Configuring Port Profiles

This chapter includes the following sections:

Port Profiles

Port profiles contain the properties and settings used to configure virtual interfaces in Cisco UCS for VN-Link in hardware. The port profiles are created and administered in Cisco UCS Manager. There is no clear visibility into the properties of a port profile from VMware vCenter.

In VMware vCenter, a port profile is represented as a port group. Cisco UCS Manager pushes the port profile names to vCenter, which displays the names as port groups. None of the specific networking properties or settings in the port profile are visible in VMware vCenter.

After a port profile is created, assigned to, and actively used by one or more DVSes, any changes made to the networking properties of the port profile in Cisco UCS Manager are immediately applied to those DVSes.

You must configure at least one port profile client for a port profile, if you want Cisco UCS Manager to push the port profile to VMware vCenter.

Port Profile Clients

The port profile client determines the DVSes to which a port profile is applied. By default, the port profile client specifies that the associated port profile applies to all DVSes in the vCenter. However, you can configure the client to apply the port profile to all DVSes in a specific datacenter or datacenter folder, or only to one DVS.

Creating a Port Profile

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare .
Step 3   Right-click the Port Profiles node and choose Create Port Profile.
Step 4   In the Create Port Profile dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name Description

Name field

The user-defined name for the port profile.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters, and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

QoS Policy drop-down list

The quality of service policy associated with this port profile.

Network Control Policy drop-down list

The network control policy associated with this port profile.

Max Ports field

The maximum number of ports that can be associated with this port profile. The default is 64 ports.

The maximum number of ports that can be associated with a single distributed virtual switch (DVS) is 4096. If the DVS has only one associated port profile, that port profile can be configured with up to 4096 ports. However, if the DVS has more than one associated port profile, the total number of ports associated with all of those port profiles combined cannot exceed 4096.

Pin Group drop-down list

The pin group associated with this port profile.

Step 5   In the VLANs area, complete the following fields:
Name Description

Select column

Check the check box in this column for each VLAN you want to use.

Name column

The name of the VLAN.

Native VLAN column

To designate one of the VLANs as the native VLAN, click the radio button in this column.

Step 6   Click Finish.

Modifying the VLANs in a Port Profile

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare > Port Profiles.
Step 3   Right-click the port profile for which you want to modify the VLANs and choose Modify VLANs.
Step 4   In the Modify VLANs dialog box, change one or more of the following:
Name Description

Select column

Check the check box in this column for each VLAN you want to use.

Name column

The name of the VLAN.

Native VLAN column

To designate one of the VLANs as the native VLAN, click the radio button in this column.

Create VLAN link

Click this link if you want to create a VLAN.

Step 5   Click OK.

Changing the Native VLAN for a Port Profile

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare > Port Profiles.
Step 3   Right-click the port profile for which you want to change the native VLAN and choose Modify VLANs.
Step 4   In the Modify VLANs dialog box, do the following:
  1. In the Native VLAN column, click the radio button in the row for the VLAN that you want to become the native VLAN.
  2. Click OK.

Adding a VLAN to a Port Profile

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare > Port Profiles.
Step 3   Right-click the port profile to which you want to add a VLAN and choose Modify VLANs.
Step 4   In the Modify VLANs dialog box, do the following:
  1. In the Select column, check the check box in the row for the VLAN that you want to add to the port profile.
  2. Optional: If you want this VLAN to be the native VLAN, click the radio button in the Native VLAN column.
  3. Click OK.

Removing a VLAN from a Port Profile

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare > Port Profiles.
Step 3   Right-click the port profile from which you want to remove a VLAN and choose Modify VLANs.
Step 4   In the Modify VLANs dialog box, do the following:
  1. In the Select column, uncheck the check box in the row for the VLAN that you want to remove from the port profile.
  2. Optional: If the VLAN was the native VLAN, click the radio button in the Native VLAN column for a different VLAN assocated with the port profile to make that the native VLAN.
  3. Click OK.

Deleting a Port Profile

You cannot delete a port profile if a VM is actively using that port profile.

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare > Port Profiles.
Step 3   Right-click the port profile you want to delete and choose Delete.
Step 4   If Cisco UCS Manager GUI displays a confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Step 5   Click OK.

Cisco UCS Manager deletes the port profile and all associated port profile clients.

Creating a Profile Client

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare > Port Profiles.
Step 3   Right-click the port profile for which you want to create a profile client and choose Create Profile Client.
Step 4   In the Create Profile Client dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name Description

Name field

The user-defined name for the profile client.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters, and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

Description field

The user-defined description of the client.

Datacenter drop-down list

Select a Datacenter from the drop-down list or select All if this profile client applies to all Datacenters.

Folder drop-down list

Select a folder from the drop-down list or select All if this profile client applies to all folders.

Distributed Virtual Switch drop-down list

Select a virtual switch from the drop-down list or select All if this profile client applies to all virtual switches.

Step 5   Click OK.

Modifying a Profile Client

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare > Port Profiles.
Step 3   Click the port profile for which you want to modify the profile client.
Step 4   In the Work pane, click the Profile Clients tab.
Step 5   Right-click the profile client you want to modify and choose Show Navigator.
Step 6   In the Navigator for the profile client, change the values for one or more of the following fields:
Name Description

Name field

The user-defined name for the profile client.

Description field

The user-defined description of the client.

Datacenter field

A regular expression used to select the appropriate Datacenter.

Folder field

A regular expression used to select the appropriate Datacenter folder.

Distributed Virtual Switch field

A regular expression used to select the appropriate virtual switch.

Step 7   Click OK.

Deleting a Profile Client

You cannot delete a port profile client if a VM is actively using the port profile with which the client is associated.

Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click the VM tab.
Step 2   On the VM tab, expand All > VMWare > Port Profiles.
Step 3   Click the port profile from which you want to delete a profile client.
Step 4   In the Work pane, click the Profile Clients tab.
Step 5   Right-click the profile client you want to delete and choose Delete.
Step 6   If Cisco UCS Manager GUI displays a confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Step 7   Click Save Changes.