Command Line Interface

This topic contains the following sections:

Overview of the Command Line Interface

The AsyncOS Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to configure and monitor the Web Security Appliance . The Command Line Interface is accessible using SSH on IP interfaces that have been configured with these services enabled, or using terminal emulation software on the serial port. By default, SSH is configured on the Management port.

The commands are invoked by entering the command name with or without any arguments. If you enter a command without arguments, the command prompts you for the required information.

Accessing the Command Line Interface

You can connect using one of the following methods:

  • Ethernet. Start an SSH session with the IP address of the Web Security Appliance . The factory default IP address is SSH is configured to use port 22.

  • Serial connection. Start a terminal session with the communication port on your personal computer that the serial cable is connected to.

First Access

You can add other users with differing levels of permissions after you have accessed the CLI the first time using the admin account—log in to the appliance by entering the default admin user name and passphrase:

  • User name: admin
  • Passphrase: ironport

The System Setup Wizard prompts you to change the passphrase for the admin account the first time you log in with the default passphrase.

You can also reset the admin account passphrase at any time using the passwd command.

Subsequent Access

You can connect and log into the appliance at any time, using a valid user name and passphrase. Note that a listing of recent appliance access attempts, both successes and failures, for the current user name is displayed automatically upon log-in.

See the following userconfig command description, or Administering User Accounts for information about configuring additional users.

Working with the Command Prompt

The top-level command prompt consists of the fully qualified hostname, followed by the greater than ( > ) symbol, followed by a space. For example:>

When running commands, the CLI requires input from you. When the CLI is expecting input, the prompt displays the default values enclosed in square brackets ( [] ) followed by the greater than ( > ) symbol. When there is no default value, the brackets are empty.

For example:> routeconfig

Choose a routing table:
- MANAGEMENT - Routes for Management Traffic
- DATA - Routes for Data Traffic

When there is a default setting, the setting is displayed within the command-prompt brackets. For example:> setgateway

Warning: setting an incorrect default gateway may cause the current connection
to be interrupted when the changes are committed.
Enter new default gateway:

When a default setting is shown, typing Return is equivalent to accepting the default.

Command Syntax

When operating in the interactive mode, the CLI command syntax consists of single commands with no white space and no arguments or parameters. For example:> logconfig

Select Lists

When you are presented with multiple choices for input, some commands use numbered lists. Enter the number of the selection at the prompt.

For example:

Log level:
1. Critical
2. Warning
3. Information
4. Debug
5. Trace
[3]> 3

Yes/No Queries

When given a yes or no option, the question is posed with a default in brackets. You may answer Y, N, Yes, or No. Case is not significant.

For example:

Do you want to enable the proxy? [Y]> Y


Some commands give you the opportunity to use subcommand directives such as NEW, EDIT, and DELETE. The EDIT and DELETE functions provide a list of previously configured values.

For example:> interfaceconfig
Currently configured interfaces:
1. Management (
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new interface.
- EDIT - Modify an interface.
- DELETE - Remove an interface.

Within subcommands, pressing Enter or Return at an empty prompt returns you to the main command.

Escaping Subcommands

You can use the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut at any time within a subcommand to immediately exit return to the top level of the CLI.

Command History

The CLI keeps a history of all commands entered during a session. Use the Up and Down arrow keys on your keyboard, or the Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N key combinations to scroll through a running list of the recently-used commands.

Completing Commands

The AsyncOS CLI supports command completion. You can enter the first few letters of some commands followed by the Tab key and the CLI completes the string. If the letters you entered are not unique among commands, the CLI “narrows” the set. For example:> set (press the Tab key)
setgateway, setgoodtable, sethostname, settime, settz> seth (pressing the Tab again completes the entry with sethostname)> sethostname

Committing Configuration Changes Using the CLI

  • Many configuration changes do not take effect until you commit them.
  • The commit command allows you to change configuration settings while other operations proceed normally.
  • To successfully commit changes, you must be at the top-level command prompt. Type Return at an empty prompt to move up one level in the command line hierarchy.
  • Changes to configuration that have not been committed are recorded, but do not go into effect until you run the commit command. However, not all commands require the commit command to be run. Exiting the CLI session, system shutdown, reboot, failure, or issuing the clear command clears changes that have not yet been committed.
  • Changes are not actually committed until you receive confirmation and a timestamp.

General Purpose CLI Commands

This section describes some basic commands you might use in a typical CLI session, such as committing and clearing changes.

CLI Example: Committing Configuration Changes

Entering comments after the commit command is optional.> commit

Please enter some comments describing your changes:
[]> Changed “psinet” IP Interface to a different IP address
Changes committed: Wed Jan 01 12:00:01 2007

CLI Example: Clearing Configuration Changes

The clear command clears any changes made to the appliance configuration since the last commit or clear command was issued.> clear

Are you sure you want to clear all changes since the last commit? [Y]> y
Changes cleared: Wed Jan 01 12:00:01 2007>

CLI Example: Exiting the Command Line Interface Session

The exit command logs you out of the CLI application. Configuration changes that have not been committed are cleared.> exit

Configuration changes entered but not committed. Exiting will lose changes.
Type 'commit' at the command prompt to commit changes.

Are you sure you wish to exit?  [N]> y

CLI Example: Seeking Help on the Command Line Interface

The help command lists all available CLI commands and gives a brief description of each command. The help command can be invoked by typing either help or a single question mark ( ? ) at the command prompt.> help

Further, you can access help for a specific command by entering help commandname.

Related Topics

Web Security Appliance CLI Commands

The Web Security Appliance CLI supports a set of proxy and UNIX commands to access, upgrade, and administer the system.


Not all CLI commands are applicable/available in all operating modes (Standard and Cloud Web Security Connector).


You can configure the Web Security Appliance to have stricter access requirements for administrators logging into the appliance, and you can specify an inactivity time-out value. See Additional Security Settings for Accessing the Appliance and User Network Access for more information.


Configure advanced Web Proxy options; subcommands are:

AUTHENTICATION – Authentication configuration options:

  • When would you like to forward authorization request headers to a parent proxy

  • Enter the Proxy Authorization Realm to be displayed in the end user authentication dialog

  • Would you like to log the username that appears in the request URI

  • Should the Group Membership attribute be used for directory lookups in the Web UI (when it is not used, empty groups and groups with different membership attributes will be displayed)

  • Would you like to use advanced Active Directory connectivity checks

  • Would you like to allow case insensitive username matching in policies

  • Would you like to allow wild card matching with the character * for LDAP group names

  • Enter the charset used by the clients for basic authentication [ISO-8859-1/UTF-8]

  • Would you like to enable referrals for LDAP

  • Would you like to enable secure authentication

  • Enter the hostname to redirect clients for authentication

  • Enter the surrogate timeout for user credentials

  • Enter the surrogate timeout for machine credentials

  • Enter the surrogate timeout in the case traffic permitted due to authentication service unavailability

  • Enter re-auth on request denied option [disabled / embedlinkinblockpage]

  • Would you like to send Negotiate header along with NTLM header for NTLMSSP authentication

  • Configure username and IP address masking in logs and reports

  • Timeout to enable/disable local Auth cache.

    You can use this CLI option to enable or disable the proxy process immediate authentication cache. The time set is in seconds. By default this option is enabled and set for 30 seconds. It must be shorter than IP surrogate time.

CACHING – Proxy Caching mode; choose one:

DNS – DNS configuration options:

  • Enter the URL format for the HTTP 307 redirection on DNS lookup failure

  • Would you like the proxy to issue a HTTP 307 redirection on DNS lookup failure

  • Would you like proxy not to automatically failover to DNS results when upstream proxy (peer) is unresponsive

  • Do you want to disable IP address in Host Header

  • Find web server by:

    0 = Always use DNS answers in order

    1 = Use client-supplied address then DNS

    2 = Limited DNS usage

    3 = Very limited DNS usage

    The default value is 0. For options 1 and 2, DNS will be used if Web Reputation is enabled. For options 2 and 3, DNS will be used for explicit proxy requests, if there is no upstream proxy or in the event the configured upstream proxy fails. For all options, DNS will be used when Destination IP Addresses are used in policy membership.

EUN – End-user notification parameters:

  • Choose:

    1. Refresh EUN pages

    2. Use Custom EUN pages

    3. Use Standard EUN pages

  • Would you like to turn on presentation of the User Acknowledgement page?

See also Web Proxy Usage Agreement and End-User Notifications Overview.

NATIVEFTP – Native FTP configuration:

  • Would you like to enable FTP proxy

  • Enter the ports that FTP proxy listens on

  • Enter the range of port numbers for the proxy to listen on for passive FTP connections

  • Enter the range of port numbers for the proxy to listen on for active FTP connections

  • Enter the authentication format:

    1. Check Point

    2. No Proxy Authentication

    3. Raptor

  • Would you like to enable caching

  • Would you like to enable server IP spoofing

  • Would you like to enable client IP spoofing

  • Would you like to pass FTP server welcome message to the clients

  • Enter the max path size for the ftp server directory

See alsoOverview of FTP Proxy Services.


  • Enter the login name to be used for anonymous FTP access

  • Enter the password to be used for anonymous FTP access

See also Overview of FTP Proxy Services.

Highperformance- enable and disable the high performance mode.

HTTPS – HTTPS-related options:

  • HTTPS URI Logging Style - fulluri or stripquery

  • Would you like to decrypt unauthenticated transparent HTTPS requests for authentication purpose

  • Would you like to decrypt HTTPS requests for End User Notification purpose

  • Action to be taken when HTTPS servers ask for client certificate during handshake:

    1. Pass through the transaction

    2. Reply with certificate unavailable

  • Do you want to enable server name indication (SNI) extension?

  • Do you want to enable automatic discovery and download of missing Intermediate Certificates?

  • Do you want to enable session resumption?

See also Overview of Create Decryption Policies to Control HTTPS Traffic.

SCANNING – Scanning options:

  • Would you like the proxy to do malware scanning all content regardless of content type

  • Enter the time to wait for a response from an anti-malware scanning engine (Sophos, McAfee, or Webroot), in seconds

  • Do you want to disable Webroot body scanning

See also Overview of Anti-Malware Scanning and Overview of Scanning Outbound Traffic.

SCANNERS- Exclude the MIME types from being scanned by the AMP engine. To use the scanners subcommand, you must disable the ‘Adaptive Scanning’ feature. Using this subcommand, you can add the MIME types that need not be scanned by the AMP engine to increase the scanning performance. Default MIME type options are ‘image/ALL and text/ALL’.

To add the MIME types, you must append them after the default options. For example, if you want to add the video and audio MIME types, the format must be:

‘image/ALL and text/ALL video/ALL audio/ALL’

PROXYCONN – Manage the list of user agents that cannot accept the proxy connection header. The list entries are interpreted as regular expressions in Flex (Fast Lexical Analyzer) dialect. A user agent will be matched if any substring of it matches any regular expression in the list.

  • Choose the operation you want to perform:

    NEW - Add an entry to the list of user agents

    DELETE - Remove an entry from the list

CUSTOMHEADERS – Manage custom request headers for specific domains.

  • Choose the operation you want to perform:

    DELETE - Delete entries

    NEW - Add new entries

    EDIT - Edit entries

See also Adding Custom Headers To Web Requests.

MISCELLANEOUS – Miscellaneous proxy-related parameters:

  • Would you like proxy to respond to health checks from L4 switches (always enabled if WSA is in L4 transparent mode)

  • Would you like proxy to perform dynamic adjustment of TCP receive window size

  • Would you like proxy to perform dynamic adjustment of TCP send window size

  • Do you want to filter non-HTTP responses?

    (Non-HTTP responses are filtered by default.Enter N if you want to allow non-HTTP responses via proxy)
  • Enable caching of HTTPS responses

  • Enter minimum idle timeout for checking unresponsive upstream proxy (in seconds)

  • Enter maximum idle timeout for checking unresponsive upstream proxy (in seconds)

  • Mode of the proxy:

    1. Explicit forward mode only

    2. Transparent mode with L4 Switch or no device for redirection

    3. Transparent mode with WCCP v2 Router for redirection

  • Spoofing of the client IP by the proxy:

    1. Enable for all requests

    2. Enable for transparent requests only

  • Do you want to pass HTTP X-Forwarded-For headers?

  • Do you want to enable server connection sharing?

  • Would you like to permit tunneling of non-HTTP requests on HTTP ports?

  • Would you like to block tunneling of non-SSL transactions on SSL Ports?

  • Would you like proxy to log values from X-Forwarded-For headers in place of incoming connection IP addresses?

  • Do you want proxy to throttle content served from cache?

  • Would you like the proxy to use client IP addresses from X-Forwarded-For headers

  • Do you want to forward TCP RST sent by server to client?

  • Do you want to enable WCCP proxy health check?

  • Do you want to enable URL lower case conversion for velocity regex?

See also Using the P2 Data Interface for Web Proxy Data and Configuring Web Proxy Settings.

SOCKS – SOCKS Proxy options:

  • Would you like to enable SOCKS proxy

  • Proxy Negotiation Timeout

  • UDP Tunnel Timeout

  • SOCKS Control Ports

  • UDP Request Ports

See also Using the P2 Data Interface for Web Proxy Data and SOCKS Proxy Services.

CONTENT-ENCODING – Allow and block content-encoding types.

Currently allowed content-encoding type(s): compress, deflate, gzip

Currently blocked content-encoding type(s): N/A

To change the setting for a specific content-encoding type, select an option:

1. compress

2. deflate

3. gzip


The encoding type "compress" is currently allowed

Do you want to block it? [N]>


The centralauthcache command is applicable for high performance enabled devices and to improve authentication cache performance.


You can configure the Web Security Appliance to have stricter access requirements for administrators logging into the appliance.


Specify alert recipients, and set parameters for sending system alerts.


Allows you to delete one or all entries (users) from the authentication cache. You can also list all users currently included in the authentication cache.


When centralauthcache is enabled, the authcache command does not display ISE authenticated user name. To obtain the ISE user information, use the isedata command.


Enable bandwidth control debug messages in the Default Proxy log file.

  • bwcontrol startlog—Enable logging of bandwidth control debug messages to proxy logs.

  • bwcontrol stoplog—Disable logging of bandwidth control debug messages.


SETUP – Configure security certificates and keys.

OCSPVALIDATION – Enable/disable OCSP validation of certificate during upload.

OCSPVALIDATION_FOR_SERVER_CERT - Enable OCSP validation for server certificates


Clears pending configuration changes since last commit.


Commits pending changes to the system configuration.


Saves backup configuration file and sends the file to a remotely located backup server through FTP or SCP


You can configure different parameters of the Cisco Success Network feature on the appliance related to the publishing of telemetry data to the Security Service Exchange (SSE) portal.

Subcommands are:

  • OPT_OUT – Enable / disable CSI telemetry data push

  • CSIDATAPUSHINTERVAL – Configure time interval of telemetry data push.


Creates a computer object at the location you specify.


Send a cURL request directly to a Web server, or to a Web server via proxy, with the request and response HTTP headers returned to let you determine why a Web page is failing to load.


This command is for Administrator or Operator use only, under TAC supervision.

Subcommands are:

  • DIRECT – URL access going direct

  • APPLIANCE – URL access through the Appliance


Defines a minimum request body size, below which upload requests are not scanned by the Cisco Data Security Filters.


Displays the current date. Example:

   Thu Jan 10 23:13:40 2013 GMT


Proxy- and reporting-related subcommands:

NET – Network Diagnostic Utility

This command has been deprecated; use packetcapture to capture network traffic on the appliance.

PROXY – Proxy Debugging Utility

Choose the operation you want to perform:

  • SNAP – Take a snapshot of the proxy

  • OFFLINE – Take the proxy off-line (via WCCP)

  • RESUME – Resume proxy traffic (via WCCP)

  • CACHE – Clear proxy cache

proxyscannermap- This command displays PID mapping between each proxy and corresponding scanner process.

REPORTING – Reporting Utilities

The reporting system is currently enabled.

Choose the operation you want to perform:

  • DELETEDB – Re-initialize the reporting database

  • DISABLE – Disable the reporting system

  • DBSTATS – List DB and Export Files (Displays the list of unprocessed files and folders under export_files and always_onbox folders.)

  • DELETEEXPORTDB – Delete Export Files (Deletes all unprocessed files and folders under export_files and always_onbox folders.)

  • DELETEJOURNAL – Delete Journal Files(Deletes all aclog_journal_files.)


Flush DNS entries on the appliance.


Configure Ethernet port connections.

Choose the operation you want to perform:

  • MEDIA – View and edit ethernet media settings.

  • PAIRING – View and configure NIC Pairing.

  • VLAN – View and configure VLANs.

  • MTU – View and configure MTU.


Defines a minimum request body size, below which upload requests are not scanned by the external DLP server.


Defines a minimum request body size, below which upload requests are not scanned by the external DLP server.


Submits valid keys to activate licensed features.


Automatically check for and update feature keys.


SETUP – Enable/disable FIPS 140-2 compliance, and encryption of Critical Sensitive Parameters (CSP). Note that an immediate reboot will be necessary.

FIPSCHECK – Check FIPS mode compliance. Indicates whether various certificates and services are FIPS compliant.

See FIPS Compliance for additional information.


Searches named input files for lines containing a match to the given pattern.


Configure the polling functionality between the appliance and the authentication server.


Returns a list of commands.


Enables or disables outgoing HTTP PATCH requests. The default value is disable.


Enables or disables HTTP 2 configurations.


Clears the message in the web interface and CLI that indicates when this Web Security Appliance is managed by a Security Management appliance (M-Series).

ifconfig or interfaceconfig

Configure and manage network interfaces including M1, P1, and P2. Displays currently configured interfaces, and provides an operations menu to create, edit, or delete interfaces.


Displays current ISE configuration parameters; specify an ISE configuration operation to perform:

setup—Configure ISE settings: enable/disable, ISE server name or IPv4 address, proxy cache timeout, statistics back-up interval.


Specify an ISE data-related operation:

statistics – Show ISE server status and ISE statistics.

cache – Show the ISE cache, or check an IP address:

sgts – Show the ISE Secure Group Tag (SGT) table.

groups – Show the ISE Groups table.

If VDI is implemented, the sub commands show and checkip under the main command cache displays more details. The show subcommand displays details about port range and checkip subcommand displays details about the VDI user such as IP address, name, port range etc.

[]> cache

Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SHOW - Show the ISE ID cache.
- CHECKIP - Query the local ISE cache for an IP address


Lists user-specific user information that includes ttys and hosts, in reverse time order or lists the users that are logged in at a specified date and time.


Load a system configuration file.


Configure access to log files.


Mail the current configuration file to the address specified.


Set the maximum HTTP header size or URL size for proxy requests; enter the value in bytes, or append a K to the number to indicate kilobytes.

Policy Trace can fail for a user that belongs to a large number of authentication groups. It can also fail if the HTTP response header size or URL size is greater than the current “max header size.” Increasing this value can alleviate such failures. Minimum value is 32 KB; default value is 32 KB; maximum value is 1024 KB.


Use this command to configure the number of Kerberos authentication helpers within a range of 5 to 21 for BASIC, NTLMSSP, and NEGO.


Use this command to enable Secure Mobility and configure how to identify remote users, either by IP address or by integrating with one or more Cisco adaptive security appliances.


Changes made using this command cause the Web Proxy to restart.


Use this command to display information related to Secure Mobility when the Web Security Appliance is integrated with an adaptive security appliance.

This command displays the following information:

  • The status of the Web Security Appliance connection with each adaptive security appliance.

  • The duration of the Web Security Appliance connection with each adaptive security appliance in minutes.

  • The number of remote clients from each adaptive security appliance.

  • The number of remote clients being serviced, which is defined as the number of remote clients that have passed traffic through the Web Security Appliance .

  • The total number of remote clients.


The Web Security Appliance utilizes several buffers and optimization algorithms to handle hundreds of TCP connections simultaneously, providing high performance for typical Web traffic—that is, short-lived HTTP connections.

In certain situations, such as frequent downloading of large files (100+ MB), larger buffers can provide better per-connection performance. However, overall memory usage will increase, and thus any buffer increases should be in line with the memory available on the system.

The send- and receive-space variables represent the buffers used for storing data for communications over any given TCP socket. The send- and receive-auto variables are used to enable and disable the FreeBSD auto-tuning algorithm for dynamically controlling window size. These two parameters are applied directly in the FreeBSD kernel.

When SEND_AUTO and RECV_AUTO are enabled, the system tunes the window size dynamically based on system load and available resources. On a lightly loaded Web Security Appliance , the system attempts to keep window sizes large to reduce per transaction latency. The maximum value of the dynamically tuned window size is dependent on the configured number of mbuf clusters, which in turn is dependent on the total RAM available on the system. As the total number of client connections increases, or when the available network buffer resources become scarce, the system tunes down the window sizes to protect itself from losing all network buffer resources to proxied traffic.

See Upload/Download Speed Issues for additional information about using this command.

The networktuning subcommands are:

SENDSPACE – TCP send-space buffer size; range is from 8192 to 131072 bytes; the default is 16000 bytes.

RECVSPACE – TCP receive-space buffer size; range is from 8192 to 131072 bytes; the default is 32768 bytes.

SEND-AUTO – Enable/disable TCP send auto-tuning; 1 = On, 0 = Off; default is Off. If you enable TCP send auto-tuning, be sure to use advancedproxyconfig > miscellaneous > Would you like proxy to perform dynamic adjustment of TCP send window size? to disable send buffer auto-tuning.

RECV-AUTO – Enable/disable TCP receive auto-tuning; 1 = On, 0 = Off; default is Off. If you enable TCP receive auto-tuning, be sure to use advancedproxyconfig > miscellaneous > Would you like proxy to perform dynamic adjustment of TCP receive window size? to disable receive buffer auto-tuning.

MBUF CLUSTER COUNT – Change the number of available mbuf clusters; acceptable range is from 98304 to 1572864. The value should vary according to installed system memory, using this calculation: 98304 * (X/Y) where is X is gigabytes of RAM on the system and Y is 4 GB. For example, with 4 GB RAM, the recommended value is 98304 * (4/4) = 98304. Linear scaling is recommended as RAM increases.

SENDBUF-MAX – Specify the maximum send buffer size; range is from 131072 bytes to 2097152 bytes; the default is 1 MB (1048576 bytes).

RECVBUF-MAX – Specify the maximum receive buffer size; range is from 131072 bytes to 2097152 bytes; the default is 1 MB (1048576 bytes).

CLEAN-FIB-1 – Remove all M1/M2 entries from the data-routing table—essentially, enable control-plane/data-plane separation. That is, disable any data-plane process from sending data over the M1 interface when “Separate Routing” is enabled. Data-plane processes are those for which “Use data routing table” is enabled, or which carry strictly non-management traffic. Control-plane processes can still send data of over either the M1 or P1 interfaces.

Following any changes to these parameters, be sure to commit your changes and the restart the appliance.


Use this command only if you understand the ramifications. We recommend using only with TAC guidance.


Queries Internet domain name servers for information about specified hosts and domains or to print a list of hosts in a domain.


Configure NTP servers. Displays currently configured interfaces, and provides an operations menu to add, remove, or set the interface from whose IP address NTP queries should originate.


Intercepts and displays TCP/IP and other packets being transmitted or received over the network to which the appliance is attached.


Set the passphrase.


Enables or disables Path MTU Discovery.

You might want to disable Path MTU Discovery if you need to packet fragmentation.


Sends an ICMP ECHO REQUEST to the specified host or gateway.


Display the list of active processes of the appliance.


This command is available only in admin mode

proxyconfig <enable | disable>

Enables or disables the Web Proxy.


Display web proxy statistics.

quit, q, exit

Terminates an active process or session.


To check or reset the volume and time used by a category.

Choose the operation you want to perform:

  • RESET—Reset quota for specific entry in proxy quota cache.

  • SEARCH—Search list of user entries in proxy quota cache.

  • RESETALL—Reset all entries in proxy quota cache.


In a multi-proxy mode, when you want to reset the appliance while accessing quotoquery from the CLI, if the quota username consists of a "\" character, append another "\", and then reset the appliance. For example, if you find a quota username "vol:W2012-01\administrator@AD1", before performing a reset, edit the quota username (add additional "\") as "W2012-01\\administrator@AD1". The prefix "vol:" is not required when you perform a reset.


Flushes the file system cache to disk, halts all running processes, and restarts the system.


Configure a reporting system.


Restores the configuration to factory defaults.


Revert the AsyncOS for Web operating system to a previous qualified build. This is a very destructive action, destroying all configuration logs and databases. Refer to Reverting to a Previous Version of AsyncOS for Web for information about using this command.


Allows you to rollback to one of the previously committed 10 configurations. By default, the rollback configuration feature is enabled.


Roll over a log file.


Configure destination IP addresses and gateways for traffic. Displays currently configured routes, and provides an operations menu to create, edit, or delete, or clear entries.


Saves a copy of the current configuration settings to a file. This file can be used to restore defaults, if necessary.

If FIPS mode is enable, provide a passphrase-handling option: Mask passphrases or Encrypt passphrases.


Configure the default gateway for the machine.


Set the hostname parameter.


Changes the security setting for the NTLM authentication realm to either “ads” or “domain”.

  • domain — AsyncOS joins the Active Directory domain with a domain security trust account. AsyncOS requires Active Directory to use only nested Active Directory groups in this mode.

  • ads — AsyncOS joins the domain as a native Active Directory member.

Default is ads .


Set system time.


Displays the current time zone and the time zone version. Provides an operations menu to set a local time zone.


Display all configuration values.


User passphrases are encrypted.


Terminates connections and shuts down the system.


Configure SMTP relay hosts for internally generated email. An SMTP relay host is required to receive system generated email and alerts.


Configure the local host to listen for SNMP queries and allow SNMP requests.


Configure hostname and host key options for trusted servers.


The default cipher for AsyncOS versions 9.0 and earlier is DEFAULT:+kEDH.

The default cipher for AsyncOS versions 9.1 - 11.8 is:

In this case, the default cipher may change based on your ECDHE cipher selections.

The default cipher for AsyncOS versions 12.0 and later is:


Update the default cipher suite while upgrading to a newer AsyncOS version. The ciphers suites are not automatically updated. When you upgrade from an earlier version to AsyncOS 12.0 and later, Cisco recommends updating the cipher suite to:

FALLBACK – Enable/disable the SSL/TLS fall-back option. If enabled, communications with remote servers will fall back to the lowest configured protocol following a handshake failure.

After a protocol version is negotiated between client and server, handshake failure is possible because of implementation issues. If this option is enabled, the proxy attempts to connect using the lowest version of the currently configured TLS/SSL protocols.


On new AsyncOS 9.x installations, fall-back is disabled by default. For upgrades from earlier versions on which the fall-back option exists, the current setting is retained; otherwise, when upgrading from a version on which the option did not exist, fall-back is enabled by default.

ECDHE – Enable/disable use of ECDHE ciphers for LDAP.

Additional ECDH ciphers are supported in successive releases; however, certain named curves provided with some of the additional ciphers cause the appliance to close a connection during secure LDAP authentication and HTTPS traffic decryption. See SSL Configurationfor more information about specifying additional ciphers.

If you experience these issues, use this option to disable or enable ECDHE cipher use for either or both features.


Executes different OPENSSL commands from appliance's CLI to troubleshoot SSL connections. The ssltool command has the following subcommands:

  • sclient -This is CLI version of openssl s_client command. It will connect to a remote host using SSL/TLS directly without using the appliance.

    • COMMAND - Executes an openssl s_client command. The following openssl s_client commands are supported:
      -connect, -servername, -verify, -cipher, -verify_return_error, -reconnect, -pause, -showcerts, -prexit, -state, -debug, -msg, -tls1, -tls1_1, -tls1_2, -no_ssl2, -no_ssl3, -no_tls1, -no_tls1_1, -no_tls1_2, -tlsextdebug, -no_ticket, -status, -save, -noout

      See the inline help for more information about the supported openssl s_client commands .


      After you execute the command, you can save the output to a file using the -save option. You cannot access the saved log files. These log files are used by Cisco support team for debugging.
    • HELP - Provides help information.

  • CLEARLOGS -Deletes all logs generated by ssltool.


Displays system status.


Send the support request email to Cisco Customer Support. This includes system information and a copy of the primary configuration.

(Optional) If you provide the service request number, a larger set of system and configuration information is added to the service request automatically. This information is zipped and uploaded to the service request using FTP.


Displays the end of a log file. Command accepts log file name as parameter.

Example 1> tail
Currently configured logs:
1. "accesslogs" Type: "Access Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
2. "amp_logs" Type: "AMP Engine Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
Enter the number of the log you wish to tail.
[]> 9
Press Ctrl-C to stop scrolling, then `q` to quit.
Thu Dec 14 10:03:07 2017 Info: Begin Logfile
“CTRL-C” + “q”

Example 2> tail system_logs
Press Ctrl-C to stop scrolling, then `q` to quit.
Thu Dec 14 09:59:10 2017 Info: Begin Logfile
“CTRL-C” + “q”


Displays information about open TCP/IP services.


Provides a temporary connection to allow Cisco Customer Support to access the system and assist in troubleshooting.


Communicates with another host using the TELNET protocol, usually used to check connectivity.


Tests the authentication settings for a given authentication realm against the authentication servers defined in the realm.

testauthconfig [-d level] [realm name]

Running the command without any option causes the appliance to list the configured authentication realms from which you can make a selection.

The debug flag ( -d ) controls the level of debug information. The levels can range between 0-10. If unspecified, the appliance uses a level of 0. With level 0, the command will return success or failure. If the test settings fail, the command will list the cause of the failure.


Cisco recommends you use level 0. Only use a different debug level when you need more detailed information to troubleshoot.

tuiconfig tuistatus

These two commands are documented in Using the CLI to Configure Advanced Transparent User Identification Settings.


Traces IP packets through gateways and along the path to a destination host.


You can use the trailblazerconfig command to route your incoming and outgoing connections through HTTP and HTTPS ports on the new web interface.


By default, trailblazerconfig CLI command is enabled on your appliance. You can see the inline help by typing the command: help trailblazerconfig.

The syntax is as follows:

trailblazerconfig enable <https_port> <http_port>

trailblazerconfig disable

trailblazerconfig status


'enable' runs the trailblazer on the default ports (HTTPS: 4431 or HTTP: 801).

'disable' terminates the trailblazer

'status' checks the status of the trailblazer.


If you have enabled trailblazerconfig command on the appliance, the request URL will contain the HTTP/HTTPS port number appended to the hostname.

You can try any one of the following steps to make the navigation in your browser seamless:

  • Accept the certificate used by the web interface and use the following URL syntax: https://hostname:<https_api_port> (for example, in a new browser window and accept the certificate. Here <https_api_port> is the AsyncOS API HTTPS port configured in Network > IP Interfaces. Also, ensure that the API ports (HTTP/HTTPS) are opened on the firewall.

  • By default, trailblazerconfig CLI command is enabled on your appliance. Make sure that the HTTP/HTTPS ports are opened on the firewall. Also ensure that your DNS server can resolve the hostname that you specified for accessing the appliance.

    If the trailblazerconfig CLI command is disabled, you can run the trailblazerconfig > enable command using the CLI to avoid the following issues:

    • Requiring to add multiple certificates for API ports in certain browsers.

    • Redirecting to the legacy web interface when you refresh the Spam quarantine, Safelist or Blocklist page.

    • Metrics bar on the Advanced Malware Protection report page does not contain any data.


Configure update and upgrade settings.


Update all components.


Install the Async OS software upgrade.

downloadinstall – Download and immediately install an upgrade package.

download – Download and save upgrade package for installation later.

After you enter either of these commands, a list of upgrade packages applicable for this Web Security Appliance is displayed. Select the desired package by entering its entry number and then pressing Enter; download begins in the background. During download, additional subcommands are available: downloadstatus and canceldownload.

When download is complete, if you initially entered downloadinstall, installation begins immediately. If you entered download, two additional commands are available when download is complete: install and delete. Enter install to begin installing a previously downloaded package. Use delete to remove the previously downloaded package from the Web Security Appliance .


Configure system administrators.


Displays general system information, installed versions of system software, and rule definitions.


all - Displays details of all WCCP (Web Cache Communication Protocol) service groups.

servicegroup - Displays details of a specific WCCP service group.


Examine or modify the contents of the proxy cache, or configure domains and URLs that the appliance never caches. Allows an administrator to remove a particular URL from the proxy cache or specify which domains or URLs to never store in the proxy cache.


Displays users logged into the system, for both CLI and Web interface sessions.


Individual users can have a maximum of 10 concurrent sessions.


Displays user information.