El conjunto de documentos para este producto aspira al uso de un lenguaje no discriminatorio. A los fines de esta documentación, "no discriminatorio" se refiere al lenguaje que no implica discriminación por motivos de edad, discapacidad, género, identidad de raza, identidad étnica, orientación sexual, nivel socioeconómico e interseccionalidad. Puede haber excepciones en la documentación debido al lenguaje que se encuentra ya en las interfaces de usuario del software del producto, el lenguaje utilizado en función de la documentación de la RFP o el lenguaje utilizado por un producto de terceros al que se hace referencia. Obtenga más información sobre cómo Cisco utiliza el lenguaje inclusivo.
Cisco ha traducido este documento combinando la traducción automática y los recursos humanos a fin de ofrecer a nuestros usuarios en todo el mundo contenido en su propio idioma. Tenga en cuenta que incluso la mejor traducción automática podría no ser tan precisa como la proporcionada por un traductor profesional. Cisco Systems, Inc. no asume ninguna responsabilidad por la precisión de estas traducciones y recomienda remitirse siempre al documento original escrito en inglés (insertar vínculo URL).
Este documento describe los pasos necesarios para realizar In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) en los switches Catalyst de las series 3850 y 9000.
La actualización de software en funcionamiento es un proceso que actualiza una imagen a otra imagen en un dispositivo mientras la red continúa reenviando paquetes. ISSU ayuda a los administradores de red a evitar interrupciones de red cuando realizan una actualización de software. Las imágenes se actualizan en el modo de instalación, en el que cada paquete se actualiza individualmente.
ISSU es compatible con todos los switches Catalyst serie 3850 y 9000 que admiten Stackwise-Virtual y también con los chasis independientes Catalyst 9400 / 9600 con supervisores duales.
StackWise Virtual (SVL) consta de dos switches que se conectan entre sí para formar un switch virtual. SVL admite actualizaciones de software en servicio.
ISSU admite actualizaciones, reversiones y rollbacks.
Antes de continuar con ISSU, verifique si la plataforma realmente soporta ISSU. Además, verifique si ISSU es compatible entre el código actual y el código de destino. Los detalles del modo de las plataformas soportadas y la matriz de compatibilidad ISSU se pueden encontrar aquí:
Soporte de ISSU entre Versiones
Nota: El ejemplo de este documento se basa en los switches Cisco Catalyst 9500 configurados como Stackwise-Virtual. Los pasos son aplicables al chasis independiente Cat9400 / Cat9600 con motores supervisores duales y también para los dispositivos Catalyst 3850 / Catalyst 9000 configurados como Stackwise-Virtual.
C9500#show version | in IOS XE Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.09.02
ISSU se soporta solamente si ambos switches en Stackwise Virtual se inician en el modo Install.
C9500#show ver | in INSTALL
* 1 50 C9500-40X 16.9.2 CAT9K_IOSXE INSTALL
2 50 C9500-40X 16.9.2 CAT9K_IOSXE INSTALL On Catalyst 9400, the above output is not available. Check if the switch booted from packages.conf file C9400#show version | in System image System image file is "flash:packages.conf"
Si el chasis se inicia en el modo Bundle, ISSU no es compatible. Puede ver errores como este si intenta ejecutar ISSU cuando los switches se están ejecutando en el modo Bundle.
*Nov 13 14:55:57.338: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Chassis 1 R1/0: install_engine: Started install one-shot ISSU flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bininstall_add_activate_commit: Adding ISSU ERROR: install_add_activate_commit: One-Shot ISSU operation is not supported in bundle boot mode FAILED: install_add_activate_commit exit(1) Tue Nov 13 14:56:03 UTC 2018
C9500#dir flash: | in free
11353194496 bytes total (8565174272 bytes free)
C9500#dir stby-flash: | in free
11353980928 bytes total (8566865920 bytes free)
Asegúrese de tener al menos 1 GB de espacio en la memoria flash para ampliar una nueva imagen. Limpie los archivos de instalación antiguos en caso de espacio insuficiente y utilice el comando install remove inactive.
C9500#show redundancy
Redundant System Information :
Available system uptime = 4 minutes
Switchovers system experienced = 0
Standby failures = 0
Last switchover reason = none
Hardware Mode = Duplex
Configured Redundancy Mode = sso
Operating Redundancy Mode = sso
Maintenance Mode = Disabled
Communications = Up
Current Processor Information :
Active Location = slot 1
Current Software state = ACTIVE
Uptime in current state = 30 minutes
Image Version = Cisco IOS Software [Fuji], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT9K_IOSXE), Version 16.9.2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 05-Nov-18 19:32 by mcpre
BOOT = flash:packages.conf;
Configuration register = 0x102
Peer Processor Information :
Standby Location = slot 2
Current Software state = STANDBY HOT
Uptime in current state = 26 minutes
Image Version = Cisco IOS Software [Fuji], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT9K_IOSXE), Version 16.9.2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 05-Nov-18 19:32 by mcpre
BOOT = flash:packages.conf;
Configuration register = 0x102
C9500#show boot system
Switch 1
Current Boot Variables:
BOOT variable = flash:packages.conf;
Boot Variables on next reload:
BOOT variable = flash:packages.conf;
Manual Boot = no <<<<< Manual Boot should be set to "no"
Enable Break = no
Boot Mode = DEVICE
iPXE Timeout = 0
Switch 2
Current Boot Variables:
BOOT variable = flash:packages.conf;
Boot Variables on next reload:
BOOT variable = flash:packages.conf;
Manual Boot = no
Enable Break = no
Boot Mode = DEVICE
iPXE Timeout = 0
Si el inicio automático no está habilitado, se puede cambiar como se muestra:
C9500(config)#no boot manual
Nota: Este paso es muy importante.
C9500#show issu state detail
--- Starting local lock acquisition on switch 1 ---
Finished local lock acquisition on switch 1
No ISSU operation is in progress <<<<<<<<< If see anything else, abort ISSU before proceeding.
Check on how to manually abort ISSU. C9500#show install summary
[ Switch 1 2 ] Installed Package(s) Information:
State (St): I - Inactive, U - Activated & Uncommitted,
C - Activated & Committed, D - Deactivated & Uncommitted
Type St Filename/Version
IMG C <<<<<<<< State should be Activated & Committed for current version alone.
If not clear install state before proceeding. Check on how to clear install state. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto abort timer: inactive --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basta con copiar la imagen solo en el chasis activo (en el caso de Stackwise) o en el supervisor activo (en el caso de Cat9400 con SUP dual).
C9500#copy tftp: bootflash: Address or name of remote host []? X.X.X.X Source filename []? cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bin Destination filename [cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bin]?
Una vez verificados todos los requisitos previos, puede continuar con la actualización real y utilizar uno de los métodos enumerados:
Este flujo de trabajo solo implica un paso y ayuda en la optimización.
Nota: No puede revertir porque la actualización se confirma automáticamente. Vaya a Flujo de trabajo de 3 pasos si desea revertir.
// This example has SW-2 as Active and Sw-1 as Standby before starting ISSU
C9500#install add file flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bin activate issu commit install_add_activate_commit: START Fri Feb 8 10:07:51 jst 2019 *Feb 8 10:07:52.456 jst: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Switch 2 R0/0: install_engine: Started install one-shot ISSU flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bininstall_add_activate_commit: Adding ISSU --- Starting initial file syncing --- [2]: Copying flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bin from switch 2 to switch 1 [1]: Finished copying to switch 1 Info: Finished copying flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bin to the selected switch(es) Finished initial file syncing --- Starting Add --- Performing Add on all members [1] Add package(s) on switch 1 [1] Finished Add on switch 1 [2] Add package(s) on switch 2 [2] Finished Add on switch 2 Checking status of Add on [1 2] Add: Passed on [1 2] Finished Add install_add_activate_commit: Activating ISSU Going to start Oneshot ISSU install process STAGE 0: Initial System Level Sanity Check before starting ISSU =================================================== --- Verifying install_issu supported --- --- Verifying standby is in Standby Hot state --- --- Verifying booted from the valid media --- --- Verifying AutoBoot mode is enabled --- Finished Initial System Level Sanity Check STAGE 1: Installing software on Standby =================================================== --- Starting install_remote --- Performing install_remote on Chassis remote [1] install_remote package(s) on switch 1 [1] Finished install_remote on switch 1 install_remote: Passed on [1] Finished install_remote STAGE 2: Restarting Standby =================================================== --- Starting standby reload --- Finished standby reload --- Starting wait for Standby to reach terminal redundancy state --- <<<<< Standby (Sw-1) reloads here!!!
<<<<<<<< After Standby (Sw-1) comes up >>>>>>>>>>>
*Feb 8 10:19:10.223 jst: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match.
*Feb 8 10:19:48.421 jst: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Feb 8 10:19:49.422 jst: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO) <<<<< Standby (Sw-1) comes up on new code and joins as Hot Standby..
*Feb 8 10:21:02.975 jst: %PLATFORM-6-HASTATUS_DETAIL: RP switchover, received chassis event became active. Switch to primary (count 1) <<<<<< Switchover happens after this log and the previous active (Sw-2) reloads.
<<<<<<<< After new Standby (Sw-2) comes up >>>>>>>>
*Feb 8 10:27:09.715 jst: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Feb 8 10:27:10.717 jst: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO). <<<< ISSU commit starts after this automatically..
*Feb 8 10:28:27.302 jst: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Switch 2 R0/0: install_engine: Started install commit
%IOSXEBOOT-4-ISSU_ONE_SHOT: (rp/0): ISSU finished successfully
*Feb 8 10:29:32.127 jst: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_COMPLETED_INFO: Switch 2 R0/0: install_engine: Completed install commit ISSU
Continúe con después de completar ISSU.
Paso 1. Instale add.
Este comando descarga la imagen en la memoria flash de inicialización y la expande en ambos switches.
// This example has SW-1 as Active and Sw-2 as Standby before starting ISSU
C9500#install add file flash:cat9k-universalk9.SPA.16.09.03.BETA.E1.SSA.bin.bin
install_add: START Fri Feb 8 09:22:00 jst 2019
*Feb 8 09:22:02.055 jst: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Switch 1 R0/0: install_engine: Started install add flash:cat9k-universalk9.SPA.16.09.03.BETA.E1.SSA.bin.bininstall_add: Adding PACKAGE
--- Starting initial file syncing ---
[1]: Copying flash:cat9k-universalk9.SPA.16.09.03.BETA.E1.SSA.bin.bin from switch 1 to switch 2
[2]: Finished copying to switch 2
Info: Finished copying flash:cat9k-universalk9.SPA.16.09.03.BETA.E1.SSA.bin.bin to the selected switch(es)
Finished initial file syncing
--- Starting Add ---
Performing Add on all members
[1] Add package(s) on switch 1
[1] Finished Add on switch 1
[2] Add package(s) on switch 2
[2] Finished Add on switch 2
Checking status of Add on [1 2]
Add: Passed on [1 2]
Finished Add
SUCCESS: install_add Fri Feb 8 09:26:26 jst 2019 <<<< Wait until install_add says SUCCESS. If fails, manually abort ISSU.
Paso 2. Instalar activar.
Al final de este procedimiento, ambos switches se ejecutan con la nueva imagen de software.
C9500#install activate issu install_activate: START Fri Feb 8 09:28:27 jst 2019 install_activate: Activating ISSU *Feb 8 09:28:28.905 jst: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Switch 1 R0/0: install_engine: Started install activate ISSU Going to start Activate ISSU install process STAGE 0: Initial System Level Sanity Check before starting ISSU=================================================== --- Verifying install_issu supported --- --- Verifying standby is in Standby Hot state --- --- Verifying booted from the valid media --- --- Verifying AutoBoot mode is enabled --- Finished Initial System Level Sanity Check STAGE 1: Installing software on Standby =================================================== --- Starting install_remote --- Performing install_remote on Chassis remote *Feb 8 09:28:31.880 jst: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_AUTO_ABORT_TIMER_PROGRESS: Switch 1 R0/0: rollback_timer: Install auto abort timer can expire in 7200 seconds [2] install_remote package(s) on switch 2 [2] Finished install_remote on switch 2 install_remote: Passed on [2]
Finished install_remote
STAGE 2: Restarting Standby =================================================== --- Starting standby reload --- Finished standby reload--- Starting wait for Standby to reach terminal redundancy state --- <<<<<<<< Standby (Sw-2) reloads here!!!*Feb 8 09:35:16.489 jst: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match. *Feb 8 09:36:00.238 jst: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded *Feb 8 09:36:01.240 jst: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO) <<<< At this point, Standby (Sw-2) comes up with new code and joins as Hot Standby Finished wait for Standby to reach terminal redundancy state
STAGE 3: Installing software on Active =================================================== --- Starting install_active ---
Performing install_active on Chassis 11] install_active package(s) on switch 1 [1] Finished install_active on switch 1 install_active: Passed on [1] Finished install_active
Chassis 1 reloading, reason - Non participant detected
STAGE 4: Restarting Active (switchover to standby) <<<<<<<< At this point, there is a switchover and then the previous Active (Sw-1) reloads. =================================================== --- Starting active reload --- New software can load after reboot process is completed SUCCESS: install_activate Fri Feb 8 09:37:14 jst 2019
Al final del estado Activate, verifique los estados ISSU.
C9500#show issu state detail --- Starting local lock acquisition on switch 2 --- Finished local lock acquisition on switch 2 Operation type: Step-by-step ISSU Install type : Image installation using ISSUCurrent state : Activated state Last operation: Switchover Completed operations: Operation Start time ------------------------------------------------------- Activate location standby Chassis 2 2019-02-08:09:28:32 Activate location active Chassis 1 2019-02-08:09:36:03 Switchover 2019-02-08:09:37:16
State transition: Added -> Standby activated -> Active switched-over Auto abort timer: automatic, remaining time before rollback: 01:43:55 Running image: flash:packages.conf Operating mode: sso, terminal state reached <<<<< Wait until SSO terminal state before proceeding to commit.
Paso 3. Instalar commit.
El comando commit realiza la limpieza necesaria, habilita el nuevo software como permanente (elimina la versión anterior del software) y detiene el temporizador de reversión. Cualquier reinicio después de la confirmación puede arrancar con nuevo software.
C9500#install commit install_commit: START Fri Feb 8 09:45:22 jst 2019 install_commit: Committing ISSU *Feb 8 09:45:23.533 jst: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Switch 2 R0/0: install_engine: Started install commit Going to start Commit ISSU install process STAGE 0: Initial System Level Sanity Check before starting ISSU =================================================== --- Verifying install_issu supported --- --- Verifying standby is in Standby Hot state --- --- Verifying booted from the valid media --- --- Verifying AutoBoot mode is enabled ---
Finished Initial System Level Sanity Check --- Starting install_commit_2 --- Performing install_commit_2 on Chassis 2 [2] install_commit_2 package(s) on switch 2 [2] Finished install_commit_2 on switch 2 install_commit_2: Passed on [2] Finished install_commit_2 STAGE 1: Dispatching the commit command to remote =================================================== --- Starting install_commit_remote --- Performing install_commit_remote on Chassis 1 Feb 8 09:48:33.364: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: R0/0: install_engine: Started install commit *Feb 8 09:48:33.352 jst: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Switch 1 R0/0: install_engine: Started install commit Feb 8 09:51:27.505: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_COMPLETED_INFO: R0/0: install_engine: Completed install commit ISSU [1] install_commit_remote package(s) on switch 1 [1] Finished install_commit_remote on switch 1 install_commit_remote: Passed on [1] Finished install_commit_remote SUCCESS: install_commit Fri Feb 8 09:51:27 jst 2019 <<<<< ISSU is completed here!!!!!
Una vez que ISSU se haya completado correctamente,
Nota: Si el modo en espera no alcanza el SSO durante la anulación, se requiere la anulación manual. Además, si por alguna razón desea abortar el ISSU en el medio, se requiere abortar manualmente.
EXAMPLE : During install add, we notice these errors:
C9400#install add file flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bin install_add: START Tue Nov 13 20:47:53 UTC 2018 *Nov 13 20:47:54.787: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Chassis 1 R1/0: install_engine: Started install add flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bininstall_add: Adding PACKAGE --- Starting initial file syncing --- [1]: Copying flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bin from chassis 1 to chassis 2 [2]: Finished copying to chassis 2 Info: Finished copying flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.02.SPA.bin to the selected chassis Finished initial file syncing --- Starting Add --- Performing Add on all members [1] Add package(s) on chassis 1 [1] Finished Add on chassis 1 [2] Add package(s) on chassis 2 cp: cannot stat '/tmp/packages.conf': No such file or directory [2] Finished Add on chassis 2 Checking status of Add on [1 2] Add: Passed on [1]. Failed on [2] Finished Add FAILED: install_add exit(1) Tue Nov 13 20:51:58 UTC 2018 <<<<<< install_add failed. If see any such error, first do a manual abort before proceeding further. C9400#install abort issu install_abort: START Tue Nov 13 20:57:40 UTC 2018 install_abort: Abort type ISSU subtype NONE smutype NONE *Nov 13 20:57:41.759: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_START_INFO: Chassis 1 R1/0: install_engine: Started install abort ISSU NOTE: Going to start Abort ISSU install process STAGE 0: Initial System Level Sanity Check before starting ISSU =================================================== --- Verifying install_issu supported --- --- Verifying booted from the valid media --- --- Verifying AutoBoot mode is enabled --- Finished Initial System Level Sanity Check FAILED: ABORT operation is not allowed in ADDED state ERROR: install_abort exit(2 ) Tue Nov 13 20:57:49 UTC 2018 *Nov 13 20:57:49.756: %INSTALL-5-INSTALL_COMPLETED_INFO: Chassis 1 R1/0: install_engine: Completed install abort ISSU
Si el upgrade/downgrade/abort/auto-abort de ISSU no es exitoso, se requiere una limpieza manual de los estados internos de ISSU.
C9400#sh issu state detail --- Starting local lock acquisition on chassis 1 --- Finished local lock acquisition on chassis 1 Operation type: One-shot ISSU Install type : Image installation using ISSU Current state : Added state Last operation: Activate location standby Chassis 2 <<<< Previous Add is still pending. This needs to be cleared before starting ISSU Completed operations: Operation Start time ------------------------------------------------------- Activate location standby Chassis 2 2018-11-13:16:26:34 State transition: Added Auto abort timer: inactive Running image: flash:packages.conf Operating mode: sso, terminal state not reached Enable Service Internal before you run this command
C9400#clear install state clear_install_state: START Tue Nov 13 17:05:47 UTC 2018 --- Starting clear_install_state --- Performing clear_install_state on all members [1] clear_install_state package(s) on chassis 1 [1] Finished clear_install_state on chassis 1 Checking status of clear_install_state on [1] clear_install_state: Passed on [1] Finished clear_install_state C9400#sh issu state detail --- Starting local lock acquisition on chassis 1 --- Finished local lock acquisition on chassis 1 No ISSU operation is in progress
Revisión | Fecha de publicación | Comentarios |
2.0 |
18-May-2023 |
PII eliminado.
Título actualizado, Introducción, Requisitos de estilo, Traducción automática, Jardín y Formato. |
1.0 |
14-May-2019 |
Versión inicial |