Documentation Roadmap

This documentation overview lists the guides that are related to Cisco WAN Automation Engine (WAE) 7.1.3. You can access the Cisco WAN Automation Engine (Cisco WAE) end-user documentation on at


We sometimes update the documentation after original publication. Therefore, you should always review the documentation on for any updates.

Cisco WAE Platform and System Documentation

Title What is Included

Cisco WAN Automation Engine 7.1.3 Release Notes

  • Overview of Cisco WAE 7.1.3

  • New functionality in Cisco WAE 7.1.3

  • Known limitations

  • Information on bugs

Cisco WAN Automation Engine 7.1.3 Installation Guide

  • System Requirements

  • WAE server, WAE Live, and WAE Coordinated Maintenance installation instructions

  • Upgrade procedures

Cisco WAN Automation Engine 7.1.3 User Guide

  • Getting started with Cisco WAE 7.1.3

  • Configure network interface modules (NIMOs) for discovery and collection

  • Configure network models

Open Source Software Used in Cisco WAN Automation Engine 7.1.3

Lists licenses and notices for open source software

Cisco WAE Design Documentation

Title What is Included

Cisco WAN Automation Engine Design 7.1.2 User Guide

Using WAE Design to:

  • Model, simulate, and analyze failures, design changes, and impact of traffic growth

  • Optimize your network for maximum efficiency

  • Visualize the health of your network

  • Generate reports that compare traffic and estimate network infrastructure costs

Cisco WAN Automation Engine Design 7.1.2 GUI Installation Guide

  • Installing Cisco WAE Design on Linux, Windows, and Mac

  • Installing licenses

Cisco WAN Automation Engine Design 7.1.2 Network Visualization Guide

Creating templates for use in web applications

Cisco WAN Automation Engine Design 7.0.1 Integration and Development Guide

Integrating WAE Design and doing related developmental work, including:

  • Creating custom add-ons

  • Plan file formats and how information is stored

  • Importing objects

  • Importing traffic and growth rates

  • Exporting rules

  • Importing offline collections

  • Reporting tools

  • CLI option format and logging levels

Cisco WAN Automation Engine Design 7.0.1 Tutorials

Understanding basic WAE Design tasks such as modifying simulated traffic, generating failure scenarios, and examining the network for component failure vulnerabilities.

Cisco WAE API Documentation

API What is Included



Cisco WAE Design


Although the Cisco WAE Design API documentation is available, we recommend that you use the WAE OPM API documentation.