IGMP Snooping

This module describes how to enable and configure the Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC)-based IGMP Snooping feature both globally and on bridge domains.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.

Prerequisites for IGMP Snooping

  • Basic IGMP v3 snooping support (BISS) is supported.

  • POP operation for all vlan tags should be configured on EFP.

  • Bridge domain (BD) interfaces from 1 to 4094 support IGMP snooping.

  • Maximum number of EFPs supported on a single BD with IGMP snooping enabled:
    • RSP1 is 48

    • RSP2 is 128

  • EFPs are supported only on different ports of a single BD, but not on the same ports on the RSP3 module.

  • Maximum number of multicast routes for Layer 2 is 1000.

  • Maximum number of multicast routes for Layer 3 (including control entries) for RSP1A, RSP1B, and RSP2 modules is 1000.

  • Maximum number of multicast routes for Layer 2 and Layer 3 for the RSP3 module is 1000.


We recommend a delay of at least 2 minutes while performing the below actions:
  • Removal and addition of EFP configuration operation.

  • Removal and addition of bridge-domain interface (BDI) configuration operation.

  • Changing the interface configuration to default and reconfiguring the EFP again.

  • Removing and adding IGMP snooping to a bridge-domain.

Restrictions for IGMP Snooping

  • IGMP snooping should be disabled for bi-directional traffic sent to the same group in the SSM.

  • Layer2 multicast is not supported with IGMP snooping when static joins are configured in EFP or TEFP. However, Layer2 multicast with IGMP snooping is supported for dynamic joins configured on the EFP or TEFP.

  • IGMP snooping is not supported with bridge domain interfaces greater than 4094.

  • IGMP snooping must be turned off on the bridge domain when VPLS is configured, for IGMP reports to be sent over the VPLS pseudowire.

  • Stateful switchover (SSO) is not supported for IGMP snooping.

  • Static mrouter configuration is not supported.

  • IGMP snooping for Trunk EFPs, port channels interfaces and pseudowires is not supported on the RSP1 module.

  • IGMP snooping for EFPs and Trunk EPFs is supported on the RSP3 module.

  • Starting with Cisco IOS Release 3.13, for Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Source Specific Multicast (SSM), with Bridge Domain Interface (BDI) as Incoming Interface (IIF), IGMP Snooping is not supported on the corresponding Bridge Domain (BD).

  • Starting with Cisco IOS Release 3.13, for Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode (PIM-SM), with Bridge Domain Interface BDI as Incoming Interface (IIF), IGMP Snooping is not supported on the corresponding Bridge Domain (BD) in non-Designated Router (DR) node.

Starting with Cisco IOS Release 3.14, IGMP snooping is supported on the TEFPs on the RSP2 modules. IGMP snooping on RSP2 is not supported for port channels and pseudowires.

Information About IGMP Snooping

IGMP Snooping

IP Multicast Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), which runs at Layer 3 on a multicast device, generates Layer 3 IGMP queries in subnets where the multicast traffic must be routed. IGMP (on a device) sends out periodic general IGMP queries.

IGMP Snooping is an Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC)-based feature set. EVC decouples the concept of VLAN and broadcast domain. An EVC is an end-to-end representation of a single instance of a Layer 2 service being offered by a provider. In the Cisco EVC framework, bridge domains are made up of one or more Layer 2 interfaces known as service instances. A service instance is the instantiation of an EVC on a given port on a given device. A service instance is associated with a bridge domain based on the configuration.

When you enable EVC-based IGMP snooping on a bridge domain, the bridge domain interface responds at Layer 2 to the IGMP queries with only one IGMP join request per Layer 2 multicast group. Each bridge domain represents a Layer 2 broadcast domain. The bridge domain interface creates one entry per subnet in the Layer 2 forwarding table for each Layer 2 multicast group from which it receives an IGMP join request. All hosts interested in this multicast traffic send IGMP join requests and are added to the forwarding table entry. During a Layer 2 lookup on a bridge domain to which the bridge domain interface belongs, the bridge domain forwards the packets to the correct EFP. When the bridge domain interface hears the IGMP Leave group message from a host, it removes the table entry of the host.

IGMP snooping is supported on Metro IP and Metro Aggregate licenses on the router. IGMP snooping is supported with REP and G.8032.


IGMP snooping is not supported with REP and G.8032 on the RSP3 module.

How to Configure IGMP Snooping

Enabling IGMP Snooping


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ip igmp snooping
  4. bridge-domain bridge-id
  5. ip igmp snooping
  6. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal 

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ip igmp snooping


Device(config)# ip igmp snooping

Globally enables IGMP snooping after it has been disabled.

Step 4

bridge-domain bridge-id


Device(config)# bridge-domain 100 

(Optional) Enters bridge domain configuration mode.

Step 5

ip igmp snooping


Device(config-bdomain)# ip igmp snooping

(Optional) Enables IGMP snooping on the bridge domain interface being configured.

  • Required only if IGMP snooping was previously explicitly disabled on the specified bridge domain.

Step 6



Device(config-bdomain)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring IGMP Snooping Globally


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ip igmp snooping robustness-variable variable
  4. ip igmp snooping report-suppression
  5. ip igmp snooping last-member-query-count count
  6. ip igmp snooping last-member-query-interval interval
  7. ip igmp snooping check ttl
  8. exit


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal 

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ip igmp snooping robustness-variable variable


Device(config)# ip igmp snooping robustness-variable 3

Configures the IGMP defined robustness variable .

Step 4

ip igmp snooping report-suppression


Device(config)# ip igmp snooping report-suppression

Enables report suppression for IGMP snooping.

Step 5

ip igmp snooping last-member-query-count count


Device(config)# ip igmp snooping last-member-query-count 5  

Configures how often IGMP snooping sends query messages in response to receiving an IGMP leave message. The default is 2.

Step 6

ip igmp snooping last-member-query-interval interval


Device(config)# ip igmp snooping last-member-query-interval 200

Configures the length of time after which the group record is deleted if no reports are received. The default is 1000 milliseconds.

Step 7

ip igmp snooping check ttl


Device(config)# ip igmp snooping check ttl

Enforces IGMP snooping check.

Step 8



Device(config)# exit

Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring IGMP Snooping on a Bridge Domain

Before you begin

  • The bridge domain must be created.


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. bridge-domain bridge-id
  4. ip igmp snooping immediate-leave
  5. ip igmp snooping last-member-query-count count
  6. ip igmp snooping last-member-query-interval interval
  7. ip igmp snooping robustness-variable variable
  8. ip igmp snooping report-suppression
  9. ip igmp snooping check ttl
  10. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal 

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

bridge-domain bridge-id


Device(config)# bridge-domain 100 

Enters bridge domain configuration mode.

Step 4

ip igmp snooping immediate-leave


Device(config-bdomain)# ip igmp snooping immediate-leave

Enables IGMPv2 immediate-leave processing.


When both immediate-leave processing and the query count are configured, fast-leave processing takes precedence.

Step 5

ip igmp snooping last-member-query-count count


Device(config-bdomain)# ip igmp snooping last-member-query-count 5  

Sets the count for last member query messages sent in response to receiving an IGMP leave message. The valid range is 1 to 7. The default is 2 milliseconds.


When both immediate-leave processing and the query count are configured, fast-leave processing takes precedence.

Step 6

ip igmp snooping last-member-query-interval interval


Device(config-bdomain)#  ip igmp snooping last-member-query-interval 2000

Sets the last member query interval of the bridge domain. The valid range is from 100 to 32767. The default is 1000 milliseconds.

Step 7

ip igmp snooping robustness-variable variable


Device(config-bdomain)# ip igmp snooping robustness-variable 3

Configures the IGMP snooping robustness variable. The default is 2.

Step 8

ip igmp snooping report-suppression


Device(config-bdomain)# ip igmp snooping report-suppression 

Enables report suppression for all hosts on the bridge domain.

Step 9

ip igmp snooping check ttl


Device(config-bdomain)# ip igmp snooping check ttl

Enforces IGMP snooping check.

Step 10



Device(config-bdomain)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Disabling IGMP Snooping Globally


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. no ip igmp snooping
  4. exit


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal 

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

no ip igmp snooping


Device(config)# no ip igmp snooping

Disables IGMP snooping on the router.

Step 4



Device(config)# exit

Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Disabling IGMP Snooping on a Bridge Domain


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. bridge-domain bridge-id
  4. no ip igmp snooping
  5. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal 

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

bridge-domain bridge-id


Device(config)# bridge-domain 4000 

Enters bridge domain configuration mode.

Step 4

no ip igmp snooping


Device(config-bdomain)# no ip igmp snooping

Disables IGMP snooping on the bridge domain.

Step 5



Device(config-bdomain)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Verifying IGMP Snooping

Use these commands to verify IGMP Snooping on the router.

  • show ip igmp snooping

    This command displays the IGMP snooping configuration globally on the router. The following is a sample output from the command:

    Router# show ip igmp snooping
    Global IGMP Snooping configuration:
    IGMP snooping Oper State     : Enabled
    IGMPv3 snooping (minimal)    : Enabled
    Report suppression           : Enabled
    TCN solicit query            : Enabled
    Robustness variable          : 3
    Last member query count      : 2
    Last member query interval   : 200
    Check TTL=1                  : Yes
    Check Router-Alert-Option    : No
    Vlan 1:
    IGMP snooping Admin State           : Enabled
    IGMP snooping Oper State            : Enabled
    IGMPv2 immediate leave              : Disabled
    Report suppression                  : Enabled
    Robustness variable                 : 3
    Last member query count             : 2
    Last member query interval          : 200
    Check TTL=1                         : Yes
    Check Router-Alert-Option           : Yes
  • show ip igmp snooping [bd bd-id]

    This command displays configuration for IGMP snooping by bridge domain. The following is a sample output from the command:

    Router# show ip igmp snooping bd 100
    Global IGMP Snooping configuration:
    IGMP snooping Oper State     : Enabled
    IGMPv3 snooping (minimal)    : Enabled
    Report suppression           : Enabled
    TCN solicit query            : Enabled
    Robustness variable          : 3
    Last member query count      : 2
    Last member query interval   : 200
    Check TTL=1                  : Yes
    Check Router-Alert-Option    : No
    Vlan 100:
    IGMP snooping Admin State           : Enabled
    IGMP snooping Oper State            : Enabled
    IGMPv2 immediate leave              : Disabled
    Report suppression                  : Enabled
    Robustness variable                 : 3
    Last member query count             : 2
    Last member query interval          : 200
    Check TTL=1                         : Yes
    Check Router-Alert-Option           : Yes
    Query Interval                      : 0
    Max Response Time                   : 10000
  • show ip igmp snooping groups bd bd-id count

    This command displays snooping information for groups by bridge domain. This is a sample output from the command:

    Router# show ip igmp snooping group bd 4000 count
    Total number of groups in Vlan 4000:   2
    Total number of  (S,G) in Vlan 4000:   0
  • show ip igmp snooping groups count

    This command displays snooping information for groups. This is a sample output from the command:

    Router# show ip igmp snooping groups count
    Total number of groups:   4
    Total number of  (S,G):   0
  • show ip igmp snooping counters [bd bd-id]

    This command displays IGMP snooping counters, globally or by bridge domain. This is the sample output from this command where Ovr and Und represent oversize and undersize respectively:
    Router# show ip igmp snooping counters
    Counters of group "IGMP snooping  counters                           " overall there are 15   counters 
     Type                                              | Value      | Ovr | Und
    RX processed Query Count                           | 0          |     |     
    RX processed Group Specific Query                  | 0          |     |     
    RX processed Join                                  | 0          |     |     
    RX processed Leave                                 | 0          |     |     
    RX processed Total Valid Packets                   | 0          |     |     
    RX processed Other Packets                         | 0          |     |     
    RX Packets dropped for sanity errors               | 0          |     |     
    RX Packets dropped for checksum errors             | 0          |     |     
    RX Packets dropped for header length errors        | 0          |     |     
    RX Packets dropped for other errors                | 0          |     |     
    RX processed Topology change notification          | 0          |     |     
    TX processed Query Count                           | 0          |     |     
    TX processed Group Specific Query                  | 0          |     |     
    TX processed Join                                  | 0          |     |     
    TX processed Leave                                 | 0          |     |     
    Counters of group "IGMP snooping  V3 counters                        " overall there are 18   counters 
    RX processed V3 AllOW NEW                          | 0          |     |     
    RX processed V3 BLOCK OLD                          | 0          |     |     
     Type                                              | Value      | Ovr | Und
    RX processed V3 MODE IS INCLUDE                    | 0          |     |     
    RX processed V3 MODE IS EXCLUDE                    | 0          |     |     
    RX processed V3 CHANGE TO INCLUDE                  | 0          |     |     
    RX processed V3 CHANGE TO EXCLUDE                  | 0          |     |     
    RX processed V3 Query                              | 0          |     |     
    RX processed V3 Group Specific Query               | 0          |     |     
    RX processed V3 GSS Query                          | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 ALLOW NEW                          | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 BLOCK OLD                          | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 MODE IS INCLUDE                    | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 MODE IS EXCLUDE                    | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 CHANGE TO INCLUDE                  | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 CHANGE TO EXCLUDE                  | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 Query                              | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 Group Specific Query               | 0          |     |     
    TX processed V3 GSS Query                          | 0          |     |     
  • show ip igmp snooping mrouter [bd bd-id]

    This command displays multicast ports, globally or by bridge domain.. This is a sample output from the command:

    Router# show ip igmp snooping mrouter
    Vlan    ports
    ----    -----
    100    Gi0/3/4-efp1(dynamic)
     10    Gi0/4/5-tefp1(dynamic)
    100    Po64-efp100(dynamic)
  • show ip igmp snooping querier [bd bd-id]

    This command displays the IGMP querier information globally or by a bridge domain. This is a sample output from the command:

    Router# show ip igmp snooping querier
    Vlan      IP Address               IGMP Version   Port
    100                 v2            Gi0/3/4-efp1
    10                 v2            Gi0/4/5-tefp1
    100                v2            Po64-efp100
  • show ip igmp snooping group

    This command displays the IGMP snooping information about multicast groups by VLAN. This is a sample output from the command:

    Router# show ip igmp snooping  group
    Flags: I -- IGMP snooping, S -- Static, P -- PIM snooping, A -- ASM mode
    Vlan      Group/source             Type        Version     Port List
    100                I           v2          Gi0/1/1-efp100  
    10                I           v2          Gi0/4/2-tefp1
    100                I           v2          Po64-efp1    
  • show ip igmp snooping group bd

    This command displays the BD level IGMP snooping information. This is a sample output from the command:

    Router# show ip igmp snooping  group bd 100
    Flags: I -- IGMP snooping, S -- Static, P -- PIM snooping, A -- ASM mode
    Vlan      Group/source             Type        Version     Port List
    100                I           v2          Gi0/1/1-efp100
    100                I           v2          Po64-efp1 
    For Scale scenarios: Check the Snooping groups count per BD level.
    Router# show ip igmp snooping  group bd 100 count
    Total number of groups in Vlan 100:   1
    Total number of  (S,G) in Vlan 100:   0