
This document describes the requirements and tasks to install and upgrade the software for Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.1.

The content is intended for Cisco StadiumVision system administrators and technical field engineers who are responsible for designing and deploying Cisco StadiumVision solutions. It is expected that readers of this document are familiar with basic IP networking and Linux, have a general understanding of the sports and entertainment business, and understand the objectives and operations of live events.

Document Revision History

Table 1 lists the technical changes made to this document since it was first published.


Table 1 Document Revision History

Change Summary

January 17, 2014

The following changes were made:

September 30, 2013

The following changes were made:

June 18, 2013

The following changes were made:

Added changes to identify that Release 3.1.0-787 (SP1) is the minimum production version for upgrade from Release 3.0.0-433 (SP2) due to important bug fixes.

Added caution statement to advise users to independently back up any video content located in the Video Distribution Manager (VDM) when migrating from Release 3.0 to Release 3.1.

Added additional reminders that the CleanAllVDMVideoFilesTask automatically removes VDM video files from all active DMPs.

April 10, 2013

The following changes were made:

Modified the full ISO file name.

Added statement about the TUI verifiying that the ISO filename is the appropriate type for the server (SV-DIRECTOR versus SVD-REMOTE).

March 27, 2013

Added Appendix D: CIMC Configuration and Firmware Upgrade Guidelines on the Cisco UCS C220 Server and updated references to it.

March 25, 2013

The following changes were made:

  • Updated the information for the init.version and strings that must be manually typed for DMP firmware version 5.4 in the “Upgrading the DMP Firmware From the Management Dashboard” section.
  • Added caution from the Release Notes about upgrades from Release 3.0.0-429 SP1 to Release 3.1 losing language support in Release 3.1.0-510 and 3.1.0-632.

March 20, 2013

Updated for Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.1.0-632. The following changes were made:

  • Addition of information for installing Cisco StadiumVision Director for the first time on a Platform 3 server.
  • Updates to the content migration procedure when upgrading from Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0 SP1 to Release 3.1.
  • Enhancements to the NTP server configuration information.

March 6, 2013

First release of this document for Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.1.0-510.

Document Organization



“Getting Started Installing or Upgrading Cisco StadiumVision Director”

Provides information that you should read before you perform an initial installation or upgrade of the Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.1 software.

“Installing Cisco StadiumVision Director for the First Time on a Platform 3 Server”

Describes how to install the Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.1 software on your newly-purchased Platform 3 server hardware from a full ISO image.

“Upgrading a Cisco StadiumVision Director Platform 2 Server from Release 3.0 SP2 to Release 3.1 SP1 and SP2”

Describes how to upgrade a Cisco StadiumVision Director server previously installed with Release 3.0.0-433 SP2 to Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0.

“Using the TUI Upgrade Utility to Upgrade the Cisco StadiumVision Software”

Describes how to upgrade an existing Cisco StadiumVision Directer server to a later version, including installation of service packs. This procedure is also referred to generally as an ISO upgrade to refer to both the service pack and upgrade ISO process.

“Upgrading the DMP Firmware”

Describes how to upgrade the DMP firmware on the Cisco DMP 4310G.

“Appendix A: Post-Upgrade Checklist”

Provides a checklist that is useful after you upgrade your software on a Cisco StadiumVision Director server.

“Appendix B: Port Reference”

Identifies the ports used by Cisco StadiumVision Director.

“Appendix C: Installing Additional Hard Drives in the Platform 2 Server to Prepare for Upgrade to Release 3.1”

Describes how to install two additional 300 GB hard drives (SV-FRU2-HD3G=) for another RAID 1 volume in the Cisco StadiumVision Director Platfrom 2 Server which are required to run Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.1 with a minimum of 4 drives.

“Appendix D: CIMC Configuration and Firmware Upgrade Guidelines on the Cisco UCS C220 Server”

Provides guidelines for configuring the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) interface and performing the initial configuration, and upgrading the CIMC/BIOS firmware on the Cisco UCS C220 servers for Cisco StadiumVision Director (SV-DIR-DIRECTOR-K9, SV-PLATFORM3=).

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