Este documento explica como suportar um Protocolo Ponto a Ponto pelo Cliente Ethernet (PPPoE) em roteadores com Cisco IOS® conectados por uma interface Ethernet a um modem DSL ou ao equipamento das premissas (CPE) DSL de outro fornecedor.
Os ISPs frequentemente fornecem aos seus clientes um modem DSL que tem uma interface Ethernet para se conectar ao segmento Ethernet do cliente e outra interface para conectividade de linha DSL. Nesse caso, o modem DSL atuará apenas como uma bridge se o CPE não for configurável para qualquer conectividade IP ou recursos avançados sobre DSL. Isto limita sua conectividade para apenas um PC Cliente de PPPoE. Com a adição de um roteador Cisco IOS conectado à Ethernet do modem DSL, você pode executar o recurso IOS do cliente PPPoE no roteador Cisco. Isso pode conectar vários computadores no segmento Ethernet conectado ao roteador Cisco IOS. Com o uso do roteador Cisco IOS, você pode aprimorar suas conectividades DSL e todos os recursos IOS, como Segurança, Conversão de Endereço de Rede (NAT - Network Address Translation) e Protocolo de Configuração Dinâmica de Host (DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) para hosts internos.
O recurso PPPoE permite que você inicialize uma sessão PPP em um cliente de Bridging Ethernet simples conectado. As sessões são transportadas pelo enlace ATM por meio de molduras transpostas de Ethernet encapsuladas. Você pode encerrar a sessão em um escritório central da central da central telefônica local ou em um ponto de presença do ISP.
Não existem requisitos específicos para este documento.
As informações neste documento são baseadas nestas versões de software e hardware:
Software Cisco 827-4V CPE IOS versão 12.1(1)XB
Roteador Cisco 2611 que executa uma imagem do Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(2)T1
Cisco 6400 Universal Access Concentrator (UAC) que executa uma imagem do Cisco IOS Software Release 12.1(5)DC1
As informações neste documento foram criadas a partir de dispositivos em um ambiente de laboratório específico. Todos os dispositivos utilizados neste documento foram iniciados com uma configuração (padrão) inicial. Se a sua rede estiver ativa, certifique-se de que entende o impacto potencial de qualquer comando.
Para obter mais informações sobre convenções de documento, consulte as Convenções de dicas técnicas Cisco.
Nesta seção, você verá as informações usadas para configurar os recursos descritos neste documento.
Observação: para encontrar informações adicionais sobre os comandos usados neste documento, use a Command Lookup Tool (somente clientes registrados) .
Este documento utiliza a configuração de rede mostrada neste diagrama.
Observação: neste documento, a conexão do PPPoE Client é iniciada a partir do roteador Cisco. Esse é o Cisco 2611 Router nessa configuração. O roteador Cisco 827 no diagrama representa o CPE de DSL sem Cisco.
Este documento utiliza estas configurações.
2611 Router |
! hostname pooh ip host rund ! ip subnet-zero no ip domain-lookup ! vpdn enable no vpdn logging ! vpdn-group 1 request-dialin protocol pppoe ! ! ! ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address ip nat inside no ip mroute-cache ! ! ! ! interface Ethernet0/1 no ip address pppoe enable pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1 ! interface Dialer1 ip address negotiated ip nat outside ip mtu 1492 encapsulation ppp no ip mroute-cache dialer pool 1 dialer-group 1 ppp authentication pap ppp pap sent-username cisco password cisco1 ! ip classless no ip http server ! dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit ip nat inside source list 1 interface Dialer1 overload ip route dialer1 access-list 1 permit ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 transport input none line vty 0 4 login password ww ! end |
Cisco DSL 827 Router |
Building configuration... Current configuration : 821 bytes ! version 12.2 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname Chansey ! ! ip subnet-zero no ip domain-lookup ! ! ! interface Ethernet0 no ip address bridge-group 1 ! interface ATM0 no ip address no atm ilmi-keepalive bundle-enable bridge-group 1 dsl operating-mode auto ! interface ATM0.1 point-to-point pvc 53/53 !--- vpi/vci given by the ISP ! ! ip classless ip http server ! bridge 1 protocol ieee ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 stopbits 1 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 password ww login local ! scheduler max-task-time 5000 end |
Cisco 6400 Router |
Current configuration : 3231 bytes ! version 12.1 no service single-slot-reload-enable service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname alyssa_nrp1 ! logging rate-limit console 10 except errors aaa new-model aaa authentication ppp default local enable password ww ! username cisco password cisco1 redundancy main-cpu auto-sync standard no secondary console enable ip subnet-zero ip cef vpdn enable no vpdn logging ! vpdn-group cisco accept-dialin protocol pppoe virtual-template 2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! interface Loopback5 ip address ! ! interface ATM0/0/0 no ip address no ip mroute-cache load-interval 30 atm pvc 16 0 16 ilmi no atm ilmi-keepalive pvc 10/100 ! hold-queue 1000 in ! interface ATM0/0/0.60 multipoint pvc 6/60 encapsulation aal5snap protocol pppoe ! ! interface Ethernet0/0/1 no ip address ! interface Ethernet0/0/0 ip address ! interface FastEthernet0/0/0 no ip address full-duplex ! ! interface Virtual-Template2 ip unnumbered Loopback5 ip mtu 1492 no ip route-cache cef peer default ip address pool nrp1 ppp authentication pap ! ip local pool nrp1 ip classless ! ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 password ww transport input none line aux 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 password ww ! ! end |
Esta seção fornece informações que você pode usar para confirmar se a sua configuração funciona corretamente.
A Output Interpreter Tool (somente clientes registrados) oferece suporte a determinados comandos show, o que permite exibir uma análise da saída do comando show.
show vpdn session all — Exibe informações sobre a sessão VPDN. Essas informações incluem interface, túnel, nome de usuário, pacotes, status e estatísticas de janela.
show interface ethernet 0/1 — Exibe informações sobre a interface Ethernet no roteador.
show interfaces dialer 1 — Exibe informações sobre o discador no roteador.
show ip local pool nrp1 — Exibe informações sobre o ip local pool.
show ip route — Exibe informações sobre a rota IP no roteador.
Esta é a saída do comando show vpdn session all no Cisco 2611.
pooh#show vpdn session all %No active L2TP tunnels %No active L2F tunnels %No active PPTP tunnels PPPoE Session Information Total tunnels 1 sessions 1 session id: 1 !--- Local MAC address. local MAC address: 0030.9424.af21, remote MAC address: 0050.736f.4c37 virtual access interface: Vi1, outgoing interface: Et0/1 599 packets sent, 599 received 9202 bytes sent, 8154 received !--- Verify that the outgoing interface for the PPPoE session !--- is Ethernet0/1 and the local MAC address that displays is the !--- MAC address of Ethernet0/1. The remote MAC address that displays !--- is the MAC address of the Aggregator device (6400). !--- You can see it on the 6400 as the local MAC address in the !--- show vpdn session on the 6400.
Esta é a saída do comando show interface ethernet 0/1 no Cisco 2611.
pooh#show interface ethernet 0/1 Ethernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is AmdP2, address is 0030.9424.af21 (bia 0030.9424.af21 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:40, output 00:00:01, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 739 packets input, 64127 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 57 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 1153 packets output, 89766 bytes, 0 underruns(1/0/0) 0 output errors, 1 collisions, 1 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 2 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Esta é a saída do comando show interfaces dialer 1 no Cisco 2611.
pooh#show interfaces dialer 1 Dialer1 is up, line protocol is up (spoofing) Hardware is Unknown Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 56 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation PPP, loopback not set DTR is pulsed for 1 seconds on reset Interface is bound to Vi1 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 01:38:43 Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: weighted fair Output queue: 0/1000/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops) Conversations 0/0/16 (active/max active/max total) Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated) Available Bandwidth 42 kilobits/sec 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 403 packets input, 6082 bytes 403 packets output, 6978 bytes Bound to: Virtual-Access1 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is Virtual Access interface MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation PPP, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Interface is bound to Di1 (Encapsulation PPP) LCP Open Listen: CDPCP Open: IPCP Last input 00:00:09, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:35:16 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 430 packets input, 6453 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 430 packets output, 7400 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 0 carrier transitions
Esta é a saída do comando show vpdn session all no Cisco 6400.
alyssa_nrp1#show vpdn session all %No active L2TP tunnels %No active L2F tunnels %No active PPTP tunnels PPPoE Session Information Total tunnels 1 sessions 1 session id: 1 local MAC address: 0050.736f.4c37, remote MAC address: 0030.9424.af21 virtual access interface: Vi3, outgoing interface: AT0/0/0, vc: 6/60 495 packets sent, 494 received 7369 bytes sent, 7346 received
Esta é a saída do comando show ip local pool nrp1 no Cisco 6400.
alyssa_nrp1#show ip local pool nrp1 Pool Begin End Free In use nrp1 0 1 Available addresses: None Inuse addresses: Vi3 nrp1
Esta é a saída do comando show ip route no Cisco 6400.
alyssa_nrp1#show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR P - periodic downloaded static route Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, Virtual-Access3 !--- You have to see the installed route for the remote PPPoE session. C is directly connected, Loopback5 is variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2 masks C is directly connected, Ethernet0/0/0
Esta seção fornece informações que podem ser usadas para o troubleshooting da sua configuração.
A Output Interpreter Tool (somente clientes registrados) oferece suporte a determinados comandos show, o que permite exibir uma análise da saída do comando show.
Observação: antes de emitir os comandos debug, consulte Informações Importantes sobre Comandos de Depuração.
show debugging — Exibe informações de depuração no roteador.
Esta é a saída do comando show debugging no Cisco 2611.
pooh#show debugging PPP: PPP protocol negotiation debugging is on VPN: PPPoE protocol events debugging is on PPPoE control packets debugging is on 01:54:21: Sending PADI: Interface = Ethernet0/1 01:54:21: pppoe_send_padi: FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 30 94 24 AF 21 88 63 11 09 00 00 00 0C 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04 82 2E 39 F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... 01:54:21: PPPoE 0: I PADO L:0030.9424.af21 R:0050.736f.4c37 Et0/1 00 30 94 24 AF 21 00 50 73 6F 4C 37 88 63 11 07 00 00 00 2F 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04 82 2E 39 F0 01 02 00 0B 61 6C 79 73 73 61 5F 6E 72 70 31 ... 01:54:23: PPPOE: we've got our pado and the pado timer went off 01:54:23: OUT PADR from PPPoE tunnel 00 50 73 6F 4C 37 00 30 94 24 AF 21 88 63 11 19 00 00 00 2F 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04 82 2E 39 F0 01 02 00 0B 61 6C 79 73 73 61 5F 6E 72 70 31 ... 01:54:23: PPPoE 1: I PADS L:0030.9424.af21 R:0050.736f.4c37 Et0/1 00 30 94 24 AF 21 00 50 73 6F 4C 37 88 63 11 65 00 01 00 2F 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04 82 2E 39 F0 01 02 00 0B 61 6C 79 73 73 61 5F 6E 72 70 31 ... 01:54:23: IN PADS from PPPoE tunnel 01:54:23: Vi1 Debug: Condition 1, interface Di1 triggered, count 1 01:54:23: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi1 bound to profile Di1 01:54:23: PPPoE: Virtual Access interface obtained. 01:54:23: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up 01:54:23: Vi1 PPP: Treating connection as a callout 01:54:23: Vi1 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Active Open [0 sess, 0 load] 01:54:23: Vi1 PPP: No remote authentication for call-out 01:54:23: Vi1 LCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 10 01:54:23: Vi1 LCP: MagicNumber 0x30FCDE42 (0x050630FCDE42) 01:54:23: Vi1 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 10 01:54:23: Vi1 LCP: MagicNumber 0x30FCDE42 (0x050630FCDE42) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MRU 1492 (0x010405D4) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MagicNumber 0x5C799D85 (0x05065C799D85) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: O CONFNAK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 8 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: TIMEout: State ACKrcvd 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: O CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 10 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MagicNumber 0x30FCDE42 (0x050630FCDE42) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 3 len 18 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MagicNumber 0x5C799D85 (0x05065C799D85) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: O CONFACK [REQsent] id 3 len 18 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MagicNumber 0x5C799D85 (0x05065C799D85) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: I CONFACK [ACKsent] id 2 len 10 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: MagicNumber 0x30FCDE42 (0x050630FCDE42) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: State is Open 01:54:25: Vi1 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by the peer [0 sess, 0 load] 01:54:25: Vi1 PAP: O AUTH-REQ id 4 len 18 from "cisco" 01:54:25: Vi1 PAP: I AUTH-ACK id 4 len 5 01:54:25: Vi1 PPP: Phase is UP [0 sess, 0 load] 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 10 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: Address (0x030600000000) 01:54:25: Vi1 CDPCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 4 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 10 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC364) 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: O CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 10 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC364) 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: I CONFNAK [ACKsent] id 1 len 10 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC601) 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: O CONFREQ [ACKsent] id 2 len 10 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC601) 01:54:25: Vi1 LCP: I PROTREJ [Open] id 4 len 10 protocol CDPCP (0x820701010004) 01:54:25: Vi1 CDPCP: State is Closed 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: I CONFACK [ACKsent] id 2 len 10 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC601) 01:54:25: Vi1 IPCP: State is Open 01:54:25: Di1 IPCP: Install negotiated IP interface address 01:54:25: Di1 IPCP: Install route to 01:54:26: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up
Esta é a saída do comando show debugging no Cisco 6400.
*Aug 16 15:58:51.346: PPPoE: IN PADI discovery packet *Aug 16 15:58:51.346: PPPoE: LMAC:ffff.ffff.ffff RMAC:0030.9424.af21 6/60 AT0/0/0.60 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 30 94 24 AF 21 88 63 11 09 00 00 00 0C 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04 82 2E 39 F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... *Aug 16 15:58:51.346: PPPoE: PADO OUT from PPPoE tunnel *Aug 16 15:58:51.346: PPPoE: LMAC:0050.736f.4c37 RMAC:0030.9424.af21 6/60 AT0/0/0.60 00 05 09 00 AA AA 03 00 80 C2 00 07 00 00 00 30 94 24 AF 21 00 50 73 6F 4C 37 88 63 11 07 00 00 00 2F 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04 82 2E 39 F0 01 ... *Aug 16 15:58:53.390: PPPoE: IN PADR discovery packet *Aug 16 15:58:53.390: PPPoE: LMAC:0050.736f.4c37 RMAC:0030.9424.af21 6/60 AT0/0/0.60 00 50 73 6F 4C 37 00 30 94 24 AF 21 88 63 11 19 00 00 00 2F 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04 82 2E 39 F0 01 02 00 0B 61 6C 79 73 73 61 5F 6E 72 70 31 ... *Aug 16 15:58:53.394: Vi3 PPP: Phase is DOWN, Setup [0 sess, 0 load] *Aug 16 15:58:53.418: PPPoE: Create session: 1 *Aug 16 15:58:53.418: PPPoE: 1: Created *Aug 16 15:58:53.418: PPPoE: LMAC:0050.736f.4c37 RMAC:0030.9424.af21 6/60 AT0/0/0.60 *Aug 16 15:58:53.418: PPPoE: PADS OUT from PPPoE tunnel *Aug 16 15:58:53.418: PPPoE: LMAC:0050.736f.4c37 RMAC:0030.9424.af21 6/60 AT0/0/0.60 00 05 09 00 AA AA 03 00 80 C2 00 07 00 00 00 30 94 24 AF 21 00 50 73 6F 4C 37 88 63 11 65 00 01 00 2F 01 01 00 00 01 03 00 04 82 2E 39 F0 01 ... 2d08h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access3, changed state to up *Aug 16 15:58:53.426: Vi3 PPP: Treating connection as a dedicated line *Aug 16 15:58:53.426: Vi3 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Active Open [0 sess, 0 load] *Aug 16 15:58:53.426: Vi3 LCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 18 *Aug 16 15:58:53.426: Vi3 LCP: MRU 1492 (0x010405D4) *Aug 16 15:58:53.426: Vi3 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *Aug 16 15:58:53.426: Vi3 LCP: MagicNumber 0x5C7E3144 (0x05065C7E3144) *Aug 16 15:58:53.466: Vi3 LCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 10 *Aug 16 15:58:53.466: Vi3 LCP: MagicNumber 0x31017223 (0x050631017223) *Aug 16 15:58:53.466: Vi3 LCP: O CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 10 *Aug 16 15:58:53.466: Vi3 LCP: MagicNumber 0x31017223 (0x050631017223) *Aug 16 15:58:53.470: Vi3 LCP: I CONFNAK [ACKsent] id 1 len 8 *Aug 16 15:58:53.470: Vi3 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *Aug 16 15:58:53.470: Vi3 LCP: O CONFREQ [ACKsent] id 2 len 18 *Aug 16 15:58:53.470: Vi3 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *Aug 16 15:58:53.470: Vi3 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *Aug 16 15:58:53.470: Vi3 LCP: MagicNumber 0x5C7E3144 (0x05065C7E3144) *Aug 16 15:58:53.510: Vi3 LCP: I CONFACK [ACKsent] id 2 len 18 *Aug 16 15:58:53.510: Vi3 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *Aug 16 15:58:53.510: Vi3 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *Aug 16 15:58:53.510: Vi3 LCP: MagicNumber 0x5C7E3144 (0x05065C7E3144) *Aug 16 15:58:53.510: Vi3 LCP: State is Open *Aug 16 15:58:53.510: Vi3 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end [0 sess, 0 load] *Aug 16 15:58:53.514: Vi3 PAP: I AUTH-REQ id 5 len 18 from "cisco" *Aug 16 15:58:53.514: Vi3 PPP: Phase is FORWARDING [0 sess, 0 load] *Aug 16 15:58:53.514: Vi3 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING [0 sess, 0 load] *Aug 16 15:58:53.514: Vi3 PAP: Authenticating peer cisco *Aug 16 15:58:53.514: Vi3 PAP: O AUTH-ACK id 5 len 5 *Aug 16 15:58:53.514: Vi3 PPP: Phase is UP [0 sess, 0 load] *Aug 16 15:58:53.514: Vi3 IPCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 10 *Aug 16 15:58:53.514: Vi3 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC364) *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 IPCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 10 *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 IPCP: Address (0x030600000000) *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 IPCP: Pool returned *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 IPCP: O CONFNAK [REQsent] id 1 len 10 *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC601) *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 CDPCP: I CONFREQ [Not negotiated] id 1 len 4 *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 LCP: O PROTREJ [Open] id 3 len 10 protocol CDPCP (0x820701010004) *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 IPCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 10 *Aug 16 15:58:53.574: Vi3 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC364) *Aug 16 15:58:53.618: Vi3 IPCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 10 *Aug 16 15:58:53.618: Vi3 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC601) *Aug 16 15:58:53.618: Vi3 IPCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 10 *Aug 16 15:58:53.618: Vi3 IPCP: Address (0x0306D45DC601) *Aug 16 15:58:53.618: Vi3 IPCP: State is Open *Aug 16 15:58:53.622: Vi3 IPCP: Install route to 2d08h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access3, changed state to up
Revisão | Data de publicação | Comentários |
1.0 |
30-May-2005 |
Versão inicial |