About link 1-4
Account Initialization window
options 6-2
overview 6-1
triggered by event 4-11
ActiveX controls 1-4
Administration windows 6-1, 7-1
controls in Camera Video & Control window 3-3
settings 4-6
backing up, configuration of IP camera 6-4
Basic Settings window
options 5-2
overview 5-1
bit rate, of video 4-6
Bonjour, enabling on camera 5-6
brightness 3-4
camera settings
picture adjustments
brightness 3-4
contrast 3-4
saturation 3-4
sharpness 3-4
white balance 3-5
Camera Settings window
options 4-7
overview 4-6
Camera Video & Control window
accessing 3-1
description 1-5
displaying 1-4
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), enabling on camera 5-6
configuration windows
accessing 1-2
Account Initialization window 6-1
Administration windows 6-1
Basic Settings window 5-1
Camera Settings window 4-6
Device Processes window 6-7
Discovery Settings window 5-6
Event Notification window 4-11
Feature Setup windows 4-1
Firmware Settings window 6-6
IO Ports Settings window 4-10
IP Addressing window 5-2
IP Filter Settings window 5-6
Local Log window 7-4
Log Setup Settings window 7-1
Log windows 7-1
Maintenance Settings window 6-4
Network Setup windows 5-1
Password Complexity window 6-8
QoS Settings window 5-7
Streaming Settings window 4-1
Time Settings window 5-4
User Settings window 6-3
Video Overlay Settings window 4-9
connecting, to the IP camera
after the first time 1-2
for the first time 2-1
secure connection 1-3
contrast 3-4
date and time
configuring manually 5-4
updating through NTP server 5-4
filter 4-7
mode 4-7
daylight saving time, adjustment for 5-5
Device Processes window
options 6-8
overview 6-7
DHCP, obtaining IP address through 2-1, 5-3
Differentiated Services (DiffServ) 5-8
Discovery Settings window
options 5-6
overview 5-6
DNS server
primary 5-3
secondary 5-4
dual streaming 4-1
e-mail notification
From field 4-15
recipients 4-15
HTTP notification 4-11
output port state change 4-12
syslog server message 4-12
overview 4-11
trigger types 4-13
Event Notification window
options 4-13
overview 4-11
factory default configurations, resetting 6-5
factory default configurations, restoring 6-5
Feature Setup windows 4-1
version in IP camera 6-7
Firmware Settings window
options 6-7
overview 6-6
FTP notification
configuring 4-16
gateway, for IP camera 5-3
help, for IP camera windows 1-4
Home window
accessing 1-2
displaying 1-4
accessing camera through 1-3
allowing access through 2-2, 6-2
default port 6-2
port 6-2
accessing camera through 1-3
allowing access through 6-2
default port 6-2
port 6-2
input ports
state change 4-11
IO Ports Settings window
options 4-11
overview 4-10
IP address
controlling access by 5-6
default for IP camera 1-2, 1-3, 2-1
fixed 5-3
obtaining from DCHP server 2-1
obtaining through DHCP 5-3
static 5-3
IP Addressing window
options 5-3
overview 5-2
IP camera
accessing through a web browser 1-2, 2-1
connecting to after the first time 1-2
connecting to for the first time 2-1
controlling access to 5-6
day mode 4-7
logging in to 1-3
logging out of 1-4
MAC address 6-7
name 5-2
night mode 4-7
overview 1-1
panning 3-2
rebooting 6-5
restarting 6-5
restoring factory default configurations 6-5
tilting 3-2
time zone 5-5
IP Filter Settings window
options 5-7
overview 5-6
live video
through home window 3-1
through third-party device or software 3-1
See also video
Local Log window
options 7-4
overview 7-4
log file
sending to Syslog server 7-2
storage of 7-1
viewing 7-4
log in, to IP camera 1-3
log out, of IP camera 1-4
Log Setup Settings window
options 7-2
overview 7-1
MAC address, of IP camera 6-7
Maintenance Settings window
options 6-5
overview 6-4
muting PC 3-3
PC 3-3
sensitivity 3-3
motion detection
accessing controls 3-4, 3-6, 3-8
enabling 3-7
Motion detection controls 3-7, 3-8
address 4-5
enabling 4-5
port 4-5
PC microphone 3-3
PC speaker 3-3
Network Setup windows 5-1
filter 4-7
mode 4-7
output ports
power on state 4-11
panning 3-2
complexity 6-8
configuring requirements for 6-8
for primary SMTP server 4-15
for secondary SMTP server 4-15
for user 6-4
hardening 6-8
Password Complexity window
options 6-9
overview 6-8
picture adjustments
brightness 3-4
contrast 3-4
saturation 3-4
sharpness 3-4
white balance 3-5
port number 1-2
descriptions 6-8
stopping 6-7
QoS Settings window
options 5-8
overview 5-7
quality of service 5-7
rebooting, IP camera 6-5
Refresh link 1-4
resetting, factory default configurations 6-5
restarting, IP camera 6-5
restoring, factory default configurations 6-5
saturation 3-4
secure connection 1-3
controlling processes 6-7
password hardening 6-8
stopping processes 6-7
Setup window
description 1-5
displaying 1-4
sharpness 3-4
volume 3-3
allowing access through 6-2
alternative port 6-2
default port 6-2
Streaming Settings window
options 4-4
overview 4-1
subnet mask, of IP camera 5-3
Syslog server 7-2
text overlay, on video 4-10
tilting 3-2
Time Settings window
options 5-4
overview 5-4
time stamp, on video 4-10
time zone, of IP camera 5-5
trigger, for event 4-13
user, password 6-4
user name, requirements for 6-4
User Settings window
options 6-4
overview 6-3
bit rate 4-6
primary stream 4-1
quality 4-6
secondary stream 4-1
text overlay 4-10
time stamp on 4-10
viewing live
through Home window 3-1
through third-party device or software 3-1
See also live video
video codec
controls in Camera Video & Control window 3-1
display in Streaming Settings window 4-5
video image
optimizing for lighting condition 4-7
Video Overlay Settings window
options 4-10
overview 4-9
video resolution
configuration guidelines 4-1
controls in Camera Video/Control window 3-2
View Video link 1-4
white balance mode 3-5