O conjunto de documentação deste produto faz o possível para usar uma linguagem imparcial. Para os fins deste conjunto de documentação, a imparcialidade é definida como uma linguagem que não implica em discriminação baseada em idade, deficiência, gênero, identidade racial, identidade étnica, orientação sexual, status socioeconômico e interseccionalidade. Pode haver exceções na documentação devido à linguagem codificada nas interfaces de usuário do software do produto, linguagem usada com base na documentação de RFP ou linguagem usada por um produto de terceiros referenciado. Saiba mais sobre como a Cisco está usando a linguagem inclusiva.
A Cisco traduziu este documento com a ajuda de tecnologias de tradução automática e humana para oferecer conteúdo de suporte aos seus usuários no seu próprio idioma, independentemente da localização. Observe que mesmo a melhor tradução automática não será tão precisa quanto as realizadas por um tradutor profissional. A Cisco Systems, Inc. não se responsabiliza pela precisão destas traduções e recomenda que o documento original em inglês (link fornecido) seja sempre consultado.
Este documento descreve as etapas necessárias para substituir um Switch Spine defeituoso (Nexus 9236C) em uma configuração Ultra-M que hospeda as Funções de Rede Virtual (VNFs) do StarOS.
O Ultra-M é uma solução de núcleo de pacotes móveis virtualizados, validada e predefinida, projetada para simplificar a implantação de VNFs. Os servidores que fazem parte da configuração do Ultra-M estão conectados a três tipos diferentes de switches:
A topologia de rede de uma configuração Ultra-M:
Topologia de rede UltraM
Note: A topologia de rede é apenas uma representação, as conexões entre os switches podem variar um pouco, dependendo da solução implantada.
Este documento destina-se ao pessoal da Cisco que está familiarizado com a configuração do Cisco Ultra-M e as operações do Switch Catalyst.
VNF | Função de rede virtual |
COLUNA | Switch Nexus 9236C como spine |
MOP | Método de Procedimento |
LAN | Rede local |
FTP | Protocolo de transferência de arquivo |
TFTP | Protocolo trivial file transfer |
CIMC | Controlador de gerenciamento integrado da Cisco |
Fluxo de trabalho de alto nível do procedimento de substituição
Faça um backup do arquivo de configuração do switch Spine com o uso de ftp/tftp antes de continuar com a substituição do switch.
Nexus-POD1-spine2# copy running-config sftp:
Enter destination filename: [Nexus-POD1-spine2-running-config] backup-spine-cfg-2
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management
Enter hostname for the sftp server:
Enter username: admin
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:fnbUmd2mL5yE94zxrRoKAlvYfQbheXJfQox7m3XfpIU.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
User Access Verification
Connected to
sftp> put /var/tmp/vsh/backup-spine-cfg-2 backup-spine-cfg-2
Uploading /var/tmp/vsh/backup-spine-cfg-2 to /backup-spine-cfg-2
/var/tmp/vsh/backup-spine-cfg-2 100% 33KB 33.2KB/s 00:00
sftp> exit
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
Copy complete.
1. Verifique a versão atual do software que está sendo executada no switch e anote-a.
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show ver
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Copyright (C) 2002-2018, Cisco and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under their own
licenses, such as open source. This software is provided "as is," and unless
otherwise stated, there is no warranty, express or implied, including but not
limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Certain components of this software are licensed under
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0 or the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1 or
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.0.
A copy of each such license is available at
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php and
http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html and
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php and
BIOS: version 07.59
NXOS: version 7.0(3)I7(3)
BIOS compile time: 08/26/2016
NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.7.0.3.I7.3.bin
NXOS compile time: 2/12/2018 13:00:00 [02/12/2018 19:13:48]
cisco Nexus9000 C9236C chassis
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 1.80GHz with 16400560 kB of memory.
Processor Board ID FDO21120SSN
Device name: Nexus-POD1-spine2
bootflash: 53298520 kB
Kernel uptime is 108 day(s), 13 hour(s), 15 minute(s), 12 second(s)
Last reset
Reason: Unknown
System version: 7.0(3)I7(3)
Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin
Active Package(s):
2. Verifique o uso da licença atual.
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show license usage
Feature Ins Lic Status Expiry Date Comments
N9K_LIC_1G No - Unused -
VPN_FABRIC No - Unused -
FCOE_NPV_PKG No - Unused -
SECURITY_PKG No 0 Unused -
N9K_UPG_EX_10G No - Unused -
NXOS_ADVANTAGE_M8-16 No - Unused -
NXOS_ESSENTIALS_M8-16 No - Unused -
3. Verifique se os cabos físicos conectados ao canal de porta do switch , à Vlan e também se o status da porta está bom conforme o esperado
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show interface status | grep connected
mgmt0 -- connected routed full 100 --
Eth1/1 -- connected trunk full 100G QSFP-100G-AOC5M
Eth1/2 -- connected trunk full 100G QSFP-100G-AOC5M
Eth1/5 -- connected trunk full 100G QSFP-100G-AOC5M
Eth1/6 -- connected trunk full 100G QSFP-100G-AOC5M
Eth1/11/1 Connected to NMNET connected 101 full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/21/1 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/21/2 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/21/3 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/21/4 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/22/1 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/22/2 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/22/3 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/22/4 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/23/1 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/23/2 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/23/3 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/23/4 -- connected routed full 10G QSFP-40G-SR4
Eth1/29 "spine-spine link" connected trunk full 100G QSFP-100G-AOC5M
Eth1/30 "spine-spine link" connected trunk full 100G QSFP-100G-AOC5M
Eth1/31 "spine-spine link" connected trunk full 100G QSFP-100G-AOC5M
Po22 portchannel to Lea connected trunk full 100G --
Po24 portchannel to Lea connected trunk full 100G --
Po30 -- connected routed full 10G --
Po30.3201 -- connected routed full 10G --
Po30.3202 -- connected routed full 10G --
Po30.3203 -- connected routed full 10G --
Po30.3204 -- connected routed full 10G --
Po30.3205 -- connected routed full 10G --
Po30.3206 -- connected routed full 10G --
Po99 spine1-spine2 connected trunk full 100G --
Lo1 -- connected routed auto auto --
Lo2 -- connected routed auto auto --
Lo3 -- connected routed auto auto --
Lo4 -- connected routed auto auto --
Lo5 -- connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2601 Global VRF spine-2 connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2602 GI VRF spine-2 <-> connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2603 IPV6SUB VRF spine- connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2604 METROE-E VRF spine connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2605 NMNET VRF spine-2 connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2721 Global VRF spine-2 connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2722 GI VRF spine-2 <-> connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2723 IPV6SUB VRF spine- connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2724 METROE-E VRF spine connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2741 Global VRF spine-2 connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2742 GI VRF spine-2 <-> connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2743 IPV6SUB VRF spine- connected routed auto auto --
Vlan2744 METROE-E VRF spine connected routed auto auto --
4. Certifique-se de que os vizinhos bgp estejam ativos.
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show ip bgp summary vrf all
BGP summary information for VRF GI, address family IPv4 Unicast
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65145
BGP table version is 28, IPv4 Unicast config peers 4, capable peers 4
1 network entries and 1 paths using 236 bytes of memory
BGP attribute entries [1/160], BGP AS path entries [1/6]
BGP community entries [0/0], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0]
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 65145 312621 312617 28 0 0 15w3d 1 4 65251 312624 312616 28 0 0 15w3d 0 4 65252 312623 312617 28 0 0 15w3d 0 4 65137 312618 312616 28 0 0 12w0d 0
BGP summary information for VRF IPV6SUB, address family IPv4 Unicast
BGP summary information for VRF METROE-E, address family IPv4 Unicast
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65145
BGP table version is 10, IPv4 Unicast config peers 4, capable peers 4
1 network entries and 1 paths using 236 bytes of memory
BGP attribute entries [1/160], BGP AS path entries [1/6]
BGP community entries [0/0], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0]
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 65145 312619 312617 10 0 0 15w3d 1 4 65251 312623 312616 10 0 0 15w3d 0 4 65252 312618 312617 10 0 0 15w3d 0 4 65137 312618 312616 10 0 0 12w0d 0
BGP summary information for VRF NMNET, address family IPv4 Unicast
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65145
BGP table version is 3, IPv4 Unicast config peers 1, capable peers 1
1 network entries and 1 paths using 236 bytes of memory
BGP attribute entries [1/160], BGP AS path entries [0/0]
BGP community entries [0/0], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0]
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 65145 312616 312616 3 0 0 15w3d 1
BGP summary information for VRF default, address family IPv4 Unicast
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65145
BGP table version is 261, IPv4 Unicast config peers 4, capable peers 3
35 network entries and 49 paths using 10108 bytes of memory
BGP attribute entries [5/800], BGP AS path entries [3/22]
BGP community entries [0/0], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0]
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 65145 312681 312635 261 0 0 15w3d 35 4 65251 312629 312630 261 0 0 15w3d 0 4 65252 312683 312620 261 0 0 15w3d 14 4 65137 0 124577 0 0 0 15w3d 12
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show ipv6 bgp summary vrf all
BGP summary information for VRF GI, address family IPv6 Unicast
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65145
BGP table version is 64, IPv6 Unicast config peers 4, capable peers 4
1 network entries and 1 paths using 248 bytes of memory
BGP attribute entries [1/160], BGP AS path entries [1/6]
BGP community entries [0/0], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0]
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd
4 65251 312637 312629 64 0 0 15w3d 0
4 65252 312637 312630 64 0 0 15w3d 0
4 65145 312635 312630 64 0 0 15w3d 1
4 65137 312631 312627 64 0 0 12w0d 0
BGP summary information for VRF IPV6SUB, address family IPv6 Unicast
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65145
BGP table version is 44, IPv6 Unicast config peers 4, capable peers 4
0 network entries and 0 paths using 0 bytes of memory
BGP attribute entries [0/0], BGP AS path entries [0/0]
BGP community entries [0/0], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0]
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd
4 65251 312632 312629 44 0 0 15w3d 0
4 65252 312636 312629 44 0 0 15w3d 0
4 65145 312631 312629 44 0 0 15w3d 0
4 65137 312629 312628 44 0 0 12w0d 0
BGP summary information for VRF METROE-E, address family IPv6 Unicast
BGP summary information for VRF NMNET, address family IPv6 Unicast
BGP summary information for VRF default, address family IPv6 Unicast
5. Verifique se o estado dos vizinhos BFD é UP.
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show bfd neighbors vrf al
OurAddr NeighAddr LD/RD RH/RS Holdown(mult) State Int Vrf 1090519045/1090519205 Up 672(3) Up Vlan2724 METROE-E 1090519046/1090519206 Up 639(3) Up Vlan2722 GI 1090519050/1090519094 Up 585(3) Up Vlan2602 GI 1090519051/1090519095 Up 585(3) Up Vlan2605 NMNET 1090519052/1090519208 Up 639(3) Up Vlan2721 default 1090519054/1090519097 Up 585(3) Up Vlan2604 METROE-E 1090519055/0 Up N/A(3) Up Vlan2601 default 1090519056/1090519212 Up 610(3) Up Vlan2741 default 1090519057/1090519213 Up 610(3) Up Vlan2744 METROE-E 1090519059/1090519214 Up 610(3) Up Vlan2742 GI 1090519061/0 UP N/A(3) Up Po30.3202 METROE-E 1090519062/0 Up N/A(3) Up Po30.3203 GI
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show bfd ipv6 neighbor vrf all
OurAddr NeighAddr
LD/RD RH/RS Holdown(mult) State Int Vrf
fc00:420:81:123::1 fc00:420:81:123::2
1090519044/1090519204 Up 615(3) Up Vlan2723 IPV6SUB
fc00:420:81:122::1 fc00:420:81:122::2
1090519047/1090519207 Up 731(3) Up Vlan2722 GI
fc00:420:81:142::1 fc00:420:81:142::2
1090519048/1090519210 Up 696(3) Up Vlan2742 GI
fc00:420:81:143::1 fc00:420:81:143::2
1090519049/1090519211 Up 696(3) Up Vlan2743 IPV6SUB
fc00:420:81:993::2 fc00:420:81:993::1
1090519053/1090519096 Up 544(3) Up Vlan2603 IPV6SUB
fc00:420:81:992::2 fc00:420:81:992::1
1090519058/1090519099 Up 544(3) Up Vlan2602 GI
1. Instale o novo switch no rack e conecte os cabos ao switch conforme indicado. As etapas para a instalação do switch podem ser encontradas neste link: Guia de instalação de hardware do switch no modo Spine Nexus 236C NX-OS
2. Verifique a versão do software do switch Nexus Spine e atualize/faça o downgrade para a versão do software conforme o link fornecido aqui: Guia de upgrade e downgrade do software NX-OS Cisco Nexus 9000 Series, versão 7.x
3. Transfira o backup de configuração para o novo switch e copie essa configuração para o startup-config
server-backup$ sftp admin@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:fnbUmd2mL5yE94zxrRoKAlvYfQbheXJfQox7m3XfpIU.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
User Access Verification
Connected to
sftp> ls
20170607_193430_poap_15489_1.log 20170607_193430_poap_15489_2.log 20170607_193430_poap_15489_init.log backup-spine-cfg-2 backup-spine.cfg
backup_run_02152018 bios_daemon.dbg cfg-july25th cfg-july25th-spine1 flash:
flash:cfg-aug8th-ybattina-afterNSO flash:cfg-jul28th home l3-cfg-aug10th license_FDO211406K1_16.lic
lost+found nxos.7.0.3.I4.4.bin nxos.7.0.3.I5.2.bin nxos.7.0.3.I7.3.bin platform-sdk.cmd
scripts spine-config-bkp starat virtual-instance vlan.dat 100% 33KB 21.7KB/s 00:01
sftp> put backup-spine-cfg-2
Uploading backup-spine-cfg-2 to /backup-spine-cfg-2
backup-spine-cfg-2 100% 33KB 23.5KB/s 00:01
sftp> bye
Nexus-spine1# copy bootflash:///backup-spine-cfg-2 startup-config
Copy progress 100% 33KB
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
Copy complete.
4. Recarregue o switch após carregar a configuração de backup.
Depois que o switch estiver disponível para acesso, execute as verificações de integridade usando os comandos abaixo no switch spine para verificar se o switch substituído está disponível no estado esperado.
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show port-channel summary
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show ip bgp summary vrf all
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show ipv6 bgp summary vrf all
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show bfd neighbor vrf all
Nexus-POD1-spine2# show bfd ipv6 neighbor vrf all