
This chapter describes how to identify and resolve problems that relate to modules.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Information About Modules

Troubleshooting a Module Not Coming Up on the VSM

Troubleshooting VSM Modules

Information About Modules

Cisco Nexus 1000V manages a data center defined by a VirtualCenter. Each server in the data center is represented as a module in the Cisco Nexus 1000V and can be managed as if it were a module in a physical Cisco switch.

The Cisco Nexus 1000V implementation consists of two parts:

Virtual supervisor module (VSM) - This is the control software of the Cisco Nexus 1000V distributed virtual switch. It runs on a virtual machine (VM) and is based on NX-OS software.

Virtual Ethernet module (VEM) - This is the part of Cisco Nexus 1000V that actually switches data traffic. It runs on a VMware ESX 4.0 host. Several VEMs are controlled by one VSM. All the VEMs that form a switch domain should be in the same virtual Data Center as defined by VMware VirtualCenter.

Table 5-1 lists the terminology used in the Cisco Nexus 1000V implementation.

Table 5-1 Cisco Nexus 1000V Terminology  


Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM)

This is the control software of the Cisco Nexus 1000V distributed virtual switch. It runs on a virtual machine (VM) and is based on NX-OS.

Control VLAN

One of two VLANs for the communication between VSM and VEM. The control VLAN is used to exchange control messages. The network administrator configures the control VLAN.
See packet VLAN.

Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM)

This is the part of Cisco Nexus 1000V that actually switches data traffic. It runs on a VMware ESX 4.0 host. Several VEMs are controlled by one VSM. All the VEMs that form a switch domain should be in the same virtual Data Center as defined by VMware vCenter Server.

Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS)

This is a logical switch that spans one or more VMware ESX 4.0 servers. It is controlled by one VSM instance.


A virtualization platform used to create the virtual machines as a set of configuration and disk files that together perform all the functions of a physical machine.

Each ESX/ESXi host has a vSphere Client available for your management use. If your ESX/ESXi host is registered with the vCenter Server, a vSphere Client that accommodates the vCenter Server features is available.

Managed Object Browser (MOB)

A tool that enables you to browse managed objects on vCenter Server and ESX Server systems.

Packet VLAN

One of two VLANs for the communication between VSM and VEM. The packet VLAN forwards relevant data packets, such as CDP, from the VEM to the VSM. The network administrator configures the packet VLAN. See control VLAN.

Virtual Machine (VM)

A virtualized x86 PC environment in which a guest operating system and associated application software can run. Multiple virtual machines can operate on the same host system concurrently.

vCenter Server

A service that acts as a central administrator for VMware ESX/ESXi hosts that are connected on a network. vCenter Server directs actions on the virtual machines and the virtual machine hosts (the ESX/ESXi hosts).

vSphere Client

The user interface that lets users connect remotely to the vCenter Server or ESX/ESXi from any windows PC. The primary interface for creating, managing, and monitoring virtual machines, their resources, and their hosts. It also provides console access to virtual machines.

VMware Infrastructure Bundle (VIB)

The package format used by VMware ESX 4.0 release.

VMware update manager (VUM)

The software application that manages Cisco Nexus 1000V software installation.

Note VUM is not a requirement. Software can be installed manually without using VUM.

Note VUM does not support VEM upgrades.

Troubleshooting a Module Not Coming Up on the VSM

Troubleshooting a module that does not come up on the VSM is a multi-step process. Before you start this process, ensure that you follow the guidelines described in the following section.


Follow these guidelines when troubleshooting a module for the VSM.

You must have a VSM VM and a VEM up and running. Make sure you are running the correct versions of vCenter Server and VSM.

To verify the network connectivity between the VSM and vCenter Server, ping the IP address of the vCenter Server. If you are using a domain name service (DNS) name, use the DNS name in the ping. If a ping to the vCenter Server fails, check to see if you can ping the gateway. Otherwise, check the mgmt0 interface configuration settings.

Make sure the firewall settings are OFF on the vCenter Server. If you want the firewall settings, then check to see if these ports are open.

Port 80

Port 443

If you see the error "ERROR: [VMware vCenter Server 4.0.0 build-150489] Extension key was not registered before its use." To check if the VSM extension was created from vCenter Server, point your web browser to: https://your-virtual-center/mob/. Click:



You should see an entry for Cisco_Nexus_1000v_nnnnnn. For more information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Software Installation Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(1).

If the error is ERROR: Datacenter not found, check to see if the datacenter exists in the vCenter Server.

Troubleshooting Procedure

Use the following flowchart to isolate problems with a module not coming up on the VSM.

Flowchart: Module Does Not Come Up on the VSM

The following sections provide steps to follow, if the output of the show module command does not display the module.

Verifying the VSM Is Connected to the vCenter Server

To check if the VSM is connected to the vCenter Server follow this step:

Step 1 Enter the show svs connections command to confirm that the VSM is connected to the vCenter Server.

n1000v# show svs connections
connection vc:
    ip address:
    protocol: vmware-vim https
    certificate: user-installed
    datacenter name: sean-dc
    DVS uuid: 92 7a 14 50 05 11 15 9c-1a b0 f2 d4 8a d7 6e 6c
    config status: Disabled
    operational status: Disconnected

Step 2 If operation status is Disconnected rather than Connected, then connect to the vCenter Server using the following commands:

n1000v# conf t
n1000v(config)# svs connection HamiltonDC
n1000v(config-svs-conn)# connect

If the connect operation fails with the error Extension key was not registered, then it is possible the SSL certificates do not match.

n1000v(config-svs-conn)# connect
ERROR: [VMWARE-VIM] Extension key was not registered before its use. 

The Cisco Nexus 1000V VSM uses an SSL certificate when communicating with the VMware vCenter Server. The certificate is part of the extension that is registered on the vCenter Server. If the certificate in the extension that was registered does not match the certificate that the VSM is using, then any attempt to connect to the vCenter Server will fail.

This situation can arise when the extension is registered on the vCenter Server and the user changes the certificate being used by the VSM using the install certificate command. Additionally, if the user issues the vmware vc extension-key extension-key command, the default certificate that the VSM uses will be regenerated. Therefore, if the VSM is using the default certificate, then the SSL certificate on the VSM will not match the certificate registered on the vCenter Server.

The solution is to remove the existing extension from the vCenter Server, download the extension file from the VSM (for example, from http://vsm-ip/cisco_nexus_1000v_extension.xml), and register the new extension on the vCenter Server.

Verifying the VSM Is Configured Correctly

To check if the VSM is configured correctly, follow these steps:

Step 1 Confirm that you have configured the domain ID, the control VLAN, and packet VLAN as specified in the svs-domain configuration. Enter the show svs domain command to display the status. It should be Config push to vCenter Server successful.

n1000v# show svs domain
SVS domain config: 
  Domain id:    682 
  Control vlan: 3002
  Packet vlan:  3003
  L2/L3 Control VLAN mode: L2 
  L2/L3 Control VLAN interface: mgmt0
  Status: Config push to VC successful

Step 2 Confirm that you have configured the system profile correctly, as shown in the following example:

port-profile system-uplink
  switchport mode trunk
  system vlan 3002-3003
  switchport trunk allowed vlan 3002-3003
  vmware port-group uplinkportprofile1
  no shutdown
  capability uplink
  state enabled

The system VLAN should include the control and packet VLANs. Capability should be uplink, and state should be enabled.

Step 3 Check if VLANs 3002 and 3003 are created on the VSM. Enter the show running-config command to see if the following line is available:

n1000v# show running-config
vlan 3002-3003

Checking the vCenter Server Configuration

To check the configuration on the vCenter Server, follow these steps:

Step 1 Confirm that the host is added to the HamiltonDC and the n1000V DVS in that data center.

Step 2 Confirm that at least one pnic of the host is added to the DVS, and that pnic is assigned to the system-uplink profile.

Step 3 Confirm that the three VSM vnics are assigned to the port groups containing the control VLAN, packet VLAN, and management network.

Checking Network Connectivity Between the VSM and the VEM

To ensure that there is L2 network connectivity between the VSM and the VEM, follow these steps:

Step 1 On the VSM, enter the show svs neighbors command and make sure that the user VEM Agent MAC address of the host appears in the output. (The vemcmd show card info command displays the user VEM Agent MAC address of the host.)

n1000v# show svs neighbors

Active Domain ID: 11

Src MAC           Type   Domain-id    Node-id     Last learnt (Sec. ago)
0002-3d40-0b0c     DP       152         0300     266233.26

Step 2 Enter the appropriate mac address-table commands on the upstream switches to verify the network configuration.

n1000v#show mac address-table interface Gi3/1 vlan 3002
Legend: * - primary entry
        age - seconds since last seen
        n/a - not available

  vlan   mac address     type    learn     age              ports
Active Supervisor:
* 3002  0050.56be.7ca7   dynamic  Yes          0   Gi3/1

n1000v#show mac address-table interface Gi3/2 vlan 3002
Legend: * - primary entry
        age - seconds since last seen
        n/a - not available

  vlan   mac address     type    learn     age              ports
Active Supervisor:
* 3002  00:02:3d:40:0b:0c   dynamic  Yes          0   Gi3/2

If the VSM's MAC address does not show on the upstream switch or the show svs neighbors command on the VSM does not show the MAC address of VEM, then connectivity between the server hosting the VSM and the upstream switch is the problem. Recheck the VSM configuration and vCenter Server configuration again.

Step 3 If the VSM's MAC address shows correctly in the preceding steps, enter the vemcmd show l2 control_vlan command and the vemcmd show l2 packet_vlan command on the host to confirm that the eth0 MAC address and eth1 MAC address of the VSM displays.

~ # vemcmd show l2 3002
Bridge domain 3002 brtmax 100, brtcnt 3, timeout 120
    Dynamic MAC 00:50:56:be:7c:a7  LTL    16 pvlan     0 timeout   110
    Dynamic MAC 00:02:3d:40:0b:0c  LTL    10 pvlan     0 timeout   110

~ # vemcmd show l2 3003
Bridge domain 3002 brtmax 100, brtcnt 3, timeout 120
    Dynamic MAC 00:50:56:be:7c:a7  LTL    16 pvlan     0 timeout   110
    Dynamic MAC 00:02:3d:20:0b:0c  LTL    10 pvlan     0 timeout   110

Step 4 If the VSM's MAC address does not show in the control VLAN and packet VLAN on the VEM, then check the VEM configuration as explained in "Checking the VEM Configuration" section

Checking the VEM Configuration

To check if the ESX host received the configuration and setup for the VEM, follow these steps:

Step 1 On the ESX host, enter the vem status command and confirm that the output shows VEM Agent is running, and that all the uplinks of the host added to the DVS show up appropriately.

~ # vem status

VEM modules are loaded
Switch Name    Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  MTU     Uplinks   
vSwitch0       64          3           64                1500    vmnic0    
DVS Name       Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  Uplinks   
n1000v         256         9           256               vmnic1 VEM Agent is running

Step 2 Enter the vemcmd show card info command on the host and verify that the domain ID, the control VLANs, and the packet VLANs show up correctly.

~ # vemcmd show card
Card UUID type  2: 58f8afd7-e1e3-3c51-85e2-6e6f2819a7b8
Card name: sfish-srvr-1
Switch name: n1000v
Switch alias: DvsPortset-0
Switch uuid: 56 e0 36 50 91 1c 32 7a-e9 9f 31 59 88 0c 7f 76
Card domain: 1024
Card slot: 4
VEM Control (Control VLAN) MAC: 00:02:3d:14:00:03
VEM Packet (Inband) MAC: 00:02:3d:24:00:03
VEM Control Agent (DPA) MAC: 00:02:3d:44:00:03
VEM SPAN MAC: 00:02:3d:34:00:03
Management IP address:
Max physical ports: 32
Max virtual ports: 216
Card control VLAN: 3002
Card packet VLAN: 3003
       Processors: 4
  Processor Cores: 4
Processor Sockets: 2
  Physical Memory: 4290351104

Step 3 Enter the vemcmd show port command to verify that the ports of the host added to the DVS are listed, and that the ports are correctly configured as access or trunk.

~ # vemcmd show port  
LTL    IfIndex   Vlan    Bndl  SG_ID Pinned_SGID  Type  Admin State  CBL Mode   Name    
8          0   3969       0      2           2  VIRT     UP    UP    4 Access l20     
9          0   3969       0      2           2  VIRT     UP    UP    4 Access l21    
10          0    3002 0      2           2  VIRT     UP    UP    4 Access l22   
11          0   3968       0      2           2  VIRT     UP    UP    4 Access l23    
12          0    3003 0      2           2  VIRT     UP    UP    4 Access l24    
13          0      1       0      2           2  VIRT     UP    UP    0 Access l25    
14          0   3967       0      2           2  VIRT     UP    UP    4 Access l26    
16   1a030100      1 T     0      2           2  PHYS     UP    UP    4  Trunk vmnic1

As the last line of output shows, vmnic1 should be in Trunk mode, with the CBL value of 4. The CBL value of the native VLAN does not have to be 4. It will be 0 if it is not allowed, or 1 if it is VLAN 1 and not allowed. This is not an issue unless the native VLAN is the Control VLAN VLAN.The Admin state and Port state should be UP.

Step 4 Enter the vemcmd show bd control_vlan command and the vemcmd show bd packet_vlan command on the host to verify that the vmnic port that is supposed to carry the control VLAN and packet VLAN is present.

~ # vemcmd show bd 3002
BD 3002, vdc 1, vlan 3002, 2 ports
     10  l22
     16  vmnic1
~ # vemcmd show bd 3003
BD 3003, vdc 1, vlan 3003, 2 ports
     12  l24
     16  vmnic1

Step 5 Enter the vemcmd show trunk command on the host to verify the physical trunk port vmnic.

Step 6 Verify that the DV port groups are successfully pushed from the vCenter Server to the host. If so, the control and packet VLANs are listed in the following command output:

vemcmd show trunk

~ # vemcmd show trunk
Trunk port 16 native_vlan 1 CBL 4vlan(1) cbl 4, vlan(3002) cbl 4, vlan(3003) cbl 4,

At least one physical uplink must be carrying the control and packet VLANs. If more than one uplink is carrying, they must be in a port channel profile. The port channel itself would not be visible at this stage because the VEM is not yet added to the VSM.

Collecting Logs

Once you have confirmed that there is no network connectivity problem between the VEM and the VSM, use the log files to help identify the problem.

To collect the required logs, follow these steps:

Step 1 Enter the vemcmd show card info command on the VEM to verify the card's UUID, and enter the show server_info command on the VSM. Note the module number to which the corresponding UUID entry is mapped.

~ # module vem 3 vemcmd show card info
Card UUID type  0: 4908a717-7d86-d28b-7d69-001a64635d18
Card name: sfish-srvr-7
Switch name: N1000v
Switch uuid: 50 84 06 50 81 36 4c 22-9b 4e c5 3e 1f 67 e5 ff
Card domain: 11
Card slot: 12
Control VLAN MAC: 00:02:3d:10:0b:0c
Inband MAC: 00:02:3d:20:0b:0c
SPAN MAC: 00:02:3d:30:0b:0c
USER DPA MAC: 00:02:3d:40:0b:0c
Management IP address:
Max physical ports: 16
Max virtual ports: 32
Card control VLAN: 3002
Card packet VLAN: 3003

n1000v# show server_info
Mod     Status          UUID
---     -----------     ----
  13          absent     4908a717-7d86-d28b-7d69-001a64635d18

Step 2 Using the module number for the given UUID, collect the output of the following commands:

show platform internal event-history module 13

show module internal event-history module 13

show system internal im event-history module 13

show system internal vmm event-history module 13

show system internal ethpm event-history module 13

Note Should you need to contact Cisco TAC for assistance in resolving an issue, you will need the output of the commands listed in Step 2.

Troubleshooting VSM Modules

Use the following commands to troubleshoot bringing the VSM module into service:

show svs neighbors - to show all svs neighbors

show platform internal event-history module - to display platform manager module state machines

Troubleshooting Commands for the VSM

Use the following commands to troubleshoot issues on the VSM:

show platform internal event-history module module-number

show module internal event-history module module-number

show system internal im event-history module module-number

show system internal vmm event-history module module-number

show system internal ethpm event-history module module-number

show system internal ethpm event-history int type slot