Unified Intelligence Center uses Value Lists and Collections as filtering tools to collect and control the data that is available for display in reports.
Value lists are based on database queries and contain reportable items of the same type. For example, all agents or all skill groups.
Collections are subsets of Value Lists, created to control the amount of data that is displayed to specific users and user groups. For example, you can create a collection of skill groups that displays only the skill groups in a region or line of business. No stock collections are installed with Unified Intelligence Center. Users with permissions to do so can create custom collections.
Note |
Value Lists and Collections using collection queries are refreshed every midnight (using the server time zone). The refresh operation is performed on the primary node in a cluster and propagated to other nodes. |
Agent and Agent Team collections are created automatically when you implement the Unified Contact Center Enterprise User Integration feature. These imported collections are identified as system collections after they are imported from Unified Intelligent Contact Management or Unified Contact Center Enterprise.
When you run reports, Value Lists and Collections are displayed to filter reports. The ability to filter by Value Lists or by Collections is determined by Group or User permissions.