Cisco UCS Manager User Documentation
Cisco UCS Manager offers you a new set of smaller, use-case based documentation described in the following table:
Guide |
Description |
Discusses Cisco UCS architecture and Day 0 operations, including Cisco UCS Manager initial configuration and configuration best practices. |
Discusses password management, role-based access configuration, remote authentication, communication services, CIMC session management, organizations, backup and restore, scheduling options, BIOS tokens, and deferred deployments. |
Discusses physical and virtual infrastructure components used and managed by Cisco UCS Manager. |
Discusses downloading and managing firmware, upgrading through Auto Install, upgrading through service profiles, directly upgrading at endpoints using firmware auto sync, managing the capability catalog, deployment scenarios, and troubleshooting. |
Discusses the new licenses, registering Cisco UCS domain with Cisco UCS Central, power capping, server boot, server profiles, and server-related policies. |
Discusses all aspects of storage management, such as SAN and VSAN in Cisco UCS Manager. |
Discusses all aspects of network management, such as LAN and VLAN connectivity in Cisco UCS Manager. |
Discusses all aspects of system and health monitoring, including system statistics in Cisco UCS Manager. |
Discusses all aspects of management of UCS S-Series servers that are managed through Cisco UCS Manager. |