System Monitoring CLI Command Cheat Sheet
The following table provides a brief summary of Cisco UCS Manager CLI commands you use to monitor managed objects in the system.
Managed Object |
Monitoring Command |
Description |
Hardware |
Chassis |
show chassis [adaptor | cmc | decommissioned | detail | environment | fabric | fi-iom | firmware | fsm | inventory | psu | version] |
Displays chassis information. |
Fabric Interconnect |
show fabric-interconnect [a | b ] [detail | environment | firmware | fsm | inventory | mac-aging | mode | version] |
Displays Fabric Interconnect information. |
show fex [detail | firmware | fsm | inventory | version] |
Displays Fabric Extender information |
show iom [firmware | health | version] |
Displays Fabric Input/Output Module information. |
Server |
show server [actual-boot-order adapter | assoc | bios | boot-order | cpu | decommissioned | environment | firmware | health | identity | inventory | memory | status | storage | version] |
Displays server information . |
System |
show system [detail | firmware | version] |
Displays system information. |
System |
scope monitoring [show] [baseline-faults | callhome | event | fault | fault-suppress-policy | fsm | mgmt-if-mon-policy | new-faults | snmp | snmp-trap | snmp-user | stats-collection-policy | stats-threshold-policy | syslog] |
Displays information about commands in Monitoring mode. |
Logs |
Event |
show event [event-id | detail] |
Displays the Event log. |
Fault |
show fault [fault-id | cause | detail | severity | suppressed] |
Displays the Fault log. |
show sel [chassis-id/blade-id | rack-id] |
Displays the System Event Log for the chassis, blade, or rack-mount server. |
Syslog |
scope monitoring [show ] [syslog] |
Displays the Syslog. |