Debug Console Swap

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)

  • VPC-DI

  • VPC-SI

Default Setting

Enabled - Always-on

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

Command Line Interface Reference

Revision History

Revision Details


With this release, the debug event logs are configured to be sent from serial1 console to serial0.


First introduced.

Pre 21.2

Feature Changes

In the current deployment of StarOS, debug event logs are currently sent to the first serial port (serial1) on the console. On Red Hat OpenStack (OSP), this console is configured by default, therefore, post-deployment scripts are executed to configure debug event log collection. The execution of post-deployment of scripts becomes more complicated on Cisco Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (CVIM) and on OSP 13 where OSP functionality is containerized. To address this, a new keyword first-console is added to the existing logging CLI command, which enables or disables debug event logs to be sent from serial1 console to serial0.


This CLI does not enable or disable system logs such as crash logs, system printed logs, and so on, which are always enabled.

Previous Behavior: In releases earlier to 21.12, debug event logs were sent to serial1 console.

New Behavior: Now, on the first serial port (serial0) a debug console is seen for event logs. This console captures the critical log and all the logs that were configured using the logging runtime CLI command.

Note that on a VPC-DI that has a CF and SF card, the CF card on the first serial port is configured as the debug console. The second serial port is configured as the CLI console.


The CF card on the VPC-DI and VPC-SI can be configured as the VGA, which also provides the CLI console.

On the SF card, the first serial port is configured as the debug console. The second serial port cannot be configured as the CLI console because there is no support for this console on the SF card.

Customer Impact:

For existing deployments: For VPC-DI systems, the console swap occurs when the build with the fix is loaded. For VPC-SI systems, the console swap occurs after loading the build with the fix and then configured with a new boot priority.

For new deployments: The console swap occurs when the image with the fix is deployed.

Command Changes


The above CLI command is enhanced to include the first-console keyword, which is used to enable or disable the first serial port as the debug console for event log collection. This command is configured in the Context Configuration Mode.

   [ no ] logging first-console 


  • no : Disables the first serial port as the debug console for event log collection.

  • Note that this CLI does not enable or disable system logs such as crash logs, system printed logs, and so on, which are always enabled.

  • By default, this CLI is enabled.