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Network Management : CDP Setup

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a device-discovery protocol that runs on all Cisco network equipment. Each device sends identifying messages to a multicast address, and each device monitors the messages sent by other devices. Information in CDP packets is used in network management software such as CiscoWorks2000.

Use the CDP Setup page to adjust the device's CDP settings. CDP is enabled by default.


Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)

Select Disabled to disable CDP on the device; select Enabled to enable CDP on the device. CDP is enabled by default.

Packet Hold Time

The number of seconds other CDP-enabled devices should consider the CDP information valid. If other devices do not receive another CDP packet from the device before this time elapses, they should assume that the device has gone offline. The default value is 180. The packet hold time should always be greater than the value in the Packets Sent Every field.

Packets Sent Every

The number of seconds between each CDP packet the device sends. The default value is 60. This value should always be less than the packet hold time.

Individual Port Enable

  • Ethernet -- When selected, the device sends CDP packets through its Ethernet port and monitors the Ethernet for CDP packets from other devices.
  • AP Radio Internal -- When selected, the device sends CDP packets through its internal radio port and monitors the internal radio for CDP packets from other devices.
  • AP Radio Module -- When selected, the device sends CDP packets through its radio module port and monitors the radio module for CDP packets from other devices.

Note A MIB file is available for use with CDP. These MIBs are bundled in a compressed executable file available on the Software Center at Follow these steps to download these MIBs:

  1. Browse to
  2. Click the Software Center link. The Software Center home page appears.
  3. Click Wireless Software. The Wireless Software page appears.
  4. Scroll to the Cisco Aironet Access Point Firmware and Utilities section and click Cisco Aironet 350 Series. The Software Download page appears.
  5. Click the MIB-AP350vxxxxxx.exe file for the firmware version your access point is running. The Software License Agreement appears.
  6. Review the license agreement and click Accept. The Software Download page for the file you selected appears.
  7. Click Download: MIB-AP450Vxxxxxx.exe to begin downloading the file.
  8. Follow the directions on your screen.

Action Buttons




Activates the new setting. The browser remains on this page.


Applies the new settings and moves the browser back to the main Setup page.


Cancels all changes to the setting, returns the settings to the previously stored values, and redirects the user back the main Setup page.

Restore Defaults

Changes all settings back to the factory default.



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