- Introduction to Dynamic Host Configuration
- Managing DHCP Server
- Managing DHCP Failover
- Managing Address Space
- Managing Scopes, Prefixes, Links, and Networks
- Managing Scopes, Prefixes, and Link Templates
- Managing Policies and Options
- Managing Leases
- Managing DNS Update
- Managing Client-Classes and Clients
- Using Expressions
- Using Extension Points
- DHCP Server Status Dashboard
- DHCP Options
- DHCP Extension Dictionary
- Index
* - 4 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Z
***dhcp command (CLI)enabledynamic DNS updateSee DNS update 1lease historyreports 1post-class-lookup, extension point, DHCP 1pushing, routerssubnets, pushing 1scopesdhcp edit mode4
4rd, DHCPv6 option 14rd-map-rule, DHCPv6 option 14rd-non-map-rule, DHCPv6 option 1A
access-domain, DHCPv6 option 1acl command (CLI)create 1pull 1push 1reclaim 1ACLsSee access control lists (ACLs) 1addr-trap command (CLI)create 1pull 1push 1sethigh-threshold 1address allocationattributes 1in scopes 1round-robin 1address blocksadding 1administrator role 1delegating 1embedded policies 1when to add 1address blocks, DHCP 1creating 1default subnet size 1orphaned leases 1policies, associating 1address rangesscopes 1subnetssubnetsaddress ranges 1address space 1unified 1address usage reportsrunning 1address-block command (CLI)delegate 1address-block-policy command (CLI)delete 1get 1getOption 1listOptions 1listVendorOptions 1setVendorOption 1show 1unset 1unsetOption 1unsetVendorOption 1addressesdynamic 1IPv6 1static 1addrsel, DHCPv6 option 1addrsel-table, DHCPv6 option 1aftr-name, DHCPv6 option 1allocation priority, scopesaddress allocation 1algorithm 1limitation-id 1priority 1and, DHCP expression 1ani-ap-bssid, DHCPv6 option 1ani-ap-name, DHCPv6 option 1ani-att, DHCPv6 option 1ani-network-name, DHCPv6 option 1ani-operator-id, DHCPv6 option 1ani-operator-realm, DHCPv6 option 1area chart 1arithmetic functions, DHCP expressions 1arp-cache-timeout, DHCP option 1as-blob, DHCP expression 1as-sint, DHCP expression 1as-string, DHCP expression 1as-uint, DHCP expression 1ash, DHCP expression 1associated-ip, DHCP option 1Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 1AT_BLOB, option validation 1AT_BOOL, option validation 1AT_CONTAINER6, option validation 1AT_DATE, option validation 1AT_DNSNAME, option validation 1AT_INT, option validation 1AT_INT8, option validation 1AT_INTI, option validation 1AT_IP6ADDR, option validation 1AT_IPADDR, option validation 1AT_MACADDR, option validation 1AT_MESSAGE, option validation 1AT_NOLEN, option validation 1AT_NSTRING, option validation 1AT_OVERLOAD, option validation 1AT_RANGEBYTE, option validation 1AT_RANGESHORT, option validation 1AT_RDNSNAME, option validation 1AT_SHORT, option validation 1AT_SHRTI, option validation 1AT_SINT, option validation 1AT_SINTI, option validation 1AT_SSHORT, option validation 1AT_SSHRTI, option validation 1AT_STIME, option validation 1AT_STRING, option validation 1AT_TIME, option validation 1AT_TYPECNT, option validation 1AT_VENDOR_CLASS, option validation 1AT_VENDOR_OPTS, option validation 1AT_ZEROSIZE, option validation 1auth, DHCPv6 option 1authentication, DHCP option 1auto-configure, DHCP option 1B
bcmcs-server-a, DHCPv6 option 1bcmcs-server-d, DHCPv6 option 1bcmcs-servers-a, DHCP option 1bcmcs-servers-d, DHCP option 1bit-and, DHCP expression 1bit-andc1, DHCP expression 1bit-andc2, DHCP expression 1bit-eqv, DHCP expression 1bit-not, DHCP expression 1bit-or, DHCP expression 1bit-orc1, DHCP expression 1bit-orc2, DHCP expression 1bit-xor, DHCP expression 1boot-file, DHCP option 1boot-size, DHCP option 1bootfile-param, DHCPv6 option 1bootfile-url, DHCPv6 option 1BOOTPBOOTP Relay 1clients, moving/decommissioning 1configuring 1dynamicenabling 1scopes, scope command (CLI)enabling, disabling 1failover, DHCPBOOTP clients 1file, DHCP packet, field 1scopes, enabling for scopesBOOTP, enabling 1siaddr, file, sname 1static 1broadcast-address, DHCP option 1byte, DHCP expression 1C
C/C++API 1cablelabs-125, DHCP option 1cablelabs-17, DHCPv6 option 1cablelabs-client-configuration, DHCP option 1captive-portal, DHCPv6 option 1capwap-ac-v6, DHCPv6 option 1ccm command (CLI)pullAddressSpace 1pullIPv6AddressSpace 1check-lease-acceptable, DHCP 1check-lease-acceptable, extension point, DHCP 1childrenaddress blocks 1subnets 1cisco-auto-configure, DHCP option 1cisco-client-last-transaction-time, DHCP option 1cisco-client-requested-host-name, DHCP option 1cisco-leased-ip, DHCP option 1cisco-vpn-id, DHCP option 1classless-static-route, DHCP option 1client classesediting 1embedded policies 1client command (CLI)create 1delete 1listnames 1set 1authenticate-until 1client-class-name 1client-lookup-id 1override-vpn 1policy-name 1selection-criteria 1client command CLIsetover-limit-client-class-name 1client IDoverriding, client-class command (CLI)setclient reservations 1client-arch-type, DHCPv6 option 1client-class command (CLI)create 1delete 1list 1listnames 1set 1add-to-environment-dictionary 1default-vpn 1host-name 1limitation-id 1over-limit-client-class-name 1override-vpn 1selection-criteria 1show 1client-class command CLI)setlimitation-key 1client-class-policy command (CLI)set 1setLeaseTime 1setOption 1setV6Option 1setV6VendorOption 1setVendorOption 1show 1client-classesclient entries, skipping 1defining, client-class 1DHCPv6 client classes 1enabling 1failover synchronization effect 1host-name setting 1lookup ID, dhcp command (CLI)setprocess 1processing order to determine 1quality of service, class of service, differentiated services 1RADIUS pool name, mapping 1troubleshooting 1user class identifier, mapping 1client-data, DHCPv6 option 1client-fqdn, DHCP option 1client-fqdn, DHCPv6 option 1client-identifier, DHCP option 1client-identifier, DHCPv6 option 1client-last-transaction-time, DHCP option 1client-linklayer-address, DHCPv6 option 1client-policy command (CLI)set 1setLeaseTime 1setOption 1setV6Option 1setV6VendorOption 1setVendorOption 1show 1clientsauthentication, limiting 1caching parameters 1configuring 1default 1DHCPv6 clients 1editing 1embedded policies 1failover synchronization effect 1lease request name 1listing, client command (CLI)list 1properties, client command (CLI)show 1provisioning 1subscribers, set by limitation-id 1unknown leases, provisional addresses, provisional leases, one-shot 1Windows client properties 1clt-time, DHCPv6 option 1clustersDHCP utilizationaddrutil-poll-interval 1addrutil-poll-offset 1addrutil-poll-retry 1cnr_keygen utilitykeys, generating secrets, TSIG keys 1column chart 1comment, DHCP expression 1COMMUNICATIONS-INTERRUPTED, failover 1concat, DHCP expression 1configurationfile, lease notification 1configuring client-classesSee client-classes 1configuring DHCP serversSee DHCP policies 1See scopes 1configuring DNS updateSee DNS update 1configuring DNS update mapsSee DNS update 1configuring failoverSee failover, DHCP failover 1configuring policiesSee policies 1configuring virtual private networksSee VPNs 1cookie-servers, DHCP option 1create-prefix, link template expression 1create-prefix-addrlink template expression 1prefix template expression 1create-prefix-rangelink template expression 1prefix template expression 1create-v6-optionlink template expression 1prefix template expression 1cron task (UNIX) 1D
dashboardDHCP address utilization chart 1DHCP buffer capacity chart 1DHCP DNS update activity chart 1DHCP failover status chart 1DHCP general indicators chart 1DHCP response latency chart 1DHCP server request activity 1DHCP server response activity 1datatype, DHCP expression 1default-ip-ttl, DHCP option 1default-tcp-ttl, DHCP option 1deployment caseslarge enterprise network, DNS updatelarge deployments 1DHCPadministration 1buffers, allocating 1client-server model 1clientsIP addressMAC addresses 1your IP addresscustom options 1custom options, adding 1ethernet addresses, interface cards 1extension points, listing 1hardware-unicast, unicast, enabling 1lease-state updates to LDAP 1leasequery, See leasequery 1library path, dhcp command (CLI)setlog settings, dhcp command (CLI)setoption 82 1policiesSee policies 1priority-address-allocation 1Relay Health Check 1requestbuffers, dhcp command (CLI)processing 1requests for other servers, ignoring, dhcp command (CLI)enablereverse zones, synthesizing 1sample users 1scopes, disabling for scopes 1serversconfiguring 1forwarding 1interface, removing address, dhcp-interface command (CLI) 1interface, setting 1logging 1troubleshooting 1SMS network discovery records, SMSnetwork discovery, dhcp command (CLI)dhcp command (CLI)disablevpn-communication 1enableclient-class 1defer-lease-extensions 1delete-orphaned-subnets 1get-subnet-mask-from-policy 1hardware-unicast 1ip-history 1return-client-fqdn-if-asked 1save-lease-renewal-time 1skip-client-lookup 1update-dns-for-bootp 1use-client-fqdn 1use-client-fqdn-first 1use-ldap-client-data 1get 1limitationList 1set 1activity-summary-interval 1client-cache-count 1client-cache-ttl 1default-free-address-config 1failover-recover 1last-transaction-time-granularity 1ldap-mode 1log-settings 1map-radius-class 1max-dhcp-requests 1max-dhcp-responses 1max-ping-packets 1max-waiting-packets 1sms-lease-interval 1sms-site-code 1synthesize-reverse-zone 1v6-default-free-address-config 1vpn-communication 1setPartnerDown 1show 1unset 1updateSms 1DHCP utilizationaddrutil-trim-age 1addrutil-trim-interval 1data, collecting 1querying 1reports 1dhcp-address-block command (CLI)setdefault-subnet-size 1vpn 1vpn-id 1unset 1dhcp-client-identifier, DHCP option 1dhcp-dns-update command (CLI)create 1enableupdate-dns-first 1update-dns-for-bootp 1pull 1push 1reclaim 1setbackup-server-addr 1forward-zone-name 1reverse-zone-name 1reverse-zone-prefix-length 1server-addr 1synthesize-name 1synthetic-name-stem 1v6-synthetic-name-generator 1dhcp-lease-time, DHCP option 1dhcp-max-message-size, DHCP option 1dhcp-message, DHCP option 1dhcp-message-type, DHCP option 1dhcp-option-overload, DHCP option 1dhcp-parameter-request-list, DHCP option 1dhcp-pull-replica-report 1dhcp-pull-replica-run 1dhcp-pull-replica-select 1dhcp-rebinding-time, DHCP option 1dhcp-renewal-time, DHCP option 1dhcp-requested-address, DHCP option 1dhcp-server-identifier, DHCP option 1dhcp-user-class-id, DHCP option 1dhcp4-o-dhcp6-server, DHCPv6 option 1DHCPDISCOVER packets 1DHCPLEASEQUERY packetsSee leasequery 1DHCPRENEW packets 1DHCPREQUEST packets 1DHCPv4 DNS updateDHCID RR 1regress to TXT RR 1TXT RR 1dhcpv4-msg, DHCPv6 option 1DHCPv6AAAA records, DNS updateresource records 1address generation 1bindings 1client FQDN 1DHCID records, DNS update 1DNS updateSee DHCPv6 DNS update 1DNS update, upgrading 1lease affinity 1lease reservations 1leases 1links 1options 1policy hierarchy 1prefixes 1PTR records, DNS update 1reconfigure support 1server attributesmax-client-leases 1v6-client-class-lookup-id 1DHCPv6 DNS updateDHCID RR 1DHCPv6 failover 1dig tool, troubleshooting DNS update 1Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) 1Discriminating Rate Limiter 1DNSserverslogging 1dns command (CLI)scavenge 1DNS updatebackup-server-key, dhcp-dns-update command (CLI)setbenefits 1configurationsfailover synchronization effect 1policies 1confirming records 1creating, dhcp-dns-update command (CLI)create 1DHCPv6synthetic namesdynamic-dns, dhcp-dns-update command (CLI)setfailover synchronization effect 1forcing 1logging 1mapscreating, dns-update-map command (CLI)dhcp-named-policy, dns-update-map command (CLI)dhcp-policy-selector, dns-update-map command (CLI)operation leasesobtaining 1policiescreating 1deleting, update-policy (CLI command)editing 1interaction with previous releases 1rules 1zones, applying 1policies, See DNS updateconfiguring 1prerequisites 1server-key, dhcp-dns-update command (CLI)settransition 1troubleshooting 1TSIG security, TSIG keys 1Windows clients 1dns-servers, DHCPv6 option 1dns-update-map command (CLI)create 1push 1do-times, DHCP expression 1domain-list, DHCPv6 option 1domain-name, DHCP option 1domain-name-servers, DHCP option 1domain-search, DHCP option 1DRL 1dual zone updates, zones 1dynamicBOOTP, See dynamic BOOTP 1DNS, See DNS updates 1dynamic lease notification 1E
elapsed-time, DHCPv6 option 1end, DHCP option 1environment dictionary, extension point 1data items 1environmentdictionary, DHCP expression 1equal, DHCP expression 1equali, DHCP expression 1ero, DHCPv6 option 1erp-local-domain-name, DHCPv6 option 1error, DHCP expression 1export command (CLI)addresses, VPN 1leases 1-vpn 1option-set 1expressions 1address range for scope templates 1creating 1debugging 1embedded policy for scope templates 1link templates 1prefix templates 1scope templates 1scope name 1extension command (CLI)create 1list 1setinit-entry 1extension points, DHCP 1extensions 1API 1check-lease-acceptable, DHCP 1check-lease-acceptable, extension point, DHCP 1client-classesmodifying 1processing 1configuration errors 1creating 1deciding approaches 1decoded packet data items 1definition 1determining tasks 1DEXenvironment methods 1DEX attributesdictionary 1methods 1DEX, dex 1dex.h file 1dhcp-parameter-request-list option 1DHCPv6, enabling 1entries 1DNS requests, processing 1environment-destructor 1environment-destructor, extension point, DHCP 1failover synchronization effect 1init-entryC/C++, init-entry, extension pointTcl, init-entry, extension pointinit-entry, extension point, DHCP 1initial-environment-dictionary, environment dictionary, extension pointinitial-environment-dictionary property 1lease-state-change, extension point, DHCP 1leasesacceptability, determining 1finding 1requests, serializing 1state changes, tracing 1networks and links, determining 1packet data items, decoded 1packetsdecoding 1receiving 1recognizing 1request dictionary, extension points 1request processing 1response containers, building 1response dictionary, extension points 1response packetsencoding 1gathering data 1sending 1routine signature 1stable storage, updating 1environment methods 1Tcl attributesdictionary 1methods 1thread-safe 1extensions-path, DHCP option 1F
failover, DHCPaddress ranges, ensuring 1backuppercentage 1backup percentage 1benefits 1BOOTPrelay BOOTP 1changing roles 1checklist 1confirming 1dynamic BOOTP, backup percentage, BOOTPdynamiclazy updates 1lease period factormaximum client lead time, MCLTlease query 1load balancing 1configuring 1local server synchronization 1logging 1main server, adding new 1monitoring failover, DHCPlogging 1network failures 1operationfailover, DHCPhalting failover, DHCPpairsbackup percentage, scopescreating, failover-pair command (CLI)synchronizing, failover-pair command (CLI)regional cluster synchronization 1replacing servers with defective storage 1request/response buffer settings 1restrictions, communications interrupted 1safe periodpartner down state, PARTNER-DOWN state, failoverserver pairs, creating 1simple scenarios 1state transitions 1states 1synchronize function 1troubleshooting 1failover-pair command (CLI)enableload-balancing 1use-safe-period, failover-pair command (CLI)setbackup-pct 1dynamic-bootp-backup-pct 1load-balancing 1finger-servers, DHCP option 1font-servers, DHCP option 1FQDNDHCP processing 1option, DHCP 1G
gateway address, routersgenerate-lease, extension point, DHCP 1geo-conf, DHCP option 1geoconf-civic, DHCP option 1geoconf-civic, DHCPv6 option 1geoloc, DHCPv6 option 1grace period, leases 1gss-tsig command (CLI)pull 1push 1reclaim 1H
host-name, DHCP option 1hostsBOOTPconfiguring 1dynamic DNS update 1multiple interface, failover, DHCP 1pinging scopespinging clients, leasesI
ia-na, DHCPv6 option 1ia-pd, DHCPv6 option 1ia-ta, DHCPv6 option 1iaaddr, DHCPv6 option 1iaprefix, DHCPv6 option 1ICMPecho, See PING 1ieee802.3-encapsulation, DHCP option 1IETF 1if, DHCP expression 1import command (CLI)option-set 1impress-servers, DHCP option 1inf-max-rt, DHCPv6 option 1info-refresh-time, DHCPv6 option 1init-entry, extension point, DHCP 1initial-url, DHCP option 1interface cards 1interface-id, DHCPv6 option 1interface-mtu, DHCP option 1Internet Control Message ProtocolSee ICMP 1Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF 1Internet Operating SystemIOS support, VPN support 1See IOS, VPNs 1IP helper address 1IP historySee lease history reports 1ip-forwarding, DHCP option 1ip-helper 1ip-string, DHCP expression 1ip6-string, DHCP expression 1iphist utilitylease history 1IPv6 leasesstates 1ipv6-address-andsf, DHCPv6 option 1irc-servers, DHCP option 1is-string, DHCP expression 1iSNS, DHCP option 1K
key command (CLI)create 1pull 1push 1reclaim 1keysTSIG keyscreating 1pulling 1pushing 1krb-default-realm-name, DHCPv6 option 1krb-kdc, DHCPv6 option 1krb-principal-name, DHCPv6 option 1krb-realm-name, DHCPv6 option 1L
LAN segments 1LDAPclientconfiguration 1data use, enabling 1configuring 1connections 1DHCPclient queries 1mapping 1directory support 1distinguished name (dn) 1embedded policies 1entry creationenabling 1event service, failover synchronization effect 1failover configuration 1filtering searches 1lease-state attributes 1passwords 1protocol definition 1queries, enabling 1schema checking, disabling 1state updates 1storing lease data 1threadwaittime 1timeout 1troubleshooting 1typical attribute settings 1unprovisioning client entries 1updates, enabling 1ldap command (CLI)create 1delete 1enablecan-update 1getEntry 1list 1listnames 1setcreate-object-classes 1dn-attribute 1dn-create-format 1dn-format 1preference 1search-filter 1search-path 1search-scope 1update-search-attribute 1update-search-filter 1update-search-path 1update-search-scope 1username 1setEntry 1create-dictionary givenname 1create-dictionary localityname 1create-dictionary sn 1update-dictionary carlicense 1update-dictionary uid 1show 1unsetEntry 1LDAP Remote Serversadding 1editing 1ldap-url, DHCP option 1leaseremoving 1lease command (CLI)activate 1deactivate 1list-macaddr 1setaddress 1client-dns-name 1client-domain-name 1client-flags 1client-host-name 1client-id 1client-mac-addr 1expiration 1flags 1lease-renewal-time 1start-time-of-state 1state 1vendor-class-identifier 1show 1lease extensions, deferring 1lease historyautomatic trimmingage 1interval 1collecting 1database directory 1enabling 1maximum age for trimming 1querying 1recording 1trimming 1lease history reportslease history 1Lease Notification, Dynamic 1lease-notification command (CLI) 1available 1mail-host 1recipients 1scopes 1specifying config file 1lease-state-change, extension point, DHCP 1lease6 command (CLI)list 1leasequeryDHCPv4 pre-RFC implementation 1DHCPv4 RFC 4388 implementation 1DHCPv6 implementation 1implementations 1logging 1reservations and 1statistics 1leasesaddress usage reports 1affinity 1benefits 1defined 1DHCPv6 clients 1DHCPv6 life cycle 1excluding addresses from ranges 1expired state 1exporting 1file 1time format 1forcing available 1grace period 1importing 1inhibiting renewals 1LDAP attributes 1notification, receiving 1orphaned 1querying, See leasequery 1reacquiring 1reactivating 1releasing 1renewal time, saving as state 1renewing 1reusing 1listing 1viewing 1searching, filtering 1state updates in LDAP 1timeouts for unavailable 1timesguidelines 1import files 1overrides, allowing, policy command (CLI)types 1unavailableclearing 1handling 1utilization reports 1length, DHCP expression 1let, DHCP expression 1line chart 1link command (CLI)applyTemplate 1create 1template, template-root-prefix 1listPrefixes 1listPrefixNames 1push 1reclaim 1link-address, DHCPv6 option 1link-template command (CLI)apply-to (link) 1create 1clone 1pull 1push 1reclaim 1linksDHCPv6 1failoversynchronization effect 1linktemplate-push-data-report 1listlink template expression 1prefix template expression 1log, DHCP expression 1log-servers, DHCP option 1lost-server, DHCPv6 option 1lpr-servers, DHCP option 1lq-base-time, DHCPv6 option 1lq-client-links, DHCPv6 option 1lq-end-time, DHCPv6 option 1lq-query, DHCPv6 option 1lq-relay-data, DHCPv6 option 1lq-start-time, DHCPv6 option 1lshift, DHCP expression 1M
MAC addresses, clients 1mask-blob, DHCP expression 1mask-int, DHCP expression 1mask-supplier, DHCP option 1max-dgram-reassembly, DHCP option 1maximum client lead time, failover 1MCLTSee maximum client lead time 1mcns-security-server, DHCP option 1merit-dump, DHCP option 1mip6-haa, DHCPv6 option 1mip6-haf, DHCPv6 option 1mip6-hnidf, DHCPv6 option 1mip6-hnp, DHCPv6 option 1mip6-idinf, DHCPv6 option 1mip6-udinf, DHCPv6 option 1mip6-vdinf, DHCPv6 option 1mobile-ip-home-agents, DHCP option 1mos-address, DHCPv6 option 1mos-fqdn, DHCPv6 option 1mpl-parameters, DHCPv6 option 1multinetting 1N
name-servers, DHCP option 1name-service-search, DHCP option 1nds-context, DHCP option 1nds-servers, DHCP option 1nds-tree, DHCP option 1netbios-dd-servers, DHCP option 1netbios-name-servers, DHCP option 1netbios-node-type, DHCP option 1netbios-scope, DHCP option 1netinfo-parent-server-addr, DHCP option 1netinfo-parent-server-tag, DHCP option 1netwareip-domain, DHCP option 1netwareip-information, DHCP option 1Network Information ServiceSee nis entries, nis-domain, DHCP option 1Network News Transport Protocol, nntp-servers, DHCP option 1Network Time Protocol, ntp-servers, DHCP option 1networksediting names 1listing 1managing 1new-posix-timezone, DHCPv6 option 1new-tzdb-timezone, DHCPv6 option 1nii, DHCPv6 option 1nis+-domain, DHCP option 1nis+-servers, DHCP option 1nis-domain-name, DHCPv6 option 1nis-servers, DHCP option 1nis-servers, DHCPv6 option 1nisp-domain-name, DHCPv6 option 1nisp-servers, DHCPv6 option 1non-local-source-routing, DHCP option 1NORMAL state, failover 1not, DHCP expression 1notification, lease 1nslookup utilitytroubleshooting DNS update 1ntp-server, DHCPv6 option 1null, DHCP expression 1O
on-demand address poolsSee subnet allocation, DHCP address pools, on-demand 1option command (CLI)get 1listtypes 1show 1unset 1Option Definition Setsadd 1list 1option setslocalpulling 1pushing, regional clustersoption-set command (CLI)pull 1push 1reclaim 1show 1optionscustom DHCP 1data types, listing 1DHCPv6setting 1failover synchronization effect 1policy hierarchy 1OptionSetPXE.txt file, OptionSetJumpStart.txt file 1or, DHCP expression 1Organizationally Unique IdentifierSee OUI, VPNs 1oro, DHCPv6 option 1P
pad, DHCP option 1pana-agent, DHCPv6 option 1path-mtu-aging-timeout, DHCP option 1path-mtu-plateau-tables, DHCP option 1PAUSED state, failover 1pd-exclude, DHCPv6 option 1perform-mask-discovery, DHCP option 1pick-first-value, DHCP expression 1policiescloning 1compared with scopes 1configuring 1DHCPDHCPv6 1dual zone updates, allowing, policy command (CLI)enableembedded 1editing 1scopes 1vendor options 1failover synchronization effect 1hierarchy 1lease time overrides, allowing 1named scopesnamed policies 1options 1adding 1scope command (CLI)setsuboptionsadding 1policies, DHCPaddress block 1policy command (CLI)create 1clone 1disableallow-client-a-record-update 1enableallow-client-a-record-update 1allow-dual-zone-dns-update 1permanent-leases 1getOption 1dhcp-lease-time 1listOptions 1pull 1push 1reclaim 1set 1grace-period 1limitation-count 1setLeaseTime 1subnet-mask 1unsetOption 1policy-filters, DHCP option 1Post Office Protocol, pop3-servers, DHCP option 1post-class-lookup, extension point, DHCP 1POTENTIAL-CONFLICT state, failover 1preference, DHCPv6 option 1prefix allocation groups 1prefix command (CLI)addReservation 1applyTemplate 1create 1template 1createReverseZone 1deleteReverseZone 1listLeases 1push 1reclaim 1setselection-tags 1prefix stability 1CMTS 1universal 1prefix-template command (CLI)apply-to (prefix) 1create 1clone 1pull 1push 1reclaim 1setselection-tags 1prefix64, DHCPv6 option 1prefixesconfiguring 1count on server, getting 1dhcp command (CLI)getPrefixCount 1DHCPv6 1failoversynchronization effect 1interface-identifier, assigning 1progn, DHCP expression 1PXE clients, importing option sets 1pxe-client-arch, DHCP option 1pxe-client-machine-id, DHCP option 1pxe-client-network-id, DHCP option 1R
radius, DHCPv6 option 1rapid-commit, DHCPv6 option 1rdnss-selection, DHCPv6 option 1reconfigure-accept, DHCPv6 option 1reconfigure-message, DHCPv6 option 1RECOVER state, failover 1RECOVER-DONE state, failover 1regex, DHCP expression 1regional clusterssubnets to local clusters 1subnets to routerspushing 1relay-agent-info, DHCP option 1relay-agent-subscriber-id, DHCPv6 option 1relay-id, DHCPv6 option 1relay-message, DHCPv6 option 1relay-port, DHCPv6 option 1remote-id, DHCPv6 option 1report command (CLI) 1reportsaddress usage 1DHCP utilization 1lease history 1request dump, DHCP expression 1request option, DHCP expression 1request packetfield, DHCP expression 1requestdictionary, DHCP expression 1reservations, leasecreating 1LEASEQUERY 1removing, reservation command (CLI)delete 1using client ID, client IDreservations, lease, policy command (CLI)resource recordsDHCID 1resource-location-servers, DHCP option 1response dump, DHCP expression 1response option, DHCP expression 1response packetfield, DHCP expression 1responsedictionary, DHCP expression 1restricting lease dates 1return-last, DHCP expression 1reverse zonesprefixes, creating from prefixesDHCPv6 1RFCs1001 11002 11042 11179 11191 11256 11497 12131 12132 12241 12242 12485 12563 12610 12685 12782 12937 13004 13011 13041 13074 13118 13315 13319 13361 13397 13442 13495 13646 13679 13898 13925 13942 14039 14075 14242 14291 14578 14580 14649 14701 14994 15007 15071 15460 15859 15908 15969 15970 16334 16422 16440 16603 16610 16656 16704 16784 16926 16939 16977 17037 17078 17083 17341 17598 17600 17618 17653 17774 17839 18026 18115 18357 1865 1868 1887 1893 1894 1950 1rolesaddress block administrator 1root-path, DHCP option 1round-robinrouter-discovery, DHCP option 1router-solicitation-address, DHCP option 1routersCisco routers 1subnet 1routers, DHCP option 1rsoo, DHCPv6 option 1S
s46-br, DHCPv6 option 1s46-cont-lw, DHCPv6 option 1s46-cont-mape, DHCPv6 option 1s46-cont-mapt, DHCPv6 option 1s46-dmr, DHCPv6 option 1s46-portparams, DHCPv6 option 1s46-priority, DHCPv6 option 1s46-rule, DHCPv6 option 1s46-v4v6bind, DHCPv6 option 1safe period, failover 1scatter chart 1scope command (CLI)clearUnavailable 1create 1delete 1disableping-clients 1enabledeactivated 1dhcp 1ignore-declines 1renew-only 1update-dns-for-bootp 1enable bootp 1listLeases 1listnames 1setbackup-pct 1free-address-config 1selection-tag-list 1unsetprimary-subnet 1scope templatesaddress range, expressions 1cloning, scope-template command (CLI)createcreating, scope-template command (CLI)create 1editing, scope-template command (CLI)set 1embedded policy expressions 1scope name expressions 1scope-policy command (CLI)disable 1enable 1set 1setVendorOptions 1show 1unset 1unsetVendorOptions 1scope-template command (CLI)setoptions-exp 1ranges-exp 1scope-name 1selection-tag-list 1scopesaddress allocation 1address ranges 1attributesbootp 1disabling, scope command (CLI)dynamic bootp 1enabling, scope command (CLI)getting, scope command (CLI)listing, scope command (CLI)primary-subnet 1setting, scope command (CLI)showing, scope command (CLI)count on server, getting 1deactivating 1defining 1dhcp command (CLI)getScopeCount 1editing 1failoversynchronization effect 1failover-backup-allocation-boundary 1forcing lease availability 1inhibiting lease renewals 1internal address allocation 1leases, See leases 1listing rangesscope command (CLI)moving/decommissioning BOOTP clients 1multiple 1names 1network addresses 1policies, See policies 1primary subnets 1rangesadding, scope command (CLI)removing 1if not reusing addresses 1if reusing addresses 1reusing addresses 1removing rangesscope command (CLI)renew-only 1scope command (CLI)setsecondary subnetsmultiple logical, secondary 1staged edits, reporting, scope command (CLI)report-staged-edits 1traps, SNMP, free address 1unreserving leases, reservations 1VPNs 1search, DHCP expression 1secondarysubnets 1selection tagsappending dhcp-user-class-id 1appending RADIUS class 1appending RADIUS pool 1mapping RADIUS class 1mapping RADIUS pool name 1mapping user class identifier 1server-identifier, DHCPv6 option 1server-unicast, DHCPv6 option 1session command (CLI)getdhcp-edit-mode 1setcurrent-vpn 1dhcp-edit-mode 1setq, DHCP expression 1settingcustom DHCP options 1SHUTDOWN state, failover 1Simple Mail Transport ProtocolSee SNMP, smtp-servers, DHCP option 1simulating, top-of-zone, A recordsdns command (CLI)enablesip-servers, DHCP option 1sip-servers-address, DHCPv6 option 1sip-servers-name, DHCPv6 option 1sip-ua-cs-domains, DHCPv6 option 1slp-directory-agent, DHCP option 1slp-service-scope, DHCP option 1SNMPtrapsfailover mismatch 1server not responding 1sntp-servers, DHCPv6 option 1SOA records 1sol-max-rt, DHCPv6 option 1SRV records 1enabling viewing 1starts-with, DHCP expression 1STARTUP state, failover 1staticaddresses 1BOOTP 1routes 1static-routes, DHCP option 1statisticsleasequery 1status-code, DHCPv6 option 1streettalk-directory-assistance-servers, DHCP option 1streettalk-servers, DHCP option 1subnet allocation, DHCPconfiguring 1subnet command (CLI)push 1reclaim 1subnet-alloc, DHCP option 1subnet-mask, DHCP option 1subnet-selection, DHCP option 1subnetsclient-accessible 1defined 1joining 1local, all-subnets-local, DHCP option 1pushing to local clusters 1reclaiming 1viewing address blocks 1subnets, address blocks 1subnets, DHCPaddress block 1allocation request 1increment 1initial 1subscriber limitation, using option 82 1troubleshooting 1substring, DHCP expression 1swap-server, DHCP option 1synchronization, failoverComplete operation 1Exact operation 1operations, failover, DHCPsynchronizing 1Update operation 1synthesize-host-name, DHCP expression 1T
TclAPI 1TCP Default TTL 1tcp-keepalive-garbage, DHCP option 1tcp-keepalive-interval, DHCP option 1templatesscope, scope templatesmanaging 1tftp-server, DHCP option 1time-offset, DHCP option 1time-servers, DHCP option 1timeouts for unavailable leases 1to-blob, DHCP expression 1to-ip, DHCP expression 1to-ip6, DHCP expression 1to-lower, DHCP expression 1to-sint, DHCP expression 1to-string, DHCP expression 1to-uint, DHCP expression 1trailer-encapsulation, DHCP option 1translate, DHCP expression 1trapsaddr-trap command (CLI)settraps, SNMP 1creating 1failover synchronization effect 1low and high address thresholds 1trimmingDHCP utilizationtrimming data 1DHCP utilization records 1immediate DHCP utilization 1try, DHCP expression 1TSIG keysDNS update configuration attributes 1failover synchronization effect 1importing, import command (CLI)keys 1rules for secrets 1TTL propertydefault 1tz-database, DHCP option 1tz-posix, DHCP option 1U
unified address space 1update-policy (CLI command)create 1rulesadd 1remove 1update-policy command (CLI)pull 1push 1reclaim 1user-auth, DHCP option 1user-class, DHCPv6 option 1username, ldap command (CLI)setpassword 1userslease availability 1utility programsipconfig, ipconfig utility 1ping, ping utility 1utilization-detail 1utilization-tree 1V
v-i-vendor-class, DHCP option 1v-i-vendor-info, DHCP option 1v6-dhcp-pull-replica-report 1v6-dhcp-pull-replica-run 1v6-dhcp-pull-replica-select 1v6-pcp-server, DHCPv6 option 1validate-host-name, DHCP expression 1vendor-class, DHCPv6 option 1vendor-encapsulated-options, DHCP option 1vendor-opts, DHCPv6 option 1virtual channel identifier 1virtual path identifier 1virtual private networksvirtual routing and forwarding table IDSee VRFs 1See VRFs, VPNs 1vpn command (CLI)create 1setvrf-name 1vpn-id, DHCP option 1vpn-id, DHCPv6 option 1VPNs 1creating 1current 1failover synchronization effect 1identifier 1leases, importing 1orphaned leases 1setting current session command (CLI)setW
Windowsipconfig utility, winipcfg utility 1Windows 2000DNS update 1domain controllers 1environments 1Windows SMS***See SMS integrating with DHCP server 1See SMS System Management Server 1www-servers, DHCP option 1X
x-display-managers, DHCP option 1Z
zone (CLI command)listRRdns 1setupdate-policy-list 1zone command (CLI)getScavengeStartTime 1setlog-settings 1scvg-ignore-restart-interval 1scvg-interval 1scvg-no-refresh-interval 1scvg-refresh-interval 1zonesapplying update policies 1scavenging 1start time, getting 1