Day 2 Operations of Cisco VIM Insight

The following topic guides you the details about the Day 2 Operations of Cisco VIM Insight.

Shutting Down Cisco VIM Insight

To stop the Cisco VIM Insight Container services, shut down Cisco UCS VIM Insight by running the systemctl stop service command.

    Step 1   Log in to a server in which the Insight container is running.
    Step 2   Stop the Insight service by running the following command from the Shell window:
    systemctl stop docker-insight
    1. Check the status of Insight Container by running the following command: docker ps -a | grep insight.
      Up 6 seconds
    2. Check the status of the service by running the following command:
      systemctl staus docker-insight

    The following information is displayed

    Docker-insight.service – Insight Docker Service
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker-insight.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since <Date and Time since it was last active>

    Restarting Cisco VIM Insight

      Step 1   Log in to the server in which the Insight container was stopped.
      Step 2   Restart the Insight service by running the following command from the shell window:
      systemctl restart docker-insight
      1. Check the status of Insight container by running the following command: docker ps -a | grep insight.
        Up 6 seconds
      2. Check the status of the service by running the following command:
        systemctl status docker-insight

      The following output is displayed:

      Docker-insight.service – Insight Docker Service
      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker-insight.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
      Active: active (running) since <Date and Time when it got active.>

      Restoring VIM Insight

      Cisco VIM Insight can be restored to its previous running state which existed at the time of backup.


      Insight should not be running on the node on which restore operation will be performed

        Step 1   Re-image the Insight management node with the ISO version with which you want to restore the node, and with the same IP address that is used before the failure of the node.

        NOTE: Skip Step 1 if re-image already done with the ISO during management node restore. Insight restore can also be performed without re-image with ISO . Uninstall the Insight through and then restoring it by following below mentioned steps but this needs to be only done when you face issues with Insight and not in case of management node failure.

        Step 2   Navigate to /var/cisco/insight_backup/ directory at the remote server where the backup directory was copied during the backup operation.

        Step 3   Copy the backup file to the /var/cisco/insight_backup/ directory of the re-imaged management node. For example, to copy the backup directory from the remote host to the management node /var/cisco/insight_backup/directory, execute the following command sequence: rsync -e ssh -rtvpX --numeric-ids root@ /var/cisco/insight_backup.
        Step 4   In /var/cisco/insight_backup/backup_<date-time> directory, execute the following command:
        # ./insight_restore –h
        insight_restore  : Cisco VIM Insight Restore Script
         Usage: ./insight_restore
         -v          : Enable verbose mode
         -h          : To display this help message
            # ./insight_restore
            This will initiate an Insight install with the backed up data.
        VIM Insight restore logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
        Management Node Validations!
        | Rule	| Status | Error |
        | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
        | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
        | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
        | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
        | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
        | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
        | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
        | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
        | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
        | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
        | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
        | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
        | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
        Insight standalone Input Validations!
        | Rule	     | Status | Error |
        | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS | None |
        | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data	   |  PASS | None |
        | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS | None |
        Setting up Insight, Kindly wait!!!
        Cisco VIM Insight Installed successfully!
        | Description           | Status | Details                                                 |
        | VIM Insight UI URL    | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>                                   |
        | VIM UI Admin Email ID | PASS   | Check for info @: <abs path of insight_setup_data.yaml> |
        |                       |        |           					                 | 
        | VIM UI Admin Password | PASS   | Check for info @ /opt/cisco/insight/secrets.yaml        |
        | VIM Insight Workspace | PASS   | /root/<insight_ws>                                             |
        VIM Insight restore successfully completed!
        Done with VIM Insight restore!
        VIM Insight restore logs are at: /var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/
        As the summary table describes, your VIM Insight workspace is restored and hence you need to use from the mentioned workspace for performing any actions from here on.
        Step 5   Verify Insight status after restore operation.
        # cd /root/<insight_ws>
                   # ./ –a install-status
           Cisco VIM Insight Install Status!
        | Description           | Status | Details                          |
        | VIM Insight Version   | PASS   | <release_tag>                    |
        | VIM Insight UI URL    | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>                |
        | VIM Insight Container | PASS   | insight_<tag_id>                 |
        | VIM Mariadb Container | PASS   | mariadb_<tag_id>                 |
        | VIM Insight Workspace | PASS   | /root/<insight_ws>               |

        Reconfiguring VIM Insight

        Insight reconfigure action provides you with three major functionalities:

        1. Reconfigure Insight TLS Certificate.

        2. Switch from Self Signed TLS Certificate to 3rd Party TLS Certificate.

        3. Reconfigure Insight MySQL Database Password.


        Insight reconfigure is not allowed after an update, as update is an intermediate stage between rollback and commit.

        Reconfiguring Insight TLS Certificate

        As the Insight web-service is protected by TLS, hence reconfigure action provides flexibility to change the existing TLS Certificate. As there were two approaches to configure it, there are also two approaches to change it.

        Reconfigure 3rd Party TLS Certificate

        If you had provided your own TLS Certificate before Insight Installation through PEM_PATH key in insight_setup_data.yaml, then follow the below mentioned steps to reconfigure it.

          Step 1   # cd <path insight_setup_data.yaml>
          Step 2   Open insight_setup_data.yaml file # vi insight_setup_data.yaml
          Step 3   Edit the insight_setup_data.yaml to change value of PEM_PATH key to point to path of your new valid TLS Certificate. Save the file after editing. For example: PEM_PATH: "/root/new_tls.pem"

          Only change in value of PEM_PATH key is allowed during reconfigure. Any change detected in insight_setup_data.yaml other than PEM_PATH value will result in failure of Insight reconfigure.

          Step 4  
          # cd <insight_ws>
                    # ./ –a reconfigure –f <path_to insight_setup_data.yaml>
          	   VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
                     Perform the action. Continue (Y/N)y
          Management Node Validations!
          | Rule	| Status | Error |
          | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
          | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
          | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
          | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
          | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
          | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
          | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
          | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
          | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
          | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
          | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
          | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
          | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
          Insight standalone Input Validations!
          | Rule	     | Status | Error |
          | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS | None |
          | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data	   |  PASS | None |
          | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS | None |
          | Config Change Check in Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
          	    WARNING!! reconfigure will have few secs of Outage for Insight!
          Cisco VIM Insight Already Exists!
          | Description           | Status | Details                                                 |
          | VIM Insight UI URL    | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>                                   |
          | VIM UI Admin Email ID | PASS   | Check for info @: <abs path of insight_setup_data.yaml> |
          |                       |        |           					                 | 
          | VIM UI Admin Password | PASS   | Check for info @ /opt/cisco/insight/secrets.yaml        |
          | VIM Insight Workspace | PASS   | /root/<insight_ws>                                          |
          Cisco VIM Insight backup Info!
          | Description           | Status | Details                                                      |
          | Insight backup Status | PASS   | Backup done @                                                |
          |                       |        | /var/cisco/insight_backup/backup-<release_tag>-<date_time>   |
          Done with VIM Insight reconfigure!
          VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: "/var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/"
          As the summary table describes Insight gets autobacked up after reconfigure at /var/cisco/insight_backup to preserve the latest state of Insight.

          Reconfigure Self Signed TLS Certificate

          If you had created a new TLS Certificate through before Insight Installation then follow the below mentioned steps to reconfigure it.

            Step 1   Run the following commands to reconfigure the self signed TLS certificate:
            # cd <insight_ws>
            # ./ –h
            usage: [-h] [--overwrite] --file INSIGHTSETUPDATA 
            TLS cert generator Insight
            optional arguments:
              -h, --help          show this help message and exit
            --overwrite, -o       Overwrite Insight certificates if already present in   openstack config directory
             Location of insight_setup_data.yaml 
            	    # ./ –f <path insight_setup_data.yaml> --overwrite
            		This will overwrite the existing TLS certificate.
            Management Node Validations!
            | Rule	| Status | Error |
            | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Ansible Version         |  PASS  | None |
            | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
            | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
            | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
            | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
            | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
            | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
            Insight standalone Input Validations!
            | Rule                                      | Status | Error |
            | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS  | None  |
            | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data     |  PASS  | None  |
            | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
            | Test Email Server for Insight             |  PASS  | None  |
            Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
            writing new private key to '../openstack-configs/insight.key'
            Step 2   Following are the steps to run the bootstrap:
            # ./ –a reconfigure –f <path_to insight_setup_data.yaml>
            VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
            Perform the action. Continue (Y/N)y
            Management Node Validations!
            | Rule	| Status | Error |
            | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Ansible Version         |  PASS  | None |
            | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
            | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
            | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
            | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
            | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
            | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
            | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
            Insight standalone Input Validations!
            | Rule                                      | Status | Error |
            | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS  | None  |
            | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data     |  PASS  | None  |
            | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
            | Config Change Check in Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
            | Test Email Server for Insight             |  PASS  | None  |
            WARNING!! reconfigure will have few secs of Outage for Insight
            Cisco VIM Insight Already Exists!
            | Description           | Status | Details                                                 |
            | VIM Insight UI URL    | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>                                   |
            | VIM UI Admin Email ID | PASS   | Check for info @: <abs path of insight_setup_data.yaml> |
            |                       |        |           					                 | 
            | VIM UI Admin Password | PASS   | Check for info @ /opt/cisco/insight/secrets.yaml        |
            | VIM Insight Workspace | PASS   | /root/<insight_ws>                                          |
            Cisco VIM Insight backup Info!
            | Description          | Status| Details                                                           |
            | Insight backup Status| PASS  | Backup done @                                                     |
            |                      |       | /var/cisco/insight_backup/insight_backup_<release_tag>_<date_time>|
            Done with VIM Insight reconfigure!
            VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: "/var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/"
            As the summary table describes Insight gets autobacked up after reconfigure at /var/cisco/insight_backup to preserve the latest state of Insight.

            Switch from Self Signed TLS Certificate to 3rd Party TLS Certificate

            If you had created a new TLS Certificate via before Insight Installation and now want to switch to your own TLS Certificate then follow the below mentioned steps.


            You cannot switch from 3rd Party TLS Certificate to Self Signed TLS Certificate.

              Step 1   To switch from self signed TLS Certificate to 3rd party TLS certificate open and edit the insight_setup_data.yaml to add PEM_PATH by running the following command:
              # cd <path insight_setup_data.yaml>
              # vi insight_setup_data.yaml
              Edit the insight_setup_data.yaml to add PEM_PATH key to point to path of your new valid TLS Certificate. Save the file after editing.
              For example:
              PEM_PATH: “/root/new_tls.pem”
              Step 2   Following is the command to run the bootstrap:
              # cd <insight_ws>
               # ./ –a reconfigure –f <path_to insight_setup_data.yaml>
              VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
              Perform the action. Continue (Y/N)y
              Management Node Validations!
              | Rule	| Status | Error |
              | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
              | Check Ansible Version         |  PASS  | None |
              | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
              | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
              | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
              | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
              | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
              | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
              | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
              | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
              | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
              | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
              | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
              | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
              Insight standalone Input Validations!
              | Rule                                      | Status | Error |
              | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS  | None  |
              | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data     |  PASS  | None  |
              | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
              | Config Change Check in Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
              | Test Email Server for Insight             |  PASS  | None  |
              WARNING!! reconfigure will have few secs of Outage for Insight!
              Cisco VIM Insight Already Exists!
              | Description           | Status | Details                                                 |
              | VIM Insight UI URL    | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>                                   |
              | VIM UI Admin Email ID | PASS   | Check for info @: <abs path of insight_setup_data.yaml> |
              |                       |        |           					                 | 
              | VIM UI Admin Password | PASS   | Check for info @ /opt/cisco/insight/secrets.yaml        |
              | VIM Insight Workspace | PASS   | /root/<insight_ws>                                          |
              Cisco VIM Insight backup Info!
              | Description          | Status| Details                                                           |
              | Insight backup Status| PASS  | Backup done @                                                     |
              |                      |       | /var/cisco/insight_backup/insight_backup_<release_tag>_<date_time>|
              Done with VIM Insight reconfigure!
              VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: "/var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/"
              As the summary table describes Insight gets autobacked up after reconfigure at /var/cisco/insight_backup to preserve the latest state of Insight.

              Reconfiguring Insight MySQL Database Password

              There are two approaches to reconfigure MySQL DB password:

              1. System generated Insight DB password.

              2. User supplied Insight DB password.

              System generated Insight DB password

              Following are the steps to generate MYSQL

              Insight DB Password:

              User supplied Insight DB password

                Step 1   To provide your own MYSQL DB Password follow the below steps:

                Your new DB password must contain alphanumeric characters and should be at least 8 characters long.

                # cd <insight_ws>
                # ./ –a reconfigure –f <path_to insight_setup_data.yaml> --setpassword
                VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
                Perform the action. Continue (Y/N)y
                Password for DB_ROOT_PASSWORD: <enter_valid_db_password>
                Management Node Validations!
                | Rule	| Status | Error |
                | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
                | Check Ansible Version         |  PASS  | None |
                | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
                | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
                | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
                | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
                | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
                | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
                | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
                | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
                | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
                | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
                Insight standalone Input Validations!
                | Rule	     | Status | Error |
                | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS | None |
                | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data	   |  PASS | None |
                | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS | None |
                | Config Change Check in Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
                WARNING!! reconfigure will have few secs of Outage for Insight!
                Cisco VIM Insight Already Exists!
                | Description           | Status | Details                                                 |
                | VIM Insight UI URL    | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>                                   |
                | VIM UI Admin Email ID | PASS   | Check for info @: <abs path of insight_setup_data.yaml> |
                |                       |        |           					                 | 
                | VIM UI Admin Password | PASS   | Check for info @ /opt/cisco/insight/secrets.yaml        |
                | VIM Insight Workspace | PASS   | /root/<insight_ws>                                          |
                Cisco VIM Insight backup Info!
                | Description          | Status| Details                                                           |
                | Insight backup Status| PASS  | Backup done @                                                     |
                |                      |       | /var/cisco/insight_backup/insight_backup_<release_tag>_<date_time>|
                Done with VIM Insight reconfigure!
                VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: "/var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/"
                As the summary table describes Insight gets autobacked up after reconfigure at /var/cisco/insight_backup to preserve the latest state of Insight.
                Step 2   Verify the password change by running the following command:
                # cat /opt/cisco/insight/secrets.yaml
                DB_ROOT_PASSWORD: <new_db_password>

                Reconfigure Insight SMTP Server

                Insight requires a valid SMTP Server to send mails to users (Pod-Admin, UI-Admin and regular users). If SMTP Server goes down you can reconfigure it.

                Following values can be reconfigured:

                • INSIGHT_SMTP_SERVER

                • INSIGHT_EMAIL_ALIAS_PASSWORD (only needed for Authenticated SMTP server)

                • INSIGHT_EMAIL_ALIAS

                • INSIGHT_SMTP_PORT (optional, defaults to 25)

                  Step 1   Following are the steps to reconfigure the SMTP server:
                  # cd <path insight_setup_data.yaml>
                  Open insight_setup_data.yaml file
                  # vi insight_setup_data.yaml
                  Edit the insight_setup_data.yaml to change value of INSIGHT_SMTP_SERVER key. Save the file after editing.
                  Step 2   Run the bootstrap command as follows:
                  # cd <insight_ws>
                  # ./ –a reconfigure –f <path_to insight_setup_data.yaml>
                  VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
                  Perform the action. Continue (Y/N)y
                  Management Node Validations!
                  | Rule	| Status | Error |
                  | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check Ansible Version         |  PASS  | None |
                  | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
                  | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
                  | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
                  | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
                  Insight standalone Input Validations!
                  | Rule                                      | Status | Error |
                  | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS  | None  |
                  | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data     |  PASS  | None  |
                  | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
                  | Config Change Check in Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
                  | Test Email Server for Insight             |  PASS  | None  |
                  WARNING!! reconfigure will have few secs of Outage for Insight!
                  Cisco VIM Insight Already Exists!
                  | Description           | Status | Details                                                 |
                  | VIM Insight UI URL    | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>                                   |
                  | VIM UI Admin Email ID | PASS   | Check for info @: <abs path of insight_setup_data.yaml> |
                  |                       |        |           					                 | 
                  | VIM UI Admin Password | PASS   | Check for info @ /opt/cisco/insight/secrets.yaml        |
                  | VIM Insight Workspace | PASS   | /root/<insight_ws>                                          |
                  Cisco VIM Insight backup Info!
                  | Description          | Status| Details                                                           |
                  | Insight backup Status| PASS  | Backup done @                                                     |
                  |                      |       | /var/cisco/insight_backup/insight_backup_<release_tag>_<date_time>|
                  Done with VIM Insight reconfigure!
                  VIM Insight reconfigure logs are at: "/var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/"
                  As the summary table describes Insight gets autobacked up after reconfigure at /var/cisco/insight_backup to preserve the latest state of Insight.

                  Update VIM Insight

                  VIM Insight Update provides you the feature to switch to a new Insight release.

                  Following are some of the key points:

                    Step 1   The update action will make the old docker containers of insight and mariadb in exit state and bring up new ones with the new tag.
                    Step 2   The old containers and images are restored until you perform the Commit action.
                    Step 3   Update is an intermediate action, from this state either you can do a Commit action to settle for the current version or do a rollback to revert back to the old version.
                    Step 4   The old workspace will be preserved in case you want to do a rollback to the previous version.
                    Step 5   After update your Insight workspace will be the new workspace you just extracted out of the tar ball.
                    Step 6   After an update operation, backup and reconfigure action is not allowed from either old or new Insight workspace.

                    Do not delete your old Insight workspace until you have successfully performed a Commit to the new Insight update.

                    Update Scenarios

                    Update action has the following scenarios:

                    • Insight and mariadb containers will get updated to a new tag.

                    • Either insight or mariadb container will get updated to a new tag.

                    Update VIM Insight with Internet Access

                    Following are the steps to update VIM Insight:

                      Step 1   Get the new installer tar ball, which will be available after each release.

                      Extract the tar ball to get the new Insight workspace by running the following command:

                      # tar –xvzf mercury-installer.tar.gz
                      Step 2   Update the VIM insight by running the following commands:
                      # cd /root/<new_insight_ws>/insight/
                      / –a update 
                      VIM Insight update logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
                      Management Node Validations!
                      | Rule	| Status | Error |
                      | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
                      | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
                      | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
                      | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
                      Insight standalone Input Validations!
                      | Rule	     | Status | Error |
                      | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS | None |
                      | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data	   |  PASS | None |
                      | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS | None |
                      | Config Change Check in Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
                      Downloading Updated VIM Insight Artifacts, will take time!!!
                      Cisco VIM Insight update Info!
                         | Description                              | Status | Details                       |
                         | VIM Insight Container: insight_<new_tag> | PASS   | Updated from insight_<old_tag>|
                         | VIM Mariadb Container: mariadb_<new_tag> | PASS   | Updated from mariadb_<old_tag>|
                       Done with VIM Insight update!
                       VIM Insight update logs are at: "/var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/"
                      Step 3   Verify the Insight Update.
                      # ./ –a update-status 
                      Cisco VIM Insight Update Status!
                      | Description                              | Status | Details                        |
                      | VIM Insight Container: insight_<new_tag> | PASS   | Updated from insight_<old_tag> |
                      | VIM Mariadb Container: insight_<new_tag> | PASS   | Updated from mariadb_<old_tag> |

                      VIM Insight without Internet Access

                        Step 1   Copy the new installer tar ball to the Insight Management Node.

                        Extract the tar ball to get the new Insight workspace by running the following command:

                        # tar –xvzf mercury-installer.tar.gz
                        Step 2   To download the new Insight artifacts follow the steps given in Cisco_NFVI_Install_Guide_2_2 under Preparing to Install Cisco NFVI on Management Nodes Without Internet Access, page 41.
                        Step 3   Run Import Artifacts:
                        # cd /root/installer_<tag_id>/tools
                        # ./
                        This verifies that /var/cisco/artifcats on the management node has the following Insight artifacts,
                         along with the other components 'insight-K9.tar' and  'mariadb-app-K9.tar'.'
                        Step 4   Update the Insight by running the following command:
                        # cd ../insight/
                         # ./ –a update 
                        VIM Insight update logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
                        Management Node Validations!
                        | Rule	| Status | Error |
                        | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check Ansible Version         |  PASS  | None |
                        | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
                        | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
                        | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
                        | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
                        Insight standalone Input Validations!
                        | Rule	     | Status | Error |
                        | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS | None |
                        | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data	   |  PASS | None |
                        | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS | None |
                        | Config Change Check in Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
                        Updating VIM Insight, Kindly wait!!!
                        Cisco VIM Insight update Info!
                           | Description                              | Status | Details                       |
                           | VIM Insight UI URL                       | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>         |
                           | VIM Insight Container: insight_<new_tag> | PASS   | Updated from insight_<old_tag>|
                           | VIM Mariadb Container: mariadb_<new_tag> | PASS   | Updated from mariadb_<old_tag>|
                           | VIM Insight Workspace                    | PASS   | /root/<new_insight_ws>        |
                         Done with VIM Insight update!
                         VIM Insight update logs are at: "/var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/"
                        Step 5   Verify Insight Update by running the following command:
                        # ./ –a update-status 
                        Cisco VIM Insight Update Status!
                        | Description                              | Status | Details                        |
                        | VIM Insight Container: insight_<new_tag> | PASS   | Updated from insight_<old_tag> |
                        | VIM Mariadb Container: insight_<new_tag> | PASS   | Updated from mariadb_<old_tag> |

                        Rollback VIM Insight

                        VIM Insight Rollback provides feature to revert to the old Insight release which is used before update.

                        Following are some key points related to the same.

                        • The rollback action removes the new docker containers of insight and mariadb which got created after an update and bring up old ones with the old tag.

                        • The new workspace will be left as it is in case you want to do an update operation later or in case VIM may be running from it.

                        • After rollback your Insight workspace will be the old workspace which you were using before update.

                        Following are the steps to perform Insight rollback:

                          Step 1   Run the following command to rollback VIM Insight:
                          # cd /root/<new_insight_ws>
                          # ./ –a rollback
                          VIM Insight rollback logs are at: /var/log/insight/<bootstrap_insight_<date>_<time>.log
                          Management Node Validations!
                          | Rule	| Status | Error |
                          | Check Kernel Version	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check Ansible Version         |  PASS  | None |
                          | Check Docker Version	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check Management Node Tag	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check Bond Intf. Settings	|  PASS | None |
                          | Root Password Check	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check Boot Partition Settings |  PASS | None |
                          | Check LV Swap Settings	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check Docker Pool Settings	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check Home Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check Root Dir Partition	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check /var Partition	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check LVM partition	|  PASS | None |
                          | Check RHEL Pkgs Install State |  PASS | None |
                          Insight standalone Input Validations!
                          | Rule	     | Status | Error |
                          | Insight standalone Schema Validation      |  PASS | None |
                          | Valid Key Check in Insight Setup Data	   |  PASS | None |
                          | Duplicate Key Check In Insight Setup Data |  PASS | None |
                          | Config Change Check in Insight Setup Data |  PASS  | None  |
                           VIM Insight rollback in progress, Kindly wait!!!
                           Cisco VIM Insight rollback Info!
                             | Description                              | Status | Details                        |
                             | VIM Insight UI URL                       | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>          |
                             | VIM Insight Container: insight_<old_tag> | PASS   | Rollback from insight_<new_tag>|
                             | VIM Mariadb Container: mariadb_<old_tag> | PASS   | Rollback from mariadb_<new_tag>|
                             | VIM Insight Workspace                    | PASS   | /root/<old_insight_ws>         |
                           Done with VIM Insight rollback!
                           VIM Insight rollback logs are at: "/var/log/insight/bootstrap_insight/"
                          Step 2   Verify Rollback Status by running the following command:
                           # ./ –a install-status
                          Cisco VIM Insight Install Status!
                          | Description           | Status | Details                          |
                          | VIM Insight Version   | PASS   | <release_tag>                    |
                          | VIM Insight UI URL    | PASS   | https://<br_api:9000>                |
                          | VIM Insight Container | PASS   | insight_<tag_id>                 |
                          | VIM Mariadb Container | PASS   | mariadb_<tag_id>                 |
                          | VIM Insight Workspace | PASS   | /root/<insight_ws>               |

                          Commit VIM Insight

                          VIM Insight Commit provides feature to settle for a new Insight release which you have been using after an update. Following are some key points related to the same.

                          • VIM Insight Commit provides feature to settle for a new Insight release which you have been using after an update. Following are some key points related to the same.

                          • The old workspace will be left as it was, but it is up to your will if you want to delete it.

                          • After commit your Insight workspace will be the new workspace which you used for update.