Cisco Unified CME 用の LPCOR:例
図 29 に、LPCOR を使用した Cisco Unified CME ネットワークの例を示します。このネットワークは、次の 4 つの LPCOR リソース グループで構成されます。
local_group:ローカルで Cisco Unified CME に接続される携帯タイプの電話機を含む、アナログ電話機と IP Phone。
pstn_group:PSTN と Cisco Unified CME との間のトランク。
remote_group:携帯タイプの電話機を含む IP Phone、および WAN を通してリモートで Cisco Unified CME に接続される SIP プロキシ サーバ。
voice_mail_group:WAN を通してリモートで Cisco Unified CME に接続される Cisco Unity Express ボイスメール システム。
図 29 Cisco Unified CME ネットワークにおける LPCOR リソースのグループ化
図 30 に、次のコール要件を持つリソース グループ間のアクセス ポリシーを示します。
remote_group と pstn_group 間のコールをブロック
voice_mail_group から pstn_group および remote_group へのコールをブロック
local_group と remote_group 間のコールを許可
local_group と pstn_group 間のコールを許可
voice_mail_group へのすべてのコールを許可
図 30 LPCOR ポリシー ロジック
次に、この例の LPCOR 設定の出力例を示し、手順について説明します。設定に関するコメントは、出力に含まれています。
Cisco Unified CME で LPCOR 機能をイネーブルにし、カスタム LPCOR グループを定義します。
voice lpcor enable
voice lpcor custom
group 1 pstn_group
group 2 local_group
group 3 remote_group
group 4 voice_mail_group
#Allow calls only from local group to PSTN group
voice lpcor policy pstn_group
accept local_group
# Allow calls from PSTN, remote, and voice_mail groups to local group
voice lpcor policy local_group
accept pstn_group
accept remote_group
accept voice_mail_group
# Allow calls only from local group to remote group
voice lpcor policy remote_group
accept local_group
# Allow calls from PSTN, remote, and local groups to voice_mail group
voice lpcor voice_mail_group
accept pstn_group
accept local_group
accept remote_group
電話機、トランク、および IP リソースに LPCOR を割り当てます。
# analog phone5
voice-port 1/0/0
lpcor incoming local_group
lpcor outgoing local_group
# analog phone6
voice-port 1/0/1
lpcor incoming local_group
lpcor outgoing local_group
# TDM trunks
voice-port 2/1:23
lpcor incoming pstn_group
lpcor outgoing pstn_group
# Specific LPCOR setting for incoming calls from voice_mail_group
voice lpcor ip-trunk subnet incoming
# Default LPCOR setting for any incoming VoIP calls
voice service voip
lpcor incoming remote_group
# Cisco Unified CME is DHCP server
ip dhcp pool client1
mac-address 0003.4713.5554
option 150 ip
# IP phone1 (local)
ephone 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_group
lpcor outgoing local_group
# IP phone2 (mobile)
ephone 2
lpcor type mobile
# IP phone3 (remote)
ephone 3
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_group
lpcor outgoing remote_group
# IP phone4 (mobile)
ephone 4
lpcor type mobile
# IP-phone subnet tables for mobile IP phones
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet incoming
local_group dhcp-pool pool1
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet outgoing
local_group dhcp-pool client1
# Default LPCOR policy for mobile IP phones that
# are not provisioned through IP-phone subnet tables
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility incoming remote_group
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility outgoing remote_group
発信 VoIP コールの発信 LPCOR 設定を定義します。
# VoIP outbound dial-peer to Cisco Unity Express mail
dial-peer voice 1234 voip
destination-pattern 56800
session target ipv4:
pcor outgoing voice_mail_group
# VoIP outbound dial-peer to SIP proxy
dial-peer voice 1255 voip
destination-pattern 1255T
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
lpcor outgoing remote
Cisco 3800 シリーズ サービス統合型ルータ:例
Router# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 10543 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
card type t1 2 1
logging message-counter syslog
logging buffered 2000000
no logging console
no aaa new-model
network-clock-participate slot 2
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool voice
option 150 ip
no ip domain lookup
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
voice-card 0
voice-card 2
voice service voip
notify redirect ip2pots
allow-connections sip to sip
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
registrar server expires max 120 min 60
voice class custom-cptone leavetone
dualtone conference
frequency 400 800
cadence 400 50 200 50 200 50
voice class custom-cptone jointone
dualtone conference
frequency 600 900
cadence 300 150 300 100 300 50
voice iec syslog
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 20
max-pool 20
load 7970 SIP70.8-4-2S
load 7960-7940 P0S3-08-11-00
authenticate realm
tftp-path flash:
telnet level 2
create profile sync 0000312474383825
voice register dn 1
number 4000
name cme-sip1
label 4000
voice register dn 2
number 4001
name cme-sip-2
label 4001
voice register dn 3
number 4002
name cme-remote
label 4002
voice register template 1
softkeys remote-in-use cBarge Barge Newcall
voice register pool 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sip
lpcor outgoing local_sip
id mac 001B.D4C6.AE44
type 7960
number 1 dn 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 2
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sip
lpcor outgoing local_sip
id mac 001E.BE8F.96C1
type 7940
number 1 dn 2
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 3
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_sip
lpcor outgoing remote_sip
id mac 001E.BE8F.96C0
type 7940
number 1 dn 3
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice lpcor enable
voice lpcor call-block cause invalid-number
voice lpcor custom
group 1 voip_siptrunk
group 2 voip_h323trunk
group 3 pstn_trunk
group 4 cue_vmail_local
group 5 cue_vmail_remote
group 6 vmail_unity
group 7 local_sccp
group 8 local_sip
group 9 remote_sccp
group 10 remote_sip
group 11 analog_vg224
group 12 analog_fxs
group 13 mobile_phone
voice lpcor policy voip_siptrunk
accept cue_vmail_local
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept analog_vg224
voice lpcor policy cue_vmail_local
accept voip_siptrunk
accept voip_h323trunk
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
voice lpcor policy local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sccp
accept remote_sip
accept analog_vg224
accept analog_fxs
voice lpcor policy remote_sccp
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sip
voice lpcor policy analog_vg224
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sccp
accept remote_sip
voice lpcor policy analog_fxs
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet incoming
index 1 local_sccp dhcp-pool voice
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet outgoing
index 1 local_sccp dhcp-pool voice
log config
controller T1 2/0
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/1
interface Loopback1
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
interface FastEthernet0/2/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/2/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Service-Engine1/0
ip unnumbered Loopback1
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
interface Serial2/0:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route Service-Engine1/0
no ip http server
tftp-server flash:term41.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term61.default.loads
tftp-server flash:SCCP41.8-3-1S.loads
tftp-server flash:apps41.8-3-0-50.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu41.8-3-0-50.sbn
tftp-server flash:P003-08-11-00.bin
tftp-server flash:P003-08-11-00.sbn
tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-11-00.sb2
tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-11-00.loads
tftp-server flash:term71.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term70.default.loads
tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:apps70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S.loads
voice-port 0/1/0
lpcor incoming analog_fxs
lpcor outgoing analog_fxs
station-id name FXS-Phone
station-id number 3000
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/1
voice-port 2/0:23
ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
mgcp fax t38 ecm
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 2...
lpcor outgoing voip_siptrunk
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
dial-peer voice 5050 voip
description *** VMAIL Dial-Peer ***
destination-pattern 5...
lpcor outgoing cue_vmail_local
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 30 pots
destination-pattern 3000
port 0/1/0
mwi-server ipv4: expires 3600 port 5060 transport udp
registrar ipv4: expires 3600
em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0
max-ephones 15
max-dn 15
ip source-address port 2000
service phone videoCapability 1
load 7941 SCCP41.8-3-1S
date-format dd-mm-yy
voicemail 5050
max-conferences 12 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
transfer-pattern ....
fac standard
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-template 1
softkeys hold Join Newcall Resume Select
softkeys idle Cfwdall ConfList Dnd Join Newcall Pickup Redial RmLstC
softkeys seized Endcall Redial Cfwdall Pickup
ephone-template 2
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_sccp
lpcor outgoing remote_sccp
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 5000
call-forward busy 5050
call-forward noan 5050 timeout 10
mwi sip
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 5001
call-forward busy 5050
call-forward noan 5050 timeout 10
mwi sip
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 5010
description vg224-1/1
name analog-1
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 5011
description vg224-1/2
name analog-2
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 5012
description vg224-1/3
name analog-3
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 5013
description vg224-1/4
name analog-4
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 5020
name SCCP-Remote
mwi sip
ephone 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sccp
lpcor outgoing local_sccp
mac-address 001E.7A26.EB60
ephone-template 1
type 7941
button 1:1
ephone 2
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sccp
lpcor outgoing local_sccp
mac-address 001E.7AC2.CCF9
ephone-template 1
type 7941
button 1:2
ephone 3
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2400
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:3
ephone 4
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2401
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:4
ephone 5
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2402
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:5
ephone 6
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2403
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:6
ephone 7
mac-address 001B.D52C.DF1F
ephone-template 2
type 7970
button 1:7
alias exec cue ser ser 1/0 sess
line con 0
line aux 0
line 66
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120
line vty 0 4
exception data-corruption buffer truncate
scheduler allocate 20000 1000