Title=Include isEnterprise field to IM&P Flowthrough Provisioning InterServerDependency= ThirdPartyUpdate= SchemaChange=N ConfigSchemaChange=N SnmpRestartRequired=N IsFeaturePatch=Y ManualActivationRequired=N CliRestartRequired=N MdbRestartRequired=N MinimalToolVersion=845530 RestartRequired=Y UpgradeAffecting=N SecurityImpact=N OciSchemaChange=Y AccountingChange=N LocalizationChange=N HelpChange=N OSSDTDChange=N CAPChange=N SIPChange=N MGCPChange=N ServerPatchesRequired= LocalizationDetails=" " Disposition=" TIII-75100: Include isEnterprise field to IM&P Flowthrough Provisioning This patch contains a container option that controls the content of requests sent to the Messaging server. When it is set to true, by activating IM&P feature to a user, the request sent to the messaging provisioning URL will contain the isEnterprise element. This patch includes a property to activate/deactivate or otherwise control the functionality introduced with this patch. The functionality of the Server will not change unless the property is added/changed by the operator from the default value and the Server is restarted. Property Information: Property Name: bw.msg.includeIsEnterpriseInOSSschema Container: provisioning Property Type: Boolean Property Values: true, false Default Value: false Property Activation: Restart The property values can be added/viewed in the BroadWorks cli located at: BroadWorks> Maintenance/ContainerOptions To add the parameter and begin using the functionality, login to the CLI, navigate to the options location from above and execute: add Execute a Get to see the properties and the current values. Note that the property is only for this release and will be only available via Patches in other releases until rolled into a future release at which point the activation/control of the functionality may be through some other mechanism. Additionally, this patch will need to be applied on all nodes within the cluster for redundant operation. Last, modifications to the parameter within the CLI needs to be made on all nodes on the cluster as parameter value changes are NOT replicated to the other nodes. " TestInstructions=" TIII-75100: Include isEnterprise field to IM&P Flowthrough Provisioning 1.While the container option is set to true, activate IM&P feature to an enterprise user and verify the isEnterprise element is present and set to true in the outbound request. 2.While the container option is set to true, activate IM&P feature to an service provider user and verify the isEnterprise element is present and set to false in the outbound request. 3.While the container option is set to false or not set, activate IM&P feature to an enterprise user and verify the isEnterprise element is not present in the outbound request. " PostInstallMessage=" " PreInstallMessage=" "