Unknown (0)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unknown reason.
Admin-disconnect (1)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to any of the following reasons:
Sessions disconnected when the Administrator issues the clear subscribers all CLI command.
Sessions disconnected by ECS due to any of the following reasons:
Sessions disconnected by Diameter Credit Control Application (DCCA) due to any of the following reasons:
Result code 4010 or 4012 is received at the command level, and for CCR-Initial and CCR-Update Credit Control Failure Handling
(CCFH) is configured as Terminate or Retry-and-Terminate.
Result code 5003 or 5030 is received at the command level.
Abort-Session-Request message is received.
Remote-disconnect (2)
The total number of sessions disconnected by the remote system.
Local-disconnect (3)
The total number of sessions disconnected by local system.
No-resource (4)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to non-availability of resources.
Service-limit-exceeded (5)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to exceed in service limit.
PPP-LCP-negotiation-failed (6)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to LCP negotiation failed.
PPP-LCP-no-response (7)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to no response in PPP-LCP session.
PPP-LCP-loopback-detected (8)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to loop back detected in PPP-LCP.
PPP-LCP-max-retry-reached (9)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to maximum retries in PPP-LCP session.
PPP-LCP-echo-failed (10)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to PPP-LCP echo not received.
PPP-Auth-failed (11)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authorization failed in PPP.
PPP-Auth-failed-no-AAA-response (12)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authorization failed by no response on AAA server.
PPP-Auth-failed-no-peer-response (13)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to PPP authorization failed on no peer response.
PPP-Auth-failed-max-retry-reached (14)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to PPP authorization failed and reaching maximum retries limit.
If ePDG will receive APN-NI that is not according to 3GPP standard then ePDG will reject the call.
Invalid-AAA-attr-in-auth-response (15)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid AAA attributes in authorization response.
Could-not-apply-subscriber-ACL (16)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to inability in applying subscriber's Access Control List (ACL).
Could-not-provide-service (17)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to service is not available.
AAA-return-IP-address-not-valid (18)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to return IP address from AAA server is invalid.
Pool-IP-address-not-valid (19)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IP address in pool is invalid.
PPP-IPCP-negotiation-failed (20)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to PPP-IPCP negotiation failed.
PPP-IPCP-no-response (21)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to no response in PPP-IPCP.
PPP-IPCP-max-retry-reached (22)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to maximum retries in PPP-IPCP session.
No-IPV4-address-for-subscriber (23)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to no IPv4 address are available for subscriber.
Inactivity-timeout (24)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to system time out limit for silence (ideal) reached.
Absolute-timeout (25)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to timeout in complete session.
Max-data-limit-exceeded (26)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to maximum data limit exceeded.
Invalid-source-IPV4-address (27)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid IPv4 address of subscriber.
MSID-auth-failed (28)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to MSID authentication failed.
MSID-auth-failed-no-aaa-response (29)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to MSID authentication failed and/or no response from AAA server.
A11-max-retry-reached (30)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to maximum limit for retries reached for A11 interface.
A11-lifetime-expired (31)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to A11 interface lifetime expired.
A11-msg-integrity-failure (32)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in message integrity in A11 interface.
PPP-LCP-remote-disconnect (33)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to PPP-LCP remote disconnect.
Session-setup-timeout (34)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to timeout in setting up of session.
PPP-keepalive-failure (35)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to PPP keepalive attribute failure.
Flow-add-failed (36)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to fail in adding flow to session.
Call-type-detection-failed (37)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in call type detection.
Wrong-ipcp-params (38)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IPCP parameters are wrong.
MIP-remote-dereg (39)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to de-registration of Mobile IP on remote system.
MIP-lifetime-expiry (40)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to expiry of Mobile IP life time.
MIP-proto-error (41)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to protocol error in Mobile IP.
MIP-auth-failure (42)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to Mobile IP authentication failure.
MIP-reg-timeout (43)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to registration request timeout.
Invalid-dest-context (44)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid destination context.
Source-context-removed (45)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to source context is removed from system.
Destination-context-removed (46)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to destination context is removed from system.
Required-service-address-unavailable (47)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unavailability of required service address.
demux-mgr-failed-could-not-restart (48)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in demux-mgr.
internal-error (49)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to some internal system error.
AAA-context-removed (50)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to AAA context is removed from system.
invalid-service-type (51)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid service type.
mip-relay-req-failed (52)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in Mobile IP relay request.
mip-rcvd-relay-failure (53)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in Mobile IP received.
ppp_restart_inter_pdsn_handoff (54)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to restart in inter PDSN handoff.
gre-key-mismatch (55)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to mismatch in Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) key.
invalid-tunnel-context (56)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid Tunnel context.
no-peer-lns-address (57)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to no peer LNS address
failed-tunnel-connect (58)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in Tunnel connect.
l2tp-tunnel-disconnect-remote (59)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to tunnel disconnected by remote system.
l2tp-tunnel-timeout (60)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to tunnel timeout.
l2tp-protocol-error-remote (61)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to protocol error on remote system.
l2tp-protocol-error-local (62)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to protocol error on local system.
l2tp-auth-failed-remote (63)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authorization failed on remote system.
l2tp-auth-failed-local (64)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authorization failed on local system
l2tp-try-another-lns-from-remote (65)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to remote system tried for another LNS.
l2tp-no-resource-local (66)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to non-availability of resource on local system.
l2tp-no-resource-remote (67)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to non-availability of resource on remote system.
l2tp-tunnel-disconnect-local (68)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to tunnel disconnected on local system.
l2tp-admin-disconnect-remote (69)
The total number of sessions disconnected by administrator on remote system.
l2tpmgr-reached-max-capacity (70)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to L2TP Manager logging facility reached to maximum logging capacity.
MIP-Reg-Revocation (71)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a failure in Mobile IP registration revocation.
path-failure (72)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to path failure in connecting session.
Dhcp-Relay-IP-Validation-Failed (73)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a failure with the validation of the IP addresses with DHCP relay method.
Gtp-unknown-pdp-addr-or-pdp-type (74)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unknown PDP address or PDP type.
Gtp-all-dynamic-pdp-addr-occupied (75)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to all dynamic PDP addresses are occupied and no PDP address is available to
Gtp-no-memory-is-available (76)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to out of memory problem.
dhcp-relay-static-ip-addr-not-allowed (77)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the mobile requesting the use of a static IP address when static IP address
requests are not allowed.
dhcp-no-ip-addr-allocated (78)
The total number of sessions disconnected as no IP address is allocated on DHCP Server.
dhcp-ip-addr-allocation-tmr-exp (79)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to time expired for IP address allocation on DHCP Server.
dhcp-ip-validation-failed (80)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a failure with the validation of the IP address. This occurs because the
IP address returned by DHCP Server is not present in the static pool in the destination context.
dhcp-static-addr-not-allowed (81)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a failure with IP address in the static pool on destination context is not
allowed by DHCP Server.
dhcp-ip-addr-not-available-at-present (82)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to non availability of IP address on DHCP Server.
dhcp-lease-expired (83)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to expiration of IP address lease time.
lpool-ip-validation-failed (84)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to validation failure of IP address in IP pool.
lpool-static-ip-addr-not-allowed (85)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to specified static IP address is not allowed in IP pool.
static-ip-validation-failed (86)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a failure in validation of static IP address on remote system.
static-ip-addr-not-present (87)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to allocated static address is removed or not available.
static-ip-addr-not-allowed (88)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to prohibition of defined static IP address.
radius-ip-validation-failed (89)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a failure in IP address validation on RADIUS.
radius-ip-addr-not-provided (90)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IP address is not provided by RADIUS.
invalid-ip-addr-from-sgsn (91)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid IP address received from SGSN.
no-more-sessions-in-aaa (92)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to sessions cleared in AAA.
ggsn-aaa-auth-req-failed (93)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authentication request failure between GGSN and AAA server.
conflict-in-ip-addr-assignment (94)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to conflict in IP address assignment.
apn-removed (95)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to APN removed during session.
credits-used-bytes-in (96)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to exceeding the incoming data/bytes credit.
credits-used-bytes-out (97)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to exceeding the outgoing data/bytes credit.
credits-used-bytes-total (98)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to exceeding the total data/bytes credit.
prepaid-failed (99)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a failure in processing prepaid account information.
l2tp-ipsec-tunnel-failure (100)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the IPSec tunnel being failed to connect.
l2tp-ipsec-tunnel-disconnected (101)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the IPSec tunnel being disconnected.
mip-ipsec-sa-inactive (102)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to in active security association (sa) of IPSec for specific Mobile IP address.
Long-duration-timeout (103)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the expiration of the configured long-duration timer.
proxy-mip-registration-failure (104)
The total number of Proxy Mobile IP sessions disconnected due to Registration failures.
proxy-mip-binding-update (105)
The total number of Proxy Mobile IP sessions disconnected due to errors occurring during binding updates.
proxy-mip-inter-pdsn-handoff-require-ip-address (106)
The total number of Proxy Mobile IP sessions disconnected due to the mobile not providing the IP address it was assigned during
IPCP negotiations resulting from inter-PDSN handoffs.
proxy-mip-inter-pdsn-handoff-mismatched-address (107)
The total number of Proxy Mobile IP sessions disconnected due to the mobile providing an IP address other than what it was
assigned during IPCP negotiations resulting from inter-PDSN handoffs.
Local-purge (108)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a locally-initiated purge.
failed-update-handoff (109)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in update handoff.
closed_rp-handoff-complete (110)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to handoff completed.
closed_rp-duplicate-session (111)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to duplicate session.
closed_rp-handoff-session-not-found (112)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to hand off session not found.
closed_rp-handoff-failed (113)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to handoff failed for session.
pcf-monitor-keep-alive-failed (114)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the expiration of the configured max-inactivity timer indicating that the
PCF was unavailable.
call-internal-reject (115)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to call rejected internally.
call-restarted (116)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to call restarted on unknown reason.
a11-mn-ha-auth-failure (117)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in authentication between Mobile node and Home Agent (HA).
a11-badly-formed (118)
The total number of sessions disconnected as A11 interface is formed badly.
a11-t-bit-not-set (119)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to t-bit is not set in interface.
a11-unsupported-vendor-id (120)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unsupported vendor Id in interface.
a11-mismatched-id (121)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to mismatched Id in A11 interface.
mipha-dup-home-addr-req (122)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to duplicate home address request on HA.
mipha-dup-imsi-session (123)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to duplicate IMSI in session on HA.
ha-unreachable (124)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unreachable HA.
IPSP-addr-in-use (125)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IP Pool Sharing Protocol address is in use/not free on HA.
mipfa-dup-home-addr-req (126)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to duplicate home address request on FA.
mipha-ip-pool-busyout (127)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IP pool busyout.
inter-pdsn-handoff (128)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to inter-PDSN handoff failure.
active-to-dormant (129)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to system enters to dormant state from active state.
Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P
services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.
ppp-renegotiation (130)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure/conflict in PPP renegotiation.
active-start-parameter-change (131)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to change in start parameters.
accounting-tariff-boundary (132)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the closure of an accounting record based configured tariff time.
a11-disconnect-no-active-stop (133)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to A11 interface is not active or stopped.
nw-reachability-failed-reject (134)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in network reachability and request rejected.
nw-reachability-failed-redirect (135)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in network reachability and request redirected.
container-max-exceeded (136)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the closure of an accounting record based on the configured maximum number
of container changes being exceeded.
static-addr-not-allowed-in-apn (137)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to static IP address is not allowed in APN.
static-addr-required-by-radius (138)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to static IP address required by RADIUS.
static-addr-not-allowed-by-radius (139)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to static IP address is not allowed by RADIUS.
mip-registration-dropped (140)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to registration dropped for Mobile IP address.
counter-rollover (141)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to counter rollover.
constructed-nai-auth-failed (142)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authentication failure in subscriber's Network Access Identifier (NAI).
inter-pdsn-service-optimize-handoff-disabled (143)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to disabled inter-PDSN service optimization handoff.
gre-key-collision (144)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to collision in Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) key.
inter-pdsn-service-optimize-handoff-triggered (145)
The total number of sessions disconnected when inter PDSN service optimization handoff triggered.
intra-pdsn-handoff-triggered (146)
The total number of sessions disconnected when intra-PDSN service optimization handoff triggered.
delayed-abort-timer-expired (147)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to abort timer duration expired.
Admin-AAA-disconnect (148)
The total number of sessions disconnected as AAA server disconnected Administratively.
Admin-AAA-disconnect-handoff (149)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to AAA handoff disconnected Administratively.
PPP-IPV6CP-negotiation-failed (150)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IPv6CP negotiation failed.
PPP-IPV6CP-no-response (151)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to no response during IPv6CP negotiation.
PPP-IPV6CP-max-retry-reached (152)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to maximum retries failed on IPv6CP negotiation.
PPP-Restart-Invalid-source-IPV4-address (153)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to PPP restarted by invalid Pv4 address of source.
a11-disconnect-handoff-no-active-stop (154)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to handoff in A11 interface is not active or stopped.
call-restarted-inter-pdsn-handoff (155)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to call restarted during inter PDSN handoff.
call-restarted-ppp-termination (156)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to call restarted on PPP termination.
mipfa-resource-conflict (157)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to resource conflict on FA.
failed-auth-with-charging-svc (158)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authentication failure in charging services.
mipha-dup-imsi-session-purge (159)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to clearing of duplicate IMSI in session on HA.
mipha-rev-pending-newcall (160)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to revival of pending new calls.
volume-quota-reached (161)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to allocated data quota volume reached.
duration-quota-reached (162)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to time-out reached.
gtp-user-auth-failed (163)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a failure in user/subscriber authentication.
MIP-Reg-Revocation-no-lcp-term (164)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to termination of an MIP Session for a Revocation being received from the HA
and the PDSN is not configured to send a LCP Terminate Request.
MIP-private-ip-no-rev-tunnel (165)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to no reverse tunnel for MIP.
Invalid-Prepaid-AAA-attr-in-auth-response (166)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid Prepaid attribute in authentication response.
mipha-prepaid-reset-dynamic-newcall (167)
The total number of MIP HA sessions disconnected due to receiving MIP registration with a home address of
gre-flow-control-timeout (168)
The total number of RP sessions disconnected due to the PCF not removing flow control for a specified amount of time if GRE
flow control for RP sessions is enabled.
mip-paaa-bc-query-not-found (169)
The total number of sessions that were disconnected because the binding cache was not found.
mipha-dynamic-ip-addr-not-available (170)
The total number of MIP HA sessions that were disconnected because a dynamic IP address was not available.
a11-mismatched-id-on-handoff (171)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a mismatched ID in the A11 interface during a handoff.
a11-badly-formed-on-handoff (172)
The total number of sessions disconnected because the A11 interface is formed badly during a handoff.
a11-unsupported-vendor-id-on-handoff (173)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unsupported vendor Id in the A11 interface during a handoff.
a11-t-bit-not-set-on-handoff (174)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to t-bit is not set in the A11 interface during a handoff.
MIP-Reg-Revocation-i-bit-on (175)
The total number of Mobile IP sessions disconnected at the PDSN/FA due to Revocation received from HA (with I bit set).
a11-RRQ-Deny-Max-Count (176)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failures in processing A11-Registration-Request despite retries of the message
by the PCF.
Dormant-Transition-During-Session-Setup (177)
The total number of sessions disconnected because they entered the dormant state during session setup.
Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P
services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.
PPP-Rem-Reneg-Disc-Always-Cfg (178)
The total number of PPP sessions disconnected because they were renegotiated by the remote side by sending LCP Conf-req/nak/ack
and the "always" option was used for the remote-renegotiation disconnect command/attribute.
PPP-Rem-Reneg-Disc-NAI-MSID-Mismatch (179)
The total number of PPP sessions disconnected because they were renegotiated by the remote side by sending LCP Conf-req/nak/ack
and the "nai-prefix-msid-mismatch" option was used for the remote-renegotiation disconnect command/attribute.
mipha-subscriber-ipsec-tunnel-down (180)
The total number of subscribers disconnected because the IPSec tunnel facilitating their sessions went down.
mipha-subscriber-ipsec-tunnel-failed (181)
The total number of subscribers disconnected because an IPSec tunnel failed to be established.
mipha-subscriber-ipsecmgr-death (182)
The total number of subscribers disconnected because the IPSec Manager software task facilitating their sessions crashed.
flow-is-deactivated (183)
The total number of sessions disconnected because their respective flow was deactivated.
ecs-license-exceeded (184)
The total number of sessions disconnected because the licensed session capacity for the Enhanced Charging Service feature
has been exceeded.
IPSG-Auth-failed (185)
The total number of sessions disconnected because IPSG authentication failed.
driver-initiated (186)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to driver initiation.
ims-authorization-failed (187)
The total number of sessions disconnected because of IMS authorization failures.
service-instance-released (188)
The total number of sessions disconnected because they were released by the service instances facilitating them.
flow-released (189)
The total number of sessions disconnected because their respective flows were released.
ppp-renego-no-ha-addr (190)
The total number of sessions disconnect because no HA address was supplied during PPP renegotiation.
intra-pdsn-handoff (191)
The total number of sessions disconnected during an intra-PDSN service handoff.
overload-disconnect (192)
The total number of sessions disconnected because the configured overload-disconnect threshold has been exceeded.
css-service-not-found (193)
The total number of sessions because the CSS service specified for handling the session was not found.
Auth-failed (194)
Total number of session authorizations failed due to rejection at OCS (Gy) or other AAA servers.
dhcp-client-sent-release (195)
The total number of sessions disconnected because the DHCP client sent a release.
dhcp-client-sent-nak (196)
The total number of sessions disconnected because the DHCP client sent a negative acknowledge message.
msid-dhcp-chaddr-mismatch (197)
The total number of sessions disconnected because the DHCP Client Hardware (MAC) Address (CHADDR) does not match with MSID
of the ASN-GW session.
The total number of sessions disconnected because the link between the SGSN and the GGSN is broken resulting in the termination
of ongoing Diameter Credit-Control sessions with the DIAMETER_LINK_BROKEN termination-cause.
The total number of sessions disconnected because the allowed BCMCS program limit time expires.
The total number of sessions disconnected because the PDSN failed to update QoS for them.
The total number of sessions disconnected because the session-audit between the ACS Manager task and Session Manager disconnects
any dangling sessions in the Session Manager.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to GTP context replacement.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to PDIF authentication process unable to set up a secure IPSec tunnel to subscriber.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unknown APN in L2TP message.
The total number of sessions disconnected due unexpected network reentry by MS in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due invalid NAI in R6 message in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due maximum retry limit for EAP authentication exhausted in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to EAP Master Session Key lifetime expiry in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to EAP Master Session Key lifetime is too less to allow session.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to inter-service handoff in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to maximum retry limit for R6 message exhausted in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to network exit message received on R6 interface in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to de-registration message received on R6 interface in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to remote peer failure on R6 interface in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to protocol error on R6 and/or R4 interface in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid AAA attributes for QoS to a subscriber in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to requested NPU GRE flow is not available for a subscriber in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to maximum retry limit for R4 message exhausted in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to network exit message received on R4 interface in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to de-registration message received on R4 interface in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to remote peer failure on R4 interface in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IMS authorization revoked.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IMS authorization released.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid IMS authorization decision.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to MAC address validation failure in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to excessive packet data flows are configured in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to cancellation of the request to location substitution withdrawn.
The total number of sessions disconnected because the cancellation of the location update.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to manager expiry.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to identity check failure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to security verification failure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authentication failure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to GLU failure.
Description: The total number of sessions disconnected due to an implicit detach.
Trigger: Pegs when the 2G-SGSN rejects an Attach Request due to same Random-TLLI collision If handling of Random-TLLI collision is
enabled via the SGSN Global Configuration mode command 'gmm-message attach-with-tlli-in-use discard-message [ only-on-same-nsei
The total number of sessions disconnected due to subscriber moving to a different SMGR instance.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to subscriber moving to a peer SGSN.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to DNS failure during Inter-RAU.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to context response failure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to HLR not found for particular IMSI.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to MS initiated detach.
The total number of sessions disconnected because MS was not allowed to roam.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to duplicate context.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure of profile update.
The total number of sessions disconnected where session is inactive and no PDP context is activated from this session.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to configured idle mode timeout duration is exhausted for ASN paging controller
in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to idle mode exit message for ASN paging controller in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to authentication failure during idle mode entry for ASN paging controller in
WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid QoS configuration for subscriber in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the SGSN receiving a DSD message from the HLR, with the "All GPRS subscription
withdrawn" flag set to true. The SGSN responds as if receiving a cancel location (subscription withdrawn) and clears the subscriber
fully using this disconnect reason.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to primary master key change failure on R6 interface in WiMAX network.
The total number of sessions disconnected because the ME was illegal.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure monitored through BS monitor keep-alive probe.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to error in SGSN attachment in registration state.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to error in SGSN inbound SRNS in registration state.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to error in Update PDP Context Response message for direct tunnel functionality.
Direct tunnel functionality at GGSN was expecting some fields which were not received in the Update PDP Context Response message.
Hence, GGSN was not able to establish tunnel appropriately with SGSN or RNC.
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to unknown PDP context.
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to PDP authentication failed.
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to duplicate PDP context
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to no response from GGSN.
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to failed response from GGSN.
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to unknown APN.
sgsn-iu-rel-init-deact(265) |
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to service request initiated deactivation.
sgsn-gtpu-path-failure(266) |
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to attachment procedure initiated abort.
sgsn-gtpc-path-failure(267) |
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to ISRAU initiated abort procedure.
sgsn-local-handoff-init-deact(268) |
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to unknown APN.
sgsn-remote-handoff-init-deact(269) |
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to MM context cleanup initiated abort procedure.
sgsn-gtp-no-resource(270) |
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to unknown abort procedure.
sgsn-rnc-no-resource(271) |
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to abort procedure started by guard timeout.
sgsn-odb-init-deact(272) |
The total number of sessions disconnected at SGSN due to abort procedure initiated on DHCP IP validate request.
sgsn-invalid-ti(273) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to id mismatch in MIPv6 session.
sgsn-actv-rejected-due-to-rnc(274) |
The total number of sessions disconnected as AAA session id not-found
sgsn-apn-restrict-vio(275) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to security associate rekeying failure.
sgsn-actv-rejected-by-sgsn(276) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in relocation in ASN-PC service.
sgsn-abnormal-deact(277) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in paging controller relocation in ASN PC service.
sgsn-actv-rejected-by-ggsn(278) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to mismatch in authentication policy.
sgsn-err-ind(279) |
The total number of sessions disconnected as DELETE MS ENTRY message received by the ASN Paging Controller.
asngw-non-anchor-prohibited(280) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to non-anchor ASN GW being prohibited.
asngw-im-entry-prohibited(281) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unknown reason.
Session-idle-mode-entry-timeout(282) |
The total number of sessions disconnected Administratively.
session-idle-mode-exit-timeout(283) |
The total number of sessions disconnected by remote system
asnpc-ms-power-down-nwexit(284) |
The total number of sessions disconnected by local system.
asnpc-r4-nwexit-recd(285) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to non-availability of resources.
sgsn-iu-rel-before-call-est(286) |
The total number of sessions disconnected because of Iu Release during call establishment when service limits exceeded.
ikev2-subscriber-ipsecmgr-death(287) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to LCP negotiation failed.
All-dynamic-pool-addr-occupied(288) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to no response in PPP-LCP session.
mipv6ha-ip-addr-not-available(289) |
The total number of sessions disconnected due to loop back detected in PPP-LCP.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure monitored through BS monitor keep-alive probe.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to an error in the SGSN attachment during the registration state.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to an error in the SGSN inbound SRNS in a registration state.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to error in Update PDP Context Response message for direct tunnel functionality.
Direct tunnel functionality at GGSN was expecting some fields which were not received in the Update PDP Context Response message.
Hence, the GGSN was not able to establish a tunnel appropriately with the SGSN or the RNC.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to an unknown PDP context.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because the PDP authentication failed.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to duplicate PDP contexts.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because the SGSN does note receive a response from the GGSN.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to failed response from the GGSN.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to an unknown APN.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to deactivation initiated by a service request.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to an attachment procedure-initiated abort.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to an ISRAU-initiated abort procedure.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because the SessMgr initiates an abort.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to the MM context cleanup-initiated abort procedure.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to an unknown abort procedure.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because the abort procedure was started by the guard timer timeout.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because the abort procedure was initiated upon receiving a DHCP IP validate
The total number of sessions disconnected due to id mismatch in MIPv6 session.
The total number of sessions disconnected as AAA session id not-found
The total number of sessions disconnected due to security associate rekeying failure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in relocation in ASN-PC service.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in paging controller relocation in ASN PC service.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to mismatch in authentication policy.
The total number of sessions disconnected as DELETE MS ENTRY message received by the ASN Paging Controller.
The total number of sessions disconnected because the ASNGW TID entry was not found.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to network exit message received on X2 interface in PHS network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to deregistration request received on X2 interface in PHS network.
The total number of sessions disconnected by remote system due to failure on X2 interface in PHS network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to primary master key change failure on X1 interface in PHS network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to security associate rekeying failure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to session sleep mode entry timeout on PHS GW.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to non-anchor PHS GW being prohibited.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in relocation in ASN-PC service.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure in paging controller relocation in ASN PC service.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to mismatch in authentication policy.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IKE/IPsec security associate lifetime timer expiration.
The total number of sessions disconnected as DELETE MS ENTRY message received by the ASN Paging Controller.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to sleep mode timeout by the PHS Paging Controller.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to sleep mode exit by the PHS Paging Controller.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failed sleep mode entry authorization by the PHS Paging Controller.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to ms power down network exit message received by the PHS Paging Controller.
The total number of PHS Paging Controller sessions disconnected due to network exit message received from X2 interface in
PHS network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the following reasons:
1. SessMgr and ACSMgr are running in non-optimized mode.
2. An undefined NAT pool is configured for subscriber.
NAT must be disabled if ACS is not running in optimized mode.
The total number of sessions disconnected because the ASNGW TID entry was not found.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to NAT IP address being unavailable during call setup for allocation to a subscriber.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to configuration of excessive PHS pd flows.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid QoS configuration for subscriber in PHS network.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to Interim Update.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because the inbound attach requests aborted due to poor radio status or lost
radio connections.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to inbound IRAU requests aborting as the radio status was poor or the radio
connection lost.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to IKE keepalive failure.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to attach requests aborting because MS was in suspend mode.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to IRAU requests aborted when MS was in suspend mode.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to detection of duplicate sessions for the same session id.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to XID response failure.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to record cleanup or reset on the network service entity (NSE).
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to failure of the GTPP request.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to mismatches of the IMSIs.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because the BSSGP Virtual Connection (BVC) was blocked.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected as the session was attached on inbound IRAU requests.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected while the session was attached on outbound IRAU requests.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to incorrect state of network elements.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to expiry of the T-3350 timer.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to expiry of the paging timer.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to local purging of PDP contexts.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected due to local purging of PDP contexts.
With Iu/Gb flex enabled, this is the total number of SGSN sessions disconnected when the subscribers has been forcefully cleared
via phase2 offloading from one SGSN to another SGSN within the SGSN pool.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to remote error notification.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to no response from any of the network entity.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to re-authorization failure at any stage.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to message sent on S1AP interface failed.
The total number of sessions disconnected as connection between MME and eGTP service/node failed due to any reason.
The total number of sessions disconnected as session creation failed between MME and eGTP service/node.
The total number of sessions disconnected as authentication procedure failed between MME and HSS.
The total number of sessions disconnected as UE detached explicitly.
The total number of sessions disconnected on serving MME due to detach procedure occurred between anchored MME and service
The total number of sessions disconnected due to DETACH procedure started from HSS.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to DETACH procedure started from P-GW.
The total number of sessions disconnected as subscriber validation failed at MME or HSS during authentication procedure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to connection failure between MME and associated HSS during authentication procedure.
The total number of sessions disconnected by MME service due to UNKNOWN USER response from HSS during authentication procedure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to mismatch in DHCP lease time mismatch.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to the NEMO (Network Mobility) link layer being down.
With Iu/Gb flex enabled, this is the total number of SGSN sessions disconnected when the subscribers has been forcefully cleared
via phase3 offloading from one SGSN to another SGSN within the SGSN pool.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to disconnect in MBMS bearer service.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to violation on Operator Determined Barring (ODB) of services.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to violation on Operator Determined Barring (ODB) of Free-of-Charge Service
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected through CLI registration clearing by administrator.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected by UE with an explicit deregister message.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected due to registration expiry.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected due to network-initiated deregistration.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected through CLI call clearing by administrator.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected by UE using BYE message.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected locally due to some processing failure, task death, recovery failure, etc.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected because locally due to congestion caused by max calline/flow usage from high
cpu/memory utilization in sessmgr.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected due to response timeout (SIP response code 408).
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected due to session timer timeout
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected due to media authorization failure.
The total number of CSCF sessions disconnected because register message is rejected due to congestion caused by max calline/flow
usage from high cpu/memory utilization in sessmgr.
The total number of sessions disconnected while MS unexpectedly started the IDLE mode procedure and enters the Idle mode.
The total number of sessions disconnected during re-authentication when MS started activation after coming out of idle mode.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because the NSE configured in the GPRS service is removed and there are PDP
contexts associated with the subscribers attached in this NSE.
The total number of SGSN sessions disconnected because an SGTP service could not be assigned to an MM context.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid and/or unknown APN name received from AAA or subscriber template.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure of GTP-C interface path between two nodes.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure of GTP-U interface path between two nodes.
The total number of sessions disconnected due as session activation procedure, started by an MS which was in idle mode, was
rejected by GGSN.
The total number of PDP activation failures due to release from CAMEL. This counter is visible but not yet fully supported.
The total number of of Attaches / RAUs rejected due to failure in the IMEI checking (i.e. due either to black listing or to
grey listing and an SGSN operator policy is configured with deny-grey-list).
The total number of PDP contexts deactivated upon receiving a cleanup indication from the SNDCP layer.
The total number of subscribers detached or PDP context(s) deactivated due to subscriber inactivity during a configured (in
the SGSN operator policy) time.
The total number of disconnects due to No-IPv6-address-for-subscriber.
The total number of disconnects due to prefix-registration-failure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to disconnect from policy server.
s6b-auth-failed (413)
The total number of subscriber sessions disconnected due to failure of authentication over S6b interface with HSS.
This support is added for interoperability of GGSN with P-GW and HA.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a GTP control plane error indication message.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a GTP user plane error indication message.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to an invalid PDN-type error.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a AAA authentication request failure.
apn-denied-no-subscription (418)
The total number of subscriber sessions disconnected due to denial of APN as requested APN was not subscribed to subscriber.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to an S-GW context replacement.
dup-static-ip-addr-req (420)
The total number of subscriber sessions disconnected due to new session request received with duplicate IP address at GGSN.
This support is added for interoperability of GGSN with P-GW and HA.
apn-restrict-violation (421)
The total number of subscriber sessions disconnected due to violation of level of restriction to ensure controlled co-existence
of the Primary PDP Contexts in APN.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to invalid or no W-APN details received from the UE.
The total number of TTG sessions disconnected due to an NSAPI (Network Service Access Point Identifier) allocation failure.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to the unavailability of a mandatory GTP Information-Element during PDP context
The total number of sessions disconnected due to unreachable AAA server.
Sent in the Accounting-Stop message for the particular service flow when that service flow is deleted by the Network- or MS-initiated
service flow detection procedure.
he total number of disconnects resulting from a PMIP (Proxy-MIP) registration request (RRQ) returning an NVSE (Normal/Vendor
organization Special Extension) value change [WiMAX].
tcp-read-failed (428)
The total number of disconnected IP-CAN sessions due to a TCP read failure.
tcp-write-failed (429)
The total number of disconnected IP-CAN sessions due to a TCP write failure.
ssl-handshake-failed (430)
The total number of disconnected SSL ssessions due to a handshake failure.
ssl-renegotiate-failed (431)
The total number of disconnected SSL ssessions due to a renegotiation failure.
ssl-bad-message (432)
The total number of disconnected SSL ssessions due to corrupted messages.
ssl-alert-received (433)
The total number of disconnected SSL ssessions due to an alert.
ssl-disconnect (434)
The total number of SSL disconnections.
ssl-migration (435)
The total number of SSL migrations.
The total number of session disconnects due to ARD (access restriction data) subscription restriction received from the HLR.
The total number of session disconnects experienced by the SGSN when Detach/Attach Rejects were due to explicit "Release GPRS"
received from the CAMEL component GSM-SCF or due to failures during CAMEL handling.
Replaced by sgsn-egtpc-create-session-failed(439) in Release 14.0.
Supported in Release 14.0
The total number of session disconnects occurring when the S4-SGSN is not able to establish a PDP context when the SGW returned
a failure cause in "Create Session Response" or the SGW did not respond at all to "Create Session Request".
Replaced by sgsn-cancel-location-subs-withdrawn(230) in Release 14.0.
Replaced by sgsn-glu-failure(236) in Release 14.0
Not yet supported.
Supported in Release 14.0.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the S4-SGSN's inability to establish a PDP context for an APN in the
following scenario:
An EPS subscription is used for a subscriber.
The SGSN tries to find an S5 / S8 address of the PGW for the requested APN.
The DNS response does not contain an S5/S8 address.
The PDP activation is rejected.
Not yet supported. In development for future use.
Supported in Release 14.0.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the S4-SGSN's inability to establish a PDP context in the following
Either EPS or GPRS subscription is used.
S4-SGSN chooses S4 interface for PDP activation because
The SGSN successfully resolves P-GW address (S5/S8 address) for the APN requested.
The SGSN tries S-GW resolution. If the DNS response fails and no local S-GW is configured for the RAI, then the PDP activation
is reected with this disconnect reason.
Supported in Release 14.0.
The total number of sessions disconnected by the S4-enabled SGSN when the P-GW DNS resolution fails due to any cause other
than the DNS response does not contain an S5/S8 address.
The total number of disconnects resulting from a status change in the Hotlining-Capabilities sub-attribute in the WiMAX-Capabilities
The total number of sessions disconnected on GGSN node due to no response received from SGSN for a request.
The total number of sessions disconnected on IPCF node due to an error in Diameter protocol (such as, CCR-I parse failure).
The total number of sessions disconnected on IPCF node due to Diameter (RAR/ASR) request timeout on IPCF node.
The total number of session disconnected on IPCF node due to parameters configured by operator for PCC policy.
The total number of sessions disconnected on IPCF node due to an error in connection between SSC and IPCF node or non-availability
of SSC.
The total number of WiMAX session disconnects resulting from duplicate Mobile IP Home Agent (MIPHA) logins.
This disconnect reason is set, if there is mismatch of WiMAX-Release version supported by ASNGW and that supported by AAA.
This statistic is incremented when there is a mismatch of WiMAX-Release version supported by ASNGW and that supported by AAA.
AAA sends WiMAX release in Radius packet. This statistic is cumulative for all ASNGW services configured on the system.
The total number of session disconnects experienced by the SGSN due to verification failure during the zone-code checking
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the receipt of invalid QoS class identifiers (QCIs). This error is
returned if an invalid QCI is used in certain operations such as create bearer, which expects a QCI. A QCI is deemed invalid
if it is not a standard QCI (1-9) or the QCI is not defined in the QCI table associated with the service.
This session disconnect counter increases for eGCDR when the call is terminated because of the PCRF deleting a rulebase through
Indicates the number of times the SGSN has deactivated a PDP because the MS/UE has roamed into an area where the RNC does
not support dual PDP types. Deactivation would have been done with cause code "reactivation required".
The total number of session disconnects resulting from context setup failures in the ENodeB during EMM/ECM procedures.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the default value for mme-sessions.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from S1AP connection failures.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from partial or full resets received for the S1 connection.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from requests to the HSS that timed out (AIR or ULR).
The total number of session disconnects resulting from EIR query time outs.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from EIR query failures.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from older sessions getting disconnected due to the UE executing an ATTACH
The total number of session disconnects resulting from failed selections of S-GWs for the UE's current location.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from failed selections of P-GWs for default APNs.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a context request from an SGSN relocated call to 3G.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from calls transitioned to an SGSN using handover signaling.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a context request from an MME relocated call to a different MME.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from calls transitioned to an MME using handover signaling.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from processing a TAU request with a foreign GUTI that cleared an existing
session on the MME.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from calls setup using a PTMSI that failed due to failure in resolution
of the old SGSN context.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from calls setup using a foreign GUTI that failed due to a failure in resolution
of the old MME context.
mme-reloc-ho-notify-timeout (476)
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a handover based session origination failure due to an ho-notify timeout.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a handover based session origination failure due to an ho-request-ack
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a create session request to the S-GW that timed out.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a create session request to the S-GW that returned a failure response.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a call cleared due to an S11 path failure.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a call cleared due to policy restrictions on inter-rat handovers.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from a call cleared due to failures in x2 handovers.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from an operator policy based attach restriction.
In StarOS 15.0 and earlier releases:
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the UE being in a zone code where the UE is not allowed to roam.
This information is also available from the following counter: mme-zone-code-validation-failed(492).
In StarOS 16.0 and later releases:
The total number of session disconnects resulting from outbound EUTRAN to Non-3GPP handovers.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the maximum retransmission of a NAS message during session setup.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from an S-GW relocation procedure failing.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the UE being implicitly detached due to inactivity.
Replaced by sgsn-isr-mme-init-detach(505) in Release 14.0.
policy-initiated-release(489) in StarOS 12.1 and earlier releases
emergency-inactivity-timeout (489) in StarOS 12.2 and later releases
The total number of sessions disconnected due to emergency inactivity timeout. The emergency session inactivity timeout is
set on an APN configured as an emergency APN for VoLTE-based E911 support.
gy-result-code-system-failure (490) in StarOS 12.1 and earlier releases
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure result codes received from the Online Charging Server that resulted
in system failure on the GTP side.
policy-initiated-release(490) in StarOS 12.2 and later releases
The total number of times that a call disconnect occurs due to a Gx-initiated bearer release. For example, this disconnect
reason may be used if there are any errors in the manner of the policy or rule configurations.
emergency-inactivity-timeout (491) in StarOS 12.1 and earlier releases
The total number of sessions disconnected due to emergency inactivity timeout. The emergency session inactivity timeout is
set on an APN configured as an emergency APN for VoLTE-based E911 support.
gy-result-code-system-failure (491) in StarOS 12.2 and later releases
The total number of sessions disconnected due to failure result codes received from the Online Charging Server that resulted
in system failure on the GTP side.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the UE being in a zone code where the UE is not allowed to roam.
Supported in Release 14.0.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from an initial deactivation between the SGSN and the P-GW when the P-GW
sends "Delete Bearer Request" to deactivate a PDP or a PDP bundle.
Not supported in releases 12.0 or 12.2 .
Supported in release 14.0 and later.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from an IP validation failure on the S6b (3GPP AAA) interface.
The total number of session disconnects resulting from the SGSN receiving a failure response from the S-GW. This occurs in
any of the following scenarios:
The UE has successfully attached and activated the PDP contexts through the S4 interface and then the UE does a RAU to a new
RA. During this RAU, the SGSN will do S-GW selection for the new RA. If the SGSN selects a new S-GW for this RA and sends
"Create Session Request" to the new S-GW to setup a tunnel. But the new S-GW does not respond or the responds with a failure
cause. The SGSN deactivates the PDP with this disconnect cause.
In the case of a new-SGSN RAU without S-GW relocation, the new-SGSN sends "Modify Bearer Req" to inform the S-GW that the
UE has moved to the new-SGSN but the SGSN does not receive any response from the S-GW.
During intra-SGSN RAU with a change in the PLMN but without a change in the S-GW. In this case, SGSN will send "Modify Bearer
Req" to inform the S-GW of the change in PLMN ID but SGSN does not receive any response from the S-GW.
During intra-SGSN 3G-to-2G or 2G-to-3G inter-RAT RAU without an S-GW change. In this case, the SGSN sends "Modify Bearer Req"
to inform the S-GW of the change in RAT type but the SGSN dpes not receive any response from the S-GW.
tcp-remote-close (496)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a TCP FIN (finished sending) message received from the UE.
tcp-reset-received (497)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a TCP RST (reset) message received from the UE.
tcp-socket-error (498)
The total number of sessions disconnected due to a socket error received from the trek stack at the access-side TCP socket
connection between the UE and the TTG.
The number of times the SGSN was unable to validate the P-TMSI signature, present in the Attach Request, against the PTMSI-SIGNATURE
stored in SGSN. The SGSN sent an Attach Reject to MS if it did not match. This occurs when the GPRS service is configured
to reject Attaches with mismatching P-TMSI-signature. This configuration is used to prevent collision of 2 Attach procedures
from 2 subscribers with the same P-TMSI and then quickly enforces an IMSI Attach.
The number of times the SGSN has encountered an invalid Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL)
configuration. This condition typically occurs when a subscriber moves from 3G service to 2G service or vice versa and the
CAMEL service is associated only in the source service but not in the target service. In such cases, RAU requests are rejected
with disconnect reason "camel-invalid-configuration".
Supported in Release 14.0.
The total number of times a PGW call has been cleared when a new call request came on GGSN and PGW already had a call with
the same IMSI. ISR is enabled.
Supported in Release 14.0.
The total number of times an MME, with IRS enabled, deletes a subscriber to detach the UE after receiving an S3 Detach Notification
from the SGSN with cause code "complete detach".
The total number times the SGSN has disconnected a session because the SGSN has sent an additional P-TMSI Attach request
during ISR. This cause is used to peg the clearing of stale contexts. This can occur in the following scenario:
The UE is registered with both the MME and the SGSN and ISR is active.
Due to one of the reasons mentioned in Annex J.6 of TS 23.401, ISR is deactivated at the UE but has not deactivated at either
the SGSN or the MME which means the UE's last point of attachment at the time of ISR deactivation is the MME.
Now the UE does a RAU to the SGSN. The UE will send old-RAI mapped from the GUTI (since the ISR is deactivated and the UE's
last point of attachment was the MME) and also an additional RAI / P-TMSI which is the P-TMSI/RAI given by the SGSN at the
time of ISR activation in step 1. This additional P-TMSI / RAI helps the SGSN to locate the stale UE context and clean it
up. (The SGSN received a RAU with an old-RAI mapped from the GUTI so the SGSN needs to build a fresh UE context by fetching
information from the MME - "Context Req/Rsp/Ack".)
The number of times "Delete Bearer Requests" occurred between the SGSN and the S-GW due to ISR being deactivated. This occurs
when the SGSN locally deactivate PDP contexts after receiving "Delete Bearer Requests" with cause "ISR Deactivation" from
the S-GW.
The number of times Init Detach occurred between the SGSN and the MME with ISR activated. This occurs when the SGSN receives
"S3 Detach Notification" with cause "Complete Detach" from the MME.
Supported in Release14.0.
The number of times Delete Bearer Requests occurred between MME and SGW due to ISR being deactivated.
The total number of sessions disconnected by the SGSN when there is a shortage of P-TMSIs which can occur when the number
of possible subscribers per SessMgr has increased (with a PSC3) but the number of local NRI has not been increased in the
Supported in Release14.0.
The total number of times a GGSN call has been cleared when a new call request came on PGW and GGSN already had a call with
the same IMSI. Idle mode Signaling Reduction (ISR) is enabled.
Never used. Removed in Release 14.0.
Supported in Release14.0.
The number of times the MME has rejected a TAU Attach Request due to any of the following reasons:
EPS Context Status IE value = 0 ( which implies no EPS bearers were active in UE).
The SGSN Context Response received by the MME did not have any PDP Contexts or the Response which included the PDP Contexts
encountered basic decoding issues (like incorrectly encoded APN, etc.).
Supported in Release14.0.
The number of times a subscriber disconnects due to CLR with "initial attach procedure" as the cancellation type.
The total number of times the call gets disconnected due to the local policy timeout when Gx is not reachable.
The total number of times the network requested secondary PDP context activation (NRSPCA) procedure did not complete successfully
for any reason other than the MS rejecting the procedure by sending a Request Secondary PDP Context Activation Reject message
to the SGSN.
The total number of times the MS rejects the NRSPCA procedure by sending Request Secondary PDP Context Activation Reject message
to the SGSN.
The total number of times the sessions are disconnected due to IMS Authorization configuration being deleted.
The total number of times the SGSN disconnects a subscriber (from an MME) because no PTMSI-signature was included in the RAU
The total number of disconnected sessions due to DNS server not reachable.
The total number of disconnected sessions when no valid record is fetched from DNS server.
The total number of disconnected sessions when the fetched service parameters from DNS record does not match the configured
protocol (GTP/PMIPv6).
Release 15.0+
The number of sessions disconnected by the P-GW when its selected DNS server was not reachable.
Release 15.0+
The number of sessions disconnected by the P-GW when its selected DNS server had no resource records.
Release 15.0+
The number of sessions disconnected by the P-GW when its selected DNS server had no service parameters.
The total number of times ePDG authentication failed.
Invalid-AAA-attr-in-auth-response is incremented and as of now ePDG-Auth-failed is not used.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to PGW selection failure in initial state.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to PGW selection failure in handoff state.
The total number of Relocation Collisions encountered during an SGSN handover to S-GW.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to Delete Bearer Request GTP message coming from PGW.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to GTP control plane path failure.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to GTP user plane path failure.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to error indication message on GTP user plane.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to PGW being down.
The total number of disconnected sessions due to PGW rejecting the create session request.
The total number of times existing IPSG sessions have been replaced by new sessions. IPSG session replacement must be enabled.
The total number of disconnected sessions when ePDG gets a Delete Bearer Request from PGW due to hand-off.
The total number of sessions rejected where the session contained a foreign GUTI and where the MME is configured to reject
such foreign GUTIs as defined in the Foreign PLMN GUTI Management Database (foreign-plmn-guti-mgmt-db) configured in the lte-policy
mode and which has been associated with the MME service.
The number of sessions disconnected because the NAT pool was busied-out or in Pending Delete state.
The number of sessions disconnected because an ePDG rejected the incoming new call due to an APN syntax error (invalid length).
The number of sessions disconnected because bearers were deactivated as a part of an SRVCC PS-to-CS handover.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW when an S1 Application Protocol (S1AP) RESET was received from the MME.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW when an S1AP RESET was received from the HeNB.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW when an SCTP Connection Down was received from the MME.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW when an SCTP Connection Down was received from the HeNB.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW when a handoff was completed.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW when a handoff failed.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW when an MME error indication was received.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW when an HeNB error indication was received.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW due to an HeNB initiated release.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW due to an MME initiated release.
The number of sessions disconnected by the HeNBGW because of duplicate sessions.
The number of sessions disconnected by the ePDG due to a DNS server IPv4-IPv6 mismatch for the P-GW IP address.
The number of sessions disconnected due IPSec checkpoint failure in ICSR setup.
The number of times subscribers are detached from the SGSN as a result of Delete Bearer Request messages being received from
the SGW which causes Idle-mode Signaling Reduction (ISR) deactivation for ISR-activated subscribers.
The number of times that an unexpected call processing scenario has been encountered. This scenario may have caused an assertion
failure with an associated core dump.
The number of times that a session was deleted on the standby ICSR chassis when a call clear trigger is received from the
active chassis or the call is removed for re-establishment when a full checkpoint was received
The number of times that local resolution of an ePDG session failed due to a configuration error. This scenario occurs if
PGW resolution is enabled, the existing DNS/AAA server PGW resolution mechanism failed, and no disconnect reason has been
already set from a another mechanism.
If 'reject' is the configured option for random-value-in-iov-ui negotiation-failure-action under GPRS service configuration, then the SGSN uses this disconnect-reason to track the number of calls cleared due to the
default behavior, which rejects any call when random IOV-UI negotiation fails.
The number of times an HeNB gateway to HeNB session disconnected due to an invalid UE S1 Application Protocol (S1AP) ID.
The number of times an HeNB gateway to MME session disconnected due to an invalid UE S1AP ID.
The number of times an HeNB gateway to HeNB session disconnected because the HeNB connection went down.
The number of HeNB gateway session disconnects because a network path was unavailable.
The number of session disconnects due to a P-GW transaction timeout.
The number of times a SaMOG multiple device session disconnect has occured due a P-GW selection failure.
The number of times a SaMOG multiple device session disconnect has occured due a demux failure.
The number of times a session disconnect has occured due to a P-GW Restart Notification (PRN).
The number of times a SaMOG session was replaced.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected because authorization failed.
The number of times an SGSN Attach or Inter SGSN RAU call was dropped due to APN congestion control.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to PGW initial detach failure.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to GGSN initial detach failure.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to PGW rejection.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to GGSN rejection.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to no response from the PGW.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to no response from the GGSN.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to GTPC path failure.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to GTPU path failure.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to a GTPU error indication.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected due to a missing mandatory information element.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected because of an incorrect mandatory information element.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected because of an IP address allocation failure.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected because the default gateway was not found.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected because the DNS server was unreachable.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected because there were no DNS resource records.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected because of DNS no-service parameters.
The number of times a SaMOG session was disconnected because of an internal error.
This disconnect reason is incremented for the case when handoffs happen from restricted to unrestricted PCF, or conversely
from unrestricted PCF to restricted PCF, or handoffs between restricted PCFs.
The number of UE contexts that were created to handle Network Triggered Service Restoration (NTSR) DDNs and are destroyed
when the UE re-attaches.
This disconnect reason is used to indicate the percentage of the total number of GGSN, P-GW, S-GW, SAEGW or ePDG sessions
that have been auto deleted.
The number of sessions disconnected when a QoS upgrade by P-GW is rejected by the MME during initial attach.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions disconnected due to an S5 GTPC path failure.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions disconnected due to an S11 GTPC path failure.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions disconnected due to an S4 GTPC path failure.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions disconnected due to an S5u GTPU path failure.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions disconnected due to an S1u GTPU path failure.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions disconnected due to an S4u GTPU path failure.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions disconnected due to an S12 GTPU path failure.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions that failed due to an S5u GTPU error indication.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions that failed due to an S1u GTPU error indication.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions that failed due to an S4u GTPU error indication.
Supported in release 18.0 and later releases.
The number of S-GW/SAEGW sessions that failed due to an S12 GTPU error indication.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
The number of ePDG sessions disconnected due to a network too busy indication.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
A temporary network failure has prevented establishing a Diameter session.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
Total number of times a session is disconnected when the user is not allowed to roam in the visited network.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
Sent by the HSS to indicate the RAT type the UE is using is not allowed for the IMSI.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
Sent by the 3GPP AAA Server to indicate that the requested APN is not included in the user's profile, and therefore is not
authorized for that user.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
The number of times a session has been disconnected due to a Policy and Charging Control (PCC) Packet Control Function (PCF)
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
Triggered when an eMBMS call setup has timed out.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
Triggered by a normal eMBMS call disconnect.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
Triggered when an eMBMS call experiences a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) failure.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
The number of times a call is terminated due to a Gy server being down.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
The number of times a call is terminated due to HI=1 is not being received (Mandatory id) during a WiFi to LTE handoff.
Not yet supported. In development for future use.
The requested APN is not supported in current RAT and PLMN combination (cause code 66).
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
If the UE does not support P-CSCF Reselection (PCO based optional extension as per Rel 12, 3GPP 23.380 section 5.4.3 ), the
P-GW initiates a DBReq with cause Reactivation Requested on receiving an MBReq with PCRI (P-CSCF Restoration Indication).
The call is then torn down.
The total number of times a session is disconnected when Diameter Experimental-Result-Code "DIAMETER_NEWER_SESSION_DETECTED
(5199) is received in Assume Positive mode. On receiving this result code, the Diameter application does not retry to a secondary
AAA server. This result code is used to maintain session uniqueness and detect stale message requests from ePDG/MME.
MME will detach the UE after 10 consecutive unsuccessful GUTI Reallocation attempts with this disconnect reason.
The MME detaches the subscribers due to HSS-based P-CSCF Restoration. The restoration method for P-CSCF Restoration in this
scenario is PDN Deactivate. The MME performs a PDN disconnect procedure to deactivate the PDN with cause "reactivation requested".
All subscriber PDNs are restored during P-CSCF Restoration.
Supported in release 18 and later releases.
A tunnel path failure occurred during an LTE/Wi-Fi handoff.
The number of times a P-GW/GGSN/SAEGW session was disconnected due to validation failure of virtual APN received from PCRF.
This disconnect reason is associated with Gx based Virtual APN Selection feature.
Note that this feature is license dependent. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.
This disconnect reason is incremented when the existing PDN gets gracefully aborted due to a duplicate IPv6 address request
received from new PDN. The existing call gets aborted only when the CLI "newcall duplicate-subscriber-requested-v6-address
accept" is configured under GGSN/PGW service.
This disconnect reason will be incremented when the peer is not reachable or when the peer restarts and sends new restart
This disconnect reason will be incremened when an incoming call is identified as Low Access Priority Indicator (LAPI), and
PGW is in Overload state and Backoff timer is configured and the call is rejected with cause "APN congestion".
Total number of sessions disconnected due to UE redirection.
Total number of sessions disconnected on ePDG due to s2b cause codes mapped to private IKEv2 notify payload type "access denied".
Total number of sessions disconnected on ePDG due to s2b cause codes mapped to private IKEv2 notify payload type "network
Total number of sessions disconnected on ePDG due to s2b cause codes mapped to private IKEv2 notify payload type"message failure".
Total number of sessions disconnected on ePDG due to s2b cause code "RAT disallowed" which is mapped to private IKEv2 notify
payload type "RAT Disallowed".
Total the number of sessions disconnected due to DNS failure when roaming is mandatory.
Total the number of sessions disconnected due to GTP cause code "Context Not Found".
Increments when the access switch from PMIPv6 access-type to EoGRE access-type is not completed.
Total number of sessions disconnected due to decryption failure count exceeded.
Total number of emergency sessions disconnected due to idle session timeout.
Supported in release 21.3 and later releases.
The number of times a SGW session has been disconnected due to GTPU echo failure on s11u interface.
Supported in release 21.3 and later releases.
The number of times a SGW session has been disconnected due to Error Indication on s11u interface.
The total number of sessions disconnected due to Invalid IMEI received from the UE.