Use Cases
WAE Design lets you model, simulate, and analyze failures, design changes, and impact of traffic growth, as well as optimize your network for maximum efficiency. For example, with WAE Design models and tools, you can answer a wide variety of questions about traffic management.
Where is traffic going in the network?
When and where will my network run out of capacity?
How do I convert my growth forecasts into upgrade plans?
How can I better distribute traffic throughout the network?
How can I design for differentiated quality of service?
Where is my network most vulnerable to failure, and how can I mitigate it?
How will a Layer 1 design affect the resilience of Layer 3?
How can I visualize the current health of the network?
What caused the outage experienced earlier today?
How would a current failure affect the network at peak time tomorrow?
Which VPN customers will be affected by a planned outage or by an unplanned failure?