O conjunto de documentação deste produto faz o possível para usar uma linguagem imparcial. Para os fins deste conjunto de documentação, a imparcialidade é definida como uma linguagem que não implica em discriminação baseada em idade, deficiência, gênero, identidade racial, identidade étnica, orientação sexual, status socioeconômico e interseccionalidade. Pode haver exceções na documentação devido à linguagem codificada nas interfaces de usuário do software do produto, linguagem usada com base na documentação de RFP ou linguagem usada por um produto de terceiros referenciado. Saiba mais sobre como a Cisco está usando a linguagem inclusiva.
A Cisco traduziu este documento com a ajuda de tecnologias de tradução automática e humana para oferecer conteúdo de suporte aos seus usuários no seu próprio idioma, independentemente da localização. Observe que mesmo a melhor tradução automática não será tão precisa quanto as realizadas por um tradutor profissional. A Cisco Systems, Inc. não se responsabiliza pela precisão destas traduções e recomenda que o documento original em inglês (link fornecido) seja sempre consultado.
Este documento descreve como solucionar problemas do perfil 14 da VPN Multicast (mVPN) no Cisco IOS® XR.
Você deve conhecer o perfil de multicast14 e seu comportamento.
A Cisco recomenda que a descoberta automática de BGP MVPN deve ser configurada.
Além disso, é recomendável que você conheça estes tópicos:
Este documento não se restringe a versões de software e hardware específicas.
As informações neste documento foram criadas a partir de dispositivos em um ambiente de laboratório específico. Todos os dispositivos utilizados neste documento foram iniciados com uma configuração (padrão) inicial. Se a rede estiver ativa, certifique-se de que você entenda o impacto potencial de qualquer comando.
Temos duas maneiras de enviar tráfego entre os PEs.
1. MP2MP - um MDT estático padrão é criado entre todos os PEs para esse usuário específico, isso funciona como se todos os PEs desse usuário estivessem conectados no mesmo segmento de LAN.
2. P2MP - quando um valor de limiar configurável é atingido, o PE do remetente pode criar um novo LSP para que somente os PEs envolvidos nessa comunicação vejam o tráfego, esse LSP é criado para evitar desperdício desnecessário de largura de banda enviando tráfego para PEs que não ingressaram no fluxo. Este LSP somente cria para uma entrada (S, G) na rede do usuário, se você enviar o tráfego que excede o limite configurado através de uma entrada (*, G), nenhum novo P2MP é criado (o conceito de PHP não pode ser usado neste cenário quando a folha atua como uma raiz, caso contrário, ele não sabe a qual usuário o tráfego pertence).
O mLDP funciona com um conceito como raiz, ele é um pouco semelhante a um ponto de encontro no cenário PIM-SM, mas lembre-se, no mLDP, um núcleo MPLS sem PIM é mencionado, e o PIM é habilitado apenas nas interfaces voltadas ao usuário.
Na árvore MP2MP, as raízes são responsáveis por receber o tráfego de uma folha e replicá-lo para todos os vizinhos diretamente conectados.
Cada PE pode ter mais de uma raiz configurada, eles escolhem sua raiz ativa com base na métrica, se a métrica for a mesma, o endereço IP mais alto será escolhido como a raiz para esse PE específico.
Na árvore P2MP, a raiz é sempre o dispositivo que envia o tráfego (Neste documento, o termo raiz é usado mais para fazer referência à árvore MP2MP, a menos que especificado).
O encaminhamento recursivo significa que o plano de controle mLDP programa apenas o (ID de downstream, rótulo de saída) para o plano de encaminhamento. O ID de downstream é geralmente o ID do roteador LDP do nó de downstream. O plano de encaminhamento resolve recursivamente a acessibilidade para o dispositivo downstream e descobre a interface de saída real e o próximo salto. O encaminhamento recursivo permite recursos como balanceamento de carga ECMP/LAG, LFA, proteção RSVP-TE e assim por diante. Infelizmente, nem todas as plataformas suportam isso.
Com o encaminhamento não-recursivo, o mLDP determina a interface de saída e o NH para o roteador downstream e explicitamente os programas (Intf, NH, rótulo de saída) no plano de encaminhamento.
Esta é a configuração necessária para o mLDP:
mpls ldp
igp sync delay on-session-up 25
address-family ipv4
make-before-break delay 60 60
forwarding recursive
Esse conceito é explicado na seção de solução de problemas. Essa configuração é necessária nos roteadores MID e BUD.
Head/Root = Este roteador tem uma origem Multicast conectada
Tail/Leaf = Este roteador tem receptores Multicast
Bud = Este roteador está em trânsito e tem alguns receptores conectados
Mid = Este roteador está em trânsito
O mVPN IPv4 AF é adicionado para poder suportar os perfis NG. Ele é conhecido como MCAST-VPN NLRI.
Há duas funções principais dessa família de endereços:
A Descoberta Automática significa que os roteadores PE aprendem uns com os outros de maneira automática. Os roteadores PE aprendem quais outros roteadores PE estão habilitados para multicast para uma VPN. Isso evita a necessidade de configurar manualmente isso em cada roteador PE.
A sinalização do usuário na sobreposição é a sinalização de informações (*, G) ou (S, G), mas agora no BGP em vez do PIM.
Veja a Figura A para ver a visão geral do BGP AD IPv4 MVPN.
Figura A - BGP IPv4 AD MVPN
Há duas informações importantes executadas pelo BGP no AF IPv4 MVPN. A primeira parte da informação encontra-se no próprio NLRI. Há um número de 1 a 7 que representa o Tipo de Rota. Cada tipo de rota tem uma função específica. Os primeiros 5 são usados para BGP-AD. Observe que o Tipo de Rota 3 também é usado na verdade para a sinalização MDT de Dados (S-PMSI).
Os dois últimos tipos, 6 e 7, são usados para sinalização multicast C. Ao lado do Tipo de Rota, também há informações específicas de Tipo de Rota incorporadas que pertencem ao RD (se o contexto VPN for usado), informações específicas de C-multicast (Origem, Grupo) e o endereço IP (PE) do originador.
A segunda parte é o PMSI Tunnel Attribute (PTA). Este PTA contém informações que pertencem aos túneis de árvore de núcleo que são usados. O tipo de túnel indica um número do protocolo da árvore principal que é usado para construir o túnel. O identificador do túnel é um conjunto de campos que descreve exclusivamente o túnel por campos específicos do protocolo da árvore principal.
Tipo de rota |
Nome |
AD ou C-mcast |
Uso |
1 |
Rota A-D I-PMSI IntraAS |
AD Anunciar membro PE |
2 |
Rota A-D Inter-AS I-PMSI |
Idêntico ao tipo 1, mas para inter-AS |
3 |
Rota S-PMSI A-D |
Anunciado pelo PE de origem para sinalizar o MDT de dados |
4 |
Rota folha A-D |
Anunciado pelo PE do Receptor como uma resposta à rota tipo 3 com o conjunto de sinalizadores de informação folha necessária |
5 |
Rota A-D ativa de origem |
Anunciado pelo PE de origem com uma origem ativa para facilitar a comutação SPT |
6 |
Rota de junção de árvore compartilhada |
C-mcast |
Advertise (*, G) by Receiver PE (Anúncio de PE do receptor) |
7 |
Rota de junção da árvore de origem |
C-mcast |
Anunciar (S, G) por PE do Receptor |
Esta seção fornece uma visão geral dos diferentes tipos de rota e sua finalidade.
Objetivo: Anunciar o PE como participante do MVPN para uma determinada VPN. Este é o BGP-AD.
| RD (8 octets) |
| Originating Router's IP Addr |
Anunciado por um ASBR, para que a mVPN Inter-Autônoma possa ser sinalizada.
| RD (8 octets) |
| Source AS (4 octets) |
1. Anunciado pelo roteador PE, para que ele sinalize para outros roteadores PE que é o PE de entrada para um determinado C-(S, G) e que ele alterna para um MDT de dados. As informações da árvore de núcleo necessárias para receber junções de roteadores PE nesse fluxo são codificadas no PTA.
2. Anunciado por um roteador PE, indica que deseja participar de um modelo MDT particionado. Nesse caso, os campos Origem e Grupo são elementos curinga (*,*).
| RD (8 octets) |
| Multicast Source Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Source (variable) |
| Multicast Group Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Group (variable) |
| Originating Router's IP Addr |
Os campos Source (Origem) e Group (Grupo) se relacionam ao estado C-multicast.
Esta mensagem é enviada em resposta para obter uma rota A-D Inter-AS I-PMSI ou uma rota A-D S-PMSI, somente se o bit Leaf Information (LI) Required estiver definido.
| Route Key (variable) |
| Originating Router's IP Addr |
A chave de rota é definida como o NLRI da rota recebida com o bit Leaf Information Required definido.
Se a folha A-D for gerada que corresponda à rota inter-as I-PMSI, seu NLRI terá esta aparência:
| Type (1 octet): 4 |
| Length (1 octet) |
| Type (1 octet): 2 |
| Length (1 octet) |
| RD (8 octet) |
| Source AS (4 octet) |
| Originating Router's IP Addr |
Se for gerada uma rota Folha A-D que corresponda à rota S-PMSI, seu NLRI terá esta aparência:
| Type (1 octet): 4 |
| Length (1 octet) |
| Type (1 octet): 3 |
| Length (1 octet) |
| RD (8 octet) |
| Multicast Source Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Source (Variable) |
| Multicast Group Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Group (Variable) |
| Origin Routers IP addr for SPMSI |
|Origin Router's IP Addr for Leaf-ad|
O uso da Rota Ativa de Origem está relacionado ao Modo Esparso PIM na sinalização de sobreposição. Consulte essa seção para obter mais informações.
| RD (8 octets) |
| Multicast Source Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Source (variable) |
| Multicast Group Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Group (variable) |
A mensagem BGP Update ou Withdraw é equivalente a uma mensagem PIM (*, G) Join ou Prune.
As rotas dos tipos 6 e 7 têm a mesma codificação NLRI.
| RD (8 octets) |
| Source AS (4 octets) |
| Multicast Source Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Source (variable) |
| Multicast Group Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Group (variable) |
A mensagem BGP Update ou Withdraw é equivalente a uma mensagem PIM (S,G) Join ou Prune.
As rotas dos tipos 6 e 7 têm a mesma codificação NLRI.
| RD (8 octets) |
| Source AS (4 octets) |
| Multicast Source Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Source (variable) |
| Multicast Group Length (1 octet) |
| Multicast Group (variable) |
Esta seção lista a codificação da parte da rede para rotas MVPN IPv4 por Tipo de Rota. Observe que o RD não está incluído para os tipos de rota 1, 2 e 3. A parte da rede é listada com o número em () e representa o número de octetos para cada parte. O primeiro número é sempre o Tipo de rota (1-7). A parte Prefix-length está listada no número de bits.
Rota A_D IntraAS
Network: [1] [PE address (4)]
Prefix-length: 40
Rota A-D inter-as
Network: [2] [AS (4)]
Prefix-length: 40
Network: [3] [srclen (1)] [src (4)] [1 grplen] [grp (4)] [PE address (4)]
Prefix-length: 120
Rota folha A-D
Network: [4] [2] [RD] (8)] [AS (4)] [ PE address (4)]
Prefix-length: 144
Network: [4] [3] [RD (8)] [srclen (1)] [src (4)] [grplen (1)] [grp (4)] [PE address (4)] [PE address (4)]
Prefix-length: 224
Rota A-D de origem ativa
Network: [5] [srclen (1)] [src (4)] [grplen (1)] [grp (4)]
Prefix-length: 88
Rota multicast C - Junção de árvore compartilhada
Network: [6] [RD (8)] [AS (4)] [srclen (1)] [src (4)] [grplen (1)] [grp (4)]
Prefix-length: 184
Junção de árvore de origem de rota multicast C
Network: [7] [RD (8)] [AS (4)] [srclen (1)] [src (4)] [grplen (1)] [4 grp]
Prefix-length: 184
A rede e o comprimento do prefixo para cada tipo de rota podem ser encontrados na saída de show bgp ipv4 mvpn
no Cisco IOS ou no Cisco IOS XR. Aqui está um exemplo da saída desse comando do Cisco IOS XR:
DRP/0/3/CPU1:Router#show bgp ipv4 mvpn vrf one
Route Distinguisher: 1:2 (default for vrf one)
*>i[1][]/40 100 0 i
*>i [3][1:1][*][*][]/14 0 100 0 ?
*>i[3][3][1:2][32][][32][][][]/224 100 0 i
*>i[4][3][1:2][32][][32][][][]/224 100 0 i
*>i[5][32][][32][]/88 100 0 i
*>i[6][1:5][1][32][][32][]/184 100 0 i
*>i[7][1:2][1][32][][32][]/184 100 0 i
Consulte este documento para saber como configurar o mVPN com o Cisco IOS XR.
MDT particionado - mLDP P2MP - BGP-AD - BGP C-Mcast Signaling - SSM
Topologia do perfil multicast 14
Plataforma: ASR9K
1. Verifique se há algum alarme em nível de sistema no nó relatado (Roteador PE/Receiver PE/MID de Origem).
Show pfm location all
Show logging (Check for critical or major logs)
admin show alarm
2. Verifique a conectividade de núcleo MPLS entre o roteador Headend e o roteador Tail End.
3. Verifique a conectividade local do Multicast Source/Receiver com os roteadores PE conectados.
4. Verifique a conectividade Fim-a-Fim entre a Origem Multicast e o receptor.
5. Verifique a configuração de acordo com o guia de configuração mencionado no documento mencionado anteriormente.
6. Verificação básica a partir da verificação de integridade do sistema:
show pfm location all
)show memory summary location all
show shmwin summary location all
show processes memory detail location all
show process cpu location <>
O sistema descarta os comandos de verificação
Siga estas etapas para solucionar problemas do perfil de multicast 14.
Exemplo: grupo: origem
Para o receptor multicast:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#show igmp vrf MLDP-14 groups | in ""
Fri Mar 12 02:43:14.720 EST Bundle-Ether5000.1 15:26:11 never Bundle-Ether5000.2 15:26:03 not used
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh igmp vrf MLDP-14 groups detail
Fri Mar 12 02:44:19.393 EST
Interface: Bundle-Ether5000.1
Uptime: 15:27:15 >>>>>>>> Check the IGMP join timestamp
Router mode: INCLUDE
Host mode: INCLUDE
Last reporter:
Suppress: 0
Group source list:
Source Address Uptime Expires Fwd Flags 15:27:15 00:03:46 Yes Remote Local e
Interface: Bundle-Ether5000.2
Group: >>> Multicast Group
Uptime: 15:27:07
Router mode: INCLUDE
Host mode: INCLUDE
Last reporter: >>> Receiver IP
Suppress: 0
Group source list:
Source Address Uptime Expires Fwd Flags 15:27:07 00:03:59 Yes Remote 4 >>> Source is & uptime
Verifique o status da interface com taxas de bits e erros:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh int be5000
Fri Mar 12 02:45:32.033 EST
Bundle-Ether5000 is up, line protocol is up
Interface state transitions: 1
Hardware is Aggregated Ethernet interface(s), address is 0026.9813.b986
Internet address is Unknown
MTU 1514 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit (Max: 10000000 Kbit)
reliability 255/255, txload 20/255, rxload 0/255
Encapsulation ARPA,
Full-duplex, 10000Mb/s
loopback not set,
Last link flapped 15:28:35
No. of members in this bundle: 1
TenGigE0/0/0/17 Full-duplex 10000Mb/s Active
Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
30 second input rate 1000 bits/sec, 2 packets/sec
30 second output rate 793646000 bits/sec, 200031 packets/sec
118212 packets input, 8341734 bytes, 0 total input drops
0 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
Received 6 broadcast packets, 6819 multicast packets
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles, 0 parity
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
2857201595 packets output, 1416646430161 bytes, 0 total output drops
Output 242 broadcast packets, 2857201353 multicast packets
0 output errors, 0 underruns, 0 applique, 0 resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
0 carrier transitions
Verifique se há algum LPTS descartado:
show lpts pifib hardware static-police location <> | i "IGMP|PIM|Flow"
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#show lpts pifib hardware static-police location 0/0/CPU0 | i "IGMP|PIM|Flow"
Fri Mar 12 02:45:56.259 EST
Punt Reason SID Flow Rate Burst Rate Accepted Dropped Destination
PUNT_IGMP_SNOOP NETIO_MED 4000 2000 0 0 0x0030 (0/RSP0/CPU0)
PUNT_IFIB_PIM_OPT NETIO_LOW 2000 500 36 0 Local
Verificação de entrada PIM:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh pim vrf MLDP-14 topology
Fri Mar 12 02:47:57.462 EST
IP PIM Multicast Topology Table
Entry state: (*/S,G)[RPT/SPT] Protocol Uptime Info
Entry flags: KAT - Keep Alive Timer, AA - Assume Alive, PA - Probe Alive
RA - Really Alive, IA - Inherit Alive, LH - Last Hop
DSS - Don't Signal Sources, RR - Register Received
SR - Sending Registers, SNR - Sending Null Registers
E - MSDP External, EX - Extranet
MFA - Mofrr Active, MFP - Mofrr Primary, MFB - Mofrr Backup
DCC - Don't Check Connected, ME - MDT Encap, MD - MDT Decap
MT - Crossed Data MDT threshold, MA - Data MDT Assigned
SAJ - BGP Source Active Joined, SAR - BGP Source Active Received,
SAS - BGP Source Active Sent, IM - Inband mLDP, X - VxLAN
Interface state: Name, Uptime, Fwd, Info
Interface flags: LI - Local Interest, LD - Local Dissinterest,
II - Internal Interest, ID - Internal Dissinterest,
LH - Last Hop, AS - Assert, AB - Admin Boundary, EX - Extranet,
BGP - BGP C-Multicast Join, BP - BGP Source Active Prune,
MVS - MVPN Safi Learned, MV6S - MVPN IPv6 Safi Learned
(, SSM Up: 15:30:53
JP: Join(BGP) RPF: LmdtMLDP-14, Flags:
Bundle-Ether5000.1 15:30:53 fwd LI LH >>>>> UPTIME of PIM & all egress Interfaces last hop & local interest
Bundle-Ether5000.2 15:30:45 fwd LI LH
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh pim vrf MLDP-14 interface be5000.1 detail
Fri Mar 12 02:49:36.698 EST
PIM interfaces in VRF MLDP-14
IP PIM Multicast Interface State
Flag: B - Bidir enabled, NB - Bidir disabled
P - PIM Proxy enabled, NP - PIM Proxy disabled
V - Virtual Interface
BFD State - State/Interval/Multiplier
Interface PIM Nbr Hello DR
Count Intvl Prior
Bundle-Ether5000.1 on 2 30 1 >>> PIM ON, Hello Interval 30 sec
Primary Address :
Flags : NB NP V
BFD : On/500 ms/3 >>> BFD ON
DR : this system >>> This is DR
Propagation delay : 500
Override Interval : 2500
Hello Timer : 00:00:27
Neighbor Filter : -
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh pim vrf MLDP-14 neighbor bundle-ether 5000.1 detail
Fri Mar 12 03:03:43.892 EST
PIM neighbors in VRF MLDP-14
Flag: B - Bidir capable, P - Proxy capable, DR - Designated Router,
E - ECMP Redirect capable
* indicates the neighbor created for this router
Neighbor Address Interface Uptime Expires DR pri Flags* Bundle-Ether5000.1 15:46:40 00:01:38 1 (DR) B E >>>> Verify DR
Expiry Timer: 00:00:07 Bundle-Ether5000.1 15:46:27 00:01:25 0
BFD State: enabled
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh pim vrf MLDP-14 mdt cache | utili egrep -w "(,"
Fri Mar 12 03:04:19.783 EST (, [global-id 4] never >>>> Verify Global ID for specific S,G
Observação: essa ID global permanece a mesma/exclusiva do destinatário para a Origem para essa S, G específica.
Erros/estatísticas de PIM:
show pim traffic
PIM Traffic Counters
Elapsed time since counters cleared: 1d01h
Received Sent
Valid PIM Packets 15759217 15214426 >>> verify the pim packets increment
Hello 9207 12336 >>> verify the pim hello Negotiations
Join-Prune 1076805 531981
Data Register 14673205 0
Null Register 73205 0
Register Stop 0 14673205
Assert 0 0
Batched Assert 0 0
Bidir DF Election 0 0
BSR Message 0 0 >>> If you have RP check this stats
Candidate-RP Adv. 0 0 >>> If you have RP check this stats
Join groups sent 0
Prune groups sent 0
Output JP bytes 0
Output hello bytes 410
Errors: >>>>> Check below paramters for errors or drops
Malformed Packets 0
Bad Checksums 0
Socket Errors 0
Subnet Errors 0
Packets dropped since send queue was full 0
Packets dropped due to invalid socket 0
Packets which couldn't be accessed 0
Packets sent on Loopback Errors 6
Packets received on PIM-disabled Interface 0
Verificação de MRIB:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mrib vrf MLDP-14 route detail
Fri Mar 12 03:05:38.300 EST
IP Multicast Routing Information Base
Entry flags: L - Domain-Local Source, E - External Source to the Domain,
C - Directly-Connected Check, S - Signal, IA - Inherit Accept,
IF - Inherit From, D - Drop, ME - MDT Encap, EID - Encap ID,
MD - MDT Decap, MT - MDT Threshold Crossed, MH - MDT interface handle
CD - Conditional Decap, MPLS - MPLS Decap, EX - Extranet
MoFE - MoFRR Enabled, MoFS - MoFRR State, MoFP - MoFRR Primary
MoFB - MoFRR Backup, RPFID - RPF ID Set, X - VXLAN
Interface flags: F - Forward, A - Accept, IC - Internal Copy,
NS - Negate Signal, DP - Don't Preserve, SP - Signal Present,
II - Internal Interest, ID - Internal Disinterest, LI - Local Interest,
LD - Local Disinterest, DI - Decapsulation Interface
EI - Encapsulation Interface, MI - MDT Interface, LVIF - MPLS Encap,
EX - Extranet, A2 - Secondary Accept, MT - MDT Threshold Crossed,
MA - Data MDT Assigned, LMI - mLDP MDT Interface, TMI - P2MP-TE MDT Interface
IRMI - IR MDT Interface
(, Ver: 0x7023 RPF nbr: Flags: RPF RPFID,
PD: Slotmask: 0x4 >>>>Slot Mask denotes which slot it will be flooded (binary conversion : 0100) Slot 2 (slot 02 -> 0/0/CPU0)
MGID: 5489 >> Note MGID
Up: 15:48:34
RPF-ID: 639, Encap-ID: 0 >>Note RFID & ENCAP-ID. EnCAP ID 0 is Default (Partition MDT)
Incoming Interface List
LmdtMLDP-14 Flags: A LMI, Up: 00:36:35
Outgoing Interface List
Bundle-Ether5000.1 (0/0/CPU0) Flags: F NS LI, Up: 15:48:34 >>Match this slot
Bundle-Ether5000.2 (0/0/CPU0) Flags: F NS LI, Up: 15:48:26
Verificar interface de membro de pacote ativa:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh int bundle-ether 5000 | in Active
Fri Mar 12 03:09:52.186 EST
TenGigE0/0/0/17 Full-duplex 10000Mb/s Active >>> It belong to LC0 , NP5, FIA 2
Verifique o mapeamento NP e FIA de TenGigE0/0/0/17:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh controllers np ports all location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 03:11:53.080 EST
Node: 0/0/CPU0:
NP Bridge Fia Ports
-- ------ --- ---------------------------------------------------
0 -- 0 TenGigE0/0/0/0 - TenGigE0/0/0/2
1 -- 0 TenGigE0/0/0/3 - TenGigE0/0/0/5
2 -- 1 TenGigE0/0/0/6 - TenGigE0/0/0/8
3 -- 1 TenGigE0/0/0/9 - TenGigE0/0/0/11
4 -- 2 TenGigE0/0/0/12 - TenGigE0/0/0/14
5 -- 2 TenGigE0/0/0/15 - TenGigE0/0/0/17
6 -- 3 TenGigE0/0/0/18 - TenGigE0/0/0/20
7 -- 3 TenGigE0/0/0/21 - TenGigE0/0/0/23
Verificação de mVPN BGP:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh bgp ipv4 mvpn vrf MLDP-14
Fri Mar 12 03:14:31.903 EST
BGP router identifier, local AS number 55836
BGP generic scan interval 60 secs
Non-stop routing is enabled
BGP table state: Active
Table ID: 0x0 RD version: 0
BGP main routing table version 13952
BGP NSR Initial initsync version 207 (Reached)
BGP NSR/ISSU Sync-Group versions 13952/0
BGP scan interval 60 secs
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best
i - internal, r RIB-failure, S stale, N Nexthop-discard
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 1000:1001 (default for vrf MLDP-14)
*> [1][]/40 0 i
*>i[1][]/40 100 0 i
*>i[1][]/40 100 0 i
*> [3][0][][0][][]/120 0 i
*>i[3][0][][0][][]/120 100 0 i
*>i[3][0][][0][][]/120 100 0 i
*>i[3][32][][32][][]/120 >>> Type 3 is received from Source PE 100 0 i
*> [7][1000:1001][55836][32][][32][]/184 >>> Type 7 is advertised from receiver PE 0 i
Processed 8 prefixes, 8 paths
Verificação de programação LC mFIB:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mfib vrf MLDP-14 platform route location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 03:19:41.712 EST
LC Type: A9K-24x10GE-SE
Common SW:
Route Information
B: BACL check S: RPF Interface signal
DC: Directly connected PL: Punt to LC CPU
PR: Punt to RP PF: Punt if forwarded
DR: Drop all RI: RPF interface
MF: MoFRR enabled TR: Tunnel route
TE: Tunnel encap CD: Conditional decap
MI: MVET index NI: Not Installed
BD: Bidir
MVPN Information (Common SW)
MLI: MVPN table index VTID: VRF Table ID
RPFID: RPF Identifier
MoFRR Information
A: Active RPF interface RI: RPF interface (or RPF ID)
WDI: Watchdog counter index
Source: Group: Mask: 64 RPF ID : 639 >> Verify RFID
Common SW Information
MGID: 5489 MLI: 2132 Fabric Slotmask: 0x4 FGID: 0x4 >>> Verify MGID & Slotmask
F F F F F F F F 639 F F F F 0x0
MVPN/MLDP Decap Information:
RPF ID: 639
RPF ID MGID: Primary:7737 Backup:7738
Last refcount bitmask (RPF ID): 0x20, Sets: 21, Clears: 20
MNP Olist: [NP0:0 NP1:0 NP2:0 NP3:0 NP4:0 NP5:2 NP6:0 NP7:0 ] >>> Verify NP as mentioned above it is NP5
Turnaround flag:
Verifique a taxa de encaminhamento em bytes e pacotes para S, G específicos na plataforma/PD:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mfib vrf MLDP-14 route rate detail
Fri Mar 12 03:17:06.998 EST
IP Multicast Forwarding Rates
(Source Address, Group Address)
Incoming rate: (Incoming interface)
Node: (Incoming node) : pps/bps
HW Incoming count : (in packets)
HW Drop count : (in packets)
Outgoing rate:
Node: (Outgoing node) : pps/bps
HW Forwarding count: (in packets)
HW Drop count: (in packets)
Interfaces: (Outgoing interface list)
(, >>>> Forwarding rate for specific S,G
Incoming rate : MDT Lm14
Node : 0/0/CPU0 : 200565 / 766963242 >>>> Incoming rate bps/pps
HW Incoming count : 3233699818 packets >>> Incoming rate in packets
HW Drop count : 0 packets >>> Incoming drops
Outgoing rate :
Node : 0/0/CPU0 : 99013 / 378628394 >>>> Outgoing rate bps/pps
HW Forwarding count: 1616848961 packets >>>> Outgoing rate in packets
HW Drop count: 0 packets >>>> Outgoing drops
Interfaces: BE5000.1 BE5000.2
Estatísticas de PD para S, G:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mfib vrf MLDP-14 platform route statistics location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 03:21:57.222 EST
LC Type: A9K-24x10GE-SE
N: NP ID R: Received
F: Forwarded P: Punted to CPU
ID: Ingress Drop ED: Egress Drop
Source: Group: Mask:64
NP R(packets:bytes)/F(packets:bytes)/P(packets)/ID(packets)/ED(packets)
0 1645909137:786744567486 / 0:0 / 0 / 0 / 1645909136
1 0:0 / 0:0 / 0 / 0 / 0
2 0:0 / 0:0 / 0 / 0 / 0
3 0:0 / 0:0 / 0 / 0 / 0
4 0:0 / 0:0 / 0 / 0 / 0
5 1645819072:786701516416 / 1645914052:786746916856 / 0 / 0 / 0 >> Forwarding rate on NP5 in bytes & packets cumulative
6 0:0 / 0:0 / 0 / 0 / 0
7 0:0 / 0:0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Interface Statistics:
C Interface F/P/D (packets:bytes)
5 BE5000.1 1645819072:786701516416 / 0:0 / 0:0 >> Forwarding rate on interface
5 BE5000.2 1645914051:786746916378 / 0:0 / 0:0
Verifique a taxa de encaminhamento em bps e pps para S, G específico na plataforma/PD:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mfib vrf MLDP-14 route stati location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 03:25:44.237 EST
IP Multicast Forwarding Information Base
Entry flags: C - Directly-Connected Check, S - Signal, D - Drop,
IA - Inherit Accept, IF - Inherit From, EID - Encap ID,
ME - MDT Encap, MD - MDT Decap, MT - MDT Threshold Crossed,
MH - MDT interface handle, CD - Conditional Decap,
DT - MDT Decap True, RPFID - RPF ID Set
Interface flags: F - Forward, A - Accept, IC - Internal Copy,
NS - Negate Signal, DP - Don't Preserve, SP - Signal Present,
EG - Egress, EI - Encapsulation Interface, MI - MDT Interface
SW/HW Forwarding/Replication Counts: Packets in/Packets out/Bytes out
SW Failure Counts: RPF / TTL / Empty Olist / Encap RL / Other
HW Drop Counts: Ingress / Egress
HW Forwarding Rates: bps In/pps In/bps Out/pps Out
(,, Flags:
Up: 16:08:40
Last Used: never
SW Forwarding Counts: 0/0/0
SW Replication Counts: 0/0/0
SW Failure Counts: 0/0/0/0/0
HW Forwarding Counts: 3337154990/1668576693/797579659254
HW Replication Counts: 3337154990/3337166638/1595165652964
HW Drop Counts: 0/0 >>>> DROP counter if it is incrementing then it is a problem (Check np DROP counters)
HW Forwarding Rates: 766982645/200570/388346650/101555 -à It is in current bps & pps on LC (it should be incremental)
LmdtMLDP-14 Flags: A LMI, Up:00:56:41 >>> MDT uptime
Bundle-Ether5000.1 Flags: NS EG, Up:16:08:40 >>>> uptime in PD
Bundle-Ether5000.2 Flags: NS EG, Up:16:08:32
Use o MGID Index (observado anteriormente) para verificar os clientes e o mapeamento dos respectivos FIA e XBAR:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh controllers mgidprgm mgidindex 5489 location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 03:28:22.682 EST
Device MGID-Bits Client-Last-Modified
XBAR-0 100 MFIBV4 >> X-BAR instance 0
FIA-2 10 MFIBV4 >> Ten-0/0/0/17 is part of FIA 2
Client Mask
MFIBV4 0x20
MFIBV6 0x0
L2FIB 0x0
sRP-pseudo-mc 0x0
UT 0x0
Prgm-Svr 0x0
P2MP 0x0
xbar 0x0
UT1 0x0
UT2 0x0
punt_lib 0x0 punt_lib 0x0
Programação da plataforma para os estados S, G e OLIST:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mfib vrf MLDP-14 platform route olist detail location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 03:31:17.067 EST
LC Type: A9K-24x10GE-SE
Common SW:
Route Information
NP: NP ID B: BACL check
S: RPF Interface signal DC: Directly connected
PL: Punt to LC CPU PR: Punt to RP
PF: Punt if forwarded DR: Drop all
RI: RPF interface FS: Fabric slotmask
G: Multicast group ID M: Multicast Leaf Index
T: Table ID for lookup OC: Count of OLIST members
Base: Base of the statistics pointer NI: Not Installed
BD: Bidir
Interface Information
NP: NP ID Intf: Interface
U: uIDB index OT: OLE Type
T: Table ID IC: HW IC flag
B: HW BACL bit EU: Interface uIDB index
IB: Bundle interface EH: In HW OLIST table
OIDX: OLIST index on NP PT: Punt table entry
Base: Statistics Ptr base RM: Remote FGID (Pri/Back)
BD_ID: Bridge Domain ID if BVI RH: Raw hash
Software OLIST Information
SW OC: Software OLIST counts HW OC: Hardware OLIST counts
T: Table ID SD: Send direct flag
Engine: Olist Information:
NP: NP ID Intf: Interface
U: uIDB index OT: OLE Type
T: Table ID IC: HW IC flag
B: HW BACL bit EU: Interface uIDB index
IB: Bundle interface EH: In HW OLIST table
OIDX: OLIST index on NP PT: Punt table entry
Base: Statistics Ptr base RM: Remote FGID (Pri/Back)
BD_ID: Bridge Domain ID if BVI RH: Raw hash
Source: Group: Mask: 64 RPF ID : 639
Common SW Information
0 F F F F F F F F 639 0x4 5489 2132 0 0 0x12c88
1 F F F F F F F F 639 0x4 5489 2132 0 0 0x12c88
2 F F F F F F F F 639 0x4 5489 2132 0 0 0x12c88
3 F F F F F F F F 639 0x4 5489 2132 0 0 0x12c88
4 F F F F F F F F 639 0x4 5489 2132 0 0 0x12cb0
5 F F F F F F F F 639 0x4 5489 2132 0 2 0x12cb0
6 F F F F F F F F 639 0x4 5489 2132 0 0 0x12cc8
7 F F F F F F F F 639 0x4 5489 2132 0 0 0x12cb8
Interface Information
5 BE5000.1 REG 931 0 F F 931 T T/T 0 T 0x12cb8 0xef8edd84 >> verify UIDB 931
5 BE5000.2 REG 930 0 F F 930 T T/T 1 T 0x12cbb 0xef8edd84
Software OLIST Information
5 2 2 0 F
Virtual Interface Local Presence
NP Intf UL Intf Bundle Parent
5 Bundle-Ether5000.1 Te0/0/0/17 Bundle-Ether5000 >> Check the member interface this S,G is forwarding
5 Bundle-Ether5000.2 Te0/0/0/17 Bundle-Ether5000
Engine Information
5 0xa03e0200 REG 41731 0 F F 0xb82c0100 0x84dd8eef
5 0xe03e0200 REG 41475 0 F F 63747 0xbb2c0100 0x84dd8eef
Verificar programação UIDB:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh uidb index location 0/0/CPU0 | in 931
Fri Mar 12 03:41:21.876 EST
0/0/CPU0 0x00023ea0 Bundle-Ether5000.1 Sub-interface 931
Verifique o hashing do pacote para S, G:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mrib platform bundle hash ip bundle-ether5000
Fri Mar 12 03:31:19.067 EST
(Source, Group): (,
Bundle interface: Bundle-Ether500 (0x20002a0)
Bundle member: TenGigE0/0/0/17 (0x580)
Raw Hash (32b): 0x8febeed6
Lag Hash (12b): 0x00d6
Member index: 0
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mrib platform bundle hash ip bundle-ether5000
Fri Mar 12 03:31:21.067 EST
(Source, Group): (,
Bundle interface: Bundle-Ether5000 (0x20002a0)
Bundle member: TenGigE0/1/0/17 (0x5c0)
Raw Hash (32b): 0x8014609b
Lag Hash (12b): 0x009b
Member index: 1
Verificar status do cliente BCDL:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mrib ipv4 client
Tue Aug 31 06:35:37.639 EDT
IP MRIB client-connections
bcdl_agent:1 (client id 28)
igmp:7467 (client id 23)
ldp:17503 (client id 52)
lmrib_bcdl:1 (client id 30) >>> Expected
lmrib_bcdl:2 (client id 60) >>>> Not expected if more than 1 >> fix provided Cisco bug ID CSCvy58964
pim:7471 (client id 26)
pim6_lbl:7644 (client id 20)
pim_lbl:7471 (client id 17)
xtc:7458 (client id 33)
Verificar o status do MLDP:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mpls mldp status
Fri Mar 12 02:56:00.727 EST
mLDP statistics
Process status : Active, Running and Ready
Logging notifications : Disabled
Label release scan in : never
LSM ID scan in : never
RIB connection status : Connected
RIB connection open : Yes
Verifique o banco de dados MLDP com Global-id:
O comportamento de recursive-fec.
Aqui, para Tail/leaf end para acessar root/Head end, há uma mudança de próximo salto.
Na extremidade traseira, o loopback da extremidade principal é aprendido através de AG3-2 (Roteador MID). Então aqui o efeito recursivo tem um papel importante
address-family ipv4
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mpls mldp database root opaquetype global-id 4 details
Fri Mar 12 03:42:20.594 EST
mLDP database
LSM-ID: 0x000D6 (LSP-ID: 0x8005D) Type: P2MP Uptime: 01:13:02
FEC Root : >>>> This is the FEC root where Multicast Source is connected
FEC Length : 12 bytes
FEC Value internal : 0201000400000004312C000A
Opaque length : 4 bytes
Opaque value : 01 0004 00000004
Opaque decoded : [global-id 4]
Features : MBB RFEC RFWD Trace
Upstream neighbor(s) :
Recursive encode LSM-ID: 0x000D7 >>> is reachable via so Recursive LSM check the next command
Downstream client(s):
PIM MDT Uptime: 01:13:02
Egress intf : LmdtMLDP-14 >>>> Pointing towards mdt tunnel VRF
Table ID : IPv4: 0xe00003f9 IPv6: 0xe08003f9
RPF ID : 639 >>>> Check the RPFID it should match with mfib & mrib o/p
RD : 1000:1001 >> Check RD value
Verifique o estado da ID do LSM no banco de dados MLDP:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mpls mldp database 0x000D7 details >>>> Recursive LSM ID (Outer FEC)
Fri Mar 12 03:44:54.350 EST
mLDP database
LSM-ID: 0x000D7 (LSP-ID: 0x8005D) Type: P2MP Uptime: 01:15:36
FEC Root :
FEC Length : 25 bytes
FEC Value internal : 020700110600010312C000A000701000400000004312C0004
Opaque length : 17 bytes
Opaque value : 07 0011 0600010312C000A000701000400000004
Opaque decoded : [recursive][global-id 4] >>>> inner fec which is pointing towards actual source
Features : MBB RFEC RFWD Trace
Upstream neighbor(s) :
Is CSI accepting : N [Active] [MBB] Uptime: 01:15:36 >>> upstream neighbor. Check ldp neighbor with hop
Local Label (D) : 29233 >>>> local label
Downstream client(s):
Recursive 0x000D6 Uptime: 01:15:36 >>> This is outer fec which is pointing towards VRF interface actual receiver (check above)
PIM MDT Uptime: 01:15:36 (from 0x000D6) >> MDT tunnel uptime
Egress intf : LmdtMLDP-14
Table ID : IPv4: 0xe00003f9 IPv6: 0xe08003f9
RPF ID : 639
RD : 1000:1001
Verifique os parâmetros MRIB para rótulos locais para S, G:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mrib mpls forwarding labels 29233 detail
Fri Mar 12 03:47:45.907 EST
LSP information (mLDP) :
LSM-ID: 0x8005D, Role: Tail >>>> Verify the LSM ID & RPF -ID with MLDP database
RPF-ID: 0x0027F, Assoc-TIDs: 0xe00003f9/0xe08003f9, MDT: LmdtMLDP-14 >> RFID is in hex convert into DEC & verify it
Incoming Label : 29233
Transported Protocol :
Explicit Null : None
IP lookup : enabled
Platform information :
Slotmask: Primary: 0x4, Backup: 0x4 >> Verify slotmask
MGID Primary: 7751, Backup: 7752 >>> Verify the same with mfib platform route location command
Label Node Role: LMRIB_ROUTER_ROLE_EGRESS, Tunnel Type: MVPN Tunnel
Outsegment Info #1 [T/Pop]:
No info.
Primary: [Main IF: NULL (IFH: 0), UL IF: NULL (IFH: 0)]
Backup: [Main IF: NULL (IFH: 0), UL IF: NULL (IFH: 0)]
Verifique o RPFID e o respectivo MGID:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#show mrib rpf-id | b 639
Fri Mar 12 03:52:43.375 EST
Addr:, RPF-ID: 639 (0x27f)
Alloc: F, IPv6 Intr: F, Stale: F, Chkpt Obj-ID: 0x0
Routes - Non-core: 1, Core: 0, Label: 2
In PD Retry: F
Platform Annot: Primary MGID: 7737, Backup MGID: 7738
Verificar o encaminhamento MPLS:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mpls forwarding labels 29233
Fri Mar 12 04:00:00.695 EST
Local Outgoing Prefix Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Label Label or ID Interface Switched
------ ----------- ------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------
29233 Unlabelled mLDP/IR: 0x8005d >> verify with MPLS MLDP database LSP -ID
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mpls forwarding labels 29233 location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 04:00:05.962 EST
Local Outgoing Prefix Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Label Label or ID Interface Switched
------ ----------- ------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------
29233 Unlabelled mLDP/IR: 0x8005d 289 > For LSP card, MPLS forwarding stats is not incrementing fix provided Cisco bug ID CSCwe17513
Verificar encaminhamento CEF:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh cef >> FEC Root IP
Fri Mar 12 05:48:01.838 EST, version 149189, internal 0x1000001 0x0 (ptr 0x7a11058) [1], 0x0 (0x79c18c08), 0xa08 (0x79e5556c)
Updated Mar 12 02:29:03.109
Prefix Len 32, traffic index 0, precedence n/a, priority 4
via, 6 dependencies, recursive [flags 0x6000]
path-idx 0 NHID 0x0 [0x727a0730 0x0]
next hop via 24215/0/21
local label 29229
next hop Te0/1/0/2 labels imposed {ImplNull 25509}
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh cef >> Next Hop for
Fri Mar 12 05:48:07.914 EST, version 117384, internal 0x1000001 0x0 (ptr 0x721ee2a8) [1], 0x0 (0x79c14ae4), 0xa20 (0x777e8518)
Updated Mar 11 20:41:39.060
remote adjacency to TenGigE0/1/0/2
Prefix Len 32, traffic index 0, precedence n/a, priority 1
via, Bundle-Ether45, 3 dependencies, weight 0, class 0, backup (Local-LFA) [flags 0x300]
path-idx 0 NHID 0x0 [0x79a002a0 0x79a00508]
next hop
local adjacency
local label 24215 labels imposed {ImplNull}
via, TenGigE0/1/0/2, 4 dependencies, weight 0, class 0, protected [flags 0x400]
path-idx 1 bkup-idx 0 NHID 0x0 [0x78eeb420 0x78ef0b50]
next hop
local label 24215 labels imposed {ImplNull}
Verifique os contadores de descartes NP:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9006-L#sh controllers np counters np0 location 0/2/CPU0 | util egrep -i "DROP|OLE|MDF"
Fri Oct 30 03:31:18.619 UTC
16 MDF_TX_LC_CPU 131216974 491
17 MDF_TX_WIRE 1233084179074 393586. >>> Packets towards egress PHY from NP
21 MDF_TX_FABRIC 1297085738439 297619 >>> Packets towards Fabric from NP
117 RSV_DROP_MPLS_NRLDI_NO_MATCH 413748715 0 >>
438 RSV_LSM_NO_OLE 2714 0. >>>>due to no OLE mapped or underlay Join for LSM ID
544 MDF_PIPE_LPBK 537269848146 297618
633 MDF_LB_TM0_LPBK0 144115523350 75159 >>> TM0 loopback utilization (Tomhawk/Typh case)
634 MDF_LB_TM0_LPBK1 799575201453 74405
635 MDF_LB_TM1_LPBK0 143959136311 74405 >>> TM1 loopback utilization (in Tomhawk case)
636 MDF_LB_TM1_LPBK1 143733432720 73661
637 MDF_TM_LP_Q_P1 6321879 10
639 MDF_TM_LP_Q_PN 1231376971969 297618
Verifique as quedas de NP ou FIA no LC:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:B#sh drops all ongoing location 0/2/CPU0
Checking for ongoing drops on 0/2/CPU0
[np:NP0] MDF_RPF_FAIL_DROP: +24058109. >>>>> Check use case TZ to understand this
[np:NP1] MDF_RPF_FAIL_DROP: +24116093
show controller np counters:
[np:NP0] MDF_RPF_FAIL_DROP: +979311
[np:NP1] MDF_RPF_FAIL_DROP: +984429
Observação: MDF_RPF_FAIL_DROP é devido à falha de RPF quando a interface de RPF na rota não corresponde ao intf de entrada do pacote.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:PUNEKLCLAAR001#sh drops all ongoing location 0/0/CPU0 | include "RSV_DROP_ACL_DENY|TM"
Thu Dec 24 20:33:30.086 IST
[np:NP3] RSV_DROP_ACL_DENY: +109
[np:NP5] RSV_DROP_ACL_DENY: +154
[np:NP 3 TM 0] drop paks: +5909 >>> Check TM drops if it increasing rapidly check the QOS stats & RFD buffers as mentioned below
[np:NP 5 TM 0] drop paks: +909
[np:NP 6 TM 0] drop paks: +8925
[np:NP 7 TM 0] drop paks: +5491
Se você observar que os descartes de TM aumentam mais rapidamente, colete estes registros:
Show policy-map interface <> out >>>>> egress stats >>>>Check if there is any drops in queue
Collect np datalogs
Get into LC shell (run attach 0/x/cpu0)
Execute show_np -e <np_id> -d npdatalog:
Além disso, colete várias iterações (4-5) do pipeline a partir do shell LC.
show_np -e <np_id> -d -pipeline >>>> Only applicable for Tomhawk LC
Como o tráfego Multicast usa loopback TM, verifique se há quedas em qoshal (exemplo NP4 Local 4).
Exemplo de o/p:
Tailend#show qoshal loopback-queue np 4 location 0/0/CPU0
Tue Jun 9 10:51:12.908 IST
TY Options argc:6
nphal_show_chk -p 2049loopback-queue-n 0x4
Loopback Queues : NP 4
Multi-cast Loopback Queue NP 4
Ingress: QID 0x40 Entity: 4/0/0/4/8/0 Priority: Priority 1 Qdepth: 0
StatIDs: commit/fast_commit/drop: 0x5f0140/0x0/0x5f0141
Tx_To_TM 0/0
Total Xmt 0/0 Dropped 0/0 >>> Check Transmit & Drop packets in P1
Ingress: QID 0x41 Entity: 4/0/0/4/8/1 Priority: Priority 2 Qdepth: 0
StatIDs: commit/fast_commit/drop: 0x5f0145/0x0/0x5f0146
Tx_To_TM 0/0
Total Xmt 0/0 Dropped 0/0 >>> Check Transmit & Drop packets in P2
Ingress: QID 0x43 Entity: 4/0/0/4/8/3 Priority: Priority 3 Qdepth: 0
StatIDs: commit/fast_commit/drop: 0x5f014f/0x0/0x5f0150
Tx_To_TM 0/0
Total Xmt 0/0 Dropped 0/0 >>> Check Transmit & Drop packets in P3
Ingress: QID 0x42 Entity: 4/0/0/4/8/2 Priority: Priority Normal Qdepth: 0
StatIDs: commit/fast_commit/drop: 0x5f014a/0x0/0x5f014b
Tx_To_TM 6607491182505/9627383230841487
Total Xmt 349820789/509702036782 Dropped 6607141361716/9626873528804705 >>>> Check Transmit & Drop packets in Default Queue
Para capturar qualquer tráfego intermitente:
np_perf -e 0 -R -o 4 -D 10 -n 5000
R is for rfd
O is for special ports (loopback comes under that)
D is duration; in the above example it is 10 secs; max you can specify is 2 days or something like that
Verifique o status do MLDP:
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh mpls mldp status
Fri Mar 12 08:08:37.366 UTC
mLDP statistics
Process status : Active, Running and Ready >>>> Active
Logging notifications : Disabled
Label release scan in : never
LSM ID scan in : never
RIB connection status : Connected
RIB connection open : Yes
Verifique o banco de dados MLDP:
Comportamento de recursive-fec
Aqui, para o mid-end (RR em linha) alcançar a raiz/head-end, há o próximo salto como raiz.
address-family ipv4
Exemplo de o/p:
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh mpls mldp database opaquetype recursive global-id 4
Fri Mar 12 07:54:05.599 UTC
mLDP database
LSM-ID: 0x00023 (LSP-ID: 0x80023) Type: P2MP Uptime: 01:26:35
FEC Root : (we are the root) >>> In this router, outer FEC get remove
Opaque decoded : [recursive][global-id 4]
Features : MBB RFWD
Upstream neighbor(s) : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Upstream client towards HEADEND
Recursive decode LSM-ID: 0x00024 >> Inner FEC to reach
Downstream client(s): >>>>>>>> Downstream client towards Receiver
LDP Uptime: 01:26:35
Rec Next Hop : >> Receiver end IP
Remote label (D) : 29233 >>> Remote label to reach
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh mpls mldp database 0x00024 >>> Inner FEC (Actual LSM to reach Source)
Fri Mar 12 07:55:20.346 UTC
mLDP database
LSM-ID: 0x00024 (LSP-ID: 0x80023) Type: P2MP Uptime: 01:27:50
FEC Root :
Opaque decoded : [global-id 4]
Features : MBB RFWD
Upstream neighbor(s) :
Is CSI accepting : N [Active] [MBB] Uptime: 01:27:50
Local Label (D) : 25515
Downstream client(s):
Recursive 0x00023 Uptime: 01:27:50
Verifique a entrada/estado do MRIB do IP > multicast para S, G com a ajuda do rótulo:
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh mrib mpls forwarding labels 25515 detail
Fri Mar 12 08:01:03.353 UTC
LSP information (mLDP) :
LSM-ID: 0x80023, Role: Mid >> Note LSM & Role
Incoming Label : 25515
Transported Protocol :
Explicit Null : None
IP lookup : disabled
Platform information :
Slotmask: Primary: 0x4, Backup: 0xc
MGID Primary: 34318, Backup: 34319
Label Node Role: LMRIB_ROUTER_ROLE_MID, Tunnel Type: MVPN Tunnel
Outsegment Info #1 [M/Swap, Recursive]:
OutLabel: 29233, NH:, ID: 0x23, Sel IF: TenGigE0/0/0/3 >> verify out label with local label of
UL IF: TenGigE0/0/0/3, Node-ID: 0x8220
Backup Tunnel: Un:0x0 Backup State: Ready, NH:, MP Label: 0
Backup Sel IF: TenGigE0/1/0/0/2, UL IF: TenGigE0/1/0/0/2, Node-ID: 0x8320
Primary: [Main IF: TenGigE0/0/0/3 (IFH: 0x4000180), UL IF: TenGigE0/0/0/3 (IFH: 0x4000180)] >> Egress Interface/LC 0/0/CPU0
Backup: [Main IF: Bundle-Ether45 (IFH: 0x20002e0), UL IF: TenGigE0/1/0/0/2 (IFH: 0x60020c0)]
Verifique o MGID com este comando:
show mpls forwarding labels 25515 hardware egress location 0/0/CPU0
Este MGID está em valor hexadecimal e, em seguida, é convertido em decimal.
Verificar MGID:
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh controllers mgidprgm mgidindex 34318 location 0/0/CPU0 >>> mgid value you got from "show mpls forwarding labels 25515 hardware egress location 0/0/CPU0"
Fri Mar 12 08:02:02.873 UTC
Device MGID-Bits Client-Last-Modified
FIA-0 1 P2MP
FIA-1 0 None
Client Mask
MFIBV4 0x0
MFIBV6 0x0
L2FIB 0x0
sRP-pseudo-mc 0x0
UT 0x0
Prgm-Svr 0x0
P2MP 0x1
xbar 0x0
UT1 0x0
UT2 0x0
punt_lib 0x0
Verifique a taxa de encaminhamento em RSP e LC:
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh mpls forwarding labels 25515 location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 08:04:35.608 UTC
Local Outgoing Prefix Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Label Label or ID Interface Switched
------ ----------- ------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------
25515 29233 mLDP/IR: 0x00023 279353664958 >> Forwarding rate should increase
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh mpls forwarding labels 25515 location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 08:04:38.798 UTC
Local Outgoing Prefix Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Label Label or ID Interface Switched
------ ----------- ------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------
25515 29233 mLDP/IR: 0x00023 279353664958 >>> Forwarding rate should increase
Verifique a programação do rótulo MPLS relacionada a S, G:
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh mpls forwarding labels 25515 detail location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 08:04:56.793 UTC
Local Outgoing Prefix Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Label Label or ID Interface Switched
------ ----------- ------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------
25515 mLDP/IR: 0x00023 (0x80023) >>> Verify LSM/LSP ID as per MLDP database
Updated Mar 12 06:27:29.419
mLDP/IR LSM-ID: 0x80023, MDT: 0x0
Flags:IP Lookup:not-set, Expnullv4:not-set, Expnullv6:not-set
Payload Type v4:not-set, Payload Type v6:not-set, l2vpn:not-set
Head:not-set, Tail:not-set, Bud:not-set, Peek:not-set, inclusive:not-set
Ingress Drop:not-set, Egress Drop:not-set
RPF-ID:0, Encap-ID:0
Disp-Tun:[ifh:0x0, label:-]
Platform Data [72]:
{ 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 134 14 0 0 134 15
0 0 134 14 0 0 134 15
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
mpls paths: 1, local mpls paths: 1, protected mpls paths: 1
29233 mLDP/IR: 0x00023 (0x80023) \ >>> verify LSM ID 280073746930
Updated: Mar 12 06:27:29.420
My Nodeid:0x8220
Interface Nodeids:
[ 0x8220 - - - - - - - - - ]
Interface Handles:
[ 0x4000180 - - - - - - - - - ]
Backup Interface Nodeids:
[ 0x8320 - - - - - - - - - ]
Backup Interface Handles:
[ 0x60020c0 - - - - - - - - - ]
via-label:25502, mpi-flags:0x200 tos_masks:[ primary:0x0 backup:0x0]
MPI resolution time Mar 12 06:27:29.420
Packets Switched: 581065865
Verifique o mVPN BGP:
Você pode ver o Tipo 3 da Origem e o Tipo 7 do receptor.
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:AG3-2#sh bgp ipv4 mvpn rd 1000:1001
Fri Mar 12 08:08:09.413 UTC
BGP router identifier, local AS number 55836
BGP generic scan interval 60 secs
Non-stop routing is enabled
BGP table state: Active
Table ID: 0x0 RD version: 0
BGP main routing table version 11597
BGP NSR Initial initsync version 4 (Reached)
BGP NSR/ISSU Sync-Group versions 11597/0
BGP scan interval 60 secs
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best
i - internal, r RIB-failure, S stale, N Nexthop-discard
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 1000:1001
*>i[1][]/40 100 0 i
*>i[1][]/40 100 0 i
*>i[1][]/40 100 0 i
*>i[3][0][][0][][]/120 100 0 i
*>i[3][0][][0][][]/120 100 0 i
*>i[3][0][][0][][]/120 100 0 i
*>i[3][32][][32][][]/120 100 0 i
*>i[7][1000:1001][55836][32][][32][]/184 100 0 i
Processed 8 prefixes, 8 paths
Verifique o banco de dados MPLS MLDP:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mpls mldp database root opaquetype global-id 4
Fri Mar 12 05:27:57.124 EST
mLDP database
LSM-ID: 0x00009 Type: P2MP Uptime: 03:05:01 >> Verify LSM ID
FEC Root : (we are the root)
Opaque decoded : [global-id 4]
Features : MBB RFWD
Upstream neighbor(s) : >>> Upstream is under VRF so it is none
Downstream client(s):
LDP Uptime: 03:05:01 >>> Downstream client
Rec Next Hop :
Remote label (D) : 25515 >>> Verify this label with Mid router local label
PIM MDT Uptime: 03:05:01
Egress intf : LmdtMLDP-14
Table ID : IPv4: 0xe00003f8 IPv6: 0xe08003f8
HLI : 0x00009
Ingress : Yes
Local Label : 33031 (internal)
Verifique a interface do núcleo de saída com o uso de mrib:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mrib mpls forwarding labels 33031 detail
Fri Mar 12 05:29:57.603 EST
LSP information (mLDP) :
LSM-ID: 0x00009, Role: Head, Head LSM-ID: 0x00009
Incoming Label : (33031) >>> Local Label
Transported Protocol :
Explicit Null : None
IP lookup : disabled
Platform information :
Slotmask: Primary: 0x1, Backup: 0x1>>>>>> It gives egress LC0 as slotmask
MGID Primary: 26096, Backup: 26097 >>> Don't consider this MGID to verify the egress forwarding
Label Node Role: LMRIB_ROUTER_ROLE_INGRESS, Tunnel Type: MVPN Tunnel
Outsegment Info #1 [H/Push, Recursive]:
OutLabel: 25515, NH:, ID: 0x9, Sel IF: TenGigE0/0/1/2 >> Hash to one bundle member interface selected
UL IF: TenGigE0/0/1/2, Node-ID: 0x801
Primary: [Main IF: Bundle-Ether410 (IFH: 0x20009e0), UL IF: TenGigE0/0/1/2 (IFH: 0x140)]
Backup: [Main IF: NULL (IFH: 0x0), UL IF: NULL (IFH: 0x0)]
Comando alternativo:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mrib mpls forwarding head-lsm-id 0x00009 detail
Fri Mar 12 05:44:46.639 EST
LSP information (mLDP) :
LSM-ID: 0x00009, Role: Head, Head LSM-ID: 0x00009
Incoming Label : (33031)
Transported Protocol :
Explicit Null : None
IP lookup : disabled
Platform information :
Slotmask: Primary: 0x1, Backup: 0x1
MGID Primary: 26096, Backup: 26097
Label Node Role: LMRIB_ROUTER_ROLE_INGRESS, Tunnel Type: MVPN Tunnel
Outsegment Info #1 [H/Push, Recursive]:
OutLabel: 25515, NH:, ID: 0x9, Sel IF: TenGigE0/0/1/2
UL IF: TenGigE0/0/1/2, Node-ID: 0x801
Primary: [Main IF: Bundle-Ether410 (IFH: 0x20009e0), UL IF: TenGigE0/0/1/2 (IFH: 0x140)]
Backup: [Main IF: NULL (IFH: 0x0), UL IF: NULL (IFH: 0x0)]
Verifique a taxa de encaminhamento de MPLS em RSP e LC - a saída de DCWAN é o encaminhamento de MPLS:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mpls forwarding labels 33031
Fri Mar 12 05:32:09.026 EST
Local Outgoing Prefix Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Label Label or ID Interface Switched
------ ----------- ------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------
33031 25515 mLDP/IR: 0x00009 545528292634 >> Verify forwarding rate & LSM
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mpls forwarding labels 33031 detail location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 05:32:22.904 EST
Local Outgoing Prefix Outgoing Next Hop Bytes
Label Label or ID Interface Switched
------ ----------- ------------------ ------------ --------------- ------------
33031 mLDP/IR: 0x00009 (0x00009)
Updated Mar 12 02:22:56.152
mLDP/IR LSM-ID: 0x00009, MDT: 0x0, Head LSM-ID: 0x00009
IPv4 Tableid: 0xe0000000, IPv6 Tableid: 0xe0800000
Flags:IP Lookup:not-set, Expnullv4:not-set, Expnullv6:not-set
Payload Type v4:not-set, Payload Type v6:not-set, l2vpn:not-set
Head:set, Tail:not-set, Bud:not-set, Peek:not-set, inclusive:not-set
Ingress Drop:not-set, Egress Drop:not-set
RPF-ID:0, Encap-ID:0
Disp-Tun:[ifh:0x0, label:-]
Platform Data [64]:
{ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 101 240 0 0 101 241
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
mpls paths: 1, local mpls paths: 1, protected mpls paths: 0
25515 mLDP/IR: 0x00009 (0x00009) \ 546248376534
Updated: Mar 12 02:22:56.150
My Nodeid:0x801
Interface Nodeids:
[ 0x801 - - - - - - - - - ]
Interface Handles:
[ 0x140 - - - - - - - - - ]
Backup Interface Nodeids:
[ - - - - - - - - - - ]
Backup Interface Handles:
[ - - - - - - - - - - ]
via-label:33009, mpi-flags:0x200 tos_masks:[ primary:0x0 backup:0x0]
MPI resolution time Mar 12 02:22:56.151
Packets Switched: 1133295387 >>> verify Traffic rate increase
Verifique o CEF para o próximo salto mostrado no downstream de MLDP:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh cef internal
Fri Mar 12 05:39:40.543 EST
IPv4:default:0xe0000000[0x718462d8]:lsd:[ref:1 proto:ipv4 flags:0x1000001 f2:0x0 src:lsd ver:376933][0x8abcce98]
LSPA => [ref:3 count:1 src:lsd flags:[pd create pending, updated, has-pd-li] walk-idx:0 flags:0xa20][0x727bc598]
LABEL_INFO => [default [o-label:pop l-label:33009 type:0 flags:[linked to lsw, ipv4, recycle, retain] ext-flags:[none]][0x72789b68]
LABEL_INFO => [default [o-label:pop l-label:33009 type:0 flags:[owner locked, eos li, linked to lsw, ipv4, recycle, retain] ext-flags:[none]][0x727994a0]]]}
LDI => [ref:9 pl:75fe41a8 proto:mpls type:imp-eos1 lvl:1 buckets:1 slots:1 fixup:0 flags:[owner locked, added to pl, depth changed] timestamp:Mar 12 01:58:40.008][0x72811554]
NHINFO => [type:tx, linkt:link_IPv4, nh_proto:IPv4, ifh:Bundle-Ether410(0x20009e0), nh:, adj:0x0, flags:[incomplete, pd bind pending]][0x73c97890]
IDB => [ref:1 ifh:Bundle-Ether410(0x20009e0) type:28/EtherBundle parent-type:0/none flags:[owner locked,proto-stats,cpuless-inserted,bundle][0x714d9030]
IDB_EXT:{MPLS IPv4:[ref:1 MPLS:[0x71a6c058] NH:2 MTU:1500 flags:[forwarding is enabled][0x75659058]],IPv4:[ref:1 IPv4:default[0x718462d8] NH:3 MTU:1500 flags:[none][0x723d3df0]],MPLS IPv6:NULL,IPv6:[ref:1 IPv6:default[0x71e63558] NH:3 MTU:1500 flags:[none][0x726ede28]]}
LDI_LW => [type:imp loadinfo:[0x72811554] flags: timestamp:Mar 12 02:22:40.904][0x8aa0a3ac]
PATHLIST => [ref:12 count:1 depth:1 ldi:72811554 type:Shared flags:[mpls ext, imp, lsw] extn_flags:[] timestamp:Mar 12 01:58:40.004][0x75fe41a8]
[[nh: ifh:Bundle-Ether410(0x20009e0) tbl:0xe0000000 type:implict-null flags:[none]]
[depth:1 flags:[resolved,ldi-preferred] resolves-via: ###
NHINFO => [type:tx, linkt:link_IPv4, nh_proto:IPv4, ifh:Bundle-Ether410(0x20009e0), nh:, adj:0x0, flags:[incomplete, pd bind pending]][0x73c97890]
IDB => [ref:1 ifh:Bundle-Ether410(0x20009e0) type:28/EtherBundle parent-type:0/none flags:[owner locked,proto-stats,cpuless-inserted,bundle][0x714d9030]
IDB_EXT:{MPLS IPv4:[ref:1 MPLS:[0x71a6c058] NH:2 MTU:1500 flags:[forwarding is enabled][0x75659058]],IPv4:[ref:1 IPv4:default[0x718462d8] NH:3 MTU:1500 flags:[none][0x723d3df0]],MPLS IPv6:NULL,IPv6:[ref:1 IPv6:default[0x71e63558] NH:3 MTU:1500 flags:[none][0x726ede28]]}, with impnull-nh: **
NHINFO => [type:tx, linkt:link_MPLS, nh_proto:IPv4, ifh:Bundle-Ether410(0x20009e0), nh:, adj:0x0, flags:[incomplete, pd bind pending]][0x73c97940]
IDB => [ref:1 ifh:Bundle-Ether410(0x20009e0) type:28/EtherBundle parent-type:0/none flags:[owner locked,proto-stats,cpuless-inserted,bundle][0x714d9030]
IDB_EXT:{MPLS IPv4:[ref:1 MPLS:[0x71a6c058] NH:2 MTU:1500 flags:[forwarding is enabled][0x75659058]],IPv4:[ref:1 IPv4:default[0x718462d8] NH:3 MTU:1500 flags:[none][0x723d3df0]],MPLS IPv6:NULL,IPv6:[ref:1 IPv6:default[0x71e63558] NH:3 MTU:1500 flags:[none][0x726ede28]]} ** ###]}
Verifique as interfaces do membro do pacote:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh int be310 | in Active
Wed Mar 10 06:37:16.756 EST
TenGigE0/0/0/0 Full-duplex 10000Mb/s Active
TenGigE0/0/0/1 Full-duplex 10000Mb/s Active
TenGigE0/0/0/4 Full-duplex 10000Mb/s Active
TenGigE0/0/0/5 Full-duplex 10000Mb/s Active
Verificar status do cliente BCDL:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:AG2-1#sh mrib ipv4 client
Tue Aug 31 06:35:37.639 EDT
IP MRIB client-connections
bcdl_agent:1 (client id 28)
igmp:7467 (client id 23)
ldp:17503 (client id 52)
lmrib_bcdl:1 (client id 30) >>> Expected
lmrib_bcdl:2 (client id 60) >>>> Not expected if more than 1 >> fix provided Cisco bug ID CSCvy58964
pim:7471 (client id 26)
pim6_lbl:7644 (client id 20)
pim_lbl:7471 (client id 17)
xtc:7458 (client id 33)
Verificar mFIB:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mfib vrf MLDP-14 platform route location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 09:39:34.651 EST
LC Type: A9K-MOD400-SE
Common SW:
Route Information
B: BACL check S: RPF Interface signal
DC: Directly connected PL: Punt to LC CPU
PR: Punt to RP PF: Punt if forwarded
DR: Drop all RI: RPF interface
MF: MoFRR enabled TR: Tunnel route
TE: Tunnel encap CD: Conditional decap
MI: MVET index NI: Not Installed
BD: Bidir
MVPN Information (Common SW)
MLI: MVPN table index VTID: VRF Table ID
RPFID: RPF Identifier
MoFRR Information
A: Active RPF interface RI: RPF interface (or RPF ID)
WDI: Watchdog counter index
Source: Group: Mask: 64 RPF Int: BE1000.2001
Common SW Information
MGID: 26081 MLI: 75537 Fabric Slotmask: 0x0 FGID: 0x0 >> Here no slotmask programmed as traffic is ingress under VRF & egress is MPLS forwarding
F F F F F F F F 0x2013120 F F T F 0x2
MVPN/MLDP Encap Information:
Encap flag: T, Encap ID: 2 -->>>> Note this Encap ID
Last refcount bitmask (Enc ID): 0x0, Sets: 0, Clears: 0
Local receiver flag: F
Turnaround flag: F
Verificar ID do Encap:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mfib encap identifier
Fri Mar 12 09:45:01.228 EST
Encap Id: 2
#Route: 1 #Encap: 1 Stale: N IP Lookup:N (MRIB Update VRF Lite(v4/v6):N/N #LocalEG:0 V6:N)
LSM ID: 9 Leaf Turnaround: True
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mfib encap identifier location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 09:45:11.745 EST
Encap Id: 2
#Route: 1 #Encap: 1 Stale: N IP Lookup:N (MRIB Update VRF Lite(v4/v6):N/N #LocalEG:0 V6:N)
LSM ID: 9 Leaf Turnaround: True
Verifique as rotas mVPN BGP:
Verifique se o BGP Tipo 7 é recebido do receptor e o Tipo 3 é anunciado da Fonte para o Receptor. O BGP Tipo 3 é anunciado somente quando o MDT de dados é disparado.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh bgp ipv4 mvpn rd 1000:1001
Wed Mar 10 07:39:26.898 EST
BGP router identifier, local AS number 55836
BGP generic scan interval 60 secs
Non-stop routing is enabled
BGP table state: Active
Table ID: 0x0 RD version: 0
BGP main routing table version 351943
BGP NSR Initial initsync version 31 (Reached)
BGP NSR/ISSU Sync-Group versions 351943/0
BGP scan interval 60 secs
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best
i - internal, r RIB-failure, S stale, N Nexthop-discard
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 1000:1001 (default for vrf MLDP-14 )
*>i[1][]/40 100 0 i
* i 100 0 i
*> [1][]/40 0 i
*>i[1][]/40 100 0 i
* i 100 0 i
*>i[3][0][][0][][]/120 100 0 i
* i 100 0 i
*> [3][0][][0][][]/120 0 i
*>i[3][0][][0][][]/120 100 0 i
* i 100 0 i
*> [3][32][][32][][]/120 >>>> Type 3 route advertised towards receiver 0 i
*>i[7][1000:1001][55836][32][][32][]/184 >>> Type 7 route received from receiver 100 0 i
* i 100 0 i
Processados 8 prefixos, 13 caminhos.
Verifique o mRIB VRF:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mrib vrf MLDP-14 route detail
Fri Mar 12 05:17:51.828 EST
IP Multicast Routing Information Base
Entry flags: L - Domain-Local Source, E - External Source to the Domain,
C - Directly-Connected Check, S - Signal, IA - Inherit Accept,
IF - Inherit From, D - Drop, ME - MDT Encap, EID - Encap ID,
MD - MDT Decap, MT - MDT Threshold Crossed, MH - MDT interface handle
CD - Conditional Decap, MPLS - MPLS Decap, EX - Extranet
MoFE - MoFRR Enabled, MoFS - MoFRR State, MoFP - MoFRR Primary
MoFB - MoFRR Backup, RPFID - RPF ID Set, X - VXLAN
Interface flags: F - Forward, A - Accept, IC - Internal Copy,
NS - Negate Signal, DP - Don't Preserve, SP - Signal Present,
II - Internal Interest, ID - Internal Disinterest, LI - Local Interest,
LD - Local Disinterest, DI - Decapsulation Interface
EI - Encapsulation Interface, MI - MDT Interface, LVIF - MPLS Encap,
EX - Extranet, A2 - Secondary Accept, MT - MDT Threshold Crossed,
MA - Data MDT Assigned, LMI - mLDP MDT Interface, TMI - P2MP-TE MDT Interface
IRMI - IR MDT Interface
(, Ver: 0x2c12 RPF nbr: Flags: RPF MT EID,
PD: Slotmask: 0x0 >> No Slotmask as it is incoming traffic . It will get programmed when traffic is egress from node
MGID: 26081
MT Slot: 0/0/CPU0 I>>>> Ingress LC
Up: 02:55:10
RPF-ID: 0, Encap-ID: 2
Incoming Interface List
Bundle-Ether1000.2001 Flags: A, Up: 02:55:10 >> Multicast Source connected interface
Outgoing Interface List
LmdtMLDP-14 Flags: F LMI MT MA TR, Up: 02:55:10, Head LSM-ID: 0x00009 >>Verify LSM ID with MLDP dB & check egress interface
Verificar MGID com ENCAP-ID:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mrib encap-id 2
Wed Mar 17 12:50:58.421 EST
Encap ID Key : 00000110000000200100020100000000000000
Encap ID Length : 19
Encap ID Value : 2
Platform Annotation:
Slotmask: Primary: 0x1, Backup: 0x1 >>> Verify the Slot-mask point to LC 0
MGID: Primary: 43570, Backup: 43571 >>> Check this MGID
Flags (Vrflite(v4/v6),Stale,v6): N/N, N, N
[1] type: 0x5, len: 12
LSM-ID: 0x00010 MDT: 0x2000120 Turnaround: TRUE
Primary: 0/0/CPU0[1]
TableId: 0xe00003f8[1]
Redist History:
client id 22 redist time: 1d01h redist flags 0x0
Programação MGID para LC de saída (para mdt):
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh controllers mgidprgm mgidindex 43570 location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 09:41:36.319 EST
Device MGID-Bits Client-Last-Modified
XBAR-0 10 P2MP
FIA-0 1 P2MP
FIA-1 1 P2MP
Client Mask
MFIBV4 0x0
MFIBV6 0x0
L2FIB 0x0
sRP-pseudo-mc 0x0
UT 0x0
Prgm-Svr 0x0
P2MP 0x3
xbar 0x0
UT1 0x0
UT2 0x0
punt_lib 0x0
Verifique o mFIB VRF:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh mfib vrf MLDP-14 platform route location 0/0/CPU0
Fri Mar 12 05:20:24.584 EST
LC Type: A9K-MOD400-SE
Common SW:
Route Information
B: BACL check S: RPF Interface signal
DC: Directly connected PL: Punt to LC CPU
PR: Punt to RP PF: Punt if forwarded
DR: Drop all RI: RPF interface
MF: MoFRR enabled TR: Tunnel route
TE: Tunnel encap CD: Conditional decap
MI: MVET index NI: Not Installed
BD: Bidir
MVPN Information (Common SW)
MLI: MVPN table index VTID: VRF Table ID
RPFID: RPF Identifier
MoFRR Information
A: Active RPF interface RI: RPF interface (or RPF ID)
WDI: Watchdog counter index
Source: Group: Mask: 64 RPF Int: BE1000.2001 -- Ingress interface
Common SW Information
MGID: 26081 MLI: 75537 Fabric Slotmask: 0x0 FGID: 0x0
F F F F F F F F 0x2013120 F F T F 0x2
MVPN/MLDP Encap Information:
Encap flag: T, Encap ID: 2 >> Verify EnCap ID with mrib
Last refcount bitmask (Enc ID): 0x0, Sets: 0, Clears: 0
Local receiver flag: F
Turnaround flag: F
Verificar PIM:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh pim vrf MLDP-14 neighbor
PIM neighbors in VRF MLDP-14
Flag: B - Bidir capable, P - Proxy capable, DR - Designated Router,
E - ECMP Redirect capable
* indicates the neighbor created for this router
Neighbor Address Interface Uptime Expires DR pri Flags* LmdtMLDP-14 1d18h 00:01:18 1 (DR)* Bundle-Ether1000.2001 19:06:32 00:01:30 1 (DR) B E >> This router is DR
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh pim vrf MLDP-14 topology detail
Fri Mar 12 05:23:32.981 EST
IP PIM Multicast Topology Table
Entry state: (*/S,G)[RPT/SPT] Protocol Uptime Info
Entry flags: KAT - Keep Alive Timer, AA - Assume Alive, PA - Probe Alive
RA - Really Alive, IA - Inherit Alive, LH - Last Hop
DSS - Don't Signal Sources, RR - Register Received
SR - Sending Registers, SNR - Sending Null Registers
E - MSDP External, EX - Extranet
MFA - Mofrr Active, MFP - Mofrr Primary, MFB - Mofrr Backup
DCC - Don't Check Connected, ME - MDT Encap, MD - MDT Decap
MT - Crossed Data MDT threshold, MA - Data MDT Assigned
SAJ - BGP Source Active Joined, SAR - BGP Source Active Received,
SAS - BGP Source Active Sent, IM - Inband mLDP, X - VxLAN
Interface state: Name, Uptime, Fwd, Info
Interface flags: LI - Local Interest, LD - Local Dissinterest,
II - Internal Interest, ID - Internal Dissinterest,
LH - Last Hop, AS - Assert, AB - Admin Boundary, EX - Extranet,
BGP - BGP C-Multicast Join, BP - BGP Source Active Prune,
MVS - MVPN Safi Learned, MV6S - MVPN IPv6 Safi Learned
(, SSM Up: 03:00:51
JP: Join(now) RPF: Bundle-Ether1000.2001,* Flags: MT MA >>>> MA Data MDT tunnel formed ..Ingress interface
Up: MT set (03:00:37) MDT: JoinSend Y, Cache N/N, Misc (0x0,0/0)
Cache: Add 03:00:37, Rem 1d18h. MT Cnt: Set 6, Unset 0. Joins sent 181
MDT-ifh 0x0/0x0, MT Slot none/ none
RPF-redirect BW usage: 0, Flags: 0x0, ObjID: 0x0
c-multicast-routing: PIM BGPJP: 1d18h
RPF Table: IPv4-Unicast-default
LmdtMLDP-14 03:00:51 fwd BGP >>> Signaling via BGP
Verifique os parâmetros da interface PIM:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:DC1-DCWAN#sh pim vrf MLDP-14 interface Bundle-Ether1000.2001 detail
Fri Mar 12 05:25:43.812 EST
PIM interfaces in VRF MLDP-14
IP PIM Multicast Interface State
Flag: B - Bidir enabled, NB - Bidir disabled
P - PIM Proxy enabled, NP - PIM Proxy disabled
V - Virtual Interface
BFD State - State/Interval/Multiplier
Interface PIM Nbr Hello DR
Count Intvl Prior
Bundle-Ether1000.2001 on 1 30 1 >> PIM ON Hello interval 30 sec
Primary Address : >>> Self Address
Flags : B NP V
BFD : Off/150 ms/3
DR : this system >>> This DR
Propagation delay : 500
Override Interval : 2500
Hello Timer : 00:00:15
Neighbor Filter : -
Erros/estatísticas de PIM:
show pim traffic
PIM Traffic Counters
Elapsed time since counters cleared: 1d01h
Received Sent
Valid PIM Packets 15759217 15214426 >>> verify the pim packets increment
Hello 9207 12336 >>> verify the pim hello Negotiations
Join-Prune 1076805 531981
Data Register 14673205 0
Null Register 73205 0
Register Stop 0 14673205
Assert 0 0
Batched Assert 0 0
Bidir DF Election 0 0
BSR Message 0 0 >>> If you have RP check this stats
Candidate-RP Adv. 0 0 >>> If you have RP check this stats
Join groups sent 0
Prune groups sent 0
Output JP bytes 0
Output hello bytes 410
Errors: >>>>> Check below paramters for errors or drops
Malformed Packets 0
Bad Checksums 0
Socket Errors 0
Subnet Errors 0
Packets dropped since send queue was full 0
Packets dropped due to invalid socket 0
Packets which couldn't be accessed 0
Packets sent on Loopback Errors 6
Packets received on PIM-disabled Interface 0
Reúna estes show techs relacionados ao multicast:
show tech-support multicast address-family ipv4
show tech-support multicast address-family ipv4 hardware
show tech-support multicast vrf <> address-family ipv4
show tech-support multicast vrf <> address-family ipv4 hardware
Se você observar qualquer NP para problemas ou quedas de estrutura, capture esta CLI:
show tech np
show tech fabric
Coletar caixas de dados np:
attach 0/x/cpu0
)show_np –e
-d npdatalog
Se você observar qualquer travamento de processo:
1. Faça upload do dump central para esse arquivo de processo terminando com core.tgz
e core.txt
O arquivo padrão gerado é salvo no disco rígido:/
2. Carregue o show tech para esse processo. O arquivo padrão gerado é salvo em harddisk:/showtech
Se você observar qualquer processo bloqueado pelo CLI, use este comando: show process blocked location all
e core.txt
Revisão | Data de publicação | Comentários |
1.0 |
03-May-2023 |
Versão inicial |