Table Of Contents
Quick Start Guide for
Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.3.xUCS-based DMS Appliances Network Connection
Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.3.x
Set Up and Configure Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x
Set Up File Hosting Locations in Cisco Show and Share
Configure Cisco Digital Media Players in the Cisco DMM
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Quick Start Guide for
Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.3.x
Revised: November 4, 2011
This guide describes the first boot process and initial configuration of the Cisco Digital Media Suite components:
Cisco Show and Share:
Cisco Show and Share on UCS C210 (SNS-SVR-C210EN-K9)
Cisco Show and Share UCS C200 (SNS-SVR-C200WG-K9)
Cisco Digital Media Manager on UCS C210 (DMM-SVR-C210-K9)
This guide contains the following sections:
UCS-based DMS Appliances Network Connection
Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.3.x
Set Up and Configure Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x
Set Up File Hosting Locations in Cisco Show and Share
Configure Cisco Digital Media Players in the Cisco DMM
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
UCS-based DMS Appliances Network Connection
Use the following illustrations to determine which physical interface on the appliance (indicated by the number 1) to use when connecting it to the network.
Figure 1 SNS-SVR-C210EN-K9 and DMM-SVR-C210-K9 appliances
Figure 2 SNS-SVR-C200WG-K9
Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.3.x
Use the checklist in this section to set up a Cisco DMM 5.3 appliance and configure its software.
Before You Begin
Obtain the IP address and subnet mask to assign to the Cisco DMM appliance.
Obtain the IP addresses of the default network gateway, the primary DNS server, and the secondary DNS server.
Ensure that a DNS entry has been created and published for the DMM appliance.
Ensure that you have obtained the license keys to unlock the software features on your DMM and Show and Share appliances. For information about obtaining license keys, see the Licenses chapter of the User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager on
Make sure you are running a supported browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 or later, Apple Safari 3.1.2 or later).
Enable popup windows in your browser if they are disabled. You can complete the checklist only if popup windows are enabled.
Set up the appliance hardware:
Unpack the equipment from its container and verify that all components are present.
Plug in the redundant power cables on the back of the appliance.
Connect an Ethernet cable to you network and to the port on the back of the appliance. See UCS-based DMS Appliances Network Connection.
Connect a monitor to the VGA output on the back of the appliance.
Connect a standard PS2 keyboard to the purple PS2 port in the back of the appliance.
Power on the appliance.
The "Start of First Boot" message displays.
At the "Start of First Boot" message, press Enter.
Specify the fully qualified, DNS-resolvable hostname for the Cisco DMM appliance, for example
. Do not enter an IP address. Choose OK.
Enter the following network information and then choose OK:
The server IP address
The subnet mask
The default gateway IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
The primary DNS server IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
The secondary DNS server IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
Confirm that you entered the correct network settings. If the settings are correct, choose Yes. If they are wrong, choose No to go back and correct them.
Configure settings for the appliance network interface card (NIC) by completing one of the following steps:
If the NIC for your appliance should auto-negotiate the fastest possible transmission mode when it is connected to another device, choose Yes.
If the NIC should not auto-negotiate, choose No, choose the NIC speed, choose OK, select the duplex method, choose OK, and then choose Yes.
Set the time zone settings, as follows:
Use the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate through the Time Zone list.
Stop when the correct time zone is displayed, and then choose OK.
If the settings are correct, choose Yes. if they are wrong, choose No to go back and correct them.
Set the current month, year, and day, as follows:
Use the Tab key and the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate and change the selected values.
When you are done, choose OK.
If the settings are correct, choose Yes. if they are wrong, choose No to go back and correct them.
Set the current hour, minute, and second. Use the 24 hour time format (24 hours that increment from 0100 to 2400).
Use the Tab key and the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate and change the selected values.
When you are done, choose OK.
If the settings are correct, choose Yes. If they are wrong, choose No to go back and correct them.
Enter a password for the admin account, and choose OK. Re-enter the password and choose OK twice.
This is the default account to use when you administer the appliance using AAI; the admin account is not used to access the Cisco DMM GUI. The password that you enter must contain at least six characters.
TipWe recommend that you use a password that contains at least eight characters and contains numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols.
Enter a password for the pwadmin account, and choose OK. Re-enter the password and choose OK twice.
DO NOT LOSE THE PASSWORD FOR THIS ACCOUNT. You cannot recover it if you do. This account is used to recover the admin and superuser account passowrds and to access diagnostic tools when troubleshooting with Cisco support personnel.
After a moment, the appliance reboots, and a login prompt appears.
Load the administrative interface for Cisco DMM in a web browser (http://<DMM_server_name>:8080/). Use the Cisco DMM appliance fully qualified domain name that you configured in Step 3 for the server name.
Log into Cisco DMM by entering the following default username and password.
Username: superuser
Password: admin
Click Accept to agree to the terms of the End User License Agreement and then enter the following information for the superuser account:
Email Address—Enter the e-mail address for the superuser account for system notifications. This e-mail address is used for the Contact your administrator link on the Cisco DMS login screen.
Password and Re-enter password—Enter and confirm a new password for the superuser account.
Click Save. The license installation page displays.
Install the license keys to activate the DMM modules that you purchased, as follows.
Click Browse, find and select the license file where you saved it, and then click Open.
Click Install License. The DMM software features and modules that you purchased are now enabled.
Where to Go Next
If you are using your Cisco DMM with Cisco Show and Share, go to Set Up and Configure Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x.
If you are using the Cisco DMM with Cisco Digital Media Players, go to Configure Cisco Digital Media Players in the Cisco DMM
Set Up and Configure Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x
Use the checklist in this section to set up a Cisco Show and Share 5.3 appliance and configure its software.
Before You Begin
Configure you Cisco Digital Media Manager server. See Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.3.x.
Verify that at least one computer on your network is configured for access to other networked devices through TCP ports 80 and 8080.
Obtain an IP address and subnet mask to assign to the Show and Share appliance
Obtain the IP addresses of the default network gateway, the primary DNS server, and the secondary DNS server
Ensure that a DNS entry has been created and published for the Cisco Show and Share appliance.
Enable popup windows in your browser.
Set up the appliance hardware:
Unpack the equipment from its container and verify that all components are present.
Plug in the redundant power cables on the back of the appliance.
Connect an Ethernet cable to you network and to the port on the back of the appliance. See UCS-based DMS Appliances Network Connection.
Connect a monitor to the VGA output on the back of the appliance.
Connect a standard PS2 keyboard to the purple PS2 port in the back of the appliance.
Power on the appliance.
The "Start of First Boot" message displays.
At the "Start of First Boot" message, press Enter.
Specify the fully qualified, DNS-resolvable hostname for the Cisco Show and Share appliance, for example:
. Do not enter an IP address. Choose OK.
Enter the following network information and choose OK:
The server IP address
The subnet mask.
The default gateway IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
The primary DNS server IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
The secondary DNS server IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
Confirm that you entered the correct network settings. If the settings are correct, choose Yes. If they are wrong, choose No to go back and correct them.
Configure settings for the appliance network interface card (NIC) by completing one of the following steps:
If the NIC for your appliance should auto-negotiate the fastest possible transmission mode when it is connected to another device, choose Yes.
If the NIC should not auto-negotiate, choose No, select the NIC speed, choose OK, select the duplex method, choose OK, and then choose Yes.
Set the time zone settings, as follows:
Use the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate through the Time Zone list.
Stop when the correct time zone is displayed, and then choose OK.
If the settings are correct, choose Yes. If they are wrong, choose No to go back and correct them.
Set the current month, year, and day, as follows:
Use the Tab key and the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate and change the selected values.
When you are done, choose OK.
If the settings are correct, choose Yes. If they are wrong, choose No to go back and correct them.
Set the current hour, minute, and second. Use 24-hour time format (24 hours that increment from 0100 to 2400).
Use the Tab key and the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate and change the selected values.
When you are done, choose OK.
If the settings are correct, choose Yes. If they are wrong, choose No to go back and correct them.
Enter a password for the admin account, and choose OK. Re-enter the password and choose OK twice.
This is the default account to use when you administer the appliance using AAI; the admin account is not used to access the Cisco Show and Share GUI.The password that you enter must contain at least six characters.
TipWe recommend that you use a strong password. A strong password has at least eight characters and contains numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols.
Enter a password for the pwadmin account, and choose OK. Re-enter the password and choose OK twice.
This is the account to use if you forget your password for the admin account.
After a moment, the appliance reboots, and a login prompt appears.
Where to Go Next
Pair your Cisco Show and Share and Cisco Digital Media Manager Appliances. See Pair Cisco DMS Appliances.
Pair Cisco DMS Appliances
You must pair your Cisco Digital Media Manager appliance and your Cisco Show and Share appliance after you first set them up, after performing a software recovery procedure, or whenever you change the hostname or IP address of the appliances.
CautionPairing fails when you complete these steps in the wrong order. To succeed, you must use AAI on your Cisco Show and Share appliance before you use AAI on your Cisco DMM appliance. You must not reverse this order or try to use AAI simultaneously on both appliances.
Where to Go Next
Go to Set Up File Hosting Locations in Cisco Show and Share, to configure where videos uploaded to Cisco Show and Share are stored.
Set Up File Hosting Locations in Cisco Show and Share
By default, Cisco Show and Share is set to host uploaded media files on the Cisco Show and Share server. We recommend using external servers to host the Cisco Show and Share media.
Before You Begin
Make sure you are running a supported browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 or later, Apple Safari 3.1.2 or later).
Log into the Cisco Show and Share web interface as superuser (http://<show_and_share_server_name>). You configured the superuser password while setting up your Cisco DMM server. See "Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.3.x" section, step 14.
Choose Administration from the global navigation.
Choose Setup >Show and Share.
The File Hosting Locations screen appears. By default, files are hosted locally on the Cisco Show and Share server.
To specify other file hosting locations, which can differ for the different supported file types, clear the Publish locally to check box and then enter all of the following values for each supported file type.
File upload protocol — The protocol or method for file transfer. The options are FTP or SFTP.
Host address — The DNS-resolvable hostname or IP address of the remote server where you will deploy files of the relevant file type.
Login name — A user account name that has the required privileges to access the remote server.
Login password — The assigned password for the login name that you specified. I.
Directory root location — The absolute directory path to files that you will deploy.
Directory root URL path — The absolute URL, where the Show and Share will reference your files.
To save your selections, click Save.
You are done with the initial setup of your Cisco Show and Share server.
Configure Cisco Digital Media Players in the Cisco DMM
If you purchased a Digital Signs license to centrally manage multiple Cisco Digital Media Player (DMP) devices, DMM can auto-discover your DMPs and organize them into groups for simplified and remote management of your DMPs anywhere globally.
Before You Begin
Make sure you are running a supported browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 or later, Apple Safari 3.1.2 or later).
If not still logged in, log into Cisco DMM as superuser (http://<DMM_server_name>:8080/). You configured the superuser password while setting up your Cisco DMM server. See "Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.3.x" section, step 14.
Discover the DMPs in your network.
Choose Digital Signs from the untitled list at the top far-right of any page.
Choose Digital Media Players > Advanced Tasks.
From the Application Types list, choose DMP Discovery, and then click
Add New Application.
Enter the following required values:
Name — A short and meaningful group name that applies equally well to every DMP in the specified range. For example, you might indicate that devices in this group are all located in Boston or Singapore.
Description — (Optional) A longer description of the group, its purpose, its policies, or anything else.
Discovery IP range — The range of IP addresses in which DMM should auto-discover DMPs.
To save and commit your entries, click Submit, or to discard your entries, click Cancel.
Configure your DMP devices to recognize the authority of your DMM appliance. Do the following for each centrally managed DMP:
To log in to the embedded device management software, DMPDM, point your browser to the DMP IP address.
At the login prompt, enter the username and the password that you configured for the DMP.
In the Settings area, click DMM, and then enter the required values:
DMM Host — The IP address of your DMM appliance.
Timeout (Seconds) — The maximum number of seconds that your DMP should wait for a response from your DMM appliance.
Click Apply to confirm your entries and to implement them until you change them or until you restart the DMP.
To make your configuration changes permanent even after you reboot your DMP, click Save Configuration, and then, after you see the Save Configuration page, click Save.
Click Reboot DMP, and then, after you see the Reboot DMM page, click Reboot.
Related Documentation
For a list of all Cisco DMS product documentation, see the Guide to Documentation for the Cisco Digital Media Suite at the following URL:
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
Subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product Documentation as an RSS feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service. Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.
This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the "Related Documentation" section.
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