To display the SyncE
selection information for all selection points or for a specific node, use the
show SyncE
selection command in EXEC mode.
show SyncE selection {location node-id}
Syntax Description
information for a specific node on the router. The
argument is entered in the
rack/slot/module notation.
Command Default
No default behavior
or values
Command History
Release 6.1.2
This command
was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user
group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
show SyncE
selection command shows the status of the timing stream from the
timing source
Task ID
Task ID
This example shows
the normal output for the
show SyncE
selection command:
RP/0/0RP0/CPU0:router:hostname# show frequency synchronization selection
Node 0/0/CPU0:
Selection point: LC_INGRESS (4 inputs, 2 selected)
Last programmed 00:01:30 ago, and selection made 00:01:29 ago
Next selection points:
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 n/a PRC 100 Unmonitored
2 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 n/a PRC 200 Down
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 n/a ST2 50 Unmonitored
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 n/a ST3 100 Unmonitored
Selection point: LC_EGRESS (2 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:25:42 ago, and selection made 00:00:15 ago
Next selection points:
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : None
Used for local line interface output
Used for local clock-interface output
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/1/CPU0 RP_SELECTOR 1 PRC 100 Ok
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/2/CPU0 RP_SELECTOR 1 PRC 100 Ok
Node 0/1/CPU0:
Selection point: RP_SELECTOR (5 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:01:32 ago, and selection made 00:01:28 ago
Next selection points:
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : LC_EGRESS
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/0/CPU0 LC_INGRESS 1 PRC 100 Ok
Sync0 [0/1/CPU0] n/a PRC 50 LOS
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/2/CPU0 RP_SELECTOR 1 PRC 100 Ok
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 0/0/CPU0 LC_INGRESS 2 PRC 200 Ok
Internal0 [0/1/CPU0] n/a ST3 255 Ok
Selection point: RP_CLOCK_INTF_SELECTOR (4 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:01:32 ago, and selection made 00:01:28 ago
Next selection points:
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : None
Used for local clock-interface output
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/0/CPU0 LC_INGRESS 1 PRC 100 Ok
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/2/CPU0 RP_SELECTOR 1 PRC 100 Ok
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 0/0/CPU0 LC_INGRESS 2 PRC 200 Ok
Internal0 [0/1/CPU0] n/a ST3 255 Ok
Node 0/2/CPU0:
Selection point: RP_SELECTOR (4 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:28:55 ago, and selection made 00:00:20 ago
Next selection points:
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : LC_EGRESS
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/1/CPU0 RP_SELECTOR 1 PRC 100 Ok
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/0/CPU0 LC_INGRESS 1 PRC 100 Ok
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 0/0/CPU0 LC_INGRESS 2 PRC 200 Ok
Internal0 [0/2/CPU0] n/a ST3 255 Ok
Selection point: RP_CLOCK_INTF_SELECTOR (4 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:28:55 ago, and selection made 00:00:20 ago
Next selection points:
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Router scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
Used for local clock-interface output
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/1/CPU0 RP_SELECTOR 1 PRC 100 Ok
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 0/0/CPU0 LC_INGRESS 1 PRC 100 Ok
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 0/0/CPU0 LC_INGRESS 2 PRC 200 Ok
Internal0 [0/2/CPU0] n/a ST3 255 Ok
This example shows
output from the
show frequency
synchronization selection summary command. The timing sources
which are selected in the system are displayed and are clocking one or more
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show frequency synchronization selection summary
GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 is selected for 2 outputs
Sync0 [0/0/CPU0] is selected for 25 outputs
This example displays
information relevant to the ICS interfaces:
Node 1/RSP0/CPU0:
Selection point: T0-SEL-B (4 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:04:59 ago, and selection made 00:02:55 ago
Next selection points
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : T4-SEL-C CHASSIS-TOD-SEL
Chassis scoped: LC_TX_SELECT
Router scoped : None
Uses frequency selection
Used for local line interface output
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 Sync3 [1/RSP0/CPU0] n/a PRC 25 Locked
GigabitEthernet1/0/0/6 1/0/CPU0 SPA_RXMUX 1 PRC 50 Available
PTP [1/RSP0/CPU0] n/a SEC 254 Available
Internal0 [1/RSP0/CPU0] n/a SEC 255 Available
Selection point: T4-SEL-A (1 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:22:28 ago, and selection made 00:02:55 ago
Next selection points
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : T4-SEL-C
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : None
Uses frequency selection
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 GigabitEthernet1/0/0/6 1/0/CPU0 SPA_RXMUX 1 PRC 50 Available
Selection point: T4-SEL-C (2 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:04:47 ago, and selection made 00:02:55 ago
Next selection points
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : None
Uses frequency selection
Used for local clock interface output
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 Sync3 [1/RSP0/CPU0] 1/RSP0/CPU0 T0-SEL-B 1 PRC 25 Locked
GigabitEthernet1/0/0/6 1/RSP0/CPU0 T4-SEL-A 1 PRC 50 Available
Selection point: CHASSIS-TOD-SEL (3 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:04:47 ago, and selection made 00:04:47 ago
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:Swordfish#sh freq syn sel loc 1/rsp0/cpu0
Thu Jul 24 10:03:05.764 UTC
Node 1/RSP0/CPU0:
Selection point: T0-SEL-B (4 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:09:35 ago, and selection made 00:07:31 ago
Next selection points
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : T4-SEL-C CHASSIS-TOD-SEL
Chassis scoped: LC_TX_SELECT
Router scoped : None
Uses frequency selection
Used for local line interface output
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 Sync3 [1/RSP0/CPU0] n/a PRC 25 Locked
GigabitEthernet1/0/0/6 1/0/CPU0 SPA_RXMUX 1 PRC 50 Available
PTP [1/RSP0/CPU0] n/a SEC 254 Available
Internal0 [1/RSP0/CPU0] n/a SEC 255 Available
Selection point: T4-SEL-A (1 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:27:04 ago, and selection made 00:07:31 ago
Next selection points
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : T4-SEL-C
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : None
Uses frequency selection
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 GigabitEthernet1/0/0/6 1/0/CPU0 SPA_RXMUX 1 PRC 50 Available
Selection point: T4-SEL-C (2 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:09:23 ago, and selection made 00:07:31 ago
Next selection points
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : None
Uses frequency selection
Used for local clock interface output
S Input Last Selection Point QL Pri Status
== ======================== ======================== ===== === ===========
1 Sync3 [1/RSP0/CPU0] 1/RSP0/CPU0 T0-SEL-B 1 PRC 25 Locked
GigabitEthernet1/0/0/6 1/RSP0/CPU0 T4-SEL-A 1 PRC 50 Available
Selection point: CHASSIS-TOD-SEL (3 inputs, 1 selected)
Last programmed 00:09:23 ago, and selection made 00:09:23 ago
Next selection points
SPA scoped : None
Node scoped : None
Chassis scoped: None
Router scoped : None
Uses time-of-day selection
S Input Last Selection Point Pri Time Status
== ======================== ======================== === ==== ===========
1 Sync3 [1/RSP0/CPU0] n/a 15 Yes Available
Sync3 [1/RSP0/CPU0] 1/RSP0/CPU0 T0-SEL-B 1 15 Yes Available
PTP [1/RSP0/CPU0] n/a 100 Yes Available