이 문서에서는 BroadWorks switchDeviceType 기능의 사용에 대해 설명합니다.
사전 요구 사항
요구 사항
이 문서에 대한 특정 요건이 없습니다.
사용되는 구성 요소
이 문서는 특정 소프트웨어 및 하드웨어 버전으로 한정되지 않습니다.
이 문서의 정보는 특정 랩 환경의 디바이스를 토대로 작성되었습니다. 이 문서에 사용된 모든 디바이스는 초기화된(기본) 컨피그레이션으로 시작되었습니다. 현재 네트워크가 작동 중인 경우 모든 명령의 잠재적인 영향을 미리 숙지하시기 바랍니다.
배경 정보
BroadWorks, 릴리스 23.0 이상에서는 장치 프로파일 유형을 서로 전환하는 메커니즘이 도입되었습니다.
사용 옵션
이 switchDeviceType
BWCLI 또는 oci-p 명령에서 수행할 수 있습니다. SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceRequest
AS_CLI/System/Device/IpDeviceMgmt> help switchDeviceType
This command is used to switch device profiles from one device type to another.
Parameters description:
attribute : The name of the attribute that scopes the command.
system : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued at the system level.
fromDeviceType : This parameter specifies the original device type.
toDeviceType : This parameter specifies the destination device type.
serviceProvider : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued at the service provider level.
svcProviderId : This parameter specifies the ID of the service provider.
group : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued at the group level.
groupId : This parameter specifies the valid group within the service provider.
systemDeviceProfile : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued for a single device profile at the system level.
deviceName : This parameter specifies the name of the device profile.
svcProvDeviceProfile: This parameter specifies the switch command is issued for a single device profile at the service provider level.
groupDeviceProfile : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued for a single device profile at the group level.
<attribute>, Choice = {system, serviceProvider, group, systemDeviceProfile, svcProvDeviceProfile, groupDeviceProfile}
<fromDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<svcProviderId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<fromDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<svcProviderId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<groupId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<fromDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<deviceName>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<svcProviderId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<deviceName>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<svcProviderId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<groupId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<deviceName>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
OCI-P 명령
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<BroadsoftDocument protocol="OCI" xmlns="C" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<sessionId xmlns="">SESSIONID</sessionId>
<command xsi:type="SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceRequest" xmlns="">
<svcProviderId>YOUR ENT/SP</svcProviderId>
<groupId>YOUR GROUP</groupId>
<deviceName>ORIGINAL DEVICE TYPE</deviceName>
<toDeviceType>NEW DEVICE TYPE</toDeviceType>
XML 스키마
<xs:complexType name="SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceRequest">
<bwAppInfo bwtag="_1843b06e76464254bf146a91622df7b4"/>
Switch the device type for a specified device.
To switch a system level device profile, serviceProviderId and groupId should not be present.
To switch a service provider level device profile, only serviceProviderId should be specified.
To switch a group level device profile, serviceProviderId and groupId should specified.
The response is either a SuccessResponse or an ErrorResponse.
<xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="serviceProviderId" type="ServiceProviderId"/>
<xs:element name="svcProviderId" type="ServiceProviderId"/>
<xs:element name="groupId" type="GroupId"/>
<xs:element name="deviceName" type="AccessDeviceName"/>
<xs:element name="toDeviceType" type="AccessDeviceType"/>
실습 예
이 예에서는 groupDeviceProfile을 Poly_VVX_D230 디바이스 유형에서 Cisco-CP-78xx-88xx-68xx-3PCC 디바이스 유형으로 전환합니다.
- 그룹 디바이스 프로필 Poly_VVX_D230_Switch를 추가하고 디바이스 Poly_VVX_D230을 할당합니다.
AS_CLI/System/Device/IpDeviceMgmt> add pws_ent pws_grp Poly_VVX_D230_Switch Poly_VVX_D230 macAddress 678678678678
- Cisco-CP-78xx-88xx-68xx-3PCC로 프로파일 Poly_VVX_D230_Switch를 수행합니다.
AS_CLI/System/Device/IpDeviceMgmt> switchDeviceType groupDeviceProfile pws_ent pws_grp
Poly_VVX_D230_Switch Cisco-CP-78xx-88xx-68xx-3PCC
[Request for switch is being processed; Rebuild triggered for device type: Cisco-CP-78xx-88xx-68xx-3PCC,
please refer to DMEventQueues for completion status.]
로그 예
PSLog에서 표시되는 이 요청 유형의 로그 예입니다.
2022.05.26 09:34:57:686 EDT | Info | OCI-P | BCCT Worker #0
Received the following request from:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<BroadsoftDocument protocol="OCI" xmlns="C" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<sessionId xmlns="">16535720065220.14787900206648874</sessionId>
<command xsi:type="SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceRequest" xmlns="">
2022.05.26 09:34:57:711 EDT | FieldDebug | Generic | BCCT Worker #0
OCI Transaction com.broadsoft.oci.transactions.system.SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceTransaction write5193 executed.
User: Default Administrator (admin) Authorization Level: System
Start Time: 2022.05.26 09:34:57:687 EDT
End Time: 2022.05.26 09:34:57:711 EDT
Duration: 24 ms
2022.05.26 09:34:57:711 EDT | Info | OCI-P | BCCT Worker #0 | admin
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<BroadsoftDocument protocol="OCI" xmlns="C" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<sessionId xmlns="">16535720065220.14787900206648874</sessionId>
<command echo="" xsi:type="c:SuccessResponse" xmlns:c="C" xmlns=""/>
관련 정보