
Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch for VMware vSphere

Video: Configuring VXLAN on Cisco Nexus 1000V [Part 3 of 3]

Deploying Cisco Nexus 1000V without vCD [Part 3 of 3]

This video describes creating a VXLAN Bridge Domain in VSM (7:04 min)

Part 1: Setting up the Cisco Nexus 1000V for VXLAN, turning on the VXLAN feature and creating Port Profile with capability VXLAN.. (6:04 min)
Part 2: Assigning the ESX host to the VMkernal interface, changing the MTU on Uplink Interface and configuring IGMP Snooping on the Physical Switches (7:18 min)
Part 3: Creating a VXLAN Bridge Domain in VSM

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