- About This Book
- Getting Started
- Setting Up the Prime Fulfillment Services for L2VPN
- Creating a FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet Policy
- Creating a FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet Service Request
- Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy
- Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Service Request
- Creating an L2VPN Policy
- Creating an L2VPN Service Request
- Creating a VPLS Policy
- Creating a VPLS Service Request
- Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests
- Using Auto Discovery for L2 Services
- Sample Configlets
- Setting Up VLAN Translation
- Getting Started with MPLS VPN
- Setting Up the Prime Fulfillment Services
- Independent VRF Management
- IPv6 and 6VPE Support in MPLS VPN
- MPLS VPN Service Policies
- MPLS VPN Service Requests
- Provisioning Regular PE-CE Links
- Provisioning Multi-VRFCE PE-CE Links
- Provisioning Management VPN
- Provisioning Cable Services
- Provisioning Carrier Supporting Carrier
- Provisioning Multiple Devices
- Spanning Multiple Autonomous Systems
- Sample Configlets
- Troubleshooting MPLS VPNs
- startdb Command
- startns Command
- startwd Command
- stopall Command
- stopdb Command
- stopns Command
- stopwd Command
- wdclient Command
WatchDog Commands
The WatchDog is responsible for bootstrapping Cisco Prime Fulfillment and starting the necessary set of server processes. In addition, the WatchDog monitors the health and performance of each server to ensure it is functioning properly. In the event of a software error that causes a server to fail, the WatchDog automatically restarts the errant server.
The WatchDog is a background daemon process that is automatically installed as part of the installation procedure for Prime Fulfillment. After the installation procedure has completed, WatchDog is started automatically. You can execute the startwd command to run the WatchDog after the installation. The WatchDog can be configured to automatically start any time the machine is rebooted.
In addition to the commands that are specified in this chapter, in the product you can choose Administration > Control Center > Hosts and from there you can start, stop, restart, and view log files for the individual Prime Fulfillment servers.
This chapter provides the description, syntax, and arguments (listed alphabetically) for the following WatchDog commands:
startdb Command
This section provides the description and syntax for the startdb command.
The startdb command starts the database.
The startdb command has no arguments and starts the database.
The location of startdb is: <ISC Directory>/bin.
Note Do not run startdb in the background. Do not enter startdb &.
startns Command
This section provides the description and syntax for the startns command.
The startns command starts the name server. The orbd process provides the name server functionality. orbd (from JDK) is required, but startwd starts it if it is not already running. The startns and stopns commands deal with orbd.
The startns command has no arguments and starts the name server.
The location of startns is: <ISC Directory>/bin.
startwd Command
This section provides the description and syntax for the startwd command.
The startwd command starts the WatchDog and all Prime Fulfillment processes. The startwd command includes the functionality of startdb (see the "startdb Command" section) and startns (see the "startns Command" section). Executing this command is a necessary procedure and occurs automatically as part of the installation. Use this startwd command after issuing a stopwd command to restart the WatchDog.
If for some reason the Prime Fulfillment host is stopped, either inadvertently or by issuing the stopwd command, it can be restarted by using the startwd command.
The startwd command has no arguments and starts the WatchDog only for the machine where it is executed.
The location of startwd is: <ISC Directory>/bin.
Note Do not run startwd in the background. Do not enter startwd &.
stopall Command
This section provides the description and syntax for the stopall command.
The stopall command stops the database, name server, and WatchDog on the machine on which it is run. The stopall command includes the functionality of stopdb -y (see the "stopdb Command" section), stopns -y (see the "stopns Command" section), and stopwd -y (see the "stopwd Command" section). Normally this is only necessary before installing a new version of Prime Fulfillment.
The location of stopall is: <ISC Directory>/bin.
stopdb Command
This section provides the description and syntax for the stopdb command.
The stopdb command stops the database.
stopdb [-y]
-y indicates not to prompt before shutdown. If -y is not specified, you are prompted with the following message: "Are you absolutely sure you want to stop the database?" You are then prompted to reply yes or no.
The location of stopdb is: <ISC Directory>/bin.
stopns Command
This section provides the description and syntax for the stopns command.
The stopns command stops the name server. The startns and stopns commands deal with orbd.
stopns [-y]
-y indicates not to prompt before shutdown. If -y is not specified, you are prompted with the following message: "Are you absolutely sure you want to stop the nameserver?" You are then prompted to reply yes or no.
The location of stopns is: <ISC Directory>/bin.
stopwd Command
This section provides the description and syntax for the stopwd command.
The stopwd command stops the WatchDog and all Prime Fulfillment processes other than the name server and the database.
stopwd [-y]
-y indicates not to prompt before shutdown. If -y is not specified, you are prompted with the following message: "Are you absolutely sure you want to stop the watchdog and all of its servers? Other users may be using this system as well. No activity (for example: collections, performance monitoring, provisioning) occurs until the system is restarted." You are then prompted to reply yes or no.
The location of stopwd is: <ISC Directory>/bin.
wdclient Command
This section provides the description, syntax, and options (listed alphabetically) for the wdclient subcommands. These subcommands are diagnostic tools. This section also describes the column format of the output of each of the subcommands.
Note The location of wdclient is: <ISC Directory>/bin.
The following are the wdclient subcommands:
•wdclient group <group_name> Subcommand
–Information Produced: Name Column
–Information Produced: State Column
–Information Produced: Gen Column
–Information Produced: Exec Time Column
–Information Produced: PID Column
–Information Produced: Success Column
–Information Produced: Missed Column
Note If you enter wdclient -help, you receive a listing of all the wdclient subcommands.
wdclient disk Subcommand
This section provides the description and syntax for the wdclient disk subcommand.
The wdclient disk subcommand gives the disk space statistics for the directories where Prime Fulfillment is installed.
wdclient disk
wdclient group <group_name> Subcommand
This section provides the description and syntax for the wdclient group <group_name> subcommand.
The wdclient group <group_name> subcommand lists the servers in the specified server group. Server groups provide a convenient way to start or stop a group of servers with a single command.
wdclient group <group_name>
<group_name> is the name of a server group chosen from the list displayed by the wdclient groups command.
wdclient groups Subcommand
This section provides the description and syntax for the wdclient groups subcommand.
The wdclient groups subcommand lists all the active server groups.
wdclient groups
wdclient health Subcommand
This section provides the description and syntax for the wdclient health subcommand.
The wdclient health subcommand indicates whether all the servers are stable.
wdclient health
wdclient restart Subcommand
This section provides the description and syntax for the wdclient restart subcommand.
The wdclient restart subcommand restarts one or more servers. Any dependent servers are also restarted.
Note It is not necessary to restart servers in a properly functioning system. The wdclient restart command should only be run under the direction of Cisco Support.
wdclient restart [all | <server_name> | group <group_name>]
where you can choose one of the following arguments:
all is all servers. This is the default if no argument is specified.
<server_name> is the name of a server chosen from the list displayed by the wdclient status command. See Table C-1, "Servers and Their Functions," for server descriptions.
group <group_name> where, <group_name> is the name of a server group chosen from the list displayed by the wdclient groups command.
wdclient start Subcommand
This section provides the description and syntax for the wdclient start subcommand.
The wdclient start subcommand starts one or more servers. Other servers that depend on the specified server(s) might also start.
Note It is not necessary to stop and start servers in a properly functioning system. The wdclient start command should only be run under the direction of Cisco Support.
wdclient start [all | <server_name> | group <group_name>]
where you can choose one of the following arguments:
all is all servers. This is the default if no argument is specified.
<server_name> is the name of a server chosen from the list displayed by the wdclient status command. See Table C-1, "Servers and Their Functions," for server descriptions.
group <group_name> where, <group_name> is the name of a server group chosen from the list displayed by the wdclient groups command.
wdclient status Subcommand
This section provides the description, syntax, and information produced for the wdclient status subcommand.
The wdclient status subcommand lists all the servers and their states. See Table C-1, "Servers and Their Functions," for server descriptions. See Table C-2, "Valid States," for the list of all the states.
wdclient [-poll <seconds>]
-poll <seconds> is an optional parameter. <seconds> is the number of seconds. A number other than zero indicates that when new status data is available it is displayed every <seconds> seconds, where <seconds> is the specified number of seconds. The default -poll value is zero (0), which shows the status just once.
Information Produced: Name Column
The Name column provides the name of each of the servers. Table C-1 provides a list of the servers and a description of the function that each server provides.
Information Produced: State Column
The State column provides the current state of the server. Table C-2 provides a description of each of the states in normal progression order.
Information Produced: Gen Column
The Gen column provides the generation of the server. Each time the server is started, the generation is incremented by 1.
Information Produced: Exec Time Column
The Exec Time column provides the date and time the server was last started.
Information Produced: PID Column
The PID column provides the UNIX process identifier for each server, except for dbpoller and nspoller.
Information Produced: Success Column
The Success column provides the number of successful heartbeats since the server was last started. Heartbeats are used to verify that servers are functioning correctly.
Information Produced: Missed Column
The Missed column provides the number of missed heartbeats since the server was last started.
A few missed heartbeats could simply indicate the system was busy. However, more than a couple of missed heartbeats per day could indicate a problem. See the logs to diagnose the reason.
Three missed heartbeats in a row is the default for restarting the server.
wdclient stop Subcommand
This section provides the description and syntax for the wdclient stop subcommand.
The wdclient stop subcommand stops one or more servers. Other servers that depend on the specified servers also stop.
Note It is not necessary to stop servers in a properly functioning system. The wdclient stop command should only be run under the direction of Cisco Support.
wdclient stop [all | <server_name> | group <group_name>]
where you can choose one of the following arguments.
all is all servers. This is the default if no argument is specified.
<server_name> is the name of a server chosen from the list displayed by the wdclient status command. See Table C-1, "Servers and Their Functions," for server descriptions.
group <group_name> is the name of a server group chosen from the list displayed by the wdclient groups command.