VQE System Messages and Recovery Procedures

Introduction to VQE System Messages

VQES_CP Messages
VQES_DP Messages
VQES_MLB Messages
VQES_PM Messages
VQE_CFG Messages
VQE_RPC Messages
VQE_RTP Messages
VQE_RTSP Messages
VQE_UTILS Messages


Introduction to VQE System Messages

This file lists and describes the Cisco VQE system messages and recovery procedures. The VQE software writes these messages to the following locations:

Not all system messages indicate problems with VQE. Some messages are purely informational, while others may help diagnose problems with communications links or the operating system (for example, file permission problems). Only critical messages are displayed on the CDE110 console.

For information on VQE-S AMT and VCPT logging output, see the Cisco CDA Visual Quality Experience Application User Guide.

System Message Structure

System messages are structured as follows:


The facility code consists of two or more uppercase letters that indicate the facility to which the message refers. The following table lists the VQE facility codes.
Code VQE Facility
VQES_CP VQE-S VQE-S Control Plane
VQES_DP_CLIENT VQE-S Data Plane Client
VQES_DP VQE-S Data Plane
VQES_MLB_Client VQE-S Multicast Load Balancer Client
VQES_MLB VQE-S Multicast Load Balancer
VQES_PM VQE-S Process Monitor
VQE_CFGTOOL VQE Configuration Tool (vqe_cfgtool command)
VQE_CFG VQE channel configuration
VQE_RPC VQE-S Remote Procedure Call facility
VQE_RTP VQE Real-Time Transport Protocol
(Many of these messages are related to RTP Control Protocol (RTCP)).
VQE_RTSP VQE Real Time Streaming Protocol (VCDS)

The severity level is a single-digit code from 0 to 7 that reflects the severity of the condition. The lower the number, the more serious the situation. Messages of severity 7 (Debugging) are not described in this appendix. The message severity levels are as follows:
The combination of the facility code and the mnemonic code uniquely identifies the error message.
Message-text is a text string that describes the condition. The text string sometimes contains detailed information about the event, including port numbers and network addresses. Because variable fields change from message to message, they are represented here by short strings enclosed in square brackets ([ ]). A decimal number, for example, is represented as [dec]. The following table lists the variable fields in messages.
Representation Type of Information 
[chars] or [char] Character string
[dec] Decimal
[hex] Hexadecimal integer
[int] Integer
[num] Number


System Message Example

The following is an example of a VQE system message:

     VQES_CP-3-CP_CHANNEL_DELETE_ERR: Failed to delete a channel due to [chars]

Basic Recovery Procedures

In the Recommended Actions of the system messages, certain recovery procedures that VQE users should perform are referred to numerous times. The following table provides references to where you can find more information on these recovery procedures.

Note:  In the following table, all references are to sections found in the Cisco CDA Visual Quality Experience Application User Guide .

Recovery Procedure in Recommended Action Notes and Where to Find Information
Reboot the VQE-S server. See the "Restarting the System and Verifying System and VQE-S Status" section in Appendix D.
Restart the VQE-S application. See the "Stopping, Starting, and Restarting VQE-S" section in Chapter 5.
Restart the VQE-S channels. In VCPT, use the Force Update button to send channel information to the VQE Server. See the "Force Update Button" section in Chapter 3.
Modify the channel configuration and resend it to the VQE Servers and/or VCDS servers. See Chapter 3, "Using the VQE Channel Provisioning Tool."
Modify vcdb.conf and apply the configuration. For VQE configuration (vcdb.conf) information, see Chapter 6, "Configuring VQE Server and VQE Tools."

For information on applying a VQE configuration with the -apply option to vqe_cfgtool, see the "Using the Configuration Tool Command-Line Options" section in Chapter 6.
Issue the vqereport command to gather data that may help identify the nature of the error. See the “Using the vqereport Command” section in Chapter 5.



This section contains the STUN_SERVER messages.


Error Message  STUN_SERVER-2-SS_INIT_FAILURE_CRIT: STUN Server initialization failed due to [chars]

Error Message  STUN_SERVER-2-SS_INTERNAL_FORCED_EXIT: The STUN Server process is exiting due to an unexpected internal error condition, resulting from a problem with the software (reason: [chars]).


Error Message  STUN_SERVER-3-SS_SYSCALL_ERROR: A system call failed on STUN Server: [chars]


Error Message  STUN_SERVER-4-SS_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE: The value [dec] for option "[chars]" is out of range and has been ignored. The valid range is [[dec]-[dec]]. The default value of [dec] is used instead.

Error Message  STUN_SERVER-4-SS_INVALID_OPTION_WARN: Invalid command line option "[chars]" is present.


Error Message  STUN_SERVER-6-SS_STARTUP_COMPLETE_INFO: STUN Server has (re)started

VQES_CP Messages

This section contains the VQES_CP messages.




Error Message  VQES_CP-2-CP_INIT_FAILURE_CRIT: Control Plane initialization failed due to [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-2-CP_INTERNAL_FORCED_EXIT: The Control Plane process is exiting due to an unexpected internal error condition, resulting from a problem with the software (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_CP-2-CP_MISSING_CFG_CRIT: The channel configuration file for Control Plane process has not been specified.


Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_CHANNEL_CREATE_ERR: Failed to create a channel due to [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_CHANNEL_DELETE_ERR: Failed to delete a channel due to [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_CHANNEL_UPDATE_ERR: Failed to update the channel configuration due to [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_CHAN_FSM_ERROR: Per-channel FSM error: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_CHAN_FSM_INVALID_EVENT: Per-channel FSM has received an invalid event: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_INTERFACE_ERR: Failed to find the interface for [chars].

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_MALLOC_ERR: Control Plane failed to allocate necessary memory.

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_SHUTDOWN_ERR: Control Plane shutdown failed due to [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-CP_SOCKET_OPERATION_ERR: Failed to [chars] on socket with error [chars].

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_DATA_ERROR: Internal data error: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_DP_API_FAILURE: Failed to [chars]: return code=[dec]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_INIT_FAILURE: ERA component initialization failure: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_INVALID_PARAMETER: User specified parameter not valid: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_INVALID_RTCP_MSG: Invalid RTCP [chars] message received from [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_INVALID_RTCP_PKT: Invalid RTCP packet received from [chars] - [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_LIBEVENT_ERROR: libevent function error: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_MALLOC_FAILURE: ERA component malloc failure: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_RCC_ERROR: Rapid Channel Change error: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_RCC_INT_ERROR: ERA internal error during an RCC: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_RECV_SOCK_SETUP_FAILURE: Failed to create a receiving libevent socket on [chars]:[dec]- [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_RTCP_CB_ERROR: RTCP callback function failed to [chars]: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_RTCP_SEND_SOCK_ERROR: Failed to create a socket to send RTCP packets from [chars]:[dec]- [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_RTCP_SESSION_CREATION_FAILURE: RTCP session creation failure: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_RTCP_TIMER_FAILURE: Failed to create a RTCP timer: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_SEND_PKT_FAILURE: Failed to send a [chars] packet to [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_SOCK_OP_ERROR: Socket operation error: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-3-ERA_TIMER_FAILURE: Failed to create the ERA timer: [chars]


Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_BUFFER_SIZE_WARN: Input stream cache size is equal to zero for channel [chars].

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_CHAN_FSM_HANDLE_MISMATCH: Per-channel FSM handle mismatch warning: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_CONFIG_CONFLICT_NO_RL: Inconsistent configuration: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_CONFIG_CONFLICT_SLOW: Inconsistent configuration: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_DEPRECATED_OPTION_WARN: Deprecated command line option found: [chars].

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_INIT_WARN: Control Plane failed to [chars] during the initialization.

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_INVALID_OPTION_WARN: Illegal command line option found: [chars] is ignored.

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_REACH_MAX_WARN: The Control Plane has exceeded the maximum allowable size [[dec] channels].

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_REMOVE_CHN_WARN: The Control Plane has removed the channel - [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_VQM_ADDRESS_WARN: 'vqm-address' is deprecated, please replace with 'vqm-host' in VQE-S config file

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-CP_VQM_HOST_NAME_WARN: VQM host configuration appears twice in config file -- ignoring second 'vqm-address =' or 'vqm-host =' line in VQE-S config file

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-ERA_ADD_BITMAP_RB_FAILED: Failed to add bitmap repair burst for client [chars] on channel [chars]:[dec] - return code=[dec]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-ERA_CHAN_STATE_CHANGED: Changed state to [chars] for channel [chars]: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-ERA_CLIENT_PKT_TB_RATE_LIMITED: Per-client packet policer has dropped [dec] repair packets ([dec] bitmaps) for client [chars] on channel [chars]:[dec]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-ERA_DROP_ER_REQUEST_INVALID_E: No excess bandwidth available for client [chars] on channel [chars]:[dec]: dropped [dec] bitmaps and [dec] repair packets

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-ERA_GLOBAL_BITMAP_TB_RATE_LIMITED: Global bitmap policer has dropped [dec] ER bitmaps ([dec] repair packets) for client [chars] on channel [chars]:[dec]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-ERA_GLOBAL_PKT_TB_RATE_LIMITED: Global packet policer has dropped [dec] repair packets ([dec] bitmaps) for client [chars] on channel [chars]:[dec]

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-ERA_REFUSE_RCC_REQUEST_INVALID_E: No excess bandwidth available for client [chars] on channel [chars]:[dec]: refuse the RCC request

Error Message  VQES_CP-4-ERA_WARNING: ERA warning message: [chars]


Error Message  VQES_CP-6-CP_INIT_COMPLETE_INFO: Control Plane initialization has completed successfully.

Error Message  VQES_CP-6-CP_UPDATE_COMPLETE_INFO: Control Plane has successfully updated the channel configuration.

Error Message  VQES_CP-6-CP_UPDATE_INFO: Control Plane is updating a channel - [chars]

Error Message  VQES_CP-6-CP_UPDATE_START_INFO: Control Plane has received a channel update request.

Error Message  VQES_CP-6-ERA_INFO: ERA informational message: [chars]


This section contains the VQES_DP_CLIENT messages.


Error Message  VQES_DP_CLIENT-2-DPC_CMAPI_ERROR: Communications problem with VQE Cache Manager (reason: [chars], linux error: [Linux error]). VQE-S processes must restart.

Error Message  VQES_DP_CLIENT-2-DPC_CMAPI_INIT_ERROR: Initialization failed (reason: [chars], linux error: [Linux error]).


Error Message  VQES_DP_CLIENT-6-DPC_INIT_INFO: Initialization: [chars]

VQES_DP Messages

This section contains the VQES_DP messages.


Error Message  VQES_DP-2-DP_CMAPI_ERROR: Error in communications between the Data Plane and a client (reason: [chars]). The VQE-S processes will be restarted.

Error Message  VQES_DP-2-DP_CMAPI_INIT_FAILURE: Failed to initialize the Cache Manager API (reason: [chars], linux error [Linux error]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-2-DP_INIT_FAILURE: Data Plane exiting due to an initialization failure (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-2-DP_INTERNAL_FORCED_EXIT: The Data Plane process is exiting due to an unexpected internal error condition, resulting from a problem with the software (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-2-MP_INIT_FAIL: The MPEG Parser failed to initialize properly: [chars]


Error Message  VQES_DP-3-DP_BAD_ARG: A bad parameter was passed to the Cache Manager API (detail: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-DP_BAD_SOCKET_CALL: Linux socket operation failed (operation: [chars], linux error: [Linux error]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-DP_CHANNEL_CREATE_FAILED: Failed to create a channel (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-DP_INTERNAL_CHANNEL_ERROR: The Data Plane process has encountered an internal software problem which may affect the operation of channel [chars] (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-DP_ISOL_CPU_FAILURE: A problem occurred associating the Data Plane thread with an isolated CPU (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-DP_MALLOC_FAILURE: Memory allocation of [dec] bytes failed.

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-MP_CHANNEL_ADD_FAIL: The MPEG Parser failed to add a channel([hex]): [chars]

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-MP_CHANNEL_DEL_FAIL: The MPEG Parser failed to delete a channel([hex]): [chars]

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-MP_GLOBAL_STATS_GET_FAIL: The MPEG Parser could not retrieve global statistics: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-MP_STATS_GET_FAIL: The MPEG Parser could not retrieve statistics on channel [hex]: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-VQE_FBT_GEN_ERROR: Error when performing an operation on a Feedback Target address (detail: [chars], linux error: [Linux error]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-3-VQE_FBT_REQ_ERROR: Failed to complete operation on a Feedback Target address: [chars] [chars] [chars].


Error Message  VQES_DP-4-DP_BAD_OPTION_VALUE: The value for option "[chars]" provided to the Data Plane process is out of range and has been ignored. The valid range is [[dec]-[dec]].

Error Message  VQES_DP-4-DP_BAD_OPTION: The following option provided to the Data Plane process is invalid and has been ignored: "[chars]".

Error Message  VQES_DP-4-DP_CORE_UTIL_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: Maximum CPU utilization has been exceeded on core [dec].

Error Message  VQES_DP-4-DP_INIT_WARN: An abnormal condition occured during Data Plane initialization, but VQES operation should continue normally (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-4-DP_REALTIME_WARN: An error occurred which may affect the real-time responsiveness of the VQE-S, though it should perform most error repairs successfully (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-4-DP_SHUTDOWN_FAILURE: Abnormal condition encountered while shutting down Data Plane (reason: [chars], linux error: [Linux error]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-4-MP_LOW_PERF_OPTION: The VQE-S has been started with a performance affecting option enabled.This option removes a performance enhancing internal limit of the VQE-S and could lead to system instability or interruption of Error Repair and Rapid Channel Change functionality.


Error Message  VQES_DP-5-DP_LOST_UPCALL: A notification sent from the Cache Manager to a client process was lost (reason: [chars]). Normal operation will continue.

Error Message  VQES_DP-5-DP_RTP_SRC_MGMT_ERROR: Failed to complete an operation on an RTP source for channel [chars] (reason: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-5-DP_TOO_MANY_SOURCES_GLOBAL: Could not recognize a new traffic source for channel [chars] because the Data Plane is already receiving from the maximum number of sources that it is able to support across all channels.

Error Message  VQES_DP-5-DP_TOO_MANY_SOURCES: Could not recognize a new traffic source for channel [chars] because the Data Plane is already receiving from the maximum number of sources (limit [dec]) for that channel as may be recognized at once for a single channel.


Error Message  VQES_DP-6-DP_CHANNEL_CREATE: Successfully created channel [chars].

Error Message  VQES_DP-6-DP_CORE_UTIL_CORRUPT: CPU utilization accounting is corrupt on core [dec].

Error Message  VQES_DP-6-DP_HIST_OP_FAILURE: A histogram operation failed on one or more cores (operation: [chars]).

Error Message  VQES_DP-6-DP_INIT_INFO: Initialization: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_DP-6-MP_CHANNEL_ADD_GOOD: The MPEG Parser has successfully added channel [hex]

Error Message  VQES_DP-6-MP_CHANNEL_DEL_GOOD: The MPEG Parser has successfully deleted channel [hex]

Error Message  VQES_DP-6-MP_INIT_START: Initializing the MPEG Parser

Error Message  VQES_DP-6-VQE_FBT_REQ_INFO: Successfully completed operation on Feedback Target address: [chars] [chars] [chars].


This section contains the VQES_MLB_CLIENT messages.


Error Message  VQES_MLB_CLIENT-2-MLBCLIENT_INIT_ERR: MLB client failed to initialize [chars].

Error Message  VQES_MLB_CLIENT-2-MLBCLIENT_LOCK_ERR: MLB client failed to [chars] rpc_lock.


Error Message  VQES_MLB_CLIENT-3-MLBCLIENT_RPC_READ_ERR: MLB client socket read error: [chars].

Error Message  VQES_MLB_CLIENT-3-MLBCLIENT_SEND_ERR: MLB client RPC send failed.


Error Message  VQES_MLB_CLIENT-6-MLBCLIENT_RETURN_CODE: MLB_API got return code: %i.

VQES_MLB Messages

This section contains the VQES_MLB messages.


Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_CLIENT_OVERFLOW: MLB client table is full.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_CORRUPT_DATA: MLB detected corrupted data structure: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_DUPLICATE_COMMAND_LINE_OPTION: The MLB command-line option '-[dec]' has been repeated. MLB exit.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_IFNAME_OVERFLOW: Interface names [chars] exceeds maximum length allowed. MLB exit.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_IFS_NUMBER_OVERFLOW: There are too many MLB interfaces. MLB exit. You cannot list more than [dec] interfaces.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_INIT_FAILURE: MLB initialization has failed: [chars]. MLB exit.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE_ARG: The MLB command-line argument '[chars]' is invalid. MLB exit.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_INVALID_INTERVAL: Invalid poll interval: %i, MLB exit.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_INVALID_RESERV: Invalid unicast reservation ratio: %f. MLB exit.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_INVALID_XMLRPC_PORT: Invalid XML RPC port: %i, MLB exit.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_LOCK_FAILURE: MLB failed to [chars] lock: [chars].

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_SOCK_FAILURE: MLB socket binding has failed: [chars].

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-MLB_XMLPRC_ADD_ERR: MLB XMLRPC failed to add [chars] method to xmlrpc server thread.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-2-NETLINK_SOCKET_INIT_ERR: Failed to initialize interface to Linux kernel: [chars].


Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_COMMAND_LINE_OVERFLOW: MLB command line overflow: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_COMMAND_LINE_ROUTING_MISCONFIG: MLB command-line sets [dec] static candidate route(s) while using dynamic routing. Will ignore the candidate routes.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_CONST_STRING_OVERFLOW: MLB constant string overflow: '[chars]'

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_ETHTOOL_ERR: MLB link status monitoring returned error for interface [chars].

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_ETHTOOL_UNKNOWN_DUPLEX: MLB link status monitoring returned an unknown duplex status %i for [chars].

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_ETHTOOL_UNKNOWN_SPEED: MLB link status monitoring returned unknown link speed %i for interface [chars].

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_HAS_NO_INTERFACES: The MLB is being run without any set interfaces.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_IFS_NAME_IS_REPEATED: The MLB interface name '[chars]' already exists

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_IFS_NAME_IS_TOO_LONG: MLB interface name '[chars]' is too long. All interface names must less than [dec] characters long.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_IGMP_JOIN_ERR: Failed to join multicast group [chars] on interface [chars]: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_IGMP_LEAVE_ERR: Failed to leave multicast group [chars] on interface [chars]: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_INACTIVE_INTF: Interface "[chars]" is not up or not running.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_MALLOC_FAILURE: : [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_NEG_BANDWIDTH: Invalid parameter: bandwidth must be a positive integer for multicast join requests, this request will be abandoned.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_NEXTHOP_STRING_OVERFLOW: MLB string overflow: '[chars]'

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_NIC_DOWN: Network interface [chars] went down.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_NIC_UP: Network interface [chars] came up.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_NO_BANDWIDTH: No interface has enough bandwidth to handle request to join [chars]/[chars], it will be retried by MLB when bandwidth is available.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_NO_IP: Failed to retrieve IP address of interface [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_OUT_OF_BOUND_SYSTEM_INFO: MLB system information is out of bound: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_PIPE_READ_FAILURE: MLB pipe read failure: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND: Cannot find multicast group record [chars] for removal.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_RETURNED_INVALID_FORMAT: An MLB system call returned a string with an invalid format: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_RPC_ERR: MLB failed to execute an RPC [chars] request.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_RPC_RESPONSE_ERR: MLB RPC response failed.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_RPC_UNKNOWN_CMD: Unknown RPC command: %i.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_SHARED_MEM_FAILURE: MLB shared memory failure: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_SKIPPED_COMMAND_LINE_ARG: The MLB skipped over [dec] command-line string(s): [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_SOCK_INIT_FAILURE: Failed to create MLB mcast socket for interface [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILURE: MLB system call failure: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-MLB_UNKNOWN_OPTION: MLB ignored an option that is either unrecognized or is missing an argument: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-NETLINK_SOCKET_BIND_ERR: Failed to bind interface to Linux kernel: [chars].

Error Message  VQES_MLB-3-NETLINK_SOCKET_SEND_ERR: Failed to send message to Linux kernel: [chars].


Error Message  VQES_MLB-4-MLB_CLIENT_DISCONNECT: Client %i disconnected unexpectedly, there might be some stale multicast memberships.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-4-MLB_EMPTY_ROUTE_CANDIDATE_STRING: The MLB command-line route candidate option string is empty: '[chars]'

Error Message  VQES_MLB-4-MLB_ETHTOOL_HALF_DUPLEX: Link [chars] is running in half-duplex mode.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-4-MLB_IP_CHANGE: Detected IP address change from [chars] to [chars] on interface [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-4-MLB_LACK_AVAIL_BW: Lack of available bandwidth: %i.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-4-MLB_MISSING_ROUTE_CANDIDATES: MLB uses static routing but does not have any candidate routes.


Error Message  VQES_MLB-5-MLB_ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATE: MLB updated the routing table: [chars]


Error Message  VQES_MLB-6-MLB_ETHTOOL_FULL_DUPLEX: Link [chars] is running in full-duplex mode.

Error Message  VQES_MLB-6-MLB_JOIN_MULTICAST: Joined multicast group [chars]/[chars] on interface %i: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_MLB-6-MLB_NEW_CLIENT: Connected new client with socket id: %i

VQES_PM Messages

This section contains the VQES_PM messages.


Error Message  VQES_PM-2-PM_CFG_FAILURE: Missing or invalid information in configuration file: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_PM-2-PM_CFG_FILE_MISSING: Cannot open configuration file [chars]

Error Message  VQES_PM-2-PM_CFG_PARSE_FAILURE: Configuration file syntax error "[chars]" on line [dec] in file [chars]

Error Message  VQES_PM-2-PM_CRIT_ERROR: Process Monitor exiting due to error: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_PM-2-PM_INIT_FAILURE: Process Monitor initialization has failed for the specified reason: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_PM-2-PM_INIT_START: Process Monitor has (re)started

Error Message  VQES_PM-2-PM_PROC_START_FAILURE: Could not start [chars]

Error Message  VQES_PM-2-PM_PROC_STOP_FAILURE: Could not stop [chars]


Error Message  VQES_PM-3-PM_NONCRIT_ERROR: Process Monitor continuing after internal error: [chars]

Error Message  VQES_PM-3-PM_PROCESS_POST_FAIL: Post-processing for process [chars] did not complete

Error Message  VQES_PM-3-PM_PROCESS_STOPPED: Process [chars] has stopped, attempting to restart it.


Error Message  VQES_PM-4-PM_ALREADY_RUNNING: Process Monitor is already running.


Error Message  VQES_PM-6-PM_EXIT: Process Monitor Exiting

Error Message  VQES_PM-6-PM_PROCESS_STOPPING: Process Monitor attempting to stop [chars]

Error Message  VQES_PM-6-PM_RESTART_SUCCESS: Successfully restarted [chars]


This section contains the VQE_CFGTOOL messages.


Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-0-CE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH: CE - Checksum mismatch detected in this file [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-0-CE_SKIP_FILE_IGNORE: CE - File [chars] is skipped by CMS due to ""IGNORE configuration.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-0-CE_SKIP_FILE: CE - File [chars] is skipped by CMS due to checksum mismatch.


Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-CE_IGNORE_FILE: CE - File ([chars]) has multiple definitions for this single-valued key ([chars]). This file is being skipped.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-CE_TARGET_ERR: CE - target directory ([chars]) does not exist.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-CFG_ARGS_ERR: CFGTOOL - unrecognized command argument: [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDBPARSER_BAD_SYNTAX: VCDB Parser - Invalid syntax in this line: [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDBPARSER_BAD_VALUE: VCDB Parser - Invalid value ([chars]) for key ([chars]).

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDBPARSER_DUPLICATE_KEY: VCDB Parser - Multiple values are configured for the single-value key -- [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDBPARSER_DUPLICATE_VALUE: VCDB Parser - Duplicate values are configured for the same key -- [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDBPARSER_NO_QUOTE: VCDB Parser - Invalid syntax (missing double quotes around value) in this line ([chars]).

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDBPARSER_NO_ROUTERID: Router ID needs to be configured when routing type is set to ospf.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDBPARSER_PARSING_FAILED: Invalid syntax or value detected in vcdb.conf file. Please correct above problems in vcdb.conf file and retry. Aborting.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDBPARSER_UNKNOWN_KEY: VCDB Parser - Unrecognized key: [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDB_BLANK_VALUE: Blank value is detected in vcdb.conf, configuration tool can not proceed.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDB_SAMPLE_ERR: VCDB syntax file /etc/opt/vqes/.vcdb.conf.sample is either corrupted, missing or does not have correct checksum file. Aborting.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-3-VCDB_UNKNOWN_HW: Can not determine the hardware platform type.


Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-4-BACKSPACE: VCDB Parser -- Invalid control character detected, possible backspace issue.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-4-CE_IGNORE_KVPAIR: CE - Ignoring key: [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-4-CE_INVALID_MGMT_ROUTE: The management route specified([chars]) is not included in OSPF routing map.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-4-CE_INVALID_VALUE: CE - Ignoring invalid value: [chars] :: [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-4-VCDBPARSER_ROUTERID_DUP: Router ID has the same value as one of the interface IP address.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-4-VCDBPARSER_TRUSTHOST_DEPRECATE: Parameter vqe.iptables.trusted_vcpt is deprecated. Its value in vcdb.conf will be converted to system.iptables.trusted_provisioner when you run vqe_cfgtool -config, and choose save option.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-4-VCDB_MISSING_HW_INFO: Problem detected while retrieving platform information -- [chars]

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-4-VQEPARSER_LEAD_TRAIL_SPACE: VCDB Parser - There are spaces around value inside double quotes in this line ([chars]). Spaces are being ignored.


Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-6-CE_IPTABLES_RELOAD: CE - Reloading iptables filter rules.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-6-CE_NET_RESTART: CE - Restarting network interfaces to apply configuration changes.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-6-CE_NTPD_RESTART: CE - Reloading NTP service.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-6-CE_REBOOT: CE - Rebooting system to apply configuration changes.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-6-CE_SNMP_RESTART: CE - Restarting snmpd service to apply configuration changes.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-6-CE_VQES_CFGUPDATE: CE - Updating config file [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-6-CE_VQES_RESTART: CE - Restarting VQES services to apply configuration changes.

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-6-CT_CHANGE_LOG_PRIORITY: CE - Changing log priority to [chars].


Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-7-CE_APPLY_IF: CE - Apply value of [chars] to interface key [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-7-CE_APPLY_KVPAIR: CE - Processing key value pair: [chars] :: [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFGTOOL-7-GENERAL_DEBUG_MSG: cfgtool - [chars]

VQE_CFG Messages

This section contains the VQE_CFG messages.


Error Message  VQE_CFG-2-CFG_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_CRIT: Failed to create the hash table for session keys.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-2-CFG_FILE_OPEN_CRIT: Failed to open channel configuration file [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFG-2-CFG_FILE_READ_CRIT: Failed to process channel configuration file [chars].


Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_ADD_ERR: Channel [chars] failed to add due to the same channel already being in the system.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_CREATE_KEY_ERR: The channel configuration module failed to create or add the key [chars] to the hash table.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_DELETE_KEY_ERR: The channel configuration module failed to delete the key [chars] from the hash table.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_DESTROY_ALL_ERR: Failed to destroy all the channel configuration data.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_FILE_CLOSE_ERR: Failed to close the channel configuration file [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_FILE_PROCESS_ERR: Channel process failed due to [chars]

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_FILE_WRITE_ERR: Failed to write the channel configuration file [chars].

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_MALLOC_ERR: The channel configuration module failed to allocate memory.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_SAVE_ERR: The channel configuration file [chars] does not have write permission.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_UPDATE_ERR: Channel update failed due to [chars]

Error Message  VQE_CFG-3-CFG_VALIDATION_ERR: Channel [chars] failed validation due to [chars]


Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_ADD_TO_MAP_WARN: Failed to add channel [chars] to the channel map.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_ADD_WARN: Failed to add channel [chars] to the channel manager.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_DELETE_WARN: Failed to delete a channel from the channel manager.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_DUPLICATED_FBT_ADDR_WARN: Channel [chars] has the same feedback target address or port as other channels.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_DUPLICATED_RTX_ADDR_WARN: Channel [chars] has the same retransmission address or port as other channels.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_DUPLICATED_SRC_ADDR_WARN: Channel [chars] has the same original source address or port as other channels.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_EXCEED_BUFFER_SIZE_WARN: The size of channel configuration [[chars]] exceeds the maximum size [dec] allocated

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_ILLEGAL_SDP_SYNTAX_WARN: Illegal SDP syntax: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_NO_FILE_WARN: The channel configuration file [chars] does not exist.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_NO_SESSION_DIVIDER_WARN: The channel configuration [[chars]] does not contain a session divider

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_OLD_VERSION_WARN: Configuration module has received an older version of a configuration for channel [chars] than it currently has. The older version will be ignored.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_REACH_MAX_WARN: The channel configuration data has exceeded the maximum allowable size [[dec] channels].

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_REMOVE_FROM_MAP_WARN: Failed to remove channel [chars] from the channel map.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_SDP_PARSE_WARN: Failed to parse SDP content due to [chars]

Error Message  VQE_CFG-4-CFG_VALIDATION_WARN: Channel [chars] has [chars]


Error Message  VQE_CFG-6-CFG_CLOSE_COMPLETED_INFO: Configuration module is successfully shutdown.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-6-CFG_INIT_COMPLETED_INFO: Configuration module is successfully initialized.

Error Message  VQE_CFG-6-CFG_UPDATE_COMPLETED_INFO: Configuration module is successfully updated.

VQE_RPC Messages

This section contains the VQE_RPC messages.


Error Message  VQE_RPC-2-RPC_PROCESS_ABORT: RPC process abort: [chars]


Error Message  VQE_RPC-3-RPC_INTERNAL_ERR: RPC internal error: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RPC-3-RPC_MESSAGE_ERR: RPC message error: [chars]


Error Message  VQE_RPC-4-RPC_PROCESS_EXIT: RPC [chars] process has exited: [chars]

VQE_RTP Messages

This section contains the VQE_RTP messages.


Error Message  VQE_RTP-2-RTCP_MEM_INIT_FAILURE: Failed to initialize RTCP memory pool [chars]


Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_CONFIG_ERROR: Exporter failed to initialize due to invalid or missing configuration; reason: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_EXPORT_FAIL_BAD_INPUT: Exporter failed to export a packet due to bad input argument; function: [chars], bad argument: [chars], argument value: [dec]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_EXPORT_FAIL_BAD_RETURN: Exporter failed to export a packet due to bad return value: calling function: [chars], called function: [chars], returned value: [dec]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_EXPORT_FAIL_INVALID_STATE: Exporter failed to export a packet due to being called while in an invalid state; function called: [chars], current state: [dec]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_EXPORT_FAIL_TOO_BIG: Exporter failed to export oversized RTCP report of [dec] bytes. Maximum allowed size is [dec]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_INIT_FAIL_BAD_RETURN: Exporter failed to initialize due to unexpected return value: calling function: [chars], called function: [chars], returned value: [dec]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_INIT_FAIL_RETRY: Exporter failed to initialize due to a potentially temporary condition; reason: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_INIT_FAIL_SOCKET_INIT: Exporter failed to initialize due to an error creating or initializing the TCP socket; failed operation: [chars], failure reason: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_SHUTDOWN_ERROR: Exporter experienced an error on shutdown; function called: [chars], shutdown operation being performed: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_SOCKET_CLEANUP_ERROR: Exporter experienced an error on socket cleanup; function called: [chars], cleanup operation being performed: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_UI_FAIL_BAD_INPUT: Exporter failed to return status information to the user interface due to bad input argument; function called: [chars], bad argument: [chars], argument value: [dec]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_UI_FAIL_INVALID_STATE: Exporter failed to return status information to user interface due to being called when in an undefined state; function called: [chars], current state: [dec]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-EXP_UI_FAIL_UNINIT_STATE: Exporter failed to return status information to user interface due to being called before it has initialized; function called: [chars].

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-RTCP_CNAME_ROLLBACK_FAILURE: Rollback failure: could not restore the member of session [chars]:[dec] with SSRC [hex] CNAME [chars] back to the member database, after a failure to update the CNAME to [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-RTCP_CNAME_UPDATE_FAILURE: Could not update the member of session [chars]:[dec] with SSRC [hex] from CNAME [chars] to CNAME [chars]: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-RTCP_LOCAL_SSRC_UPDATE_FAILURE: Could not update the local SSRC of [chars] session [chars]:[dec] from SSRC [hex] to SSRC [hex]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-3-RTCP_SSRC_ROLLBACK_FAILURE: Rollback failure: could not restore the member of session [chars]:[dec] with SSRC [hex] CNAME [chars] back to the member database, after a failure to update the SSRC to [hex]


Error Message  VQE_RTP-4-EXP_DUPLICATE_INIT: Duplicate initialization of Exporter; routine called: [chars] current state: [dec]

Error Message  VQE_RTP-4-RTCP_XR_NOT_INCLUDED_WARN: RTCP XR data (report block type [dec]) exceeds the given size in RTCP compound packet. Report block will not be included.


Error Message  VQE_RTP-6-RTCP_XR_EXCEED_LIMIT_INFO: RTCP XR data (block type [dec], data size [dec]) exceeds given size [dec] in RTCP compound packet. Data will be trimmed to fit into the packet.

Error Message  VQE_RTP-6-RTCP_XR_NOT_REPORTED_INFO: [dec] packets not being reported in RTCP XR [chars].

VQE_RTSP Messages

This section contains the VQE_RTSP messages.


Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_CFG_FAILURE: Missing or invalid information in configuration file: [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_CFG_FILE_PARSE_ERR: Configuration syntax error "[chars]" on line [dec] in file [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_CFG_UPDATE_ERR: Failed to update the configuration due to [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_EXCEED_MAX_ERR: The group IDs in the group mapping file has exceeded the maximum number [[dec]] allowed.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_FILE_PARSE_ERR: The channel configuration file [chars] is not parseable.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_FILE_READ_ERR: The configuration file [chars] is not readable.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_FILE_WRITE_ERR: The configuration file [chars] is not writable.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_INIT_ERR: VCDS initialization has failed due to [chars]

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_MALLOC_ERR: VCDS failed to malloc necessary memory for internal use.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-3-RTSP_PROCESS_ERR: VCDS has failed to process RTSP requests due to [chars]


Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_CHECKSUM_CREATE_WARN: VCDS failed to create MD5 checksum for [chars].

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_CHECKSUM_MISSING_WARN: VCDS could not find MD5 checksum for [chars].

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_CONTENT_MODIFIED_WARN: File [chars] has been modified.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND_WARN: VCDS does not have corresponding content for the request.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_EXIT: VCDS has received a SIGTERM signal and is exiting now.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_ILLEGAL_GROUP_ID_WARN: Group ID [chars] in [chars] is an illegal value.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_ILLEGAL_REQUEST_WARN: VCDS has received an illegal request.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_REQUEST_TOO_BIG_WARN: VCDS has received a request exceeding the buffer length of [dec] bytes.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-4-RTSP_START: VCDS process has (re)started


Error Message  VQE_RTSP-5-RTSP_CFG_READ_NOTICE: VCDS reads in [chars].

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-5-RTSP_CHANNEL_UPDATE_NOTICE: VCDS receives a channel lineup update ...

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-5-RTSP_NAME_PORT_NOTICE: VCDS is running on server [chars] and using port [dec].

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-5-RTSP_NO_DATA_NOTICE: No data exists in [chars].

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-5-RTSP_REACH_MAX_CONNECT_NOTICE: VCDS has reached the maximum number of client connections [[dec]] allowed.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-5-RTSP_TURN_ON_LISTENER_NOTICE: VCDS has room to receive new client connections.

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-5-RTSP_VQEC_ATTR_UPDATE_NOTICE: VCDS receives a vqec attribute update ...

Error Message  VQE_RTSP-5-RTSP_VQEC_MAP_UPDATE_NOTICE: VCDS receives a vqec group mapping [chars] update ...

VQE_UTILS Messages

This section contains the VQE_UTILS messages.


Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_HASH_BAD_ARG: A bad parameter was passed to the hash table API (detail: [chars]).

Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_HASH_INSERT_FAILURE: Insertion of an element into the hash table failed (detail [chars])

Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_HASH_MALLOC_FAILURE: Memory allocation for hash table data structures failed, (detail [chars])

Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_HASH_REMOVE_FAILURE: Removal of a requested element from the hash table failed (detail [chars])

Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_MP_TLV_ERR_BUF_TOO_SMALL: Problem with MP_TLV Buffer size (detail: [chars])

Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_MP_TLV_ERR_OUTBUF_PAD: Error related to output buffer padding (detail: [chars])

Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_MP_TLV_ERR_PID: Error in PID (detail: [chars])

Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_MP_TLV_ERR_PKTDEC: Problem in decoding (detail: [chars])

Error Message  VQE_UTILS-3-VQE_MP_TLV_ERR_PKT_DEC_TYPE: Error in TLV packet type (detail: [chars])


Error Message  VQE_UTILS-6-VQE_MP_TLV_INFO: MP_TLV related info message (detail: [chars])