In questo documento viene descritto l'utilizzo della funzionalità switchDeviceType di BroadWorks.
Nessun requisito specifico previsto per questo documento.
Componenti usati
Il documento può essere consultato per tutte le versioni software o hardware.
Le informazioni discusse in questo documento fanno riferimento a dispositivi usati in uno specifico ambiente di emulazione. Su tutti i dispositivi menzionati nel documento la configurazione è stata ripristinata ai valori predefiniti. Se la rete è operativa, valutare attentamente eventuali conseguenze derivanti dall'uso dei comandi.
Da BroadWorks, versione 23.0 e successive, è stato introdotto un meccanismo per passare da un tipo di profilo di dispositivo a un altro.
Opzioni di utilizzo
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) switchDeviceType
può essere eseguito dal comando BWCLI o oci-p, SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceRequest
AS_CLI/System/Device/IpDeviceMgmt> help switchDeviceType
This command is used to switch device profiles from one device type to another.
Parameters description:
attribute : The name of the attribute that scopes the command.
system : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued at the system level.
fromDeviceType : This parameter specifies the original device type.
toDeviceType : This parameter specifies the destination device type.
serviceProvider : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued at the service provider level.
svcProviderId : This parameter specifies the ID of the service provider.
group : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued at the group level.
groupId : This parameter specifies the valid group within the service provider.
systemDeviceProfile : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued for a single device profile at the system level.
deviceName : This parameter specifies the name of the device profile.
svcProvDeviceProfile: This parameter specifies the switch command is issued for a single device profile at the service provider level.
groupDeviceProfile : This parameter specifies the switch command is issued for a single device profile at the group level.
<attribute>, Choice = {system, serviceProvider, group, systemDeviceProfile, svcProvDeviceProfile, groupDeviceProfile}
<fromDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<svcProviderId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<fromDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<svcProviderId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<groupId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<fromDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<deviceName>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<svcProviderId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<deviceName>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<svcProviderId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<groupId>, String {1 to 30 characters}
<deviceName>, String {1 to 40 characters}
<toDeviceType>, String {1 to 40 characters}
Comando OCI-P
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<BroadsoftDocument protocol="OCI" xmlns="C" xmlns:xsi="">
<sessionId xmlns="">SESSIONID</sessionId>
<command xsi:type="SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceRequest" xmlns="">
<svcProviderId>YOUR ENT/SP</svcProviderId>
<groupId>YOUR GROUP</groupId>
<deviceName>ORIGINAL DEVICE TYPE</deviceName>
<toDeviceType>NEW DEVICE TYPE</toDeviceType>
Schema XML
<xs:complexType name="SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceRequest">
<bwAppInfo bwtag="_1843b06e76464254bf146a91622df7b4"/>
Switch the device type for a specified device.
To switch a system level device profile, serviceProviderId and groupId should not be present.
To switch a service provider level device profile, only serviceProviderId should be specified.
To switch a group level device profile, serviceProviderId and groupId should specified.
The response is either a SuccessResponse or an ErrorResponse.
<xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="serviceProviderId" type="ServiceProviderId"/>
<xs:element name="svcProviderId" type="ServiceProviderId"/>
<xs:element name="groupId" type="GroupId"/>
<xs:element name="deviceName" type="AccessDeviceName"/>
<xs:element name="toDeviceType" type="AccessDeviceType"/>
Esempio di laboratorio
Esempio di BWCLI
In questo esempio, si passa da un gruppo di profili di dispositivi del tipo Poly_VX_D230 al tipo di dispositivo Cisco-CP-78xx-88xx-68xx-3PCC.
- Aggiungere un profilo di dispositivo di gruppo Poly_VX_D230_Switch e assegnare il dispositivo Poly_VX_D230:
AS_CLI/System/Device/IpDeviceMgmt> add pws_ent pws_grp Poly_VVX_D230_Switch Poly_VVX_D230 macAddress 678678678678
- Spostare il profilo Poly_VX_D230_Switch su Cisco-CP-78xx-88xx-68xx-3PCC:
AS_CLI/System/Device/IpDeviceMgmt> switchDeviceType groupDeviceProfile pws_ent pws_grp
Poly_VVX_D230_Switch Cisco-CP-78xx-88xx-68xx-3PCC
[Request for switch is being processed; Rebuild triggered for device type: Cisco-CP-78xx-88xx-68xx-3PCC,
please refer to DMEventQueues for completion status.]
Esempio di log
Questo è un esempio di log per questo tipo di richiesta visto da PSLog.
2022.05.26 09:34:57:686 EDT | Info | OCI-P | BCCT Worker #0
Received the following request from:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<BroadsoftDocument protocol="OCI" xmlns="C" xmlns:xsi="">
<sessionId xmlns="">16535720065220.14787900206648874</sessionId>
<command xsi:type="SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceRequest" xmlns="">
2022.05.26 09:34:57:711 EDT | FieldDebug | Generic | BCCT Worker #0
OCI Transaction com.broadsoft.oci.transactions.system.SystemDeviceManagementSwitchDeviceTypeDeviceTransaction write5193 executed.
User: Default Administrator (admin) Authorization Level: System
Start Time: 2022.05.26 09:34:57:687 EDT
End Time: 2022.05.26 09:34:57:711 EDT
Duration: 24 ms
2022.05.26 09:34:57:711 EDT | Info | OCI-P | BCCT Worker #0 | admin
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<BroadsoftDocument protocol="OCI" xmlns="C" xmlns:xsi="">
<sessionId xmlns="">16535720065220.14787900206648874</sessionId>
<command echo="" xsi:type="c:SuccessResponse" xmlns:c="C" xmlns=""/>
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