Feature Troubleshooting
Here is troubleshooting information related to some of the phone features.
ACD Call Information Missing
A call center phone does not see call information during a call.
Check the phone configuration to determine if Call Information Enable is set to yes.
Check the Broadsoft server configuration to determine if the user's Device Profile is configured with "Support Call Center MIME Type".
Phone Doesn't Show ACD Softkeys
The phone doesn't display the Agent Sign In or Agent Sign Out softkeys.
Check Broadsoft server configuration to determine if that user has been configured as a call center agent.
Enable the programmable softkeys (PSK) and add the ACD softkeys to the softkey list. For more information, see Customize Display of the Softkeys.
Check the phone configuration to determine if BroadSoft ACD is set to yes.
Phone Doesn't Show ACD Agent Availability
The phone doesn't display the Avail or Unavail softkeys for an agent.
Check Broadsoft server configuration to determine if that user has been configured as a call center agent.
Check the phone configuration to determine if BroadSoft ACD is set to yes.
Set up the Agt Status programmable softkey (PSK) and add the ACD softkey to the softkey list. For more information, see Customize Display of the Softkeys.
Instruct users to press the Agt Status key to display the Available, Unavailable, and Wrap-up possible states.
Select the desired agent state.
Call Doesn't Record
When a user tries to record a call, the recording doesn't takes place.
This is often due to configuration issues.
Set the phone to always record a call.
Make a call.
If the recording doesn't start, there are configuration problems. Check the configuration of the BroadWorks and third-party recorder.
If the recording does start:
Set the phone to record on demand.
Set up Wireshark to capture a trace of the network traffic between the phone and Broadworks when the problem occurs. When you have the trace, contact TAC for further assistance.
An Emergency Call Doesn't Connect to Emergency Services
A user tries to place an emergency call, but the call doesn't connect to the emergency services (fire, police, or emergency services operator).
Check the emergency call configuration:
Company Identifier or location request URL setup is incorrect. See Configure a Phone to Make Emergency Calls.
An incorrect or blank emergency number exists in the Dial Plan setup. See Edit the Dial Plan on the IP Phone.
The location request servers (emergency call service provider) did not respond with a phone location, after multiple attempts.
Presence Status Doesn't Work
The phone doesn't show presence information.
Use UC Communicator as a reference to verify that the account works.
Phone Presence Message: Disconnected from Server
Instead of presence information, the user sees the message Disconnected from server.
Check the Broadsoft server configuration to determine if IM&P service is enabled and assigned to that user.
Check the phone configuration to determine if the phone can connect to the internet and get the XMPP messages.
Check the XMPP Incoming and Outgoing messages printed in the syslog to make sure it can login successfully.
Phone Cannot Access BroadSoft Directory for XSI
The phone displays XSI directory access error.
Check Broadsoft server configuration for the user login and SIP credentials.
Check error messages in syslog.
Check information on the error on the phone screen.
If HTTPS connection fails, check the error message on the phone screen and in the syslog.
Install custom CA for HTTPS connection if the BroadSoft certificate is not signed from phone built-in root CA.
Phone Doesn't Show Contacts
The phone doesn't display any contacts in the All directories screen when Search All Enable and Browse Mode Enable are set to Yes.
Check that the personal address book is enabled in the phone.
Check that there are contacts in the local personal address book and the Bluetooth-paired phone.
SIP Subscription Failure Message
Subscription failure message displays on the phone screen.
Ensure that the sub parameter is correct. The sub parameter needs a correct SIP URI.
For example, the following string has an incomplete URI because the domain part is missing:
Check if the voicemail PLK monitors a voicemail account that is different from the associated extension’s user ID and the SIP proxy. If the associated extension's SIP proxy doesn't support this scenario, the subscription will fail.
For example, for extension1, the user ID is 4081009981. The PLK doesn't monitor 4081009981 but it monitors 4085283300 (a hunt group number or an ACD group number) although the PLK is associated with extension 1. In this case, the monitored voicemail user 4085283300 is different from the PLK's associated user 4081009981. If the SIP proxy of extension 1 doesn't support this scenario, the subscription will fail.
Number of Voicemail Messages Doesn't Display
The phone doesn't display the number of voicemail messages in the voicemail PLK.
Solution 1
Ensure there are new messages in the monitored voicemail account.
Solution 2
Ensure the SIP proxy sends message-summary events to the phone.
In the phone’s Problem Report Tool (PRT) report, check if the SIP proxy sends a message-summary event to the phone.
Find the NOTIFY message containing an message-summary event from the phone logs. If it is not found, the SIP proxy doesn’t send any message-summary event.
An example of a message-summary event:
6581 NOT May 20 19:54:04.162830 (31949:32029) voice- <===== Recv (UDP) []:5060 SIP MSG:: NOTIFY sip:4081009981@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-25824-1-2
From: "80000"<sip:8000@voicemail.sipurash.com>;tag=65737593823-1
To: <sip:4081009981@>;tag=3855fbedd30b2464
Call-ID: 745bbebd-c35bc038@
CSeq: 1001 NOTIFY
Max-Forwards: 20
Event: message-summary
Subscription-state: active;expires=3599
User-Agent: UMSIPVoicemail
Content-Length: 213
Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary
Messages-Waiting: yes
Message-Account: 4085283300@
Voice-Message: 5/5 (2/3)
Fax-Message: 0/0 (0/0)
Pager-Message: 0/0 (0/0)
Multimedia-Message: 0/0 (0/0)
Text-Message: 0/0 (0/0)
None: 0/0 (0/0)
Unable to Place a Call with Speed Dial for Voicemail Messages
The phone is unable to place a call to the specified speed-dial number.
Ensure that the sd parameter is included in the extension function script.
For example, the sd parameter is missing in this script: fnc=mwi;sub=4085283300@$PROXY;vid=1;ext=3000;
Ensure that the ext parameter is set .
For example, the ext parameter is not set in this function script: fnc=mwi+sd;sub=4085283300@$PROXY;vid=1;
Failed to Sign Into a Voicemail Account
After the user press a voicemail PLK, the user cannot sign into the voicemail account automatically.
Access the voicemail server’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and determine the proper delay for the voicemail ID and PIN input. Insert or delete one or more commas if needed.
For example, the delay between the voicemail user ID and the PIN is too short: fnc=mwi+sd;sub=4085283300@$PROXY;vid=1;ext=3000 ,3300#,123456#;
Ensure that there is a space between the speed dial number and the DTMFs (containing the voicemail user ID and PIN).
For example, there is no space after "3000" in the string: fnc=mwi+sd;sub=4085283300@$PROXY;vid=1;ext=3000,3300#,123456#;
- Check if the monitored voicemail user ID is the same with the PLK's associated extension's user ID. If not, the voicemail
server may take the caller ID (the associated extension's user ID) as the voicemail user ID. The voicemail server doesn't
ask for the PIN only, it may ask for a star key (*) to switch the voicemail user.
For example:
Extension 1 User ID is "4081009981".
PLK function script is as follows:
fnc=mwi+sd;sub=4085283300@$PROXY;vid=1;ext=3000 ,3300#,123456#;
In this case, insert a star key (*) in the PLK function script, as shown below:
fnc=mwi+sd;sub=4085283300@$PROXY;vid=1;ext=3000 ,*,3300#,123456#;
Voicemail PLK Options Don't Display on the Phone
After you press and hold the voicemail PLK for 2 seconds, the MWI or MWI + Speed dial, or both options don't display in the Select feature screen.
Ensure that mwi;
or mwi;sd;
is added to the Customizable PLK Options field under the General section from .
Saved Passwords Become Invalid after Downgrade
You update certain passwords on a phone that uses Firmware Release 11.3(6) or later, and then downgrade the phone to Firmware Release 11.3(5) or older. In this scenario, the updated or saved passwords become invalid after the downgrade.
On the phone with Firmware Release 11.3(6) or later, even though you change the password back to the original one, this issue still occurs after the downgrade.
For the Firmware Release 11.3(6) or later, if you update the passwords, you must reconfigure the passwords to avoid the downgrade issue. If not, this issue doesn’t occur after the downgrade.
The following table shows the passwords that are affected by the downgrade issue:
Category |
Password Type |
System Configuration |
User Password |
Admin Password |
Wi-Fi Profile (1-4) |
Wi-Fi Password |
WEP Key |
PSK Passphrase |
XSI Phone Service |
Login Password |
SIP Password |
Broadsoft XMPP |
Password |
XML Service |
XML Password |
Password |
Call Feature Settings |
Auth Page Password |
Subscriber Information |
Password |
XSI Line Service |
Login Password |
TR-069 |
ACS Password |
Connection Request Password |
BACKUP ACS Password |
Failed to Onboard the Phone to Webex
A phone onboards with the EDOS device activation that uses phone MAC address, and it onboards to the Webex cloud. An administrator deletes the phone user from an organization in Webex Control Hub and then assigns the phone to another user. In this scenario, the phone fails to onboard to the Webex cloud even though it can connect to Webex Calling service. Specifically, the status of the phone in Control Hub is shown as "Offline".
Manually perform a factory reset on the phone after a user is deleted in Control Hub. For more information about how to perform a factory reset, see one of the following topics for details: