Post Deployment Operations

Deactivating the USP Deployment


It is recommended that you perform the checks identified in Pre-Deactivation/Post-Activation Health Check Summary before performing any deactivations. It is also recommended that you back up relevant data before proceeding. Refer to Backing Up Deployment Information for more information.

Execute the following command to deactivate the entire USP deployment:

deactivate nsd <nsd_name> 

The output of this command is a transaction-id which can be used to monitor the deactivation progress using the following command

show log <transaction_id> | display xml 

Example output for a successful USP deactivation:

Terminating the AutoDeploy VM

Terminating the AutoDeploy VM leverages the same script used to instantiate the AutoDeploy VM.


  • Ensure that no changes have been made to this file since it was used to deploy AutoDeploy.

  • Be sure to take a backup of the VM content if you are terminating the VM in order to upgrade with a new ISO.

  • If AutoDeploy was deployed with HA support, this process terminates both VMs.

To terminate the AutoDeploy VM:

  1. Log on to the Ultra M Manager Node.

  2. Terminate the AutoDeploy VM.

    ./ --kvm --autodeploy --ha --delete-uas 

    Example command output:

    2018-01-24 16:30:23,821 - Removing old deployment 'AutoDeploy_instance_0', if it exists
    2018-01-24 16:30:24,176 - Removing old deployment 'AutoDeploy_instance_1', if it exists
  3. View the status.

    show uas 

    Example command output:

     Id    Name                           State

Terminating the AutoIT VM

Terminating the AutoIT VM leverages the same script used to instantiate the AutoIT-VNF VM.


  • Ensure that no changes have been made to this file since it was used to deploy AutoIT.

  • Be sure to take a backup of the VM content if you are terminating the VM in order to upgrade with a new ISO.

  • If AutoIT was deployed with HA support, this process terminates both VMs.

To terminate the AutoIT VM:

  1. Log on to the Ultra M Manager Node.

  2. Terminate the AutoIT VM.

    ./ --kvm --autoit --ha --delete-uas 

    Example command output:

    2018-01-24 16:25:23,734 - Removing old deployment 'AutoIT_instance_0', if it exists
    2018-01-24 16:25:24,056 - Removing old deployment 'AutoIT_instance_1', if it exists
  3. View the status.

    show uas 

    Example command output:

     Id    Name                           State

Deploy and Undeploy the Card with the NCS CLI

To undeploy and redeploy the card (service or session function) using the NCS CLI:

  1. Log on to the master UEM VM.

  2. Access the NCS CLI.

    sudo -i 
    ncs_cli -u admin -C 
  3. Undeploy or suspend the card.

    suspend-vnfci vnfid <name> vdu <VDU> vnfci <VNFCI Instance> 

    For example:

    suspend-vnfci vnfid abc vdu sf vnfci sf1 success true 
  4. Verify the operational status of VNF, card, VDUs. Suspending card removes the card, e.g. from CF.

    In 6.2 and earlier releases:

    show vnf-state 
    vnf-state running 

    In 6.3 and later releases:

    show vnfmproxy:vnfd <vnfd_name>vnf-state 
    vnf-state running 
    show card table 
    Slot         Card Type                               Oper State     SPOF  Attach
    -----------  --------------------------------------  -------------  ----  ------
     1: CFC      Control Function Virtual Card           Active         No          
     2: CFC      Control Function Virtual Card           Standby        -           
     4: FC       1-Port Service Function Virtual Card    Standby        -           

    In 6.2 and earlier releases:

    show vdus 
                                                     CONSTITUENT                                                                   MEMORY  STORAGE  
                               DEVICE     DEVICE     ELEMENT      IS                                                        CPU    UTILS   USAGE    
    ID  CARD TYPE         ID   NAME       GROUP      GROUP        INFRA  INITIALIZED  VIM ID                                UTILS  BYTES   BYTES    
    cf  control-function  cf1  scm-cf-nc  scm-cf-nc  ugp          true   true         76e2f28a-4427-4b1d-9c44-72ff51e0d124  -      -       -        
                          cf2  scm-cf-nc  scm-cf-nc  ugp          true   true         b1155c6e-26f1-44c1-8832-0e9a02f7acd3  -      -       -        
    sf  session-function  sf1  -          -          ugp          true   false        7822cea9-1707-4790-abb3-33bb4d26b567  -      -       -        
                          sf2  -          -          ugp          true   false        7fd8f37f-59cf-4c9a-811f-faa0abd30b58  -      -       -        

    In 6.3 and later releases:

    show vnfmproxy:vnfd <vnfd_name> vdus 
    vdus vdu cf1
    card-type control-function
    vnfci cf1
      device-name               vnfd-deployment1
      device-group              cf-nc
      constituent-element-group ugp-standalone
      is-infra                  true
      initialized               true
      vim-id                    1ca3fca7-8929-4830-9e35-4cac294b62bf
    vnfci cf2
      device-name               vnfd-deployment2
      device-group              cf-nc
      constituent-element-group ugp-standalone
      is-infra                  true
      initialized               true
      vim-id                    6ce2a22c-1c03-4f5e-95a4-c791d09a1024
    vdus vdu sf1
    card-type session-function
    vnfci sf1
      constituent-element-group ugp-standalone
      is-infra                  true
      initialized               false
      vim-id                    de5bec01-c3e4-4bbf-8f45-ac2354fc9fbc
    vnfci sf2
      constituent-element-group ugp-standalone
      is-infra                  true
      initialized               false
      vim-id                    8fe9eebc-614a-464a-8e87-5288be0528c9

    UEM changes the status of suspended card to undeployed. For example, UEM Zookeeper:

    In 6.2 and earlier releases:

    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] get /config/vnf {"state":"run","name":"abcabc-autovnf-vpc-abcabc"}
    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1] get /config/vnfd {"name":"abcabc-autovnf-vpc-abcabc","version":"6.0","deployment-flavor-id":["generic"],
    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 2] get /config/vdus/sf/sf1 {"cpts":[{"vnfc":"sf-vnfc-ugp","cpid":null,"vl":null}],"affinity":null,
    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 3] get /oper/vdus/sf/sf1 {"id":"sf1","state":"undeployed","vnfcId":"sf-vnfc-ugp",
    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 4] get /oper/vnf        
    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 5] get /oper/vdrs/sf1 {"id":"not-set","uuid":"sf1","vduId":"sf","vdrId":"sf1","depName":"abcabc-autovnf-vpc-abcabc-6.0-1","requestId":"operation0000000000","vnfciId":"sf1","externalProps":"{\"properties\":{\"monitor\":\"true\",\"dep-name\":\"abcabc-autovnf-vpc-abcabc-6.0-1\"}}","elementGroupRef":"ugp","vnfc":"sf-vnfc-ugp"}

    In 6.3 and later releases:

    [zk: 0] get /config/vnfs/vnfd-deployment/vnf
    [zk: 1] get /config/vnfs/vnfd-deployment/vnfd
    [zk: 2] get /config/vnfs/vnfd-deployment/vnfvdus/sf1/sf2
    [zk: 3] get /oper/vnfs/vnfd-deployment/vdus/sf1/sf2
    [zk: 4] get /oper/vnfs/vnfd-deployment/vdus/vnf    
    [zk: 6] get /oper/vnfs/vnfd-deployment/vdrs/sf2
  5. Redeploy or resume the card by executing the following command:

    resume-vnfci vnfid <name> vdu <VDU> vnfci <VNFC Instance> 

Monitoring and Troubleshooting the Deployment

Pre-Deactivation/Post-Activation Health Check Summary

Table 1 contains a summary of items to check/verify before performing a deactivation and/or after an activation.

Table 1. Pre-deactivation/Post-activation Health Checks

Item to Check


Checking OSP-D Server Health

Perform all identified checks.

Checking Controller Server Health

Perform all identified checks.

Checking OSD Compute Server Health

Perform all identified checks.

Viewing AutoVNF Operational Data

In particular, check the outputs of the following commands:

  • show uas

  • In releases prior to 6.0: show autovnf-oper:vip-port

    In 6.0 and later releases: show vnfr

  • In releases prior to 6.0: show autovnf-oper:vnf-em

    In 6.0 and later releases: show vnfr

  • In releases prior to 6.0: show autovnf-oper:vnfm

    In 6.0 and later releases: show vnfr

Viewing ESC Status

Perform all identified checks.

Viewing ESC Health

Perform all identified checks.

Viewing UEM Service Status

Perform all identified checks.

Viewing VNF Information through the Control Function

Perform all identified checks.

Checking OSP-D Server Health

Viewing Stack Status

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to view the stack status by executing the following command:

openstack stack list 

Example output:

| ID                                   | Stack Name | Stack Status    | Creation Time        | Updated Time |
| db229d67-212d-4086-a266-e635b2902708 | tb3-ultram | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-06-20T02:31:31Z | None         |


Prior to an update, the stack status may be “CREATE_COMPLETE” at the beginning of the update procedure. The stack status should read “UPDATE_COMPLETE” and list and update time at the successful completion of the update procedure.

Viewing the Bare Metal Node List

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to view the node list by executing the following command:

openstack baremetal node list 

Example command output:

| UUID                                 | Name | Instance UUID                        | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 6725bb18-2895-4a8a-86ad-96b00cc9df4d | None | bc903f51-8483-4522-bcd7-ac396ac626b1 | power on    | active             | False       |
| f1aa6356-40a0-41de-be1b-fa6033c9affb | None | 05fbfb44-ccd9-475d-b263-58b2deaf8554 | power on    | active             | False       |
| f02357a3-6f9b-46ae-b31f-1a21f6d33543 | None | dd0596b1-bd35-451a-85bc-c635e7fa6d14 | power on    | active             | False       |
| ca1153d6-ffaf-481a-ac9b-bc2afc450152 | None | 96d2725c-9c70-4a66-9d3c-4a0356faf1c0 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 8f338102-c114-4a7a-94f0-9e1a54494519 | None | 85a9a708-5eae-4ea2-8b29-dc2acd6e515d | power on    | active             | False       |
| 5d3d3525-2528-4801-b885-6c4b340393a6 | None | 315c7aea-acef-4341-aa9e-bcd594cae592 | power on    | active             | False       |
| ac21208b-36fd-4404-8e68-53a90df3a29f | None | 9f0b2ff3-5234-42e9-81dd-c0ef5e454137 | power on    | active             | False       |
| a6d92bfc-0136-4c22-9988-0108df775a03 | None | 2a3e2086-3516-40ac-a584-3714e91858f5 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 5f0593b7-31de-4291-b43f-a549699cd470 | None | f4cc50d4-441e-4728-9984-53df29f0b7f7 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 99225e1b-085e-4ef7-8173-4687900b741a | None | 200a918e-abb3-4539-a1c4-7e30f2d8ebc2 | power on    | active             | False       |
| c6ec143b-a522-4d69-ab31-5b4934ad3c42 | None | 7c675ed5-17d9-47ad-a2ef-592353e27713 | power on    | active             | False       |
| e1026c43-f2a3-44ad-a385-4d4462552977 | None | 45b45041-656f-4ee1-8be2-976c71a35b1f | power on    | active             | False       |
| 122188ea-09ae-486c-b225-17cf0defe025 | None | bd38818e-36ca-4fd9-a65f-c4b0e5b34977 | power on    | active             | False       |
| f6ecf896-6e5e-4735-8727-942478dee58a | None | 82a79351-5520-4e89-ae19-48c7b6f6b39f | power on    | active             | False       |
| e6db159e-008e-4186-8967-92a9faeee368 | None | 986affe6-23ba-48ba-ae4e-0d2226aabf55 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 44f3a434-eaf8-4b1a-97e5-6340d277fa4e | None | 1f385454-3ddb-40bd-bc6e-a55ad69fff47 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 7ab70571-64ea-439b-a0f4-34147d01dfbf | None | 6f9f76ac-3cf7-4002-94ba-39bc6f0b4c40 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 6d478a22-874c-4611-834d-21f4809f90ce | None | 8e37407f-c784-4f5f-942f-2e2c36aa3fa4 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 0a57a5ad-d160-477e-807f-11997307bc9c | None | 25b53356-9f02-4810-b722-efb6fd887879 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 6fff3d83-ed37-4934-89e0-d632aeb37b15 | None | 0ea048c0-6f4b-460d-99b2-796dd694c226 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 5496919c-c269-4860-b49a-e0d103a6a460 | None | 6a8e05aa-26fe-43bb-b464-ede86b9f4639 | power on    | active             | False       |
| 513b936d-1c52-4b0a-9ac4-4101fe812f07 | None | b92c5720-7db9-417b-b3d5-023046788c8e | power on    | active             | False       |

Viewing the OpenStack Server List

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to ensure that stack components and verify they are active and running the same image by executing the following command:

openstack server list 

Example command output:

| ID                                   | Name                     | Status | Networks               | Image Name                     |
| 9f0b2ff3-5234-42e9-81dd-c0ef5e454137 | tb3-ultram-compute-3     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 25b53356-9f02-4810-b722-efb6fd887879 | tb3-ultram-compute-15    | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 986affe6-23ba-48ba-ae4e-0d2226aabf55 | tb3-ultram-compute-11    | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 45b45041-656f-4ee1-8be2-976c71a35b1f | tb3-ultram-compute-8     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| bd38818e-36ca-4fd9-a65f-c4b0e5b34977 | tb3-ultram-compute-9     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 82a79351-5520-4e89-ae19-48c7b6f6b39f | tb3-ultram-compute-10    | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 1f385454-3ddb-40bd-bc6e-a55ad69fff47 | tb3-ultram-compute-12    | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 8e37407f-c784-4f5f-942f-2e2c36aa3fa4 | tb3-ultram-compute-14    | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 315c7aea-acef-4341-aa9e-bcd594cae592 | tb3-ultram-compute-2     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 2a3e2086-3516-40ac-a584-3714e91858f5 | tb3-ultram-compute-4     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| b92c5720-7db9-417b-b3d5-023046788c8e | tb3-ultram-osd-compute-2 | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 7c675ed5-17d9-47ad-a2ef-592353e27713 | tb3-ultram-compute-7     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 0ea048c0-6f4b-460d-99b2-796dd694c226 | tb3-ultram-osd-compute-0 | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| f4cc50d4-441e-4728-9984-53df29f0b7f7 | tb3-ultram-compute-5     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| dd0596b1-bd35-451a-85bc-c635e7fa6d14 | tb3-ultram-controller-2  | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 85a9a708-5eae-4ea2-8b29-dc2acd6e515d | tb3-ultram-compute-1     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| bc903f51-8483-4522-bcd7-ac396ac626b1 | tb3-ultram-controller-0  | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 6a8e05aa-26fe-43bb-b464-ede86b9f4639 | tb3-ultram-osd-compute-1 | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 200a918e-abb3-4539-a1c4-7e30f2d8ebc2 | tb3-ultram-compute-6     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 05fbfb44-ccd9-475d-b263-58b2deaf8554 | tb3-ultram-controller-1  | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 96d2725c-9c70-4a66-9d3c-4a0356faf1c0 | tb3-ultram-compute-0     | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |
| 6f9f76ac-3cf7-4002-94ba-39bc6f0b4c40 | tb3-ultram-compute-13    | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full_20170620T011048 |

Viewing the OpenStack Stack Resource List

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to view the stack resources and their status by executing the following command:

openstack stack resource list name 

Example command output:

| resource_name                          | physical_resource_id                   | resource_type                           | resource_status | updated_time         |
| UpdateWorkflow                         | 94270702-cd8b-4441-a09e-5c9da0c2d02b   | OS::TripleO::Tasks::UpdateWorkflow      | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-06-27T22:04:00Z |
| CephStorageHostsDeployment             | 196dbba7-5d66-4a9c-9308-f47ff4ddbe2d   | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments         | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-06-27T22:04:00Z |
| OsdComputeAllNodesDeployment           | 6a5775c0-03d8-453f-92d8-be6ea5aed853   | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments         | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-06-27T22:04:00Z |
| BlockStorageHostsDeployment            | 97b2f70a-c295-4437-9222-8248ec30badf   | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments         | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-06-27T22:04:00Z |
| CephStorage                            | 1bc20bb0-516a-4eb5-85e2-be9d30e2f6e8   | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup                 | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-06-27T22:04:00Z |
| AllNodesDeploySteps                    | da9ead69-b83e-4cc9-86e8-8d823c02843b   | OS::TripleO::PostDeploySteps            | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-06-27T22:04:00Z |
| CephStorageAllNodesDeployment          | e5ee9df8-fae1-4641-9cfb-038c8f4eca85   | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments         | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-06-27T22:04:00Z |

Verifying Node Reachability

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to ensure the node reachability and availability by executing the following command:

for i in $(nova list| grep ACTIVE| awk '{print $12}' | sed 's\ctlplane=\\g' ) ; do ssh heat-admin@${i} uptime ; done 

This command establishes an SSH session with each node and report the system uptime. Investigate any node that does not reply or has an unexpected uptime.

Example command output:

 14:47:10 up 18:15,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
 14:47:11 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 9.50, 9.15, 12.32
 14:47:11 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 9.41, 9.09, 12.26
 14:47:11 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 10.41, 10.28, 10.49
 14:47:12 up 18:15,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.05
 14:47:12 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.06, 0.06
 14:47:12 up 18:15,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.05
 14:47:12 up 18:15,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 14:47:13 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.05
 14:47:13 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 8.23, 8.66, 12.29
 14:47:13 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 8.76, 8.87, 12.14
 14:47:14 up 18:15,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.04, 0.05
 14:47:14 up 18:15,  0 users,  load average: 9.30, 9.08, 10.12
 14:47:14 up 18:15,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.05
 14:47:14 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 8.31, 8.61, 11.96
 14:47:15 up 18:14,  0 users,  load average: 17.08, 12.09, 11.06
 14:47:15 up 17:09,  0 users,  load average: 1.64, 1.33, 1.10
 14:47:15 up 17:04,  0 users,  load average: 1.02, 0.77, 0.79
 14:47:16 up 16:58,  0 users,  load average: 0.55, 0.63, 0.72
 14:47:16 up 23:46,  0 users,  load average: 2.68, 3.46, 3.89
 14:47:16 up 1 day, 5 min,  0 users,  load average: 4.10, 4.27, 4.44
 14:47:17 up 23:53,  0 users,  load average: 1.90, 2.32, 2.24

Verify NTP is running

To verify the operational status of NTP server:

  1. Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to ensure that NTP is running on all nodes in the cluster by executing the following command:

    for i in $(nova list| grep ACTIVE| awk '{print $12}' | sed 's\ctlplane=\\g' ) ; do ssh heat-admin@${i} systemctl status ntpd |grep Active; done 

    This command establishes an SSH session with each node and lists the ntpd status.

    Example command output:

       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:25 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:28 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:50 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:28 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:14 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:30 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:22 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:16 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:35 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:31 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:30 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:25 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:19 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:14 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:41 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 20:32:30 UTC; 18h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 21:37:32 UTC; 17h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 21:43:16 UTC; 17h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 21:48:57 UTC; 17h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 15:01:30 UTC; 23h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 14:42:10 UTC; 24h ago
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-07-11 14:54:06 UTC; 23h ago
  2. Verify that all the Overcloud nodes are synced to NTP server.

    for i in $(nova list | grep -i overc- | awk '{print $12}'| sed 's/ctlplane=//g') ; do (ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no heat-admin@$i sudo ntpstat | grep NTP) ; done 
    [stack@j19bxb-ospd ~]$ for i in $(nova list | grep -i overc- | awk '{print $12}'| sed 's/ctlplane=//g') ; do (ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no heat-admin@$i sudo ntpstat | grep NTP) ; done
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 
    synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3
  3. Check the NTP status on the server on which OSP-D is running by executing the following command:

    systemctl status ntpd |grep Active 

    Investigate any node that is not actively running NTP.

Checking OSP-D Server Health

Verifying VM and Other Service Status and Quotas

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to verify that Overcloud VMs are active and running by executing the following commands:

cd /home/stack 
source ~/<stack_name>rc-core 
nova list 


Overcloud VM status can also be checked through the Horizon GUI.

Example command output:

| ID                                   | Name                                                           | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| 407891a2-85bb-4b84-a023-bca4ff304fc5 | auto-deploy-vm-uas-0                                           | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | mgmt=,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| bb4c06c5-b328-47bd-ac57-a72a9b4bb496 | auto-it-vm-uas-0                                               | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | mgmt=,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| fc0e47d3-e59e-41a3-9d8d-99371de1c4c5 | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-0                                         | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=                                                                                                                                                       |
| 8056eff1-913e-479a-ac44-22eba42ceee1 | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-1                                         | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=                                                                                                                                                       |
| 4e9fab14-dad0-4789-bc52-1fac3e40b7cc | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-2                                         | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=                                                                                                                                                       |
| 1a4e65e3-9f9d-429f-a604-6dfb45ef2a45 | tb3-bxb-vnfm1-ESC-0                                            | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=                                                                                                                                                        |
| 7f4ec2dc-e8a8-4f6c-bfce-8f29735e9fca | tb3-bxb-vnfm1-ESC-1                                            | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=                                                                                                                                                       |
| 1c9fc0bd-dc16-426f-b387-c2b75b3a1c16 | tb3-bxb-vnfm1-em_tb3-bx_0_190729a1-c703-4e15-b0b3-795e2e876f55 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=                                                                                                                                                        |
| 9a407a06-929a-49ce-8bae-4df35b5f8b40 | tb3-bxb-vnfm1-em_tb3-bx_0_92c5224b-1f1f-4f3f-8ac8-137be69ce473 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=                                                                                                                                                       |
| e4528022-6e7b-43f9-94f6-a6ab6289478d | tb3-bxb-vnfm1-em_tb3-bx_0_d9f7ecb2-a7dc-439b-b492-5ce0402264ea | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=                                                                                                                                                        |
| 2ca11e5b-8eec-456d-9001-1f2600605ad4 | vnfd1-deployment_c1_0_5b287829-6a9d-4c0a-97d0-a5e0f645b767     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=                                                                      |
| 0bdbd9e3-926a-4abe-81b3-95dc42ea0676 | vnfd1-deployment_c2_0_7074a450-5268-4c94-965b-8fb809410d14     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-management=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=                                                                      |
| 8b07a9b1-139f-4a12-b16e-d35cb17f6668 | vnfd1-deployment_s10_0_f6d110f9-9e49-43fe-be14-4ab87ca3334c    | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network1=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network2=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=      |
| 4ff0ce2e-1d97-4056-a7aa-018412c0385d | vnfd1-deployment_s3_0_5380ef6c-6fe3-4e92-aa44-d94ef6e94235     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network1=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network2=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=       |
| 3954cd6e-0f12-4d4b-8558-2e035c126d9a | vnfd1-deployment_s4_0_e5ae4aa9-a90e-4bfe-aaff-82ffd8f7fe34     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network1=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network2=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=     |
| 2cc6728c-2982-42bf-bb8b-198a14fdcb31 | vnfd1-deployment_s5_0_1d57c15d-a1de-40d4-aac2-1715f01ac50a     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network1=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network2=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=     |
| 876cc650-ae8b-497b-805a-24a305be6c13 | vnfd1-deployment_s6_0_05e13a62-623c-4749-ae2a-15c70dd12e16     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network1=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network2=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=   |
| 89f7245e-c2f7-4041-b5e6-1eee48641cfd | vnfd1-deployment_s7_0_3a4d7273-e808-4b5f-8877-7aa182483d93     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network1=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network2=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=    |
| 535b0bca-d3c5-4d99-ba41-9953da6339f4 | vnfd1-deployment_s8_0_1e0f3ebf-b6e0-4bfe-9b1c-985dc32e1519     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network1=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network2=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2=  |
| dfdffafb-a624-4063-bae6-63c4a757473f | vnfd1-deployment_s9_0_26db8332-8dac-43fc-84c5-71a8b975fd17     | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | tb3-bxb-autovnf1-uas-orchestration=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal1=; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network1=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-service-network2=,; tb3-bxb-vnfm1-di-internal2= |

Checking Cinder Type

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the Cinder vilome type by executing the following commands:

cd /home/stack 
source ~/<stack_name>rc-core 
cinder type-list 

Example command output:

| ID                                   | Name | Description | Is_Public |
| 208ef179-dfe4-4735-8a96-e7beee472944 | LUKS | -           | True      |
cinder type-show LUKS 

Example command output:

| Property                        | Value                                |
| description                     | None                                 |
| extra_specs                     | {}                                   |
| id                              | bf855b0f-8b3f-42bf-9497-05013b4ddad9 |
| is_public                       | True                                 |
| name                            | LUKS                                 |
| os-volume-type-access:is_public | True                                 |
| qos_specs_id                    | None                                 |

Checking Core Project (Tenant) and User Core

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the core projects and users by executing the following commands:

cd /home/stack 
source~/<stack_name> rc-core 
openstack project list 

Example command output:

| ID                               | Name    |
| 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 | core    |
| 52547e0fca994cd682aa733b941d0f68 | service |
| 9543ad9db4dd422ea5aedf04756d3682 | admin   |
openstack project show core 

Example command output:

| Field       | Value                            |
| description | core tenant                      |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 |
| name        | core                             |
| properties  |                                  |
openstack project show service 

Example command output:

| Field       | Value                             |
| description | Tenant for the openstack services |
| enabled     | True                              |
| id          | 52547e0fca994cd682aa733b941d0f68  |
| name        | service                           |
| properties  |                                   |
openstack project show admin 

Example command output:

| Field       | Value                            |
| description | admin tenant                     |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | 9543ad9db4dd422ea5aedf04756d3682 |
| name        | admin                            |
| properties  |                                  |
openstack user list 

Example command output:

| ID                               | Name       |
| 1ac7208b033a41ccba805d86bf60dbb7 | admin      |
| a6adac4ee79c4206a29de5165d7c7a6a | neutron    |
| 79da40fe88c64de7a93bc691a42926ea | heat       |
| 525048a99816474d91d692d9516e951c | nova       |
| 8d6688db8d19411080eeb4c84c1d586b | glance     |
| 9aadd12171474d1e8bcbacf890e070ab | cinder     |
| d2ee641a72c4493995de70a1a9671f2b | heat-cfn   |
| 7fbb088c15e1428ab6ce677aad5415f4 | swift      |
| 828cbf69cf564747a81bb313208a1c21 | core       |
| 40563efc469d4c1295de0d6d4cf545c2 | tom        |
openstack user show core 

Example command output:

| Field      | Value                            |
| email      | None                             |
| enabled    | True                             |
| id         | 828cbf69cf564747a81bb313208a1c21 |
| name       | core                             |
| project_id | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 |
| username   | core                             |
openstack role list 

Example command output:

| ID                               | Name            |
| 315d3058519a4b1a9385e11aa5ffe25b | admin           |
| 585de968688e4257bc76f6dec13752cb | ResellerAdmin   |
| 9717fe8079ba49e9ba9eadd5a37689e7 | swiftoperator   |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | _member_        |
| d75dcf507bfa4a6abee3aee3bb0323c6 | heat_stack_user |
openstack role show admin 

Example command output:

| Field     | Value                            |
| domain_id | None                             |
| id        | 315d3058519a4b1a9385e11aa5ffe25b |
| name      | admin                            |

Checking Nova/Neutron Security Groups

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check Nova and Neutron security groups by executing the following commands:

nova secgroup-list 

Example command output:

WARNING: Command secgroup-list is deprecated and will be removed after Nova 15.0.0 is released. Use python-neutronclient or python-openstackclient instead.
| Id                                   | Name    | Description            |
| ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2 | default | Default security group |
neutron security-group-list 

Example command output:

| id                                   | name    | security_group_rules                                                 |
| 4007a7a4-e7fa-4ad6-bc74-fc0b20f0b60c | default | egress, IPv4                                                         |
|                                      |         | egress, IPv6                                                         |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, remote_group_id: 4007a7a4-e7fa-4ad6-bc74-fc0b20f0b60c |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv6, remote_group_id: 4007a7a4-e7fa-4ad6-bc74-fc0b20f0b60c |
| 8bee29ae-88c0-4d5d-b27a-a123f20b6858 | default | egress, IPv4                                                         |
|                                      |         | egress, IPv6                                                         |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, 1-65535/tcp, remote_ip_prefix:              |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, 1-65535/udp, remote_ip_prefix:              |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, icmp, remote_ip_prefix:                     |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, remote_group_id: 8bee29ae-88c0-4d5d-b27a-a123f20b6858 |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv6, remote_group_id: 8bee29ae-88c0-4d5d-b27a-a123f20b6858 |
| b6b27428-35a3-4be4-af9b-38559132d28e | default | egress, IPv4                                                         |
|                                      |         | egress, IPv6                                                         |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, remote_group_id: b6b27428-35a3-4be4-af9b-38559132d28e |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv6, remote_group_id: b6b27428-35a3-4be4-af9b-38559132d28e |
| ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2 | default | egress, IPv4                                                         |
|                                      |         | egress, IPv6                                                         |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, 1-65535/tcp, remote_ip_prefix:              |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, 1-65535/udp, remote_ip_prefix:              |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, icmp, remote_ip_prefix:                     |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv4, remote_group_id: ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2 |
|                                      |         | ingress, IPv6, remote_group_id: ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2 |
neutron security-group-show ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2 

Example command output:

| Field                | Value                                                              |
| created_at           | 2017-06-03T04:57:01Z                                               |
| description          | Default security group                                             |
| id                   | ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2                               |
| name                 | default                                                            |
| project_id           | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                                   |
| revision_number      | 4                                                                  |
| security_group_rules | {                                                                  |
|                      |      "remote_group_id": null,                                      |
|                      |      "direction": "egress",                                        |
|                      |      "protocol": null,                                             |
|                      |      "description": null,                                          |
|                      |      "ethertype": "IPv4",                                          |
|                      |      "remote_ip_prefix": null,                                     |
|                      |      "port_range_max": null,                                       |
|                      |      "updated_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:01Z",                         |
|                      |      "security_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",  |
|                      |      "port_range_min": null,                                       |
|                      |      "revision_number": 1,                                         |
|                      |      "tenant_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",              |
|                      |      "created_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:01Z",                         |
|                      |      "project_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",             |
|                      |      "id": "337838dd-0612-47f8-99e8-7d4f58dc09d6"                  |
|                      | }                                                                  |
|                      | {                                                                  |
|                      |      "remote_group_id": null,                                      |
|                      |      "direction": "ingress",                                       |
|                      |      "protocol": "udp",                                            |
|                      |      "description": "",                                            |
|                      |      "ethertype": "IPv4",                                          |
|                      |      "remote_ip_prefix": "",                              |
|                      |      "port_range_max": 65535,                                      |
|                      |      "updated_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:20Z",                         |
|                      |      "security_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",  |
|                      |      "port_range_min": 1,                                          |
|                      |      "revision_number": 1,                                         |
|                      |      "tenant_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",              |
|                      |      "created_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:20Z",                         |
|                      |      "project_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",             |
|                      |      "id": "48b04902-d617-4e25-ad0d-4d087128f3b9"                  |
|                      | }                                                                  |
|                      | {                                                                  |
|                      |      "remote_group_id": null,                                      |
|                      |      "direction": "ingress",                                       |
|                      |      "protocol": "icmp",                                           |
|                      |      "description": "",                                            |
|                      |      "ethertype": "IPv4",                                          |
|                      |      "remote_ip_prefix": "",                              |
|                      |      "port_range_max": null,                                       |
|                      |      "updated_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:33Z",                         |
|                      |      "security_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",  |
|                      |      "port_range_min": null,                                       |
|                      |      "revision_number": 1,                                         |
|                      |      "tenant_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",              |
|                      |      "created_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:33Z",                         |
|                      |      "project_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",             |
|                      |      "id": "68913f31-6788-4473-8b3b-90a264e9ef62"                  |
|                      | }                                                                  |
|                      | {                                                                  |
|                      |      "remote_group_id": null,                                      |
|                      |      "direction": "ingress",                                       |
|                      |      "protocol": "tcp",                                            |
|                      |      "description": "",                                            |
|                      |      "ethertype": "IPv4",                                          |
|                      |      "remote_ip_prefix": "",                              |
|                      |      "port_range_max": 65535,                                      |
|                      |      "updated_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:02Z",                         |
|                      |      "security_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",  |
|                      |      "port_range_min": 1,                                          |
|                      |      "revision_number": 1,                                         |
|                      |      "tenant_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",              |
|                      |      "created_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:02Z",                         |
|                      |      "project_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",             |
|                      |      "id": "85ece95b-d361-4986-8db0-78d1a404dd3c"                  |
|                      | }                                                                  |
|                      | {                                                                  |
|                      |      "remote_group_id": null,                                      |
|                      |      "direction": "egress",                                        |
|                      |      "protocol": null,                                             |
|                      |      "description": null,                                          |
|                      |      "ethertype": "IPv6",                                          |
|                      |      "remote_ip_prefix": null,                                     |
|                      |      "port_range_max": null,                                       |
|                      |      "updated_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:01Z",                         |
|                      |      "security_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",  |
|                      |      "port_range_min": null,                                       |
|                      |      "revision_number": 1,                                         |
|                      |      "tenant_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",              |
|                      |      "created_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:01Z",                         |
|                      |      "project_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",             |
|                      |      "id": "88320991-5232-44f6-b74b-8cfe934165d0"                  |
|                      | }                                                                  |
|                      | {                                                                  |
|                      |      "remote_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",    |
|                      |      "direction": "ingress",                                       |
|                      |      "protocol": null,                                             |
|                      |      "description": null,                                          |
|                      |      "ethertype": "IPv4",                                          |
|                      |      "remote_ip_prefix": null,                                     |
|                      |      "port_range_max": null,                                       |
|                      |      "updated_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:01Z",                         |
|                      |      "security_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",  |
|                      |      "port_range_min": null,                                       |
|                      |      "revision_number": 1,                                         |
|                      |      "tenant_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",              |
|                      |      "created_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:01Z",                         |
|                      |      "project_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",             |
|                      |      "id": "ba306ee2-d21f-48be-9de2-7f04bea5e43a"                  |
|                      | }                                                                  |
|                      | {                                                                  |
|                      |      "remote_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",    |
|                      |      "direction": "ingress",                                       |
|                      |      "protocol": null,                                             |
|                      |      "description": null,                                          |
|                      |      "ethertype": "IPv6",                                          |
|                      |      "remote_ip_prefix": null,                                     |
|                      |      "port_range_max": null,                                       |
|                      |      "updated_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:01Z",                         |
|                      |      "security_group_id": "ce308d67-7645-43c1-a83e-89d3871141a2",  |
|                      |      "port_range_min": null,                                       |
|                      |      "revision_number": 1,                                         |
|                      |      "tenant_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",              |
|                      |      "created_at": "2017-06-03T04:57:01Z",                         |
|                      |      "project_id": "271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18",             |
|                      |      "id": "deb7752c-e642-462e-92f0-5dff983f0739"                  |
|                      | }                                                                  |
| tenant_id            | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                                   |
| updated_at           | 2017-06-03T04:57:33Z                                               |

Checking Tenant Project Default Quotas

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check default project quotas by executing the following commands:

nova quota-show 

Example command output:

| Quota                       | Limit    |
| instances                   | 1000     |
| cores                       | 1000     |
| ram                         | 51200000 |
| metadata_items              | 128      |
| injected_files              | 100      |
| injected_file_content_bytes | 1024000  |
| injected_file_path_bytes    | 255      |
| key_pairs                   | 100      |
| server_groups               | 10       |
| server_group_members        | 10       |
openstack project list | grep core 

Example command output:

| 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 | core |
nova quota-class-show 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 

Example command output:

| Quota                       | Limit |
| instances                   | 10    |
| cores                       | 20    |
| ram                         | 51200 |
| floating_ips                | 10    |
| fixed_ips                   | -1    |
| metadata_items              | 128   |
| injected_files              | 5     |
| injected_file_content_bytes | 10240 |
| injected_file_path_bytes    | 255   |
| key_pairs                   | 100   |
| security_groups             | 10    |
| security_group_rules        | 20    |
neutron quota-show 

Example command output:

| Field               | Value |
| floatingip          | 100   |
| network             | 1000  |
| port                | 4092  |
| rbac_policy         | 10    |
| router              | 100   |
| security_group      | 100   |
| security_group_rule | 300   |
| subnet              | 1000  |
| subnetpool          | -1    |
| trunk               | -1    |
openstack project list | grep core 

Example command output:

| 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 | core |
cinder quota-show 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 

Example command output:

| Property             | Value |
| backup_gigabytes     | 1000  |
| backups              | 10    |
| gigabytes            | 8092  |
| gigabytes_LUKS       | -1    |
| per_volume_gigabytes | -1    |
| snapshots            | 300   |
| snapshots_LUKS       | -1    |
| volumes              | 500   |
| volumes_LUKS         | -1    |

Checking the Nova Hypervisor List

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the status of nova api on all compute nodes by executing the following command:

nova hypervisor-list 

Example command output:

| ID | Hypervisor hostname                  | State | Status  |
| 3  | tb3-ultram-compute-7.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 6  | tb3-ultram-compute-6.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 9  | tb3-ultram-osd-compute-0.localdomain | up    | enabled |
| 12 | tb3-ultram-compute-9.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 15 | tb3-ultram-compute-0.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 18 | tb3-ultram-compute-14.localdomain    | up    | enabled |
| 21 | tb3-ultram-compute-2.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 24 | tb3-ultram-compute-8.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 27 | tb3-ultram-compute-13.localdomain    | up    | enabled |
| 30 | tb3-ultram-compute-15.localdomain    | up    | enabled |
| 33 | tb3-ultram-compute-12.localdomain    | up    | enabled |
| 36 | tb3-ultram-compute-5.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 39 | tb3-ultram-osd-compute-1.localdomain | up    | enabled |
| 42 | tb3-ultram-compute-10.localdomain    | up    | enabled |
| 45 | tb3-ultram-compute-11.localdomain    | up    | enabled |
| 48 | tb3-ultram-compute-3.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 51 | tb3-ultram-osd-compute-2.localdomain | up    | enabled |
| 54 | tb3-ultram-compute-4.localdomain     | up    | enabled |
| 57 | tb3-ultram-compute-1.localdomain     | up    | enabled |

Checking the Router Main Configuration

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the Neutron router by entering the following commands:

neutron router-list 

Example command output:

| id                                   | name | external_gateway_info                                      | distributed | ha   |
| 2d0cdee4-bb5e-415b-921c-97caf0aa0cd1 | main | {"network_id": "1c46790f-cab5-4b1d-afc7-a637fe2dbe08",     | False       | True |
|                                      |      | "enable_snat": true, "external_fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id":  |             |      |
|                                      |      | "a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f", "ip_address":      |             |      |
|                                      |      | ""}]}                                        |             |      |
[stack@lbucs001-ospd ~]$ neutron router-show 2d0cdee4-bb5e-415b-921c-97caf0aa0cd1 

Example command output:

| Field                   | Value                                                                                                                    |
| admin_state_up          | True                                                                                                                     |
| availability_zone_hints |                                                                                                                          |
| availability_zones      | nova                                                                                                                     |
| created_at              | 2017-06-03T05:05:08Z                                                                                                     |
| description             |                                                                                                                          |
| distributed             | False                                                                                                                    |
| external_gateway_info   | {"network_id": "1c46790f-cab5-4b1d-afc7-a637fe2dbe08", "enable_snat": true, "external_fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id":         |
|                         | "a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f", "ip_address": ""}]}                                                |
| flavor_id               |                                                                                                                          |
| ha                      | True                                                                                                                     |
| id                      | 2d0cdee4-bb5e-415b-921c-97caf0aa0cd1                                                                                     |
| name                    | main                                                                                                                     |
| project_id              | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                                                                                         |
| revision_number         | 94                                                                                                                       |
| routes                  |                                                                                                                          |
| status                  | ACTIVE                                                                                                                   |
| tenant_id               | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                                                                                         |
| updated_at              | 2017-07-28T00:44:27Z                                                                                                     |

Checking the External Network Using the core-project-id

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the external network configuration by entering the following commands:

neutron net-list 

Example command output:

| id                                   | name                                               | subnets                                                |
| 1236bd98-5389-42f9-bac8-433997525549 | LBUCS001-AUTOIT-MGMT                               | c63451f2-7e44-432e-94fc-167f6a31e4aa   |
| 1c46790f-cab5-4b1d-afc7-a637fe2dbe08 | LBUCS001-EXTERNAL-MGMT                             | a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f |
| 1c70a9ab-212e-4884-b7d5-4749c44a87b6 | LBPGW101-DI-INTERNAL1                              |                                                        |
| e619b02e-84e0-48d9-9096-f16adc84f1cc | HA network tenant 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 | cefd5f5f-0c97-4027-b385-ca1a57f2cfac  |
neutron net-show 1c46790f-cab5-4b1d-afc7-a637fe2dbe08 

Example command output:

| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | True                                 |
| availability_zone_hints   |                                      |
| availability_zones        |                                      |
| created_at                | 2017-06-05T07:18:59Z                 |
| description               |                                      |
| id                        | 1c46790f-cab5-4b1d-afc7-a637fe2dbe08 |
| ipv4_address_scope        |                                      |
| ipv6_address_scope        |                                      |
| is_default                | False                                |
| mtu                       | 1500                                 |
| name                      | LBUCS001-EXTERNAL-MGMT               |
| port_security_enabled     | True                                 |
| project_id                | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18     |
| provider:network_type     | vlan                                 |
| provider:physical_network | datacentre                           |
| provider:segmentation_id  | 101                                  |
| qos_policy_id             |                                      |
| revision_number           | 6                                    |
| router:external           | True                                 |
| shared                    | False                                |
| status                    | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                   | a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f |
| tags                      |                                      |
| tenant_id                 | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18     |
| updated_at                | 2017-06-05T07:22:51Z                 |

Note down the provider:segmentation_id. In this example, 101 is the vlan for the external interface.

neutron subnet-list 

Example command output:

| id                                   | name                                     | cidr              | allocation_pools                         |
| a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f | LBUCS001-EXTERNAL-MGMT                   | | {"start": "", "end":       |
|                                      |                                          |                   | ""}                        |
| c63451f2-7e44-432e-94fc-167f6a31e4aa | LBUCS001-AUTOIT-MGMT                     |   | {"start": "", "end":         |
|                                      |                                          |                   | ""}                        |
| cefd5f5f-0c97-4027-b385-ca1a57f2cfac | HA subnet tenant                         |  | {"start": "", "end":        |
|                                      | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18         |                   | ""}                       |
neutron subnet-show a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f 

Example command output:

| Field             | Value                                                |
| allocation_pools  | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr              |                                    |
| created_at        | 2017-06-05T07:22:51Z                                 |
| description       |                                                      |
| dns_nameservers   |                                                      |
| enable_dhcp       | False                                                |
| gateway_ip        |                                       |
| host_routes       |                                                      |
| id                | a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f                 |
| ip_version        | 4                                                    |
| ipv6_address_mode |                                                      |
| ipv6_ra_mode      |                                                      |
| name              | LBUCS001-EXTERNAL-MGMT                               |
| network_id        | 1c46790f-cab5-4b1d-afc7-a637fe2dbe08                 |
| project_id        | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                     |
| revision_number   | 2                                                    |
| service_types     |                                                      |
| subnetpool_id     |                                                      |
| tenant_id         | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                     |
| updated_at        | 2017-06-05T07:22:51Z                                 |

Checking the Staging Network Configuration

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the staging network configuration by entering the following commands:

neutron subnet-show <ext-mgmt-id> 

<ext-mgmt-id> is the ID for the external management interface as obtained through the neutron subnet-list command output.

Example output:

| Field             | Value                                                |
| allocation_pools  | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr              |                                    |
| created_at        | 2017-06-05T07:22:51Z                                 |
| description       |                                                      |
| dns_nameservers   |                                                      |
| enable_dhcp       | False                                                |
| gateway_ip        |                                       |
| host_routes       |                                                      |
| id                | a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f                 |
| ip_version        | 4                                                    |
| ipv6_address_mode |                                                      |
| ipv6_ra_mode      |                                                      |
| name              | LBUCS001-EXTERNAL-MGMT                               |
| network_id        | 1c46790f-cab5-4b1d-afc7-a637fe2dbe08                 |
| project_id        | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                     |
| revision_number   | 2                                                    |
| service_types     |                                                      |
| subnetpool_id     |                                                      |
| tenant_id         | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                     |
| updated_at        | 2017-06-05T07:22:51Z                                 |
neutron subnet-show <autoit-mgmt-id> 

<autoit-mgmt-id> is the ID for the AutoIT management interface as obtained through the neutron subnet-list command output.

Example output:

| Field             | Value                                              |
| allocation_pools  | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr              |                                    |
| created_at        | 2017-06-05T07:41:45Z                               |
| description       |                                                    |
| dns_nameservers   |                                                    |
| enable_dhcp       | True                                               |
| gateway_ip        |                                       |
| host_routes       |                                                    |
| id                | c63451f2-7e44-432e-94fc-167f6a31e4aa               |
| ip_version        | 4                                                  |
| ipv6_address_mode |                                                    |
| ipv6_ra_mode      |                                                    |
| name              | LBUCS001-AUTOIT-MGMT                               |
| network_id        | 1236bd98-5389-42f9-bac8-433997525549               |
| project_id        | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                   |
| revision_number   | 2                                                  |
| service_types     |                                                    |
| subnetpool_id     |                                                    |
| tenant_id         | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18                   |
| updated_at        | 2017-06-05T07:41:45Z                               |

Checking the DI-Internal and Service Network Configurations

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the DI-internal and service network configuration by entering the following commands:

neutron net-list 

Example command output:

| id                                   | name                                               | subnets                                                |
| 1236bd98-5389-42f9-bac8-433997525549 | LBUCS001-AUTOIT-MGMT                               | c63451f2-7e44-432e-94fc-167f6a31e4aa   |
| 1c46790f-cab5-4b1d-afc7-a637fe2dbe08 | LBUCS001-EXTERNAL-MGMT                             | a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f |
| 1c70a9ab-212e-4884-b7d5-4749c44a87b6 | LBPGW101-DI-INTERNAL1                              |                                                        |
| e619b02e-84e0-48d9-9096-f16adc84f1cc | HA network tenant 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18 | cefd5f5f-0c97-4027-b385-ca1a57f2cfac  |
neutron net-show LBPGW101-DI-INTERNAL1 

Example command output:

| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | True                                 |
| availability_zone_hints   |                                      |
| availability_zones        |                                      |
| created_at                | 2017-07-28T22:25:53Z                 |
| description               |                                      |
| id                        | 1c70a9ab-212e-4884-b7d5-4749c44a87b6 |
| ipv4_address_scope        |                                      |
| ipv6_address_scope        |                                      |
| mtu                       | 1500                                 |
| name                      | LBPGW101-DI-INTERNAL1                |
| port_security_enabled     | True                                 |
| project_id                | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18     |
| provider:network_type     | flat                                 |
| provider:physical_network | phys_pcie1_0                         |
| provider:segmentation_id  |                                      |
| qos_policy_id             |                                      |
| revision_number           | 3                                    |
| router:external           | False                                |
| shared                    | True                                 |
| status                    | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                   |                                      |
| tags                      |                                      |
| tenant_id                 | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18     |
| updated_at                | 2017-07-28T22:25:53Z                 |
neutron subnet-list 

Example command output:

| id                                   | name                                     | cidr              | allocation_pools                         |
| 96ae7e6e-f2e9-4fa5-a816-769c5a79f8f4 | LBPGW101-DI-INTERNAL1-SUBNET             |    | {"start": "", "end":          |
|                                      |                                          |                   | ""}                         |
| a23a740e-3ad0-4fb1-8526-3353dfd0010f | LBUCS001-EXTERNAL-MGMT                   | | {"start": "", "end":       |
|                                      |                                          |                   | ""}                        |
| c63451f2-7e44-432e-94fc-167f6a31e4aa | LBUCS001-AUTOIT-MGMT                     |   | {"start": "", "end":         |
|                                      |                                          |                   | ""}                        |
| cefd5f5f-0c97-4027-b385-ca1a57f2cfac | HA subnet tenant                         |  | {"start": "", "end":        |
|                                      | 271ab207a197465f9d166c2dc7304b18         |                   | ""}                       |

Checking the Flavor List

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the flavor list and to by entering the following command:

nova flavor-list 

Example command output:

| ID                                   | Name                   | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor | Is_Public |
| eff0335b-3374-46c3-a3de-9f4b1ccaae04 | DNUCS002-AUTOIT-FLAVOR | 8192      | 80   | 0         |      | 2     | 1.0         | True      |

Checking Host Aggregate and Availability Zone Configuration

Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running to check the host aggregate and availability zone configurations for the OSD Compute and for the AutoDeploy and AutoIT VMs.


It is assumed that the AutoDeploy and AutoIT VMs reside on the same OSD Compute node.

This is done by executing the following commands:

cd /home/stack 
nova aggregate-list 

Example command output:

| Id  | Name              | Availability Zone |
| 108 | LBUCS001-AUTOIT   | mgmt              |
| 147 | LBPGW101-EM-MGMT1 | -                 |
| 150 | LBPGW101-SERVICE1 | -                 |
| 153 | LBPGW101-CF-MGMT1 | -                 |
nova aggregate-show LBUCS001-AUTOIT 
| Id  | Name            | Availability Zone | Hosts                                | Metadata                              |
| 108 | LBUCS001-AUTOIT | mgmt              | 'newtonoc-osd-compute-0.localdomain' | 'availability_zone=mgmt', 'mgmt=true' |


This information can also be verified through the Horizon GUI. Login to Horizon as the user core and navigate to Project > Compute > Instances. Check each instance to verify that the status is Active and the power state is Running.

Correct any instance that does not meet these criteria before continuing.

Checking Controller Server Health


The commands in this section should be executed on any one of the Controller nodes and do not need to be repeated on the other Controller nodes unless an issue is observed.

Checking the Pacemaker Cluster Stack (PCS) Status

Log on to one of the Controller nodes and verify that the group of resources in the PCS cluster are active and in the expected state by executing the following command:

sudo pcs status 

Example command output:

Cluster name: tripleo_cluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: tb3-ultram-controller-0 (version 1.1.15-11.el7_3.4-e174ec8) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Wed Jul 12 13:28:56 2017          Last change: Tue Jul 11 21:45:09 2017 by root via crm_attribute on tb3-ultram-controller-0

3 nodes and 22 resources configured

Online: [ tb3-ultram-controller-0 tb3-ultram-controller-1 tb3-ultram-controller-2 ]

Full list of resources:

 ip-       (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started tb3-ultram-controller-1
 ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started tb3-ultram-controller-0
 ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started tb3-ultram-controller-0
 Clone Set: haproxy-clone [haproxy]
     Started: [ tb3-ultram-controller-0 tb3-ultram-controller-1 tb3-ultram-controller-2 ]
 Master/Slave Set: galera-master [galera]
     Masters: [ tb3-ultram-controller-0 tb3-ultram-controller-1 tb3-ultram-controller-2 ]
 ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started tb3-ultram-controller-1
 ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started tb3-ultram-controller-0
 Clone Set: rabbitmq-clone [rabbitmq]
     Started: [ tb3-ultram-controller-0 tb3-ultram-controller-1 tb3-ultram-controller-2 ]
 ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started tb3-ultram-controller-1
 Master/Slave Set: redis-master [redis]
     Masters: [ tb3-ultram-controller-0 ]
     Slaves: [ tb3-ultram-controller-1 tb3-ultram-controller-2 ]
 openstack-cinder-volume        (systemd:openstack-cinder-volume):      Started tb3-ultram-controller-0
 my-ipmilan-for-controller-0    (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Started tb3-ultram-controller-0
 my-ipmilan-for-controller-1    (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Started tb3-ultram-controller-1
 my-ipmilan-for-controller-2    (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Started tb3-ultram-controller-0

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/enabled
  pacemaker: active/enabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

From the output of this command, ensure that:

  • All 3 controllers are listed as Online

  • haproxy-clone is started on all 3 controllers

  • galera-master lists all 3 controllers as Masters

  • rabbitmq-clone is started on all 3 controllers

  • redis-master lists one controller as master and the other 2 controllers as slaves

  • openstack-cinder-volume is started on one node

  • my-ipmilan/stonith is started on all 3 controllers

  • Daemons corosync, pacemaker and pcsd are active and enabled


If the output displays any “Failed Actions”, execute the sudo pcs resource cleanup command and then re-execute the sudo pcs status command.

Checking Ceph Storage Status

Log on to the Controller node and verify the health of the Ceph storage from the Controller node by executing the following command:

sudo ceph status 

Example command output:

cluster eb2bb192-b1c9-11e6-9205-525400330666
     health HEALTH_OK
     monmap e1: 3 mons at {tb3-ultram-controller-0=,tb3-ultram-controller-1=,
            election epoch 152, quorum 0,1,2 tb3-ultram-controller-0,tb3-ultram-controller-1,tb3-ultram-controller-2
     osdmap e158: 12 osds: 12 up, 12 in
            flags sortbitwise,require_jewel_osds
      pgmap v1417251: 704 pgs, 6 pools, 321 GB data, 110 kobjects
            961 GB used, 12431 GB / 13393 GB avail
                 704 active+clean
  client io 53755 B/s wr, 0 op/s rd, 7 op/s wr

From the output of this command, ensure that:

  • health is listed as HEALTH_OK

  • The correct number of monitors are listed in the monmap

  • The correct number of OSDs are listed in the osdmap

Checking Controller Node Services

Log on to the Controller node and check the status of all services by executing the following command:

sudo systemctl list-units "openstack*" "neutron*" "openvswitch*" 

Example command output:

UNIT                                         LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
neutron-dhcp-agent.service                   loaded active running OpenStack Neutron DHCP Agent
neutron-l3-agent.service                     loaded active running OpenStack Neutron Layer 3 Agent
neutron-metadata-agent.service               loaded active running OpenStack Neutron Metadata Agent
neutron-openvswitch-agent.service            loaded active running OpenStack Neutron Open vSwitch Agent
neutron-ovs-cleanup.service                  loaded active exited  OpenStack Neutron Open vSwitch Cleanup Utility
neutron-server.service                       loaded active running OpenStack Neutron Server
openstack-cinder-api.service                 loaded active running OpenStack Cinder API Server
openstack-cinder-scheduler.service           loaded active running OpenStack Cinder Scheduler Server
openstack-cinder-volume.service              loaded active running Cluster Controlled openstack-cinder-volume
openstack-glance-api.service                 loaded active running OpenStack Image Service (code-named Glance) API server
openstack-glance-registry.service            loaded active running OpenStack Image Service (code-named Glance) Registry server
openstack-heat-api-cfn.service               loaded active running Openstack Heat CFN-compatible API Service
openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch.service        loaded active running OpenStack Heat CloudWatch API Service
openstack-heat-api.service                   loaded active running OpenStack Heat API Service
openstack-heat-engine.service                loaded active running Openstack Heat Engine Service
openstack-nova-api.service                   loaded active running OpenStack Nova API Server
openstack-nova-conductor.service             loaded active running OpenStack Nova Conductor Server
openstack-nova-consoleauth.service           loaded active running OpenStack Nova VNC console auth Server
openstack-nova-novncproxy.service            loaded active running OpenStack Nova NoVNC Proxy Server
openstack-nova-scheduler.service             loaded active running OpenStack Nova Scheduler Server
openstack-swift-account-auditor.service      loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Account Auditor
openstack-swift-account-reaper.service       loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Account Reaper
openstack-swift-account-replicator.service   loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Account Replicator
openstack-swift-account.service              loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Account Server
openstack-swift-container-auditor.service    loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Container Auditor
openstack-swift-container-replicator.service loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Container Replicator
openstack-swift-container-updater.service    loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Container Updater
openstack-swift-container.service            loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Container Server
openstack-swift-object-auditor.service       loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Object Auditor
openstack-swift-object-expirer.service       loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Object Expirer
openstack-swift-object-replicator.service    loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Object Replicator
openstack-swift-object-updater.service       loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Object Updater
openstack-swift-object.service               loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Object Server
openstack-swift-proxy.service                loaded active running OpenStack Object Storage (swift) - Proxy Server
openvswitch.service                          loaded active exited  Open vSwitch

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

43 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

Check the RabbitMQ Database Status

From each of the controller nodes, determine if the rabbitmq database is in a good state by executing the following command:

sudo rabbitmqctl eval 'rabbit_diagnostics:maybe_stuck().' 

Example command output:

2017-07-20 01:58:02 There are 11020 processes.                                          
2017-07-20 01:58:02 Investigated 0 processes this round, 5000ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:03 Investigated 0 processes this round, 4500ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:03 Investigated 0 processes this round, 4000ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:04 Investigated 0 processes this round, 3500ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:04 Investigated 0 processes this round, 3000ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:05 Investigated 0 processes this round, 2500ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:05 Investigated 0 processes this round, 2000ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:06 Investigated 0 processes this round, 1500ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:06 Investigated 0 processes this round, 1000ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:07 Investigated 0 processes this round, 500ms to go.
2017-07-20 01:58:07 Found 0 suspicious processes.

If the database is healthy, the command returns “Found 0 suspicious processes.” If the database is not healthy, the command returns 1 or more suspicious processes. Contact your local support representative if suspicious processes are found.

Checking OSD Compute Server Health

Checking Ceph Status

Log on to the OSD Compute and check the Ceph storage status by executing the following command:

sudo ceph status 

Example command output:

sudo ceph status
    cluster eb2bb192-b1c9-11e6-9205-525400330666
     health HEALTH_OK
     monmap e1: 3 mons at {tb3-ultram-controller-0=,tb3-ultram-controller-1=,
            election epoch 152, quorum 0,1,2 tb3-ultram-controller-0,tb3-ultram-controller-1,tb3-ultram-controller-2
     osdmap e158: 12 osds: 12 up, 12 in
            flags sortbitwise,require_jewel_osds
      pgmap v1417867: 704 pgs, 6 pools, 321 GB data, 110 kobjects
            961 GB used, 12431 GB / 13393 GB avail
                 704 active+clean
  client io 170 kB/s wr, 0 op/s rd, 24 op/s wr

Checking OSD Compute Node Services

Log on to each OSD Compute node and check the status of all services by executing the following command:

sudo systemctl list-units "openstack*" "neutron*" "openvswitch*" 

Example command output:

UNIT                                 LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
neutron-openvswitch-agent.service    loaded active running OpenStack Neutron Open vSwitch Agent
neutron-ovs-cleanup.service          loaded active exited  OpenStack Neutron Open vSwitch Cleanup Utility
neutron-sriov-nic-agent.service      loaded active running OpenStack Neutron SR-IOV NIC Agent
openstack-nova-compute.service       loaded active running OpenStack Nova Compute Server
openvswitch.service                  loaded active exited  Open vSwitch

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

6 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

Monitoring AutoDeploy Operations

This section identifies various commands that can be used to determine the status and health of AutoDeploy.

To use them, you must:

  1. Log on to the AutoDeploy VM as ubuntu. Use the password that was created earlier for this user.

  2. Become the root user.

    sudo -i  

Viewing AutoDeploy Logs

AutoDeploy logs are available on the AutoDeploy VM in the following directory:



To access the command used to view logs, you must be logged in to the Confd CLI as the admin user on the AutoDeploy VM:

confd_cli -u admin -C 

When prompted, you must enter the admin user password.

AutoDeploy Transaction Logs

Execute the following command to display AutoDeploy transaction logs:

show log $TX-ID | display xml 

Example VIM-ORCH and VIM Activation Log:

2018-01-23 22:01:56,266 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance
2018-01-23 22:08:36,876 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit initiated
2018-01-23 22:08:36,919 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance
2018-01-23 22:08:36,951 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit initiated
2018-01-23 22:08:37,004 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-deploy
2018-01-23 22:08:37,029 - Image '/var/cisco/isos/rhel-server-7.3-x86_64-dvd.iso' exists
2018-01-23 22:08:37,134 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance
2018-01-23 22:08:37,165 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit started
2018-01-23 22:08:37,181 - Adding NSR: autoit-instance
2018-01-23 22:08:37,215 - Start pipeline of 1 tasks
2018-01-23 22:08:37,257 - Scheduling Task: autoit
2018-01-23 22:08:37,269 - Waiting for all workers to finish the transactions
2018-01-23 22:08:37,364 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-deploy
2018-01-23 22:08:37,387 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit started
2018-01-23 22:08:37,395 - Skipping VNF pre-deployment , since VNFD is not defined
2018-01-23 22:08:37,424 - Skipping VNF-Package pre-deployment, since is not defined
2018-01-23 22:08:37,440 - Skipping VIM-Artifact pre-deployment, since VIM-Artifact is not defined
2018-01-23 22:08:37,463 - VIM-Orchestrator deployment pre-check success, entry already exists. Continuing...
2018-01-23 22:08:37,470 - VIM deployment pre-check success, entry already exists. Continuing...
2018-01-23 22:08:37,501 - NS pre-check success
2018-01-23 22:08:37,513 - Copying '/var/cisco/isos/rhel-server-7.3-x86_64-dvd.iso' to '/var/cisco/isos/underc_rhel-server-7.3-x86_64-dvd.iso'
/tmp/_MEIulQrBS/Crypto/Cipher/ FutureWarning: CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV
2018-01-23 22:09:00,685 - Connected to AutoIT[]
2018-01-23 22:09:02,281 - Skipping VNFDs
2018-01-23 22:09:02,298 - Skipping VNF-PACKAGE
2018-01-23 22:09:02,314 - Skipping VIM-Artifact 
2018-01-23 22:09:02,332 - XML:[<config>
  <nsd xmlns="">
  <vim-orchd xmlns="">
2018-01-23 22:38:53,531 - VIM-ORCH: in-progress:84/84
2018-01-23 22:38:53,781 - Received vim-orchestrator-deployment-event for underc:1516745343-313472/1516745343-460684 with status:success
2018-01-23 22:38:53,811 - VIM-ORCH: success:None/None
2018-01-23 22:38:53,983 - Received vim-deployment-event for overc:1516745343-313472/1516745343-581981 with status:in-progress
2018-01-23 22:38:54,426 - Received vim-deployment-event for overc:1516745343-313472/1516745343-581981 with status:in-progress
2018-01-23 23:39:15,038 - Received vim-deployment-event for overc:1516745343-313472/1516745343-581981 with status:success
2018-01-23 23:39:15,113 - Received ns-deployment-event for autoit:1516745343-313472 with status:success
2018-01-23 23:39:15,167 - RPC NS[autoit:autoit-instance] success
2018-01-23 23:39:15,271 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit succeeded
2018-01-23 23:39:15,344 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-deploy
No handlers could be found for logger "AutoVNF-Traces"
2018-01-23 23:39:15,518 - All workers finished the job
2018-01-23 23:39:15,532 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit succeeded
2018-01-23 23:39:15,571 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance 

Example Tenant Creation Log:

2018-01-23 23:48:54,420 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit initiated
2018-01-23 23:48:54,449 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance
2018-01-23 23:48:54,465 - Parsing role for tenant 'sjccore'
2018-01-23 23:48:54,473 - Parsing credentials for tenant 'sjccore'
2018-01-23 23:48:54,484 - Parsing attributes for tenant 'sjccore'
2018-01-23 23:48:54,540 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit initiated
2018-01-23 23:48:54,574 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-deploy
2018-01-23 23:48:54,599 - Image '/var/cisco/isos/rhel-server-7.3-x86_64-dvd.iso' exists
2018-01-23 23:48:54,666 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance
2018-01-23 23:48:54,689 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit started
2018-01-23 23:48:54,691 - Adding NSR: autoit-instance
2018-01-23 23:48:54,712 - Start pipeline of 1 tasks
2018-01-23 23:48:54,723 - Scheduling Task: autoit
2018-01-23 23:48:54,749 - Waiting for all workers to finish the transactions
2018-01-23 23:48:54,804 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-deploy
2018-01-23 23:48:54,806 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit started
2018-01-23 23:48:54,822 - Skipping VNF pre-deployment , since VNFD is not defined
2018-01-23 23:48:54,829 - Skipping VNF-Package pre-deployment, since is not defined
2018-01-23 23:48:54,862 - VIM-Artifact deployment pre-check success
2018-01-23 23:48:54,866 - VIM-Orchestrator deployment pre-check success, entry already exists. Continuing...
2018-01-23 23:48:54,879 - VIM deployment pre-check success, entry already exists. Continuing...
2018-01-23 23:48:54,885 - NS pre-check success
2018-01-23 23:48:54,895 - Skipping copy, file '/var/cisco/isos/underc_rhel-server-7.3-x86_64-dvd.iso' already exists
/tmp/_MEIulQrBS/Crypto/Cipher/ FutureWarning: CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV
2018-01-23 23:48:55,244 - Connected to AutoIT[]
2018-01-23 23:48:55,259 - Skipping VNFDs
2018-01-23 23:48:55,274 - Skipping VNF-PACKAGE
2018-01-23 23:48:55,279 - XML:[<config>
  <nsd xmlns="">
2018-01-23 23:48:56,419 - Received vim-orchestrator-deployment-event for underc:1516751336-209342/1516751336-428695 with status:success
2018-01-23 23:48:56,441 - VIM-ORCH: success:None/None
2018-01-23 23:48:56,540 - Received vim-deployment-event for overc:1516751336-209342/1516751336-532373 with status:in-progress
2018-01-23 23:48:56,671 - Received vim-deployment-event for overc:1516751336-209342/1516751336-532373 with status:success
2018-01-23 23:48:56,802 - Received vim-deployment-event for sjccore:1516751336-209342/1516751336-654858 with status:in-progress
2018-01-23 23:49:13,305 - Received vim-deployment-event for sjccore:1516751336-209342/1516751336-654858 with status:success
2018-01-23 23:49:13,387 - Received ns-deployment-event for autoit:1516751336-209342 with status:success
2018-01-23 23:49:13,414 - RPC NS[autoit:autoit-instance] success
2018-01-23 23:49:13,496 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit succeeded
2018-01-23 23:49:13,540 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-deploy
No handlers could be found for logger "AutoVNF-Traces"
2018-01-23 23:49:13,670 - All workers finished the job
2018-01-23 23:49:13,689 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit succeeded
2018-01-23 23:49:13,723 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance 

Example AutoVNF Creation Log:

<config xmlns="">
  <log xmlns="">
2018-01-25 17:21:54,162 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance
2018-01-25 17:21:54,195 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit started
2018-01-25 17:21:54,225 - Adding NSR: autoit-instance
2018-01-25 17:21:54,288 - Start pipeline of 1 tasks
2018-01-25 17:21:54,312 - Scheduling Task: autoit
2018-01-25 17:21:54,342 - Waiting for all workers to finish the transactions
2018-01-25 17:23:19,325 - All workers finished the job
2018-01-25 17:23:19,365 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: autoit succeeded
2018-01-25 17:23:19,517 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance
2018-01-25 17:24:28,117 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: tb3-autovnf_vpc initiated
2018-01-25 17:24:28,209 - Send Deployment notification for: tb3-autovnf_vpc-instance
2018-01-25 17:21:54,505 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-deploy
2018-01-25 17:21:54,550 - Deployment activate-vnf-deployment: autoit started
2018-01-25 17:21:54,588 - Adding NSR: autoit-instance, VNFR: autoit-tb3-autovnf1, vlrs: None
2018-01-25 17:21:54,661 - VNF deployment pre-check success(all-not-present)
2018-01-25 17:21:55,001 - Connected to AutoIT[]
2018-01-25 17:21:55,039 - XML:[&lt;config>
  &lt;nsd xmlns="">
2018-01-25 17:25:04,646 - &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
&lt;rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="urn:uuid:1d0dd00b-a3a9-4e10-9a71-376680d05dca" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">&lt;transaction-id xmlns=''>1516901142-922838&lt;/transaction-id>
2018-01-25 17:25:04,736 - Waiting for deployment notifications for tx-id '1516901142-922838'
2018-01-25 17:25:04,816 - Received ns-deployment-event for tb3-autovnf_vpc:1516901142-922838 with status:requested
2018-01-25 17:25:04,851 - Received vim-deployment-event for tb3-vnf1-rack:1516901142-922838/1516901143-301032 with status:requested
2018-01-25 17:25:04,908 - VIM: requested:None/None
2018-01-25 17:25:04,977 - Received vnf-package-deployment-event for usp_6_0:1516901142-922838/1516901143-337769 with status:requested
2018-01-25 17:25:05,034 - VNF-PKG[usp_6_0]: requested, activate-vnf-package
2018-01-25 17:25:05,118 - Received vnf-deployment-event for esc:1516901142-922838/1516901143-372586 with status:requested
2018-01-25 17:25:05,166 - Received vnf-deployment-event for vpc:1516901142-922838/1516901143-418832 with status:requested
2018-01-25 17:25:05,201 - Received ns-deployment-event for tb3-autovnf_vpc:1516901142-922838 with status:in-progress
2018-01-25 17:25:05,235 - Received vim-deployment-event for tb3-vnf1-rack:1516901142-922838/1516901143-301032 with status:in-progress
2018-01-25 17:25:05,269 - VIM: in-progress:None/None
2018-01-25 17:25:15,753 - Received vim-deployment-event for tb3-vnf1-rack:1516901142-922838/1516901143-301032 with status:success
2018-01-25 17:25:15,786 - VIM: success:None/None
2018-01-25 17:25:15,889 - Received vnf-package-deployment-event for usp_6_0:1516901142-922838/1516901143-337769 with status:in-progress
2018-01-25 17:25:15,927 - VNF-PKG[usp_6_0]: in-progress, activate-vnf-package
2018-01-25 17:27:44,479 - Received vnf-package-deployment-event for usp_6_0:1516901142-922838/1516901143-337769 with status:success
2018-01-25 17:27:44,566 - VNF-PKG[usp_6_0]: success, activate-vnf-package
2018-01-25 17:27:44,624 - Received vnf-deployment-event for esc:1516901142-922838/1516901143-372586 with status:in-progress
2018-01-25 17:31:13,916 - Received vnf-deployment-event for esc:1516901142-922838/1516901143-372586 with status:success
2018-01-25 17:31:13,972 - Received vnf-deployment-event for vpc:1516901142-922838/1516901143-418832 with status:in-progress
2018-01-25 17:45:29,291 - Received vnf-deployment-event for vpc:1516901142-922838/1516901143-418832 with status:success
2018-01-25 17:45:29,318 - Received ns-deployment-event for tb3-autovnf_vpc:1516901142-922838 with status:success
2018-01-25 17:45:29,382 - RPC NS[tb3-autovnf_vpc:tb3-autovnf_vpc-instance] success
2018-01-25 17:45:30,000 - Deployment activate-ns-deployment: tb3-autovnf_vpc succeeded
2018-01-25 17:45:30,141 - Send Deployment notification for: tb3-autovnf_vpc-deploy</log>

Checking AutoDeploy Processes

Check the status of AutoDeploy VM by entering the following commands:

service autodeploy status 
service uas-confd status 

Determining the Running AutoDeploy Version

To display the version of the AutoDeploy software role that is currently operational:

show uas 

Example output:

uas version               6.0.0
uas state                 active
uas external-connection-point
-------------------------------------  alive  CONFD-MASTER  alive  CONFD-SLAVE

AutoDeploy-MASTER  2018-01-24 21:29:54
USPCFMWorker       2018-01-24 21:29:45
USPCHBWorker       2018-01-24 21:29:45
USPCWorker         2018-01-24 21:29:45

Monitoring AutoIT Operations

This section identifies various commands that can be used to determine the status and health of AutoIT.

To use them, you must:

  1. Log on to the AutoIT VM as ubuntu. Use the password that was created earlier for this user.

  2. Become the root user.

    sudo -i  

Viewing AutoIT Logs

AutoIT maintains logs containing information pertaining to UAS deployment and termination transactions. The autoit.log file is located in the following directory on the Ultra M Manager Node:


Example Deployment Log:

tail -100f /var/log/cisco/usp/auto-it/autoit.log &^C 
2017-05-25 22:04:57,527 - INFO: Received a request to list config folder names.
2017-05-25 22:04:57,527 - INFO: config contents are: 
2017-05-25 22:04:57,536 - INFO: Received a request to list config folder names.
2017-05-25 22:04:57,536 - INFO: config contents are: 
2017-05-25 22:04:57,545 - INFO: Received a request to create a configuration folder.
2017-05-25 22:04:57,551 - INFO: Received a request to create a configuration folder.
2017-05-25 22:04:57,553 - INFO: Received request to download package: system.cfg from ISO
2017-05-25 22:04:57,563 - INFO: Received request to download package: system.cfg from ISO
2017-05-25 22:04:57,565 - INFO: Received request to download package: system.cfg from ISO
2017-05-25 22:04:57,566 - INFO: Received request to upload config file system.cfg to config named vnf-pkg1
2017-05-25 22:04:57,567 - INFO: Uploaded file system.cfg to config named vnf-pkg1

2017-05-25 22:05:54,268 - INFO: Received request to upload ISO usp-5_1_0.iso
2017-05-25 22:05:54,268 - INFO: Saving ISO to /tmp/tmpxu7MuO/usp-5_1_0.iso
2017-05-25 22:06:30,678 - INFO: Mounting ISO to /tmp/tmpxu7MuO/iso_mount
2017-05-25 22:06:30,736 - INFO: ISO version already installed, (5.1.0-662)
2017-05-25 22:06:31,355 - INFO: Received a request to list file names in config named vnf-pkg1.
2017-05-25 22:06:31,355 - INFO: config contents are: system.cfg
2017-05-25 22:06:31,362 - INFO: Received a request to list file names in config named vnf-pkg1-images.
2017-05-25 22:06:31,362 - INFO: config contents are: 
2017-05-25 22:06:31,370 - INFO: Received request to get ISO details 5.1.0-662
2017-05-25 22:06:31,391 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:06:31,857 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate failed: Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-service1' not found on OpenStack setup
2017-05-25 22:06:31,872 - INFO: Received a request to deploy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:06:32,415 - INFO: Deploying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-service1' completed
2017-05-25 22:06:32,427 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:06:32,975 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate failed: Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-cf-esc-mgmt1' not found on OpenStack setup
2017-05-25 22:06:32,986 - INFO: Received a request to deploy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:06:33,513 - INFO: Deploying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-cf-esc-mgmt1' completed
2017-05-25 22:06:33,524 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:06:33,881 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate failed: Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-em-autovnf-mgmt1' not found on OpenStack setup
2017-05-25 22:06:33,891 - INFO: Received a request to deploy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:06:34,535 - INFO: Deploying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-em-autovnf-mgmt1' completed
2017-05-25 22:06:34,580 - INFO: Received a request to deploy AutoVnf
2017-05-25 22:06:40,340 - INFO: Creating AutoVnf deployment (3 instance(s)) on '' tenant 'core' user 'core', ISO '5.1.0-662'
2017-05-25 22:06:40,340 - INFO: Creating network 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-management'
2017-05-25 22:06:42,241 - INFO: Created network 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-management'
2017-05-25 22:06:42,241 - INFO: Creating network 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-orchestration'
2017-05-25 22:06:42,821 - INFO: Created network 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-orchestration'
2017-05-25 22:06:42,888 - INFO: Created flavor 'auto-testautovnf1-uas'
2017-05-25 22:06:42,888 - INFO: Loading image 'auto-testautovnf1-usp-uas-1.0.0-601.qcow2' from '/opt/cisco/usp/bundles/5.1.0-662/uas-bundle/usp-uas-1.0.0-601.qcow2'
2017-05-25 22:06:53,927 - INFO: Loaded image 'auto-testautovnf1-usp-uas-1.0.0-601.qcow2'
2017-05-25 22:06:53,928 - INFO: Creating volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-0' with command [/opt/cisco/usp/apps/auto-it/vnf/../common/autoit/../autoit_os_utils/scripts/ OS_USERNAME core OS_TENANT_NAME core OS_PASSWORD **** OS_AUTH_URL ARG_TENANT core ARG_DEPLOYMENT test-uas ARG_VM_NAME auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-0 ARG_VOLUME_TYPE LUKS  FILE_1 /tmp/tmphsTAj6/encrypted.cfg]
2017-05-25 22:07:06,104 - INFO: Created volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-0'
2017-05-25 22:07:06,104 - INFO: Creating volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-1' with command [/opt/cisco/usp/apps/auto-it/vnf/../common/autoit/../autoit_os_utils/scripts/ OS_USERNAME core OS_TENANT_NAME core OS_PASSWORD **** OS_AUTH_URL ARG_TENANT core ARG_DEPLOYMENT test-uas ARG_VM_NAME auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-1 ARG_VOLUME_TYPE LUKS  FILE_1 /tmp/tmphsTAj6/encrypted.cfg]
2017-05-25 22:07:17,598 - INFO: Created volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-1'
2017-05-25 22:07:17,598 - INFO: Creating volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-2' with command [/opt/cisco/usp/apps/auto-it/vnf/../common/autoit/../autoit_os_utils/scripts/ OS_USERNAME core OS_TENANT_NAME core OS_PASSWORD **** OS_AUTH_URL ARG_TENANT core ARG_DEPLOYMENT test-uas ARG_VM_NAME auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-2 ARG_VOLUME_TYPE LUKS  FILE_1 /tmp/tmphsTAj6/encrypted.cfg]
2017-05-25 22:07:29,242 - INFO: Created volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-2'
2017-05-25 22:07:30,477 - INFO: Assigned floating IP '' to IP ''
2017-05-25 22:07:33,843 - INFO: Creating instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-0' and attaching volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-0'
2017-05-25 22:08:00,717 - INFO: Created instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-0'
2017-05-25 22:08:00,717 - INFO: Creating instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-1' and attaching volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-1'
2017-05-25 22:08:27,577 - INFO: Created instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-1'
2017-05-25 22:08:27,578 - INFO: Creating instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-2' and attaching volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-2'
2017-05-25 22:08:58,345 - INFO: Created instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-2'
2017-05-25 22:08:58,345 - INFO: Deploy request completed
2017-05-25 22:14:07,201 - INFO: Received request to download file system.cfg from config named vnf-pkg1
2017-05-25 22:19:05,050 - INFO: Received a request to list config folder names.
2017-05-25 22:19:05,051 - INFO: config contents are: vnf-pkg1-images,vnf-pkg1
2017-05-25 22:19:05,059 - INFO: Received a request to list config folder names.
2017-05-25 22:19:05,059 - INFO: config contents are: vnf-pkg1-images,vnf-pkg1
2017-05-25 22:19:05,066 - INFO: Received a request to create a configuration folder.
2017-05-25 22:19:05,073 - INFO: Received a request to create a configuration folder.
2017-05-25 22:19:05,076 - INFO: Received request to download package: system.cfg from ISO
2017-05-25 22:19:05,083 - INFO: Received request to download package: system.cfg from ISO
2017-05-25 22:19:05,085 - INFO: Received request to download package: system.cfg from ISO
2017-05-25 22:19:05,086 - INFO: Received request to upload config file system.cfg to config named vnf-pkg2
2017-05-25 22:19:05,087 - INFO: Uploaded file system.cfg to config named vnf-pkg2
2017-05-25 22:19:59,895 - INFO: Received request to upload ISO usp-5_1_0.iso
2017-05-25 22:19:59,895 - INFO: Saving ISO to /tmp/tmpWbdnxm/usp-5_1_0.iso
2017-05-25 22:20:21,395 - INFO: Mounting ISO to /tmp/tmpWbdnxm/iso_mount
2017-05-25 22:20:22,288 - INFO: ISO version already installed, (5.1.0-662)
2017-05-25 22:20:23,203 - INFO: Received a request to list file names in config named vnf-pkg2.
2017-05-25 22:20:23,203 - INFO: config contents are: system.cfg
2017-05-25 22:20:23,211 - INFO: Received a request to list file names in config named vnf-pkg2-images.
2017-05-25 22:20:23,211 - INFO: config contents are: 
2017-05-25 22:20:23,220 - INFO: Received request to get ISO details 5.1.0-662
2017-05-25 22:20:23,251 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:20:23,621 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate failed: Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-em-autovnf-mgmt2' not found on OpenStack setup
2017-05-25 22:20:23,633 - INFO: Received a request to deploy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:20:24,301 - INFO: Deploying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-em-autovnf-mgmt2' completed
2017-05-25 22:20:24,313 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:20:24,843 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate failed: Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-service2' not found on OpenStack setup
2017-05-25 22:20:24,853 - INFO: Received a request to deploy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:20:25,524 - INFO: Deploying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-service2' completed
2017-05-25 22:20:25,537 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:20:25,898 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate failed: Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-cf-esc-mgmt2' not found on OpenStack setup
2017-05-25 22:20:25,909 - INFO: Received a request to deploy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:20:26,540 - INFO: Deploying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-cf-esc-mgmt2' completed
2017-05-25 22:20:26,584 - INFO: Received a request to deploy AutoVnf
2017-05-25 22:20:31,604 - INFO: Creating AutoVnf deployment (3 instance(s)) on '' tenant 'core' user 'core', ISO '5.1.0-662'
2017-05-25 22:20:31,605 - INFO: Creating network 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-management'
2017-05-25 22:20:33,720 - INFO: Created network 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-management'
2017-05-25 22:20:33,720 - INFO: Creating network 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-orchestration'
2017-05-25 22:20:34,324 - INFO: Created network 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-orchestration'
2017-05-25 22:20:34,402 - INFO: Created flavor 'auto-testautovnf2-uas'
2017-05-25 22:20:34,402 - INFO: Loading image 'auto-testautovnf2-usp-uas-1.0.0-601.qcow2' from '/opt/cisco/usp/bundles/5.1.0-662/uas-bundle/usp-uas-1.0.0-601.qcow2'
2017-05-25 22:20:43,169 - INFO: Loaded image 'auto-testautovnf2-usp-uas-1.0.0-601.qcow2'
2017-05-25 22:20:43,169 - INFO: Creating volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-0' with command [/opt/cisco/usp/apps/auto-it/vnf/../common/autoit/../autoit_os_utils/scripts/ OS_USERNAME core OS_TENANT_NAME core OS_PASSWORD **** OS_AUTH_URL ARG_TENANT core ARG_DEPLOYMENT test-uas ARG_VM_NAME auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-0 ARG_VOLUME_TYPE LUKS  FILE_1 /tmp/tmpe1mMIL/encrypted.cfg]
2017-05-25 22:20:54,713 - INFO: Created volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-0'
2017-05-25 22:20:54,714 - INFO: Creating volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-1' with command [/opt/cisco/usp/apps/auto-it/vnf/../common/autoit/../autoit_os_utils/scripts/ OS_USERNAME core OS_TENANT_NAME core OS_PASSWORD **** OS_AUTH_URL ARG_TENANT core ARG_DEPLOYMENT test-uas ARG_VM_NAME auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-1 ARG_VOLUME_TYPE LUKS  FILE_1 /tmp/tmpe1mMIL/encrypted.cfg]
2017-05-25 22:21:06,203 - INFO: Created volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-1'
2017-05-25 22:21:06,204 - INFO: Creating volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-2' with command [/opt/cisco/usp/apps/auto-it/vnf/../common/autoit/../autoit_os_utils/scripts/ OS_USERNAME core OS_TENANT_NAME core OS_PASSWORD **** OS_AUTH_URL ARG_TENANT core ARG_DEPLOYMENT test-uas ARG_VM_NAME auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-2 ARG_VOLUME_TYPE LUKS  FILE_1 /tmp/tmpe1mMIL/encrypted.cfg]
2017-05-25 22:21:18,184 - INFO: Created volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-2'
2017-05-25 22:21:19,626 - INFO: Assigned floating IP '' to IP ''
2017-05-25 22:21:22,762 - INFO: Creating instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-0' and attaching volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-0'
2017-05-25 22:21:49,741 - INFO: Created instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-0'
2017-05-25 22:21:49,742 - INFO: Creating instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-1' and attaching volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-1'
2017-05-25 22:22:16,881 - INFO: Created instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-1'
2017-05-25 22:22:16,881 - INFO: Creating instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-2' and attaching volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-2'
2017-05-25 22:22:43,304 - INFO: Created instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-2'
2017-05-25 22:22:43,304 - INFO: Deploy request completed
2017-05-25 22:28:08,865 - INFO: Received request to download file system.cfg from config named vnf-pkg2
2017-05-25 22:40:03,550 - INFO: Received request to download file system.cfg from config named vnf-pkg1

Example Termination Log:

2017-05-25 22:53:30,970 - INFO: Received a request to destroy AutoVnf
2017-05-25 22:53:31,310 - INFO: Destroying AutoVnf deployment on '' tenant 'core' user 'core', ISO '5.1.0-662'
2017-05-25 22:53:32,698 - INFO: Removed floating IP ''
2017-05-25 22:53:34,114 - INFO: 3 instance(s) found with name matching 'auto-testautovnf2'
2017-05-25 22:53:34,448 - INFO: Removing volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-2'
2017-05-25 22:53:43,481 - INFO: Removed volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-2'
2017-05-25 22:53:43,481 - INFO: Removing instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-2'
2017-05-25 22:53:47,080 - INFO: Removed instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-2'
2017-05-25 22:53:47,283 - INFO: Removing volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-1'
2017-05-25 22:53:56,508 - INFO: Removed volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-1'
2017-05-25 22:53:56,508 - INFO: Removing instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-1'
2017-05-25 22:54:00,290 - INFO: Removed instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-1'
2017-05-25 22:54:00,494 - INFO: Removing volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-0'
2017-05-25 22:54:04,714 - INFO: Removed volume 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-vol-0'
2017-05-25 22:54:04,714 - INFO: Removing instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-0'
2017-05-25 22:54:11,647 - INFO: Removed instance 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-0'
2017-05-25 22:54:15,107 - INFO: 1 image(s) 'auto-testautovnf2-usp-uas-1.0.0-601.qcow2' found, removing
2017-05-25 22:54:19,289 - INFO: Removed network 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-management'
2017-05-25 22:54:20,463 - INFO: Removed network 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-orchestration'
2017-05-25 22:54:20,541 - INFO: Removed flavor 'auto-testautovnf2-uas'
2017-05-25 22:54:20,541 - INFO: Destroy request completed
2017-05-25 22:54:20,562 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:54:20,925 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-em-autovnf-mgmt2' completed
2017-05-25 22:54:20,940 - INFO: Received a request to destroy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:54:21,564 - INFO: Destroying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-em-autovnf-mgmt2' completed
2017-05-25 22:54:21,575 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:54:21,930 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-service2' completed
2017-05-25 22:54:21,947 - INFO: Received a request to destroy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:54:22,456 - INFO: Destroying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-service2' completed
2017-05-25 22:54:22,468 - INFO: Received a request to get an Host Aggregate details
2017-05-25 22:54:22,826 - INFO: Getting Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-cf-esc-mgmt2' completed
2017-05-25 22:54:22,840 - INFO: Received a request to destroy an Host Aggregate
2017-05-25 22:54:23,394 - INFO: Destroying Host Aggregate 'auto-test-sjc-cf-esc-mgmt2' completed
2017-05-25 22:56:55,925 - INFO: Received a request to destroy AutoVnf
2017-05-25 22:56:56,391 - INFO: Destroying AutoVnf deployment on '' tenant 'core' user 'core', ISO '5.1.0-662'
2017-05-25 22:56:57,507 - INFO: Removed floating IP ''
2017-05-25 22:56:58,614 - INFO: 3 instance(s) found with name matching 'auto-testautovnf1'
2017-05-25 22:56:58,949 - INFO: Removing volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-2'
2017-05-25 22:57:08,166 - INFO: Removed volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-2'
2017-05-25 22:57:08,166 - INFO: Removing instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-2'
2017-05-25 22:57:15,117 - INFO: Removed instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-2'
2017-05-25 22:57:15,323 - INFO: Removing volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-1'
2017-05-25 22:57:24,501 - INFO: Removed volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-1'
2017-05-25 22:57:24,502 - INFO: Removing instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-1'
2017-05-25 22:57:28,275 - INFO: Removed instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-1'
2017-05-25 22:57:28,722 - INFO: Removing volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-0'
2017-05-25 22:57:37,702 - INFO: Removed volume 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-vol-0'
2017-05-25 22:57:37,703 - INFO: Removing instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-0'
2017-05-25 22:57:44,622 - INFO: Removed instance 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-0'
2017-05-25 22:57:47,921 - INFO: 1 image(s) 'auto-testautovnf1-usp-uas-1.0.0-601.qcow2' found, removing
2017-05-25 22:57:52,453 - INFO: Removed network 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-management'
2017-05-25 22:57:53,677 - INFO: Removed network 'auto-testautovnf1-uas-orchestration'
2017-05-25 22:57:53,760 - INFO: Removed flavor 'auto-testautovnf1-uas'
2017-05-25 22:57:53,760 - INFO: Destroy request completed

Viewing AutoIT Operational Data

View the AutoIT operational data by executing the following command:

show uas 

Example show uas Command Output

uas version               6.0.0
uas state                 active
uas external-connection-point
-------------------------------------  alive  CONFD-MASTER  alive  CONFD-SLAVE

AutoIT-MASTER  2018-01-24 21:24:30
USPCFMWorker   2018-01-24 21:24:30
USPCHBWorker   2018-01-24 21:24:30
USPCWorker     2018-01-24 21:24:30


In case of standalone mode (non-HA) deployments, the uas external-connection-point information and Instance IP table are not applicable and are not displayed.

Checking AutoIT Processes

Verify that key processes are running on the AutoIT VM:

With Ubuntu 14.04:

service autoit status 

Example output:

AutoIT is running.

Check ConfD.

service uas-confd status 

With Ubuntu 16.04:

* autoit.service - Job that runs the autoit daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/autoit.service; static; vendor preset: enabled
Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-09-21 22:11:54 UTC; 1 weeks 0 days ago
Main PID: 1320 (
CGroup: /system.slice/autoit.service
|-1320 /bin/sh /etc/cisco/ start
|-1337 /bin/sh /etc/cisco/ start
|-1338 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit
|-1339 tee -a /var/log/upstart/autoit.log
|-1341 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit
|-1346 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit
|-1347 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit
|-1348 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit
|-1349 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit
|-1350 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit
|-1352 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit
`-1353 /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autoit/autoit

Monitoring AutoVNF Operations

This section identifies various commands that can be used to determine the status and health of AutoVNF.

To use them, you must:

  1. Log on to the AutoVNF VM as ubuntu. Use the password that was created earlier for this user.

  2. Become the root user.

    sudo -i  

Viewing AutoVNF Logs

General AutoVNF Logs

AutoVNF logs are available on the AutoVNF VM in the following file:


To collect AutoVNF logs:

  1. Navigate to the scripts directory.

    cd /opt/cisco/usp/uas/scripts 
  2. Launch the script to collect the logs.

    sudo ./ 

    Example log output:

    Creating log tarball uas-logs-2017-05-26_00.24.55_UTC.tar.bz2 ...
    =============== Tarball available at: /tmp/uas-logs-2017-05-26_00.24.55_UTC.tar.bz2 ===============
    To extract the tarball, run: "tar jxf /tmp/uas-logs-2017-05-26_00.24.55_UTC.tar.bz2"

AutoVNF Transaction Logs

AutoVNF server and transaction logs are available on the Ultra M Manager Node in the following directory on the UAS VM:


Inside this directory are transaction sub-directories, VNFD information and NETCONF traces are provided for the given transaction.


total 3568
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root    4096 May 25 23:31 ./
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root    4096 May 25 19:39 ../
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 May 25 23:31 579b4546-41a2-11e7-b3ab-fa163eccaffc/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 May 25 23:29 a15bf26c-41a1-11e7-b3ab-fa163eccaffc/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3632813 May 26 18:33 audit.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 May 25 23:26 autovnf_server.log

cd a15bf26c-41a1-11e7-b3ab-fa163eccaffc
total 2568
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 May 25 23:29 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root    4096 May 25 23:31 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2614547 May 25 23:37 netconf_traces
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 May 25 23:29 vnfd

AutoVNF Event Logs

Event logs provide useful information on UAS task progress. These logs are located in the autovnf.log file within the following directory on the UAS VM:


Event logs are filed by transaction ID. To view transaction IDs:

  1. Login to the ConfD CLI as the admin user.

    confd_cli -u admin -C 
  2. Enter the admin user password when prompted.

  3. List the transactions.

    show transactions 

    Example output:

    TX ID                                 TX TYPE          DEPLOYMENT ID       TIMESTAMP                         STATUS              
    562c18b0-4199-11e7-ad05-fa163ec6a7e4  vnf-deployment   vnfd2-deployment    2017-05-25T22:27:28.962293-00:00  deployment-success  
    abf51428-4198-11e7-ad05-fa163ec6a7e4  vnfm-deployment  ab-auto-test-vnfm2  2017-05-25T22:22:43.389059-00:00  deployment-success

    To view the logs associated with a specific transaction:

    show log <transaction_id> | display xml 

    Example log pertaining to VNFM deployment:

    <config xmlns="">
      <logs xmlns="">
        <log>2017-05-25 22:22:43,402 - VNFM Deployment RPC triggered for deployment: ab-auto-test-vnfm2, deactivate: 0
    2017-05-25 22:22:43,446 - Notify deployment
    2017-05-25 22:22:43,472 - VNFM Transaction: abf51428-4198-11e7-ad05-fa163ec6a7e4 for deployment: ab-auto-test-vnfm2 started
    2017-05-25 22:22:43,497 - Downloading Image:
    2017-05-25 22:22:49,146 - Image: //opt/cisco/vnf-staging/vnfm_image downloaded successfully
    2017-05-25 22:22:49,714 - Checking network 'public' existence
    2017-05-25 22:22:49,879 - Checking flavor 'ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-flavor' non existence
    2017-05-25 22:22:50,124 - Checking image 'ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-image' non existence
    2017-05-25 22:22:50,598 - Checking network 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-management' existence
    2017-05-25 22:22:50,752 - Checking network 'auto-testautovnf2-uas-orchestration' existence
    2017-05-25 22:22:50,916 - Checking instance 'ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-0' non existence
    2017-05-25 22:22:51,357 - Checking instance 'ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-1' non existence
    2017-05-25 22:22:52,084 - Creating flavor 'ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-flavor'
    2017-05-25 22:22:52,184 - Loading image 'ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-image' from '//opt/cisco/vnf-staging/vnfm_image'...
    2017-05-25 22:23:06,444 - ESC HA mode is ON
    2017-05-25 22:23:07,118 - Allocated these IPs for ESC HA: ['', '', '']
    2017-05-25 22:23:08,228 - Creating VNFM 'ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-0' with [python //opt/cisco/vnf-staging/ ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-0 --flavor ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-flavor --image b29e7a72-9ad0-4178-aa35-35df0a2b23b7 --net auto-testautovnf2-uas-management --gateway_ip --net auto-testautovnf2-uas-orchestration
     --os_auth_url --os_tenant_name core --os_username ****** --os_password ****** --bs_os_auth_url --bs_os_tenant_name core --bs_os_username ****** --bs_os_password ****** --esc_ui_startup false
     --esc_params_file /tmp/esc_params.cfg --encrypt_key ****** --user_pass ****** --user_confd_pass ****** --kad_vif eth0 --kad_vip --ipaddr dhcp --ha_node_list --file root:0755:/opt/cisco/esc/esc-scripts/ /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autovnf/vnfms/esc-scripts/
     --file root:0755:/opt/cisco/esc/esc-scripts/ --file root:0755:/opt/cisco/esc/esc-scripts/]...
    2017-05-25 22:24:13,329 - ESC started!
    2017-05-25 22:24:13,803 - Creating VNFM 'ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-1' with [python //opt/cisco/vnf-staging/ ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-1 --flavor ab-auto-test-vnfm2-ESC-flavor --image b29e7a72-9ad0-4178-aa35-35df0a2b23b7 --net auto-testautovnf2-uas-management --gateway_ip --net auto-testautovnf2-uas-orchestration
     --os_auth_url --os_tenant_name core --os_username ****** --os_password ****** --bs_os_auth_url --bs_os_tenant_name core --bs_os_username ****** --bs_os_password ****** --esc_ui_startup false --esc_params_file /tmp/esc_params.cfg --encrypt_key ****** --user_pass ****** --user_confd_pass ****** --kad_vif eth0 --kad_vip --ipaddr dhcp --ha_node_list
     --file root:0755:/opt/cisco/esc/esc-scripts/ /opt/cisco/usp/uas/autovnf/vnfms/esc-scripts/ --file root:0755:/opt/cisco/esc/esc-scripts/ --file root:0755:/opt/cisco/esc/esc-scripts/]...
    2017-05-25 22:25:12,660 - ESC started!
    2017-05-25 22:25:12,677 - Waiting for VIM to declare 2 instance(s) active
    2017-05-25 22:25:18,254 - Instance(s) are active
    2017-05-25 22:25:18,271 - Waiting for VNFM to be ready...
    2017-05-25 22:25:18,292 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:25:21,313 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:25:31,341 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:25:31,362 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:25:41,379 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:25:41,397 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:25:51,424 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:25:51,495 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:26:01,521 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:26:01,539 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:26:11,563 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:26:11,591 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:26:21,617 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:26:21,635 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:26:31,662 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:26:31,680 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:26:41,706 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:26:41,726 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:26:51,748 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:26:51,765 - Could not estabilish NETCONF session to
    2017-05-25 22:27:01,791 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:27:02,204 - NETConf Sessions (Transaction/Notifications) estabilished
    2017-05-25 22:27:02,507 - Notify VNFM Up
    2017-05-25 22:27:02,525 - VNFM Transaction: abf51428-4198-11e7-ad05-fa163ec6a7e4 for deployment: ab-auto-test-vnfm2 completed suc-cessfully.
    2017-05-25 22:27:02,545 - Notify deployment</log>

    Example log pertaining to VNF deployment:

    <config xmlns="">
      <logs xmlns="">
        <log>2017-05-25 22:27:29,039 - Notify deployment
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,062 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,404 - NETConf Sessions (Transaction/Notifications) estabilished
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,420 - Get Images
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,435 - NETCONF get-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,560 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,570 - Get Flavors List
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,582 - Adding images ...
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,592 - Creating Images
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,603 -   image: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-element-manager
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,620 -     src:
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,630 -     disk_format: qcow2
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,641 -     container_format: bare
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,655 -     serial_console: True
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,665 -     disk_bus: virtio
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,674 - NETCONF edit-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,901 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:27:29,911 - Waiting for VNFM to process CREATE_IMAGE transaction
    2017-05-25 22:27:46,987 - | CREATE_IMAGE | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-element-manager | SUCCESS | (1/1)
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,004 - NETCONF transaction completed successfully!
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,749 - Creating Images
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,764 -   image: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-control-function
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,776 -     src:
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,793 -     disk_format: qcow2
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,805 -     container_format: bare
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,819 -     serial_console: True
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,831 -     disk_bus: virtio
    2017-05-25 22:27:47,841 - NETCONF edit-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:27:48,317 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:27:48,331 - Waiting for VNFM to process CREATE_IMAGE transaction
    2017-05-25 22:27:56,403 - | CREATE_IMAGE | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-control-function | SUCCESS | (1/1)
    2017-05-25 22:27:56,434 - NETCONF transaction completed successfully!
    2017-05-25 22:27:56,822 - Creating Images
    2017-05-25 22:27:56,838 -   image: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-session-function
    2017-05-25 22:27:57,267 -     src:
    2017-05-25 22:27:57,412 -     disk_format: qcow2
    2017-05-25 22:27:57,423 -     container_format: bare
    2017-05-25 22:27:57,523 -     serial_console: True
    2017-05-25 22:27:57,535 -     disk_bus: virtio
    2017-05-25 22:27:57,550 - NETCONF edit-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:27:58,378 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:27:58,391 - Waiting for VNFM to process CREATE_IMAGE transaction
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,339 - | CREATE_IMAGE | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-session-function | SUCCESS | (1/1)
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,355 - NETCONF transaction completed successfully!
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,367 - Images added successfully
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,378 - Creating flavors ...
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,388 - Creating flavors
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,432 -   flavor: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-element-manager
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,444 -     vcpus: 2
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,457 -     memory_mb: 4096
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,469 -     root_disk_mb: 40960
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,481 -     ephemeral_disk_mb: 0
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,491 -     swap_disk_mb: 0
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,505 - NETCONF edit-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,781 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:28:06,793 - Waiting for VNFM to process CREATE_FLAVOR transaction
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,286 - | CREATE_FLAVOR | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-element-manager | SUCCESS | (1/1)
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,298 - NETCONF transaction completed successfully!
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,310 - Creating flavors
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,328 -   flavor: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-control-function
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,341 -     vcpus: 8
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,358 -     memory_mb: 16384
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,374 -     root_disk_mb: 6144
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,386 -     ephemeral_disk_mb: 0
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,398 -     swap_disk_mb: 0
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,410 - NETCONF edit-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,586 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,603 - Waiting for VNFM to process CREATE_FLAVOR transaction
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,818 - | CREATE_FLAVOR | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-control-function | SUCCESS | (1/1)
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,830 - NETCONF transaction completed successfully!
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,842 - Creating flavors
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,853 -   flavor: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-session-function
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,865 -     vcpus: 8
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,877 -     memory_mb: 16384
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,889 -     root_disk_mb: 6144
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,901 -     ephemeral_disk_mb: 0
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,917 -     swap_disk_mb: 0
    2017-05-25 22:28:07,928 - NETCONF edit-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,204 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,216 - Waiting for VNFM to process CREATE_FLAVOR transaction
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,455 - | CREATE_FLAVOR | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-session-function | SUCCESS | (1/1)
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,473 - NETCONF transaction completed successfully!
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,489 - Flavors created successfully
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,501 - Onboarding configuration file: ('control-function', 'staros_config.txt', '')
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,547 - NETCONF get-operational Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,724 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,855 - Notify VDU Create Catalog for : element-manager, status: SUCCESS, txid: 562c18b0-4199-11e7-ad05-fa163ec6a7e4
    2017-05-25 22:28:08,892 - Notify VDU Create Catalog for : control-function, status: SUCCESS, txid: 562c18b0-4199-11e7-ad05-fa163ec6a7e4
    2017-05-25 22:28:09,008 - Notify VDU Create Catalog for : session-function, status: SUCCESS, txid: 562c18b0-4199-11e7-ad05-fa163ec6a7e4
    2017-05-25 22:28:09,024 - NETCONF get-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:28:09,151 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:28:14,837 - Deployment: vnfd2-deployment started ...
    2017-05-25 22:28:14,858 - Generating VNFD
    2017-05-25 22:28:14,930 - VNFD generated successfully.
    2017-05-25 22:28:14,966 - Generating configuration files for EM
    2017-05-25 22:28:14,979 - Creating VIP Ports
    2017-05-25 22:28:16,970 - VIP ports created successfully
    2017-05-25 22:28:16,987 - Deploging EM
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,000 - Added anti-affinity placement policy for ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-1
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,012 - Added anti-affinity placement policy for ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-2
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,025 - Added anti-affinity placement policy for ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-3
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,041 - Starting Service Deployment: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,054 - Start VM: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-1
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,066 - Start VM: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-2
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,077 - Start VM: ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-3
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,089 - NETCONF edit-config Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,721 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:28:17,733 - Waiting for VNFM to process SERVICE_ALIVE transaction
    2017-05-25 22:29:37,185 - | VM_DEPLOYED | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-1 | SUCCESS | Waiting for: SERVICE_ALIVE|
    2017-05-25 22:29:59,679 - | VM_ALIVE | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-1 | SUCCESS | Waiting for: SERVICE_ALIVE|
    2017-05-25 22:30:42,170 - | VM_DEPLOYED | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-2 | SUCCESS | Waiting for: SERVICE_ALIVE|
    2017-05-25 22:30:59,620 - | VM_ALIVE | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-2 | SUCCESS | Waiting for: SERVICE_ALIVE|
    2017-05-25 22:31:51,510 - | VM_DEPLOYED | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-3 | SUCCESS | Waiting for: SERVICE_ALIVE|
    2017-05-25 22:32:13,584 - | VM_DEPLOYED | c2 | SUCCESS | Waiting for: SERVICE_ALIVE|
    2017-05-25 22:32:29,639 - | VM_ALIVE | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em-3 | SUCCESS | Waiting for: SERVICE_ALIVE|
    2017-05-25 22:32:29,661 - | SERVICE_ALIVE | ab-auto-test-vnfm2-em | SUCCESS | (1/1)
    2017-05-25 22:32:29,674 - NETCONF transaction completed successfully!
    2017-05-25 22:32:29,687 - EM Online !
    2017-05-25 22:32:29,699 - HA-VIP[element-manager] :
    2017-05-25 22:32:29,716 - HA-VIP[control-function] :
    2017-05-25 22:32:29,729 - Deployment: vnfd2-deployment completed successfully.
    2017-05-25 22:32:29,742 - NETCONF get-operational Request sent, waiting for reply
    2017-05-25 22:32:30,221 - NETCONF Transaction success!
    2017-05-25 22:32:30,261 - Notify EM Up
    2017-05-25 22:32:30,274 - VNF Transaction completed successfully!
    2017-05-25 22:32:30,292 - Notify deployment</log>

Viewing AutoVNF Operational Data

AutoVNF maintains history information for all transactions, associated events, and related error/information logs in persistent storage. These logs are useful for monitoring deployment progress and for troubleshooting issues.

These logs can be retrieved at time using the “task-id” returned as well as by running ConfD “show” commands.

To access these commands, you must be logged in to the Confd CLI as the admin user on the AutoVNF VM:

confd_cli -u admin -C 

When prompted, enter the admin user password.

Table 1 provides a list of the available commands and describes the information in the output.

Table 2. ConfD Log Descriptions

ConfD Command


In releases prior to 6.0:

show autovnf-oper:errors

In 6.0 and later releases:

show uas

Displays a list of any deployment errors that may have occurred.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show autovnf-oper:logs | display xml

In 6.0 and later releases:

show log | display xml

Displays log messages for AutoVNF transactions.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show autovnf-oper:network-catalog

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnf-packager

Displays information for the networks deployed with USP.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show autovnf-oper:transactions

In 6.0 and later releases:

show transaction

Displays a list of transaction IDs that correspond to the USP deployment along with their execution date, time, and status.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show autovnf-oper:vdu-catalog

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnfr

Displays information pertaining to the virtual descriptor units (VDUs) used to deploy USP.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show autovnf-oper:vip-port

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnfr

Displays information port, network, and virtual IP addresses information.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show autovnf-oper:vnfm

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnfr

Displays information pertaining to the VNFM deployment and UEM VM deployment.

show confd-state

Displays information pertaining to confd-state on AutoVNF.

show confd-state ha

Displays information pertaining to HA specific confd-state on AutoVNF.

show log <transaction_id>

Displays detailed log information for a specific transaction ID.

show running-config

Displays the configuration running on the AutoVNF.

show uas

Displays information pertaining to the AutoVNF VM deployment.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show usp

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnfr

Displays information pertaining to the overall USP VM deployment.


  • Log information can be saved out of ConfD to a file for later retrieval using one of the following commands:

    show log transaction_id | save url 


    show autovnf-oper: command | save url 

    Where transaction_id is a specific ID, url is a valid directory path, and command is one of the command operators identified in Table 1.

Example show confd-state Command Output

show confd-state 
confd-state version 6.3.1
confd-state epoll false
confd-state daemon-status started
confd-state ha mode master
confd-state ha node-id confd-master
confd-state ha connected-slave [ a2dd5178-afae-4b3a-8b2b-910216583501 ]
NAME                        REVISION    NAMESPACE                                               PREFIX         TO ALL    EXPORTED TO       
iana-crypt-hash             2014-08-06  urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-crypt-hash             ianach         X         -                 
ietf-inet-types             2013-07-15  urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-inet-types             inet           X         -                 
ietf-netconf-acm            2012-02-22  urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-acm            nacm           X         -                 
ietf-netconf-monitoring     2010-10-04  urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-monitoring     ncm            X         -
<-- SNIP -->

Example show confd-state ha Command Output

show confd-state ha 
confd-state ha mode master
confd-state ha node-id confd-master
confd-state ha connected-slave [ a2dd5178-afae-4b3a-8b2b-910216583501 ]

Example show log Command Output

show log <transaction_id> | display xml 

Example show running-config Command Output

show running-config 
<-- SNIP -->
autovnf:secure-token autovnf-admin
 user     $8$YQiswhu0QLpA4N2kBo7t5eZN2uUW0L19m8WaaBzkVoc=
 password $8$mSaszfxjZ8My8Y/FqLL3Sasn1b/DmRh3pdblatq49cM=
autovnf:secure-token autovnf-oper
 user     $8$kTEQZ4YNdV6BcnH3ggRHJPmhk6lsh5KQFqhsQnh/KV8=
 password $8$KdTBd7ZeYuHrpdkLk5m888ckE3ZGIM7RbEMJwMwCjfo=
autovnf:secure-token em-login
 user     $8$jVDkSMi/W1XzkZj/qx07kEfHB9PlpPlnzCKUSjWiPXA=
 password $8$52ELrKMilGT/nad5WcPgUh7cijHiizAt8A8Tly79Q/I=
autovnf:secure-token confd-auth
 user     $8$bHYvP179/hlGWO8qoTnJFmm8A1HqqlREsasX+GlSAPw=
 password $8$S52APq1vb9WhLjbSPNSWiBmAmaG1tzTTmSkktKs8reo=
volume-catalog em-volume
 volume type LUKS
 volume size 1024
 volume bus ide
 volume bootable false
volume-catalog cf-boot
 volume type LUKS
 volume size 16
 volume bus ide
 volume bootable true
volume-catalog cf-cdr
 volume type LUKS
 volume size 200
 volume bus ide
 volume bootable false
autovnf:network-catalog di-internal1
 pre-created di-internal1
 type        sriov-flat
 physnet     phys_pcie1_0
 dhcp        true
 vlan-tag    true
 vlan        2110
<-- SNIP -->

<-- SNIP -->
autovnf:vdu-catalog control-function
 ha-type                one-to-one
 health-check-frequency 10
 health-probe-max-miss  6
 recovery-type          recovery-restart
 image location
 neds netconf
  ned-id         cisco-staros-nc
  port-number    830
  authentication confd-auth
 volumes cf-cdr
 volumes cf-boot
 flavor host-aggregate   auto-test-sjc-cf-esc-mgmt1
 flavor vcpus            8
 flavor ram              16384
 flavor root-disk        6
 flavor ephemeral-disk   0
 flavor swap-disk        0
 flavor anti-affinity-placement true
 configuration staros_config.txt
  apply-at   day-zero
<-- SNIP -->

Example show uas Command Output

show uas 
uas version               6.0.0 
uas state                 active 
uas external-connection-point INSTANCE 
IP         STATE  ROLE 
--------------------------------   alive  CONFD-MASTER  alive  CONFD-SLAVE 
NAME                                     LAST HEARTBEAT 
AutoVNF-MASTER                           2018-01-20 02:35:03 
ESCHeartBeatMonitor-fremont-autovnf-vpc  2018-01-20 02:35:00 
USPCFMWorker                             2018-01-20 02:34:51 
USPCHBWorker                             2018-01-20 02:35:00 
USPCWorker                               2018-01-20 02:35:00 


In this example, is the confd-master and the active UAS VM.


In case of standalone mode (non-HA) deployments, the uas external-connection-point information and Instance IP table are not applicable and are not displayed.

Example output that shows the floating IP for AutoVNF:

nsd autoit 
 vim-identity vim1 
 vim-artifact vim_artifact_one 
 vnf-package  [ usp_5_7 ] 
 vld mgmt 
  vl-type          management 
  network-instance bmarconi-management 
 vld orch 
  vl-type orchestration 
  network sjc-orch 
 vnfd f-autovnf 
  vnf-type          usp-uas 
  version           6.0 
  high-availability true 
  nsd               fremont-autovnf 
  configuration boot-time 1800 
  configuration set-vim-instance-name true 
  external-connection-point avf 
   connection-point eth0 
   floating-ip enabled 
   floating-ip external-network public 
  vnfc avf 
   health-check disabled 
   health-check boot-time 300 
   vdu vdu-id autovnf 
   connection-point eth0 
    virtual-link service-vl mgmt 
   connection-point eth1 
    virtual-link service-vl orch 

The current version of AutoVNF software can also be seen through the USP UWS – AutoVNF User Interface under –

  • the Site Overview screen (Service Deployment > Site) only if the AutoVNF configuration type is a record.

  • the Auto-Vnf Configuration Overview screen only if the AutoVNF configuration type is a record.

  • the UWS – AutoVNF dashboard.

Example show vnfr Command Output

show vnfr 
vnfr sj-autovnf-esc
 vnfd     esc
 vnf-type esc
 state    deployed
 external-connection-point esc
  connection-point-instance-id sj-autovnf-esc-ha-vip
  virtual-link-ref             uas-management
  mac-address                  fa:16:3e:6a:db:9b
  connection-point-type        virtual-port
  port-id                      37a14e07-52f7-48c0-9dbb-471146a709a5
 vdu esc
  vnfc-instance sj-autovnf-esc-esc-1
   state      deployed
   vnfc       esc
   flavor-key sj-autovnf-esc
   uuid       83f44e0f-380e-4320-a35a-34de82cf84dd
   image name /vnfm-bundle/ESC-4_2_0_74.qcow2
   image version "Version:, SHA1: de45b53, Date: Sat Sep 01 08:51:12 EDT 2018"
   image package usp_6_0
   image uuid c35c2a86-6d60-4259-85cc-d023803c7245
   host       tb2-compute-15.localdomain
   vdu-type   cisco-esc
   connection-point-instance eth0
    virtual-link-ref      uas-management
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:e8:d6:b1
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               f0f6b82f-336f-4f9f-aae5-d581be8cfa63
   connection-point-instance eth1
    virtual-link-ref      uas-orchestration
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:16:32:4c
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               f2b7aeae-83f1-4f83-b45e-f92b3a1f6600
  vnfc-instance sj-autovnf-esc-esc-2
   state      deployed
   vnfc       esc
   flavor-key sj-autovnf-esc-esc
   uuid       087a5b48-db45-4002-a157-51fa37236545
   image name /vnfm-bundle/ESC-4_2_0_74.qcow2
   image version "Version:, SHA1: de45b53, Date: Sat Sep 01 08:51:12 EDT 2018"
   image package usp_6_0
   image uuid c35c2a86-6d60-4259-85cc-d023803c7245
   host       tb2-compute-12.localdomain
   vdu-type   cisco-esc
   connection-point-instance eth0
    virtual-link-ref      uas-management
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:48:c4:6c
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               8cb138ab-c575-4eb2-a622-d2648042f48f
   connection-point-instance eth1
    virtual-link-ref      uas-orchestration
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:98:78:07
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               7d73aeae-81e1-410b-ac3a-e34c1bd23c16
vnfr sj-autovnf-vpc
 vnfd     vpc
 vnf-type ugp
 state    ha-error
 external-connection-point cf
  connection-point-instance-id CF-sj-autovnf-vpc-vip
  virtual-link-ref             uas-management
  mac-address                  fa:16:3e:04:80:b7
  connection-point-type        virtual-port
  port-id                      984a6e8b-107a-48f7-b0b4-398a308aff9a
 external-connection-point em
  connection-point-instance-id em-sj-autovnf-vpc-vip
  virtual-link-ref             uas-management
  mac-address                  fa:16:3e:b4:7e:b8
  connection-point-type        virtual-port
  port-id                      f47c2150-932c-455f-99c1-7b77fe47a9d7
 vdu cf
  vnfc-instance sj-autovnf-vpc-cf-0
   state      alive
   vnfc       cf
   flavor-key sj-autovnf-vpc-cf
   uuid       a46de643-b76d-4307-91e8-996b79da4c1e
   image name /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-cf.qcow2
   image version "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
   image package usp_6_0
   image uuid 6d63f613-9b46-4bd9-853d-024dcf27f1a7
   host       tb2-compute-9.localdomain
   vdu-type   control-function
   connection-point-instance eth0
    virtual-link-ref      di-internal1
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:46:f8:79
    connection-point-type pnic-sriov
    port-id               b408eedd-8650-44e2-930c-95ee2c9ae380
   connection-point-instance eth1
    virtual-link-ref      uas-management
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:5e:e0:bc
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               3e94bcdb-0e58-44e1-99a5-366f7453df02
   connection-point-instance eth2
    virtual-link-ref      uas-orchestration
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:c5:58:c6
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               e0a51253-5740-4e34-b4a2-ba6cdaa504cf
  vnfc-instance sj-autovnf-vpc-cf-1
   state      alive
   vnfc       cf
   flavor-key sj-autovnf-vpc-cf
   uuid       10b1e4c2-d3e5-494c-bec9-26bd38e4c705
   image name /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-cf.qcow2
   image version "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
   image package usp_6_0
   image uuid 6d63f613-9b46-4bd9-853d-024dcf27f1a7
   host       tb2-compute-12.localdomain
   vdu-type   control-function
   connection-point-instance eth0
    virtual-link-ref      di-internal1
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:94:3d:38
    connection-point-type pnic-sriov
    port-id               c1df9769-fcdc-4cb1-b7ea-f791ef80ff65
   connection-point-instance eth1
    virtual-link-ref      uas-management
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:66:27:71
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               7d77aac2-6409-499a-a4b0-afc4c70e6904
   connection-point-instance eth2
    virtual-link-ref      uas-orchestration
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:c3:c1:a4
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               75d7b8c7-1801-4cce-b665-64a060414abd
 vdu em
  vnfc-instance sj-autovnf-vpc-em-1
   state      ha-error
   vnfc       em
   flavor-key sj-autovnf-vpc-em
   uuid       119edc4c-9ba0-48f8-a928-63e0c3c88f22
   image name /em-bundle/em-6_3_0_4148.qcow2
   image version "Version: 6.3.0, SHA1: 40d8f29, Date: Thu Aug 30 22:15:22 EDT 2018"
   image package usp_6_0
   image uuid d21b6d92-9964-4db8-8376-4a645fecfbf2
   host       tb2-compute-14.localdomain
   vdu-type   element-manager
   connection-point-instance eth0
    virtual-link-ref      uas-orchestration
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:33:57:a6
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               050d8843-f309-45b3-889a-a1516a338c9f
   connection-point-instance eth1
    virtual-link-ref      uas-management
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:02:b8:4a
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               ae8036c5-1a91-488d-98f2-65a8fe57a033
  vnfc-instance sj-autovnf-vpc-em-2
   state      ha-error
   vnfc       em
   flavor-key sj-autovnf-vpc-em
   uuid       dd2c9327-c954-49bf-803c-ca38d718da2c
   image name /em-bundle/em-6_3_0_4148.qcow2
   image version "Version: 6.3.0, SHA1: 40d8f29, Date: Thu Aug 30 22:15:22 EDT 2018"
   image package usp_6_0
   image uuid d21b6d92-9964-4db8-8376-4a645fecfbf2
   host       tb2-compute-15.localdomain
   vdu-type   element-manager
   connection-point-instance eth0
    virtual-link-ref      uas-orchestration
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:e5:f7:18
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               30816589-9a12-4c1d-840c-c84100f714f4
   connection-point-instance eth1
    virtual-link-ref      uas-management
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:f3:ff:4e
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               cf9d991f-e45b-41ed-9ac1-7e6f0bee620b
 vdu sf
  vnfc-instance sj-autovnf-vpc-sf-0
   state      alive
   vnfc       sf
   flavor-key sj-autovnf-vpc-sf
   uuid       d9b13253-a67e-4078-a75c-04d834577cc2
   image name /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-xf.qcow2
   image version "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
   image package usp_6_0
   image uuid c65df544-0230-4e86-88bf-4aa93e0e268d
   host       tb2-compute-14.localdomain
   vdu-type   session-function
   connection-point-instance eth0
    virtual-link-ref      di-internal1
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:87:49:22
    connection-point-type pnic-sriov
    port-id               5d9a9a89-5857-48cb-8081-7273c4b9354c
   connection-point-instance eth1
    virtual-link-ref      uas-orchestration
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:8f:47:ce
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               d7dd7006-0134-4767-af02-1922d351d1d5
   connection-point-instance eth2
    virtual-link-ref      vpc-svc
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:a6:fa:9e
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               1c5dda23-65f0-4541-ace5-0d6e5e1564ea
  vnfc-instance sj-autovnf-vpc-sf-1
   state      alive
   vnfc       sf
   flavor-key sj-autovnf-vpc-sf
   uuid       868158de-e202-4af4-9f3e-c5c7722c5a7f
   image name /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-xf.qcow2
   image version "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
   image package usp_6_0
   image uuid c65df544-0230-4e86-88bf-4aa93e0e268d
   host       tb2-compute-15.localdomain
   vdu-type   session-function
   connection-point-instance eth0
    virtual-link-ref      di-internal1
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:bb:ee:38
    connection-point-type pnic-sriov
    port-id               c166c76d-3ef9-4f52-a243-25b49ae0886f
   connection-point-instance eth1
    virtual-link-ref      uas-orchestration
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:b0:8e:75
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               9dd61ba8-9455-4f0a-a6ce-13ef28ce6c39
   connection-point-instance eth2
    virtual-link-ref      vpc-svc
    mac-address           fa:16:3e:25:5a:56
    connection-point-type virtual-port
    port-id               3f8b60aa-4155-4192-b537-afb812d784da

Example show vnf-packager Command Output

show vnf-packager 

 version     "Version: 6.4.M0, SHA1: cdd46bcm, Build-Number: 0"
 image application-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-xf.qcow2
  vim-id      c65df544-0230-4e86-88bf-4aa93e0e268d
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image automation-service
  image-uri   /uas-bundle/usp-uas-6.3.0-0.qcow2
  vim-id      b32d2aeb-9dbe-42f0-99bf-982db8ae7ae8
  version     "Version: 6.3.0, SHA1: 175ea8em, Date: Thu Sep 06 16:17:26 PDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image cisco-esc
  image-uri   /vnfm-bundle/ESC-4_2_0_74.qcow2
  vim-id      c35c2a86-6d60-4259-85cc-d023803c7245
  version     "Version:, SHA1: de45b53, Date: Sat Sep 01 08:51:12 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image control-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-cf.qcow2
  vim-id      6d63f613-9b46-4bd9-853d-024dcf27f1a7
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image element-manager
  image-uri   /em-bundle/em-6_3_0_4148.qcow2
  vim-id      d21b6d92-9964-4db8-8376-4a645fecfbf2
  version     "Version: 6.3.0, SHA1: 40d8f29, Date: Thu Aug 30 22:15:22 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image network-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-xf.qcow2
  vim-id      c65df544-0230-4e86-88bf-4aa93e0e268d
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image session-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-xf.qcow2
  vim-id      c65df544-0230-4e86-88bf-4aa93e0e268d
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image user-plane-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-si-21.10.M0.70226.qcow2
  vim-id      078bc882-d29c-4974-a21d-dbf2bc59149b
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 configuration bootvm
  data-id 1538437650-071830
 configuration staros
  data-id 1538437650-060109
vnf-packager 6.4.M0-6133
 vnf-package usp_6_t
 version     "Version: 6.4.M0, SHA1: cdd46bcm, Build-Number: 6133"
 image application-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-xf.qcow2
  vim-id      d3b3dd85-464d-4b49-90f1-5dc59c9a111b
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image automation-service
  image-uri   /uas-bundle/usp-uas-6.3.0-4206.qcow2
  vim-id      294e5f52-453a-4bd8-8192-b8144607759f
  version     "Version: 6.3.0, SHA1: 175ea8e, Date: Wed Sep 05 06:15:40 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image cisco-esc
  image-uri   /vnfm-bundle/ESC-4_2_0_74.qcow2
  vim-id      87a322cc-3736-407d-855f-f2a566fadd22
  version     "Version:, SHA1: de45b53, Date: Sat Sep 01 08:51:12 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image control-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-cf.qcow2
  vim-id      22b34ebf-060c-4e99-8083-e702cef96aca
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image element-manager
  image-uri   /em-bundle/em-6_3_0_4148.qcow2
  vim-id      c4424476-a9b6-4308-98b3-4aa0f441d5c1
  version     "Version: 6.3.0, SHA1: 40d8f29, Date: Thu Aug 30 22:15:22 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image network-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-xf.qcow2
  vim-id      d3b3dd85-464d-4b49-90f1-5dc59c9a111b
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image session-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-di-xf.qcow2
  vim-id      d3b3dd85-464d-4b49-90f1-5dc59c9a111b
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 image user-plane-function
  image-uri   /ugp-bundle/qvpc-si-21.10.M0.70226.qcow2
  vim-id      8c78ef58-4556-4e8c-bef6-8f98a33bf6c1
  version     "Version: 21.10.M0.70226, SHA1: NA, Date: Thu Sep 06 10:07:27 EDT 2018"
  disk-format qcow2
 configuration bootvm
  data-id 1538437651-235460
 configuration staros
  data-id 1538437651-221341

UAS Log Collection

The UAS generates and consolidates a comprehensive set of UAS logs and VNF diagnostic information from StarOS device for troubleshooting purposes. The log collection includes logs from all components in a deployed UAS cluster, i.e. from AutoIT, AutoDeploy, AutoVNF, UEM, ESC and StarOS.

This section describes the following topics:

Feature Description

Automation of UAS log collection is facilitated through the use of ConfD CLI command collect-logs . When this command is executed, the logs from all or required components can be collected and copied to a common location.


The following limitations exist with the UAS log collection feature.

  • With the use of ConfD CLI approach, it is not possible to collect logs for AutoDeploy and AutoIT. To aggregate logs for these two components, use the standalone script.

  • Direct collection of logs from CF, SF, UP instances is not supported. If VNFDs corresponding to these instances are invoked directly, appropriate error message will be recorded in the log file of AutoDeploy and AutoVNF.

Collecting the UAS Logs

The UAS logs can be collected using one of the following approaches:

Via the ConfD CLI Command

UAS logs collection is automated through a remote procedure call (RPC) executed from the ConfD command line interface (CLI). The RPC “collect-logs” has been introduced to collect logs from the AutoVNF, ESC and UEM.

This command, on execution, fetches the logs from components under given NSD and VNFD levels in a deployed setup and creates a final consolidated tar ball comprising all logs.


When the ConfD CLI command is used, the log collection for AutoDeploy and AutoIT components is not supported.

This command can be invoked from ConfD CLI of AutoDeploy and AutoVNF.


The IP and credentials of instances are fetched from oper data of AutoDeploy/AutoVNF. So, the logs can be collected for instances whose VNFR is present in oper db.

To collect the UAS logs via ConfD CLI:

  1. Login to the ConfD CLI as the admin user on the AutoDeploy VM or AutoVNF VM.

    confd_cli –u admin –C 
  2. Enter the admin user password when prompted.

  3. Execute the following command:

    collect-logs nsd-id <nsd id> 

    This command collects logs from all components present under given NSD and also from deploy-nsd if present.

    To collect logs by VNFD ID, use the following command:

    collect-logs nsd-id <nsd id> vnfd vnfd id 

    This command collects logs from components specific to the given VNFD. Additionally, under given vnfd, corresponding AutoVNF logs of the given NSD will also be collected in case of RPC invoked from AutoDeploy (outside AutoVNF).

    For example, if VNFD of ESC, or UEM is invoked from AutoDeploy, the corresponding AutoVNF logs of given VNFD will also be collected, since log collection happens through respective AutoVNF in case of multiple AutoVNFs deployed through a single AutoDeploy.

    The vnf-diags from StarOS instances will be collected along with the UEM logs.

  4. View the status of log collection using the AutoDeploy or AutoVNF logs under /var/log/upstart/ based on where it is invoked.

    If invoked from AutoDeploy, the RPC internally connects with AutoVNF and collects logs from UAS instances. The respective progress can be viewed from AutoVNF log.

  5. Untar the autocollect_logs.tgz file to extract the collected logs.

    tar -zxvf autocollect_logs.tgz 

    Note that the output consolidated tar ball autocollect_logs.tgz is created under /var/log/autocollect/ directory of the instance (AutoDeploy/AutoVNF) from where the log collection RPC was invoked.


    Every time the log collection is triggered, the /var/log/autocollect directory will be automatically cleaned and then new logs will be copied.

    Example output:

Via the Standalone Script

The UAS uses a standalone script "" to generate and consolidate a comprehensive set of UAS logs and VNF diagnostic information from StarOS device for troubleshooting purposes.

Before using this script, you should be aware of the following:

  • AutoVNF IP and SSH credentials (username and password)

  • AutoVNF NETCONF login credentials

  • Login credentials for UEM and ESC

  • Login credentials for AutoIT and AutoDeploy

This script is available in the AutoIT, AutoDeploy and AutoVNF VMs in the /opt/cisco/usp/uas/scripts/ directory.

A sample yaml file (sample_config.yaml) is present in the same directory along with the script. The yaml file should be updated with proper IP and credential details.

Example configuration of sample_config.yaml file:

          user: ubuntu
          password: Cisco@123
          user: admin
          password: Cisco@123


You can exclude AutoDeploy or AutoIT for log collection by commenting out the phrase ‘autodeploy’ or ‘autoit’ using ‘#’ in the yaml file.

For example:


To collect the UAS logs via the standalone script:

  1. Log on to the AutoDeploy, AutoIT or AutoVNF VM using the user credentials specified during deployment.

  2. Navigate to the scripts directory.

    cd /opt/cisco/usp/uas/scripts 
  3. Edit the sample_config.yaml file using a standard text editor to update the appropriate credential details and save it.

  4. Launch the script to collect the logs.

    sudo ./ - -cfgfile  sample_config.yaml 

    The script starts collecting the logs and the progress is displayed on the console. Upon completion, a final tar file autocollect_logs.tgz will be copied to /var/log/autocollect/ directory.

    Detailed logs are stored in a log file named autocollect.log under the /var/log/autocollect/ directory.


    The logs directory will be cleared and re-created for every execution of the script.

    Example output:

    sudo ./ --cfgfile sample_config.yaml 
    2018-07-26 08:52:57,273 - Uas-cluster present in config
    2018-07-26 08:52:57,273 - ......Executing step 1 of 4......
    2018-07-26 08:52:57,273 - Collecting logs from uas instances
    2018-07-26 08:53:06,530 - Logs collected successfully from esc
    2018-07-26 08:53:09,677 - Logs collected successfully from autovnf
    2018-07-26 08:53:09,784 - Logs collected successfully from esc
    2018-07-26 08:53:15,404 - Logs collected successfully from autovnf
    2018-07-26 08:54:21,160 - Logs collected successfully from vnf-em
    2018-07-26 08:54:24,829 - Logs collected successfully from vnf-em
    2018-07-26 08:54:24,831 - Generating tar file for uas instance
    2018-07-26 08:54:25,260 - Log collection completed for uas instance
    2018-07-26 08:54:25,261 - Auto-it present in config
    2018-07-26 08:54:25,261 - ......Executing step 2 of 4......
    2018-07-26 08:54:25,261 - Collecting logs from Autoit
    2018-07-26 08:54:25,847 - Logs collected successfully for instance
    2018-07-26 08:54:25,847 - Auto-deploy present in config
    2018-07-26 08:54:25,848 - ......Executing step 3 of 4......
    2018-07-26 08:54:25,848 - Collecting logs from Autodeploy
    2018-07-26 08:54:26,454 - Logs collected successfully for instance
    2018-07-26 08:54:26,454 - ......Executing step 4 of 4......
    2018-07-26 08:54:26,454 - Generating consolidated final tar file
    2018-07-26 08:54:26,499 - Log collection script completed. Please collect the tar file 'autocollect_logs.tgz' under /var/log/autocollect/
  5. Extract the contents of autocollect_logs.tgz file using the following command:

    tar –zxvf autocollect_logs.tgz 

    The following are the contents of the autocollect_logs.tgz tar file:

    • .bz2 files for each AutoDeploy and AutoIT logs

    • Two log files — autocollect.log for AutoDeploy logs and autocollect-vnf_<autovnf ip>.log for logs collected from AutoVNF and its instances.


      In case of failures of any UAS cluster nodes, check the autocollect-vnf_<autovnf ip>.log for the detailed error message.

    • uas_logs_<autovnf ip>.tgz — This file comprises tar bundles for the UAS cluster.

      When the uas_logs_<autovnf ip>.tgz tar file is extracted, a vnf-logs directory is created with individual sub-directories for em , esc, and autovnf for storing the corresponding collected tar file contents.

      If the VNF diagnostic log files are unavailable in the diags directory under em, you can use vnf-collect-diags RPC command from UEM VM to collect the logs. For information on collecting logs through the RPC, see the Collecting VNF Diagnostic Information section.

      The logs collected through the RPC are also stored in the diags directory under em directory.

  6. Verify that files have been extracted.

    ls -lt 

    Example output:

    total 2488
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1174824 Jul 26 08:54 uas_logs_10.225.202.93.tgz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   43113 Jul 26 08:54 auto-it-5571-cups-1-uas-logs-2018-07-26_08.54.25_UTC.tar.bz2
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    3197 Jul 26 08:54 autocollect-vnf_10.225.202.93.log
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   47104 Jul 26 08:54 auto-deploy-5571-cups-1-uas-logs-2018-07-26_08.54.26_UTC.tar.bz2
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    3488 Jul 26 08:54 autocollect.log
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1266857 Jul 26 08:54 autocollect_logs.tgz

Collecting VNF Diagnostic Information

The VNF diagnostic information can also be collected through the use of vnf-collect-diags RPC command in UEM VM.

To collect the diagnostic information from StarOS device:

  1. Log on to the master UEM VM.

  2. Access the NCS CLI.

    sudo -i 
    ncs_cli -u admin -C 
  3. Execute the following command to collect VNF diagnostic logs from StarOS device.

    vnf-collect-diags [ correlator <correlator id> vnfd <vnfd-id> ] 

    This command collects the VNF diagnostic log files and makes it available in the /var/log/em/diags-<correlator id> directory.

  4. Check the per-VNF diagnostic collection status using the following command:

    show vnf-collect-diags-status 

    Example output:

    NAME                        STATUS       
    xyz_autovnf-cups-c-abc  in-progress  

Sample Logs

This section provides a few sample log files.

AutoDeploy Log:

2018-08-09 06:40:10,385 - Deployment uas-log-collection: autoit initiated
2018-08-09 06:40:10,385 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance
2018-08-09 06:40:10,385 - Deploy nsd present under given nsd: abc-vnf
2018-08-09 06:40:10,415 - avf nsd, vnfd  is autoit, f-autovnf1
2018-08-09 06:40:10,430 - Direct log collection not supported for vdu-type: control-function
2018-08-09 06:40:10,442 - Uas-cluster present in config
2018-08-09 06:40:10,448 - Collecting logs from uas instances
2018-08-09 06:40:10,453 - Fetching Autovnf, Esc and EM details for
2018-08-09 06:40:10,459 - Initiating nc session to
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Cipher/ FutureWarning: CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV
  self._cipher =, *args, **kwargs)
2018-08-09 06:40:11,091 - VNFR list fetched successfully
2018-08-09 06:40:11,097 - Instances details retrieved from Autovnf
2018-08-09 06:40:11,333 - Uas ip details retrieved for : {None: ['', ''], 'esc': ['', ''], 'autovnf': ['', ''], 'vnf-em': ['', '']}
2018-08-09 06:40:11,509 - Removing staged files from Autovnf
2018-08-09 06:40:11,586 - Files removed successfully
2018-08-09 06:40:11,870 - Connected to Autovnf[]
2018-08-09 06:40:12,117 - Collecting logs from esc
2018-08-09 06:40:17,122 - Collecting logs from esc
2018-08-09 06:40:22,125 - Collecting logs from autovnf
2018-08-09 06:40:23,364 - Logs collected successfully from autovnf
2018-08-09 06:40:23,625 - Logs collected successfully from esc
2018-08-09 06:40:27,131 - Collecting logs from autovnf
2018-08-09 06:40:32,139 - Collecting logs from vnf-em
2018-08-09 06:40:32,230 - Logs collected successfully from autovnf
2018-08-09 06:40:32,248 - Logs collected successfully from esc
2018-08-09 06:40:37,144 - Collecting logs from vnf-em
2018-08-09 06:40:38,332 - Logs collected successfully from vnf-em
2018-08-09 06:41:10,963 - Logs collected successfully from vnf-em
2018-08-09 06:41:11,084 - All threads finished working for uas instance
2018-08-09 06:41:11,091 - Generating tar file for uas instance
2018-08-09 06:41:11,315 - Copying the tar file to Autodeploy...
2018-08-09 06:41:11,469 - Tar file successfully copied to Autodeploy under /var/log/autocollect/ directory
2018-08-09 06:41:11,477 - Log collection completed for uas instance
2018-08-09 06:41:11,491 - Log collection script completed. Please collect the tar file 'autocollect_logs.tgz' under /var/log/autocollect/
2018-08-09 06:41:11,498 - Deployment uas-log-collection: autoit succeeded
2018-08-09 06:41:11,521 - Send Deployment notification for: autoit-instance

AutoVNF Log:

2018-08-09 06:40:34,474 - Directory /var/log/autocollect/vnf-logs/esc created successfully to stage files
2018-08-09 06:40:34,474 - Attempting ssh to
2018-08-09 06:40:34,641 - Executing script in
2018-08-09 06:40:39,475 - Attempting ssh to
2018-08-09 06:40:39,641 - Executing script in
2018-08-09 06:40:44,477 - Directory /var/log/autocollect/vnf-logs/autovnf created successfully to stage files
2018-08-09 06:40:44,477 - Attempting ssh to
2018-08-09 06:40:44,642 - Executing script in
2018-08-09 06:40:45,199 - Output file to collect in is autoit-f-autovnf1-rmuruga2-avf-2-uas-logs-2018-08-09_06.40.06_UTC.tar.bz2
2018-08-09 06:40:45,340 - Collecting bz2 file from instance
2018-08-09 06:40:45,346 - Logs collected successfully for instance
2018-08-09 06:40:45,415 - Output file to collect in is esc_log_abc-vnf-vnf1-esc-rmuruga2-esc-2_2018-08-09_06.40.15_UTC.tar.bz2
2018-08-09 06:40:45,623 - Collecting bz2 file from instance
2018-08-09 06:40:45,629 - Logs collected successfully for instance
2018-08-09 06:40:49,483 - Attempting ssh to
2018-08-09 06:40:49,652 - Executing script in
2018-08-09 06:40:53,979 - Output file to collect in is autoit-f-autovnf1-rmuruga2-avf-1-uas-logs-2018-08-09_06.40.49_UTC.tar.bz2
2018-08-09 06:40:54,090 - Output file to collect in is esc_log_abc-vnf-vnf1-esc-rmuruga2-esc-1_2018-08-09_06.39.42_UTC.tar.bz2
2018-08-09 06:40:54,118 - Collecting bz2 file from instance
2018-08-09 06:40:54,216 - Logs collected successfully for instance
2018-08-09 06:40:54,296 - Collecting bz2 file from instance
2018-08-09 06:40:54,357 - Logs collected successfully for instance
2018-08-09 06:40:54,491 - Attempting to collect vnf diags through Em
2018-08-09 06:40:59,490 - Attempting to collect vnf diags through Em
2018-08-09 06:40:59,741 - Vnf diags not collected through as it can be collected only from Master Em instance
2018-08-09 06:40:59,741 - Directory /var/log/autocollect/vnf-logs/em created successfully to stage files
2018-08-09 06:40:59,741 - Attempting ssh to
2018-08-09 06:40:59,913 - Executing script in
2018-08-09 06:41:00,178 - Output file to collect in is abc-vnf-vnf1-em-rmuruga2-em1-2-em-logs-2018-08-09_06.40.35_UTC.tar.bz2
2018-08-09 06:41:00,317 - Collecting bz2 file from instance
2018-08-09 06:41:00,322 - Logs collected successfully for instance
2018-08-09 06:41:25,592 - Vnf-diags logs collected through EM:
2018-08-09 06:41:25,592 - Attempting ssh to
2018-08-09 06:41:25,724 - Executing script in
2018-08-09 06:41:32,846 - Output file to collect in is abc-vnf-vnf1-em-rmuruga2-em1-1-em-logs-2018-08-09_06.41.25_UTC.tar.bz2
2018-08-09 06:41:32,993 - Collecting bz2 file from instance
2018-08-09 06:41:33,044 - Logs collected successfully for instance

Logs for unsupported vnfd

2018-08-09 07:00:11,466 - Deployment uas-log-collection: abc-vnf initiated
2018-08-09 07:00:11,481 - Send Deployment notification for: abc-vnf-instance
2018-08-09 07:00:11,496 - Unsupported Log collection. No oper data retrieved for given vnfd: vpc-up
2018-08-09 07:00:11,502 - Deployment uas-log-collection: abc-vnf failed
2018-08-09 07:00:11,520 - Send Deployment notification for: abc-vnf-instance

Monitoring VNFM Operations


The Cisco Elastic Services Controller (ESC) is the only VNFM supported in this release.

Viewing ESC Status

ESC status can be viewed from the ESC command line or by executing a REST API from AutoVNF.

Monitoring StatusThrough the ESC Command Line

Log on to the primary ESC VM and execute the following command from the command line:

escadm status 

Example command output:

0 ESC status=0 ESC Master Healthy

Monitoring Status Through an AutoVNF API

Log on to the master AutoVNF VM and execute the following command:

curl -u admin:<password> -k https://<master_vnfm_address>:60000/esc/health 

Example command output:

{"message": "ESC services are running.", "status_code": "2000"}

Status code and message display information about ESC health conditions as identified in Table 1. Status codes in the 2000s imply ESC is operational, 5000 status codes imply at least one of the ESC components is not in service.

Table 3. ESC Status Code Messages




ESC services are running


ESC services are running. ESC High-Availability node not reachable.


ESC services are running. One or more VIM services (keystone, nova) not reachable.*


ESC services are running. VIM credentials not provided.


ESC services running. VIM is configured, ESC initializing connection to VIM.


ESC services are running. ESC High-Availability node not reachable. One or more VIM services ( nova ) not reachable


ESC service ESC_MANAGER not running.


ESC service CONFD not running.


ESC service MONA not running.


ESC service VIM_MANAGER not running.


More than one ESC service (confd, mona)  not running.**

Viewing ESC Health

ESC health can be viewed by logging on to the primary ESC VM and executing the following command from the command line: 

Example command output:

esc ui is disabled -- skipping status check
esc_monitor start/running, process 840
esc_mona is up and running ...
vimmanager start/running, process 2807

vimmanager start/running, process 2807
esc_confd is started
tomcat6 (pid 2973) is running...                           [  OK  ]
postgresql-9.4 (pid  2726) is running...
ESC service is running...
ESC Operation Mode=OPERATION

/opt/cisco/esc/esc_database is a mountpoint
============== ESC HA (MASTER) with DRBD =================

Viewing ESC Logs

ESC logs are available on the VNFM VM in the following directory:


Two levels of logs are available for ESC:

Refer also to the ESC user documentation for additional information on monitoring and maintaining the software.

ESC Logs

To collect ESC logs:

  1. Log on to the primary VNFM VM.

  2. Navigate to the scripts directory.

    cd /opt/cisco/esc/esc-scripts

  3. Launch the script to collect the logs.

    sudo ./

Example log output:

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

[sudo] password for admin: Creating log tarball: /var/tmp/esc_log-2017-05-25_18.09.31_UTC.tar.bz2
Creating temporary working directory: /var/tmp/esc_log-2017-05-25_18.09.31_UTC

Dumping thread status of ESCManager from tomcat pid 2973 to catalina.out
tar: esc/mona/mona.log: file changed as we read it
Warning: tar completed with status: 1

Tarball file:  /var/tmp/esc_log-2017-05-25_18.09.31_UTC.tar.bz2
Symbolic link: /tmp/esc_log-2017-05-25_18.09.31_UTC.tar.bz2

 1. Transfer the tarball file from the esc vm
 2. Remove the tarball and symbolic link (to save ESC disk space):
     sudo rm /var/tmp/esc_log-2017-05-25_18.09.31_UTC.tar.bz2
     sudo rm /tmp/esc_log-2017-05-25_18.09.31_UTC.tar.bz2
 3. Command to list contents of tarball:
     tar jtvf esc_log-2017-05-25_18.09.31_UTC.tar.bz2
 4. Command to extract from the tarball:
     tar jxf esc_log-2017-05-25_18.09.31_UTC.tar.bz2


ESC YANG logs are stored in the following file:


Monitoring VNF Operations

Viewing UEM Service Status

  1. Log on to the master UEM VM as the user ubuntu.

  2. Access the NCS CLI.

    /opt/cisco/usp/packages/nso/ncs-4.1.1/bin/ncs_cli -C -u admin

  3. Check the NCS state.

    show ncs-state ha 

    Example command output:

    ncs-state ha mode master
    ncs-state ha node-id 3-1501714180
    ncs-state ha connected-slave [ 4-1501714262 ]
  4. Display the health of cluster.

    show ems 

    Example command output:

    EM            VNFM 
    3   UP   UP   UP     5.7.0 
    6   UP   UP   UP     5.7.0 


    The UEM services will no longer run on the slave UEM to simplify troubleshooting, maintenance, and synchronization related issues.

Viewing UEM Logs

To collect UEM logs:

  1. Navigate to the scripts directory.

    cd /opt/cisco/em-scripts

  2. Launch the script to collect the logs.

    sudo ./

    Example log output:

    Collecting Zookeeper nodes... 
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/cisco/em-scripts/", line 2, in <module>
        from kazoo.client import KazooClient
    ImportError: No module named kazoo.client
    Creating log tarball em-logs-2017-05-26_00.37.28_UTC.tar.bz2 ...
    =============== Tarball available at: /tmp/em-logs-2017-05-26_00.37.28_UTC.tar.bz2 ===============
    To extract the tarball, run: "tar jxf /tmp/em-logs-2017-05-26_00.37.28_UTC.tar.bz2"

Viewing UEM Zookeeper Logs

The UEM maintains logs on the Zookeeper process. The logs are located in the following directories:


For logs from 3rd Zookeeper instance, check the following directories:


To collect the contents of UEM Zookeeper database, use the following command:

sudo ./ -add-zookeeper 

If "new -add-zookeeper" flag is specified, then by default, zookeeper data is collected in a single file named zk_data.

For a larger deployment, Zookeeper content can be collected in sub-folders. To collect the Zookeeper content in sub-folders, specify "-tree-output" flag as shown in the following command:

sudo ./ -add-zookeeper -tree-output 

When this command is executed, Zookeeper contents are collected under zk_data directory.

Viewing VNF Information through the Control Function

Information on the VNF deployment can be obtained by executing commands on the Control Function (CF) VNFC. To access the CF CLI:

  1. Open an SSH connection to the IP address of the management interface associated with CF1.

  2. Press Enter to bring up the log in prompt.

  3. Enter the username and password.

  4. At the Exec mode prompt, enter each of the following commands and observe the results to ensure that the VNF components have been properly deployed according to the desired configuration:



show card table

Displays all VM types (e.g. CF, SF, NF, and AF) that have been deployed.

show crash list

Displays software crash events records and associated dump files (minicore, NPU or kernel) for all crashes or a specified crash event. Verify that there are no new or unexpected crashes listed.

show emctrl vdu list

Displays card to VM mappings for the VNF. Each card should have a valid universally unique identifier (UUID).

show rct stats

Displays statistics associated with Recovery Control Task (RCT) events, including migrations, switchovers and shutdowns. RCT statistics are associated with card-to-card session recovery activities.

show session progress

Displays session progress information for the current context filtered by the options specified. Check for any active or new calls before proceeding with a deactivation.

show version verbose

Displays the software version that has been deployed.

show vdu summary

Displays general information pertaining to the virtual descriptor units (VDUs) that have been deployed.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show usf vdu all

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnfr vdu all

Displays detailed information for the VDUs that have been deployed for the USF VDU.

In releases prior to 6.0:

show usf vdu-group all

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnfr vdu-group all

Displays information for VDU groups pertaining to the USF VNF use case (if deployed).

In releases prior to 6.0:

show usf network-path all

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnfr network-path all

Displays network path information for USF VNF components (if deployed).

In releases prior to 6.0:

show usf service-function-chain all

In 6.0 and later releases:

show vnfr service-function-chain all

Displays SFC information for the USF VNF (if deployed).

Monitoring and Recovering AutoVNF Through AutoIT

AutoIT provides the ability to monitor and auto-recover AutoVNF instances.

This functionality is enabled through configuration of the AutoVNF VNFC(s) at the time of deployment. Once enabled, AutoIT automatically monitors for faults/failures of the AutoVNF VNFC(s) for which the functionality is enabled. If a fault/failure is detected, AutoIT automatically attempts to auto-heal/recover (redeploy) the VNFC(s).


The Provisioning Network (floating) IP address is required to leverage the health monitoring functionality.

The following parameters must be configured at the VNFC-level:

Table 4. Health Check Descriptor Parameters








Enable/Disable health monitoring.




Health Check Frequency in seconds. UAS uses this as health probe time, meaning every polling interval UAS will invoke health check. Default value is 10 seconds.




Maximum number of health probe misses before VNFC instance is declared dead. Default value is 6.



choice string

Recovery type. It can be one of the following:

  • restart: Recovery only by restarting, move the VNFC instance to error after max retries

  • external: Recovery performed by external entity. No auto-recovery

  • restart-then-redeploy: Restart the VM on failure. After maximum retries, redeploy the failed VNFC instances.

Default value is restart-then-redeploy.




Number of retries to recover the VNFC Instance. Default value is set to restart-then-redeploy.




Initial Bootup time for the VNFC. Default value is 300 seconds.




Script to check VNFC health, by default UAS ICMP script will be used.

The above parameters are configured at the VNFC-level within the VNF descriptor information that is part of the deployment network service descriptor (NSD) as shown in the following example configuration:

nsd <nsd_name> 

 vnfd <autovnf_vnfd_name> 

  vnfc <autovnf_vnfc_name> 
   health-check enabled 
   health-check probe-frequency 10 
   health-check probe-max-miss 6 
   health-check retry-count 6 
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy 
   health-check boot-time 300 

Refer to the Cisco Ultra Services Platform NETCONF API Guide for more information on the use of these and other parameters related to VNF configuration and deployment.

In the event that automatic recovery is not possible, an API is available to manually recover the VNFC(s).

VNFC status can be viewed by executing the show vnfr command from AutoIT. Additional details can be found in the transaction logs for the deployment.

To manually recover a failed AutoVNF VNFC, execute the following command:

recover nsd-id <nsd_name> vnfd <vnfd_name> 

Monitoring and Recovering VNFC Through AutoVNF

The UEM, CF, and SF VNFCs were autorecovered through the VNFM (ESC). In these situations, AutoVNF was not informed of these events. With this release, the AutoVNF monitors these VNFC VMs and can auto-recover them if required. Additionally, the AutoVNF can also monitor the VNFM (ESC) VMs and provide auto-recovery as needed.

This functionality is enabled through configuration of the VNFC(s) at the time of deployment. Once enabled, AutoVNF automatically monitors for faults/failures of the VNFCs for which the functionality is enabled. If a fault/failure is detected, AutoVNF automatically attempts to auto-heal/recover (redeploy) the VNFC(s).


The Provisioning Network (floating) IP address is required to leverage the health monitoring functionality.

This functionality is currently only supported for the following VNFCs:

  • VNFM (ESC)

  • UEM

  • CF

  • SF


Ultra M Manager sends fault notification when VMs are down and/or recovered.

The following parameters must be configured at the VNFC-level:

Table 5. Health Check Descriptor Parameters








Enable/disable health monitoring.




Health Check Frequency in seconds. UAS uses this as health probe time, meaning every polling interval UAS will invoke health check. Default value is 10 seconds.




Maximum number of health probe misses before VNFC instance is declared dead. Default value is 6.



choice string

Recovery type. It can be one of the following:

  • restart: Recovery only by restarting, move the VNFC instance to error after max retries

  • external: Recovery performed by external entity. No auto-recovery

  • restart-then-redeploy: Restart the VM on failure. After maximum retries, redeploy the failed VNFC instances.

Default value is restart-then-redeploy.




Number of retries to recover the VNFC Instance. Default value is set to restart-then-redeploy.




Initial bootup time for the VNFC. Default value is 300 seconds.




Script to check VNFC health, by default UAS ICMP script will be used.

The above parameters are configured at the VNFC-level within the VNF descriptor information that is part of the deployment network service descriptor (NSD) as shown in the following example configuration:

nsd <nsd_name> 

 vnfd <autovnf_vnfd_name> 

  vnfc <vnfm_vnfc_name> 
   health-check enabled 
   health-check probe-frequency 10 
   health-check probe-max-miss 6 
   health-check retry-count 6 
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy 
   health-check boot-time 300 

  vnfc <uem_vnfc_name> 
   health-check enabled 
   health-check probe-frequency 10 
   health-check probe-max-miss 6 
   health-check retry-count 6 
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy 
   health-check boot-time 300 

  vnfc <cf_vnfc_name> 
   health-check enabled 
   health-check probe-frequency 10 
   health-check probe-max-miss 6 
   health-check retry-count 6 
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy 
   health-check boot-time 300 

  vnfc <sf_vnfc_name> 
   health-check enabled 
   health-check probe-frequency 10 
   health-check probe-max-miss 6 
   health-check retry-count 6 
   health-check recovery-type restart-then-redeploy 
   health-check boot-time 300 

Refer to the Cisco Ultra Services Platform NETCONF API Guide for more information on the use of these and other parameters related to VNF configuration and deployment.

In the event that automatic recovery is not possible, an API is available to manually recover the VNFC(s).

VNFC status can be viewed by executing the show vnfr command from AutoIT. Additional details can be found in the transaction logs for the deployment.

To manually recover a failed VNFC, execute the following command:

recover nsd-id <nsd_name> vnfd <vnfd_name> 

Troubleshooting Deactivation Process and Issues


  • The deactivate process is idempotent and can be multiple times and without error. The system will retry to remove any resources that remain.

  • If a deactivation fails (a transaction failure occurs), look at the logs on various UAS software components (AutoDeploy, AutoIT, and AutoVNF), VNFM (ESC), and UEM.

  • If deactivation has failed, you must ensure that a clean up is performed either using automation tools or manually if necessary.

  • Activation must not be reattempted until all of the previous artifacts have been removed.

Deactivation Fails Due to Communication Errors with AutoVNF

Problem Description

During the AutoVNF deactivation process, AutoDeply indicates that it is unable to deactivate the AutoVNF. This is observed through:

  • AutoDeploy transaction log

  • AutoDeploy upstart log

Possible Cause(s)

  • AutoDeploy is not able to communicate with AutoVNF.

Action(s) to Take

  • Check network connectivity between the AutoDeploy VM and the AutoVNF VIP.

  • Check the management and orchestration network.

  • Address any connectivity issues.

Next Steps

  • Once connectivity issues are addressed, perform the deactivate procedure again.

Deactivation Fails Because AutoDeploy Generates an Exception

Problem Description

AutoDeploy generates an exception error during the deactivation process.

Possible Cause(s)

  • Connectivity issues

  • Configuration issues

  • OpenStack/VIM specific issues

  • Hardware issues

Action(s) to Take

  1. Capture logs from /var/log/upstart/autodeploy.log along with exception error message.

  2. Log on to AutoIT and collect the logs from /var/log/upstart/autoit.log along with the exception message, if any.

  3. Log on to VIP of the active (master) AutoVNF VM and perform a cleanup by running the deactivate command from there.

    1. Log on to the AutoVNF VM as the default user, ubuntu.

    2. Switch to the root user.

      sudo su 
    3. Enter the ConfD CLI.

      confd_cli -C -u admin 
    4. Enter the admin user password when prompted.

    5. Deactivate the deployment.

      deactivate nsd-id <nsd_name> 
  4. Check the last transaction log to verify that the deactivation was successful. (Transactions are auto-sorted by timestamp, so it should be the last one in the list.)

    Example commands and outputs:

    show transactions 
    TX ID              TX TYPE         ID          TIMESTAMP                         STATUS              DETAIL  
    1500605583-055162  vnf-deployment  dep-5-5  2017-07-21T02:53:03.055205-00:00  deployment-failed   -       
    1500606090-581863  vnf-deployment  dep-5-5  2017-07-21T03:01:30.581892-00:00  deployment-success  -       
    1500606127-221084  vnf-deployment  dep-5-5  2017-07-21T03:02:07.221114-00:00  deployment-success  -       
    show log 1500606127-221084 | display xml 
    <config xmlns="">
      <log xmlns="">
        <log>2017-07-21 03:02:07,276 - Notify deployment
    2017-07-21 03:02:07,297 - Connection to VNFM (esc) at
    2017-07-21 03:02:07,418 - NETConf Sessions (Transaction/Notifications) estabilished
  5. Manually delete the AutoDeploy VM using the information in Terminating the AutoDeploy VM.

Next Steps

  • Open a support case providing all of the log information that was collected.

Deactivation Fails Because of AutoVNF-VNFM Communication Issues

Problem Description

During the AutoVNF deactivation process, AutoVNF indicates that it is unable to deactivate the VNFM. This is observed through:

  • AutoVNF transaction log

  • AutoVNF upstart log

Possible Cause(s)

  • AutoVNF is not able to communicate with the VNFM.

Action(s) to Take

  • Check network connectivity between the master AutoVNF VM and the VNFM VIP.

  • Check the management and orchestration network.

  • Address any connectivity issues.

Next Steps

  • Once connectivity issues are addressed, perform the deactivate procedure again.

Deactivation Fails Because of Issue at VNFM

Problem Description

During the AutoVNF deactivation process, the VNFM returns an error. This is observed through:

  • AutoVNF transaction log

  • AutoVNF upstart log

  • ESC logs

Possible Cause(s)

  • ESC health is not good due to an issue or network connectivity.

  • ESC is not able to communicate with the VIM.

  • ESC has an internal error.

  • AutoVNF is unable to create/delete OpenStack artifacts.

Action(s) to Take

  1. Check /var/log/esc/yangesc.log for any issues or error messages.

  2. Run to determine the health of ESC.

  3. Check network connectivity and address an issues. Retry the deactivation.

  4. Check network connectivity with the VIM and address any issues. Retry the deactivation.

  5. Determine if ESC has a deployment configuration. From the active ESC VM:

    /opt/cisco/esc/confd/bin/confd_cli -C 
    show running-config 

    If a configuration is present, most likely ESC is still retrying the deactivation, allow more time for the process to continue.

    If no configuration exists, check if there are deployment artifacts still on the VIM. Retry the deactivation.

  6. Collect logs by running from both the active and standby ESC VMs.

  7. Perform a manual cleanup.


    Only artifacts which UAS created need to be removed. Any pre-created artifacts must remain in place.

    1. Login on to the VIM as tenant.

    2. Remove all VMs.

    3. Remove all VIP Ports.

    4. Remove all networks.

    5. Remove all flavors.

    6. Remove all volumes.

    7. Remove all images.

    8. Remove host-aggregate created as part of automation.

Next Steps

  • Open a support case providing all of the log information that was collected.

Deactivation Fails Because AutoVNF Generates an Exception

Problem Description

AutoVNF generates an exception error during the deactivation process.

Possible Cause(s)

  • Connectivity issues

  • Configuration issues

  • OpenStack/VIM specific issues

  • Hardware issues

Action(s) to Take

  1. Collect all logs from /var/log/cisco-uas.

  2. Perform a manual cleanup.


    Only artifacts which UAS created need to be removed. Any pre-created artifacts can remain in place.
    1. Login on to the VIM as tenant.

    2. Remove all VMs.

    3. Remove all VIP Ports.

    4. Remove all networks.

    5. Remove all flavors.

    6. Remove all volumes.

    7. Remove all images.

    8. Remove host-aggregate created as part of automation.

Next Steps

  • Open a support case providing all of the log information that was collected.

Troubleshooting UEM Issues

This section contains information on troubleshooting UEM issues.

UEM VM Stuck in a Boot Loop

Problem Description

Processes that normally run on the UEM VM are unable to start and the VM is stuck in a boot-loop.

Possible Cause(s)

There is an error with the Zookeeper database keeping the Zookeeper process and other UEM processes from starting. (No other UEM process can be started unless the Zookeeper process has started.)


Release 6.3 onwards, no UEM services will run on the slave UEM.

Action(s) to Take

  1. Check the UEM Zookeeper logs. Refer to Viewing UEM Zookeeper Logs.

  2. Look for error messages similar to the following:

    [myid:4] - INFO  [main:FileSnap@83] - Reading snapshot /var/lib/zookeeper/data/version-2/snapshot.5000004ba 
    [myid:4] - ERROR [main:QuorumPeer@557] - Unable to load database on disk

    If the above errors exist, proceed to the next step. If not, further debugging is required. Please contact your local support representative.

  3. Rebuild the Zookeeper database.

    1. Check the health of Master and Slave EM instances. Execute the following commands on each instance.

      Master UEM VM:

      sudo -i 
      ncs_cli -u admin -C 
      admin connected from using console on deploymentem-1 
      show ems 
      EM            VNFM 
      3   UP   UP   UP     5.7.0 
      6   UP   UP   UP     5.7.0 


      Only the master UEM status may be displayed in the above command because the slave UEM is in the boot loop.

      show ncs-state ha 
      ncs-state ha mode master 
      ncs-state ha node-id 6-1506059686 
      ncs-state ha connected-slave [ 3-1506059622 ] 

      Slave UEM VM:


      The slave UEM may not be accessible if it is experiencing the boot loop issue.

      sudo -i 
      ncs_cli -u admin -C 
      admin connected from using console on deploymentem-1 
      show ems 
      EM            VNFM 
      3   UP   UP   UP     5.7.0 
      6   UP   UP   UP     5.7.0 
      show ncs-state ha 
      ncs-state ha mode slave 
      ncs-state ha node-id 3-1506059622 
      ncs-state ha master-node-id 6-1506059686 
    2. Log on to the node on which Zookeeper data is corrupted.

    3. Enable the debug mode.

      Disable EM reboot. Enable debug mode 
    4. Reboot the VM in order to enter the debug mode.

    5. Remove the corrupted data.

      cd /var/lib/zookeeper/data/ 
      myid  version-2 
      mv version-2 version-2_old 

      Check for corrupted data in the arbiter directory as well.

      cd /var/lib/zookeeper/arbiter/data 
      myid  version-2 
      mv version-2 version-2_old 


      This process removes the Zookeeper database by renaming it for additional debugging/recovery.

    6. Reboot the node instance for it to reconcile and rebuild the Zookeeper database from a healthy UEM instance.

    7. Log on to the UEM VM upon reboot.

    8. Validate that the database has been successfully rebuilt on the previously failing UEM node.

      sudo -i 
      ncs_cli -u admin -C 
      admin connected from using console on vnfddeploymentem-0 
      show ems 
      EM            VNFM 
      3   UP   UP   UP     5.7.0 
      6   UP   UP   UP     5.7.0 
      show ncs-state ha 
      ncs-state ha mode slave 
      ncs-state ha node-id 3-1506093933 
      ncs-state ha master-node-id 6-1506093930 
      cd /var/lib/zookeeper/data/ 
      myid  version-2  version-2_old 
      cat /var/log/em/zookeeper/zookeeper.log 
      2017-09-22 15:25:35,192 [myid:3] - INFO  [QuorumPeer[myid=3]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Follower@61] - FOLLOWING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 236 
      2017-09-22 15:25:35,194 [myid:3] - INFO  [QuorumPeer[myid=3]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@149] - Resolved hostname: to address: / 
      2017-09-22 15:25:35,211 [myid:3] - INFO  [QuorumPeer[myid=3]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Learner@329] - Getting a snapshot from leader 
      2017-09-22 15:25:35,224 [myid:3] - INFO  [QuorumPeer[myid=3]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:FileTxnSnapLog@240] - Snapshotting: 0x200000050 to /var/lib/zookeeper/data/version-2/snapshot.200000050 
      2017-09-22 15:25:37,561 [myid:3] - INFO  [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Accepted socket connection from / 
      2017-09-22 15:25:37,650 [myid:3] - WARN  [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Connection request from old client /; will be dropped if server is in r-o mode 
      2017-09-22 15:25:37,652 [myid:3] - INFO  [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Client attempting to establish new session at / 

      Also, check the logs in the /var/log/em/zookeeper/arbiter directory.

    9. Disable the UEM debug mode on the VM on which the Zookeeper database was rebuilt.

      Disable debug mode 

Next Steps

Open a support case providing all the log information that was collected.