A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W -



AAA accounting

configuring 6-30

AAA-based management systems 2-26, 6-2


about 1-6, 12-1

features 1-6

TCP adaptive buffering settings 12-38

TCP settings 12-36


enabling 12-2


creating 7-4

creation process 7-2

deleting 7-6

local CLI 7-2

roles-based 7-2

types 7-1

viewing 7-8


See also IP ACL


full optimization 12-31

passthrough 12-31

TFO only 12-31

TFO with DRE 12-31

TFO with LZ compression 12-31

types 12-31

activating devices 15-29

adaptive buffering, TFO 12-38


charts 16-11

print clusters 13-14

printers 13-12

print server to clients 13-23

administrative login authentication and authorization

default 6-4

for WAEs 6-3

local database

description of 6-7

overview of 6-1


overview of 6-13


overview of 6-15

administrative login authentication failover 6-26

aggregate settings

for print servers 13-26

alarm overload detection, enabling 9-21

alarm panel

system dashboard window 16-4


device reporting 16-5

alerts 16-6

aliases, for file servers 11-22

allowed protocols 13-30

application acceleration

about 1-6, 12-1

enabling 12-2

application classifiers

creating 12-26

match condition 12-29

restoring 12-33

application definition

creating 12-25

application list, viewing 12-32

application policy

creating 12-26

creation process 12-24

position 12-35

preparation tasks 12-25

restoring defaults 12-33

types 12-28


monitoring 12-34, 16-2

application traffic mix chart 16-14


application to a device 12-26

application to a device group 12-26

core cluster to file server 11-18

devices to a preposition directive 11-29

devices to device groups 3-5

devices to more than one device group 3-7

audit trail logs

viewing 6-32, 16-55


default feature values 6-4

authentication databases, types of 6-3

authentication servers

configuring 6-13, 6-15


default feature values 6-4

autodiscover 1-17


DHCP server requirements 2-8


backing up

configuration files 10-7

WAAS Central Manager 15-10

WAE devices 15-11

backup and restore

cms database 15-10

virtual blade 14-11


configuring 6-10

baseline groups

configuring 3-12

creation process 3-11

customizing 3-11

switching 3-13

types 3-10

working with 3-10


bootflags 15-18

browser support 2-11


caching, about 1-18


configuring 5-14

cdp enable command 4-37

cdp run command 4-37

Central Manager. See WAAS Central Manager


adding 16-11

application traffic mix 16-14

customizing 16-10

descriptions 16-14

settings 16-12

CIFS 11-2

CIFS accelerator

configuring 11-9

enabling 12-2

transparent CIFS and legacy modes 11-3

CifsAO WAE Device Manager option 10-19


obtaining software files from 15-3

Cisco Discovery Protocol. See CDP

classifier, creating 12-26

classifier report, viewing 12-33

clear ip wccp command 4-1

clear statistics all command 6-25

clear statistics authentication command 6-25

clear statistics windows-domain command 6-25

CLI user

creating 7-4


setting 9-5

clustering in inline mode 4-46

cms database

backup and restore procedure 15-10

cms database backup command 15-10

cms database restore command 15-11


age-based validation 11-5

compression, about 1-5


modifying or deleting from IP ACLs 8-7

configuration group 3-3

configuration process 11-9

congestion windows, about 5-12


creating for WAFS 11-21

viewing TCP connections 16-39

Connections Statistics report 16-39

controlled shutdown 15-31

copy disk ftp command 15-10

core cluster

assigning to file server 11-18

connecting to Edge WAEs 11-21

core configuration 11-10

corrupted system images

recovering from 15-16

CPU Statistics report 16-41


accounts 7-4

application classifier 12-26

application definition 12-25

application policy 12-26

connections for WAFS 11-21

local user 7-4

match condition 12-29

new software file 15-4

preposition directive 11-24

preposition schedule 11-30

current software version

determining 15-3



customizing 16-10

device 16-9

system 16-2

database backup 15-10

data coherency, about 11-5

data concurrency, about 11-6

data migration 2-28

data redundancy elimination, about 1-5

debug command 16-58

default status, restoring 15-12


accounts 7-6

device groups 3-6

locations 3-14

roles 7-13

software files 15-9

user groups 7-19


alarms 16-5

autodiscovery 1-17

clock setting 9-5

rebooting 15-30

Device Dashboard window 16-9

device groups

about 3-1

adding and removing devices 3-5

configuring 3-4

creating 3-3

creation process 3-2

deleting 3-6

enabling overlap 3-7

force group settings 3-8

list 3-7

overriding settings 3-8

setting configuration precedence 3-8

types 3-2

Device Home window. See Device Dashboard window

device locations

about 3-14

creating 3-14

deleting 3-14

device logs, viewing 16-56

device registration information

recovering 15-20


activating 15-29

adding to device groups 3-5

adding to multiple device groups 3-7

impact of assigning to multiple groups 3-10

overriding device group settings 3-9

restarting 15-30

topology 16-38

viewing group assignments 3-6

viewing information for 16-7, 16-34, 16-39

Devices window 16-7

DFS, request interception method 4-49


configuring interfaces for 5-8

for autoregistration 2-8

interface-level 2-10

DHCP server

requirements for autoregistration 2-8

directed mode 5-16

disabling WCCP flow redirection 4-17

disconnected mode

about 11-32

configuring 11-33

requirements 11-33

disk-based software, missing

recovering from 15-19

disk encryption 15-27

disk handling

configuring error-handling methods 15-28


monitoring 16-41

Disks report 16-41

distributing drivers 13-19

DNS, configuring 5-15


about 7-14

adding entities 7-15

assigning to user accounts 7-15

assigning to user groups 7-18

creating 7-14

deleting 7-16

modifying and deleting 7-16

viewing 7-16

double-byte language support 11-14

downgrading 15-2

DRE, about 1-5


distributing 13-19

installing 13-18

repository 13-16

DSCP 11-12, 11-15, 12-29

global default 12-34

dynamic shares, creating 11-19


edge configuration 11-13

egress methods

configuring 4-27

email server settings for reports 9-22

enable command 6-16


core file services 11-10

edge file services 11-13

optimization and accelerators 12-2

print banners 13-30

print services 13-11

SNMP 17-9

SNMP agent 17-8

traffic statistic collection 12-25

virtual blade 14-2

WCCP flow redirection 4-17


disk 15-27

enabling secure store 9-10


adding to domains 7-15

EPM accelerator

enabling 12-2


disk drives 15-28


configuring 5-7

Exec timeout

configuring 6-11

explicit congestion notification

about 5-11


failover, for administrative login authentication 6-26

fast offline detection

about 9-20

configuring 9-19

file locking, about 11-6

file server aliases 11-22

File Server Rename utility 10-18

file servers

registering 11-16

supported 11-8

file services 11-9

about 1-7

enabling on core 11-10

enabling on edge 11-13

features 1-7

preparing for 11-8

firewall, configuring for 5-16

flash memory

corrupted 15-16

flow monitoring

configuring 16-46

force group settings 3-8

full optimization action 12-31


generic GRE egress method 4-27

generic routing encapsulation. See GRE encapsulation

Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

modifying 5-5

GRE encapsulation 4-14, 4-16

GRE packet forwarding 4-16

GRE tunnel, configuring on router 4-29

groups. See user groups


hardware clock 9-5

HTTP accelerator

configuring 12-5

enabling 12-2


increased buffering 1-5

inline mode 4-39

configuring IP address 4-44

interface settings 4-41

serial clustering 4-46

VLAN configuration 4-45

VLAN ID check 4-43

inline network adapter card 4-39

intelligent message prediction 1-6

interface-level DHCP

description 2-10

note 2-8


manually configuring for DHCP 5-8

IP access control lists. See IP ACL


adding conditions to 8-4

applying to interface 8-7

associating with application 8-7

conditions, modifying or deleting 8-7

configuration constraints 8-3

creating new 8-4

deleting 8-8

on routers 2-24

on WAEs 2-24

overview 8-1

IP addresses

multiple, configuring on single interface 5-5

static 2-10

IP routes

configuring 5-13

ip wccp command 4-11

ip wccp redirect-list command 4-11

ip web-cache redirect command 4-1, 4-11


kernel debugger

enabling 16-57


Layer 2 redirection 4-16

LDAP server signing 10-11, 10-13

configuring on a Microsoft server 6-23

configuring on a WAE 6-24

disabling on a WAE 6-25

overview of 6-23

legacy mode, CIFS 11-3

licenses 9-3

line console carrier detection

configuring 6-12

load balancing 1-20, 4-13, 5-9

local CLI accounts, about 7-2

local user, creating 7-4


about 3-14

creating 3-14

deleting 3-14

location tree

viewing 3-15


configuring system logging 16-49

message priority levels 16-51

transaction logging 16-51

viewing audit trail log 16-55

viewing device logs 16-56

viewing system messages 16-54


WAE Device Manager 10-2

login access

controlling 6-7

login authentication

about 2-25, 6-1


severity levels in the WAE Device Manager 10-32

viewing in the WAE Device Manager 10-31

lost administrator passwords

recovering 15-18

LZ compression, about 1-5


management IP address 9-2

MAPI accelerator

configuring 12-5

enabling 12-2

match condition, creating 12-29

maximum segment size 12-37

message logs

viewing 16-54

message of the day settings

configuring 6-10


supported 17-4

MIB traps

configuring using the WAE Device Manager 10-9

Microsoft DFS, request interception method 4-49

migration, data 2-28

missing disk-based software

recovering from 15-19

modifying configuration 13-28


applications 12-34, 16-2

chart descriptions 16-14

chart settings 16-12

CPU utilization 16-41

creating custom reports 16-42

disk information 16-41

flows with NetQoS 16-46

predefined reports 16-33

system status 16-6

using the WAE Device Manager 10-23

with SNMP 17-1

multiple IP addresses

configuring on single interfaces 5-5


namespace support 1-20

NAS appliances 1-18

NAT address 9-2

NAT configuration 9-2

NetBIOS 9-2, 11-14

NetQoS monitoring 16-46


viewing information for 16-2

Network Time Protocol. See NTP

network traffic analyzer tool 16-58

NFS accelerator

enabling 12-2

notification settings

for alerts 10-15

for reports 9-22

NTP, configuring 9-5


obtaining software files 15-3

operation prediction and batching 1-6

optimization, enabling 12-2


packet forwarding method 4-14

Layer 2 redirection 4-16

Layer 3 GRE 4-16

packet return 4-15

passthrough action 12-31


changing account 7-7, 7-8

recovering administrator 15-18

PBR, about 1-19

policy-based routing

about 1-19

configuration of 4-31

overview of 2-20

verifying next-hop availability 4-36

policy report, viewing 12-33

port channel interfaces

configuring 5-7

load balancing 5-9


139 2-7

bypassing 2-7

disabling 11-14

enabling 11-14

4050 2-7

445 2-7

disabling 11-14

enabling 11-14

50139 2-7

used in WAFS 2-7

position, application policy 12-35

power failure 15-16


about 11-4

checking status of 11-31

creating directive 11-24

scheduling 11-30

viewing in the WAE Device Manager 10-19

print accelerator 1-8

print banners, enabling and disabling 13-30

print clusters

about 13-4

adding 13-14

print drivers

distributing 13-19

installing 13-18

support issues 13-3

verifying distribution 13-21

printer 13-28

adding to a WAAS print server 13-12

printer misconfiguration, PostScript error 13-31

printing a test page 13-29

print servers

adding to clients 13-23

details, viewing 13-25

print services

about 1-8, 13-1

configuration process 13-7

enabling 13-11

planning 13-5

Print Services Administration GUI, about 13-27

priority levels 16-51



authentication overview 6-13

configuring server 6-13

database 6-3

default configuration 6-4

RAID 1-21

RCP services, enabling 9-4

rebooting devices 15-30

receive buffer size 12-37


device registration information 15-20

from missing disk-based software 15-19

lost administrator passwords 15-18

system software 15-16

redirection methods 4-1


file servers 11-16

WAEs in the WAE Device Manager 10-6

remote login

controlling access 6-7


configuring email server settings 9-22

Connection Statistics 16-39

CPU utilization 16-41

creating custom 16-42

customizing 16-10

editing 16-44

managing 16-42

predefined 16-33

scheduling 16-44

Topology 16-38

viewing custom 16-44

repository, driver 13-16

request redirection methods 4-1

rescue system image 15-16

restarting devices 15-30


application classifiers 12-33

application policies 12-33

configuration files 10-7

WAAS Central Manager 15-10

WAE devices 15-11

WAE to default condition 15-12

retransmit time multiplier

about 5-12


about 7-10

assigning to user accounts 7-12

assigning to user groups 7-18

creating and managing 7-10

deleting 7-13

modifying and deleting 7-13

read-only access to services 7-10

viewing 7-13

viewing settings 7-13

roles-based accounts

about 7-2, 7-3


configuring WCCP transparent redirection on 4-7

router lists, defining for WCCP services 4-24


SACK, about 1-5


preposition 11-30

reports 16-44

secure shell

configuring 6-8

host keys 6-9

secure store

changing key and password 9-14

configuring 9-10

disabling 9-16

enabling on Central Manager 9-12

enabling on standby Central Manager 9-13

enabling on WAE 9-13


disk encryption 15-27

enabling secure store 9-10

selective acknowledgement 1-5

send buffer size 12-37

send TCP keepalive 12-37

serial clustering in inline mode 4-46

service password

configuring 4-11

set ip next-hop verify-availability command 4-38

shadow copy for shared folders 11-7

shares, request redirection using explicit naming of 4-48

show cdp neighbors command 4-37

show command utility

for troubleshooting 16-59

show version command 15-18

shutting down WCCP 4-26

Simple Network Management Protocol. See SNMP

site and network planning 2-4

SNMP 1-21

asset tag setting 17-19

community settings 17-14

configuration process 17-8

configuring using the WAE Device Manager 10-8

contact settings 17-20

defining custom traps 17-12

enabling 17-9

enabling SNMP agent 17-8

enabling traps 17-10

group settings 17-17

host settings 17-13


creating 17-3

monitoring with 17-1

preparation 17-9

security models and security levels 17-4

supported MIBs 17-4

user settings 17-18

versions supported 17-3

view settings 17-16


recovering 15-16

software clock 9-5

software files

obtaining from Cisco.com 15-3

software licenses 9-3

software recovery

using the CD-ROM 15-12

software upgrades 15-4

for multiple devices 15-8

process 15-1

software version

determining 15-3

spooling space, default 13-14


configuring 12-7

standby Central Manager

switching to primary 15-25

standby groups

of interfaces 5-2

standby interfaces

configuring 5-2

priority settings 5-3

starting WAE components 10-5

static IP addresses 2-10

static IP routes

configuring 5-13

statistics, collecting 12-25

stopping WAE components 10-5

switching baseline group 3-13

system configuration settings 9-17

system dashboard

viewing system-wide information 16-2

system event logging

configuring 16-49

message priority levels 16-51

viewing log 16-54

system image

recovering 15-16

system message log

using 16-49

viewing 16-54

system software

recovering 15-16

system status

monitoring 16-6



authentication and authorization, overview of 6-15

database 6-3

default configuration 6-4

enable password attribute 6-16

TACACS+ server

configuring 6-15

taskbar icons 1-12


congestion windows 5-12

explicit congestion notification 5-11

parameter settings 5-9

retransmit timer 5-12

slow start 5-12

viewing connections 16-39

tcpdump command 16-58

TCP initial window size, about 1-4

TCP promiscuous mode service

overview of 2-23

Telnet services

enabling 6-10

test command for troubleshooting 16-58

tethereal command 16-58


about 1-4

TFO adaptive buffering 12-38

TFO and LZ compression action 12-31

TFO features 1-4


compression 1-5

increased buffering 1-5

selective acknowledgement 1-5

TCP initial window size maximization 1-4

Windows scaling 1-4

TFO only action 12-31

TFO with DRE action 12-31

time zones

location abbreviations 9-7

parameter settings for 9-5

Topology report 16-38

track command 4-38

traffic statistics collection, enabling 12-25

traffic statistics report 16-2

chart descriptions 16-14

transaction logging 16-51

configuring 16-52

transparent redirection, configuring on a router 4-7


defining SNMP 17-12

enabling 17-10


defining SNMP 17-12


CLI commands 16-58

using show command utility 16-59

with Central Manager diagnostic tests 16-57

with TCPdump 16-58

with Tethereal 16-58

Troubleshooting Devices window 16-6

types of application policies 12-28


Unicode support 2-11


device groups 15-8

process 15-1

WAAS Central Manager device 15-6

user accounts

adding domain entities 7-15

assigning to domains 7-15

audit trail logs

viewing 6-32, 16-55

changing passwords 7-7, 7-8

creating 7-4

creation process 7-2

deleting 7-6

deleting domains 7-16

domains 7-14

managing 7-7, 7-8

modifying and deleting 7-6


assigning to 7-12

creating 7-10

modifying and deleting 7-13

viewing 7-13

viewing 7-8

viewing domains 7-16

user authentication. See login authentication

user groups

about 7-17

assigning roles to 7-18

assigning to domains 7-18

creating 7-17

deleting 7-19

viewing 7-20

UTC offsets 9-8

See also GMT offsets


version of software 15-3

video accelerator

configuring 12-5

enabling 12-2


application list 12-32

classifier report 12-33

logs in the WAE device manager 10-31

policy report 12-33

print server details 13-25

role settings 7-13

virtual blade

backing up and restoring 14-11

configuring 14-1, 14-4

copying disk image to 14-9

enabling 14-2

starting and stopping 14-8

virtualization. See virtual blade

VLAN ID check 4-43

VLAN support 4-41



benefits 1-16

interfaces 1-8

WAAS Central Manager

backing up 15-10

configuring as driver repository 13-16

restoring 15-10

upgrading 15-6

WAAS Central Manager GUI

about 1-9

accessing 1-9

components 1-10

taskbar icons 1-12

WAAS CLI, about 1-16

WAAS interfaces

CLI 1-16

Print Services Administration GUI 1-15

WAAS Central Manager GUI 1-9

WAE Device Manager GUI 1-14

WAAS networks

and IOP interoperability 2-12

network planning for 2-1

traffic redirection methods 2-18

WAAS Print Services Administration GUI, about 1-15

WAAS services, about 1-4

WAE Device Manager

about 1-14, 10-1

Configuration option 10-8

Control option for the WAE 10-4

logging out 10-3

Notifier tab 10-15

quick tour 10-2

Utilities option 10-17

workflow 10-3

WAE devices

backing up 15-11

controlled shutdown 15-31

modifying configuration properties 9-1

restoring 15-11

supported 2-11

WAE packet return 4-15


about 1-18

configuration process 11-9

preparing for 11-8

WAFS Cache Cleanup utility 10-18

WAFS Core cluster 3-3

WAN failures, preparing for 11-32

WAN utilization setting 11-23


about 1-19

Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) 4-16

defining router lists 4-24

flow redirection

enabling and disabling 4-17

GRE packet return 4-27

ports used 2-7

request interception method 4-4

shutting down 4-26

WCCP-based routing

advanced configuration

for a router 4-7

configuration guidelines 4-5

overview of 2-19

wccp command 4-5

WCCP service masks

deleting 4-20

modifying 4-20, 4-22

WCCP services

displaying list of 4-5

web browser support 2-11

Windows Authentication

checking the status in the WAE Device Manager 10-14

configuring using the WAE Device Manager 10-10

Windows name services 5-15

Windows print accelerator, about 1-8

Windows scaling, about 1-4