

Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Determines whether users can change the directory for the MyJabberChats and MyJabberFiles folders.

  • true (default)—Users can change the directory of the MyJabberChats and MyJabberFiles folders using the Change Folder button on the Chats tab of the Options dialog.

  • false—Users are not allowed to change the directory for the MyJabberChats and MyJabberFiles folders. The Change Folder button is not visible on the Chats tab of the Options dialog. The directory for the MyJabberChats and MyJabberFiles folders is determined by the AutosaveChatsLocation parameter.

If this parameter is not set, then the behavior is as for true.

Example: <AllowUserSelectChatsFileDirectory>true</AllowUserSelectChatsFileDirectory>


Applies to Cisco Jabber desktop clients.

Specifies whether files are automatically accepted by users during file transfer. This parameter doesn't apply to images, which you can configure using the AutoAcceptImage parameter.

  • true—Files are automatically accepted to be downloaded when sent in an IM.

  • false (default)—Files are not automatically accepted and the recipient must manually agree to receive the file.

Example: <AutoAcceptFileTransfer>true</AutoAcceptFileTransfer>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Set up .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png images to be automatically accepted by users. The AutoAcceptFileTransfer parameter (which is off by default) does not affect this parameter as it does not apply to image files.

true (default)—Images are automatically accepted in the client.

false—Images are not automatically accepted and standard file transfer is used.


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Defines the path where instant messages and file transfers are automatically saved each time a user closes a conversation. Use the absolute path on the local file system. Chats are saved in a folder called MyJabberChats and files are saved in a folder called MyJabberFiles.

If the AllowUserSelectChatsFileDirectory parameter is set to false, then this parameter works with the MyJabberFilesLocation parameter as follows:

  • If both the AutosaveChatsLocation parameter and the MyJabberFilesLocation parameter have a value, then the MyJabberFilesLocation value takes priority.

  • If the MyJabberFilesLocation parameter does not have a value, then the AutosaveChatsLocation value determines the path to the MyJabberChats and MyJabberFiles folders.

  • If both the AutosaveChatsLocation parameter and the MyJabberFilesLocation parameter have no value, then all chats and files are saved to the default location (Documents folder).

Example: <AutosaveChatsLocation>Local_Path</AutosaveChatsLocation>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for mobile clients.

Specifies whether the client stores the password in the cache or not.

  • true (default)— The client stores the user password in cache; therefore, the users can automatically sign in when the client starts.

  • false— The client cannot store the user password in cache; therefore, the users must enter their password each time the client starts.

Example: <CachePasswordMobile>true</CachePasswordMobile>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad

Specifies whether Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad should cache the cookies to the iOS keychain. The SSO cookies cached in the iOS keychain allows users to sign in to Cisco Jabber automatically if the app stops working in the background.
  • true (default)—The cookies are cached to the iOS keychain.

  • false—The cookies are not cached to the iOS keychain.


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows

Specifies the default sound for chat alerts. Users can change this value in the Sounds and Alerts tab of the Options window.

Example: <ChatAlert>IMAlert_1</ChatAlert>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Defines the maximum number of participants allowed when telephony escalations are enabled for group chats and persistent chat.

Default value is 25 participants. If you set it to zero participants, then the parameter is disabled. However, there is no maximum limit for the participants.

Example: <ChatTelephonyEscalationLimit>10</ChatTelephonyEscalationLimit>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Specifies whether contact cards are displayed when you hover over contact names in your Contacts list and in search result.

  • true (default)—The contact card is displayed if you hover over contacts in the hub window or in a search result. For Jabber for Windows the contact card is displayed when you press CTRL + I over a contacts' name.

  • false—The contact card is not displayed when you hover over names in the Contacts list or in a search result.

Example: <ContactCardonHover>false</ContactCardonHover>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for mobile clients.

Specifies what happens when a Jabber user taps a contact from the contacts list or from the contact search result.

  • Chat (default)—The client starts a chat session with the contact.

  • Call—The client starts a VoIP call with the contact.


These values are case-sensitive.

The setting specified for DefaultActionOfContactList parameter is not applicable for users with a Phone Only or IM Only account. If the Call option is configured for users who have full service deployed, then the client starts a mobile call when phone service is not available.

Example: <DefaultActionOfContactList>Call</DefaultActionOfContactList>


Applies to all Cisco Jabber clients from 11.8 version onwards.

Specifies whether the client retains the chat history after participants close the chat window. The client retains the chat history until the participants reset Jabber.

If you set the key to false and the participants reopen the chat window, the client displays only the last 200 messages.


For persistent chat users, you must set this key as false (default value). If you disable the Disable_IM_History parameter, then it affects the @mention feature in persistent chat rooms.


This parameter is not available for IM-only deployments.

  • true—Client does not retain the chat history after participants close the chat window.

    If this parameter is true, it takes precedence (the client saves no history) over the following settings:

    • Allow clients to log instant message history in the IM and Presence Server.

    • Webex Messenger Org Admin > Policy editor > Policy name > Local Archive option.

  • false (default)—Client retains the chat history.

    To retain chat history, you must also enable either the Allow clients to log instant message history option in the IM and Presence Server or the Webex Messenger Org Admin > Policy editor > Policy name > Local Archive option in Webex Messenger.

Example: <Disable_IM_History>true</Disable_IM_History>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows

Specifies if the Audio Ducking feature is enabled.
  • true—Audio ducking is disabled

  • false(default)—Audio ducking is enabled

Example: <DisableAudioDucking>true</DisableAudioDucking>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows and Cisco Jabber for Mac.

Specifies whether users receive reminders for Webex Meetings that are in their Jabber Meetings tab.

  • true—Reminders are disabled.

  • false (default)—Reminders are enabled.


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows

Specifies if Remote Desktop Control is enabled within an IM-only share session.
  • true—disable Remote Desktop Control

  • false(default)—enable Remote Desktop Control

< DisableRemoteDesktopControl >true</ DisableRemoteDesktopControl >


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Determines whether the Cisco Jabber popup meeting reminder is displayed for non-accepted Webex Meetings.

  • true—The Jabber popup meeting reminder isn't displayed for Webex Meetings that have not been accepted.

  • false (default)—The Jabber popup meeting reminder is displayed for non-accepted Webex Meetings.



Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows

Determines whether the Start online button is displayed in the Meetings tab for non-Webex Meetings. This parameter has no effect on Webex Meetings.

  • true (default)—The Start online button does not display in the Meetings tab for non-Webex Meetings.

  • false —The Start online button displays in the Meetings tab for non-Webex Meetings.



Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.


  • Users must have a Cisco Unified Communications Manager account.

  • You must also enable local archiving in the Webex (using the Org Admin > Local Archive Policy) or Cisco Unified Communications Manager for IM and Presence (using Messages > Settings > Allow clients to log instant message history) servers.

Specifies whether users can save instant messages to an HTML file automatically, each time they close a conversation. The file persists even the user signs out or resets Jabber.. Enable the option in the client as follows:

  • Windows—File > Options > Chats > Autosave chat session to:

  • Mac—Jabber > Preferences > Chats > Save chat archives to:

  • true—The check box is available.

  • false (default)—The check box is unavailable.

Example: <EnableAutosave>true</EnableAutosave>

Here is an example of the saved HTML file, when the user chooses Documents (default) as the autosave folder, on a Windows platform:

C:\Users\user id\Documents\MyJabberChats\\Chats\\2019-04-02\userB@domain.com2019-04-02_10-55-15.html


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Set up inline images so that they are allowed or prevented from being displayed in the client without being downloaded first.

  • true (default)—The image is displayed in Jabber automatically.

  • false—File transfer is used where users must accept an image to see it.

Example: <EnableInlineImages>false</EnableInlineImages>


Applies to all Cisco Jabber clients.

Specifies whether the ability to control far-end cameras is enabled in the client.
  • true (default)—Far-end camera control is enabled. The Far-End Camera Control button is enabled on the call video window.

  • false—Far-end camera control is disabled. The Far-End Camera Control button is disabled on the call video window, even if the endpoint can control far-end camera.

Example: <EnableFecc>false</EnableFecc>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Specifies if the Report a problem menu item is available in the Help menu in the client.
  • true (default)—The Report a problem menu item is available.

  • false—The Report a problem menu item is removed.

Example: <EnablePrt>True</EnablePrt>

If you disable this parameter, users can still manually use the Start Menu > Cisco Jabber directory, or the Program files directory and launch the Problem Report Tool manually.

If a user manually creates a PRT, and this parameter value is set to false, then the zip file created from the PRT has no content.


Enables problem report encryption. For Cisco Jabber for desktop clients, configure this parameter with the PRTCertificateName parameter. For Cisco Jabber for mobile clients, configure this parameter with the PRTCertificateUrl parameter.
  • true—PRT files sent by Cisco Jabber clients are encrypted.

  • false (default)—PRT files sent by Cisco Jabber clients are not encrypted.

PRT encryption requires a public or private key pair to encrypt and decrypt the Cisco Jabber problem report. For more information, refer to the Decrypt the Problem Report section in the document Features and Options for Cisco Jabber.



Applies to Cisco Jabber for Desktop clients.

Specifies whether users receive reminders for Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, Mac iCalendar, IBM Notes and other non-Webex Meetings that are in their Jabber Meetings tab.

  • true—Reminders are enabled.

  • false (default)—Reminders are disabled.


Applies to Cisco Jabber desktop clients.

Specifies the number of minutes of inactivity before the user is automatically signed out of Cisco Jabber desktop clients. If the parameter is not set, then the client does not sign out automatically.

The value for minutes is from 1 to 480.




Applies to Cisco Jabber mobile clients.

Specifies the number of minutes of inactivity before the user is automatically signed out of Cisco Jabber mobile clients. If the parameter is not set the client does not sign out automatically.

The value for minutes is from 1 to 480.

Example: <ForceLogoutTimerMobile>15</ForceLogoutTimerMobile>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Desktop clients.

Specifies the URL of your web page for users to reset or retrieve forgotten passwords.

In hybrid cloud-based deployments, use the Cisco Webex Administration Tool to direct users to the web page to reset or retrieve forgotten passwords.




Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies whether the call control strip is displayed in the call window.
  • enable—Displays the call control strip during calls. On the top bar of the Cisco Jabber call window, users have a new option to see or hide the call control strip.

  • disable (default)—Hides the call control strip during calls. Users see a video-only window without the call control strip.




Applies to all clients.

Specifies the network IP protocol for the Cisco Jabber client.

  • IPV4_Only—Jabber will only attempt to make IPv4 connections.

  • IPV6_Only—Jabber will only attempt to make IPv6 connections.

  • Dual_Stack (Default)—Jabber can connect with either IPv4 or IPv6.



Applies to Cisco Jabber for all clients.

Contains plug-in definitions such as custom embedded tabs that display HTML content. For more information, see Custom Embedded Tab Definitions section from the document Features and Options for Cisco Jabber.

<page refresh="true" preload="true">


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows

Determines whether the default Windows notification sound is played when a contact search returns a result.

  • true (default)—The default Windows notification sound is played when a contact search returns a result.

  • false—No notification sound is played when a contact search returns a result.


Applies to all Cisco Jabber clients in cloud deployments only.

Specifies the maximum bandwidth (in kilobits per second) to be used for Jabber to Jabber calls. The video quality (resolution) of the call is lowered so that it meets the bandwidth limit.

On startup, Cisco Jabber applies this setting from the jabber-config.xml file that is downloaded from Cisco Webex Messenger.

  • Minimum value—128 kbps. Values lower than this are automatically increased to 128Kbps.

  • Maximum value—4000 kbps. This is the default value. Values higher than 4000 kbps are automatically decreased to 4000 kbps.


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop and mobile clients.

Specifies the maximum number of bookmarks allowed in persistent chat rooms. The maximum number of bookmarks allowed is 30.
  • 30 (default)—sets a maximum of 30 bookmarks.

Example: <MaxNumberOfBookmarks>30</MaxNumberOfBookmarks>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Makes the Username field on the Sign In screen read-only after the user signs in successfully for the first time.

  • true—Username field on the Sign In screen becomes read-only after the user signs in successfully for the first time. To enable the Username field again, or to switch to a different user, users must reset Cisco Jabber from the File menu.

  • false (default)—Username field on the Sign In screen remains editable after the user signs in successfully for the first time.

Example: <MakeUsernameReadOnly>true</MakeUsernameReadOnly>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies whether mentions are enabled in group chat.
  • true (default)—Enables mentions in group chat.

  • false—Disables mentions in group chat.

Example: <Mention_GroupChat>false</Mention_GroupChat>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies whether mentions are enabled in person to person chat.
  • true (default)—Enables mentions in person to person chat.

  • false—Disables mentions in person to person chat.

Example: <Mention_P2Pchat>false</Mention_P2Pchat>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies whether mentions are enabled in persistent chat.
  • true (default)—Enables mentions in persistent chat.

  • false—Disables mentions in persistent chat.

Example: <Mention_PersistentChat>false</Mention_PersistentChat>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Defines the path where instant messages and file transfers are automatically saved each time a user closes a conversation. Chats are saved in a folder called MyJabberChats and files are saved in a folder called MyJabberFiles.

The user sets this parameter in the Chats tab of the Options dialog. When the user clicks the Change Folder button, a browse dialog opens and the filepath to the chosen folder is written to the MyJabberFilesLocation parameter.

This parameter can be set only if the AllowUserSelectChatsFileDirectory parameter is set to false.

This parameter works with the AutosaveChatsLocation parameter as follows:

  • If both the AutosaveChatsLocation parameter and the MyJabberFilesLocation parameter have a value, then the MyJabberFilesLocation value takes priority.

  • If the MyJabberFilesLocation parameter does not have a value, then the AutosaveChatsLocation value determines the path to the MyJabberChats and MyJabberFiles folders.

  • If both the AutosaveChatsLocation parameter and the MyJabberFilesLocation parameter have no value, then all chats and files are saved to the default location (Documents folder).


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Defines whether the Meet Now option is enabled in persistent chat rooms.
  • true (default)—Webex Meetings capabilities are enabled for users in persistent chat rooms. Users see the Meet Now option displayed.

  • false—Webex Meetings capabilities are disabled for users in persistent chat rooms. Users do not see the Meet Now option displayed.

Example: <pChatMeeting>false</pChatMeeting>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Defines whether screen sharing capabilities are enabled in persistent chat rooms.
  • true (default)—Screen sharing capabilities are enabled for users in persistent chat rooms. Users see the Share screen option displayed.

  • false—Screen sharing capabilities are disabled for users in persistent chat rooms. Users do not see the Share screen option displayed.

Example: <pChatShare>false</pChatShare>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Specifies whether the persistent chat feature is available in the client.
  • true—The persistent chat interface is shown in the client.

  • false (default)—The parameter is set to the default value if the setting is not present in the configuration file.

Example: <Persistent_Chat_Enabled>true</Persistent_Chat_Enabled>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for mobile clients.

Specifies if persistent chat is available in the client.


You can set the value to true, only if the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Instant Messaging and Presence server version is 11.5su5 or later.

  • true—Persistent chat is available in the client. You can set this

  • false (default)—Persistent chat is not available in the client.

Example: <Persistent_Chat_Mobile_Enabled>false</Persistent_Chat_Mobile_Enabled>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies if the Call button is available when users are in persistent chat conversations.

  • true (default)—Enables the Call button in persistent chat, which allows users to click on it to initiate a phone call.
  • false—The Call button won't be displayed in persistent chat, so users can't initiate a conference.

Example: <PersistentChatTelephonyEnabled>false</PersistentChatTelephonyEnabled>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Keeps IM notifications of new messages on the screen until you dismiss them so they do not fade away. Newer notifications are stacked above older ones.

  • true - Messages can stay on the screen until users dismiss them. Users have the option to turn persistent display off in their Options menu under Notifications.

  • false (default) - Messages do not remain on the screen until dismissed. Messages are displayed and begin to fade away until there is no notification and only a flashing Jabber icon on the taskbar.


Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Specifies the name of a certificate with a public key in the Enterprise Trust or Trusted Root Certificate Authorities certificate store. The certificate public key is used to encrypt Cisco Jabber Problem reports. You must configure this parameter with the EnablePrtEncryption parameter.



Applies to Cisco Jabber for mobile clients.

Specifies the URL to the certificate with a public key in the trusted root certificate store. The client downloads the public key, and uses it to encrypt the Cisco Jabber problem report. If EnablePrtEncryption is true, and no certificate is downloaded, due to a wrong URL or a network problem, Cisco Jabber does not send a PRT.



Specifies the custom script for submitting problem reports. For more information, see Configure Problem Reporting section from the document Features and Options for Cisco Jabber.



Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Specifies if the Remember my open conversations check box on the General tab of the Options window is checked when users first sign in.

  • true—The Remember my open conversations check box is checked when users sign in to Cisco Jabber for the first time. Each time users sign into the client, Jabber restores all the person-to-person conversations that were open when they signed out.

  • false (default)—The Remember my open conversations check box isn’t checked when users sign in to Cisco Jabber for the first time.

Users can override the initial setting by checking or unchecking the Remember my open conversations check box at any time.


If chat history isn’t enabled, then the restored chat windows are empty.

Example: <RestoreChatOnLogin>false</RestoreChatOnLogin>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

If a screen reader is running, displays informational messages in Jabber as pop-out windows.

  • true (default) - If a screen reader is running, messages that are otherwise displayed in the client are instead displayed as pop-out windows for screen readers to capture them. If a screen reader is not running, informational messages are displayed as normal.

  • false - If a screen reader is running, messages are not displayed in a pop-out window.


Applies to all clients

Controls whether the incoming call alerts (toasts) appear.

  • true (default)—The alerts appear.

  • false—The alerts don't appear.

Example: <ShowCallAlerts>false</ShowCallAlerts>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for mobile clients.

Specifies if the mobile icon is displayed when a user signs in to Jabber using mobile device. The mobile icon is available next to the user's availability status.

The mobile status icon, like other location sharing, is visible only on desktop clients. When ShowIconWhenMobile is enabled, and a user is signed in to both a desktop and mobile client, then only the desktop location is visible.

  • On—The mobile icon is displayed. Also, the Show icon when on mobile option is not available in the client.

  • Off—The mobile icon is not displayed. Also, the Show icon when on mobile option is not available in the client.

  • Default_on (default)—The mobile icon is displayed only if the user enables Show icon when on mobile option in the client. When the user launches the client, by default the Show icon when on mobile option is enabled.

  • Default_off—The mobile icon is displayed only if the user enables Show icon when on mobile option in the client. When the user launches the client, by default the Show icon when on mobile option is disabled.

  • Empty or no value—The mobile icon is displayed.



Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies if you want to show or hide users' call history in the Recents tab on the Cisco Jabber hub window.
  • true (default)—The Recents tab is displayed.

  • false—The Recents tab is not displayed.

Example: <ShowRecentsTab>false</ShowRecentsTab>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies whether spell check is enabled in the client. Spell check supports autocorrect, allows users to select the correct word from a list of suggestions, and add a word to the dictionary.
  • true—Spell check is enabled.

  • false (default)—Spell check is disabled.



Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies the default spell check language used. The client uses the default spell check language set. You can define the default language dictionary that you want the client to use.

From the conversation windows, users can select different default languages for each user they chat with.

Example: <spell_check_language>1031</spell_check_language> defines German as the default spell check language.


Applies to all the Cisco Jabber clients.

Specifies if Fast Sign-in is enabled for your client or not.
  • false (default)—Fast Sign-in is enabled for your client.

  • true—Fast Sign-in is disabled for your client.

Prerequisites that are applicable for mobile clients only:
  • The STARTUP_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED parameter has dependency on CachePasswordMobile parameter. To enable Fast Sign-in, set STARTUP_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED to false and CachePasswordMobile to true.

  • If you have configured CachePasswordMobile parameter in releases earlier than 11.8, then in the release 11.9, configure both STARTUP_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED and CachePasswordMobile parameter to enable Fast Sign-in.

  • If you have not configured CachePasswordMobile parameter in releases earlier than 11.8, then you can configure only STARTUP_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED parameter to enable Fast Sign-in.

    You can configure both of these parameters over Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) also.




Applies to all Cisco Jabber clients.

Specifies that for certain locales, when the displayname directory field is empty or not available, users' own display names and the display names of their contacts can be changed to Lastname, Firstname format.

  • true (default)—In the following locales: Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (People's Republic of China), Chinese (Taiwan), Japanese, Korean; the format for users' own display names and the display names of their contacts is in the Lastname, Firstname format.

  • false—Users' own display names and the display names of their contacts is in the Firstname, Lastname format.

Example: <SwapDisplayNameOrder>false</SwapDisplayNameOrder>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies if the screen saver or computer lock function activates during a Cisco Jabber call if the user is inactive, and if the function is enabled on your Windows computer.

This parameter does not control any behavior for incoming calls when the screen is already locked or the screen saver is already on.
  • true—Screen saver can activate during calls.

  • false (default)—Screen saver cannot activate during calls or when users receive a new incoming call alert. When the call ends, or the new incoming call alert is accepted or rejected, then the screen saver or screen lock is enabled again.

Example: <SystemIdleDuringCalls>true</SystemIdleDuringCalls>


Applies to all Cisco Jabber clients operating in on-premises and cloud deployment modes.

You can restrict some Cisco Jabber client users to access phone only services even though your environment is set up for full UC mode.
  • True—Cisco Jabber users can access phone services only.

  • False (default)—Cisco Jabber users can access all services that you’ve configured in your environment.



Applies to Cisco Jabber desktop clients.

Specifies the URL to the automatic updates XML definition file on your HTTP server. The client uses this URL to retrieve the update XML file. For more information, see Configure Automatic Updates section from the document Features and Options for Cisco Jabber.

Example: <UpdateURL>http://http_servername/UpdateURL_file</UpdateURL>


Applies to all Cisco Jabber clients for on-premises deployments.

Specifies whether or not to bind to the LDAP server using anonymous binding instead of a user or service account.

  • true—Cisco Jabber does not use credentials when connecting to the LDAP server. Users are not allowed to enter credentials for the directory service in the Options window.

  • false (default)—Cisco Jabber uses credentials when connecting to the LDAP server.


Do not use the LdapAnonymousBinding parameter with any of the following parameters because they can cause conflicting configuration:

  • LDAP_UseCredentialsFrom

  • ConnectionUsername and ConnectionPassword

Example: <LdapAnonymousBinding>true</LdapAnonymousBinding>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows Release 11.1(1) onwards.

Specifies which language is used for the client. The language is determined using the following process:

  1. The system checks the bootstrap file. If the language is specified in the bootstrap file (using the LANGUAGE parameter), then the specified language is used.

  2. If the language is not specified in the bootstrap file, then the system checks the UseSystemLanguage parameter:

    • true—The language is set to the same value as the operating system.

    • false (default)—The client uses the regional language as specified by the user. The regional language is set at Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region > Region and Language > Change the date, time, or number format > Formats tab > Format dropdown.


If the language is not specified in the bootstrap file and the UseSystemLanguage parameter is not included in the jabber-config.xml file, then the regional language is used.


When this parameter is specified in the jabber-config.xml file on a TFTP server, it becomes effective only after the client is restarted (File > Exit).