-- ***************************************************************** -- ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************** ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC asyncOSMail FROM Cisco IRONPORT-SMI; asyncOSMailObjects MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201706180000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems" CONTACT-INFO " Cisco Email and Web Security Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail: tac-content-security@cisco.com" DESCRIPTION "MIB for Cisco Email Security Appliances" REVISION "201706180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Adding failover traps: - failoverHealthy - failoverUnhealthy" REVISION "201207020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added FIPS mode indicator: - fipsMode Adding FIPS mode traps: - fipsModeEnableFailure - fipsModeDisableFailure" REVISION "201103070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Disambiguate requirements for legacy OIDs and improve overall MIB documentation to better match Cisco MIB style." REVISION "201007010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Adding new traps: - hsmInitializationFailure - hsmResetLoginFailure" REVISION "200904070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Fixing various MIB parsing errors." REVISION "200901150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Adding new traps: - connectivityFailure - memoryUtilizationExceeded - cpuUtilizationExceeded" REVISION "200503070000Z" DESCRIPTION "SNMP v1/2c/3 support for mail appliances" REVISION "200501090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Intial Release." ::= { asyncOSMail 1 } asyncOSMailNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { asyncOSMail 2 } perCentMemoryUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides a general idea of how much memory is being consumed by the appliance software." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 1 } perCentCPUUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides a general idea of how busy the CPU is according to the appliance software, within the last 5 seconds of utilization. This measurement may or may not reflect the overall CPU utilization of the appliance, and may or may not be a per-process or a per-thread CPU utilization value." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 2 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. perCentDiskIOUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides a general idea of how much disk I/O has been generated within the last 5-15 seconds." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 3 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. perCentQueueUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percent of total queue capacity used." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 4 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. queueAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { queueSpaceAvailable(1), queueSpaceShortage(2), queueFull(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Queue space status: enough space, queue near full or queue full." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 5 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. resourceConservationReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noResourceConservation(1), memoryShortage(2), queueSpaceShortage(3), queueFull(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reason system is in Resource Conservation Mode." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 6 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. memoryAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { memoryAvailable(1), memoryShortage(2), memoryFull(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mail Transfer process's memory availability status." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 7 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. powerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerSupplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of one or power supply entries." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 8 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. powerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerSupplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry containing the status of a power supply and the corresponding power supply configuration redundancy state." INDEX { powerSupplyIndex } ::= { powerSupplyTable 1 } PowerSupplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { powerSupplyIndex Integer32, powerSupplyStatus INTEGER, powerSupplyRedundancy INTEGER, powerSupplyName DisplayString } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. powerSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for a power supply source. This index is for SNMP purposes only; it has no intrinsic value." ::= { powerSupplyEntry 1 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. powerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powerSupplyNotInstalled(1), powerSupplyHealthy(2), powerSupplyNoAC(3), powerSupplyFaulty(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the status of a power supply. powerSupplyNotInstalled - The power supply is not detected by the chassis as being physically present. powerSupplyHealthy - The power supply is physically present and is actively servicing the appliance with power. powerSupplyNoAC - The power supply is physically present but is not actively servicing the appliance with power. powerSupplyFaulty - The power supply is failed per the vendor defined operating specifications for the power supply. " ::= { powerSupplyEntry 2 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. powerSupplyRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powerSupplyRedundancyOK(1), powerSupplyRedundancyLost(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the status of a collection of one or more power supplies. powerSupplyRedundancyOK - All power supplies are in a powerSupplyHealthy state. powerSupplyRedundancyLost - One or more power supplies are in a powerSupplyNotInstalled, powerSupplyNoAC, or powerSupplyFaulty state. " ::= { powerSupplyEntry 3 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. powerSupplyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual name for a power supply." ::= { powerSupplyEntry 4 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. temperatureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of chassis temperature sensor states." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 9 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. temperatureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the temperature sensor table representing the status of the corresponding sensor in or on the appliance." INDEX { temperatureIndex } ::= { temperatureTable 1 } TemperatureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { temperatureIndex Integer32, degreesCelsius Integer32, temperatureName DisplayString } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. temperatureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for the temperature sensor being instrumented. This index is for SNMP purposes only; it has no intrinsic value." ::= { temperatureEntry 1 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. degreesCelsius OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature reading for the sensor being instrumented in Centrigrade units. This is correct according to the relative accuracy of the sensor being instrumented." ::= { temperatureEntry 2 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. temperatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Textual description for sensor being instrumented. This description is a short textual label, suitable as a human-sensible identification for the rest of the information in the entry." ::= { temperatureEntry 3 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. fanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of chassis fan entries." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 10 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. fanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the chassis fan table with the speed of a fan in the chassis, as well as the name of the corresponding fan." INDEX { fanIndex } ::= { fanTable 1 } FanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fanIndex Integer32, fanRPMs Gauge32, fanName DisplayString } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. fanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index of the chassis fan being instrumented. This index is for SNMP purposes only; it has no intrinsic value." ::= { fanEntry 1 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. fanRPMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Speed in RPMs of a chassis fan being instrumented. The speed that corresponds to a fan failure varies depending on the vendor specification and airflow requirements for the appliance it's instrumented in, but in general when fanRPMs reports 0 RPMs the respective fan has failed." ::= { fanEntry 2 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. fanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual name of the chassis fan being instrumented." ::= { fanEntry 3 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. workQueueMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages in the work queue." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 11 } keyExpirationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF KeyExpirationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of Feature Key expiration entries." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 12 } keyExpirationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KeyExpirationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry containing a Feature Key, its expiration status, and whether or not the Feature Key is perpetual." INDEX { keyExpirationIndex } ::= { keyExpirationTable 1 } KeyExpirationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { keyExpirationIndex Integer32, keyDescription DisplayString, keyIsPerpetual TruthValue, keySecondsUntilExpire Gauge32 } keyExpirationIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for a Feature Key applicable to the appliance. This index is for SNMP purposes only; it has no intrinsic value." ::= { keyExpirationEntry 1 } keyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Textual description for a Feature Key applicable to the appliance." ::= { keyExpirationEntry 2 } keyIsPerpetual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value represented by True if Feature Key is perpetual, or False if the Feature Key is normal or expired." ::= { keyExpirationEntry 3 } keySecondsUntilExpire OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Seconds until the valid Feature Key expires. Only applies to non-perpetual Feature Keys, and is 0 when the Feature Key has expired." ::= { keyExpirationEntry 4 } updateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpdateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of one or more update entries." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 13 } updateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpdateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry containing a name and number of successful and failed updates for a service, including but not limited to: spam or virus definitions and timezone updates." INDEX { updateIndex } ::= { updateTable 1 } UpdateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { updateIndex Integer32, updateServiceName DisplayString, updates Counter32, updateFailures Counter32 } updateIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for an update service. This index is for SNMP purposes only; it has no intrinsic value." ::= { updateEntry 1 } updateServiceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual name for an update entry." ::= { updateEntry 2 } updates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of successful attempts that have occurred when updating a service." ::= { updateEntry 3 } updateFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of failed attempts that have occurred when updating a service." ::= { updateEntry 4 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. oldestMessageAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds the oldest message has been in queue" ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 14 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. outstandingDNSRequests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of DNS requests that have been sent but for which no reply has been received." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 15 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. pendingDNSRequests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of DNS requests waiting to be sent." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 16 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. raidEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of RAID events that have occurred since the last appliance power on event." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 17 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. raidTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RaidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for a drive being instrumented in the appliance. This index is for SNMP purposes only; it has no intrinsic value." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 18 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. raidEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RaidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the RAID table representing the status of a drive attached to a RAID controller in the appliance." INDEX { raidIndex } ::= { raidTable 1 } RaidEntry ::= SEQUENCE { raidIndex Integer32, raidStatus INTEGER, raidID DisplayString, raidLastError DisplayString } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. raidIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for a drive attached to a RAID controller in the appliance. This index is for SNMP purposes only; it has no intrinsic value." ::= { raidEntry 1 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. raidStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { driveHealthy(1), driveFailure(2), driveRebuild(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the status of a a drive attached to a RAID controller in the appliance. driveHealthy - The corresponding drive is connected to the RAID controller and functioning as a healthy member in the RAID volume. driveFailure - The drive is either disconnected from the RAID controller, or has failed to operate within thresholds defined in vendor specifications for the drive and the controller. driveRebuild - The corresponding drive is connected to the RAID controller. It is being rebuilt according to the RAID controller specific rebuild algorithm for the current operating mode of the RAID volume. " ::= { raidEntry 2 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. raidID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual name for a drive attached to a RAID controller in the appliance." ::= { raidEntry 3 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. raidLastError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual description of the last error message reported by the RAID controller or corresponding driver if one has occurred. This is 'No Error' if the corresponding drive's state is driveHealthy, or a controller or driver defined specific textual description if the drive's state is not driveHealthy." ::= { raidEntry 4 } openFilesOrSockets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object notes how many files or sockets are open on the appliance. In normal operating conditions, the measurement is taken at least once every 5-15 seconds." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 19 } -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. mailTransferThreads OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of threads that perform some task related to transferring mail." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 20 } connectionURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The URL which will be used to test HTTP URL connectivity." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 21 } -- This is only meaningful on devices with Hardware Security Module present. hsmErrorReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual reason describing the last HSM authentication error." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 22 } fipsMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value represented by True if FIPS Mode is enabled, or False if the FIPS Mode is not enabled." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 23 } fipsApplicationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The human-sensible name of the application that failed to enter FIPS mode." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 24 } failoverApplicationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The human-sensible name of the application that caused failover in watchdog." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 25 } perCentCPULoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides a general idea of how many processes are waiting in ready queue for CPU. This measurment tells how much the CPU is loaded." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 26 } diskUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the disk space utilization." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 27 } ProxyConnectionBacklog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the Proxy Connection Backlog." ::= { asyncOSMailObjects 28 } -- -- Notifications -- -- This is only meaningful on ESA/MGA appliances. resourceConservationMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { resourceConservationReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory or queue utilization caused system to enter resource conservation mode." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 1 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. powerSupplyStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { powerSupplyStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A powerSupplyStatusChange notification is sent when power supply with powerSupplyName changes states, as per one of the states available in powerSupplyStatus. This notification contains the opaque type for powerSupplyName of the power supply which has changed state." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 2 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. highTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { temperatureName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A highTemperature notification is sent when the temperature of an instrumented sensor in the chassis has exceeded vendor defined specifications. This notification contains the opaque type for the temperatureName of the sensor which has failed." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 3 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. fanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fanName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fanFailure notification is sent when the speed of the fan is not operating per the vendor defined specifications, as discussed in fanRPMs. This notification contains the opaque type for the fanName of the fan which has failed." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 4 } keyExpiration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { keyDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A keyExpiration notification is sent when the corresponding Feature Key is pending expiration or has expired. This notification contains the opaque type for the keyDescription of the Feature Key that is pending expiration or has expired." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 5 } updateFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { updateServiceName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An updateFailure notification is sent when a service fails to update properly. This notification contains the opaque type for the updateServiceName of the update service that has failed." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 6 } -- This is only meaningful on non-virtualized platforms. raidStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { raidID, raidStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A raidStatusChange notification is sent when drive with raidID changes states, as per one of the states available in raidStatus. This notification contains the opaque type for raidID of the drive which has changed state." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 7 } connectivityFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { connectionURL } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A connectivityFailure notification is sent when the URL denoted by configured connectionURL is unreachable, or the request returned an HTTP code was not between 200, inclusive, and 300, exclusive. The connectionURL configured is returned when the notification is triggered." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 8 } memoryUtilizationExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { perCentMemoryUtilization } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A memoryUtilizationExceeded notification is sent when the value in perCentMemoryUtilization has exceeded the configured memory usage threshold. The percentage that exceeded the threshold in perCentMemoryUtilization is returned via the notification." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 9 } cpuUtilizationExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { perCentCPUUtilization } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A cpuUtilizationExceeded notification is sent when the value in perCentCPUUtilization has exceeded the configured CPU usage threshold. The percentage that exceeded the threshold in perCentCPUUtilization is returned via the notification." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 10 } -- This is only meaningful on devices with Hardware Security Module present. hsmInitializationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hsmErrorReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A hsmInitializationFailure notification is sent when the Hardware Security Module card cannot be initialized. The initialization error in hsmErrorReason is returned via the notification." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 11 } -- This is only meaningful on devices with Hardware Security Module present. hsmResetLoginFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hsmErrorReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A hsmResetLoginFailure notification is sent when the Hardware Security Module card is reset due to multiple Crypto Officer login failures. The reset login error in hsmErrorReason is returned via the notification." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 12 } fipsModeEnableFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fipsApplicationName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fipsModeEnableFailure notification is sent when a process can not enter FIPS mode. The name in fipsApplicationName is returned via the notification." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 13 } fipsModeDisableFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fipsApplicationName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fipsModeDisableFailure notification is sent when a process can not exit FIPS mode. The name in fipsApplicationName is returned via the notification." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 14 } failoverUnhealthy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { failoverApplicationName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failoverUnhealthy notification is sent when a process is deemed unhealthy and triggers a failover. The name in failoverApplicationName is returned via the notification." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 15 } failoverHealthy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { failoverApplicationName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failoverHealthy notification is sent when a process becomes healthy coming out of a failover. The name in failoverApplicationName is returned via the notification." ::= { asyncOSMailNotifications 16 } END