Cisco Optical Network Controller (CONC) Data Sheet

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Updated:January 26, 2024

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Updated:January 26, 2024


Product overview

The Cisco® Optical Network Controller (CONC) provides an SDN-compliant domain controller for Cisco optical networks. Using an industry-standard OIF transport API (T-API) interface over RESTCONF, CONC gives a Hierarchical Controller (HCO) or orchestrator abstracted visibility and control for Cisco optical networks.

CONC is a hybrid optical domain controller with centralized PCE (path computation engine) and distributed APC (automatic power control). It has a Web UI with multiple applications providing full CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) services and NMS (Network Management System).

CONC design is based on microservices to enable scaling and alignment with Cisco automation products and platforms.

Supported platforms

     Cisco Site Manager 7.11.2 and 24.1.1—NCS 1010, NCS 1014

Features and benefits

CONC is built to address several challenges in network management:

     Controller, NMS, and EMS functions

     Integration into an SDN management environment including abstraction of vendor details

     Integration with Cisco automation software products like HCO, COSM, and CONP

     Support for current and future network topologies, including routed optical networking

     Centralized software control of the Cisco optical network, including movement of distributed-PCE network functions to a centralized-PCE

     Web UI with applications like inventory, topology, service manager, service assurance, etc.

     Single sign-on for seamless node (site) manager cross-launch

Cisco Optical Network Controller architecture

Cisco Optical Network Controller was designed to align with an ACTN (abstraction and control of traffic-engineered networks) standard architecture. CONC acts as a Provisioning Network Controller (PNC) in an ACTN as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 1.               

ACTN standard architecture

The following figure shows the CONC architecture. The northbound interface allows CONC to interact with any OSS solution while the southbound allows the monitoring and configuring of Cisco NCS 2000 and NCS 1000 optical devices. Additionally, the Crosswork framework on which CONC exists today provides functions including user management, logging and monitoring, and the common Kafka bus as well as the underlying platform for High Availability (HA) and scale.

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Figure 2.               

Cisco Optical Network Controller high-level architecture

The functions that are created as parts of CONC include the centralized optical path computation element (O-PCE), which is the key to determining optically valid paths in a Cisco optical network. Additional CONC functions include device onboarding, topology, inventory, collector services (to gather information from the network), deployer services (to push information into the network), and capacity to add future applications.

Some architectural advantages of CONC are as follows:

     Components are designed as microservices and run as docker containers

     Being packaged as Docker images and launched in K8s pods

     Being designed to work in a distributed compute environment (future)

The next figure shows the overall architecture for Cisco’s management and automation offering. It is key to understand that CONC is built for and intended to be integrated within larger SDN OSS management frameworks.

1.     In the RON use case (but also applicable outside RON), CONC is integrated with the Crosswork Hierarchical Controller (HCO). In this case, HCO is acting as the hierarchical controller providing visibility to the entire network and using the TAPI interface to manage optical devices using CONC as the optical domain controller (understanding the optical inventory and topology, provisioning optical services).

2.     Cisco Optical Site Manager (COSM) interacts with CONC where COSM provides detailed node-level management for the Cisco NCS 1000 product line.

3.     Given that CONC provides an industry-standard TAPI interface over RESTCONF, an HCO or orchestration system can use the topology/inventory and service-provisioning functions as well. To support third-party products, CONC has been integrated with Cisco Hierarchical Controller (now HCO, formerly Sedona NetFusion). This proves the ability for an OEM product to integrate to CONC over the TAPI interface.

4.     ZTP provisioning of the optical devices can also be done by customers who prefer this option.

5.     The CONP optical network planner tool can provide the necessary configuration files (NETCONF-YANG, JSON) that can be consumed by the CONC controller and or COSM. The data is then utilized to bulk configure NCS 1000 devices in the optical network according to the planning data.

6.     EPNM is an optional software that can be added to provide software image management, PM history, and SNMP NBI as an intermediate step until CONC supports it.

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Figure 3.               

Overall architecture for management and automation

CONC 3.1 applications

Nodes application

Nodes (enrollment) app provides:

     COSM enrolment for NCS 1000 sites (nodes)

     Future SVO enrolment for NCS 2000 sites (nodes)

     Add/edit lat/long values

     Resync a specific site or multiple selected sites

     Periodic network sync

     Cross-launch a specific node functional view

     Bulk enrollment—import from excel file

     Export to an Excel file

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Inventory application

The Inventory application provides the following information: node name, admin state, equipment type, equipment state, actual equipment type, serial number, product ID, hardware part number, CLEI code, version ID, hardware rev, software rev, boot ROM rev, manufacturing date, manufacturing id, and site location.

This is represented in a tree view (hierarchical view) when browsed “manually” by the user or in flat view as a reply to a user search.

Search supports the two types of searches: (1) Quick search—This is a free text search (minimum 3 characters are required) or (2) a Custom search—Search will be based on the column’s names and string entered in the text box.

The user can add/remove columns and filter the data.

The user can export a tree table or a flat tabled after a search or the entire network inventory data.

Related image, diagram or screenshot

Topology application

The topology application provides:

     Sites and links assembling the topology

     Expandable/collapsible legend

     Per site alarm popovers: On hovering each site, highest severity current and alarm summary

     Site search flies into the site’s location

     Link info (free text user subscription)

     Cross-launch to COSM for deep-dive site info

     Resync a site with an indicator

     OTS/OMS toggle

     A light/dark mode toggle

A computer screen shot of a mapDescription automatically generated

Alarm application

The alarm application provides:

     Up to 72 weeks of current and history alarms

     Site/chassis/card/port/pluggable—fetched from COSM, stored in CONC DB + updates notified by COSM

     Service-level alarms

     List of current alarms; alarm history (selected range date/time)

     Search/filter/sort add/remove columns

     Alarm acknowledgement

     User notes

     Cross-launch relevant alarms to COSM

     Show alarm severity in the topology/show in site (COSM)

     Auto filter alarms to other apps (topology, service assurance, service manager)

     Alarms exportable to XSLX file, saved in the local user storage

     User could cross-launch each alarm to the relevant COSM view

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A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Service manager application

The service manager application provides:

     A list of discovered/provisioned services—search/sort/filter add/remove columns

     A list of circuits filtered by topology selection—link (all the circuits running through that link), site (all the circuits running through that site), multiple links/sites

     List fields are service name; source and destination endpoints; tag (customer name); type (NC/trail); profile (unprotected/etc.); rate; central-freq + BW; related services (trail over NC)

     The list is exportable to XSLX.

     Provisioning OCH-NC with OSNR sigma threshold, admin state, wavelength central-freq/blank, app. code, single/multicarrier, endpoint selection from map and inventory (plus drop-down list); PCE criteria—hop, cost, OSNR, distance/latency; path disjoint; node/link ERO/XRO, allow regen

     Discovering OCH-NC/trail

     Provisioning OCH-trail—same as OCH-NC + discovered trunk app. code and wavelength configuration

     Error messages in case of PCE failure (e.g., spectrum not available) and in case of execution (e.g., device disconnected)

     Service edit—edit service name

     Service delete

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A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Service assurance application

The service assurance application provides:

     Service data path visualization: TXP/MXP, PSM (future), MD/BRK/CCOFS, OLT, OLA, ports, links (client DSR, trunks, OCH, OTS)

     Service name; tag (customer) name; rate; cent freq + bandwidth; opp state, admin state, components ID (COSM/SVO-chassis-slot-port)

     Alarm severity visualization plus alarm app filter

     User could cross-launch each component to the relevant COSM NFV

     Exportable to XSLX file, saved in the local user storage

     OCH-NC, OCH-trail

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Audit logs application

The audit logs application provides logs related to admin, system, and microservices logs, either with text logs or Graphana.

Workspace application

The workspace application provides ways to accomplish different day-to-day workflows; a workspace consists of multiple applications that interact with each other within the same view.

A few of the common workflows have been predefined (e.g., circuit provisioning, circuit monitoring, network monitoring). We are looking to add a user-defined workspace in a later release.

For a given predefined workspace, the user can resize and position different applications to be in a favorite order and save it for the next launch. Clicking on one application will result in updates on the other applications.

For example, in the following screenshot, a user clicks on service (circuit) from the service manager (top-left window). Then this circuit will be highlighted in the topology app (top-right window), will be fetched to the service assurance app (bottom-right window), and will filter the relevant alarms in the alarm app (bottom-left window).

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CONC TAPI interface

CONC’s NorthBound Interface (NBI) is based on the ONF-standard TAPI model and is accessible via RESTCONF. Within the TAPI model, CONC 3.1 has implemented the following:


    List all the interfaces available for client signal connection and possible termination point of service creation


    Include topological information of all network nodes with their owned Network-Edge-Point (NEP)

    Include topological link that connects nodes in the network at their NEP


    Include connection-service (circuits) present in the network

    Include connections that compose all connection-service

    Allow for creation and deletion of connection-service


    Provide the inventory information off all network nodes including the hierarchical rack, shelf, slot, etc., relationship

CONC 3.1 supports two network-provisioning models through TAPI (HCO UI):

1.     Provisioning wavelength service path (OCH) for router-based ZR+ optics

    Used when CONC controls the OLS network (ROADMs, amps, DWDM filters) but DCO (digital coherent optic) is in the router

    CONC determines if the DCO service can be carried, and then sets it up (if feasible) and returns values for to HCO

    HCO does settings on router (through CNC IP controller)

2.     Provisioning service path with NCS 2000 and NCS 1000 (or third-party DWDM system)

    Used when values are already known for a service riding the optical network (e.g., when NCS 1004 is used or alien transceiver spec imported from CONC)

    CONC determines if that wavelength service can be carried and then sets it up (if feasible)

    User does settings on TXP

CONC 2.x (or later release) service provisioning with router-based ZR+ optics workflow

Figure 4.               

CONC 2.x (or later release) service provisioning with router-based ZR+ optics workflow

CONC 2.x (or later release) service provisioning with NCS 1000 or third-party DWDM

Figure 5.               

CONC 2.x (or later release) service provisioning with NCS 1000 or third-party DWDM

Product specifications

CONC is deployed in VMware with the following requirements:

1.     VMware data center requirements:

a.      vSphere server and client of version 7.0

b.      ESXi version of 6.7.0/7.0

c.      Requires two networks for deployment:

i.      Control plane → private network

ii.     VM management → northbound network

d.     Can be deployed in a different ESXi host, but it needs 10G network between them.

2.     Following sizing rules apply for CONC3.1:

High availability requires three VMs: active, standby, and arbitrator

Non-high availability requires a single active VM

Table 1.           CONC Sizing Rule

Deployment > 

S (up to 500 NEs)

XS (up to 100 NEs)

VM |

CPU cores


SSD storage (TB)

CPU cores


SSD storage (TB)






















3.     PIDs for Cisco servers:

    UCSC-C220-M5SX (rack server)

    UCSB-B200-M5 (blade server)

Appendix 1: Supported equipment







































Warranty information

Find warranty information on at the Product Warranties page.

Ordering information

To place an order, visit the Cisco Ordering Home Page and refer to Table 3. To download software, visit the Cisco Software Center.

Table 2.           Ordering information for Cisco Optical Network Controller

Part number



CONC3.1 software image


Essential CONC subscription for small device with support


Spectrum CONC subscription for small device with support


API CONC subscription for small device with support


Essential CONC subscription for large device with support


Spectrum CONC subscription for large device with support


API CONC subscription for large device with support

     CONC licenses have two types of devices.

    Small: 1010 (future: 1001, 2002, 1012)

    Large: 1014 (future: 1004, 2006, 2015, 1020)

     Please refer to the diagram above describing the features/functions available per package.

    ESS (Essential) level is mandatory and has to be ordered for all the devices managed by CONC

    SPC (Spectrum) is optional. An SPC package requires ESS first. Thus, both ESS and SPC would be ordered for the relevant devices.

    API is optional. An API package requires ESS first. Thus, both ESS and API would be ordered for the relevant devices.

    The following combinations are legit: ESS, ESS+SPC, ESS+API, and A full blown of ESS+SPC+API.

     CONC licenses are subscription based, with 36- to 60-month terms, which include:

    SW upgrades to latest current CONC release (excluding labor)

    CONC CX support during the subscription term

Cisco services for migrating converged IP + optical solutions

Services from Cisco and our partners help you get the most value from your investments in the Cisco converged IP + optical solution, quickly and cost-effectively. We can help you design, implement, and validate your solution to speed migration and cutover. Coordinate every step through to interworking, strengthen your team, and make the most of tomorrow’s opportunities. Learn more at

Cisco environmental sustainability

Information about Cisco’s environmental sustainability policies and initiatives for our products, solutions, operations, and extended operations or supply chain is provided in the “Environment Sustainability” section of Cisco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report.

Reference links to information about key environmental sustainability topics (mentioned in the “Environment Sustainability” section of the CSR report) are provided in the following table:

Sustainability topic


Information on product material content laws and regulations


Information on electronic waste laws and regulations, including products, batteries, and packaging

WEEE compliance

Cisco makes the packaging data available for informational purposes only. It may not reflect the most current legal developments, and Cisco does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that it is complete, accurate, or up to date. This information is subject to change without notice.

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For more information

For more information about the Cisco Optical Network Controller, visit or contact your local Cisco account representative.

Document history

New or revised topic

Described in


CONC2.0 features

CONC datasheet

November 1, 2022


CONC datasheet

December 9, 2023

CONC3.1 applications and features

CONC datasheet



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