grub.conf

WARNING: configured to boot from /dev/hda1
WARNING: if this is not correct, update /boot/grub/grub.conf
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------
mknod: `/dev/calypso': File exists
#Please reboot now!#
Kernel Installed
Installation complete
[root@streamer117 cdrom]#

To Upgrade the CDS Software on a Vault:

[root@Vault167 cdrom]# ./inst.sh Vault isa upgrade 
Server is Vault
Upgrading from cur- to cur-
press y to continue..y
Killing avsdb and statsd
kill 914: No such process
kill 31522: No such process
kill 31529: No such process
Running Upgrade Installation......
Do you want to take a backup of the current system snapshot? enter (y/n) y
Enter the directory for backup relative to /arroyo (default: backup.12-08-08): 
Backup being saved to the default directory backup.12-08-08
Creating /arroyo/backup.12-08-08 directory..
..../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2 does not exist..
..........Removing index files
Removing replay files
Backup done in /arroyo/backup.12-08-08
Backup done .
#Start installing new version cur-
#Unpacking the RPM files
Mon Dec 8 16:07:21 PST 2008
package wu-ftpd-2.6.2-5 is already installed
package ethereal-base-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-gtk+-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
package ethereal-usermode-0.9.7-1.7.2 is already installed
error: failed dependencies:
gnome-core >= 1.2 is needed by ethereal-gnome-0.9.7-1.7.2
error: failed dependencies:
kdebase >= 2.0 is needed by ethereal-kde-0.9.7-1.7.2
#Unpacking more RPM files#
Mon Dec 8 16:07:27 PST 2008
#Un-taring the base.tgz#
Mon Dec 8 16:07:27 PST 2008
#Installing the kernel#
executing forprod from upgrade
Running Forprod.sh
Mon Dec 8 16:07:51 PST 2008
Server is vault
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------
WARNING: configured to boot from /dev/hda1
WARNING: if this is not correct, update /boot/grub/grub.conf
WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------
mknod: `/dev/calypso': File exists
ln: `/etc/rc3.d/S87ntpd': File exists
#Please reboot now!#
Kernel Installed
Installation complete 

Step 6 Using the CDSM GUI, reboot the server.

a. Click Maintain > Servers > Server Restart. The Server Restart page is displayed.

b. From the Server IP drop-down list, choose the IP address of the server and click Display.

c. From the Restart drop-down list, choose Yes and click Submit.

Step 7 Using the CDSM GUI, wait for the server to come online.

a. Click Monitor > System Health. The System Health page is displayed.

b. The colored boxes for the server should all be green.

Step 8 Using the CDSM GUI, disable Server Offload.

a. Click Maintain > Servers > Server Offload. The Server Offload page is displayed.

b. From the Server IP drop-down list, choose a server's IP address or nickname and click Display. The server type and ID, as well as the array ID, are displayed.

c. Select Disable and click Submit.

Step 9 Repeat this procedure for the rest of the Vaults and Streamers.

New Scripts and Commands

This section describes the new scripts and commands added to Release

Script Enhancements for Asset Ingest Manager

To Verify that Asset Ingest Manager (AIM) is running on a Vault, enter the following command:

[root@Vault167 root]# /home/isa/IntegrationTest/show_calypso_services --aim

To stop AIM, enter the following command:

[root@Vault167 root]# /home/isa/IntegrationTest/stop_calypso_service -aim

New Commands in the CDSM


Prints the tags of the CDSM modules that are currently loaded.

cdsm_backup <archive_name>

Backs up the current CDSM system, which includes the CDSM software and the configuration files.

cdsm_restore <archive_name>

Restores the CDSM software and configuration files from the directory specified in the cdsm_backup command.

New Commands in the CDS


Retrieves the CDS server information necessary for TAC to assist you with your server. We recommend you log the output to a disk file.

cds_backup <directory>

Backs up the current CDS system, which includes the CDS software and the configuration files.

cds_restore <directory>

Restores the CDS software and configuration files from the directory specified in the cds_backup command.

[root@Vault167 root]# cds_restore 
Usage: restore <backup-dir>  
        <directory> should be relative to /arroyo. 
[root@Vault167 root]# 
[root@Vault167 root]# cds_restore backup_1 
in /arroyo/backup_1 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/hosts into /etc/hosts 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/sysconfig/network into /etc/sysconfig/network 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 into 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 into 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2 into 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/rc.d/rc.local into /etc/rc.d/rc.local 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit into /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/resolv.conf into /etc/resolv.conf 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./etc/modules.conf into /etc/modules.conf 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf into 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./arroyo/test into /arroyo/test 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./home/isa/.arroyorc into /home/isa/.arroyorc 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./home/isa/Berkeley into /home/isa/Berkeley 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./home/isa/ISA.tar.gz into /home/isa/ISA.tar.gz 
restoring from /arroyo/backup_1 file ./home/stats into /home/stats 
[root@Vault167 root]#


Prints the tags of CDS modules that are currently loaded

Sample Configuration Files for Vaults and Streamers

This section provides the following examples of the configuration files for the Vault and Streamer servers:
















# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.
# This is updated at 2007-02-21 for ISA end-to-end configuration               localhost.localdomain localhost SessionGateway Metadata Asset NotificationServer NameServer  rack109-ip1  rack109


# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.               localhost.localdomain localhost
# This is updated at 2007-02-21 for ISA end-to-end confoguration  rack109 SessionGateway Metadata Asset NotificationServer NameServer  rack152


















alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
alias eth0 e1000
alias eth2 e1000       #for Vault or SSV
alias usb-controller usb-ohci


alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
alias eth0 bcm5700
#alias eth1 bcm5700      #for Ingest on Vault or SSV
alias eth1 e1000        #for Management on Streamer
#alias eth2 e1000        #for Management on Vault or SSV
alias usb-controller usb-ohci

Note The bcm5700 interface is only applicable to servers that have the ServerWorks chipset.



# /etc/rc.sysinit - run once at boot time
# Taken in part from Miquel van Smoorenburg's bcheckrc.
insmod avsutil

# Rerun ourselves through initlog
if [ -z "$IN_INITLOG" ]; then
 [ -f /sbin/initlog ] && exec /sbin/initlog $INITLOG_ARGS -r /etc/rc.sysinit

# If we're using devfs, start devfsd now - we need the old device names
[ -e /dev/.devfsd -a -x /sbin/devfsd ] && /sbin/devfsd /dev

# Set the path
export PATH


# /etc/rc.sysinit - run once at boot time
# Taken in part from Miquel van Smoorenburg's bcheckrc.
insmod avsutil

# Rerun ourselves through initlog
if [ -z "$IN_INITLOG" ]; then
 [ -f /sbin/initlog ] && exec /sbin/initlog $INITLOG_ARGS -r /etc/rc.sysinit

# If we're using devfs, start devfsd now - we need the old device names
[ -e /dev/.devfsd -a -x /sbin/devfsd ] && /sbin/devfsd /dev

# Set the path


insmod linuxIAL
#insmod $dir/e1000.o and_interrupt_delay=1953
cp $dir/setupfile $dir/requestfile /arroyo/test

sleep 5

insmod $dir/avs_cserver.o #16Gig Vault
#insmod $dir/avs_cserver.o maxphysblocks=491520 #8Gig Vault

while !(test -d /proc/calypso/tunables); do
 echo "Waiting to configure avs_cserver"
 sleep 1

echo 1 > /proc/calypso/test/readarptable
echo 1 > /proc/calypso/test/arp_readroutingtable
echo 1 > /proc/calypso/test/readremoteservers

echo 1 > /proc/calypso/tunables/cm_configurationcomplete


insmod aic79xx
cp $dir/setupfile $dir/requestfile /arroyo/test

insmod $dir/avs_cserver.o

while !(test -d /proc/calypso/tunables); do
 echo "Waiting to configure avs_cserver"
 sleep 1

sleep 15

#echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/kdb_keyboard_break_on
echo 1 > /proc/calypso/test/readstreamloadfile
echo 1 > /proc/calypso/test/readarptable
echo 1 > /proc/calypso/test/arp_readroutingtable

echo 1 > /proc/calypso/test/readremoteservers

echo 1 > /proc/calypso/tunables/cm_configurationcomplete

sleep 5


# CServer core configuration.  Changes to this file require
# a server reboot.

serverid       109
groupid        199198
ingest         eth1
management     eth2
localip        00a16d86d
cache_dscp     38
cache_ecn      0

streamer 0 vault 1

default source ip tport     0 -     0 cport     0

e1000 adapters: maxrate 965
e1000  1: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  2: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  3: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  4: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0

vault mirror copies 2
trickspeedsv2    2 -2 6 -6 10 -10 60 -60
ftpout if eth2 max utilization mbps 0 max sessions 0
test 4


# CServer core configuration.  Changes to this file require
# a server reboot.

serverid       152
groupid        199198
arrayid        1
management     eth1
localip        00a16d898
cache_dscp     38
cache_ecn      0
transport_dscp 46
transport_ecn  0

streamer 1 vault 0

service address setup 3300 control 9000
bms address 5000

default source ip tport     0 -     0 cport     0

e1000 adapters: maxrate 965
e1000  1: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  2: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  3: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  4: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  5: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  6: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  7: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  8: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000  9: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000 10: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000 11: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0
e1000 12: streaming 1 fill 1 ip tport     0 cport     0 tgid   0

test 4



# Local settings
self            1
groupid         199198
serverid        109
partno          4U-SATA-1
mirroring       0
mgmtif          2
ingestif        1
nohealth        1

# Database Params
dbdomsock     /tmp/isadb
dbnetport       9999

# Replication Group Members


# Local settings
self            2
groupid         199198
serverid        152
partno          3U-SCSI-1
mirroring       0
mgmtif          1
ingestif        1
nohealth        1

# Database Params
dbdomsock     /tmp/isadb
dbnetport       9999

# Replication Group Members



# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local

# NOT FOR USE WITH LINDENHURST OR IBM. Please comment out setpci
# NorthBridge Tune
setpci -s 0:0.0 cc.b=02

# ISA Kernel Tune
echo 222217728 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
echo 222217728 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
echo 65535 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

# TCP Kernel Tune
echo "8388608" > /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max
echo "8388608" > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
echo "4096    65536   4194304" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
echo "4096    87380   4194304" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack

/sbin/hdparm -d1 /dev/hda

su - isa - c "cd /home/isa/IntegrationTest; ./init_isa_env"

# Streamer Only
#/usr/bin/avslauncher >& /root/avslauncher.log&


# Streamer and Vault
#su - isa -c "cd /home/isa/IntegrationTest; ./run_isa >& 
su - isa -c "cd /home/isa/IntegrationTest; ./run_isa --handle_orphan_streams >& 

# Streamer and Vault
/home/stats/statsd -d eth0



# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local

# ISA Kernel Tune
echo 222217728 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
echo 222217728 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
echo 65535 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

# TCP Kernel Tune
echo "8388608" > /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max
echo "8388608" > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
echo "4096    65536   4194304" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
echo "4096    87380   4194304" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack

/sbin/hdparm -d1 /dev/hda

su - isa - c "cd /home/isa/IntegrationTest; ./init_isa_env"

# Streamer Only
/usr/bin/avslauncher >& /root/avslauncher.log&


# Streamer and Vault
#su - isa -c "cd /home/isa/IntegrationTest; ./run_isa >&      
su - isa -c "cd /home/isa/IntegrationTest; ./run_isa --handle_orphan_streams >& 

# Vault & Streamer
/home/stats/statsd -d eth0




# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE:  You do not have a /boot partition.  This means that
#          all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.
#          root (hd0,0)
#          kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hda1
#          initrd /boot/initrd-version.img
title Linux (2.4.32avs)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.32avs ro root=/dev/hda1 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.32avs.img
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-3bigmem)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3bigmem ro root=/dev/hda1
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-3bigmem.img
title Red Hat Linux-smp (2.4.18-3smp)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3smp ro root=/dev/hda1
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-3smp.img
title Red Hat Linux-up (2.4.18-3)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3 ro root=/dev/hda1
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-3.img


# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE:  You do not have a /boot partition.  This means that
#          all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.
#          root (hd0,0)
#          kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hda1
#          initrd /boot/initrd-version.img
title Linux (2.4.32avs)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.32avs ro root=/dev/hda1 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.32avs.img
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-3bigmem)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3bigmem ro root=/dev/hda1
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-3bigmem.img
title Red Hat Linux-smp (2.4.18-3smp)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3smp ro root=/dev/hda1
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-3smp.img
title Red Hat Linux-up (2.4.18-3)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-3 ro root=/dev/hda1
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-3.img

Disk Space and System Health Checks

These checks should be performed prior to, and immediately after, any upgrade procedure to ensure system integrity and functionality.

Disk Space Checks

Step 1 Log in to the CDSM as root.

Step 2 Tail the log file using the following command:

tail -f /arroyo/tmp/monitor.log 

Step 3 Check the "Other Info:" section for LSP disk space availability.

Step 4 If there is less than 88% left on any server, log in to that server and enter the following commands:

cd /arroyo/archive/arroyo_log
rm -f *.log.<months older than 2 months in the past>*

Two examples follow:

rm -f *.log.01*
rm -f *.log.02*

Step 5 Check the "Other Info:" section for ISP disk space availability.

Step 6 If there is less than 88% left, log in to that server and enter the following command:

find /home/isa/ -name core.*

Upload or remove any core files found.

System Health Checks (CServer)

Step 1 Log in to the CDSM as root.

Step 2 Tail the log file using the following command:

tail -f /arroyo/tmp/monitor.log 

Step 3 Look at the role column and verify that one master Streamer and one master Vault are listed.

Step 4 Verify the correct number of disks available on each server.

Step 5 Verify all Streamers are serving streams.

Step 6 Verify GOID counts on all Vaults.

System Health Checks (ISA)

Step 1 Log in to each server as user isa.

Step 2 Change to the IntegrationTest directory .


Step 3 Verify all ISA services are running by entering the following command:


Step 4 Verify the Name Service and ISA Service checks are working by entering the following command:

tail -100f ns_log

System Health Checks (database)

Step 1 Log in to each server as user isa.

Step 2 Change to the Berkeley directory.

On Streamers and Vaults:


On the CDSM:

cd Berkeley

Step 3 Extract the contents of the Berkeley database on each server.


Step 4 Verify that all keys files are synchronized with each other.

For Vault Servers and CDSM:


For Stream Servers and CDSM


Step 5 Verify that all main.db files display the current date and are close in filesize.

Step 6 Check the /home/isa/Berkeley/LOG/logfile for any recent database errors.

Step 7 Check the /arroyo/log/avsdb.log.<today's date> for any recent database errors.

Documentation Updates

The following documents have been updated for this release:

Cisco Delivery System Administrator's Guide

Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco Content Delivery Engine 100/200/300/400

The following documents have been added for this release:

Release Notes for Cisco TV CDS

Related Documentation

Refer to the following documents for additional information about the Cisco TV CDS

Cisco Content Delivery Engine 100/200/300/400 Hardware Installation Guide (OL-13478-02)


Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco Content Delivery Engine 100/200/300/400 (78-18229-02)


Content Delivery System Administrator's Guide

Available through the CDSM GUI.

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:


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