
Extending the Power of the Network: Marketplaces, Automation, and APIs

Video on Demand

In today's dynamic landscape, IT leaders must drive strategic initiatives and achieve critical business outcomes in the face of constantly evolving challenges. Operational agility is key to meeting these challenges. But there's more to agility than just network automation.

Adopting a platform approach unlocks another level of agility, with new possibilities to deploy automation, leverage intelligence, and drive business impact.

This session explores the power of Cisco Networking APIs, the flexibility of our partner marketplace, and the innovative experiences you can build with the Cisco Networking Cloud.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • How API and ecosystem partners empower unprecedented levels of flexibility
  • What business outcomes from real networking customers look like, including new revenue, cost savings, reduced risk, and improved workforce experiences
  • Why platform innovation drives automation and delivers customers a seamless networking experience

Recorded on April 18, 2024

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