Viewing Server Properties

This chapter includes the following sections:

Viewing Server Properties


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope server {1 | 2}

Enters server command mode of server 1 or 2.

Step 3

Server /chassis /server # show detail

Displays server properties.


This example displays server properties:

Server# scope chassis 
Server /chassis #scope server 1 
Server /chassis /Server #show 
Server ID Power Serial Number Product Name  PID              UUID                                 
--------- ----- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------ 
2         on    FCH183978RD   UCS S3260     UCSC-C3X60-SVRNB 207BD0D4-C589-40C1-A73E-EF6E7F773198 

Server /chassis /Server #show detail
Server ID 1:
    Power: off
    Serial Number: FCH1848794D
    Product Name: UCS S3260
    UUID: 60974271-A514-484C-BAE3-A5EE4FD16E06
 Server /chassis /Server #  

Viewing CMC Properties


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

server /chassis # scope cmc 1|2

Enters CMC on the chosen SIOC controller command mode.

Step 3

server /chassis/cmc # show detail

Displays the CMC details for the chosen SIOC controller.

This example shows how to view the CMC details:

server # scope chassis
server /chassis # scope cmc 1
server /chassis/cmc # show detail
CMC Firmware update initialized.
Please check the status using "show detail"
Server /chassis/cmc # show detail
Firmware Image Information:
    ID: 1
    Name: CMC1
    Serial Number: FCH19117MTU
    Update Stage: NONE
    Update Progress: 100
    Current FW Version: 2.0(10.97)
    FW Image 1 Version: 2.0(10.97)
    FW Image 2 Version: 2.0(10.87)
    Reset Reason: not-applicable (This provides the reason for the last Cisco IMC reboot.)
server /chassis/cmc # 

Viewing Server CPU Details


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope server {1 | 2}

Enters server command mode of server 1 or 2.

Step 3

Server /chassis /server # show cpu

Displays CPU details for the server.

Step 4

Server# show cpu-pid

Displays the CPU product IDs .


This example displays the CPU details for the server:

Server# scope chassis 
Server /chassis #scope server 1 
Server /chassis /Server #show cpu
Name         Cores    Version                                            
------------ -------- -------------------------------------------------- 
CPU1         6        Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz          
CPU2         6        Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz  

Server /chassis /Server #show cpu-pid
Socket Product ID           Model                                    
------ -------------------- ---------------------------------------- 
CPU1   UCS-CPU-E52620B      Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.1... 
CPU2   UCS-CPU-E52620B      Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.1... 

 Server /chassis /Server #  

Viewing Memory Properties


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope server {1 | 2}

Enters server command mode of server 1 or 2.

Step 3

Server /chassis /server # show dimm

Displays DIMM details for the server.

Step 4

Server# show dimm-pid

Displays the DIMM product IDs.
Step 5

Server# show dimm-summary

Displays the DIMM summary information .


This example displays the DIMM details for the server.:

Server# scope chassis 
Server /chassis #scope server 1 
Server /chassis /Server #show dimm
Name                 Capacity        Channel Speed (MHz) Channel Type    
-------------------- --------------- ------------------- --------------- 
DIMM_A1              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_A2              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_B1              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_B2              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_C1              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_C2              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_D1              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_D2              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_E1              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_E2              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_F1              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_F2              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_G1              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_G2              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_H1              16384 MB        1866                DDR3            
DIMM_H2              16384 MB        1866                DDR3  

Server /chassis /Server #show dimm-pid
Name              Product ID           Vendor ID  Capacity  Speed  
----------------- -------------------- ---------- --------- ------ 
DIMM_A1           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_A2           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_B1           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_B2           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_C1           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_C2           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_D1           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_D2           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_E1           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_E2           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_F1           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_F2           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_G1           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_G2           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_H1           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   
DIMM_H2           UCS-MR-1X162RZ-A     0xCE00     16384 MB  1866   

Server /chassis /Server #show dimm-summary
DIMM Summary:
    Memory Speed: 1600 MHz
    Total Memory: 262144 MB
    Effective Memory: 262144 MB
    Redundant Memory: 0 MB
    Failed Memory: 0 MB
    Ignored Memory: 0 MB
    Number of Ignored Dimms: 0
    Number of Failed Dimms: 0
    Memory RAS possible: Independent Mirroring Lockstep
    Memory Configuration: Independent

 Server /chassis /Server #  

Viewing PCI Adapter Properties for a Server


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope server {1 | 2}

Enters server command mode of server 1 or 2.

Step 3

Server /chassis /server # show pci-adapter

Displays PCI adapter details for the server.

Step 4

Server# show pciadapter-pid

Displays the PCI adapter product IDs.


This example displays the PCI adapter details for the server.:

Server# scope chassis 
Server /chassis #scope server 1 
Server /chassis /Server #show pci-adapter

Slot       Vendor ID  Device ID  SubVendor ID  SubDevice ID  Firmware Version Product Name         
---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------------------- 
L          0x8086     0x1521     0x1137        0x00d5        0x80000E74... Intel(R) I350 1 Gbps N... 
1          0x1cc7     0x0200     0x1cc7        0x0200        N/A           Radian RMS-200 NVRAM card 
MLOM       0x1137     0x0042     0x1137        0x0139        4.1(3S1)      Cisco UCS VIC 1227T MLOM  
HBA        0x1000     0x005d     0x1137        0x00db        24.12.1-0107  Cisco 12G SAS Modular ... 

Option ROM Status

Server /chassis /Server #show pciadapter-pid
Slot   Product ID           Vendor ID  Device ID   SubVendor ID  SubDevice ID  
------ -------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- 
1      UNKNOWN              0x1137     0x0042      0x1137        0x0157        
M      UCSC-C3X60-RAID      0x1000     0x005d      0x1137        0x012d    
 Server /chassis /Server #  

Viewing HDD Details for a Server


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope server {1 | 2}

Enters server command mode of server 1 or 2.

Step 3

Server /chassis /server # show hdd-pid

Displays HDD details for the server.


This example displays the HDD details for the server:

Server# scope chassis 
Server /chassis #scope server 1 
Server /chassis /Server #show hdd-pid
Disk Controller  Product ID           Vendor     Model        
---- ----------- -------------------- ---------- ------------ 
1    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
2    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
3    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
4    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
5    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
6    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
7    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
8    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
9    SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
10   SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
11   SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
12   SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
13   SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400   
14   SLOT-MEZZ   UCS-HD4T7KS3-E       TOSHIBA    MG03SCA400  

 Server /chassis /Server#  

Viewing Storage Adapter Properties for a Server


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope server {1 | 2}

Enters server command mode of server 1 or 2.

Step 3

Server /chassis /server # show storageadapter

Displays storage adapter details for the server.


This example displays the storage adapter details for the server.:

Server# scope chassis 
Server /chassis #scope server 1 
Server /chassis /Server #show storageadapter
PCI Slot     Health         Controller Status ROC Temperature Product Name                            
------------ -------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------    
SLOT-MEZZ    Good           Optimal           48 degrees C    RAID controller for UCS S3260 S...   
Serial Number   Firmware Package Build  Product ID  D Battery Status  Cache Memory Size
--------------  ----------------------  ----------  ----------------  ----------------- 
FCH184972F5      24.7.3-0006            LSI Logic   Optimal            3534 MB

Boot Drive  Boot Drive is PD 
----------  -----------------
 0           false
 Server /chassis /Server #  

Viewing TPM Properties


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope server {1 | 2}

Enters server command mode of server 1 or 2.

Step 3

Server /chassis/server # show tpm-inventory

Displays TPM properties for the server.


This example displays the TPM properties for the server:

Server# scope chassis 
Server /chassis #scope server 1 
Server /chassis /Server #show tpm-inventory
Version     Presence     Enabled-Status     Active-Status     Ownership Revision             
----------- ------------ ------------------ ----------------- --------- ------------  
NA          empty        unknown            unknown           unknown   NA   

Model            Vendor               Serial   
---------------- -------------------- ----------------

 Server chassis /Server#