show content-filtering

This chapter includes the show content-filtering command output tables.

show content-filtering category database

Table 1. show content-filtering category database active verbose Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Database Status

Indicates latest status of rating databases. Possible status are:
  • OK: Indicates all SRDB tasks are running and database is good.

  • ERROR-Database Corrupt: Indicates all SRDB tasks are running and database is bad or corrupt.

  • ERROR-No database at specified pathname: Indicates all SRDB tasks are running and database is not available at specified path/location/directory.

  • MERGING: Displayed during merging of the incremental database with full OPTCMDB database.

  • LOADING: Displayed during loading of the database.

  • n/a: Indicates that specified database is not loaded and its status is unknown.


Path specified to base location or folder for Static Rating Databases (SRDB).

It may have one of the following flags:
  • *ACTIVE*: Indicates database is valid and good.

  • *NOT LODAED*: Indicates that there is an error in database.

Last Upgrade Status

Status of last attempt of rating database upgrade. Possible status are:
  • Successful: Displayed after the upgrade is completed successfully.

  • Failure: Displayed in case of failure system will rollback to previous database.

  • n/a: Displayed in case of first time loading of database.


Type of SRDB with checksum. Type of SRDB may be Full or Incremental.


Latest version status of SRDB.

Creation Time

Time of creation of SRDB in DAY MM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY format.


Host server name where SRDB base directory existing.


User defined remarks/description about database.

Last Access Time

Date and time in DAY MM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY format when database was last accessed.

Last Modified Time

Date and time in DAY MM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY format when database was last modified.

Last Status Change Time

Date and time in DAY MM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY format when status of access time or modified time was changed.

show content-filtering category database all

Table 2. show content-filtering category database all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Content Filtering Static Rating Databases:

Last Upgrade Status

Status of the last attempt of rating database upgrade.

Possible statuses are:
  • Success: Displayed after the upgrade is completed successfully.

  • Failure: Displayed in case the full upgrade failed. System will rollback to previous database.

  • n/a: Displayed in case of first time loading of database.


Path specified to base location or folder for Static Rating Databases (SRDB).

It may have one of the following flags:
  • *ACTIVE*: to indicate database is valid and good.

  • *NOT LODAED*: to indicate that there is an error in database.

Database Status

Latest status of rating databases. Possible status are:
  • OK: Indicates all SRDB tasks are running and database is good.

  • ERROR-Database Corrupt: Indicates all SRDB tasks are running and database is bad or corrupt.

  • ERROR-No database at specified pathname: Indicates all SRDB tasks are running and database is not available at specified path/location/directory.

  • MERGING: Displayed during merging of the incremental database with full OPTCMDB database.

  • LOADING: Displayed during loading of the database.

  • n/a: Indicates that specified database is not loaded and its status is unknown.

show content-filtering category database facility srdbmgr all

Table 3. show content-filtering category database facility srdbmgr all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Content Filtering SRDB Instance Based Database Configuration:

SRDB Instance

Indicates the running Static Rating Database (SRDB) Manager instance number.

DB Load Status

Indicates the database load status.

DB Version

Indicates the version of loaded database.


Indicates the database volume number.

Number of URLs

Indicates the number of URLs available in specific volume of database.

Number of Blocks/Page

Indicates the average number of blocks per page rated in URLs available in specific volume of database.

The following indicate Dynamic Content Filtering statistics at SRDB level:

Dynamic SRDB Instance

Indicates the running Dynamic SRDB Manager instance number.

RaterPkg Load Status

Indicates the Dynamic Rater Package load status:
  • Loaded

  • Not-loaded

Number of Model files

Indicates the number of model files (used for language detection and category recognition) available.

Standby Dynamic SRDB Instance

Indicates standby Dynamic SRDB instance number.

RaterPkg Load Status

Indicates the Dynamic Rater Package load status:
  • Loaded

  • Not-loaded

Number of Model files

Indicates the number of model files (used for language detection and category recognition) available.

show content-filtering category policy-id id

Table 4. show content-filtering category policy-id Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Service Name

The content filtering service name.

Content Filtering Policy

The content filtering policy ID, and description, if set.

Content filtering Categories:


Category of the content rated.


Priority of the CF Category in the CF Policy.


Action taken for the indicated result of CF analysis.

Content Insert

The content string inserted in place of message returned from prohibited or restricted site or content server.


The URL to redirect subscriber.


The EDR file format name to generate separate CF EDRs based on action and content category.

Timeout Action

The timeout end condition if rating cannot be performed.


The content ID for the discarded flows.

If not configured, this field is not displayed.

show content-filtering category statistics

Table 5. show content-filtering category statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Service Name

Name of the Content Filtering service.

Content Filtering status

Status of the current Content Filtering service.

Overall Status

Indicates capability of the system to perform Content Filtering service.

Content Filtering Statistics

Indicates the Content Filtering statistics group information.

Static Rating

Information on static rating content-filtering.

SRDB Request Count

Total number of requests received.

SRDB Response Total

Total number of responses sent for requests.

SRDB Response Successful

Total number of responses for successful requests.

SRDB Response Not Rated

Total number of responses for requests without rating.

SRDB Response Not in DB

Total number of responses for unknown or undefined requests.

Number of Incremental DB Received

Total number of incremental rating database received by the Content Filtering subsystem.

Number of Successful Incremental Upgrade Performed

Total number of incremental upgrades performed successfully with incremental rating database.

Number of Full DB Received

Total number of full rating database received by the Content Filtering subsystem.

Number of Successful Full Upgrade Performed

Total number of full upgrades performed successfully with incremental rating database.

Time Since Last Upgrade (dd:hh:mm:ss)

Time since last upgraded, full or incremental, performed.

show content-filtering category statistics facility srdbmgr all

Table 6. show content-filtering category statistics facility srdbmgr all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Content Filtering status

Indicates Content Filtering service status.

Overall Status

Indicates the system's ability to perform content filtering.

Dynamic Content Filtering status

Indicates Dynamic Content Filtering service status.

Overall Status

Indicates the system's ability to perform dynamic content filtering.

Content Filtering SRDB Instance Based Statistics

Indicates the group statistics of content filtering based on Static Rating Database Manager instance.

Instance Number

Indicates the SRDB Manager's instance number.

Static Rating:

Request Count

Total number of requests received.

Response Total

Total number of responses sent for requests.

Response Successful

Total number of responses for successful requests.

Response Not Rated

Total number of responses for requests without rating.

Response Not in DB

Total number of responses for unknown or undefined requests.

Average Ratings/sec

Indicates the average ratings performed per second.

Number of URLs rated by domain

Total number of URLs rated with given domain.

Dynamic Content Filtering SRDB Instance Based Statistics:

Instance Number

Indicates the instance number of SRDB manager.

Dynamic Rating:

Request Count

Total number of requests received.

Response Total

Total number of responses sent for requests.

Response Successful

Total number of responses for successful requests.

Response Not Rated

Total number of responses for requests without rating.

Histogram based on URL length

Indicates the histogram statistics of URLs grouped by length of URL.

Histogram for number of URLs hit per SN category (sorted on no. of URLs):

Indicates the specific category and the number of URLs hit per category.

If, during runtime, an x-category was added, the x-category is also displayed.

show content-filtering category url <url> policy-id <id> verbose

Table 7. show content-filtering category url <url> policy-id <id> verbose Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


The URL path for Static Rating Category Database.

URL Root Domain

The URL's root domain information.


The Optimized Content Rating Master Database (OPTCMDB) volume and version.

URL Hash

Indicates the URL hash in URL OPTCMDB.

Domain Used For Rating

Indicates whether domain name is used for URL rating.

Possible values are:
  • TRUE


URL Category

The URL's category.

Action Configured

Indicates the action configured.


In case of multiple categories, the action configured for a category with highest priority is displayed. If Dynamic Content Filtering is enabled, the action configured for DYNAM and UNKNOW is displayed as Dynamic (i.e. the URL is sent for Dynamic categorization). In case more than one category is returned with DYNAM and if it is configured with higher priority then, that action will be shown.

Content Insertion String

Indicates the content insertion string.


This field is displayed only if Dynamic CF is not enabled.

Redirect URL

Indicates the redirected URL.


This field is displayed only in the case of multiple categories.

show content-filtering server-group name

Table 8. show content-filtering server-group name Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Content Filtering Group

The name of the Content Filtering Server Group (CFSG).


The name of the content in which CFSG is configure.

Origin Address

IP address of the origin endpoint or ICAP client.

ICAP Address(Port)

IP address and port number of ICAP server with in CF Server Group.

Max Outstanding

Total number of unanswered outstanding messages to this ICAP server.

Failure Action

Displays the action taken on connection failure.

Response Timeout

Displays the configured response-timeout duration to wait for response.

Connection Retry Timeout

Displays the configured connection retry timeout duration to check the TCP connection status between ICAP sever and client.


Displays the configured dictionary to use for encoding the requests to the server(s).

Deny Message

Displays the configured text string message that is returned to the subscriber in a deny response.

Header Extension Options

Displays the ICAP header information if configured or displays "None" if no ICAP header is configured.

show content-filtering server-group statistics

Table 9. show content-filtering server-group statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Content Filtering Group

The name of the Content Filtering Server Group (CFSG).

Connection Statistics

Displays the ICAP connection related statistics.

Current Open Connections

Total number of open connections.

Connection DHOST requests

Total number of DHOST requests.

Successfull Connections

Total number of successful connections.

Connections DHOST remove

Total number of connections removed from DHOST.

Connection SHUTDOWN req

Total number of requests for SHUTDOWN.

ACF Unreachable(read)

Total number of attempts for Active Content Filter server (ICAP server) to read.

ACF Unreachable(write)

Total number of attempts for Active Content Filter server (ICAP server) to write.

Reconnect attempts

Total number of reconnect attempts for ACF server (ICAP server).

Connection Timeout

Total number of connections timeout after reconnect attempts for ACF server (ICAP server).

Connection Failure Statistics

Displays connection failure statistics.

Connection DHOST errors

Total number of connection DHOST errors in connection.

Connection CONNECT error

Total number of connection CONNECT errors in connection.

Socket open errors

Total number of errors due to SOCKET open in connection.

Connection bind errors

Total number of BIND errors in connection.

Connection setvr errors

Total number of SETVER errors in connection.

Connection NONBLOCK errors

Total number of NONBLOCK errors in connection.

Connection SHUTDOWN errors

Total number of SHUTDOWN errors in connection.

Incomplete 3-way handshaking

Total number of errors due to incomplete 3-way handshaking in TCP connection.

ACF Statistics

Displays Active Content Filter (ICAP server) statistics.

ACF Requests Created

Total number of requests created for ACF.

Response Timeout

Total number of response timeout for requests to ACF.

Write request success

Total number of successful WRITE requests.

Write request failed

Total number of failed WRITE requests.

Read response success

Total number of successful READ response.

Read response failed

Total number of failed READ response.

HTTP Permit

Total number of HTTP URLs permitted from ACF.

WAP Permit

Total number of WAP URLs permitted from ACF.

HTTP Denny

Total number of HTTP URLs denied from ACF.

WAP Denny

Total number of WAP URLs denied from ACF.

HTTP Redirect

Total number of HTTP URLs redirected from ACF.

WAP Redirect

Total number of WAP URLs redirected from ACF.

Invalid ACTION

Total number of invalid ACTION message from ACF.

Redirect URL not defined

Total number of errors due to undefined redirect URL.

Buffer List Empty

Total number of errors due to empty buffer list.

Failure action Permit

Total number of connections permitted after connection failure.

Failure action Deny

Total number of connections denied after connection failure.

Failure action Discard

Total number of connections discarded after connection failure.

Failure action Terminate

Total number of connections terminated after connection failure.

Failure actions taken

Total number of actions taken after failure in connection failure.

Num pkts dropped for DENY

Total number of packets dropped after denying the connection due to failure in connection.

Num pkts dropped for REDIRECT

Total number of packets dropped after redirecting the connection due to failure in connection.

Num pkts dropped for DENY Timeout action

Total number of packets dropped after denying the connection due to timeout action.

Num pkts dropped for REDIRECT Timeout action

Total number of packets dropped after redirecting the connection due to timeout action.

ACF Resp Parse Statistics

Displays the statistics related to ACF response parsing.

Parse ACF resp success

Total number of successful ACF parse response.

Parse ACF resp ver err

Total number of successful ACF parse response version error.

Misc Statistics

Displays the miscellaneous statistics.

Total pkts sent

Total number of packets sent through ICAP connection.

Invalid ACF group config

Total number of errors due to invalid CF Server Group (Active Content Filter server groups) configuration.

Invalid bind address

Total number of errors due to invalid binding address configuration.

Invalid ICAP address

Total number of errors due to invalid ICAP server addresses.

Num req to standby server

Total number of requests sent to the standby server.