Installation of Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent

This chapter contains the following sections:

Installing Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent on VMware vSphere

Before You Begin
  • You must have system administrator privileges for VMware vSphere or vCenter.

  • If you want to use a static IP address rather than DHCP, you must know the following information:

    • IP address

    • Subnet mask

    • Default gateway

    Step 1   On the download site for Cisco UCS Director, download Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent and unzip the OVF file in to the folder.
    Step 2   Log in to VMware vSphere Client.
    Step 3   In the Navigation pane, click the vSphere host on which you want to deploy Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent.
    Step 4   Choose File > Deploy OVF Template.
    Step 5   In the Source screen of the Deploy OVF Template window, do one of the following to choose your OVF source location and then click Next:
    • If the OVF file is stored on your local computer, browse to the location, choose the file, and click Open.
    • If the OVF file is stored on a server on your local area network, enter the location of the file including the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the server.
    Step 6   In the OVF Template Details screen, verify the details and click Next.
    Step 7   In the End User License Agreement screen, review the license agreement and click Accept.
    Step 8   In the Name and Location screen, do the following:
    1. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the VM.
    2. In the Inventory Location area, choose the location where you want the VM to reside.
    3. Click Next.
    Step 9   In the Storage screen, choose the storage location for the VM and click Next.
    Step 10   In the Disk Format screen, click Next to accept the default radio button for Thick Provision (Lazy Zeroed) format.
    Step 11   In the Network Mapping screen, choose the network for the VM and click Next.
    Step 12   In the Properties screen, do the following:
    1. In the BMA Root User Password field, enter the password that you want to use as the root password.
    2. Configure the IP addresses for both the NICs (eth0 and eth1) that you want to assign, as follows:
      • To use DHCP to assign the IP addresses, leave the default of in the IP address fields.

      • To use static IP addresses, enter the desired IP addresses in the IP address fields. If you only want to configure one NIC, only complete one set of IP addresses and leave the second set at the default.

    3. Click Next.
    Step 13   In the Ready to Complete screen, verify the settings and click Finish.

    A message appears to indicate that Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent is being deployed.

    Step 14   Log in to the Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent server with root privileges, and check if you are able to ping the Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent server.
    Step 15   In the Navigation pane, right-click the Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent server and choose Edit Settings.
    1. Choose the Resources tab.
    2. In the Resource Allocation window, set CPU and Memory Reservation settings to the maximum.
    3. Click OK.
    Step 16   Power on the VM.

    NTP Server Configuration on Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent

    You can configure Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent to have its clock synchronized to an external NTP server. This ensures that the correct calendar time is maintained on the Baremetal Agent.

    Ensure that you synchronize Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data and Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent before you deploy any Hadoop cluster. It is recommended that you also synchronize Cisco UCS Manager and Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data on the configured NTP server.

    Locate the here: /opt/cnsaroot/bigdata_templates/, add execute permissions (chmod+x, and execute ( ./ <ntp_server_ip or hostname>) on the Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent Baremetal Agent server.

    Adding Oracle JDK Software Versions to Baremetal Agent

    You can upload Oracle JDK software and use Oracle JDK for all Hadoop distributions (Cloudera, MapR, and Hortonworks) through an instant Hadoop cluster and customized Hadoop cluster creation actions. You can also add new nodes to the existing cluster and support upgrading existing clusters.

      Step 1   Log in to the Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent server.
      Step 2   Create a JDK folder in /opt/cnsaroot/bd-sw-rep/.

      For example, create a JDK folder in /opt/cnsaroot/bd-sw-rep/ in the Baremetal Agent.

      Step 3   Create JDK software version folder names for each version.

      For example, create a JDK software version folder for JDK 1.8 in /opt/cnsaroot/bd-sw-rep/JDK/ in the Baremetal Agent.

      Step 4   Copy JDK files in .rpm or .gz format to the respective version folders.

      What to Do Next

      You can track software uploads here: Administration > Integration. Click the Change Record tab to track the software upload in progress and verify if completed or failed or timeout.

      Installation of User-Defined Software Post Hadoop Cluster Creation

      Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data provides an option to add user-defined installation packages (RPMs) post Hadoop distribution specific to a version. In Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data, you cannot install more Hadoop related software other than what is required for the selected type of Hadoop distribution when creating an instant Hadoop cluster or customizing a Hadoop cluster.

      To install user-defined Hadoop related software, you can mention a list of RPMs in the HadoopDistributionRPM.txt file. You can locate the HadoopDistributionRPM.txt here: /opt/cnsaroot/bigdata_templates/common_templates in the Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent server.

      For example, you can mention a list of RPMs in the HadoopDistributionRPM.txt file for MapR-5.0.0:
      • mapr-v5.0.0GA.rpm.tgz, mapr-ecosystem-5.x-20150709.rpm.tgz

      • mapr-whirr- for MapR-5.0.0

      Configuring the Network Interface using Shelladmin

      This procedure is optional.

        Step 1   Log in to the Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data VM console with the following credentials:
        1. User—shelladmin
        2. Password—changeme

        If you have already logged into the shelladmin and changed the default password, use your new password instead.

        After you have logged in, you can choose Change shelladmin password to change the default password.

        Step 2   Choose Configure Network Interface.
        Step 3   At the Do you want to Configure DHCP/STATIC IP [D/S] prompt, enter one of the following choices:
        • If DHCP is enabled, enter D (IP addresses are assigned automatically)
        • To configure static IP, enter S, and then choose the interface you want to configure at the next prompt followed by the option to select IPv4 or IPv6. This is followed by the confirmation of the interface selected and the version of IP for which you select Y to continue. Then enter the following details:
          • IP address

          • Netmask

          • Gateway

          • DNS Server 1

          • DNS Server 2

        Step 4   Confirm when prompted.

        Configuring the DHCP Server for a Baremetal Agent Account


        For a multi-home DHCP configuration, use this procedure to configure the first subnet for the DHCP server. For the remaining subnets, you must manually edit the DHCP configuration file (/etc/dhcpd.conf).

        Before You Begin

        To provide required DHCP services, ensure that at least one DHCP server is located in the same PXE VLAN as Baremetal Agent. Configure the DHCP server with an appropriate IP address range. The DHCP server, together with the TFTP server, is used to communicate with a PXE server.

          Step 1   On the menu bar, choose Administration > Physical Accounts.
          Step 2   Click the Bare Metal Agents tab.
          Step 3   Click the row for the Baremetal Agent account for which you want to configure the DHCP server.
          Step 4   Click Service Status to verify that services for the Baremetal Agent account are stopped.
          Step 5   Click Configure DHCP.
          Step 6   In the Configure DHCP dialog box, complete the following fields and click Submit.
          • DHCP Subnet

          • DHCP Netmask

          • DHCP Start IP

          • DHCP End IP

          • Router IP Address

          The DHCP IP address assignments are updated, and the DHCP service is restarted.

          Step 7   Click the row for the Baremetal Agent account and click Start Services.
          Step 8   After the services have started, do the following:
          • Verify that the status of the account in the Status column is Active.

          • Verify that the Enabled Services column shows that all services are running. If this status indicates that one or more services are stopped, verify the configuration of your DHCP server and try again.

          • Click Service Status to verify that the status of all expected services is up:

            • Network Services status in the Baremetal Agent appliance

            • Database connectivity status from the Baremetal Agent appliance

          What to Do Next

          Set up PXE boot requests.

          Adding a New Red Hat Version for Hadoop Cluster

          For more information on uploading supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions, see Chapter 12, Managing Hadoop and Splunk Clusters in Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Management Guide.

            Step 1   On the menu bar, choose Solutions > Big Data > Settings.
            Step 2   Click the Software Catalogs tab.
            Step 3   Click Add.
            Step 4   Click Upload.
            Step 5   Choose the target Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent from the Target BMA drop-down list.
            Step 6   Check the Restart BMA Services to restart Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data Baremetal Agent after uploading the required files.
            Step 7   To verify that the new Red Hat version (operating system software) is available in the Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data server, perform the following:
            1. Log in to the Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data user interface.
            2. On the menu bar, choose Administration > Physical Accounts.
            3. Click the Bare Metal Agents tab.

            You can find the new Red Hat version listed in the Image Catalogs column of the Bare Metal Agents report.

            New RHEL Version

            Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6

            Download the following file:

            Upgrading Baremetal Agent to Release 5.5

            Before You Begin

              Step 1   Download the Baremetal Agent, Release 5.5 patch to the existing Baremetal Agent.
              Step 2   Log in to the Baremetal Agent console through PuTTY or another Secure Shell (SSH) client, using the default root credentials shown or the root credentials for your system.
              Username: root
              Password: pxeboot
              Step 3   Unzip the patch.
              Step 4   Navigate to the directory of the unzipped file.
              cd ucsd_bma_patch_5_5_0_0
              Step 5   Run ./ to apply the patch to Baremetal Agent.
              Step 6   Navigate to the /opt/infra directory.
              Step 7   Run ./ to verify that you have the correct version of Baremetal Agent.
              Step 8   Log in to Cisco UCS Director, Release 5.5, and choose Administration > Physical Accounts > Bare Metal Agents.
              Step 9   Choose the account for the Baremetal Agent that you have upgraded.

              If your system has more than one instance of Baremetal Agent, you can identify the correct account by the IP address.

              Step 10   Confirm that the Baremetal Agent account is reachable from Cisco UCS Director and then stop and start the services for that account.