- deadtime
- debug logfile
- debug logging
- default switchport (port profile)
- default shutdown (port profile)
- default shutdown (interface)
- default switchport port-security (VEthernet)
- delay
- delete
- deny (IPv4)
- deny (MAC)
- description (interface)
- description (NetFlow)
- description (QoS)
- description (role)
- description (SPAN)
- destination (NetFlow)
- destination interface (SPAN)
- dir
- domain id
- dscp (NetFlow)
D Commands
This chapter describes the Cisco Nexus 1000V commands that begin with the letter D.
To configure the duration of time for which a non-reachable RADIUS or TACACS+ server is skipped, use the deadtime command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command.
deadtime minutes
no deadtime minutes
Syntax Description
minutes |
Number of minutes, from 0 to 1440, for the interval. |
0 minutes
Command Modes
RADlUS server group configuration (config-radius)
TACACS+ server group configuration (config-tacacs+)
Global Configuration (config)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Before you can configure it, you must enable TACACS+ using the tacacs+ enable command.
The dead-time can be configured either globally and applied to all RADIUS or TACACS+ servers; or per server group.
If the dead-time interval for a RADIUS or TACACS+ server group is greater than zero (0), that value takes precedence over the global dead-time value.
Setting the dead-time interval to 0 disables the timer.
When the dead-time interval is 0 minutes, RADIUS and TACACS+ servers are not marked as dead even if they are not responding.
This example shows how to set the dead-time interval to 2 minutes for a RADIUS server group:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# aaa group server radius RadServer
n1000v(config-radius)# deadtime 2
This example shows how to set a global dead-time interval to 5 minutes for all TACACS+ servers and server groups:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# tacacs-server deadtime 5
This example shows how to set the dead-time interval to 5 minutes for a TACACS+ server group:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# aaa group server tacacs+ TacServer
n1000v(config-tacacs+)# deadtime 5
This example shows how to revert to the dead-time interval default:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# feature tacacs+
n1000v(config)# aaa group server tacacs+ TacServer
n1000v(config-tacacs+)# no deadtime 5
Related Commands
debug logfile
To direct the output of the debug commands to a specified file, use the debug logfile command. To revert to the default, use the no form of this command.
debug logfile filename [size bytes]
no debug logfile filename [size bytes]
Syntax Description
Default filename: syslogd_debugs
Default file size: 4194304 bytes
Command Modes
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The logfile is created in the log: file system root directory.
Use the dir log: command to display the log files.
This example shows how to specify a debug logfile:
n1000v# debug logfile debug_log
This example shows how to revert to the default debug logfile:
n1000v# no debug logfile debug_log
Related Commands
dir |
Displays the contents of a directory. |
show debug |
Displays the debug configuration. |
show debug logfile |
Displays the debug logfile contents. |
debug logging
To enable debug command output logging, use the debug logging command. To disable debug logging, use the no form of this command.
debug logging
no debug logging
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to enable the output logging for the debug command:
n1000v# debug logging
This example shows how to disable the output logging for the debug command:
n1000v# no debug logging
Related Commands
debug logfile |
Configures the logfile for the debug command output. |
default switchport (port profile)
To remove a particular switchport characteristc from a port profile, use the default switchport command.
default switchport {mode | access vlan | trunk {native | allowed} vlan | private-vlan {host-association | mapping [trunk]} | port-security}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Port Profile Configuration (config-port-prof)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The functionally of this command is equivalent to using the no form of a specific switchport command. For example, the effect of the following commands is the same:
•default switchport mode command = no switchport mode command
•default switchport access vlan command = no switchport access vlan command
•default switchport trunk native vlan command= no switchport trunk native vlan command
This example shows how to revert port profile ports to switch access ports.
default switchport mode
This example shows how to remove the trunking allowed VLAN characteristics of a port profile.
n1000v(config-port-prof)# default switchport trunk allowed vlan
This example shows how toremove the private VLAN host association of a port profile.
n1000v(config-port-prof)# default switchport private-vlan host-association
This example shows how to remove port security characteristics of a port profile.
n1000v(config-port-prof)# default switchport port-security
Related Commands
show port-profile |
Displays information about port profile(s). |
default shutdown (port profile)
To remove the admin status characteristic (config attribute) from a port-profile, use the default shutdown command. This will set the admin status of the interfaces inheriting this port-profile to the global or interface default (usually, the default admin status is shutdown).
default shutdown
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Port Profile Configuration (config- port-prof)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to change the ports in a port profile to the shutdown state:
config t
port-profile DataProfile
default shutdown
show port-profile name DataProfile
port-profile DataProfile
status: enabled
capability uplink: no
capability l3control: no
system vlans: none
port-group: DataProfile
max-ports: 32
config attributes:
switchport mode access
evaluated config attributes:
switchport mode access
assigned interfaces:
Related Commands
show port-profile |
Displays the configuration for a port profile. |
default shutdown (interface)
To remove any interface-level override for the admin status, use the default shutdown command. This command removes any configuration for admin status entered previously. This allows the port-profile config to take effect.
default shutdown
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Interface Configuration (config- if)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to change the ports to the shutdown state:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# interface ethernet 3/2
n1000v(config-if)# default shutdown
Related Commands
show running-config interface |
Displays the configuration of an interface. |
default switchport port-security (VEthernet)
To remove any user configuration for the switchport port-security characteristic from a VEthernet interface, use the default switchport port-security command. This has the effect of setting the default (disabled) for port-security for that interface.
default switchport port-security
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Interface Configuration (config-if)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to disable port security on VEthernet 2:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# interface veth 2
n1000v(config-if)# default switchport port-security
Related Commands
show running-config port-security |
Displays the port security configuration. |
show port-security |
Displays the port security status. |
To assign an informational throughput delay value to an Ethernet interface, use the delay command. To remove delay value, use the no form of this command.
delay value
no delay [value]
Syntax Description
delay_val |
Specifies the throughput delay time in tens of microseconds. Allowable values are between 1 and 16777215. |
Command Modes
Interface Configuration (config-if)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The actual Ethernet interface throughput delay time does not change when you set this value—the setting is for informational purposes only.
This example shows how to assign the delay time to an Ethernet slot 3 port 1 interface:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# interface ethernet 3/1
n1000v(config-if)# delay 10000
This example shows how to remove the delay time configuration:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# interface ethernet 3/1
no delay 10000
Related Commands
show interface |
Displays configuration information for an interface. |
To delete a file, use the delete command.
delete [filesystem:[//directory/] | directory/]filename
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the dir command to locate the file you that want to delete.
This example shows how to delete a file:
n1000v# delete bootflash:old_config.cfg
Related Commands
dir |
Displays the contents of a directory. |
deny (IPv4)
To create an IPv4 ACL rule that denies traffic matching its conditions, use the deny command. To remove a rule, use the no form of this command.
General Syntax
[sequence-number] deny protocol source destination [dscp dscp | precedence precedence]
no deny protocol source destination [dscp dscp | precedence precedence]
no sequence-number
Internet Control Message Protocol
[sequence-number] deny icmp source destination [icmp-message] [dscp dscp | precedence precedence]
Internet Group Management Protocol
[sequence-number] deny igmp source destination [igmp-message] [dscp dscp | precedence precedence]
Internet Protocol v4
[sequence-number] deny ip source destination [dscp dscp | precedence precedence]
Transmission Control Protocol
[sequence-number] deny tcp source [operator port [port] | portgroup portgroup] destination [operator port [port] | portgroup portgroup] [dscp dscp | precedence precedence] [fragments] [log] [time-range time-range-name] [flags] [established]
User Datagram Protocol
[sequence-number] deny udp source operator port [port] destination [operator port [port] [dscp dscp | precedence precedence]
Syntax Description
A newly created IPv4 ACL contains no rules.
If you do not specify a sequence number, the device assigns the rule a sequence number that is 10 greater than the last rule in the ACL.
Command Modes
IPv4 ACL configuration (config-acl)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
When the device applies an IPv4 ACL to a packet, it evaluates the packet with every rule in the ACL. The device enforces the first rule that has conditions that are satisfied by the packet. When the conditions of more than one rule are satisfied, the device enforces the rule with the lowest sequence number.
Source and Destination
You can specify the source and destination arguments in one of several ways. In each rule, the method that you use to specify one of these arguments does not affect how you specify the other argument. When you configure a rule, use the following methods to specify the source and destination arguments:
•Address and network wildcard—You can use an IPv4 address followed by a network wildcard to specify a host or a network as a source or destination. The syntax is as follows:
IPv4-address network-wildcard
The following example shows how to specify the source argument with the IPv4 address and network wildcard for the subnet:
switch(config-acl)# deny tcp any
•Address and variable-length subnet mask—You can use an IPv4 address followed by a variable-length subnet mask (VLSM) to specify a host or a network as a source or destination. The syntax is as follows:
The following example shows how to specify the source argument with the IPv4 address and VLSM for the subnet:
switch(config-acl)# deny udp any
•Host address—You can use the host keyword and an IPv4 address to specify a host as a source or destination. The syntax is as follows:
host IPv4-address
This syntax is equivalent to IPv4-address/32 and IPv4-address
The following example shows how to specify the source argument with the host keyword and the IPv4 address:
switch(config-acl)# deny icmp host any
•Any address—You can use the any keyword to specify that a source or destination is any IPv4 address. For examples of the use of the any keyword, see the examples in this section. Each example shows how to specify a source or destination by using the any keyword.
ICMP Message Types
The icmp-message argument can be the ICMP message number, which is an integer from 0 to 255. It can also be one of the following keywords:
•administratively-prohibited—Administratively prohibited
•alternate-address—Alternate address
•conversion-error—Datagram conversion
•dod-host-prohibited—Host prohibited
•dod-net-prohibited—Net prohibited
•echo—Echo (ping)
•echo-reply—Echo reply
•general-parameter-problem—Parameter problem
•host-isolated—Host isolated
•host-precedence-unreachable—Host unreachable for precedence
•host-redirect—Host redirect
•host-tos-redirect—Host redirect for ToS
•host-tos-unreachable—Host unreachable for ToS
•host-unknown—Host unknown
•host-unreachable—Host unreachable
•information-reply—Information replies
•information-request—Information requests
•mask-reply—Mask replies
•mask-request—Mask requests
•mobile-redirect—Mobile host redirect
•net-redirect—Network redirect
•net-tos-redirect—Net redirect for ToS
•net-tos-unreachable—Network unreachable for ToS
•net-unreachable—Net unreachable
•network-unknown—Network unknown
•no-room-for-option—Parameter required but no room
•option-missing—Parameter required but not present
•packet-too-big—Fragmentation needed and DF set
•parameter-problem—All parameter problems
•port-unreachable—Port unreachable
•precedence-unreachable—Precedence cutoff
•protocol-unreachable—Protocol unreachable
•reassembly-timeout—Reassembly timeout
•redirect—All redirects
•router-advertisement—Router discovery advertisements
•router-solicitation—Router discovery solicitations
•source-quench—Source quenches
•source-route-failed—Source route failed
•time-exceeded—All time-exceeded messages
•timestamp-reply—Time-stamp replies
•timestamp-request—Time-stamp requests
•ttl-exceeded—TTL exceeded
•unreachable—All unreachables
TCP Port Names
When you specify the protocol argument as tcp, the port argument can be a TCP port number, which is an integer from 0 to 65535. It can also be one of the following keywords:
bgp—Border Gateway Protocol (179)
chargen—Character generator (19)
cmd—Remote commands (rcmd, 514)
daytime—Daytime (13)
discard—Discard (9)
domain—Domain Name Service (53)
drip—Dynamic Routing Information Protocol (3949)
echo—Echo (7)
exec—EXEC (rsh, 512)
finger—Finger (79)
ftp—File Transfer Protocol (21)
ftp-data—FTP data connections (2)
gopher—Gopher (7)
hostname—NIC hostname server (11)
ident—Ident Protocol (113)
irc—Internet Relay Chat (194)
klogin—Kerberos login (543)
kshell—Kerberos shell (544)
login—Login (rlogin, 513)
lpd—Printer service (515)
nntp—Network News Transport Protocol (119)
pim-auto-rp—PIM Auto-RP (496)
pop2—Post Office Protocol v2 (19)
pop3—Post Office Protocol v3 (11)
smtp—Simple Mail Transport Protocol (25)
sunrpc—Sun Remote Procedure Call (111)
tacacs—TAC Access Control System (49)
talk—Talk (517)
telnet—Telnet (23)
time—Time (37)
uucp—UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (54)
whois—WHOIS/NICNAME (43)
www—World Wide Web (HTTP, 8)
UDP Port Names
When you specify the protocol argument as udp, the port argument can be a UDP port number, which is an integer from 0 to 65535. It can also be one of the following keywords:
biff—Biff (mail notification, comsat, 512)
bootpc—Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68)
bootps—Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67)
discard—Discard (9)
dnsix—DNSIX security protocol auditing (195)
domain—Domain Name Service (DNS, 53)
echo—Echo (7)
isakmp—Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (5)
mobile-ip—Mobile IP registration (434)
nameserver—IEN116 name service (obsolete, 42)
netbios-dgm—NetBIOS datagram service (138)
netbios-ns—NetBIOS name service (137)
netbios-ss—NetBIOS session service (139)
non500-isakmp—Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (45)
ntp—Network Time Protocol (123)
pim-auto-rp—PIM Auto-RP (496)
rip—Routing Information Protocol (router, in.routed, 52)
snmp—Simple Network Management Protocol (161)
snmptrap—SNMP Traps (162)
sunrpc—Sun Remote Procedure Call (111)
syslog—System Logger (514)
tacacs—TAC Access Control System (49)
talk—Talk (517)
tftp—Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69)
time—Time (37)
who—Who service (rwho, 513)
xdmcp—X Display Manager Control Protocol (177)
This example shows how to configure an IPv4 ACL named acl-lab-01 with rules that deny all TCP and UDP traffic from the and networks to the network and a final rule that permits all other IPv4 traffic:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# ip access-list acl-lab-01
n1000v(config-acl)# deny tcp
n1000v(config-acl)# deny udp
n1000v(config-acl)# deny tcp
n1000v(config-acl)# deny udp
n1000v(config-acl)# permit ip any any
Related Commands
deny (MAC)
To create a MAC access control list (ACL)+ rule that denies traffic matching its conditions, use the deny command. To remove a rule, use the no form of this command.
[sequence-number] deny source destination [protocol] [cos cos-value] [vlan VLAN-ID]
no deny source destination [protocol] [cos cos-value] [vlan VLAN-ID]
no sequence-number
Syntax Description
A newly created MAC ACL contains no rules.
If you do not specify a sequence number, the device assigns the rule a sequence number that is 10 greater than the last rule in the ACL.
Command Modes
MAC ACL Configuration (config-mac-acl)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
When the device applies a MAC ACL to a packet, it evaluates the packet with every rule in the ACL. The device enforces the first rule that has conditions that are satisfied by the packet. When the conditions of more than one rule are satisfied, the device enforces the rule with the lowest sequence number.
Source and Destination
You can specify the source and destination arguments in one of two ways. In each rule, the method that you use to specify one of these arguments does not affect how you specify the other argument. When you configure a rule, use the following methods to specify the source and destination arguments:
•Address and mask—You can use a MAC address followed by a mask to specify a single address or a group of addresses. The syntax is as follows:
MAC-address MAC-mask
The following example specifies the source argument with the MAC address 00c0.4f03.0a72:
n1000v(config-acl)# deny 00c0.4f03.0a72 0000.0000.0000 any
The following example specifies the destination argument with a MAC address for all hosts with a MAC vendor code of 00603e:
n1000v(config-acl)# deny any 0060.3e00.0000 0000.0000.0000
•Any address—You can use the any keyword to specify that a source or destination is any MAC address. For examples of the use of the any keyword, see the examples in this section. Each of the examples shows how to specify a source or destination by using the any keyword.
MAC Protocols
The protocol argument can be the MAC protocol number or a keyword. The protocol number is a four-byte hexadecimal number prefixed with 0x. Valid protocol numbers are from 0x0 to 0xffff. Valid keywords are the following:
•aarp—Appletalk ARP (0x80f3)
•appletalk—Appletalk (0x809b)
•decnet-iv—DECnet Phase IV (0x6003)
•diagnostic—DEC Diagnostic Protocol (0x6005)
•etype-6000—EtherType 0x6000 (0x6000)
•etype-8042—EtherType 0x8042 (0x8042)
•ip—Internet Protocol v4 (0x0800)
•lat—DEC LAT (0x6004)
•lavc-sca—DEC LAVC, SCA (0x6007)
•mop-console—DEC MOP Remote console (0x6002)
•mop-dump—DEC MOP dump (0x6001)
•vines-echo—VINES Echo (0x0baf)
This example shows how to configure a MAC ACL named mac-ip-filter with rules that permit any non-IPv4 traffic between two groups of MAC addresses:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# mac access-list mac-ip-filter
n1000v(config-mac-acl)# deny 00c0.4f00.0000 0000.00ff.ffff 0060.3e00.0000 0000.00ff.ffff ip
n1000v(config-mac-acl)# permit any any
Related Commands
description (interface)
To do add a description for the interface and save it in the running configuration, use the description command. To remove the interface description, use the no form of this command.
description text
no description
Syntax Description
text |
Describes the interface. The maximum number of characters is 80. |
Command Modes
interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to add the description for the interface and save it in the running configuration.:
description Ethernet port 3 on module 1
This example shows how to remove the interface description.
no description Ethernet port 3 on module 1
Related Commands
show interface |
Displays the interface status, including the description. |
description (NetFlow)
To add a description to a flow record, flow monitor, or flow exporter, use the description command. To remove the description, use the no form of this command.
description line
no description
Syntax Description
line |
Description of up to 63 characters. |
Command Modes
NetFlow flow record (config-flow-record)
NetFlow flow exporter (config-flow-exporter)
Netflow flow monitor (config-flow-monitor)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to add a description to a flow record:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# flow record RecordTest
n1000v(config-flow-record)# description Ipv4flow
This example shows how to add a description to a flow exporter:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# flow exporter ExportTest
n1000v(config-flow-exporter)# description ExportHamilton
This example shows how to add a description to a flow monitor:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# flow monitor MonitorTest
n1000v(config-flow-monitor)# description Ipv4Monitor
Related Commands
description (QoS)
To add a description to a QoS class map, policy map, use the description command. To remove the description, use the no form of this command.
description text
no description text
Syntax Description
text |
Description, of up to 200 characters, for the class map or policy map. |
Command Modes
QoS Class Map Configuration (config-cmap-qos)
QoS Policy Map Configuration (config-pmap-qos)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to add a description to a policy map:
policy-map my_policy1
n1000v(config-pmap)# description this policy applies to input packets
Related Commands
class-map |
Creates or modifies a class map. |
policy-map |
Creates or modifies a policy map. |
description (role)
To add a description for a role, use the description command. To remove a description of a role, use the no form of this command.
description string
no description
Syntax Description
string |
Describes the role. The string can include spaces. |
Command Modes
Role Configuration (config-role)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to add a description to a role:
description admin
This example shows how to remove the role description:
no description admin
Related Commands
show role |
Displays a role configuration. |
description (SPAN)
To add a description to a SPAN session, use the description command. To remove the description, use the no form of this command.
description string
no description
Syntax Description
string |
Specifies a description of up to 32 alphanumeric characters. |
Blank (no description)
Command Modes
SPAN Monitor Configuration (config-monitor)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to add a description to a SPAN session:
config t
monitor session 8
description span_session_8a
This example shows how to remove a description from a SPAN session:
config t
monitor session 8
no description span_session_8a
Related Commands
show monitor session |
Displays session information. |
destination (NetFlow)
To add a destination IP address or VRF to a NetFlow flow exporter, use the destination command. To remove the IP address or VRF, use the no form of this command.
destination {ipaddr | ipv6addr} [use-vrf vrf_name]
no destination
Syntax Description
ipaddr |
Destination IP address for collector. |
ipv6addr |
Destination IPv6 address for collector. |
use-vrf vrf_name |
(Optional) Optional VRF label + VRF Label. |
Command Modes
NetFlow Flow Exporter Configuration (config-flow-exporter)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to add a destination IP address to a Netflow flow exporter:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# flow exporter ExportTest
n1000v(config-flow-exporter)# destination
This example shows how to remove the IP address from a flow exporter:
n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# flow exporter ExportTest
n1000v(config-flow-exporter)# no destination
Related Commands
destination interface (SPAN)
To configures the port(s) in a SPAN session to act as destination(s) for copied source packets, use the destination interface command. To remove the destination interface, use the no form of this command.
destination interface type number(s)_or_range
no destination interface type number(s)_or_range
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SPAN Monitor Configuration (config-monitor)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
SPAN destination ports must already be configured as either access or trunk ports.
SPAN sessions are created in the shut state by default.
When you create a SPAN session that already exists, any additional configuration is added to that session. To make sure the session is cleared of any previous configuration, you can delete the session first using the command, no monitor session.
This example shows how to configure ethernet interfaces 2/5 and 3/7 in a SPAN session to act as destination(s) for copied source packets:
config t
monitor session 8
destination interface ethernet 2/5, ethernet 3/7
This example shows how to remove the SPAN configuration from destination interface ethernet 2/5:
config t
monitor session 8
no destination interface ethernet 2/5
Related Commands
To display the contents of a directory or file, use the dir command.
dir [bootflash: | debug: | log: | volatile:]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the pwd command to identify the directory you are currently working in.
Use the cd command to change the directory you are currently working in.
This example shows how to display the contents of the bootflash: directory
dir bootflash:
Related Commands
cd |
Changes the current working directory. |
pwd |
Displays the current working directory. |
domain id
To assign a domain-id, use the domain id command. To remove a domain-id, use the no form of this command.
domain id number
no domain id
Syntax Description
number |
Specifies the domain-id number. The allowable domain IDs are 1 to 4095. |
Command Modes
Domain Configuration (config-svs-domain)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
During installation of the Cisco Nexus 1000V the setup utility prompts you to configure a domain, including the domain ID and control and packet VLANs.
This example shows how to assign a domain id:
config t
domain-id number 32
This example shows how to remove the domain-id:
config t
no domain-id number 32
Related Commands
show svs domain |
Displays domain configuration. |
dscp (NetFlow)
To add a differentiated services codepoint (DSCP) to a NetFlow flow exporter, use the dscp command. To remove the DSCP, use the no form of this command.
dscp value
no dscp
Syntax Description
value |
Specifies a DSCP between 0 and 63. |
Command Modes
Netflow Flow Exporter Configuration (config-flow-exporter)
Command History
4.0(4)SV1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This example shows how to configure DSCP for a Netflow flow exporter:
config t
n1000v(config)# flow exporter ExportTest
n1000v(config-flow-exporter)# dscp 2
This example shows how to remove DSCP from the Netflow flow exporter:
config t
n1000v(config)# flow exporter ExportTest
n1000v(config-flow-exporter)# no dscp 2