See Yourself in Cyber

It’s more important than ever.

You’ve Been Hacked!

Cybersecurity failure is a top 5 global risk so it’s no surprise that it has turned life for many individuals and corporations into a nightmare overnight. You can see the actual numbers for people affected here.

It’s a scary reality! As the problem solver that you are, what you can do practically to protect yourself and the people and things you love?

We have a lot of people who want to help you #BeCyberSmart. On You’ve Been Hacked!, Cisco cyber pro Josh McCloud has tips to share and answers to your burning questions. This YouTube show, hosted by Cisco’s Shawn & Elisa, will bring you some fascinating content, including—

  • Real time reporting on major cyber attacks throughout the world, with Josh and other cyber experts breaking down each event
  • Interviews with Cisco Networking Academy students turned professionals and how education has led to exciting career opportunities
  • Cybersecurity movie reaction videos: what’s real, what’s fake, and what lessons can we take away
  • Day in the Life interviews with renowned cyber professionals
  • Interviews with victims of cyber crime
  • Q&A sessions answering questions submitted by our students via social
  • A look to what’s coming in the future and how to prepare yourself for any attack.

Episode .01 Oceans 8 Revisited

Josh and Elisa take a deep dive into the movie, Oceans 8, sharing cybersecurity tips along the way.

Episode .02 Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Part 1

Josh and Elisa review aspects of cybersecurity in the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. 

Episode .03 Data Privacy Day

Josh and Elisa cover the topic of data privacy in honor of this global day, sharing the history of internet privacy laws and good cybersecurity practices to have in place.