Binds the DHCP service to a logical IP interface facilitating the
system's connection to the DHCP server. This command also configures traffic
from the specified DHCP service bind address to use the specified Multiple
Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) labels.
Security Administrator, Administrator
Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > DHCP
Service Configuration
configure > context
> dhcp-service
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
bind address ip_address [ nexthop-forwarding-address nexthop_ip_address [ mpls-label input in_mpls_label_value output out_mpls_label_value1 [ out_mpls_label_value2 ] ] ]
no bind address ip_address
Removes a previously configured binding.
Specifies the IP address of an interface in the current context
through which communication with the DHCP server occurs.
ip_address must be expressed in IPv4
dotted-decimal notation.

In the case of DeWAG
service, this IP address must be the same as the IP address configured with the
dhcp server CLI command under the same DHCP
Service Configuration mode. Also, this IP address must match the DeWAG
service's IP address so that the WLC can relay the DHCP unicast packets to the
DeWAG service IP address and are processed by this DHCP service.
Specifies the next hop gateway address for in MPLS network to which
the packets with MPLS labels will be forwarded.
nexthop_ip_address must be expressed in IPv4
dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

In the case of DeWAG service, this option must not be configured.
mpls-label input
Specifies the MPLS label to identify inbound traffic destined for the
configured DHCP service bind address
ip_address .
in_mpls_label_value is the MPLS label that
will identify inbound traffic destined for the configured DHCP service and must
be an integer from 16 through 1048575.

This keyword is license-enabled and available with valid MPLS
feature license only.

For DHCP over MPLS feature to work
in StarOS 9.0 onward the
dhcp ip vrf command must be configured in
DHCP service. Without
dhcp ip vrf command the DHCP service using
MPLS labels will not be started as a part of a DHCP over MPLS configuration. In
release 9.0 onward this keyword is a critical parameter for the DHCP-Service.
Any change in its value will result in DHCP-service restart and clearing of the
existing calls.

In the case of DeWAG, this option must not be configured.
Adds the MPLS label to the outbound traffic sent from the configured
DHCP service bind address
ip_address . The labels
out_mpls_label_value1 and
out_mpls_label_value2 identify the MPLS
labels to be added to packets sent from the specified dhcp service bind
out_mpls_label_value1 is the inner output
label and must be an integer from 16 through 1048575.
out_mpls_label_value2 is the outer output
label and must be an integer from 16 through 1048575.

This keyword is license-enabled and available with valid MPLS
feature license only.

In the case of DeWAG, this option must not be configured.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to associate or tie the DHCP service to a specific
logical IP address previously configured in the current context and bound to a
port. Once bound, the logical IP address or interface is used in the giaddr
field of the DHCP packets.
When this command is executed, the DHCP service is started and begins
the process of requesting addresses from the DHCP server and storing them in
cache memory for allocation to PDP contexts.
This command can also be used to configure MPLS labels for inbound and
outbound traffic through this DHCP address.
Only one interface can be bound to a service.
For DHCP over MPLS feature to work in StarOS 9.0 onward
dhcp ip vrf command must be configured in
DHCP service. Without
dhcp ip vrf command the DHCP service using
MPLS labels will not be started.

As a part of DHCP over MPLS configuration, the
mpls-label input keyword in the
bind address command is also a critical
parameter for the DHCP-Service. Any change in its value will result in
DHCP-service restart and clearing of the existing calls.
The following command binds the DHCP service to the interface with an IP address of 1192.51.1.210 : bind address