WAAS Alarm Book

Version 4.1.3a-b32

Alarm Summary

Alarm 16001     (wccp_nr)     Negotiated return egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Alarm 16002     (wccp_ggre)     Generic GRE egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Alarm 23002     (unsupported_client_detected)     Unsupported MAPI client.
Alarm 26001     (lstore_key_failure)     SSL local secure store key retrieval failure.
Alarm 26002     (mstore_key_failure)     SSL managed secure store key retrieval failure.
Alarm 26003     (peering_service_inactive)     SSL accelerator peering service failure.
Alarm 26004     (accl_service_inactive)     SSL accelerated service -service name- failure.
Alarm 26005     (cert_near_expiration)     Certificate is near expiration.
Alarm 26006     (cert_expired)     Certificate has expired.
Alarm 26007     (ds_error)     SSL accelerator connection with DS is broken
Alarm 26008     (oom_error)     SSL accelerator running out of memory
Alarm 27001     (overload)     Video accelerator in overload condition.
Alarm 200001     (getencryptkey)    
Alarm 245000     (control_conn)     Control connection could not be established.
Alarm 245001     (collector_conn)     Collector connection could not be established.
Alarm 245002     (summary_collection)     Summary information collection issue.
Alarm 245003     (data_update)     The transfer of summary information could not occur.
Alarm 330001     (svcdisabled)     -service name- service has been disabled.
Alarm 330002     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330003     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330004     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330005     (servicedead)     Watchdog service failed.
Alarm 330006     (servicestop)     Service was stopped upon request.
Alarm 335000     (alarm_overload)     Alarm Overload State has been entered.
Alarm 335001     (keepalive)     Keepalive failure for -application name-. Timeout = n seconds.
Alarm 335002     (test)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335003     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335004     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335005     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335006     (test4)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335007     (test5)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335008     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335009     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335010     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 445000     (disk_failure)     A disk has failed.
Alarm 445001     (core_dump)     A user core file has been generated.
Alarm 445002     (disk_smartfailcrit)     A device disk has severe early-prediction failure which requires immediate action.
Alarm 445003     (disk_smartfailmajor)     A device disk has early-prediction failure.
Alarm 445004     (disk_smartfailminor)     A device disk has minor early-prediction failure.
Alarm 445005     (tfo_accl_wellness)     An accelerator has had a keepalive failure.
Alarm 445006     (eth_not_fduplex)     A network interface is not in full-duplex mode.
Alarm 445007     (eth_bypass)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Alarm 445008     (raid_failure)     RAID device has failed.
Alarm 445009     (raid_rebuild_failure)     RAID1 device rebuild has failed.
Alarm 445010     (raid_rebuild_abort)     RAID1 device rebuild has been aborted by administrator.
Alarm 445011     (disk_incomp_major)     Incompatible hot-spare disk inserted.
Alarm 445012     (VB_stopped)     Virtual Blade has stopped.
Alarm 445013     (powerdown)     Power supply is down.
Alarm 445014     (eth_bypass_min)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Alarm 445015     (max_conn_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection overload.
Alarm 445016     (conn_rl_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection rate limiting.
Alarm 445017     (res_mgr_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to resource manager overload.
Alarm 445018     (mem_size_mismatch)     Total memory size does not match with expected size.
Alarm 445019     (license_failure)     WAAS product license is missing.
Alarm 445020     (kernel_crash)     A kernel crash has been generated.
Alarm 445021     (raid_controller_failure)     RAID controller has failed.
Alarm 445022     (eth_detection_failed)     Detection of one of the network interfaces has failed.
Alarm 445023     (raid_disk_failure)     RAID hard disk has failed.
Alarm 520001     (LinkDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Specified interface in the standby group is down.
Alarm 520002     (RouteDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface.
Alarm 520003     (MaxError)     -group-ifc-slot-port- The specified interface encountered errors that exceed the maximum allowable error count.
Alarm 520004     (GroupDown)     -group- Specified standbygroup is down.
Alarm 641915     (tfo_overload)     TFO went into overload mode.
Alarm 641916     (dre_init_failure)     Initialization of Data Rendundancy Module failed.
Alarm 690480     (disk_overload)     Cache disk is overloaded
Alarm 690481     (disk_full)     Cache disk is full.
Alarm 690482     (cache_corrupted)     Cache disk files were corrupted.
Alarm 690483     (over_fanout)     The number of active peers is over the DRE fan-out.
Alarm 700001     (cms_test_alarm)     CMS test alarm with instance value -instance- was raised. Title is used in CM UI.
Alarm 700002     (cms_clock_alarm)     Device clock is not synchronized with the primary CM.
Alarm 700003     (cms_application_policy_alarm)     Device has more than 256 applications configured.
Alarm 700004     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
Alarm 700005     (stats_replication_timeout)     Replication timeout on standby CM.
Alarm 700006     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
Alarm 1000001     (wafs_edge_down)     Edge is down.
Alarm 1000002     (wafs_core_down)     Core is down.
Alarm 1000003     (wafs_edge_stopped)     Edge is stopped.
Alarm 1000004     (wafs_core_stopped)     Core is stopped.
Alarm 1000005     (wafs_roles_change)     Roles changed on the device. Reload the device.
Alarm 1000006     (wafs_connection_bw_change)     Connection bandwidth value changed. Restart Edge component to make change take effect.

Module ID Table

Module NameModule ID

Note: Traps sent by a device contain numeric alarm IDs, module IDs and trap numbers. Please use this document to map the IDs as needed.

Category ID Table

Category NameCategory ID
Service Quality2
Processing Error3

Note: Traps sent by a device contain numeric alarm IDs, category IDs and trap numbers. Please use this document to map the IDs as needed.

Alarms listed by severity


Alarm 26001     (lstore_key_failure)     SSL local secure store key retrieval failure.
Alarm 26002     (mstore_key_failure)     SSL managed secure store key retrieval failure.
Alarm 26003     (peering_service_inactive)     SSL accelerator peering service failure.
Alarm 26004     (accl_service_inactive)     SSL accelerated service -service name- failure.
Alarm 26007     (ds_error)     SSL accelerator connection with DS is broken
Alarm 200001     (getencryptkey)    
Alarm 330001     (svcdisabled)     -service name- service has been disabled.
Alarm 330002     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 335000     (alarm_overload)     Alarm Overload State has been entered.
Alarm 335001     (keepalive)     Keepalive failure for -application name-. Timeout = n seconds.
Alarm 335003     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335006     (test4)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335008     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 445000     (disk_failure)     A disk has failed.
Alarm 445002     (disk_smartfailcrit)     A device disk has severe early-prediction failure which requires immediate action.
Alarm 445008     (raid_failure)     RAID device has failed.
Alarm 445012     (VB_stopped)     Virtual Blade has stopped.
Alarm 445019     (license_failure)     WAAS product license is missing.
Alarm 445021     (raid_controller_failure)     RAID controller has failed.
Alarm 445022     (eth_detection_failed)     Detection of one of the network interfaces has failed.
Alarm 445023     (raid_disk_failure)     RAID hard disk has failed.
Alarm 700004     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
Alarm 700005     (stats_replication_timeout)     Replication timeout on standby CM.
Alarm 700006     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
Alarm 1000001     (wafs_edge_down)     Edge is down.
Alarm 1000002     (wafs_core_down)     Core is down.


Alarm 23002     (unsupported_client_detected)     Unsupported MAPI client.
Alarm 26005     (cert_near_expiration)     Certificate is near expiration.
Alarm 26006     (cert_expired)     Certificate has expired.
Alarm 245000     (control_conn)     Control connection could not be established.
Alarm 245001     (collector_conn)     Collector connection could not be established.
Alarm 330003     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330005     (servicedead)     Watchdog service failed.
Alarm 335002     (test)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335004     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335009     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335010     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 445001     (core_dump)     A user core file has been generated.
Alarm 445003     (disk_smartfailmajor)     A device disk has early-prediction failure.
Alarm 445005     (tfo_accl_wellness)     An accelerator has had a keepalive failure.
Alarm 445006     (eth_not_fduplex)     A network interface is not in full-duplex mode.
Alarm 445007     (eth_bypass)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Alarm 445009     (raid_rebuild_failure)     RAID1 device rebuild has failed.
Alarm 445010     (raid_rebuild_abort)     RAID1 device rebuild has been aborted by administrator.
Alarm 445011     (disk_incomp_major)     Incompatible hot-spare disk inserted.
Alarm 445013     (powerdown)     Power supply is down.
Alarm 445018     (mem_size_mismatch)     Total memory size does not match with expected size.
Alarm 445020     (kernel_crash)     A kernel crash has been generated.
Alarm 520004     (GroupDown)     -group- Specified standbygroup is down.
Alarm 641916     (dre_init_failure)     Initialization of Data Rendundancy Module failed.
Alarm 690481     (disk_full)     Cache disk is full.
Alarm 690482     (cache_corrupted)     Cache disk files were corrupted.
Alarm 700002     (cms_clock_alarm)     Device clock is not synchronized with the primary CM.
Alarm 1000005     (wafs_roles_change)     Roles changed on the device. Reload the device.
Alarm 1000006     (wafs_connection_bw_change)     Connection bandwidth value changed. Restart Edge component to make change take effect.


Alarm 16001     (wccp_nr)     Negotiated return egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Alarm 16002     (wccp_ggre)     Generic GRE egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Alarm 26008     (oom_error)     SSL accelerator running out of memory
Alarm 27001     (overload)     Video accelerator in overload condition.
Alarm 245002     (summary_collection)     Summary information collection issue.
Alarm 245003     (data_update)     The transfer of summary information could not occur.
Alarm 330004     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330006     (servicestop)     Service was stopped upon request.
Alarm 335005     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335007     (test5)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 445004     (disk_smartfailminor)     A device disk has minor early-prediction failure.
Alarm 445014     (eth_bypass_min)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Alarm 445015     (max_conn_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection overload.
Alarm 445016     (conn_rl_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection rate limiting.
Alarm 445017     (res_mgr_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to resource manager overload.
Alarm 520001     (LinkDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Specified interface in the standby group is down.
Alarm 520002     (RouteDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface.
Alarm 520003     (MaxError)     -group-ifc-slot-port- The specified interface encountered errors that exceed the maximum allowable error count.
Alarm 641915     (tfo_overload)     TFO went into overload mode.
Alarm 690480     (disk_overload)     Cache disk is overloaded
Alarm 690483     (over_fanout)     The number of active peers is over the DRE fan-out.
Alarm 700001     (cms_test_alarm)     CMS test alarm with instance value -instance- was raised. Title is used in CM UI.
Alarm 700003     (cms_application_policy_alarm)     Device has more than 256 applications configured.
Alarm 1000003     (wafs_edge_stopped)     Edge is stopped.
Alarm 1000004     (wafs_core_stopped)     Core is stopped.

Alarms listed by category


Alarm 16001     (wccp_nr)     Negotiated return egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Alarm 16002     (wccp_ggre)     Generic GRE egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Alarm 200001     (getencryptkey)    
Alarm 245000     (control_conn)     Control connection could not be established.
Alarm 245001     (collector_conn)     Collector connection could not be established.


Alarm 23002     (unsupported_client_detected)     Unsupported MAPI client.


Alarm 700002     (cms_clock_alarm)     Device clock is not synchronized with the primary CM.
Alarm 700003     (cms_application_policy_alarm)     Device has more than 256 applications configured.
Alarm 700004     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
Alarm 700005     (stats_replication_timeout)     Replication timeout on standby CM.
Alarm 700006     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.


Alarm 445000     (disk_failure)     A disk has failed.
Alarm 445002     (disk_smartfailcrit)     A device disk has severe early-prediction failure which requires immediate action.
Alarm 445003     (disk_smartfailmajor)     A device disk has early-prediction failure.
Alarm 445004     (disk_smartfailminor)     A device disk has minor early-prediction failure.
Alarm 445006     (eth_not_fduplex)     A network interface is not in full-duplex mode.
Alarm 445007     (eth_bypass)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Alarm 445008     (raid_failure)     RAID device has failed.
Alarm 445009     (raid_rebuild_failure)     RAID1 device rebuild has failed.
Alarm 445010     (raid_rebuild_abort)     RAID1 device rebuild has been aborted by administrator.
Alarm 445011     (disk_incomp_major)     Incompatible hot-spare disk inserted.
Alarm 445012     (VB_stopped)     Virtual Blade has stopped.
Alarm 445014     (eth_bypass_min)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Alarm 445018     (mem_size_mismatch)     Total memory size does not match with expected size.
Alarm 445021     (raid_controller_failure)     RAID controller has failed.
Alarm 445022     (eth_detection_failed)     Detection of one of the network interfaces has failed.
Alarm 445023     (raid_disk_failure)     RAID hard disk has failed.
Alarm 520001     (LinkDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Specified interface in the standby group is down.
Alarm 520002     (RouteDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface.
Alarm 520003     (MaxError)     -group-ifc-slot-port- The specified interface encountered errors that exceed the maximum allowable error count.
Alarm 520004     (GroupDown)     -group- Specified standbygroup is down.
Alarm 641915     (tfo_overload)     TFO went into overload mode.
Alarm 690480     (disk_overload)     Cache disk is overloaded
Alarm 690481     (disk_full)     Cache disk is full.
Alarm 690482     (cache_corrupted)     Cache disk files were corrupted.
Alarm 690483     (over_fanout)     The number of active peers is over the DRE fan-out.


Alarm 26001     (lstore_key_failure)     SSL local secure store key retrieval failure.
Alarm 26002     (mstore_key_failure)     SSL managed secure store key retrieval failure.
Alarm 26003     (peering_service_inactive)     SSL accelerator peering service failure.
Alarm 26004     (accl_service_inactive)     SSL accelerated service -service name- failure.
Alarm 26005     (cert_near_expiration)     Certificate is near expiration.
Alarm 26006     (cert_expired)     Certificate has expired.
Alarm 26007     (ds_error)     SSL accelerator connection with DS is broken
Alarm 27001     (overload)     Video accelerator in overload condition.
Alarm 330001     (svcdisabled)     -service name- service has been disabled.
Alarm 330002     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330003     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330004     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330005     (servicedead)     Watchdog service failed.
Alarm 330006     (servicestop)     Service was stopped upon request.
Alarm 335002     (test)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335003     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335004     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335005     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335006     (test4)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335007     (test5)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335008     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335009     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335010     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 445001     (core_dump)     A user core file has been generated.
Alarm 445005     (tfo_accl_wellness)     An accelerator has had a keepalive failure.
Alarm 445013     (powerdown)     Power supply is down.
Alarm 445015     (max_conn_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection overload.
Alarm 445016     (conn_rl_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection rate limiting.
Alarm 445017     (res_mgr_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to resource manager overload.
Alarm 445019     (license_failure)     WAAS product license is missing.
Alarm 445020     (kernel_crash)     A kernel crash has been generated.
Alarm 641916     (dre_init_failure)     Initialization of Data Rendundancy Module failed.
Alarm 700001     (cms_test_alarm)     CMS test alarm with instance value -instance- was raised. Title is used in CM UI.
Alarm 1000001     (wafs_edge_down)     Edge is down.
Alarm 1000002     (wafs_core_down)     Core is down.

Quality of service

Alarm 26008     (oom_error)     SSL accelerator running out of memory
Alarm 245002     (summary_collection)     Summary information collection issue.
Alarm 245003     (data_update)     The transfer of summary information could not occur.
Alarm 335000     (alarm_overload)     Alarm Overload State has been entered.
Alarm 335001     (keepalive)     Keepalive failure for -application name-. Timeout = n seconds.
Alarm 1000003     (wafs_edge_stopped)     Edge is stopped.
Alarm 1000004     (wafs_core_stopped)     Core is stopped.
Alarm 1000005     (wafs_roles_change)     Roles changed on the device. Reload the device.
Alarm 1000006     (wafs_connection_bw_change)     Connection bandwidth value changed. Restart Edge component to make change take effect.

Alarms listed by trap #

Note: The trap nos. listed here are a list of possible traps that could be generated when an alarm is raised or cleared. Traps for appropriate severity level and raise/clear operation must be enabled for the trap to be sent out. See the snmp-server enable traps alarm CLI. Traps contain only the trap nos. and module nos. These nos. need to be looked up in the following Trap Table and the Module ID table included in this document. The generic trap nos. are as follows:
Trap#Generic Trap type
7 Critical Alarm Raised
8 Critical Alarm Cleared
9 Major Alarm Raised
10Major Alarm Cleared
11Minor Alarm Raised
12Minor Alarm Cleared

11,12 Alarm 16001     (wccp_nr)     Negotiated return egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
11,12 Alarm 16002     (wccp_ggre)     Generic GRE egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
9,10 Alarm 23002     (unsupported_client_detected)     Unsupported MAPI client.
7,8 Alarm 26001     (lstore_key_failure)     SSL local secure store key retrieval failure.
7,8 Alarm 26002     (mstore_key_failure)     SSL managed secure store key retrieval failure.
7,8 Alarm 26003     (peering_service_inactive)     SSL accelerator peering service failure.
7,8 Alarm 26004     (accl_service_inactive)     SSL accelerated service -service name- failure.
9,10 Alarm 26005     (cert_near_expiration)     Certificate is near expiration.
9,10 Alarm 26006     (cert_expired)     Certificate has expired.
7,8 Alarm 26007     (ds_error)     SSL accelerator connection with DS is broken
11,12 Alarm 26008     (oom_error)     SSL accelerator running out of memory
11,12 Alarm 27001     (overload)     Video accelerator in overload condition.
7,8 Alarm 200001     (getencryptkey)    
9,10 Alarm 245000     (control_conn)     Control connection could not be established.
9,10 Alarm 245001     (collector_conn)     Collector connection could not be established.
11,12 Alarm 245002     (summary_collection)     Summary information collection issue.
11,12 Alarm 245003     (data_update)     The transfer of summary information could not occur.
7,8 Alarm 330001     (svcdisabled)     -service name- service has been disabled.
7,8 Alarm 330002     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
9,10 Alarm 330003     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
11,12 Alarm 330004     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
9,10 Alarm 330005     (servicedead)     Watchdog service failed.
11,12 Alarm 330006     (servicestop)     Service was stopped upon request.
7,8 Alarm 335000     (alarm_overload)     Alarm Overload State has been entered.
7,8 Alarm 335001     (keepalive)     Keepalive failure for -application name-. Timeout = n seconds.
9,10 Alarm 335002     (test)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
7,8 Alarm 335003     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
9,10 Alarm 335004     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
11,12 Alarm 335005     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
7,8 Alarm 335006     (test4)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
11,12 Alarm 335007     (test5)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
7,8 Alarm 335008     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
9,10 Alarm 335009     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
9,10 Alarm 335010     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
9,10 Alarm 445001     (core_dump)     A user core file has been generated.
7,8 Alarm 445002     (disk_smartfailcrit)     A device disk has severe early-prediction failure which requires immediate action.
9,10 Alarm 445003     (disk_smartfailmajor)     A device disk has early-prediction failure.
11,12 Alarm 445004     (disk_smartfailminor)     A device disk has minor early-prediction failure.
9,10 Alarm 445005     (tfo_accl_wellness)     An accelerator has had a keepalive failure.
9,10 Alarm 445006     (eth_not_fduplex)     A network interface is not in full-duplex mode.
9,10 Alarm 445007     (eth_bypass)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
9,10 Alarm 445013     (powerdown)     Power supply is down.
11,12 Alarm 445014     (eth_bypass_min)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
11,12 Alarm 445015     (max_conn_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection overload.
11,12 Alarm 445016     (conn_rl_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection rate limiting.
11,12 Alarm 445017     (res_mgr_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to resource manager overload.
9,10 Alarm 445018     (mem_size_mismatch)     Total memory size does not match with expected size.
9,10 Alarm 445020     (kernel_crash)     A kernel crash has been generated.
7,8 Alarm 445022     (eth_detection_failed)     Detection of one of the network interfaces has failed.
11,12 Alarm 520001     (LinkDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Specified interface in the standby group is down.
11,12 Alarm 520002     (RouteDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface.
11,12 Alarm 520003     (MaxError)     -group-ifc-slot-port- The specified interface encountered errors that exceed the maximum allowable error count.
9,10 Alarm 520004     (GroupDown)     -group- Specified standbygroup is down.
9,10 Alarm 641916     (dre_init_failure)     Initialization of Data Rendundancy Module failed.
11,12 Alarm 690480     (disk_overload)     Cache disk is overloaded
9,10 Alarm 690481     (disk_full)     Cache disk is full.
9,10 Alarm 690482     (cache_corrupted)     Cache disk files were corrupted.
11,12 Alarm 690483     (over_fanout)     The number of active peers is over the DRE fan-out.
11,12 Alarm 700001     (cms_test_alarm)     CMS test alarm with instance value -instance- was raised. Title is used in CM UI.
9,10 Alarm 700002     (cms_clock_alarm)     Device clock is not synchronized with the primary CM.
11,12 Alarm 700003     (cms_application_policy_alarm)     Device has more than 256 applications configured.
7,8 Alarm 700004     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
7,8 Alarm 700005     (stats_replication_timeout)     Replication timeout on standby CM.
7,8 Alarm 700006     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
7,8 Alarm 1000001     (wafs_edge_down)     Edge is down.
7,8 Alarm 1000002     (wafs_core_down)     Core is down.
11,12 Alarm 1000003     (wafs_edge_stopped)     Edge is stopped.
11,12 Alarm 1000004     (wafs_core_stopped)     Core is stopped.
9,10 Alarm 1000005     (wafs_roles_change)     Roles changed on the device. Reload the device.
9,10 Alarm 1000006     (wafs_connection_bw_change)     Connection bandwidth value changed. Restart Edge component to make change take effect.
7,8,6 Alarm 445000     (disk_failure)     A disk has failed.
7,8,6 Alarm 445023     (raid_disk_failure)     RAID hard disk has failed.
11,12,6 Alarm 641915     (tfo_overload)     TFO went into overload mode.
7,8,7 Alarm 445008     (raid_failure)     RAID device has failed.
7,8,7 Alarm 445021     (raid_controller_failure)     RAID controller has failed.
9,10,8 Alarm 445009     (raid_rebuild_failure)     RAID1 device rebuild has failed.
9,10,9 Alarm 445010     (raid_rebuild_abort)     RAID1 device rebuild has been aborted by administrator.
9,10,10 Alarm 445011     (disk_incomp_major)     Incompatible hot-spare disk inserted.
7,8,11 Alarm 445012     (VB_stopped)     Virtual Blade has stopped.
7,8,12 Alarm 445019     (license_failure)     WAAS product license is missing.

Alarms listed by modules/submodules


Alarm 700001     (cms_test_alarm)     CMS test alarm with instance value -instance- was raised. Title is used in CM UI.
Alarm 700002     (cms_clock_alarm)     Device clock is not synchronized with the primary CM.
Alarm 700003     (cms_application_policy_alarm)     Device has more than 256 applications configured.
Alarm 700004     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
Alarm 700005     (stats_replication_timeout)     Replication timeout on standby CM.
Alarm 700006     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.


Alarm 200001     (getencryptkey)    


Alarm 690480     (disk_overload)     Cache disk is overloaded
Alarm 690481     (disk_full)     Cache disk is full.
Alarm 690482     (cache_corrupted)     Cache disk files were corrupted.
Alarm 690483     (over_fanout)     The number of active peers is over the DRE fan-out.


Alarm 16001     (wccp_nr)     Negotiated return egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Alarm 16002     (wccp_ggre)     Generic GRE egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.


Alarm 245000     (control_conn)     Control connection could not be established.
Alarm 245001     (collector_conn)     Collector connection could not be established.
Alarm 245002     (summary_collection)     Summary information collection issue.
Alarm 245003     (data_update)     The transfer of summary information could not occur.


Alarm 335000     (alarm_overload)     Alarm Overload State has been entered.
Alarm 335001     (keepalive)     Keepalive failure for -application name-. Timeout = n seconds.
Alarm 335002     (test)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335003     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335004     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335005     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335006     (test4)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335007     (test5)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].


Alarm 335008     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335009     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Alarm 335010     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].


Alarm 330001     (svcdisabled)     -service name- service has been disabled.
Alarm 330002     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330003     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330004     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Alarm 330005     (servicedead)     Watchdog service failed.
Alarm 330006     (servicestop)     Service was stopped upon request.


Alarm 520001     (LinkDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Specified interface in the standby group is down.
Alarm 520002     (RouteDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface.
Alarm 520003     (MaxError)     -group-ifc-slot-port- The specified interface encountered errors that exceed the maximum allowable error count.
Alarm 520004     (GroupDown)     -group- Specified standbygroup is down.


Alarm 445000     (disk_failure)     A disk has failed.
Alarm 445001     (core_dump)     A user core file has been generated.
Alarm 445002     (disk_smartfailcrit)     A device disk has severe early-prediction failure which requires immediate action.
Alarm 445003     (disk_smartfailmajor)     A device disk has early-prediction failure.
Alarm 445004     (disk_smartfailminor)     A device disk has minor early-prediction failure.
Alarm 445005     (tfo_accl_wellness)     An accelerator has had a keepalive failure.
Alarm 445006     (eth_not_fduplex)     A network interface is not in full-duplex mode.
Alarm 445007     (eth_bypass)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Alarm 445008     (raid_failure)     RAID device has failed.
Alarm 445009     (raid_rebuild_failure)     RAID1 device rebuild has failed.
Alarm 445010     (raid_rebuild_abort)     RAID1 device rebuild has been aborted by administrator.
Alarm 445011     (disk_incomp_major)     Incompatible hot-spare disk inserted.
Alarm 445012     (VB_stopped)     Virtual Blade has stopped.
Alarm 445013     (powerdown)     Power supply is down.
Alarm 445014     (eth_bypass_min)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Alarm 445015     (max_conn_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection overload.
Alarm 445016     (conn_rl_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection rate limiting.
Alarm 445017     (res_mgr_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to resource manager overload.
Alarm 445018     (mem_size_mismatch)     Total memory size does not match with expected size.
Alarm 445019     (license_failure)     WAAS product license is missing.
Alarm 445020     (kernel_crash)     A kernel crash has been generated.
Alarm 445021     (raid_controller_failure)     RAID controller has failed.
Alarm 445022     (eth_detection_failed)     Detection of one of the network interfaces has failed.
Alarm 445023     (raid_disk_failure)     RAID hard disk has failed.


Alarm 641915     (tfo_overload)     TFO went into overload mode.
Alarm 641916     (dre_init_failure)     Initialization of Data Rendundancy Module failed.


Alarm 1000001     (wafs_edge_down)     Edge is down.
Alarm 1000002     (wafs_core_down)     Core is down.
Alarm 1000003     (wafs_edge_stopped)     Edge is stopped.
Alarm 1000004     (wafs_core_stopped)     Core is stopped.
Alarm 1000005     (wafs_roles_change)     Roles changed on the device. Reload the device.
Alarm 1000006     (wafs_connection_bw_change)     Connection bandwidth value changed. Restart Edge component to make change take effect.


Alarm 23002     (unsupported_client_detected)     Unsupported MAPI client.


Alarm 26001     (lstore_key_failure)     SSL local secure store key retrieval failure.
Alarm 26002     (mstore_key_failure)     SSL managed secure store key retrieval failure.
Alarm 26003     (peering_service_inactive)     SSL accelerator peering service failure.
Alarm 26004     (accl_service_inactive)     SSL accelerated service -service name- failure.
Alarm 26005     (cert_near_expiration)     Certificate is near expiration.
Alarm 26006     (cert_expired)     Certificate has expired.
Alarm 26007     (ds_error)     SSL accelerator connection with DS is broken
Alarm 26008     (oom_error)     SSL accelerator running out of memory


Alarm 27001     (overload)     Video accelerator in overload condition.

Alarm Details

Alarm 16001     (wccp_nr)     Negotiated return egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Communications
The egress method for WCCP is configured as negotiated return, but the negotiated return method is WCCP L2, which is not a supported egress method. The WAE is using IP forwarding instead.
Configure IP forwarding as the egress method, or reconfigure WCCP to negotiate WCCP GRE as the return method.

Alarm 16002     (wccp_ggre)     Generic GRE egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Communications
The egress method for WCCP is configured as generic GRE, but the negotiated intercept method is L2, for which generic GRE is not supported as an egress method. The WAE is using IP forwarding instead.
Configure IP forwarding as the egress method, or reconfigure WCCP to negotiate WCCP GRE as the intercept method.

Alarm 23002     (unsupported_client_detected)     Unsupported MAPI client.
Sev: Major, Cat: Content
There is an unsupported MAPI client in the network.
No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Alarm 26001     (lstore_key_failure)     SSL local secure store key retrieval failure.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
The SSL accelerator is unable to get the SSL local secure store key.
Reboot the device.

Alarm 26002     (mstore_key_failure)     SSL managed secure store key retrieval failure.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
The SSL accelerator is unable to get the SSL secure store key from the Central Manager.
Check the connection with the Central Manager.

Alarm 26003     (peering_service_inactive)     SSL accelerator peering service failure.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
The SSL accelerator peering service has failed.
Check the error log and correct any errors. For example, import a valid machine certificate key file.

Alarm 26004     (accl_service_inactive)     SSL accelerated service -service name- failure.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
An inservice SSL accelerated service has become inactive.
Check the error log for messages relating to the cause of the service becoming inactive and correct any errors. For example, import a valid server certificate key file.

Alarm 26005     (cert_near_expiration)     Certificate is near expiration.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
Certificate is near expiration.
Import a new certificate with a longer validity duration.

Alarm 26006     (cert_expired)     Certificate has expired.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
Certificate has expired.
Import a new certificate with a valid duration.

Alarm 26007     (ds_error)     SSL accelerator connection with DS is broken
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
Configuration CLIs for the domain will fail.
Restart the SSL accelerator.

Alarm 26008     (oom_error)     SSL accelerator running out of memory
Sev: Minor, Cat: Quality of service
SSL Accelerator is either running out of virtual address space or running out of memory.
No action. System will recover automatically.

Alarm 27001     (overload)     Video accelerator in overload condition.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
Video accelerator exceeded maximum concurrent sessions or aggregate bitrate.
Limit concurrent incoming video connections for optimization or upgrade platform to handle more concurrent video connections.

Alarm 200001     (getencryptkey)    
Sev: Critical, Cat: Communications
The system initialization needs to get the encryption key to mount all the disks when disk encryption is enabled. The key retrieval failed, and this is most likely caused by an error with the connection to the Central Manager.
The device will try indefinitely to get the key from the Central Manager until it is successful.

Alarm 245000     (control_conn)     Control connection could not be established.
Sev: Major, Cat: Communications
The tcpstat-v1 Flow Monitor issues this message to indicate that its control connection to the SuperAgent could not be established after repeated attempts.
Verify that the configured tcpstat-v1 console host is operational and that network connectivity exists between the device and the host.

Alarm 245001     (collector_conn)     Collector connection could not be established.
Sev: Major, Cat: Communications
The tcpstat-v1 Flow Monitor issues this message to indicate that its collector connection to the negotiated collector could not be established after repeated attempts.
Verify that the negotiated tcpstat-v1 collector host is operational and that network connectivity exists between the device and the host.

Alarm 245002     (summary_collection)     Summary information collection issue.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Quality of service
The tcpstat-v1 Flow Monitor issues this message to indicate that it has dropped summary information during collection.
Verify that the device is not overloaded and the amount of traffic being monitored is not excessive.

Alarm 245003     (data_update)     The transfer of summary information could not occur.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Quality of service
The tcpstat-v1 Flow Monitor issues this message to indicate that it was unable to transfer the collected summary information to the tcpstat-v1 collector host within a reasonable amount of time or without exceeding the disk space limit used for the backlog. The collected summary information has been discarded.
Verify that the device is not overloaded, the network bandwidth is sufficient between the device and the tcpstat-v1 collector host, and the amount of traffic being monitored is not excessive.

Alarm 330001     (svcdisabled)     -service name- service has been disabled.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
The node manager tried restarting the specified service but the service kept restarting. The number of restarts has exceeded an internal limit and the service has been disabled.
The device may have to be reloaded for the service to be reenabled.

Alarm 330002     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
This message indicates that a critical service has failed. Attempts will be made to restart this service, but the device may run in a degraded state.
The device could reboot itself to avoid instability. Examine the syslog for messages relating to cause of service failure.

Alarm 330003     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
The node manager found the specified service to be inoperative. Attempts will be made to restart this service.
Examine the syslog for messages relating to cause of service failure. The alarm will be cleared if the service stays alive and does not restart in a short while.

Alarm 330004     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
The node manager found the specified service to be inoperative. Attempts will be made to restart this service.
Examine the syslog for messages relating to cause of service failure. The alarm will be cleared if the service stays alive and does not restart in a short while.

Alarm 330005     (servicedead)     Watchdog service failed.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
The node manager found the specified service to be inoperative. Attempts will be made to restart this service. The alarm will be cleared if the service stays alive and does not restart in a short while.
Examine the syslog for messages that relate to the cause of the service failure.

Alarm 330006     (servicestop)     Service was stopped upon request.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
The node manager has received a request to stop the specified service. The request may have been triggered by a system configuration change. The alarm will be cleared if the service is started again.
No action is required.

Alarm 335000     (alarm_overload)     Alarm Overload State has been entered.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Quality of service
The Node Health Manager issues this to indicate that the device is raising alarms at a rate that exceeds the overload threshold.
Access the device and determine what services are raising the alarms. Take corrective action to resolve the issues with the individual services.

Alarm 335001     (keepalive)     Keepalive failure for -application name-. Timeout = n seconds.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Quality of service
The Node Health Manager issues this to indicate that an application has not issued a keepalive to the Node Health Manager for the last n seconds. The application's health is in question.
Access the device and determine what state the specific application is in. Take corrective action to resolve the issues that are keeping the application from running properly.

Alarm 335002     (test)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 335003     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 335004     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 335005     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 335006     (test4)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 335007     (test5)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 335008     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 335009     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 335010     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string].
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
This is used for testing the Node Health Manager.
This alarm should never occur during normal operation.

Alarm 445000     (disk_failure)     A disk has failed.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this to indicate that one of the disks attached to a device has a severe error.
Access the device and execute the 'show disk details' CLI command. If the problem persists, replace the disk.

Alarm 445001     (core_dump)     A user core file has been generated.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
The System Monitor issues this to indicate that one or more of the software modules has generated core file(s).
Access the device, check the directory /local1/core_dir, retrieve the core file through ftp, and contact Cisco TAC.

Alarm 445002     (disk_smartfailcrit)     A device disk has severe early-prediction failure which requires immediate action.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this to indicate that one of the disks attached to a device has severe early-prediction failure. For example, the disk has failed SMART self-check.
To prevent data loss, immediately back up data on the disk and replace the disk.

Alarm 445003     (disk_smartfailmajor)     A device disk has early-prediction failure.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this to indicate that one of the disks attached to a device has early-prediction failure. It indicates that the disk could fail in the near future.
To prevent data loss, immediately back up data on the disk and replace the disk.

Alarm 445004     (disk_smartfailminor)     A device disk has minor early-prediction failure.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this to indicate that one of the disks attached to a device has minor early-prediction failure. This warning means that the disk may fail in the future.
Watch out for the disk having early indications of errors. If more severe SMART errors or disk errors show up, replace the disk.

Alarm 445005     (tfo_accl_wellness)     An accelerator has had a keepalive failure.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
The System Monitor indicates that one of the accelerators is failing to perform a wellness update within the allotted time. The implications are that some connections may not be optimized properly by the accelerator and thus optimization performance may be reduced.
Examine the status of the specified accelerator to verify that it is still operating properly and make adjustments to return it to full health if necessary.

Alarm 445006     (eth_not_fduplex)     A network interface is not in full-duplex mode.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this alarm to indicate that one of the network interfaces is not in full-duplex mode. This can severely decrease the maximum throughput that the device can provide. If the interface is not in use, it can be 'shutdown' to clear the alarm.
Check the interface configuration on the switch/router and the device.

Alarm 445007     (eth_bypass)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this alarm to indicate that the inline interface has changed from the interception to the bypass mode.
No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Alarm 445008     (raid_failure)     RAID device has failed.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this message to indicate that the RAID device has a severe error.
Access the device and execute the 'show disk details' CLI command. If the problem reoccurs, replace the disk.

Alarm 445009     (raid_rebuild_failure)     RAID1 device rebuild has failed.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this message to indicate that the RAID1 rebuild to a hot-spare device has an error.
Access the device and enter the 'show disk details' CLI command. If the problem reoccurs, replace the failed disk.

Alarm 445010     (raid_rebuild_abort)     RAID1 device rebuild has been aborted by administrator.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor issues this message to indicate that the RAID1 rebuild to the hot-spare device has been aborted by an administrator.
Access the device and enter the 'show disk details' CLI command.

Alarm 445011     (disk_incomp_major)     Incompatible hot-spare disk inserted.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
The system has found that an incompatible size hot-spare disk has been inserted. The hot-spare disk must be no less than the size of the primary disk.
Access the device and enter the 'show disk details' CLI command. Replace the hot-spare disk with a compatible size disk.

Alarm 445012     (VB_stopped)     Virtual Blade has stopped.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Equipment
Virtual blade might not running properly.
Check the Virtual blade condition. Restart the virtual blade if needed.

Alarm 445013     (powerdown)     Power supply is down.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
The System Monitor indicates that one of the power supplies is down.
Check the power supplies.

Alarm 445014     (eth_bypass_min)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor indicates that the inline interface has changed from the interception to the bypass mode due to shutting down the interface.
No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Alarm 445015     (max_conn_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection overload.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
The System Monitor indicates that one of the accelerators is overloaded with more concurrent connections than it can handle. The implication of this is that some connections may not be optimized properly by the accelerator and thus optimization performance may be reduced.
No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Alarm 445016     (conn_rl_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection rate limiting.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
The System Monitor indicates that one of the accelerators is overloaded with more connections per second than it can handle. The implication of this is that some connections may not be optimized properly by the accelerator and thus optimization performance may be reduced.
No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Alarm 445017     (res_mgr_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to resource manager overload.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
The System Monitor indicates that one of the accelerators ran out of critical system resources. The implication of this is that some connections may not be optimized properly by the accelerator and thus optimization performance may be reduced.
No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Alarm 445018     (mem_size_mismatch)     Total memory size does not match with expected size.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
This may be due to malfunctioning/missing/disabled RAM modules or due to unsupported model name.
Check if all the RAM modules are working and fix the missing/malfunctioning/disabled ones. Check if the device model is supported.

Alarm 445019     (license_failure)     WAAS product license is missing.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
The System Monitor indicates that either the WAAS product license has not been purchased or the License Management system has not been configured.
Execute the 'show license' CLI command to verify that the License Management system has been configured. Purchase the WAAS product license and configure the License Management system with the 'license add' CLI command.

Alarm 445020     (kernel_crash)     A kernel crash has been generated.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
The System Monitor indicates that the kernel has generated core file(s).
Access the device, check the directory /local1/crash, retrieve the core file through ftp, and contact Cisco TAC.

Alarm 445021     (raid_controller_failure)     RAID controller has failed.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor indicates that the RAID controller has a severe error.
Reboot the device. If the alarm is reported again, contact Cisco TAC.

Alarm 445022     (eth_detection_failed)     Detection of one of the network interfaces has failed.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor indicates that the system networking hardware has a severe error. Interfaces and related features will not work properly.
Reboot the device. If the alarm does not clear, reset the BIOS settings to the defaults before rebooting again. If the alarm does not clear, contact Cisco TAC.

Alarm 445023     (raid_disk_failure)     RAID hard disk has failed.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Equipment
The System Monitor indicates that one of the hard disks attached to the RAID device has a severe error.
Access the device and execute the 'show disk details' CLI command. If the problem persists, execute the 'disk disk-name diskXX replace' CLI command and replace the disk.

Alarm 520001     (LinkDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Specified interface in the standby group is down.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Equipment
The specified interface in the standby group is down. There could be a link failure on the interface or it may have been shut down on purpose.
Check configuration and cabling of the specified interface.

Alarm 520002     (RouteDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Equipment
Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface in the standby group.
Check the network configuration on the specified interface.

Alarm 520003     (MaxError)     -group-ifc-slot-port- The specified interface encountered errors that exceed the maximum allowable error count.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Equipment
The specified interface encountered errors that exceed the maximum allowable error count.
Check the cabling or configuration of the specified interface.

Alarm 520004     (GroupDown)     -group- Specified standbygroup is down.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
None of the member interfaces in the specified standby group could be brought up.
Check the configuration and cabling of the member interfaces.

Alarm 641915     (tfo_overload)     TFO went into overload mode.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Equipment
TFO went into overload mode.
No action required.

Alarm 641916     (dre_init_failure)     Initialization of Data Rendundancy Module failed.
Sev: Major, Cat: Processing
TFO could not initialize the Data Redundancy Module.
Contact Cisco TAC if this problem persists.

Alarm 690480     (disk_overload)     Cache disk is overloaded
Sev: Minor, Cat: Equipment
The DRE issues this alarm to indicate that the disk is overloaded.
The situation may improve over time.

Alarm 690481     (disk_full)     Cache disk is full.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
The DRE issues this alarm to indicate that the disk is full.
Check disk allocation for DRE.

Alarm 690482     (cache_corrupted)     Cache disk files were corrupted.
Sev: Major, Cat: Equipment
The DRE issues this alarm to indicate that the cache disk files have been corrupted.
Check and fix the corrupted disk sectors, or reload the device.

Alarm 690483     (over_fanout)     The number of active peers is over the DRE fan-out.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Equipment
The DRE issues this alarm to indicate that the number of active peers is over the maximum DRE fan-out of the device. Some data could not be written to the DRE cache.
Enter the 'show statistics dre peer' CLI command to check the peers with active connections. The alarm will be cleared when the number of active peers drop to or below the DRE fan-out.

Alarm 700001     (cms_test_alarm)     CMS test alarm with instance value -instance- was raised. Title is used in CM UI.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Processing
This is a test alarm defined in CMS code. This alarm is identified by tuple (340001, instance), which means that the system may have several raised alarms with ID 340001 that have different instance values. The instance is usually used to link the alarm to particular data item (that is, a disk failure, a channel having troubles with acquisition and distribution, and so on).
The message displayed in the CM GUI or the CLI tells you the action to take.

Alarm 700002     (cms_clock_alarm)     Device clock is not synchronized with the primary CM.
Sev: Major, Cat: Environment
If this device is a WAE, its clock needs to be synchronized with the primary CM to make time-sensitive features like statistics and status monitoring, and event scheduling work correctly. If this device is a standby CM, its clock need to be synchronized with the primary CM to make the CM failover work.
Fix the clock on the device or the primary CM.

Alarm 700003     (cms_application_policy_alarm)     Device has more than 256 applications configured.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Environment
This device has more than 256 configurations configured from the GUI. This occurs when an application configured from a Device Group is deleted in the CLI and replaced by another application. This CLI command and any CLI command to configure application policies for the Device Group application will fail in the device.
Delete the Device Group application in the WAE that replaced the Device Group application, if it is not being used.

Alarm 700004     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Environment
Central Manager's secure store is initialized but not opened by user. Central Manager's Secure Store is used to store SSL certificates and private keys, and credentials in encrypted form. SSL configuration will not be available in the Central Manager GUI and will not propagate to WAE devices. The Central Manager will reject updates from WAE devices if the updates contain CIFS preposition updates, until the Central Manager's secure store is opened.
Open secure store using the 'cms secure-store open' CLI command or by entering the password in the Central Manager GUI.

Alarm 700005     (stats_replication_timeout)     Replication timeout on standby CM.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Environment
This occurs on the standby Central Manager while processing the bulk monitoring updates received from the primary Central Manager.
Increase the configured standby replication timeout value on the System Properties page.

Alarm 700006     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Environment
The WAE's secure store is initialized but not opened by the user. The WAE will reject updates from the Central Manager if they contain updates to preposition, dynamic share, and WAFS core password and user configuration until secure store is opened.
Open secure store using the 'cms secure-store open' CLI command or by entering the password in the Central Manager GUI.

Alarm 1000001     (wafs_edge_down)     Edge is down.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
The Edge component on the device is not working.
Reactivate the Edge component on the device.

Alarm 1000002     (wafs_core_down)     Core is down.
Sev: Critical, Cat: Processing
The Core component on the device is not working.
Reactivate the Core component on the device.

Alarm 1000003     (wafs_edge_stopped)     Edge is stopped.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Quality of service
The Edge component on the device is stopped.
Start the Edge component on the device.

Alarm 1000004     (wafs_core_stopped)     Core is stopped.
Sev: Minor, Cat: Quality of service
The Core component on the device is stopped.
start the Core component on the device.

Alarm 1000005     (wafs_roles_change)     Roles changed on the device. Reload the device.
Sev: Major, Cat: Quality of service
A reload is required due to a role change.
Reload the device.

Alarm 1000006     (wafs_connection_bw_change)     Connection bandwidth value changed. Restart Edge component to make change take effect.
Sev: Major, Cat: Quality of service
This alarm is raised whenever the bandwidth value of a connection is changed.
Restart the Edge component.

Service Restart Alarm Severities

Note: Alarm IDs 330002,330003,330004 are raised for critical, major and minor severities respectively.

Service Restart Alarm Severity
dataserver critical
wccp critical
ntpd major
snmpced major
wafsmib_edm major
WebsenseEnterprise minor
acquirer minor
actastor_watchdog minor
addbvacuum_daemon minor
autoreg minor
bandwd minor
cache minor
cdmim minor
certmgr minor
check_after_boot minor
cms_cdm minor
cms_ce minor
cms_cr minor
cms_httpd minor
cms_pcm minor
cms_ui minor
commonedm minor
cr minor
crka minor
cupsd minor
default minor
default_dhcp minor
default_triggers_config minor
disk_seek_random minor
dispatcher minor
dns minor
emdb minor
errlog_daemon minor
eval_timer_mgr minor
exec_system_accounting minor
fsmgr minor
ftp_ctlpxy minor
ftp_proxy_poll minor
get_config minor
http_authmod minor
https_proxy_poll minor
icap minor
inetd minor
initdb minor
iptvpm_ftpd minor
iptvpm_httpd minor
iptvpm_init minor
iptvpm_qdaemon minor
iptvpm_sdr minor
iptvpm_tomcat minor
keymgr minor
log_daemon minor
lsr minor
mcast_receiver minor
mcast_sender minor
mediacache minor
meta_recver minor
meta_sender minor
mysql minor
netcm minor
nmbd minor
overload minor
parser_server minor
pfs minor
policysvr minor
populate_cms minor
populate_ds minor
prepos_httpd minor
proxy_poll minor
register_callbacks minor
rpc_httpd minor
rproxylog minor
rsm minor
rtspg minor
rules_daemon minor
run100 minor
sbss minor
secured_webserver minor
service_monitor minor
set_prompt_flag minor
smartd minor
smbd minor
sshdaemon minor
standby minor
start_syslogd minor
stream_scheduler minor
streambwd minor
syslog_bootup_msgs minor
syslogd minor
sysmon minor
telnetd minor
tvoutsvr minor
uni_recver minor
uns minor
urlfilter_daemon minor
volant_rbcp_reg minor
volant_rbcpd minor
webserver minor
winbindd minor
wmt_cleaner minor
wmt_core minor
wmt_ml minor
crond none
mingetty none

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