show active-charging

This chapter includes the show active-charging command output tables.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name cdp

Table 1. show active-charging analyzer statistics name cdp Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

CDP Summary:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Downlink Bytes

Total number of bytes downlinked.

Total Uplink Pkts

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total Downlink Pkts

Total number of packets downlinked.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name dns

Table 2. show active-charging analyzer statistics name dns Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS DNS Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

The total number of DNS bytes detected in uplink direction.

Total Downlink Bytes

The total number of DNS bytes detected in downlink direction.

Total Uplink Pkts

The total number of DNS packets detected in uplink direction.

Total Downlink Pkts

The total number of DNS packets detected in downlink direction.

Unknown OPCODE

The total number of DNS packets with an unknown operational code.

Invalid Pkts

The total number of invalid DNS packets detected.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of DNS uplink bytes that were detected over TCP.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of DNS downlink bytes that were detected over TCP.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of DNS uplink packets that were detected over TCP.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of DNS downlink packets that were detected over TCP.


A Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for A query types.

CNAME Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for CNAME query types.

NS Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for NS query types.

PTR Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for PTR query types.

SRV Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for SRV query types.

Unknown Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for unknown query types.

AAAA Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for AAAA query types.

NULL Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for NULL query types.

TXT Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for TXT query types.


A Query Type

The total number of DNS responses received for A query types.

CNAME Query Type

The total number of DNS responses received for CNAME query types.

NS Query Type

The total number of DNS responses received for NS query types.

PTR Query Type

The total number of DNS responses received for PTR query types.

SRV Query Type

The total number of DNS responses received for SRV query types.

Unknown Query Type

The total number of DNS responses received for unknown query types.

AAAA Query Type

The total number of DNS responses received for AAAA query types.

NULL Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for NULL query types.

TXT Query Type

The total number of DNS requests received for TXT query types.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name h323

Table 3. show active-charging analyzer statistics name h323 Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

H323 Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Downlink Bytes

Total number of bytes downlinked.

Total Uplink Packets

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total Downlink Packets

Total number of packets downlinked.

Total H323 calls

Total number of H323 calls.

Total RAS messages

Total number of RAS messages.

Total Q931 messages

Total number of Q931 messages.

Total H245 messages

Total number of H245 messages.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name h323 verbose

Table 4. show active-charging analyzer statistics name h323 verbose Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

H323 Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Downlink Bytes

Total number of bytes downlinked.

Total Uplink Packets

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total Downlink Packets

Total number of packets downlinked.

Total H323 calls

Total number of H323 calls.

Total RAS messages

Total number of RAS messages.

Total Q931 messages

Total number of Q931 messages.

Total H245 messages

Total number of H245 messages.

RAS messages


Total number of uplink packets sent from the subscriber for RAS messages.


Total number of downlink packets sent from the subscriber for RAS messages.


The message sent from the H323 endpoint to find a Gatekeeper.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to H323 endpoint which requested for service.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to H323 endpoint indicating that it must try a different Gatekeeper.


The message sent from the H323 endpoint to register to a particular Gatekeeper.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to H323 endpoint indicating that it has been registered.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to H323 endpoint indicating that the registration failed.


The message sent from the H323 endpoint to unregister from a particular Gatekeeper.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to H323 endpoint indicating that it has been unregistered.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to H323 endpoint indicating that unregistration failed.


The message sent from the H323 endpoint to a Gatekeeper before accepting or initiating a call.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to H323 endpoint indicating that the call is allowed.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to H323 endpoint indicating that the call is not allowed.


The message sent to the Gatekeeper requesting the transport address of an endpoint.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper containing the transport address of an endpoint.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper indicating that the location request is rejected.


The message sent from an H323 endpoint to Gatekeeper indicating that the call is getting dropped.


The message confirming the DisengageRequest message from the Gatekeeper.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper if an endpoint is not registered.


The message sent from the Gatekeeper to endpoint requesting the status information.


The message sent from the H323 endpoint to Gatekeeper containing the status information.


The message sent by the Gatekeeper or endpoint to indicate to RAS that it cannot respond in normal processing time.


The RAS message that is not classified by the H323 ALG.

Q931 messages


Total number of uplink packets sent from the subscriber for Q931 messages.


Total number of downlink packets sent from the subscriber for Q931 messages.


The message sent by the called user to indicate that alerting has been initiated.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint indicating that it has initiated to set up the call.


The message sent by the calling H323 endpoint to the called H323 endpoint.


The message sent by the called H323 endpoint to the calling H323 endpoint indicating the acceptance of call.


The message sent by the called H323 endpoint indicating the release of the call.


The message used to redirect a call or start a new H245 channel.


The message used to indicate the progress of a call.


The message sent by the called H323 endpoint to provide additional information for a call.


The Q931 message that is not classified by the H323 ALG.

H245 messages


Total number of uplink packets sent from the subscriber for H245 messages.


Total number of downlink packets sent from the subscriber for H245 messages.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint to open a logical connection between two endpoints.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint to accept the connection request in an open logical channel.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint to reject the connection request in an open logical channel.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint indicating that the reverse channel is open.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint to close an existing logical channel between two endpoints.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint to close an existing logical channel between two endpoints.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint to confirm the close of a logical channel.


The message sent by an H323 endpoint to indicate end of H245 session.


The H245 message that is not classified by the H323 ALG.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name http

Table 5. show active-charging analyzer statistics name http Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS HTTP Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Downlink Bytes

Total number of bytes downlinked.

Total Uplink Pkts

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total Downlink Pkts

Total number of packets downlinked.

Total Accel Pkts

Total number of accelerated HTTP packets.

Uplink Bytes Retrans

The number of uplink bytes that were retransmitted.

Downlink Bytes Retrans

Total number of downlink bytes that were retransmitted.

Uplink Pkts Retrans

Total number of uplink packets that were retransmitted.

Downlink Pkts Retrans

Total number of downlink packets that were retransmitted.

Total Request Succeed

Total number of HTTP requests succeeded.

Total Request Failed

Total number of HTTP requests failed.

GET Requests

Total number of HTTP GET requests.

POST Requests

Total number of HTTP POST requests.

CONNECT Requests

Total number of HTTP CONNECT requests.

PUT requests

Total number of HTTP PUT requests.

HEAD requests

Total number of HTTP HEAD requests.

Websocket Flows

Total number of websocket flows.

Invalid packets

Total number of invalid packets.

Wrong FSM packets

Total number of incorrect FSM packets.

Unknown request method

Total number of unknown HTTP request methods.

Corrupt request packets

Total number of corrupt HTTP request packets.

Corrupt response packets

Total number of corrupt HTTP response packets.

Pipeline overflow requests

Total number of pipeline overflow requests.

Unhandled request packets

Total number of unhandled request packets.

Unhandled response packets

Total number of unhandled response packets.

New requests on closed connection

Total number of new requests on closed connections.

Memory allocation failures

Total number of memory allocation failures.

Accel Errors

Total number of accelerated errors.

Packets after permanent failure

Total number of packets after permanent failure.

Total Number of http Video Identified

Total number of HTTP videos identified.

Number of Flash Video Identified

Total number of Flash videos identified.

Number of Isom (MP4) Video Identified

Total number of Isom (MP4) videos identified.

Number of WMV Video Identified

Total number of WMV videos identified.

Number of MOOV Video Identified

Total number of MOOV videos identified.

Number of AVI Video Identified

Total number of AVI videos identified.

Number of HLS Video Identified

Total number of HLS videos identified.

Number of MSS Video Identified

Total number of MSS videos identified.

Number of MPEG TS Video Identified

Total number of MPEG TS videos identified.

Response Based TRM


Total number of HTTP GET methods that had response-based TRM applied.


Total number of HTTP POST methods that had response-based TRM applied.


Total number of HTTP CONNECT methods that had response-based TRM applied.


Total number of HTTP PUT methods that had response-based TRM applied.


Total number of HTTP HEAD methods that had response-based TRM applied.


Total number of HTTP OPTION methods that had response-based TRM applied.


Total number of HTTP DELETE methods that had response-based TRM applied.


Total number of HTTP TRACE methods that had response-based TRM applied.


Total number of HTTP Websocket methods that had response-based TRM applied.

Response Based Charging


Total number of HTTP GET methods that had response-based charging applied.


Total number of HTTP POST methods that had response-based charging applied.


Total number of HTTP CONNECT methods that had response-based charging applied.


Total number of HTTP PUT methods that had response-based charging applied.


Total number of HTTP HEAD methods that had response-based charging applied.


Total number of HTTP OPTION methods that had response-based charging applied.


Total number of HTTP DELETE methods that had response-based charging applied.


Total number of HTTP TRACE methods that had response-based charging applied.


Total number of HTTP Websocket methods that had response-based charging applied.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name icmpv6

Table 6. show active-charging analyzer statistics name icmpv6 Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS ICMPv6 Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Downlink Bytes

Total number of bytes downlinked.

Total Uplink Pkts

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total Downlink Pkts

Total number of packets downlinked.

Uplink Bytes Fragmented

Total number of uplink bytes that were fragmented.

Downlink Bytes Fragmented

Total number of downlink bytes that were fragmented.

Uplink Pkts Fragmented

Total number of uplink packets that were fragmented.

Downlink Pkts Fragmented

Total number of downlink packets that were fragmented.

Uplink Bytes Invalid

Total number of invalid uplink bytes.

Downlink Bytes Invalid

Total number of invalid downlink bytes.

Uplink Pkts Invalid

Total number of invalid uplink packets.

Downlink Pkts Invalid

Total number of invalid downlink packets.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name ip verbose

Table 7. show active-charging analyzer statistics name ip verbose Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS IP Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Downlink Bytes

Total number of bytes downlinked.

Total Uplink Pkts

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total Downlink Pkts

Total number of packets downlinked.

Uplink Bytes Fragmented

Total number of uplink bytes that were fragmented.

Downlink Bytes Fragmented

Total number of downlink bytes that were fragmented.

Uplink Pkts Fragmented

Total number of uplink packets that were fragmented.

Downlink Pkts Fragmented

Total number of downlink packets that were fragmented.

Uplink Bytes Invalid Length

Total number of uplink bytes of invalid length.

Downlink Bytes Invalid Length

Total number of downlink bytes of invalid length.

Uplink Pkts Invalid Length

Total number of uplink packets of invalid length.

Downlink Pkts Invalid Length

Total number of downlink packets of invalid length.

Uplink Bytes Invalid Length (After Reassembly)

Total number of uplink bytes of invalid length after reassembly.

Downlink Bytes Invalid Length (After Reassembly)

Total number of downlink bytes of invalid length after reassembly.

Uplink Pkts Invalid Length (After Reassembly)

Total number of uplink packets of invalid length after reassembly.

Downlink Pkts Invalid Length (After Reassembly)

Total number of downlink packets of invalid length after reassembly.

Uplink Bytes Invalid Version

Total number of uplink bytes of invalid version.

Downlink Bytes Invalid Version

Total number of downlink bytes of invalid version.

Uplink Pkts Invalid Version

Total number of uplink packets of invalid version.

Downlink Pkts Invalid Version

Total number of downlink packets of invalid version.

Uplink Bytes Invalid Checksum

Total number of bytes received in uplink direction with invalid checksum errors.

Downlink Bytes Invalid Checksum

Total number of bytes received in downlink direction with invalid checksum errors.

Uplink Pkts Invalid Checksum

Total number of packets received in uplink direction with invalid checksum errors.

Downlink Pkts Invalid Checksum

Total number of packets received in downlink direction with invalid checksum errors.

Uplink Bytes IP reassembly Timeout

Total number of bytes in uplink traffic dropped due to IP reassembly timeout.

Uplink Pkts IP reassembly Timeout

Total number of packets in uplink traffic dropped due to IP reassembly timeout.

Downlink Bytes IP reassembly Timeout

Total number of bytes in downlink traffic dropped due to IP reassembly timeout.

Downlink Pkts IP reassembly Timeout

Total number of packets in downlink traffic dropped due to IP reassembly timeout.

Uplink Bytes IP reassembly Max. Fragments reached

Total number of times Max fragments was reached in uplinked bytes reassembly.

Uplink Pkts IP reassembly Max. Fragments reached

Total number of times Max fragments was reached in uplinked packets reassembly.

Downlink Bytes IP reassembly Max. Fragments reached

Total number of times Max fragments was reached in downlinked bytes reassembly.

Downlink Pkts IP reassembly Max. Fragments reached

Total number of times Max fragments was reached in downlinked packets reassembly.

Uplink Bytes received after reassembly

Total number of uplink bytes received after reassembly.

Uplink Pkts received after reassembly

Total number of uplink packets received after reassembly.

Downlink Bytes received after reassembly

Total number of downlink bytes received after reassembly.

Downlink Pkts received after reassembly

Total number of downlink packets received after reassembly.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name ipv6

Table 8. show active-charging analyzer statistics name ipv6 Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS IPv6 Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Downlink Bytes

Total number of bytes downlinked.

Total Uplink Pkts

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total Downlink Pkts

Total number of packets downlinked.

Uplink Bytes Fragmented

Total number of uplink bytes that were fragmented.

Downlink Bytes Fragmented

Total number of downlink bytes that were fragmented.

Uplink Pkts Fragmented

Total number of uplink packets that were fragmented.

Downlink Pkts Fragmented

Total number of downlink packets that were fragmented.

Uplink Bytes Invalid

Total number of invalid uplink bytes.

Downlink Bytes Invalid

Total number of invalid downlink bytes.

Uplink Pkts Invalid

Total number of invalid uplink packets.

Downlink Pkts Invalid

Total number of invalid downlink packets.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name ipv6 verbose

Table 9. show active-charging analyzer statistics name ipv6 verbose Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS IPv6 Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Downlink Bytes

Total number of bytes downlinked.

Total Uplink Pkts

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total Downlink Pkts

Total number of packets downlinked.

Uplink Bytes Fragmented

Total number of uplink bytes that were fragmented.

Downlink Bytes Fragmented

Total number of downlink bytes that were fragmented.

Uplink Pkts Fragmented

Total number of uplink packets that were fragmented.

Downlink Pkts Fragmented

Total number of downlink packets that were fragmented.

Uplink Bytes Invalid Length

Total number of uplink bytes of invalid length.

Downlink Bytes Invalid Length

Total number of downlink bytes of invalid length.

Uplink Pkts Invalid Length

Total number of uplink packets of invalid length.

Downlink Pkts Invalid Length

Total number of downlink packets of invalid length.

Uplink Bytes Invalid Length (After Reassembly)

Total number of uplink bytes of invalid length after reassembly.

Downlink Bytes Invalid Length (After Reassembly)

Total number of downlink bytes of invalid length after reassembly.

Uplink Pkts Invalid Length (After Reassembly)

Total number of uplink packets of invalid length after reassembly.

Downlink Pkts Invalid Length (After Reassembly)

Total number of downlink packets of invalid length after reassembly.

Uplink Bytes IP reassembly Timeout

Total number of bytes in uplink traffic dropped due to IP reassembly timeout.

Uplink Pkts IP reassembly Timeout

Total number of packets in uplink traffic dropped due to IP reassembly timeout.

Downlink Bytes IP reassembly Timeout

Total number of bytes in downlink traffic dropped due to IP reassembly timeout.

Downlink Pkts IP reassembly Timeout

Total number of packets in downlink traffic dropped due to IP reassembly timeout.

Uplink Bytes IP reassembly Max. Fragments reached

Total number of times Max fragments was reached in uplinked bytes reassembly.

Uplink Pkts IP reassembly Max. Fragments reached

Total number of times Max fragments was reached in uplinked packets reassembly.

Downlink Bytes IP reassembly Max. Fragments reached

Total number of times Max fragments was reached in downlinked bytes reassembly.

Downlink Pkts IP reassembly Max. Fragments reached

Total number of times Max fragments was reached in downlinked packets reassembly.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name mipv6

Table 10. show active-charging analyzer statistics name mipv6 Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS MIPv6 Session Stats:

Total Uplink Bytes

Total number of bytes uplinked.

Total Uplink Pkts

Total number of packets uplinked.

Total PBU Intercepted

Total number of Proxy Binding Update (PBU) messages intercepted.

Total PBU Modified

Total number of modified Proxy Binding Update (PBU) messages.

Total PBU Discarded

Total number of discarded Proxy Binding Update (PBU) messages.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name p2p protocol-group

Table 11. show active-charging analyzer statistics name p2p protocol-group Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS P2P Stats:


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.

Anonymous - access

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.

show active-charging analyzer statistics name p2p protocol-group verbose

Table 12. show active-charging analyzer statistics name p2p protocol-group verbose Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

ACS P2P Stats:


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.



The statistics for this protocol is supported from ADC plugin 1.5 and later releases.

Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.


Uplink Bytes

The total number of bytes uplinked.

Downlink Bytes

The total number of bytes downlinked.

Uplink Pkts

The total number of packets uplinked.

Downlink Pkts

The total number of packets downlinked.