MAP Service Configuration Mode Commands

Mobile Application Part (MAP) is a protocol which provides an application layer for the various nodes in the core mobile network and GPRS and UMTS core network to communicate with each other in order to provide services to mobile phone users. The MAP service provides the application-layer protocol support used to access the Home Location Register (HLR).


The MAP Service Configuration Mode is used to configure properties for Mobile Application Part (MAP) service.

Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.


Configures access protocol parameters for the MAP service as defined for a specific SCCP network instance.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



 [ no ] access-protocol { sccp-network sccp_id [ ssn subsys_num ] }  

sccp-network sccp_id

Specifies the ID number of the SCCP network to use for the SGSN connection.

sccp_id : Must be an integer from 1 to 16.

ssn subsys_num

Identifies the subsystem number for the destination.

subsys_num: Enter an integer from 1 through 255.


Removes the access protocol SCCP network instance ID from the configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate access protocol parameters to a specific instance of the MAP service for an SCCP network.


The following command associates the access protocols with the SCCP network ID #10:
access-protocol sccp-network 10 


Configure the operation timer(s) for one or more MAP application contexts.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



application-context-name application operation-timer value 
default application-context-name application operation-timer 


Resets the operation timers for all applications to system defaults.


Select one of the following applications to enable the application:
  • authentication-failure-report : Sets the reporting operation timer for authentication failure. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

  • cancel-location : Sets the cancel location operation timer. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

  • check-imei : Sets the check-IMEI operation timer. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds for releases 8.0 and 8.1 and 1 to 30 seconds for releases 9.0 and higher. The default setting is 15 seconds.

  • delete-subscriber-data : Sets the delete subscriber data operation timer. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

  • mo-fwd-sm : Sets the operation timer for forwarding mobile-originated SMS. The setting range for this timer is 1 to 10 minutes and the default setting is 1 minute (60 seconds).

  • ms-purge : Sets the operation timer for MS-purge function. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

  • mt-fwd-sm : Sets the operation timer for forwarding mobile-terminated SMS. The setting range for this timer is 1 to 10 minutes and the default setting is 1 minute (60 seconds).

  • ready-for-sm : Sets the operation timer for the ready for SMS operation. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

  • send-authentication-info : Sets the operation timer for the sending authentication information operation. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

  • stand-alone-insert-subscriber-data : Sets the operation timer for the standalone insert subscriber data operation. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

  • ugl-insert-subscriber-data : Sets the operation timer for the insert subscriber data portion of the update GPRS location operation. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

  • update-gprs-location : Sets the operation timer for the update GPRS location operation. The setting range for this timer is 15 to 30 seconds and the default setting is 15 seconds.

operation-timer value

Configures the operation timer for the selected application. Timer values are indicated above.

Usage Guidelines

Repeat this command entering a different application each time to enable multiple applications.


application-context-name stand-alone-insert-subscriber-data operation-timer 20  


Configures the number of authorization vectors to be requested from the home location register (HLR) during call setup to provide subscriber authentication.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



auth-vectors number-to-request number 
default auth-vectors number-to-request 


Resets the number of vectors requested from the HLR to the system default.

number-to-request number

number : Must be an integer from 1 to 5 to define the number of authorization vectors be requested from the HLR.

Default is 5.

Usage Guidelines

Set the number of requests to be received from the HLR.


auth-vectors number-to-request 4 


Defines the information relevant to the equipment-identity-register (EIR) used by the SGSN.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



equipment-identity-register { isdn  E.164_num | point code pt_code } [ check-imei-every-n-events times|  check-imei-sub-every-n-events times|  source-ssn ssn] [ include-imsi | map-include-imsi ] 
no equipment-identity-register { isdn E.164_num | point codept_code }] [ include-imsi | map-include-imsi ] 


Deletes the EIR configuration.

isdn number

Enter the E.164 number of the EIR.

number: must be a string of 1 to 15 digits.

point code pt_code

Enter SS7 point code address of the EIR in dotted-decimal format according to variant settings:

  • ITU Range 0.0.1 to 7.255.7

  • ANSI Range 0.0.1 to 255.255.255

  • TTC Range 0.0.1 to 15.31.255

  • or a string of 1 to 11 characters

source-ssn ssn

Identifies the subsystem number (SSN) to be used.

ssn must be an integer from 1 to 255.

check-imei-every-n-events times

Configures the frequency with which a 'check IMEI' message is sent to the EIR. When set, the SGSN skips sending the 'check IMEI' message for the first N-1 where IMDI/IMEISV is received.

times :

  • For releases 8.0 and 8.1, the value must be an integer from 1 to 15.

  • For releases 15.0 and higher, the value must be an integer from 1 to 15.


This feature requires the enabling of verify-equipment-identity for IMEI or IMEISV as specified with the the gmm retrieve-equipment-identity imei command of the call-control-profile configuration mode.

check-imei-sub-every-n-events times

check-imei-sub-every-n-events times: Performs IMEI check every N events for each subscriber . times must be an integer ranging from 1 to 15.


Enables inclusion of IMSI checking during the IMEI check procedure. By default this function is not included.


Enables the inclusion of IMSI parameter in the CHECK_IMEI Request. By default, IMSI is not included in the CHECK_IMEI Request.

Usage Guidelines

Configure the identity of the EIR that the SGSN uses and the interaction parameters.

Increasing the check-imei-every-n-events frequency enables the EIR to avoid overload as the number of data-only devices attaching to the network increases.


Configure EIR with point code 1.255.1 to perform IMEI check after every 61st received Attach Request message:
equipment-identity-register point code 1.255.1 check-imei-every-n-events 62 
Configure IMSI to be included in the MAP-CHECK-IMEI operation:
equipment-identity-register point code 1.255.1 check-imei-every-n-events 62  include-imsi 


This command identifies the gateway mobile location center (GMLC) associated with the Location Service functionality.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



gmlc { isdn E.164_number | point-code point-code } [ gsn-address ipv4 address ] [ source-ssn SSN_value ] 
no gmlc { isdn | point-code } 


Deletes the GMLC configuration. When the no form of the command is used the SGSN aborts all active Location Requests towards that GMLC and stops the Location Service functions.

isdn number

Enter the E.164 number of the GMLC.

number: must be a string of 1 to 15 digits.


isdn can not be used if point-code is used.

point-code pt_code

Enter SS7 point code address of the GMLC in dotted-decimal format according to variant settings:
  • ITU Range 0.0.1 to 7.255.7

  • ANSI Range 0.0.1 to 255.255.255

  • TTC Range 0.0.1 to 15.31.255

  • or a string of 1 to 11 characters


point-code can not be used if isdn is used.

gsn-address ipv4 address

Identifies the IP address of the GMLC of the local PLMN. The address will be published to the HLR in the MAP Update_GPRS_Location Request.

ipv4 address must be a standard dotted-decimal notation.


Even though gsn-address is optional per the CLI grammar, this keyword is a mandatory parameter when configuring the GMLC for the location service feature in the SGSN.

source-ssn ssn

Identifies the subsystem number (SSN) to be used.

ssn must be an integer from 1 to 255.

Usage Guidelines

This command identifies the GMLC associated with the MAP Service configuration in support of the Location Services functionality enabled on the SGSN.

Only one GMLC can be defined per MAP Service configuration.

Related Commands:

  • associate map-service in the Location Service configuration mode associates this MAP service when configuration Location Services functionality.


Use a command similar to the following to define a gateway mobility location center (GMLC) with an ISDN ID of 491720499 , a GSN address of , and an SSN of 131 :
gmlc isdn 491720499 gsn-address ssn 131 


This command enters the configuration mode for the home location register (HLR). The HLR is a database containing the subscriber profile information for all mobile stations (MS) / user equipment (UE) connecting to a specific GPRS or UMTS core network.


The commands and options for this mode are documented in the HLR Configuration Mode chapter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:





This command configures the Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) -specific MAP policy for either ANSI or ITU SS7 variants.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default ] policy tcap { use-received-destination-address | use-received-source-address } 


Selecting this keyword overwrites stored CG and CD addresses with a new address received in first TC CNT msg


Selecting this keyword instructs the MAP service to use the received source address for the dialog.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine how TCAP will handle MAP messages.


policy tcap use-received-destination-address 


This command enables and disables the short message service (SMS service) and provides access to the SMS Service configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



no short-message-service 


Disables the SMS service.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the command to access the SMS service configuration mode to fine tune the SMS functionality.




Use this command to configure the m1 timeout value for the LCS procedure..






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > MAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > map-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



timeout m1 seconds  

m1 seconds

This keyword sets the expiry value for the SGSN's m1 timer, which sets the time the SGSN waits to send a negative PSL Response and clear the location request.

seconds is an integer from 60 to 600. Default is 120.

Usage Guidelines

The m1 timer is used for location service (LCS) specific map message PSL (provide subscriber location). The gateway mobile location center (GMLC), associated with the LCS functionality, also maintains an m1 timer when it sends a PSL Request to the SGSN. If the GMLC's timer expires before receiving a response from the SGSN, then the GMLC aborts the location procedure.

This command enables the operator to determine the amount of time the SGSN should wait before sending a negative PSL Response and cleaing the location request to complete the LCS procedure.


Set the expiry value of the m1 timer to 240 seconds.
timeout m1 240