- Overview
- User Interface
- Plan Objects
- Traffic Demand Modeling
- Simulation
- Simulation Analysis
- Traffic Forecasting
- IGP Simulation
- MPLS Simulation
- RSVP-TE Simulation
- Segment Routing Simulation
- Layer 1 Simulation
- Quality of Service Simulation
- BGP Simulation
- Advanced Routing with External Endpoints
- VPN Simulation
- Multicast Simulation
- Metric Optimization
- LSP Optimization
- RSVP-TE Optimization
- Explicit and Tactical RSVP-TE LSP Optimization
- Segment Routing Optimization
- Capacity Planning Optimization
- L1 Circuit Path Optimization
- Changeover
- Patch Files
- Reports
- Cost Modeling
- Plot Legend for Design Layouts
- L1 and L3 Views
- L1 Topology
- L1 Simulations
- Relationships Between L1 and L3
- Delay and Distance
- L1 Failures
Layer 1 Simulation
Although WAE Design focuses on IP/MPLS Layer 3 (L3) network views and traffic, you can also create and view Layer 1 (L1) topologies for a more complete view of the network. Using the L3 and L1 topologies together, you can specify how L3 circuits route over L1 links. These Layer 3-to-Layer 1 associations let you simulate individual L1 link and L1 node failures, or include L1 links and L1 node failures in a Simulation Analysis to determine the effects on L3 traffic. Additionally, you can include L1 links and L1 nodes in SRLGs. With this interaction of layers, you can better design the network to meet performance requirements.
Note Aside from this chapter, throughout this guide the term circuit means a circuit with L3 properties. In this chapter, for purposes of clarity, L3 circuit and L1 circuit refer to objects defined in the Circuits and L1 Circuits tables, respectively, whereas circuit refers to the actual network element.
L1 and L3 Views
Figure 12-1 shows an example L1 view in comparison to an L3 view. Notice the different uses of circuits. In the L3 view, L3 circuits are relevant to IP/MPLS routing and show traffic. The L1 view shows the physical topology with no traffic; if selected, it also shows the L1 circuit paths taken across the L1 links. L3 is the default view unless the plan file does not contain L3 nodes.
To more easily find relationships between L3 and L1 objects, right-click the object and choose the appropriate filter.
Alternate Views
To alternate between L1 and L3 views, use one of these methods:
- Click the L1/L3 toggle button in the top left of the Visualization toolbar.
- Choose View > Layer 1 View or View > Layer 3 View.
- Use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-1 for L1 and Ctrl-3 for L3. (On a Mac, use Alt-1 and Alt-3.)
Figure 12-1 Comparison of L1 and L3 Views
Multi-Layer Views
To show relationships between the L1 and L3 views, you can simultaneously view both of them in either view (Figure 12-2). If you are in the L1 view, L3 objects appear in the background. If you are in the L3 view, L1 objects appear in the background. Additionally, the L3-L1 links, which model the physical relationship between L3 nodes and L1 nodes, are visualized (Figure 12-3).
In the Plot Options dialog box, click the Layer 1 tab, and then choose options to determine whether to show Layer 1 objects in the Layer 3 view. For more information, see Editing L1 Plot Options.
The ability to move, select, and edit properties for an object in the background is toggled on and off with View > Preferences > Enable Selection of Background Objects.
Figure 12-2 Multi-Layer (Combined Layer 1 and Layer 3) Views
Figure 12-3 L1-L3 Link Visualization
L1 Topology
An L1 topology consists of a unique set of objects ( Table 12-1 ) that are distinct from IP/MPLS L3 topology and objects. However, two of the objects, L1 circuits and L3 circuits, represent the same circuit.
- An L3 circuit contains L3 properties of the circuit.
- An L1 circuit contains L1 properties, specifically L1 routing, of the circuit.
You can create the objects and generate an L1 topology in WAE Design using these methods:
- Import an L1 topology from another plan file. This method creates the same L1 topology and the same L1 link, L1 circuit, L1 port, and L3 mappings as in the source file. You can also copy an L1 topology from a plan file. To import an L1 topology, choose File > Import > Layer 1.
- Construct an L1 topology based on all or part of an existing L3 topology in the same plan file. This method creates an L1 topology that mirrors the L3 one, and automatically generates the mappings between the L1 and L3 objects. For more information, see Creating L1 Topology from L3 Topology.
- Individually create the L1 ports, L1 nodes, L1 links, L1 circuits, L1 circuit paths, and L1 circuit path hops. You can add both L1 nodes and L1 links to SRLGs for simulation purposes. This is typically done to represent ducts containing multiple fiber segments, where a break in the duct could cause multiple L1 link failures, and thus potentially multiple L3 circuit failures for each of these L1 links. The end of this chapter contains several sections on manually creating L1 objects.
- Create the L1 topology directly in the tables in the plan file, such as by editing the L1 tables (Edit > Plan Tables as Database) or by creating the table in the plan file using a text editor.
L1 Objects
L1 links, L1 nodes, and L1 ports can be failed, set to an inactive state, and included in Simulation Analysis to calculate a worst-case failure analysis. Additionally, L1 links and L1 nodes can both be included in SRLGs, which in turn can also be failed and included in Simulation Analysis. These capabilities let you assess the effect of L1 outages on the IP/MPLS network, thus improving your ability to design around and plan for potential service disruptions.
L1 Waypoints
Waypoints are only viewable in the geographic view, and by default, they are visible in the network plot. There is an option to show or hide them in the Layer 1 tab of the Plot Options dialog box.
All sites are listed in the Sites table whether they contain L1 nodes, L3 nodes, or both. To determine how many L1 nodes, if any, are in a site, show the L1 Node Count column. By default, sites containing only L1 nodes appear only in the L1 view, and sites containing only L3 nodes appear only in the L3 view. You can change this default in the Plot Options dialog box. Empty sites appear in both views.
L1 Simulations
When reading the L1 tables, the derived Established and Routed properties indicate simulation capabilities.
- Established—Identifies whether an L1 circuit or L1 circuit path is routed when there are no failures. Note that while an L1 circuit or L1 circuit path has Established equals F (false), it might be routable under failures.
- Routed—Identifies whether and how an L1 circuit or L1 circuit path is routed:
– Actual (if being routed through actual L1 circuit path hops)
– Simulated (if being routed and not using actual L1 circuit path hops)
Active L1 Path Selection
Because multiple L1 circuit paths can be routed for a single L1 circuit, WAE Design uses the Active Path Sim property to determine which L1 circuit path to use to set the derived properties for each L1 circuit, such as Distance Sim and Delay Sim. The Active Path Sim property is copied from the user-specified Active Path property if it has been set and if it is routable.
Standby Paths and Path Options
The user-specified L1 circuit path’s Standby property sets the path to standby (T) or non-standby (F). The user-configurable Path Option property is an integer that identifies the order in which the routing of L1 circuit paths is explored. The lower the value, the higher the priority to route the L1 circuit path.
If other L1 circuit paths must be explored, the standby L1 circuit path with the lowest Path Option value is used provided it is routable. If it is not routable, attempts are made for each Path Option with the next lowest value (next highest priority). If none of the standby L1 circuit paths are routable, WAE Design then follows the same procedure with non-standby L1 circuit paths, starting with the one with the highest priority Path Option.
Note Non-standby L1 circuit paths reroute under failure only you check the Network Options > Layer 1 rerouting convergence under failures check box. For more information, see Resiliency Under L1 Failures.
L1 Circuit Path Routing Order
- WAE Design always tries to route L1 circuit paths that have their Standby property set to T (true), regardless of whether they are set as the active path. If they are routable, they are routed in the order of this priority:
– Actual L1 circuit path hops have first priority. Note that while these are not discovered by WAE, if they are discovered through another means, you can manually add them using the Actual tab of the L1 circuit paths Properties dialog box or by adding an <ActualL1CircuitPathHops> table to the.txt plan file.
– L1 circuits paths with explicit lambdas or lambdas defined through L1 circuit path hops are then routed. For information on lambdas, see Lambda Assignments.
– Thereafter, L1 circuit paths that do not have lambda properties set explicitly or through L1 circuit path hops are routed.
- After attempting to route standby L1 circuit paths, WAE Design determines whether and how to route non-standby L1 circuit paths (Standby property set to F).
– WAE Design determines if the non-standby L1 circuit path should route by checking the following L1 circuit properties in this order.
- If the L1 circuit Active Path property is set to this L1 circuit path, WAE Design tries to route the non-standby L1 circuit path.
- If the number of routed L1 circuit paths is less than the associated L1 circuit’s Min Routed Paths property, WAE Design tries to route the non-standby L1 circuit paths.
– Non-standby L1 circuit paths are routed based on their Path Option setting (lower numbers are routed first). For each of these paths, the route order is based on the same criteria as described above for standby L1 circuit paths (actual L1 circuit path hops, then lambda values, and then L1 circuit path hops that do not have lambda values).
Within each of the above routing instances, WAE Design routes the L1 circuit path based on the following criteria regardless of whether the L1 circuit path is standby or non-standby.
- Routes are based on the lowest Setup Priority value and then deterministically. For example, among L1 circuit paths with actual L1 circuit path hops, those with higher Setup Priority are routed first. See L1 Circuit Path Setup Priority.
- L1 circuit paths that do not require automatic wavelength assignments to route have higher priority than those that do. For information on the Auto Lambda property, see Lambda Assignments.
Viewing L1 Circuit Paths
To view the actual paths or simulated paths of L1 circuits, choose View > L1 Circuits. Note that given the priority of routing, if the actual L1 circuit path hops path is valid, the actual and simulated paths are the same. You can also choose to view the shortest latency path from this menu.
Rerouted simulated L1 circuit paths show automatically when they are rerouted due to failures, regardless of whether you are showing simulated paths.
L1 Circuit Path Hops
You can force an L1 circuit path to choose a different route by setting one or more node hops or link hops.
Generally, node hops are used for simplicity, but link hops are useful for when you need to distinguish between two parallel L1 links. To do this, set a loose hop on the L1 node preceding the link hop, and then set a strict hop on the parallel L1 link over which you want to route this L1 circuit.
You can set L1 circuit path hops in an L1 circuit path Properties dialog box. Because WAE Design always uses the shortest path, remember to set as many hops as needed to achieve the desired path, and put them in the order of the desired path. The L1 Circuits Path Hops table identifies the path and the steps.
Note Because L1 circuits paths are bidirectional, to simulate L1 circuit path hops WAE Design automatically adds the initial L1 node in the path as a strict hop.
Example: Figure 12-4 shows an example of a default shortest path being used, as well as an alternate circuit path created using a loose nyc node hop. It also demonstrates that you could achieve the same path by setting only an exclude link hop on wdc-bos.
Figure 12-4 Shortest L1 Circuit Paths Versus Paths Determined by L1 Circuit Path Hops
Explicit L1 Circuit Paths Initializer
The Explicit L1 Circuit Paths Initializer automates the process of creating explicitly routed L1 circuit paths.
Step 1 Choose one or more L1 circuit paths. If you select none, the default is to create L1 circuit path hops for all L1 circuit paths.
Step 2 Choose Initializers > Explicit L1 Circuit Paths, or right-click an L1 circuit path and choose Explicit L1 Circuit Path Initializer.
Step 3 Choose whether to use all L1 circuit paths, those selected in the table, or those with specific tags.
L1 Circuit Route Reports
You can create reports on L1 circuits based on the L1 circuit path identified as the Active Path Sim for each L1 circuit. Additionally, the report contains all other columns in an L1 Circuits table, though they are initially hidden.
Step 1 Choose Tools > Reports > Layer 1 Circuit Routes.
After closing the report, you can access it again by choosing Window > Reports.
To export the report, right-click the Routes report name in the Reports navigation pane, and choose Export.
L1 Link Metrics
When L1 circuit paths are routed over L1 links, by default they are established along the shortest path between the L1 nodes. This shortest path is defined as the path with the lowest metric, and the metric of an L1 circuit path is defined as the sum of the L1 link metrics in the path. To move L1 circuit paths away from an L1 link, raise the metric on that L1 link.
Because you can simultaneously edit multiple L1 link Metric properties, this method is useful for altering numerous L1 circuit paths at a time. For exact path specification per L1 circuit path, however, you must set explicit L1 circuit path hops.
If the two shortest L1 circuit paths have the same metric, WAE Design chooses one arbitrarily provided no other properties impact the route.
Note that in contrast to an interface IGP metric, this L1 metric does not represent an actual configurable quantity in the network.
Example: Figure 12-5 shows an example L1 circuit from sjc to kcy. When the sjc-slc L1 link has a metric of 2.7, the shortest L1 circuit path is sjc-slc-kcy. By raising the sjc-slc metric, the shortest L1 circuit path becomes sjc-sea-slc-kcy.
Figure 12-5 Example Effect of L1 Link Metric on Routing L1 Circuits
L1 Link Metric Initializer
The L1 Link Metric Initializer sets L1 metrics based on L1 link distances. WAE Design calculates the metric by multiplying each L1 link’s Distance value by the multiplier you specify. You also set a minimum value for the resulting metric. WAE Design then uses the higher of the two values.
Example: If the L1 Distance value is 7, the multiplier value is 3, and the minimum value is 1, the resulting L1 metric is 21 (Distance * Multiplier). However, if the minimum value were 25, the resulting L1 metric would be 25.
Step 2 Choose Initializers > Layer 1 Metric, or right-click an L1 link and choose Initialize L1 Metric.
Step 3 Enter a multiplier and minimum value, and click OK.
L1 Circuit Path Setup Priority
The Setup Priority property identifies the order in which L1 circuits paths are routed when they share the same L1 link. The lower the number, the higher the priority. Figure 12-7 and Figure 12-9 show examples of rerouting L1 circuit paths based on Setup Priority.
To set the Setup Priority, right-click one or more L1 circuit paths and choose Properties. This value appears in the L1 Circuit Paths table in the Setup Priority column.
L1 Circuit Wavelengths
The L1 circuit lambda (wavelength) properties include those that identify transmission feasibility and lambda assignments. The terms lambda and wavelength are interchangeable.
Using these properties, you can answer questions like:
- Can I add an L3 circuit that uses a specific L1 circuit?
- How will my network choose a new L1 circuit path under L1 failure?
- Can I modify an existing L1 circuit for an L3 circuit?
- How many available wavelengths are there in my L1 topology?
- What happens to the network when there are L1 failures? Does optical restoration select a new L1 circuit path, and if so, which path?
Transmission Feasibility
In a real network, the quality of an L1 circuit deteriorates as it passes through L1 links. Using feasibility properties, WAE Design lets you simulate this weakening of L1 circuits to determine if they have degraded to the point of being unroutable.
Although the feasibility properties are predominantly used for tracking the quality of an L1 circuit’s wavelength as it passes through L1 links, it is an abstract property. You could optionally use it for other purposes, such as for representing latency restrictions. For example, for an L1 circuit path, the stricter the requirements on latency, the lower the Feasibility Limit you would set. In this example the Feasibility Metric of L1 links would be set to their respective Delay values.
Routing Based on Feasibility Properties
Feasibility properties affect routing as follows:
- If there is no Feasibility Limit, the shortest path is based on the L1 link Metric property, and Feasible Transmission is set to “na.”
- The shortest L1 circuit path is based on the L1 links that result in a L1 circuit path’s Feasibility Metric Sim value that is lower than the L1 circuit path’s Feasibility Limit. The Feasible Transmission of the L1 circuit path is set to T (true).
- If the L1 circuit path Feasibility Metric Sim is higher than the Feasibility Limit, it is not routed, and the Feasible Transmission is set to F (false) except when actual L1 circuit path hops exist.
Example: Figure 12-6 shows a series of changes to the Feasibility Limit on an L1 circuit path. The L1 Links table—which shows the amount of noise, in decibels—does not change in any of the following scenarios.
- Row 1 shows that the Feasibility Limit of the L1 circuit path is set to –10 dB. Because the simulated feasibility metric (Feasibility Metric Sim) is lower than the Feasibility Limit, the L1 circuit path follows the shortest path, from sea to boi.
- Row 2 shows that the Feasibility Limit of the L1 circuit path decreases to –11.5 dB, and the path follows a longer route (sea-slc-boi) to stay under the limit.
- Row 3 shows that the Feasibility Limit of the L1 circuit path decreases to –12 dB, thus making it impossible for the path to route. The Feasibility Metric Sim changes to “na.”
Figure 12-6 Example Effects of L1 Link Feasibility on Routing L1 Circuit Paths
Lambda Assignments
Because multiple L1 circuit paths are transmitted in the same fiber, it is required that they each occupy a different lambda as they cross an L1 link. The lambda corresponds to a specific frequency range (wavelength) in the optical fiber.
In WAE Design, the lambda property identifies the L1 circuit path wavelength. To simulate changes in the lambda values (regenerators) along an L1 circuit path, you can manually set lambda values for each L1 circuit path hop.
- Each L1 circuit path traversing an L1 link must have a unique lambda while on that L1 link. If more than one L1 circuit path has the same lambda as they cross the L1 link, lambda blocking occurs. That is, the L1 circuit path with the highest Setup Priority property (lowest number) is routed, and the others are blocked.
To determine which L1 links are causing the lambda blocking, right-click any L1 circuit path whose Lambda Blocking value is T (True), and choose Filter to Lambda Blocking L1 Links.
- Each L1 circuit path must use the same lambda value on all L1 links that it traverses unless lambda values are set on the L1 circuit path hops. This requirement is called the lambda continuity constraint.
Simulated wavelength number, which is copied from the Lambda Sim of the active L1 circuit path. This value is set to “na” if no L1 circuit path can be routed. |
True (T) means the L1 circuit cannot be routed because there is lambda blocking on all of its L1 circuit paths. |
The lambda value of the L1 circuit path.
The maximum lambda value (integer) allowed for an L1 circuit path is limited by the lowest Resv Num L1 Circuit Paths Sim value of all L1 links in its path. For more information, see Reservable L1 Circuit Paths on L1 Links. |
Simulated wavelength number, which is copied from one of these values in this order of priority:
If Auto Lambda is invoked, WAE Design changes the Lambda Sim in order to route the L1 circuit path. The maximum Lambda Sim value that can be defined is limited by the Resv Num L1 Circuit Paths Sim of the L1 links that the L1 circuit path traverses. This value is set to “na” if the L1 circuit path cannot be routed. |
True (T) means this L1 circuit path cannot be routed either because it has the same lambda value as another L1 circuit path going over an L1 link, or the Lambda Sim exceeds the Resv Num L1 Circuits Paths Sim on any L1 link in its path. |
If lambda blocking occurs and if Auto Lambda is T (true), the L1 circuit path tries to use another lambda if it is available. This property is useful for simulating optical restoration when there are L1 failures. |
The user-specified wavelength of the L1 circuit hop. The lambda is used for all of the subsequent hops if no other change is specified. |
Simulated wavelength number, which is copied from one of these values in this order of priority:
When you manually create L1 circuit path hops, WAE Design automatically creates the first L1 circuit path hop to be the first L1 node in the path. It also copies the L1 circuit path’s Lambda Sim value to this hop. If Auto Lambda is used, this value is set to the Lambda Sim value of the L1 circuit path. This value is set to “na” if no lambda values have been specified for this L1 circuit path hop or if the L1 circuit path cannot be routed. |
Routing Based on Lambdas
Lambda properties affect L1 circuit path routing as follows:
- If the lambda is not set and cannot be derived, or if there is no lambda blocking, the L1 circuit path is routed.
- If there is lambda blocking, WAE Design checks the Auto Lambda property for each L1 circuit path.
– If F (false), the L1 circuit path is not routed.
– If T (true), WAE Design tries to route the L1 circuit path on the first lambda that is continuously available on all L1 links over which it is routed. If no such lambda is found, the L1 circuit path is not routed.
Note that the Export Lambda Utilization tool lets you create and export a file that identifies all of the L1 circuit Lambda Sim values being used on each L1 link. Choose File > Export > Lambda Utilization.
Example: Figure 12-7 shows two L1 circuit paths attempting to route over a common L1 link (chi-nyc).
Both have a lambda value of 7. Both have Auto Lambda set to F (false). Path Option 1 can route due to its lower Setup Priority value. Path Option 2 cannot route due to Lambda Blocking being T (true). Notice that the Established column is F (false) and the Routed column is Unrouted.
Example: Figure 12-8 shows that Path Option 2 can route after its Auto Lambda property is set to T (true). As a result, its Lambda Sim automatically changes to an unused lambda value so that there is no lambda blocking. The Lambda Blocking column changes to F (false), the Established to T (true), and the Routed to Simulated. The reason Path Option 1 can still route, even though its Auto Lambda is still set to F, is because it has a lower Setup Priority value. Thus, WAE Design uses lambda 7 for this path.
Figure 12-7 Example Lambda Blocking
Figure 12-8 Example Auto Lambda
Reservable L1 Circuit Paths on L1 Links
Reserving L1 circuit paths provides another mechanism for influencing the routing of L1 circuit paths. The properties used to reserve L1 circuit paths are the L1 link’s Max L1 Circuit Paths and Resv L1 Circuit Paths. To set these properties, right-click one or more L1 links and choose Properties.
Total number of L1 circuit paths that the L1 link can carry. If not specified, the L1 link has no L1 circuit path restrictions. |
Number of L1 circuit paths that can be reserved to be routed over the L1 link. |
(Derived) If a Resv L1 Circuit Paths value is entered, this is copied to the Resv L1 Circuit Paths Sim column. If the Resv L1 Circuit Paths is empty, the Max L1 Circuit Paths value is copied to the Resv L1 Circuit Paths Sim column. The maximum lambda value (integer) allowed for an L1 circuit path is limited by the lowest Resv Num L1 Circuit Paths Sim value of all L1 links in its path. For more information on lambdas and the potential for the Resv L1 Circuit Path blocking the route of an L1 circuit, see Lambda Assignments. |
(Derived) Number of additional L1 circuit paths that are available to route through the L1 link. This does not include the paths that are currently being routed over the L1 link. The calculation is Resv L1 Circuit Paths Sim minus Num L1 Circuit Paths. |
Number of L1 circuit paths that traverse this L1 link as a percentage of the maximum number of L1 circuit paths that can traverse this L1 link. |
- The number of L1 circuit paths using an L1 link cannot exceed the L1 link Resv L1 Circuit Paths value. If there is no Resv L1 Circuit Paths value, the number of L1 circuit paths using an L1 link cannot exceed the Max L1 Circuit Paths value.
- If multiple L1 circuit paths are attempting to use the same L1 link, the L1 circuit path with the lowest Setup Priority value is used.
Example: Figure 12-9 shows an slc-hst L1 link with no Max L1 Circuit Paths property. One L1 circuit from slc to wdc filters to three L1 circuit paths that use this slc-hst L1 link.
- By changing the L1 link’s Max L1 Circuit Paths property to 2, only the two L1 circuit paths with the lowest Setup Priority value can route over the L1 link. These are Path Options 1 and 2.
- By adding an L1 link’s Resv L1 Circuit Paths value of 1, only Path Option 1, which has the lowest Setup Priority, can route over this slc-hst L1 link.
Figure 12-9 Example Maximum L1 Circuit Paths and Resv L1 Circuit Paths
Relationships Between L1 and L3
Relationships between L1 and L3 objects can be created in multiple ways. Figure 12-10 shows the relationships that can be directly configured.
- You can create L3-L1 links to model the physical relationship between L3 nodes and L1 nodes as shown in Figure 12-3.
- You can directly map L1 ports to L3 ports.
- You can directly map L1 circuits to L3 circuits, or these associations can be formed indirectly. Once associated with L1 circuits, L3 circuits inherit properties, such as Delay and Distance, from L1 circuits. Additionally, these associations let you see the effect that failed and inactive L1 links, L1 nodes, and L1 ports have on the L3 network.
The basis of indirect L1-L3 relationships is the fact that every L1 circuit must have two L1 ports and that you can optionally map these L1 ports to L3 ports.
– When L1 ports are mapped to L3 ports that are associated with L3 circuits, L1 circuits become indirectly associated with those same L3 circuits.
– Similarly, when L1 ports are mapped to L3 ports that are associated with L3 port circuits, L1 circuits become indirectly associated with those same L3 port circuits.
- Two L3 ports are implicitly connected (1) if they are connected to two interfaces on the same L3 circuit and (2) if they are mapped to L1 ports that are connected to an L1 circuit.
Note that you can enhance the visualization of L1 and L3 relationships by viewing both layers simultaneously.
Figure 12-10 Configurable L1 and L3 Relationships
Example Relations Between L1 Link and L3 Circuit
This example demonstrates the dynamics between an L1 link and L3 circuits. Figure 12-11 shows an L1 link named kcy-slc that is filtered to its associated L1 circuits. Each L1 circuit path has one L1 circuit path (labeled “1” on the path) where the end L1 nodes are labeled A and B. Figure 12-12 shows the association of these L1 circuits with L3 circuits.
Figure 12-11 Relationship Between L1 Links and L1 Circuits
Figure 12-12 Relationship Between L1 Circuits and L3 Circuits
Delay and Distance
Both Delay and Distance are properties that can be set in the L1 link and L1 circuit path Properties dialog boxes. To automate the process of setting these, use the Latency and Distance Initializer. For more information on simulated Delay and Distance, including the Latency and Distance Initializer, see Simulation .
Example: Figure 12-13 shows how L1 link Delay and Distance properties affect L1 circuit path properties (and thus, L1 circuit properties), and how they can potentially affect L3 circuit properties.
- One L1 circuit, which is mapped to an L3 circuit, has two L1 circuit paths.
- Because the active L1 circuit path (Path Option 2) has neither a Delay, nor a Distance set, its Delay Sim and Distance Sim columns are derived by adding together the Distance and Delay values of the L1 links over which it traverses. The combined Delay of these three L1 links is 6.880 ms, and the combined Distance is 900 km. The L1 circuit inherits these in its Distance Sim and Delay Sim columns.
- Because the L3 circuit mapped to the L1 circuit does not have a Delay or Distance property, its Delay Sim and Distance Sim values are copied from the L1 circuit Delay Sim and Distance Sim columns.
- Note that if the L1 circuit’s active path were to change to 1 (Path Option 1), the L1 circuit and its mapped L3 circuit would have a Distance Sim of 1400 km and a Delay Sim of 10.880.
Figure 12-13 Example Effect of L1 Link Delay and Distance
L1 Failures
L1 links, L1 nodes, and L1 ports can be set to failed states similarly to L3 circuits and nodes in the L3 topology.
Note For detailed information about visual representations of failure, inactive, and non-operational states, see Plot Legend for Design Layouts. For information on how to fail objects and recover them from failures, and how to set objects to active or inactive state, see Simulation.
L1 Failure Effects on L3
L3 circuits are rerouted due to L1 failures if the L3 circuit is mapped to an L1 circuit that would traverse a failed L1 node or L1 link under normal operations.
Example: Drawing upon the example L1 link, L1 circuits, and L3 circuits relationships shown in Figure 12-11 and Figure 12-12, Figure 12-14 shows the effects of failing the kcy-slc L1 link. It also shows the effect of an slc L1 node failure. If an L1 node fails, the connected L1 links are non-operational. In this example, both the L1 link and L1 node failure have the effect of making the same L3 circuits non-operational.
Example: Drawing upon the example in Figure 12-14, Figure 12-15 demonstrates what occurs if the kcy-sjc L1 circuit path is rerouted. The L1 circuit path takes a southern route, and the L3 circuit continues to route traffic. The L3 view continues to show active routing, and by selecting the mapped L3 circuit, you can switch to the L1 view to see both the original (solid green) and rerouted, rerouted L1 path (dashed lined). Alternatively, you could see the impact of the L1 failure directly in the L3 view by showing L1 objects in the background (Figure 12-16). Note that the L3 circuit Delay Sim value (in the Circuits table) might change due to the rerouting of the L1 circuit path.
Figure 12-14 Example Effect of Failing an L1 Link or L1 Node on L3 Circuits
Figure 12-15 Example Effect of Rerouting L1 Circuit Paths
Figure 12-16 Multi-Layer View of Rerouting L1 Circuit Paths
Resiliency Under L1 Failures
L1 circuit paths can be rerouted around failures using either standby (static) or non-standby (dynamic) L1 circuit paths. If no restrictions are specified with respect to path hops, this reroute takes the best path available based on L1 link metrics.
- Standby L1 circuit paths are always established (available) to route. If there are multiple standby L1 circuit paths, WAE Design tries to route each available standby L1 circuit path based on their Path Option values (the lower the value, the higher the priority). In this way you can simulate optical circuit protection, such as might be configured for 1+1 protection (one primary and one backup path).
- The rerouting of non-standby L1 circuit paths under failure is determined by the “Layer 1 rerouting convergence under failures” check box.
If this check box is unchecked, non-standby L1 circuit paths do not try to route when failures occur. L3 convergence can be set to different modes, and each one can be combined with this L1 convergence mode. For example, when combined with setting the L3 simulation convergence mode to Fast Reroute, deselecting this L1 network option is useful for determining the impact on traffic before L1 and L3 restoration has occurred.
If this option is selected, non-standby L1 circuit paths are dynamically available. That is, they are available only if WAE Design tried to route all standby paths and if the number of routed standby paths is less than the L1 circuit’s Min Routed Paths property. Thereafter, WAE Design tries to route each non-standby L1 circuit path in the order of its Path Option value. This behavior models optical circuit restoration. When combined with an L3 simulation convergence mode of IP and LSP Convergence, you can model the impact failures have on traffic after both L3 and L1 have reconverged.
Regardless of this L1 network option setting, standby L1 circuit paths that are not affected by the failure continue to route. For details on how L1 circuit paths are routed, see L1 Simulations.
Example: This example assumes that the “Layer 1 rerouting convergence under failures” check box is checked. The L1C_chi-atl L1 circuit has three L1 circuit paths (Figure 12-17).
- Path Option 1 is standby, and has no hops.
- Path Option 2 is standby, and has a strict kcy hop, and an exclude hst hop.
- Path Option 3 is non-standby and has no hops.
The non-standby Path Option 3 is not routed until both standby paths are unroutable due to failure. Notice the Routed column changes for all three paths, indicating which paths are routable or simulated. Also notice that the Established column remains consistent. This is because whether or not an L1 circuit path is available for routing under normal operation has no bearing on whether it is routable under failure.
In this example, if the “Layer 1 rerouting convergence under failures” check box is unchecked, Path Option 3 does not try to reroute (Figure 12-18).
Figure 12-17 Example of Dynamic Non-Standby Path Routing Under Failure
Figure 12-18 Example of Non-Standby Path Not Rerouting Under Failure
Minimum Routed Paths
The number of L1 circuit paths that WAE Design tries to route is defined by the L1 circuit’s Min Routed Paths property. If the number of routed standby paths is less than the Min Routed Paths property, WAE Design tries to route non-standby paths. This can be useful when modeling 1+1+R resilience schemes.
Example: Figure 12-19 shows an L1 circuit with Min Routed Paths set to 1. It has three L1 circuit paths; two are standby and one is non-standby. When one standby L1 circuit path cannot be rerouted under failure, there is no attempt to route the non-standby path. By changing the Min Routed Path to 2, the non-standby path is routed.
Figure 12-19 Example Resilience Scheme Using Minimum Routed Paths Property
Inactive State
L1 links, L1 nodes, and L1 ports can be set to inactive states similarly to L3 circuits and nodes in the L3 topology. Setting an L1 link or L1 node to inactive reroutes L1 circuit paths using that L1 link or L1 node. It has no effect on the operational state of L3 circuits unless the L1 circuit path cannot be rerouted, in which case the associated L3 circuit becomes operationally down. Note that the L3 circuit Delay Sim value (in the Circuits table) might change due to the rerouting of an L1 circuit path.
Example: Figure 12-20 shows a rerouted hst-wdc L1 circuit path when an L1 link that it traverses is set to inactive. The same L1 circuit path reroute occurs as a result of the atl L1 node being set to inactive.
Figure 12-20 Example Reroute of L1 Circuit when L1 Link or L1 Node is Inactive
L1 Simulation Analysis
L1 links and L1 nodes can be included in Simulation Analysis either as single objects or as part of SRLGs. L1 ports can be included as single objects.
Worst-Case Simulations
When included in the Simulation Analysis, their impact on L3 worst-case traffic utilization is reflected in the L3 Worst-Case Traffic view. Similarly, if an L1 link or L1 node is the cause of worst-case traffic utilization, it is reflected in the WC Failure column in the Interfaces and Circuits tables.
The L1 view does not show worst-case utilization in the network plot. However, the L1 Links table updates the following columns when you include L1 links or L1 nodes in the Simulation Analysis:
- WC Num L1 Circuit Paths—Number of L1 circuit paths that traverse this L1 link under worst-case L1 failure simulations.
- WC Util Sim—Number of L1 circuit paths that traverse this L1 link under worst-case L1 failure simulations as a percentage of the maximum number of L1 circuit paths that can traverse this L1 link without failures.
Number of L1 circuit paths that traverse this L1 link under worst-case L1 failure simulations / Max L1 Circuit Paths (property value)
Failure Impact
The L1 Failure Impact view is available upon running a Simulation Analysis on L1 links. The L1 links are colored according to the maximum L3 interface traffic utilization level that would be caused should an L1 link fail. Similarly, L1 node border colors show the maximum L3 interface traffic utilization level that would be caused should an L1 node fail. The color indicates the resulting L3 utilization and severity of the L3 congestion.
Example: In the L1 Failure Impact view, if the chi-bos L1 link shows a utilization of 80-90% and its color representation is orange, then if that chi-bos L1 link were to fail, one or more L3 interfaces would react by exceeding a 80% utilization level.
Note The network plot in the L1 Failure Impact view does not show utilizations unless L1 links or L1 nodes are included in Simulation Analysis.
If you are showing only an L1 view, site borders show the maximum utilization level that would be caused elsewhere in the network if L1 nodes within it fail or if intrasite L1 links within it fail. If you are showing a multi-layer (L1 and L3) view, site borders show the maximum utilization level that would be caused elsewhere in the network if a contained L3 node, L3 circuit, L1 node, or L1 link fails.
Example: Figure 12-21 is an example of how the site border of the sea site differs, depending on whether you are showing a Layer 3 view or a Layer 1 view. Notice that Layer 1 shows the higher failure impact utilization. Thus, when showing a multi-layer view, the border indicating the highest failure impact takes precedence.
The following columns in the L1 Links table show the impact of failing L1 links in Simulation Analysis:
- Failure Impact—Worst-case traffic utilization of L3 interfaces if this L1 link were to fail. For example, if the value is 70.13%, it means that if this L1 circuit failed, the resulting traffic utilization on one or more L3 interfaces would exceed 70.13%.
- Failure Impact Interface—The L3 interface that will experience the highest utilization as a result of the L1 link going down.
Example: if{cr2.par|to_cr1.fra}} means if the L1 link goes down, it will have the greatest traffic impact on the cr2.par to cr1.fra interface.
The following columns in the L1 Nodes table show the impact of failing L1 nodes in Simulation Analysis:
- Failure Impact—Worst-case traffic utilization of L3 interfaces if this L1 node were to fail. For example, if the value is 70.13%, it means that if this L1 node failed, the resulting traffic utilization on one or more L3 interfaces would exceed 70.13%.
- Failure Impact Interface—The L3 interface that will experience the highest utilization as a result of the L1 node going down.
Example: if{cr1.chi|to_cr2.mia}} means if the L1 node goes down, it will have the greatest traffic impact on the cr1.chir to cr2.mia interface.
Figure 12-21 Example Site Borders in Failure Impact View
Worst-Case Failures
After running a Simulation Analysis, you can view the L1 failure scenarios that caused the worst-case utilization for an L3 interface. Right-click an L3 interface or L3 circuit and choose Fail to WC. A dialog box opens from which you can choose a failure scenario to observe. Click OK ; the network plot changes to show the failure scenario. If you are in the L3 view and the worst-case failure is an L1 object, switch views to see the failure in the L1 view.
For information on running Simulation Analysis, failing L1 objects to their worst-case utilization, and protecting L1 objects from inclusion in Simulation Analysis, see Simulation Analysis .
Creating L1 Topology
Creating L1 Topology from L3 Topology
WAE Design provides a tool that constructs a complete L1 topology using an existing L3 topology as a model. You have an option to create the topology based on sites or L3 nodes. WAE Design then shows the same site in the L1 view and constructs the following L1 topology.
– Create L1 nodes from sites—WAE Design creates one L1 node within each selected site regardless of the number of L3 nodes within that site. The L1 nodes are assigned the same name as their sites. No L1 nodes are created for L3 nodes that are not residing in sites.
– Create L1 nodes from L3 nodes—WAE Design creates one L1 node for each L3 node selected. The L1 nodes are assigned the same name as the L3 nodes. If the L3 node resides within a site, the L1 node is placed there as well.
- Creates L1 links between all L1 nodes whose corresponding L3 nodes have connectivity between them. L1 link metrics are set to 1.
- Creates an L1 circuit and L1 circuit path between each pair of L1 nodes connected by L1 links. The L1 circuit Path Option value is set to 1.
- Creates a pair of L1 ports for each L1 circuit.
- Creates the mapping between L1 circuits and L3 circuits. For more information on these mappings, see Relationships Between L1 and L3.
- Creates one standby L1 circuit path per each L1 circuit, and sets its Path Option to 1.
Follow these steps to create an L1 topology from an L3 topology. You can be in either an L1 or L3 view while performing these steps.
Step 1 If you want to create an L1 topology based on only specific L3 objects, select those sites or L3 nodes from the L3 view. If you do not select sites or nodes, the topology is based on all sites or all L3 nodes, depending on your selection in Step 3.
Step 2 Choose Insert > Layer 1 > L1 Topology from L3 Topology, or right-click the plot and choose New > Layer 1 > L1 Topology from L3 Topology.
Step 3 Select either sites or nodes, and click OK.
Creating L1 Nodes
Step 1 Choose Insert > Layer 1 > L1 Node, or right-click the plot and choose New > Layer 1 > L1 Node.
Step 2 Enter a unique L1 node name.
Step 3 Choose the site to which you want this L1 node to belong, or choose None if you do not want the L1 node to reside in a site.
Step 4 (Optional) Choose the node type from the drop-down list.
Step 5 (Optional) Enter a description.
Step 6 (Optional) Click the Identification tab to enter more descriptive information.
Creating L1 Links
Each L1 link name and L1 node combination must be unique.
Step 1 Choose Insert > Layer 1 > L1 Link, or right-click the plot and choose New > Layer 1 > L1 Link.
Step 2 Enter an L1 link name and description. If the L1 link has the same source and destination as another L1 link, it must have a unique name. Otherwise, it is not required.
Step 3 Required: Choose the two nodes you want to connect with this L1 link by first choosing the site and then choosing the node.
Step 4 Optional selections include:
Creating L1 Circuits
You can manually create circuits by using the following method. Additionally, you can automatically create L1 circuits using their respective Properties dialog boxes.
Each L1 circuit name and L1 node combination must be unique.
Step 1 Choose Insert > Layer 1 > L1 Circuit, or right-click the plot and choose New > Layer 1 > L1 Circuit.
Step 2 Enter an L1 circuit name.
Step 3 Choose the two L1 ports you want to connect with this L1 circuit by first choosing the sites (if applicable). the L1 nodes, and then L1 ports.
Step 4 Optional selections are as follows:
Plotting L1 Circuits
Step 1 In the L1 Circuits table, choose one or more L1 circuits.
Step 2 Right-click and choose Plot L1 Circuits.
To move the plot horizontally or vertically, use the left/right arrows and up/down arrows.
To select all L1 circuits within the plot, click Select L1 Circuits. To deselect all of these L1 circuits, click in an empty plot area.
Creating L1 Circuit Paths
Step 1 Choose one or more L1 circuits. If you do not choose any, L1 circuit paths are created for all of the L1 circuits.
Step 2 Access an L1 circuit path in one of these ways:
Step 3 Select or enter a path option.
Step 4 If the L1 circuit path is a standby path, check Standby.
Plotting L1 Circuit Paths
Step 1 In the L1 Circuit Paths table, choose one or more L1 circuit paths.
Step 2 Right-click and choose Plot L1 Circuit Paths.
To move the plot horizontally or vertically, use the left/right arrows and up/down arrows.
To select all L1 circuit paths within the plot, click Select L1 Circuit Paths. To deselect all of these L1 circuit paths, click in an empty plot area.
Editing L1 Circuit Paths
If editing L1 circuit paths, you can change the L1 circuit to which the L1 circuit path is mapped, including the sites and L1 nodes. Other options include:
Standby Paths and Path Options, Resiliency Under L1 Failures |
Explicit L1 Circuit Paths Initializer, Creating Individual L1 Circuit Path Hops |
Creating Individual L1 Circuit Path Hops
To manually create L1 circuit path hops, the L1 nodes or L1 links must already exist. Alternatively, you can use the Explicit L1 Circuit Paths Initializer to set explicit L1 circuit paths.
Step 1 Right-click an L1 circuit path in the L1 Circuits Paths table and choose Properties, or double-click an L1 circuit path.
Step 2 In the Starts From drop-down list, specify the first L1 node hop in the path as either A or B.
Step 3 If you are editing an existing hop, double-click it from the Hops list.
If you are creating a hop on this path for the first time, click Insert After in the Hops area.
If you are creating a hop on this path and other hops already exist, select an existing hop and then click I nsert Before or Insert After, depending on the required order of the hops.
Step 4 Create or edit the node or link hop as follows:
Step 5 (Optional) Add a lambda value for the L1 circuit path hop.
Step 6 Repeat Step 3 to Step 5 as needed for each hop in the path. Because WAE Design always chooses the shortest path, you must enter enough hops to create an alternate, longer path.
Step 8 In the L1 circuit path’s dialog box, verify that the list of finished hops is in the order of the desired path, and then click OK.
Creating L1 Waypoints
To create waypoints, we recommend that you set the plot options to be able to view them first.
- To view L1 waypoints in the network plot, you must be in the geographic view and the Layer 1 option to view them must be enabled in the Layer 1 tab of the Plot Options dialog box.
- To view waypoints within sites, the site must be viewed in a geographic layout or if using a schematic site view, the site must contain another site. This is set in the Site Canvas field in the General Options tab of the Plot Options dialog box.
The only method in which you can manually specify the Order value is through the L1 link context menu.
Note Once you enter the waypoint order value, you cannot edit it. To change its value, you must delete and recreate it, or insert another waypoint that would then alter the order value accordingly.
If no longitude and latitude coordinates are specified, the waypoint is inserted in the middle between L1 node B and the waypoint closest to L1 node B. If no other waypoints exist on the link, the new waypoint is inserted in the middle of the L1 link.
L1 Link Properties
Step 1 Right-click an L1 link and choose Properties, or double-click an L1 link.
Step 2 Click the Waypoints tab.
Step 3 If you are creating a waypoint for the first time, click Insert After.
If you are creating a waypoint on the L1 link and other waypoints already exist, select an existing waypoint and then click Insert Before or Insert After, depending on the required order of the waypoints.
Step 4 (Optional) Enter a description, longitude, and latitude.
L1 Link Context Menu
Step 1 Right-click an L1 link and choose Insert L1 Link Waypoint.
Step 2 Enter the number representing the order in which you want the waypoint to appear in proximity to L1 node A.
Step 3 (Optional) Enter a description, longitude, and latitude.
L1 Waypoint Context Menu
Step 1 Right-click an L1 waypoint and choose Insert L1 Link Waypoint > Before/After Selected Waypoint.
Step 2 (Optional) Enter a description, longitude, and latitude.
Duplicating L1 Objects
To duplicate an L1 link, L1 circuit, or L1 circuit path, right-click one and choose Duplicate.
- Duplicating an L1 circuit or L1 circuit path also duplicates its L1 circuit path hops.
- When duplicating L1 circuits, you can optionally choose to create as many duplicated L1 circuits as necessary. New L1 ports are created for each duplicated L1 circuit.
When duplicating an L3 circuit, you have the option to duplicate its associated L1 circuit if one exists and create an automatic mapping to it. If you select no, the newly duplicated L3 circuit maps to the existing L1 circuit.
Creating L1 and L3 Mappings
Creating L3-L1 Links Between Nodes
You can model the physical relationship between an L3 node and an L1 node to create an L3-L1 link, which is an object listed in the L3-L1 Links table. Creating these relationships can greatly expedite the process of creating L1 circuits from L3 circuits. For information on how these are used in that process, see Mapping Multiple L1 Circuits to L3 Circuits.
Note For L3-L1 links to be valid for creating L1 circuits, there must a pair of them. That is, there must be one entry for each L3 end node of the L3 circuit. The L1 circuit that is created uses the L1 nodes to which those L3 nodes are mapped.
Example: This L3-L1 Links table shows an example of three L3-L1 links:
- L3 node cr1.hst is connected to (linked to) the L1 node hst.
- L3 node cr1.okc is connected to the L1 node okc.
- L3 node cr2.wdc is connected to the L1 node wdc.
Step 1 Choose Insert > Layer 1 > L3-L1 Link, or right-click in an empty area and choose New > Layer 1 > L3-L1 Link.
Note that preselecting an L3 node or L1 node has no effect on the selections opened in the dialog box.
Step 2 Choose the L3 node and the site in which it is contained, if applicable.
Step 3 Choose the L1 node and the site in which it is contained, if applicable.
Mapping Multiple L1 Circuits to L3 Circuits
The L1 Circuits for L3 Circuits tool creates L1 circuits based on L3 circuits and associates them with the L3 circuits using the following sequence of priorities. For each L1 circuit created, an associated L1 circuit path is also created. Nested objects are taken into account.
- If the L3 circuit already has an associated L1 circuit, one is not created.
- WAE Design checks the L3-L1 Links table for valid entries.
– If multiple pairs of L3-L1 links exist that could create the L1 circuit, one is randomly used.
– If no valid L3-L1 link entry exists and if “Require L3-L1 Links” is selected, no L1 circuit is created.
– If no valid L3-L1 link entry exists and if “Do not require or create L3-L1 Links” is selected, for each L3 circuit WAE Design checks for sites that contain both the L3 end node and at least one L1 node.
If multiple L1 nodes are collocated within the same sites as the L3 nodes, one is randomly selected.
If this collocation is not found, WAE Design checks for L1 nodes within the parent sites of the sites containing the L3 end nodes. If none are found, an L1 circuit is not created.
- If “Create L3-L1 Links” is selected, the L3-L1 links are created that map the respective L3 and L1 nodes.
If needed, you can make changes to the L1 circuit’s endpoints and the L3-L1 links that are created by editing their respective Properties dialog boxes.
Creating L1 circuits in this manner automatically creates and assigns L1 ports for the newly created L1 circuits.
Step 1 In this process, you can optionally use L3-L1 links. If you are using them, verify you have the set of L3-L1 links you need, and if not, create them. See Creating L3-L1 Links Between Nodes.
Step 2 If you want to create L1 circuits for only selected L3 circuits, first select those L3 circuits. Otherwise, L1 circuits are created for as many L3 circuits as possible.
Step 3 Right-click in an empty area and choose Layer 1 > L1 Circuits for L3 Circuits, or choose Insert > Layer 1 > L1 Circuits for L3 Circuits.
Step 4 Choose either to require the use of existing L3-L1 links, to create them, or neither. Then click OK.
Figure 12-22 shows a plan file containing six L3 circuits and four L3-L1 links. All sites except sea contain one L3 node and one L1 node. The sea site contains two L3 nodes and one L1 node. Refer to the diagram for details of the objects’ relationships and to see the objects in the L3-L1 Links table. There are no L1 circuits.
Figure 12-22 Topology and Existing L3-L1 Links
If you click Require L3-L1 Links, WAE Design creates three L1 circuits: one between hst and boi, and two between sea and boi.
If you click Do not to require or create L3-L1 Links, WAE Design creates six L1 circuits: three using the L3-L1 Links table and the remaining three by determining that the source and destination sites both contain L3 and L1 nodes.
Using the same topology as in Figure 12-22 but with no pre-existing L3-L1 links, if you click Create L3-L1 Links, WAE Design creates the same six L1 circuits as if you had selected no options. However, it also creates five L3-L1 links: one for each L3 node having an L3 circuit for which an L1 circuit was created.
Mapping an L1 Circuit to an L3 Circuit
Step 1 Right-click an L3 circuit in the Circuits table and choose Properties, or double-click an L3 circuit.
Step 2 Click the Advanced tab.
Step 3 In the L1 Circuit area, choose the applicable site, L1 nodes, and L1 ports for ports A and B.
Step 4 Create and map a new L1 circuit to the L3 circuit, or map an existing one to the L3 circuit. Then click OK. Creating L1 circuits in this manner automatically creates and assigns L1 ports for the newly created L1 circuits.
Mapping an L1 Circuit to an L3 Port Circuit
Each port circuit can be indirectly associated with an L1 circuit via direct mappings of L1 ports to L3 ports.
Step 1 Right-click an L3 port circuit in the Port Circuits table and choose Properties, or double-click an L3 port circuit.
Step 2 In the L1 Circuit area, select the sites (if applicable), L1 nodes, and optionally L1 ports for both ends of the L1 circuit. Note that if specifying L1 ports and mapping an L1 circuit, the pair must be already associated with an L1 circuit.
Step 3 Map an existing L1 circuit or create a new one, and then click OK.
- To map an existing L1 circuit, click Select and then choose the L1 circuit name from the drop-down list. Note that this list is populated only if the L1 ports selected are connected via an L1 circuit.
- To create an L1 circuit, click Create. Enter a new L1 circuit name or use the default name. After you click OK, you can create L3-L1 links. If you are creating an L1 circuit and if you did not choose L1 ports, L1 ports are created for the new L1 circuit.
Mapping L1 Ports to L3 Ports
If an L3 port circuit exists whose L3 ports are associated with L1 ports, that L3 port circuit is automatically associated with the L1 circuit that also contains those same L1 ports.
Mapping L1 ports to L3 ports automatically associates the L1 circuit to the port circuit if a port circuit exists.
Step 1 Right-click a port in the Ports table and choose Properties, or double-click a port.
Step 3 If applicable, choose the L1 node’s site.
Step 4 Choose the L1 node and L1 port, and then click OK.
Visualizing the L1 Network
Many of the visualization tools available for the L3 view are also available for L1. These tools are described in the Cisco WAE Network Visualization Guide.
- Assign Sites to Nodes—Automatically create sites based on L1 node names and a set of parameters that define which part of the node name to use.
- Arrange Sites and Nodes—Arrange sites and nodes using tools that offer a variety of alignment options or arrange sites to specific geographic locations. You can also show and hide sites, and change where their site name is displayed in the plot.
- Set Plot Backgrounds—Set the background for the network plot, including schematic view, outline of a geographic background, and detailed geographic background.
- Create or Edit Layouts—Create multiple layouts for a single plan file, each containing its own set of visual properties.
Editing L1 Plot Options
The Plot Options dialog box has a Layer 1 tab that lets you change how L1 links appear, whether to view another layer in the background, and whether to show or hide sites from another layer. Because these are plot options, they apply to the current layout and are saved on a per-layout basis when you save the plan file. You can also save them as user defaults. For information on user and system defaults, see the Cisco WAE Network Visualization Guide.
Step 1 Click the Plot Options icon in the top right of the Visualization toolbar, or choose Edit > Plot > Plot Options > Edit Options.
Step 3 Edit Layer 1 fields as described in the following sections, and then click OK.
L1 Link Appearance
- L1 Link Width—The L1 link width is only for visualization purposes and is not related to any property.
- L1 Link Text—By default, there is no text on L1 links. Use this option to display the link name, distance, delay, or the number of L1 circuit paths using the link.
- Show L1 Link Waypoints—If checked, L1 waypoints are shown in the network plot.
- Visualize L1 Link Utilization—If checked, L1 link utilization is shown in the network plot.
Multi-Layer Visualization
The first two background options let you show or hide Layer 1 in the Layer 3 view, and vice versa.
You can also set the degree of opacity of the background objects. The higher the value, the denser (darker) the background objects appear.
Note In the Visualization toolbar, there is a Set to Foreground icon that brings selected objects to the foreground and sends unselected objects to the background. This, too, has an opacity value for specifying the transparency of background objects. This feature has precedence over the layer opacity set in the Plot Options dialog box.
By default, sites containing only L1 nodes are hidden in the L3 view, and sites containing only L3 nodes are hidden in the L1 view. Use these selections to toggle whether to hide sites containing only L1 or L3 nodes. If you are showing a layer in the background, you cannot hide per-layer sites within that view. You can show and hide individual sites by right-clicking one and choosing Layout > Hide/Show Site.