Warnings and Violations
This chapter lists warnings and violations that might be invoked when using the planning tools in Cisco Prime Fulfillment (Prime Fulfillment) (computation engine).
This appendix contains the following sections:
Warnings and violations are tied in with the planning tools (see the Planning Tools section in the Cisco Prime Fulfillment Theory of Operations Guide 6.1 ). They are issued under the following circumstances:
•During an attempt to audit, place, repair, or groom a primary managed tunnel.
•During an attempt to protect selected network elements (links, routers, or SRLGs). Here, they help determine the cause of the failed protection (see Chapter 40, "Protection Planning").
When the off-line backup route generation is called to determine if certain elements can be protected, the backup route generator responds for each element with either a set of tunnels that protect the element or a set of violations and warnings that help determine why the element could not be protected.
Note In the following, the term DirectedLink refers to a router interface.
This class is characterized by all reports that are warnings. They are considered less severe than violations in the sense that they don't prevent the computation of a protection path.
Protection Computation Warnings
A fix of this element would have caused a neighbouring element to become unprotected. This fix is vetoed and no changes are proposed.
This element or any adjacent routers is/are not Protocol Conformant. It cannot therefore be protected.
•Report Type—Name of report type.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Non-conformant router—Router that does not support traffic engineering.
The bandwidth of a backup tunnel that protects this element is below the minimum allowed bandwidth capacity.
•Minimum allowed bandwidth quota—Minimum bandwidth allowed to protect the element in question.
•Actual tunnel bandwidth quota—Actual bandwidth of the backup tunnel.
There are too many backup tunnels for a flow through this element.
•Maximum tunnel number allowed—Maximum number of tunnels allowed for a given network element.
•Actual Tunnel Count—Actual number of tunnels imposed on this network element.
–Maximum Bandwidth—Maximum bandwidth for the traffic flow that needs to be protected.
–Head Links—Protected interface for this flow.
–Through Router —Protected device through which the regular traffic flow passes. If the protected element is a link, the Through Router field will not appear.
–Tail Router—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Type (NHop, NNHop)—Next hop type: NHOP for link (no through router) and NNHOP for node.
A flow through this element is protected by a backup tunnel, but has a maximum flow of zero.
–Maximum Bandwidth—Maximum available bandwidth on the element.
–Head Links—Protected interface for this flow.
–Through Router —Protected device through which the regular traffic flow passes. If the protected element is a link, the Through Router field will not appear.
–Tail Router—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Type (NHop, NNHop)—Next hop type: NHOP for link (no through router) and NNHOP for node.
This class is specialized by all reports that are violations. They are considered more "severe" than warnings because unlike warnigns, they will prevent the computation of a protection path.
Primary Placement Computation Violations
The FRR protection for a tunnel does not meet the specified protection level.
•Report Type—Name of report type.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Required FRR Protection Level—Used to enable an MPLS traffic engineering tunnel to use a backup tunnel in the event of a link failure if a backup tunnel exists. Possible levels are None, Best Effort, Link and SRLG, and Link, SRLG and Node.
•Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
•Path—Tunnel Path
–Node—Device hostname. Is only displayed if the protection level is "Link, SRLG & Node".
–Protected (Node)—Indicates whether each node is protected (Yes) or not (No). Is only displayed if the protection level is ""Link, SRLG & Node".
–Link Label—IP addresses of the interfaces on the link.
–Protected (Link)—Indicates whether each link is protected (Yes) or not (No).
A Topology-change attempts to modify one or more attributes on a resource causing a pair of its attributes to become inconsistent.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
–Id—Id for head device or head interface representing the network resource.
–Type—Resource device or interface.
–Attribute—Names of inconsistent attributes.
–New Value—New attribute value proposed by user.
A Tunnel-change attempts to modify one or more attributes on a tunnel causing a pair of its attributes to become inconsistent.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Attribute—Names of inconsistent attributes.
–New Value—New attribute value proposed by user.
A least one directed link in the path of a Primary Tunnel does not have attribute flags that match the affinity bits and mask of the Tunnel.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Affinity Bits/Mask—Affinity bits and mask of the tunnel.
•Path—Name of tunnel path.
–Outgoing Interface—Hostname/IP address of outgoing interface.
–Attribute Flags—Links attributes to be compared to the tunnel's affinity bits. All have to be identical to have a valid path. The violation is triggered when at least one is different.
The specified bandwidth pool for a directed link is over-subscribed by Primary Tunnels that pass through it.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Directed Link:
–Head Device/Interface—Hostname for the head device and IP address of interface.
–Tail Device/Interface—Hostname for the destination (tail) device or interface.
–Pool—Global pool or sub pool.
–Pool Bandwidth—The allocated global pool or sub pool bandwidth on the link.
•Primary Tunnel (table)—Specifies how many tunnels are using the link resource.
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Bandwidth—Total bandwidth of the tunnel.
–Pool—Global pool or sub pool.
–Path—Name of tunnel path.
This number of Primary Tunnel re-routes in this solution exceeds the specified maximum.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Number of re-routes in solution—Number of re-routes proposed by the computation engine.
•Specified maximum number of re-routes—Maximum number of re-routes allowed.
In the presence of other Primary Tunnels that have already been placed on the topology, no legitimate path is possible for a requested Primary Tunnel. Note: If a user requested path was specified this only means that the Primary Tunnel could not be placed on that requested path in the presence of other Primary Tunnels.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Requested Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Bandwidth—Total bandwidth of the tunnel.
–Requested Path—User-specified path for the tunnel.
–Pool—Global pool or sub pool.
–FrrProtection—Possible protection levels are None, Best Effort, Link and SRLG, and Link, SRLG and Node.
–Propagation Delay—The time it takes for traffic to travel along a link from the head interface to the tail interface.
–AffinityBits/Mask—Affinity bits and mask of the tunnel.
Irrespective of other Primary Tunnels placed upon the topology, no valid path is possible for a requested Primary Tunnel. Note: If a user requested path was specified this only means that the Primary Tunnel could not be placed on that requested path irrespective of other tunnels.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Requested Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of (destination) tail router.
–Bandwidth—Total bandwidth of the tunnel.
–Requested Path—User-specified path for the tunnel.
–Pool—Global pool or sub pool.
–FrrProtection—Possible protection levels are None, Best Effort, Link and SRLG, and Link, SRLG and Node.
–Propagation Delay (optional)—The maximum time allowed for traffic to travel along the requested path.
–AffinityBits/Mask—Affinity bits and mask of the tunnel.
No path implements a requested PrimaryTunnel, even though there exists a valid path in the network that this tunnel could take.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Requested Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Bandwidth—Total bandwidth of the tunnel.
–Requested Path—User-specified path for the tunnel.
–Pool—Global pool or sub pool.
–FrrProtection—Possible protection levels are None, Best Effort, Link and SRLG, and Link, SRLG and Node.
–Propagation Delay (optional)—The maximum time allowed for traffic to travel along the requested path.
–AffinityBits/Mask—Affinity bits and mask of the tunnel.
A Primary Tunnel has a different path to that specified for it in the User Specified Path.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Actual Path—Actual path of the tunnel associated with the violation.
–Requested Path—User-specified path for the tunnel.
The path of a Primary Tunnel is not "connected", that is. it does not form a connected sequence of admin-up links between the tunnel head and tail, or it contains loops.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Path—Name of tunnel path.
A Tunnel-change attempts to create or modify a Tunnel so that its path or "User Requested Path" uses one or more directed links that do not exist in this topology.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Change Type—Add Tunnel/Modify Tunnel.
–Path Type—Requested/Actual.
–Path—Name of tunnel path.
–Outgoing Interface—Yes or No depending on whether a link is missing.
–Incoming Interface—Yes or No depending on whether a link is missing.
A Primary Tunnel has a propagation delay that is larger than the Maximum Propagation Delay specified for it.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Required Max Propagation Delay—The maximum time allowed for traffic to travel along the requested path.
•Primary Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Path—Name of tunnel path.
–Actual Propagation Delay (table)—The time it takes for traffic to travel along each link in the entire path.
- Link—Link segments in path.
- Propagation Delay—Travel time for the traffic for each link segment.
A change attempts to remove or modify a resource (link, router or SRLG) with an Id, when no resource with that Id exists.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Resource to be removed:
–Id—Id for head device or head interface representing the network resource.
–Type—Resource device or interface.
A change attempts to add a Primary Tunnel with an Id that already exists.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Tunnel to Add:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
•Existing Tunnel:
–Name—Tunnel identifier composed of a name and a tunnel number.
–Head—Hostname of head router.
–Tail—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
A change attempts to remove or modify a Primary Tunnel with an Id when no tunnel with that Id exists.
•Report Type—Quality report, warning report, or violation report.
•Description—Description of the problem signaled by the violation.
•Tunnel to Remove:
–Id—Unique tunnel identifier used within Prime Fulfillment.
Protection Computation Violations
The bandwidth of backup tunnels for this element, which pass through the link, have a maximum bandwidth quota that exceeds the backup bandwidth of the link.
•Required Bandwidth (due to tunnels)—Required bandwidth for the tunnels on the link.
–Backup Bandwidth—Total available bandwidth of the link.
–Head Router—Hostname of the head router.
–Head Interface—IP address of the head interface.
–Tail Router—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Tail Interface—IP address of the destination (tail) interface.
–Label—IP addresses of the interfaces on the link.
–Admin Status—Indicates whether the link is Up or Down.
The tunnel does not protect a flow over this element.
The tunnel backup bandwidth quotas of all the tunnels protecting a flow do not add up exactly to the maximum bandwidth of that flow.
•Protected bandwidth—The protectable bandwidth of the protection path.
–Maximum Bandwidth—Maximum available bandwidth on the element.
–Head Links—Protected interface for this flow.
–Through Router —Protected device through which the regular traffic flow passes. If the protected element is a link, the Through Router field will not appear.
–Tail Router—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Type (NHop, NNHop)—Next hop type: NHOP for link (no through router) and NNHOP for node.
The delay of the backup tunnel is greater than that allowed.
•Maximum allowed delay—Maximum delay allowed on the backup tunnel.
•Actual delay of tunnel—Actual delay of the backup tunnel.
There are no backup tunnels protecting this flow through the element.
–Maximum Bandwidth—Maximum available bandwidth on the element.
–Head Links—Protected interface for this flow.
–Through Router —Protected device through which the regular traffic flow passes. If the protected element is a link, the Through Router field will not appear.
–Tail Router—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Type (NHop, NNHop)—Next hop type: NHOP for link (no through router) and NNHOP for node.
A backup tunnel is protecting a flow over this element that starts at a link within an Shared risk link group(SRLG). However that tunnel also passes through another link in the same SRLG.
–Backup Bandwidth—Total available bandwidth of the link.
–Head Router—Hostname of the head router.
–Head Interface—IP address of the head interface.
–Tail Router—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Tail Interface—IP address of the destination (tail) interface.
–Label—IP addresses of the interfaces on the link.
–Admin Status—Indicates whether the link is Up or Down.
•SRLG—User-defined SRLG name.
–Maximum Bandwidth—Maximum available bandwidth on the element.
–Head Links—Protected interface for this flow.
–Through Router —Protected device through which the regular traffic flow passes. If the protected element is a link, the Through Router field will not appear.
–Tail Router—Hostname of destination (tail) router.
–Type (NHop, NNHop)—Next hop type: NHOP for link (no through router) and NNHOP for node.
A backup tunnel that protects this element also uses it.