Reviewing the API Documentation

About the Cisco APIC-EM API Documentation

Cisco APIC-EM controller provides interactive, northbound Representational State Transfer (REST) API documentation. You can use the REST API documentation to help you integrate the controller with your larger network management system and administer your network.

To access the northbound REST API documentation, from the Global toolbar, click API.


The REST API documentation is based on Swagger 1.2 specifications.
Figure 1. API Window

The interactive northbound REST API documentation provides:

  • Links to information about the northbound REST APIs terms of services and the Cisco developer community website:

    • Terms of Service—Review the terms and services for accessing the server where the APIs are located.

    • Cisco DevNet—Access the Cisco developer community website. This website offers developer information, community forums, a developer sandbox, and other developer aids.

  • A list of supported northbound REST APIs used by the controller and organized by application:

    • File

    • Flow Analysis

    • IP Geolocation

    • IP Pool Manager

    • Inventory

    • Network Discovery

    • Network Plug and Play

    • PKI Broker Service

    • Policy Administration

    • Role Based Access Control

    • Scheduler

    • Task

    • Topology

    • Visibility


    Only applications with an active service running display in the menu list.

  • A list of supported methods for each northbound REST API including:

    • GET—To retrieve a resource.

    • POST—To create a resource.

    • PUT—To change the state of a resource or to update it.

    • DELETE— To remove or delete a resource.

  • Methods of the API:

    • Show/Hide—Displays or hides supported methods of the API (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE).

    • List Operations—Displays the supported methods of the API (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE).

    • Expand Operations—Displays an expanded view of the methods of the API including:

      • Implementation Notes—Brief descriptions of what the northbound REST API does, including some specific details of the implementation.

      • Response Class—Model and Model Schema views, as well as a Response Content Type:

      • Parameters—Parameter, Description, Parameter Type, Data Type definitions (string, integer, or model), as well as input fields if required for testing.

      • Error Status Codes—HTTP status code and reason definitions.

  • Raw content—Provides Raw content for the external Swagger UI (user provided) to access the northbound REST API. Content is provided in text file format.

To get a better understanding of the northbound REST APIs, you can run sample methods and get resultant outputs. For more information, see Using the Cisco APIC-EM REST API Window.

Related Tasks
Reviewing and Testing the Cisco APIC-EM APIs
Related References
Common External RESTful Services HTTP Response Codes

Supported HTTPS Methods and General Structure

The following table describes the supported HTTPS methods and structure for the Cisco APIC-EM.

HTTPS Method Type



Use the following values with the GET method type:

  • /noun

  • /noun/count

  • /noun/{start}/{end}

  • /noun/{noun-id}


The POST method type returns a 409 response code if posting a duplicated resource, or the following response:



The PUT method type returns the following response:



The DELETE method type returns a 404 response code if it fails, or the following response:


Common External RESTful Services HTTP Response Codes

External RESTful services return common HTTP response codes as described in the tables below. In addition to the status codes returned in the response header, each response may have additional content (in JSON format) according to the nature of the request.

Table 1 Success (2xx) Codes

Status Code


200 OK

The request was successful. The result is contained in the response body.

201 Created

The POST/PUT request was fulfilled and a new resource has been created. Information about the resource is in the response body.

202 Accepted

The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.

204 No Content

The request was successful, however no content was returned.

206 Partial Content

The GET request included a Range Header, and the server responded with the partial content matching the range.

Table 2 Client Error (4xx) Codes

Status Code


400 Bad Request

The client made a request that the server could not understand (for example, the request syntax is incorrect).

401 Unauthorized

The client's authentication credentials included with the request are missing or invalid.

403 Forbidden

The server recognizes the authentication credentials, but the client is not authorized to perform this request.

404 Not Found

The client made a request for a resource that does not exist.

409 Conflict

The target resource is in a conflicted state (for example, an edit conflict where a resource is being edited by multiple users). Retrying the request later might succeed.

415 Unsupported Media Type

The client sent a request body in a format that the server does not support (for example, XML to a server that only accepts JSON).

Table 3 Server Error (5xx) Codes

Status Code


500 Internal Server Error

The server could not fulfill the request.

501 Not Implemented

The server has not implemented the functionality required to fulfill the request.

503 Service Unavailable

The server is (temporarily) unavailable.

Related Concepts
About the Cisco APIC-EM API Documentation
Related Tasks
Reviewing and Testing the Cisco APIC-EM APIs

Using the Cisco APIC-EM REST API Window

Before You Begin

You can try out the Cisco APIC-EM northbound REST APIs in the API window.

    Step 1   From the Global toolbar, click API.
    Step 2   From the list of available APIs, choose an API.

    For example, choose the Role Based Access Control API.

    Step 3   From the list of Role Based Access Control APIs, choose an API to view its supported methods.

    For example, choose the user API.

    Figure 2. Supported Methods for User Management API

    Step 4   Click Expand Operations.
    Figure 3. Expanded View of getUsers API

    Step 5   Click the Try it out! button located at the bottom of each expanded API method window.

    Enter content into any of the required content fields prior to testing the API.

    For example, click the Try it out! button for GET /user and review the following output:

    • Request URL—Displays the request URL created and sent to the controller for the appropriate method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

    • Response Body—Displays an example of a response to the request URL.

    • Response Code—Displays the error status code for example response.

    • Response Headers— Displays the responses returned by the RESTful Services; the specific HTTP headers used are displayed.

    Figure 4. Output the getUsers API

    Step 6   Click Hide the Response to close the expanded API method window. Test out additional methods for this API or try a new API and its methods.

    What to Do Next

    Test out additional methods for this API or try a new API and its methods.