TORSwitch Information mandatory table if you want to enter ToR information
Click + to add information for ToR Switch.
Host Name
ToR switch name.
VPC Peer Keepalive
Peer Management IP.
VPC Domain
Do not define if there is no
Node ID
Integer, unique across all switches |
Click Save
Click Offline Validation .
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
NFV Bench
Enable check box which by default is false.
Add Tor info connected to switch:
Select a TOR Switch and Enter the Switch name.
Enter the port number. For example: eth1/5
NIC Ports: INT1 and INT2 optional input, enter the 2 port numbers of the 4-port 10G Intel NIC at the management node used
for NFVBench.
Click Offline Validation .
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
If ToR is already present in Setup-data or already deployed. Then no need add Tor info, by default ToR info switchname is
mapped in NFV bench.
SwiftStack is only supported with Keystone v2. If you select Keystone v3, swiftstack will not be available for configuration.
Cluster End Point
IP address of PAC (proxy-account-container) endpoint.
Admin User
Admin user for swift to authenticate in keystone.
Admin Tenant
The service tenant corresponding to the Account-Container used by Swiftstack.
Reseller Prefix
Reseller_prefix as configured for Keystone Auth,AuthToken support in Swiftstack E.g KEY_
Admin Password
Protocol drop-down list
http or https
Click Offline Validation .
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
LDAP with Keystone v3
Domain Name field
Enter the Domain name.
Object Class for Users field
Enter a string as input.
Object Class for Groups
Enter a string.
Domain Name Tree for Users
Enter a string.
Domain Name Tree for Groups field
Enter a string.
Suffix for Domain Name field
Enter a string.
URL field
Enter a URL with port number.
Domain Name for Bind User field
Enter a string.
Password field
Enter Password as string format.
User Filter
Enter filter name as string.
User ID Attribute
Enter a string.
User Name Attribute
Enter a string.
User Mail Attribute
Enter a string.
Group Name Attribute
Enter a string.
Click Offline Validation .
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
NFV Monitoring
Followings are the field values for NFV Monitoring:
Master Admin IP field.
Enter Input as IP format.
Collector Management IP field
Enter Input as IP format.
Collector VM1 info |
Host Name field
Enter Host Name as a string.
CCUSER password field
Enter Password.
Password field
Enter password.
Admin IP field
Enter Input as IP format.
Management IP field
Enter Input as IP format.
Collector VM2 info |
Host Namefield
Enter a string.
CCUSER field
Enter Password.
Management IP field
Enter Input as IP format.
Rabbit MQ Username Field
Enter a string.
Click Offline Validation .
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
VTS Parameter
Following are the fields to reconfigure for VTS parameters
VTC SSH Username field.
Enter the string.
VTC SSH Username field.
Enter the password.
Click Offline Validation .
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
Check one of the check boxes to specify a VMTP network:
Provider Network
External Network
For the Provider Network complete the following:
Network Name field.
Enter the name for the external network.
IP Start field.
Enter the starting floating IPv4 address.
IP End field.
Enter the ending floating IPv4 address.
Gateway field
Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.
DNS Server field.
Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.
Segmentation ID field.
Enter the segmentation ID.
Enter the Subnet for Provider Network.
For External Network fill in the following details:
Network Name field.
Enter the name for the external network.
Network IP Start field.
Enter the starting floating IPv4 address.
Network IP End field.
Enter the ending floating IPv4 address.
Network Gateway field
Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.
DNS Server field.
Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.
Enter the Subnet for External Network.
Click Offline Validation .
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
In Reconfigure optional services networking, you can reconfigure IP tables, or add http_proxy/https_proxy.
To reconfigure networking, update the relevant information:
IP Tables
Click Add(+) to add a table. Enter input as subnet format.
E.g. <a.b.c.d:port>
E.g. <a.b.c.d:port>
Click Save.
Click Offline Validation.
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
Reconfigure optional services only APIC hosts can be reconfigure.
To reconfigure APICINFO, follow the process:
Enter input for APIC hosts format. <ip1|host1>:[port] or eg.
Click Save.
Click Offline Validation.
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
APIC hosts can be reconfigure minimum 1 host and max 3 but not 2 hosts.
To reconfigure vim_admins, follow the process:
To add a new root user, Click + and add the Username and admin hash password (Starting with $6). At least, one Vim Admin must be configured, when Permit
root login is false.
To remove the existing user, Click -.
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
To reconfigure Cobbler, follow the process:
Generate the admin password hash by executing the below command:
python -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt
on the management node.
Validate that the admin_password_hash starts with '$6'
Enter Admin Password Hash.
Click Offline Validation.
When Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
ES Remote Backup
To reconfigure Elastic Search Remote Backup:
Service field displays NFS by default, if the remote NFS server is used.
Enter the Remote Host, which is IP of the NFS server.
Enter the Remote Path. . It is the path of the backup location in the remote server.
Click Offline Validation.
If Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
To reconfigure CVIMMON, enter the following details:
Enter the Low Frequency, such that it is higher than medium frequency. Minimum value is 1 minute. By default, it is set to 1 minute.
Enter the Medium Frequencysuch that it is more than high frequency. Minimum value is 30 seconds. By default, it is set to 30 seconds.
Enter the High Frequency such that the minimum value is 10 seconds. By default, it is set to 10 seconds.
Click Offline Validation.
If Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.
To reconfigure NETAPP_SUPPORT, enter the following details:
Select the Server Port. It is the port of NetApp management or API server. Select 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
Select the Transport Type of the NetApp management or API server. It can be HTTP or HTTPS.
Select the NetApp Cert Path. It is the root ca path for NetApp cluster, only if protocol is HTTPS.
Click Offline Validation.
If Offline Validation is successful, click Reconfigure to commence the process.